Characteristics of the benefits and harms of crocodile meat, its photo and description of taste; recipes for dishes made from this product. Crocodile Is it possible to eat crocodile eggs?

Rosselkhoznadzor has allowed the import of fresh frozen Philippine crocodile meat.

Russia is expanding the geography of food imports, but it is worth noting that crocodiles are eaten in the world not because of a shortage of traditional meat. So, in Norway they have been selling sausages made from alligator meat for a year now. Norwegians buy crocodiles from Zimbabwe at a price of $76 per kg. In retail sale, one such sausage costs $6.6. Retail chains lure buyers with the opportunity to “experience new sensations.”

Germany purchases up to 15 tons of crocodile meat per month. In Australia, crocodile meat pie is almost a traditional dish. Like crocodile sausages, barbecued ribs of this reptile and Creole crocodile soup in America.

In Ethiopia, even crocodile tripe is considered an exquisite delicacy. Omelettes made from crocodile eggs are common in Southeast Asia. In Thailand, crocodile meat is preserved along with herbs and mushrooms and sold in supermarkets.

At the beginning of this year, one of the Yerevan supermarkets put smoked crocodile on the counter as a New Year's offer. Which provoked a heated national controversy. A 12-kilogram crocodile imported from the USA cost 380 thousand drams ($940), which outraged many Yerevan residents. The protest was caused not by the fact of eating crocodiles, but by the price of the exotic, which is twice the average monthly salary in Armenia.

The author of these lines ate crocodile twice: in Thailand, at a crocodile farm, and in an expensive restaurant in the capital of Namibia. A modest portion of Thai delicacies cost $25, and a monstrous meat plate (in addition to crocodiles, there were also antelope, zebra and ostrich steaks) near Windhoek cost $10. This refers to a popular stereotype: supposedly crocodiles are gourmet food, which is prepared only in expensive restaurants. Domestic butchers, of course, are tempted to classify crocodile meat in the premium segment and try to raise prices. But the truth is that there are many countries in the world where crocodiles are a popular food.

There are at least a dozen different species of crocodiles suitable for food. They grow very slowly, and they become suitable for meat around the age of 15.

Opinions about the taste of crocodile meat vary diametrically. Some people think that it resembles a chicken, others claim that it is something fishy. According to personal feelings, the taste is still closer to chicken. Even the calorie content of crocodile meat and chicken is the same: from 105 to 110 kcal.

Although the taste of the meat depends on what your crocodile ate.

For example, Philippine crocodiles in their natural habitat mostly feed on aquatic invertebrates, fish, small amphibians and reptiles. On farms, the crocodile is fed three times a week: fish, poultry or meat from other animals.

It is believed that crocodile meat is healthier than steaks from traditional animals. The blood of a crocodile contains a natural antibiotic, which is why they are practically not susceptible to infectious diseases. Accordingly, they are not injected with antibiotics. A crocodile farm can thrive even in the midst of a swine fever or bird flu epidemic. And crocodiles are not fed hormones to speed up growth. As soon as he gains weight, then they kill him.

In addition to being low in calories and low in cholesterol and fat, crocodile meat is highly digestible and rich in proteins and vitamins. And crocodile cartilage has anti-carcinogenic and anti-arthritic properties.

The loin is considered the tail, so it is the most delicious part of the reptile. The most tender meat is on the paws. The upper back is barbecued, and the lower back is cut into steaks. The most popular crocodile dishes are grilled, fried, chops, pie filling, and soup. It is better not to use fat - it smells strongly of fish.

Farmed crocodile tastes better than wild crocodile. Under natural conditions, reptiles, having swallowed stones for ballast, rest in the mud, which is why the meat can smell musty. But on farms, crocodiles live in large pools with a concrete bottom and running or renewed water. And they don’t feed them carrion there.

The news about the supply of crocodile meat to Russia caused a curious protest from the communists of St. Petersburg. As Channel 5 reported, Sergei Malenkovich, secretary of the Central Committee and member of the Politburo of the Communists of Russia party, said: “Philippine capitalists often throw communists, the country’s patriots, to be devoured by crocodiles. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that the crocodile we are buying was not eaten yesterday communist. This is unacceptable for us."

Other political parties and the general public perceived the exotic meat on the market in a restrained and positive manner: they say, wait, eat, and see.

By the way

Starting from February 2015, antelope meat from South Africa and Namibia will also be brought to Russia - as soon as Rosselkhoznadzor experts complete a sanitary inspection of the farms where they are raised.

Their tough, scaly skin and sharp teeth are terrifying to most people. And many people don’t even realize that in some regions crocodile meat is consumed as often as we do. If for us reptile meat is a gastronomic exotic, then, for example, in Singapore or Jamaica it is a common food product. In addition, as some say, it is a very tasty, healthy and, I must say, dietary product.

Food of prehistoric man

Crocodiles are huge reptiles (some reach 7 m in length) that inhabit the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, North and South America, and Australia. Experts say that these creatures have inhabited the Earth for approximately 190 million years. Prehistoric predators, experts believe, have changed little in their appearance since the time of the dinosaurs. Researchers suggest that crocodile meat was part of the menu of cavemen. In Northern Kenya, archaeologists have found stone tools and crocodile bones that are about 1.95 million years old. Some scientists express the opinion that it was a diet rich in reptile meat that accelerated the development of ancient people, in particular affecting the development of their brain.

For many, these terrifying reptiles do not look very appetizing, to put it mildly. But underneath the frightening appearance lies a tender, tasty fillet, the popularity of which has been rapidly growing in recent years. In Kenya, for example, there are special crocodile farms where they raise reptiles that will become someone’s lunch or dinner. Residents of most Asian countries do not see anything wrong with eating crocodile meat. There this product is considered a healthy dietary food. In China, for example, reptile fillets have been respected for many medicinal properties since ancient times.

By the way, the meat of both freshwater crocodiles and inhabitants of salt waters is eaten. Today, the main supplies of the delicacy to different countries of the world are made by Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, and some regions of the USA. And most crocodile products are eaten in East Asian countries, including China and Hong Kong.

Nutritional characteristics

Perhaps many people think that crocodile meat is tough and tasteless, and it is very difficult to chew. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. The fillet on the body and tail of crocodiles is light, almost white. The texture is a bit like chicken, but with a fishy flavor. It is tender and soft. Gourmets often describe the taste of crocodile meat as a combination of and.

Crocodile meat is recognizable by its very unusual, but quite pleasant taste and aroma. But gastronomic characteristics are not the only advantage of this product. This delicacy is incredibly rich in and other useful substances, and also contains a minimal amount of and. This exotic contains rich reserves of potassium, which is very beneficial for people prone to high blood pressure. Crocodile meat can be considered as a source, and.

Interestingly, a kilogram of crocodile product contains almost as much protein and calories as 2 kilograms of chicken. This delicacy also contains everything necessary for the human body. The results of many studies indicate that crocodile meat is much healthier than the more familiar beef, pork, chicken, or sausage.

Benefits for the body

In the East, the beneficial properties of crocodile meat have long been known. There the product is consumed not only as an exquisite delicacy, but also as a natural medicine. It’s time for us to find out how eating this reptile affects humans.

Effect on the cardiovascular system

The proteins and amino acids found in crocodile meat may help prevent heart problems. In addition, potassium, which is also abundant in the product, plays a vital role for the cardiovascular system. Compared to other more popular meats such as pork or beef, crocodile fillet contains much less cholesterol. And this is already a huge plus for the heart and blood vessels, since most of the foods in our daily diet contain much more cholesterol than they should. In addition, reptile fillet contains less than chicken meat. And in combination, all this is useful for preventing atherosclerosis.

Unlike other types of meat products, crocodile fillet contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Research shows that these substances may prevent arrhythmias, reduce the risk of clots inside blood vessels (thrombosis) and fatty deposits on the arteries, and they also have anti-inflammatory properties. Which is very important for maintaining heart health.

Benefits for the respiratory system

There are suggestions that crocodile meat may be useful in preventing and treating asthma. In particular, in ancient Chinese medicine, a mixture of reptile and meat was often used to heal this ailment. Interestingly, in the same Chinese medicine, crocodile meat is used to treat coughs and colds. This product is believed to have warming properties and speed up recovery.

Benefits for diabetes prevention

This delicacy, as already mentioned, is very rich in dietary proteins and amino acids necessary for the human body. These substances have a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs, including the pancreas. Namely, the pancreas is responsible for producing the required amount of insulin, which, in turn, regulates blood sugar levels. Therefore, for people at risk of developing diabetes, or for patients in the early stages of the disease, crocodile meat can be very beneficial.

Benefits for muscles

Crocodilia meat contains a huge amount of protein, which plays a major role in the process of building muscle mass. 100 grams of crocodile product contains more than 45 g of proteins, which is much more than chicken meat, and it is considered one of the best for bodybuilders.

Effect on skin

In Asian countries, reptile meat is consumed to treat certain skin diseases. It is believed that this product speeds up the treatment of eczema and relieves skin itching, including those caused by allergies. In addition, this exotic meat is useful for slowing down aging and the appearance of wrinkles. This effect is achieved due to the high concentration of proteins and the presence of amino acids necessary for the skin.

Other properties of crocodile meat

In addition to the benefits already mentioned, crocodile meat has anti-cancer properties. According to some researchers, by consuming the product you can protect yourself from cell mutation and tumor formation. It is also known that crocodile dishes can relieve pain from arthritis and rheumatism, as they also have anti-inflammatory properties. This product is no less useful for the liver. Chinese doctors even treated cirrhosis with crocodile meat and some herbs. And all because the protein and amino acids contained in it promote the regeneration of organ cells.

It is believed that people whose traditional diet contains crocodile meat have stronger immunity. In addition, this product increases the strength of bone tissue. By the way, a serving of reptile fillet contains more calcium than beef. And being a source of iron, it promotes the formation of red blood cells necessary to prevent anemia.

The nervous system also feels the benefits of crocodile meat. In particular, magnesium contained in this type of meat promotes the correct transmission of nerve impulses, prevents the development of nervous disorders, as well as some age-related ailments, such as Alzheimer's disease. This meat contains EPA and DHA, which help maintain adequate dopamine levels, improve blood flow to the brain and have a beneficial effect on neurons in the cerebral cortex.

Many researchers have become interested in the healing properties of meat and other parts of the crocodile’s body. They found that crocodile cartilage has anticarcinogenic and anticancer properties. In addition, scientists carefully studied the chemical composition of the meat and blood of ancient reptiles. It turned out that their blood contains a very powerful natural antibiotic.

Scientists cherish the hope of creating a substance similar to what is found in the blood of prehistoric reptiles. It is believed that it will help humanity recover from many diseases.

Possible harm of crocodile meat

Some scientific studies indicate that crocodile meat may contain harmful bacteria, including salmonella. Therefore, poorly prepared food can cause various illnesses, including diarrhea, typhoid fever and liver damage. People prone to food allergies should treat this exotic product with caution. Pregnant women should completely avoid consuming such exotic foods. It should also be borne in mind that saltwater crocodiles may contain mercury in their bodies. These reptiles, like many fish, absorb mercury from seawater.

How to choose and cook correctly

Different parts of the crocodile are used in the kitchen. You can cook fillet, tail, ribs, head. Many gourmets also love crocodile paws, which taste like frog legs. Meat from the back is tougher, but great for barbecuing. Front paw fillets are excellent for making sausages. The meat from the tail part of the reptile is considered the best: it is whiter than other parts of the carcass, more tender and juicier. This is the part that is used for crocodile steaks.

Crocodile meat is suitable for a variety of dishes. It can be added to soups, stewed, baked, fried, and used to make kebabs, cutlets, and chops. Crocodile fillet is suitable for canning and freezing. It goes well with vegetables, mushrooms, and eggs. Before heat treatment, meat can be marinated in a mixture of lemon juice and. Spicy herbs and green onions will help highlight the special taste of the exotic product. In Thai cuisine, crocodile meat is usually served fried with onions and ginger. An equally popular dish is crocodile medallions stewed in a spicy sauce. In Singapore they love fried crocodiles, in India they love their curry, in Australia minced crocodile is part of the national pie, and in Japanese restaurants reptile meat is one of the most exquisite and expensive dishes. Americans prepare soups and barbecue from reptiles, which is served with. In Asia and Africa, crocodile meat is considered one of the most delicious dishes of elite restaurants.

Reptile can be cooked in the same way as other types of meat, chicken or fish. But to make the crocodile dish as tasty and juicy as possible, you should choose meat from young reptiles - up to 15 years of age.

Oriental cooks advise combining this meat with sweet, sour or hot sauces, which best reveal its taste.

But no matter how tasty and healthy the meat of this reptile is, one must understand that crocodiles, in particular Chinese alligators, have almost disappeared on the planet, and the pursuit of modern man for the delicacy can forever wipe off the face of the planet, as some believe, its most ancient inhabitants.

Modern humanity, as they say, keeps up with the times. People want to try new things and conquer the unknown. This desire also affected the culinary arts.

Recently, exotic crocodile meat has become especially popular. Of course, it no longer arouses great interest in the countries where these reptiles traditionally live. But in our country, crocodile meat is a desirable delicacy that any gourmet dreams of seeing on their table. However, you won’t be able to find this exotic product in regular stores. Even in the capital you can’t always find a restaurant serving crocodile meat, let alone in small towns.

What does crocodile meat look like, what is the highlight of its taste? These are perhaps the two most common questions that arise among people who have not yet tasted an exotic delicacy.

Reptile meat is very similar to chicken or turkey meat. It is very tender and pleasant to the taste. The color is also whitish, just like chicken breast. It is low in calories, which is why it is a welcome “guest” on many European tables. Crocodile meat is suitable for preparing various dishes. It makes surprisingly satisfying and rich broths and soups, aromatic curries and steaks. Even pies and pies are prepared in some countries with crocodile meat filling.

Calorie content

Crocodile meat is the leader in the list of various types of this product. It contains a higher percentage of protein (21 g) than chicken (18 g) or beef (19 g). This product also has the lowest fat content (2 g). If we compare, 100 grams of chicken contains 10 g of fat, beef - about 16 g, and pork - more than 30 g.

When it comes to calories, crocodile meat wins here too. One hundred grams of the product contains only about one hundred kilocalories. This is much lower than in the most popular dietary types of meat.

Beneficial features

In addition to the fact that reptile meat is considered an excellent source of protein and contains a negligible amount of cholesterol, it is also a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, such as:

  • The entire group of B vitamins (especially a lot of vitamin B 12).
  • Calcium and potassium.
  • Cobalt and phosphorus.
  • Nickel and magnesium.
  • Zinc, copper and iron.
  • Sodium and selenium.

But the greatest advantage that crocodile meat has is its environmental friendliness. It has been proven that reptiles, unlike pets or poultry, are not affected by any chemicals.

What kind of crocodiles can you eat?

So, we figured out what crocodile meat tastes like and how it is beneficial for the human body. It remains to be seen whether all crocodiles can be eaten and where such large amounts of reptile meat come from, given that many species are protected by law.

Experts say that only about a dozen species can be eaten. There are many more inedible crocodiles than edible ones. Only an experienced specialist can understand the quality of meat. But even among edible reptiles there are often species that are protected. There are only a few species of reptiles left that humans, roughly speaking, can kill and eat.

By the way, another difference between reptile meat and others is that it is recommended to eat older animals. It is known that the best beef is a young calf, and the most delicious pork is a suckling pig. But with crocodiles it’s the opposite. The more seasoned the meat, the more tender and juicy it is.

Crocodile farm

But where does so much meat come from for export? As soon as people realized how economically profitable it was to sell it, crocodile farms immediately began to appear. This is the gathering point for all professionals who are knowledgeable in matters of breeding and eating reptile meat.

A crocodile farm is not only a place where animals are bred and then killed for sale. Most farms employ experienced professionals who conduct excursions and talk about the life of reptiles and their characteristics. Here you can learn how to choose the right crocodile meat and what you can cook from it later.

It is here that you can learn from experienced specialists that the most delicious part of the carcass is the tail. Any crocodile farm sells the fleshy tail part as an expensive delicacy. The meat located on the back of the reptile is considered the most rarely eaten. It is tough and practically unsuitable for cooking.

On farms in Thailand - a popular and beloved resort by many - you can find a huge number of farms that specialize in breeding crocodiles. Here you can taste incredible salads with reptile meat or feed bloodthirsty animals with a live chicken tied to a long rope.

Recently, Germany and France have sharply increased purchases of crocodile meat. This is due to outbreaks of bird flu and various diseases that affect livestock. Maybe crocodile farms will soon appear in our country, and reptile meat will no longer be so exotic?

Real jam! Among the residents of China and Thailand there are many lovers of crocodile meat dishes that are exotic for the average European. Thais prefer to cook young crocodiles by roasting them whole over coals. The second recipe common in Southeast Asia is crocodile ribs barbecue and alligator loin kebabs. Crocodile loin meat consists of fleshy paws and tail; these parts contain the highest grade meat. Residents of Asia know that crocodile meat is quite lean and does not contain harmful preservatives.

Thais, as well as residents of other Southeast Asian countries, know another secret: crocodile meat is a powerful aphrodisiac. Aphrodisiacs trigger the process of sexual arousal in the human body, in other words, they awaken sexual desire. Eating alligator meat also increases levels of the hormone testosterone. It is believed that eating two hundred grams of crocodile meat is enough to increase sexual desire and improve the tone of intimate muscles. Like seafood, alligator meat has an excellent stimulating and stimulating effect.

If you want to try exotic delicacies like fried crabs and fried crocodile meat, then you should spend your holiday in Thailand. Alligator kebab can be ordered at one of the Thai restaurants. Remember that the best meat of an alligator is in its tail. On the menu of Thai restaurants you can find fried alligator with spicy garlic sauce, sandwiches with alligator meat and even crocodile sausages. As someone who has had the chance to try alligator sausage, I will say that they are reminiscent of salty Italian sausages and are good in combination with hot sauce or classic mayonnaise. They are served with pieces of pickled vegetables, in particular cucumbers.

Crocodile meat tastes a little like chicken. It is juicy and tender, moderately fatty and very rich in nutrients. Crocodiles are eaten not only in Southeast Asian countries, but also in other parts of the world. On restaurant menus in Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia, crocodile meat dishes are listed in the delicacies section. Indians add crocodile meat to their signature curry dish. In Malaysia they bake pies filled with crocodile meat. In Japan, rare meat is exported and soups are made from it. In Thailand, I prefer to roast alligators whole on coals and prepare barbecue from their ribs.

Residents of China also have a purely national way of eating crocodile meat. They roast reptile meat over an open fire or add it to stews along with hot sauce. From a culinary point of view, this is a universal delicacy, since it can not only be prepared separately. Alligator meat can be an excellent filling for pies, casseroles, pizza, and you can also use it to make omelettes for breakfast and spaghetti for lunch.

This exotic meat has excellent compatibility with vegetables and herbs, as well as spices, which gives Asian chefs great opportunities for culinary experiments. Thai chefs buy alligator loin parts, that is, the tail and paws - this is top-grade meat, and therefore it is not cheap. The meat on the back is tougher, so it is used for barbecuing with mushrooms or steaks.

A Thai chef I know prepared crocodile stew. It was a very tasty dish. Then the Thai chef revealed professional secrets: wine, cream and local, aromatic spices are added to crocodile meat in the right proportions. Many residents of Europe and America do not like dishes prepared from crocodile because its meat has a pronounced musky taste. Will you like crocodile meat?

According to experts, the countries of the former Soviet Union are experiencing a real “food revolution.” First, various spices and seasonings, seafood with unpronounceable names began to appear on store shelves, then unusual vegetables and fruits brought from hot countries. Now Russians are offered to taste exotic types of meat. Are they good for the body? How much will such pleasure cost? How to prepare them? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

Fifth place – camel meat (420 rub./kg)

Humpback meat is of particular value to gourmets. It makes a great stew. The thighs are either baked with sauce or rolled into minced meat, which is used for meatballs.

In Arab countries, camel meat is used to prepare kabsa.

The main ingredient of the dish is rice, which is why it is so similar to pilaf. It is from camel meat that the Bedouins prepare a traditional wedding treat. They choose the largest carcass, stuff it with fried lamb, inside of which there are chickens stuffed with fish. And boiled eggs are usually placed in fish. This dish is considered the pinnacle of culinary art among the Bedouins.

Any housewife will tell you that you can easily save money on food without changing your diet or food intake at all. Of course, by buying meat from this top you won’t save much, but the editors of the site tried to reveal how you can not starve and at the same time not spend more money on food.

Fourth place – ostrich meat (RUB 1,100/kg)

Doctors recommend consuming ostrich meat for hypertensive patients and those suffering from coronary artery disease. After all, it contains only 1.5% fat, and there is no cholesterol. This is a great option for people losing excess weight. For comparison: 100 g of ostrich fillet contains 105 kilocalories, and a small jar of yogurt contains even more. So it's worth thinking about.

By consuming ostrich meat, your body will receive sufficient amounts of manganese, proteins, calcium and B vitamins.

In Europe there is even a special diet.

  • You can eat 350 g of ostrich meat per day with a vegetable side dish (except potatoes and corn).
  • In a week of such a diet, you lose 2-3 kilograms.

Advantage of ostrich meat:

  • cooks 1.5 times faster than pork;
  • has a pleasant taste;
  • absorbs the aromas of spices and seasonings well;
  • lack of cholesterol;
  • low calorie content;
  • rich composition.

Third place – bear meat (RUB 1,400/kg)

Not every person will like bear meat. But it is very useful. It contains important microelements and vitamins of different groups. When cutting a carcass, you need to cut off all the fat, as it has an unpleasant odor. To ensure that bear meat becomes soft, juicy and has a noble taste, it is soaked in wine with the addition of herbs for 4 days.

Paw is considered a real delicacy.

It is cleaned of hair and claws and baked in the oven. Serve with a side dish - mashed potatoes, buckwheat porridge or vegetable stew. Ham is best for steaks.

In Old Russian cooking, bear meat was part of dumplings. But they did not use it in the form of minced meat, but simply chopped it with a hatchet. Today, some restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg offer dishes prepared according to ancient recipes using bear meat.

Second place – crocodile meat (RUB 2,700/kg)

Crocodiles are one of the most terrible and dangerous animals on the planet. Few people know that they can also be eaten. Crocodile meat is boiled, stewed, steamed, canned and cutlets are made from it. It is especially valued in Thailand, Argentina, Japan and South America. Calorie content of the product: 100 kcal. There are no carbohydrates.

Composition of crocodile meat:

  • monounsaturated fats (lowers cholesterol);
  • vitamins of group B12;
  • a large amount of proteins.

Doctors say that crocodile cartilage has anti-arthritic and anti-carcinogenic properties. But it is almost impossible to purchase it in stores and supermarkets. Only to order and at a very high price. The main supplier of this delicacy is the Philippines.

Carcass cutting is carried out on special farms.

The upper part of the back is cut into thin layers, and the lower part is used for preparing steaks. The most valuable part is the tail. You can make any dish out of it - be it soup or pie.

Europeans did not like such a delicacy as crocodile fillet. And all because of the bright musky taste.

First place - the most expensive meat - marbled beef (up to 30,000 rubles / kg)

We present to you the most expensive meat on the planet. Marbled beef comes only from Vagiu cows. For several centuries, animals of this breed were raised only in Japan. Their export was banned. But times have changed. Nowadays, Wagiu cows are bred in Australia, Argentina, New Zealand and even in Russia. True, the opening of a large number of farms could not reduce the price of marbled beef. This delicacy is incredibly popular among gourmets all over the world. It received this name because of the large number of thin threads of fat that create a “marbled” color. The brighter and more distinct it is, the more expensive the product.

To obtain marbled beef, it is necessary to raise animals using special technology.

From an early age, cows graze on green meadows, breathe air and drink clean water. As soon as the animal reaches a certain age, it is limited in movement and the caloric content of its diet is increased. Wagiu cows are fed beer and rice. Australian farmers use red wine aged for many years instead of beer.

After reading this article, and especially after seeing the first picture with fried meat, I involuntarily want to eat. But I want something simple - fried meat, kebab, chop. But there are delicacies in the world that not every millionaire can afford; we tried to talk about them in our

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