Where are the swimming pools? Where to go to the pool? Top places where you can swim for fun. Sports complex "Olympic"

The names of the new Moscow courses for children sound like the disciplines of the Hogwarts magical school. The first advantage of courses over classical art and music schools is that they can be changed every month, or even every week. Secondly, many programs assume that on weekends you will build satellites, draw models, and even swim with dolphins with the whole family.

Robotics and industrial design at the “Roboschool” at VDNKh

In the second pavilion of VDNKh, four educational programs for children from six years old were launched. In basic robotics courses, each child creates a robot from scratch: constructs its model and programs the “heart” - a system of simple codes. The second program, called STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics), is a set of engineering lessons with constant experiments. Industrial design class - for children with a passion for art. In the first part of the class, students will be told the history of modern design, and in the second part they will be helped to create their own art project. Fourth educational program“Electrical Engineering” is designed for those who are interested in unscrewing screws in alarm clocks and telephones. The child will be shown how technology actually works and will be taught how to design new devices.

Classes take place from 16:30 on weekdays and from 11:00 to 20:30 on weekends. The cost of one lesson is 1,500 rubles. Monthly cost (4 classes) - 5,200 rubles. Course (12 lessons) - 13,800 rubles. Roboschool schedule for 2017–2018 academic year- on the official site .

Pottery skills, turning courses and a stained glass workshop in the Crafts Park at VDNKh

Children's courses at the Crafts Park are accepted from the age of four. You can create a program yourself from ten subjects. Among them are working with a potter's wheel and lathe, modeling clay products, creating porcelain, burning dishes, and do-it-yourself home decor. How do these courses differ from handicraft clubs? At the Crafts Park, teachers do not give students uniform samples and help the child bring his own idea to the finished product. On weekends, parents join the children. The creators of the educational program “Crafts Park” note that individual approach creative courses are also convenient for children with special needs.

You can register for any lesson of the course separately, as for a master class. The cost of a lesson in a children's group is 800 rubles. The cost of a separate master class is from 500 to 2,000 rubles. The course schedule is on the Crafts Park website.

Carpentry courses at the Moscow Wooden School

Workers of the carpentry workshop “Mechanical Wooden Gears” Vyacheslav Shvaikov (carpenter, designer) and Ekaterina Menshikova (architect) have compiled three serious courses for children from 5 to 12 years old. Classes are held at the “Mother’s Garden” club in the Hermitage Garden. Course 1.0 - game lectures and experiments related to the study of the structure of wood, cones and needles, the basics of design, the basic shapes of things. In course 2.0, children create their first products, and in the third stage they learn the intricacies of finishing. It is not necessary to follow exactly this sequence: for example, a five-year-old child can attend both the second and third programs at the same time.

The courses are taught by the founders themselves: Vyacheslav and Ekaterina communicate with students as equals and take their fantasies seriously. Children set their own goals: if a girl decides to make a tractor, and a boy decides to make a princess house, the teachers will help the child draw up an action plan.

On Saturdays, the school hosts family master classes: children teach moms and dads how to make toys and dishes from wood.

The cost of one lesson is 1,500 rubles. The schedule is on the website.

Surgery, paleontology and detective courses of the Smart Moscow project

“Smart Moscow” is a two-hour course for children from 7 to 14 years old in the ZIL center. Each course is designed in a practical game format. On “Surgery” children perform operations on a toy parrot, on “Palaeontology” they find the remains of dinosaurs, on the “Scientific Detective” program they investigate a crime. The courses are conducted for two age groups: from 7 to 9 years old and from 10 to 14. Up to 60 children participate in each lesson, students are divided into four teams of 15 people and distributed in closed laboratories. There are no team captains here - each child must conduct an experiment with their own hands so that their group wins. Teachers and developers of “Smart Moscow” are graduates of the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov and Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.

“The project began with lectures for adults, but gradually we realized that popularizing science for children is a more promising and interesting niche for us,” says geographer Mikhail Kneller, founder of Smart Moscow.

Each child's lesson ticket includes a program for parents. Moms and dads are invited to a scientific lecture with a quiz (prizes are promised).

The cost of one ticket (one child + one or two adults) is 1,750 rubles. For groups of 12 people - 1,600 rubles. Class schedule is on the official website.

Young Astronomers Club at the Moscow Planetarium

To get into children's classes at the Moscow Planetarium, you need to fill out a form, go through an interview and hope for an answer - the group recruits children who are already fascinated by the stars and know that Saturn has seven rings. Age restrictions narrow mug: accepts children in grades 6–7. Interviews began on August 20 and will run until October 1. The first lecture of the course is scheduled for October 3. The course is non-commercial; you cannot attend classes outside of the interview for an additional fee.

The club's first year program includes working with different types telescopes and observation of variable stars from the roof of the center, studying the history of origin solar system, the basic history of astronomy and the laws of motion of celestial bodies.

Detailed information about the club can be found.

In the children's center of the Jewish Museum and the Tolerance Center for schoolchildren there is a theater studio of professor of the acting department at the Institute of Culture Inna Waksenburg and an After school program (like an extended day group at school, only with lunch in the museum cafe). From September 19, the museum is launching a second course for directors aged 8 to 12, “Film Project 8.”

The program includes eight classes on Tuesdays (from 16:00 to 18:00), in each of which the child will master one of the stages of film production. The first lesson is trial and free, its topic is script dramaturgy. In the next lessons, students will be explained why they need modern styles and genres, they will teach you how to handle a professional camera and work with actors.

After the theoretical part of the course, each child will create a script for his own sketch, in which he will act. Teachers promise not to influence the student’s idea - only to give advice on its implementation.

The museum posted the works of first-year students on Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/225733258

Monthly subscription (four classes) - 4,000 rubles. Registration for the project is limited. You can register on the website.

Courses in storytelling and literary creativity at the State Museum of the History of Russian Literature named after V. I. Dahl

In the “Weekend Tale” studio at the Dahl Museum there are two educational directions for schoolchildren - “Literary Creativity” and “Storytelling”. The creator of the literary program, writer and screenwriter Valentina Degteva, came up with courses for children aged 10 to 13 who do not like to read. During classes at the Weekend Tale studio, small groups (five to seven people) make films (there are master classes on silent films), draw cartoons with new twists on well-known plots, and prove in debates who is right, Pechorin or Grushnitsky.

If parents come to courses with their children, they participate in the process: they play costume designers and set designers for productions. If you are not afraid to embarrass your child, Valentina will give you salt dough and invite you to make a figurine.

Storytelling courses are accepted from 5 to 13 years of age. Here children are taught to put together logical stories from chaotic fragments, explain how to present an idea so that it is understood, and give examples from classical and modern literature.

The cost of one lesson is 500 rubles. The cost of a six-month subscription is 3,400 rubles. Class schedule is on the official website.

Technologies virtual reality, 3D modeling and industrial design at the Lab on Myasnitskaya

On August 30, a co-working space “Laba” opened on Myasnitskaya with courses for children from seven years old. The creators of the project are the founder of the Museum of Soviet Slot Machines Maxim Pinigin and architect Nikolai Mikheev. Maxim and Nikolay’s idea is to show schoolchildren that valuable new ideas are born at the intersection of several sciences. “Here you can implement any idea, from a satellite to a stool, in the material world,” says Mikheev.

On September 1, the Lab launched ten areas of courses for schoolchildren: 3D modeling and 3D printing, exciting programming, industrial design, VR/AR (virtual and augmented reality technologies), animation, creating architectural projects from scratch, modeling ships and cars and airplanes.

The program schedule is specially designed so that the student can try all directions. The idea for a child’s graduation project can combine three disciplines at once.

Adults can also attend classes. The cost of courses does not depend on age.

Lab has it all necessary equipment for architects, designers, furniture makers and jewelers (for example, milling and laser machines, cutting plotter and 3D printer). While your child is building a spaceship, you can complete your work.

The cost of six classes is 11,000 rubles. Class schedule is on the official website.

Lecture hall for “young Cousteaus”, a school for young trainers and swims with dolphins at the Moskvarium

If a child watches the film about Willie the Killer Whale for the third time, enroll him in the Moskvarium young trainer school at VDNKh. Children and teenagers from 8 to 17 years old are grouped into groups of 5–7 people. An oceanology professor gives them tours of the entire aquarium, and the lead bottlenose dolphin trainer talks about the intricacies of communication with animals. At this time, children watch the training of killer whales and walruses. The second part of the course is practical. Students play with dolphins, standing on a platform, rehearse commands and overcome fear. Then everyone is given 10 minutes to swim with a dolphin in a large pool.

All participants who decide to swim with animals receive a young trainer diploma.

In their free time from classes, parents can join their child - the Moskvarium program includes family swims with dolphins (session for four - 25,000 rubles).

The cost of one day of classes in a children's group (4 hours with lunch) is 10,000 rubles. Details about the project can be found.

Programming, logic of Minecraft codes and creation of mobile applications at Moscow Coding School

In order for a student to spend time at the computer usefully, it is enough to choose one of three courses at Moscow Coding School - “Programming for Children: Applications” (from 11 to 14 years old), “Gadgets with Alexander Bratchikov” (from 10 to 14 years old) or “Programming for children: Minecraft" (from 10 to 13 years). The first educational program is for those who have never programmed. After six lessons, the child can download his own application on the iPhone from the AppStore. Schoolchildren are clearly taught how to create a competent design and translate an idea into a prototype, and then a working sample of the application. The “pass” to the course is a MacBook with the Xcode environment loaded.

The section on gadgets is led by the famous web developer, Strelka graduate Alexander Bratchikov. During classes, Alexander explains to children clear language, Why Cell phones and that's how computers work.

For the third year, you will have to download the Minecraft game to your child’s computer for educational purposes. Students will influence the course of action and emotions of the characters using Phyton code.

The cost of one course is 14,999 rubles. Detailed schedule and registration are on the official website.

Responsible parents strive to give their child as much as possible from the first days of his life. By the middle of preschool age, the question becomes relevant additional education. Which sections for children from 3 years of age are the most useful and safe? Let's try to understand this question and find the correct answer to it.

What do sports centers and schools offer three-year-olds?

Most additional education centers offer courses in four areas to the youngest. This includes general development, arts and crafts clubs, music and dance classes, and sports sections. Most parents choose the last category. Physical activity is beneficial for every child from a very early age. At the same time, as early as three years old, you can choose the sport that best suits the character and temperament of a particular child. What are the most popular sports sections for children over 3 years old? These include light and artistic gymnastics, fitness, yoga, team sports, martial arts, swimming, choreography and a variety of dance styles. Each direction has its pros and cons, as well as distinctive features.

Artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, acrobatics

In many cities of our country there are sections artistic gymnastics, accepting children from 2 years old for training. Of course, such clubs don’t have much in common with the professional sport of the same name. Gymnastics for children from 3 years old is a section offering a program aimed at the overall development of the child’s body. Training in serious exercise usually begins no earlier than 4-5 years of age. How is the basic course useful? IN early childhood It is much easier to form beautiful posture. In addition, gymnastics helps to achieve good stretching. This sport is useful for developing plastic movements and grace.

Team sports

Football, volleyball, basketball, hockey and other team sports have a positive effect on the development of all muscle groups. Such sections for children from 3 years old will especially appeal to active kids. Team sports are also good for a child’s psyche. Constant communication with other children develops communication skills. The kid will definitely meet new friends on his team. The main task for parents is to choose sports game, corresponding to the interests and temperament of the baby. Almost all sports in this category develop agility, coordination and reaction speed.

Dancing and choreography

All children, without exception, react positively to cheerful and rhythmic melodies. Hearing the music, the child smiles, begins to play and dance. It is for this reason that dance classes for children 3 years old are extremely popular. Dancing is considered one of the least dangerous species physical activity. Classes in choreographic groups bring children incredible pleasure and a lot of positive emotions. Dance classes for children from 3 years of age develop creative thinking and help them fully master their own body language. The advantages of regular dancing classes are graceful posture, gracefulness and plasticity of movements. Any choreographic direction develops a sense of rhythm. This means that in the future it will be easier for the child to learn to play the musical instruments or singing.

Martial arts for little ones

Sports sections for children over 3 years old, based on various types of martial arts, are quite popular. Aikido, karate, wushu and other disciplines harmoniously develop all muscle groups. Don't worry about your child's safety. At the basic stages of training, special attention is paid to warm-up and dynamic exercises. Kids do not participate in fights and cannot harm themselves or each other. The benefits of such exercises are great: during the training, endurance, reaction speed, agility and flexibility develop. Such sections for children from 3 years of age are also useful for their spiritual education. Any system of martial arts teaches a child to be brave, fair and to use his own strength only when attacking.

Classes in this category are suitable for children with any type of temperament and character. Timid children can truly open up and believe in their own capabilities. Little fidgets, on the contrary, will be able to direct their energy in the right direction. Many eastern practices are also useful for developing concentration and the ability to manage one’s attention.

Swimming and other general strengthening sports

Many parents believe that choosing a specialized sport before the age of 5-6 makes no sense. This opinion holds true. But also leaving the child without physical activity and developmental activities should not be done. For the comprehensive development and strengthening of muscles, you can choose some kind of universal sports direction.

At three years old, you can enroll your child in the pool. Learning to swim is not only interesting, but also useful. This skill will definitely come in handy in adult life. Training has a positive effect on the formation of healthy posture and harmoniously develops all muscle groups. The swimming section for children over 3 years old can be attended 1-2 times a week. Some sports clubs offer joint classes for mothers and children.

How to choose your ideal section?

When choosing a sports club for a child, it is important to consider its availability. It is very convenient to visit the continuing education center, located within a 10-minute walk from your home. But regular trips to the other end of the city can tire a child quite a lot. Even the best football section for children over 3 years old will probably not appeal to your child if the journey takes more than an hour. It's a good idea to start by finding out what activities and sports clubs are available in your area. At this stage of selection, it would be a good idea to clarify the class schedules and their approximate cost.

Most likely, only a few sections will seem most convenient to you. You should choose one of them, taking into account the interests and character traits of the child. Observe which games your baby plays with the most pleasure. Already at the age of three, you can notice that one child prefers to dance and have fun, while the other picks up a ball whenever possible. Active kids will benefit from moving ones team events sports and dancing. It makes sense for calm children to try swimming and martial arts.

Physical development without harm to the psyche and health!

Is it too early to send your child to sports at three years old? According to early development experts, this age is ideal to start attending additional classes. The most important thing is not to make a mistake when choosing a specific center and to correctly organize the order of visiting it. Almost all clubs and sections for children 3 years old offer 1-2 classes per week. Make sure your baby doesn't overexert himself. If your child goes to kindergarten, on days when visiting the sports section, it makes sense to pick him up early. Do not plan any additional recreational activities on the day of your workout. If you feel unwell or noticeably tired, it is better to skip classes. Young athletes should receive exclusively positive emotions while visiting the sports center.

If a child does not want to go to training, there is no point in forcing him. It makes sense to think about moving to another section. At three years old, a child is still too young to attend more than 2-3 different clubs. Don’t try to keep him busy “all at once”; it’s better to devote time to one or at most two areas. A big mistake parents make is to force their child to fulfill his own dreams. If your child doesn't enjoy playing your favorite sport, let him make his own choice. It is quite possible that the first section will become the baby’s favorite hobby for the rest of his life. Now you know that you can start organized sports activities as soon as your child turns 3 years old. Which section to send your baby to is up to you to decide.

Caring parents, as the child grows, begin to think about the additional development of their baby. The best time to introduce a child to children's clubs or sections is from the age of 3 years.

The fact is that by the age of 3, the baby already becomes quite independent, active and shows great interest in expanding his knowledge about the world around him. Therefore, you can safely start choosing a suitable circle. But finding the optimal section for a child is a rather difficult task. After all, today there is a huge selection of all kinds of children's clubs from 3 years old. The baby himself is still too young to make an independent choice.

Activities for 3 year olds – how not to go wrong?

Very often, parents impose their preferences, without taking into account the child’s opinions and capabilities. Not every child is obliged to become a great athlete, singer or musician by obeying the will of their parents. The main task is to help identify hidden possibilities and talents of the baby, give minutes of interesting and useful leisure. This is not so easy to do, and it will take more than one year to find a suitable section. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment with different options.

To understand what a child’s soul is about, watch him carefully. What does your child like most – active leisure time or leisurely, painstaking work? Go to the children's art house - let your child see with his own eyes the different options for sections. Perhaps he will want to independently choose a section that is interesting for himself. It doesn't matter if he changes his mind after a while.

When choosing a suitable circle for a 3-year-old child, it is also important to take into account the general physical condition of the baby. Take into account individual psychophysiological characteristics.

So, the child is already 3 years old - where should we send him? Let's consider the main options for children's sections adapted to a given age.

Sport sections

As a rule, children are very active and love active pastime. Therefore, any will give the child many joyful moments and strengthen the baby’s health.

Playing sports will help you gradually develop such useful character qualities as endurance, willpower, and perseverance. But before you send your baby to the section, you should definitely show him to the doctor. It is important to make sure that there are no contraindications to certain types of upcoming physical activity.

At the age of 3–4 years, it is necessary to develop all muscle groups in a child. Therefore, swimming, wushu gymnastics, etc. sections are perfect. In addition, gymnastics will help develop flexibility and good coordination.

Among the popular sports clubs For girls it is worth noting aerobics and figure skating. Also, the young ladies of the section will not leave indifferent synchronized swimming or water aerobics. Movement to music develops a sense of rhythm and improves coordination of movements.

There are also many interesting sports clubs for boys from 3 years old. You can try to be like martial arts. At an early age, aikido or wushu is best. Aikido classes will help not only strengthen physical health, but they will also give you confidence and teach you the ability to stand up for yourself in an emergency situation.

Helps strengthen the immune system for frequently ill children

Art studios

Starting from the age of 3, you can send your child to art clubs. Modeling, drawing, and making appliques will contribute to the creative development of the child. Classes in an art studio will form a creative personality and develop cognitive abilities.

Musical development

If you have musical inclinations, you can try to deepen this talent. Music lessons develop a sense of rhythm and develop good hearing.

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