Why do girls dream of earrings in a dream? Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of earrings? Why do you dream about new earrings?

Why do you dream of finding earrings? The dream book interprets this vision as a harbinger of good luck in business, finance, love, an eventful period, or a long-awaited vacation. But sometimes a plot in a dream warns of troubles, missed chances or mistakes.

New opportunities

The dream indicates that the dreamer will soon have a lot of new opportunities in the financial sector. It is very likely that you will change your job to a higher paying one or open a successful business.

Why do you dream of finding earrings on the ground? The dream book tells you: you will find long-awaited peace after a stressful period.

Was the precious find lying on the ground? Get another chance to correct your mistake. Don't miss it!

You learn unpleasant news

Did you dream of finding something broken or defective? Hear unpleasant news or learn about the infidelity of a loved one.

Losing but finding earrings in a dream means, according to the dream book: due to his excessive caution and suspicion, the dreamer may miss important opportunities.

Personal life will improve

Why dream of losing one earring and then discovering it’s missing? In reality you will soon meet your destiny. If you are not alone, the relationship will become even stronger after a major quarrel.

Did you dream of seeing how one was lost, but found? The dream book promises: in reality you will regain your lost hope. The vision relates more to personal life and the people around you.

If a woman finds earrings and a ring in a dream, she will soon find herself in a situation where all the men around her will pay attention to her.

For a lonely girl, finding earrings and a ring portends good luck in personal affairs. A fan will appear who will be very interested in her. The relationship can become long-lasting.

Good luck awaits you

To dream of finding the second, once lost piece of jewelry from a pair - unexpected luck lies ahead.

Did they turn out to be gold? The dream book states: very soon fate will begin to favor you: things will begin to turn out successfully, and on the personal front everything will also be fine.

Did you dream that the earrings you found were gold? In reality, the sleeping person will have a new friend. For male businessmen, the dream foretells a profitable end to the business thanks to partners.

What were the earrings like?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account what they were:

  • gold - a rich fan;
  • silver - there is excitement, emotional outbursts, a lot of worries ahead;
  • like rings - walk in circles in life;
  • jewelry - you will be deceived;
  • with stones - empty worries regarding a long-awaited event.

Also, finding silver jewelry in a dream means: an eventful period lies ahead. There will be ups and downs, but they will end successfully.

Find financial well-being

Did you dream about finding earrings decorated with precious stones? The dream book tells you: everything depends on the stone. Emeralds portend receiving a large sum of money, rubies - success in work, sapphires - a useless struggle with one's feelings.

Finding jewelry decorated with red stones in a dream is a reflection of emotions. The brighter and larger the pebble, the stronger the manifestation of feelings, but this can lead to both triumph and problems. With diamonds - promises the acquisition of wealth and financial well-being.

Miller's Dream Book: Rich Suitor

Why do you dream of finding earrings with diamonds? The dreamer will have a rich gentleman. However, you should get to know it better before relying on it completely.



    I dreamed that I found many pairs of earrings that I had once lost in reality, that is, I actually lost them in life, but found them in a dream. I was also surprised how they were in front of my nose, but I didn’t see them. More beautiful than they were in reality. What's the point of all this?

Felomena's dream book interprets earrings in a dream as a positive symbol. This is a sign that a productive and useful life awaits you ahead, which will bring satisfaction both morally and materially. In addition, it is possible that you will receive news from loved ones with whom you have not been for a long time.


What material did you use for your earrings?

What happened to the earrings in the dream?

What did you dream about earrings with?

If you dream of earrings with diamonds▼

If you happen to see earrings with diamonds in a dream, it means that you will be a very wealthy person. If you are ready for your next relationship with him, your financial situation will improve.

Seeing earrings with pearls in a dream▼

Where were the earrings in the dream?

Dream about earrings▼

Dreaming that earrings are in your ears is a sign of prosperity in life. Luck and luck accompany you. Everything is stable both in personal space and professional space. Nothing can spoil a good thing for you.

What did you do with the earrings in your dream?

If you happened to try on earrings in a dream▼

Why do you dream about trying on earrings? Such stories are seen by curious people who care about everything that happens around them, even if the events do not concern them at all. But perhaps you are just interested in learning as much as possible, expanding your horizons and making new ones.

Choose earrings according to the dream book▼

The dream about how you choose earrings is directly related to the situation in real life. Only in reality you will have to give preference to one of several people with whom you have established close, romantic relationships.

Dream about taking off earrings▼

The dream in which you take off your earrings is interpreted by Felomena’s dream book as a warning. Perhaps one of yours is ready in their real feelings, which is completely unnecessary for you.

Who was wearing earrings in the dream?

Receive earrings from a dead person in a dream▼

If you dreamed that he was giving you earrings, be careful about your actions. You should not take poorly prepared steps. It’s better to weigh everything carefully again and think through the details.

How can you characterize the earrings that you dreamed of?

I dreamed about new earrings▼

Dreaming about new earrings is a symbol of change. You are bored with your surroundings, and now is the best time to change something - your place of residence, your job, or just... Perhaps a surprise - you will be offered something you won’t want to refuse.

Seeing red earrings in a dream▼

If you saw red earrings in a dream, try to understand your feelings. You may be expressing them too passionately.

Dream about round earrings▼

Seeing round earrings in a dream means being in a close relationship with your soulmate. This person is very reliable, and all his feelings are very sincere.

How many earrings did you dream about?

If you dreamed of a pair of earrings▼

If you saw a pair of earrings in a dream, peace and warmth reign in your personal life. You get along well with your partner and understand him perfectly.

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Did you dream about Earrings, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Earrings in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    On New Year's Eve 2009-2010 (from Thursday to Friday) my wife and I dreamed of earrings: I was gold (one in the shape of a hemisphere, and the other in the shape of a heart, the same size, for children); I found it by accident in a purchase for which I had not paid (some small plastic jar). My wife was looking at medium-sized silver rings in the display case.

    • Fyodor, dreaming of earrings in a dream is usually a good sign; if you and your wife dreamed of them, then this could mean the birth of children, going on vacation, etc.

      Hello! I dreamed that I was abroad with my friends. My friend and I are in a double room. I wake up in the morning and there are no earrings. We shook out all the bed linen, the whole room, but they were not found. We go into another room, to 3 other friends. Suddenly I see my earrings lying on one of the beds, on the pillow. I was very surprised, I definitely remembered that I had not been in this room until this morning, but the earrings were definitely mine. I put them on and woke up.

      • The fact that you lost your earrings in a dream most likely indicates that you may lose your previous official position.

        I dreamed that they gave me earrings, like studs, made of white gold, with a sapphire stone inside, and I was so happy that they were real, expensive, with a real sapphire, and my happiness knew no bounds, and then I went somewhere, and - once, and - I lost it, began to look everywhere, - I found many different earrings - and all of them were not mine, and so I sobbed... sobbed.... and...never found, in short, the earring.....and woke up, all in tears.

        • Siriin, perhaps your dream about losing beautiful earrings suggests that you are facing a deep personal loss of something very dear to you.

          • I dreamed that there were six holes in my ears, although in real life there were three in one and one in the other. And I stood in front of the mirror trying to choose how best to combine earrings. There were three pairs of them, just for six holes, all were in the form of rings, the difference was only in size, one pair was small rings, the other was medium, and the third was larger than those.

          • Hope, perhaps your dream about how they wanted to buy you earrings, but instead you became the owner of a ring, suggests that someone close to you will not be sure of their decision in relation to you.

            Last night I had a dream that I had one gold earring. So patterned. And I decided to sell it. I went to the market and they inserted an oval black stone into it. They just put it on top and it fit. But I didn’t sell it, it seemed cheap. I wanted to sell it to another person, but he said that he couldn’t buy it now and I left.

            • Elvira, perhaps your dream about trying to sell an earring suggests that in real life you will also make an attempt to part with something dear to you, but you will not succeed.

              Hello. I had a dream in which I woke up in the morning, as usual, and went to the mirror. My earrings (I wear them all the time lately) are getting huge. What could this mean? I had a dream from Thursday to Friday.

              • Tatyana, perhaps a dream about huge earrings indicates that someone will slander you.

                • Naida, perhaps a dream in which you find one earring without a pair, suggests that there will be something incomplete in your personal life.

                  • Gennady, most likely the dream indicates that a closer understanding may arise between you.
                    It can, of course, symbolize separation; there is too little specificity in your description.

                    • Nonna, perhaps the dream symbolizes that someone will mislead you.

                      On Monday night I had a dream - that I looked in the mirror and discovered that there were no earrings in my ears that I was wearing now, but there was no time to look for them, because... I was late for work and went without them... - why would that be?

                      • Olga, perhaps a dream in which you don’t have earrings in your ears, suggests that you will have to part with something familiar to you for a while.

                        I decided to take a nap this afternoon and dreamed that during a tour of some old house (military operations took place there during the war), I found an earring on the wooden floor, but only one (there were suspicions that one of the previous visitors had simply lost it) .
                        The earring itself is long, made of black (large) and blue (ordinary beads) stones. But very beautiful.
                        I didn't try it on.

                        • Alina, seeing earrings in a dream means good news, pleasant chores, and the possibility of guests arriving.

                          • Dilara, perhaps the dream indicates that some significant changes may occur in your personal life.

                            I had a dream in which I found the earring of my beloved girl. (For her birthday, I gave her an ensemble of earrings and rings, silver with a garnet in the shape of an apple) There is one “but” - I’m married, and I’ve been in love very much for two years now, but I live with my wife. And so, in a dream I find one earring... To be honest, for some reason there is a feeling of unease in my soul after sleep and a quick look at the interpretation about “earrings”
                            Thank you. Best regards, Lee.

                            • Lee, perhaps a dream in which you find the earring of your beloved girl, but you yourself are married to another, suggests that changes are possible in the relationship between you and any of these girls.

                              On the night from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that my brother gave me earrings (they were beautiful, beautiful, elongated, made of many shiny stones), I was so happy! Then he put an earring on one of my ears, and I took off the other earring (the old one), but then I was looking for my old earring and woke up already...

                              • Aliya, perhaps this dream warns you that you should not change anything familiar in your life in the near future.

                                • Tatyana, most likely your dream speaks of some acquisitions, but it is also important in what context of the dream they occurred.

                                  • Zhenya, perhaps the dream suggests that in reality you should expect some important acquisitions.

                                    • Marina, most likely such a dream promises you some kind of loss of something important to you in reality.

                                      Hello. I dreamed today that I lost one earring, strangers returned it to me, but it turned out to be different in shape, and when I left some building I lost it again, but came back and found it again. What is this?

                                      • Marina, most likely your dream suggests that in reality you may lose something for which it will be very difficult to find a replacement.

                                        I dreamed that I found a very beautiful earring in the shape of a large ball and it was covered in inscriptions, I didn’t understand what was written, I let it look, it slipped out of my hands and rolled somewhere, I started looking and found it, thank you

                                        • Ksenia, perhaps a dream about finding an earring, suggests that in reality you can find out, find something very important for you, the main thing is not to lose it later.

                                          • Gauhar, most likely such a dream means that in reality you can become the culprit of someone else’s misfortune.

                                            Hello! I had a dream from Sunday to Monday that my husband gave me earrings in the shape of birds, black and silver, very beautiful. And he said, as it were, for fifteen thousand and handmade earrings... this is what he told someone when answering questions about where he supposedly got these...

                                            • Valentina, perhaps such a dream suggests that in reality your husband may do some unusual, impulsive act, which you will however like.

                                              I dreamed that my neighbors gave me a gold ring without stones, but covered in black enamel in the center and on the sides and with WC engraved in the center. No kidding. After which for some reason I found myself in a room, it was crowded, but everyone was there. And I took out many pairs of earrings of different colors from wood; they were all the same in shape - long, wide, as if with a fringe at the bottom, that is, with wooden dangles. I gave two pairs to little girls to match the color of their blouses. Mom asked for one of them for herself, but I didn’t give it to her. Putting the remaining earrings into my bag, I discovered that the ring with black enamel and, in general, my gold rings that I have in real life had disappeared. My sister, husband and I began to look for them and found everything except that ring. It was also found later, but without engraving. And after checking it turned out to be not gold at all.

                                              • Diana, the fact that you gave earrings to people in a dream most likely promises you financial losses.

                                                On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, I dreamed that in a jewelry store with a friend I was choosing earrings for myself... they offered me completely different ones: both balls and long pendants, I seemed to like them all, but I didn’t buy any...

                                                • Victoria, the fact that you were choosing earrings in a dream most likely promises you a lot of flattery in the future.

                                                  I had a dream from Friday to Saturday. The point is that I took off two identical earrings and gave them to be melted down, and received a beautiful gold ring for my little finger... Please help me understand what the essence of the dream is? Thanks in advance

                                                  • Albina, the fact that you gave up your earrings in a dream most likely promises you the achievement of a goal for which you will have to sacrifice something.

                                                    Today I had an unusual dream. Apparently I found (or I already had them) beautiful earrings, with large green crystals in dark gold (maybe it was not gold, but an alloy - I couldn’t tell). I gave them to my wife, and we compared them with the earrings already in her wardrobe. We went through everything... The earrings I gave were noticeably superior in stone size and beauty.
                                                    However, I was alerted by the dirty water all around and the authenticity of my gift (the crystal seemed like a piece of glass to me).

                                                    Now we are in a quarrel - the marriage is bursting at the seams.

                                                    • cat, earrings in your dream most likely promise you to be deceived.

                                                      I had a dream that I lost an earring. But then my ex-husband appears (we recently divorced) and takes me to some jewelry store. And there is my second earring. Moreover, I saw a lot of jewelry in the store, all with stones. What’s most interesting is that in my life I wear earrings with large rauch topaz. And in the store, a woman suddenly decided to examine it and says that rauch topaz is just coal and in a few years this stone will crumble.

                                                      • Natalya, the fact that you dreamed of earrings probably foreshadows you discovering the truth related to your husband.

                                                        I dreamed that several purple Christmas tree balls broke. I was very sorry that they broke and wanted to throw away the fragments, but among them I found beautiful silver star earrings and took them for myself.

                                                        • Maria, the fact that you found earrings probably warns you against being gullible; you may be deceived.

                                                          • Julia, the fact that you found earrings in a dream most likely warns you that you may suffer from an adventure.

                                                            • Tatyana, the fact that you found your mother’s jewelry probably means that some facts about her past await you.

                                                              Hello. Answer please. My mother had a dream today that she lost her gold earring, and then found two, but different ones. I’m pregnant now (for a short period of time), for some reason she decided that the dream was about me, she said that it would be impossible for me to give birth to twins. Explain what this is for?

                                                              • SVETLANA, the fact that your mother found different earrings probably means that her attempts to deceive will not be successful.

                                                                For a long time I dreamed that I was walking around and couldn’t choose my jewelry. And I really wanted to choose. And recently I dreamed of earrings made from ancient coins, and I understand that this is what I have been looking for for so long. Help me explain

                                                                • Sholpan, the fact that in your dream you were choosing earrings most likely indicates that you are too trusting.

                                                                  Good afternoon I dreamed that in my dream a man (I hadn’t seen him for 10 years) was looking for me and found me. Next I walk wearing very expensive earrings (possibly platinum and some blue stones - you can immediately see that they are very expensive). Then I looked in the mirror and took them off and looked at them. Please explain why I am dreaming about this. I dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday. Thank you in advance

                                                                  • Victoria, the fact that you were wearing earrings probably means that you may be deceived.

                                                                    Hello! from Wednesday to Thursday I dreamed that I found a bunch of identical earrings in my grandmother’s drawer! silver ones, in the shape of a flower, with a pink stone (although I can’t stand the color pink). but I couldn’t tell whether the silver and stone were real or not. also in a dream, among all this heap, I somehow discovered (perhaps someone gave it to me, I don’t remember) exactly the same earrings, but a diamond-like stone, not colored. and she put them on.
                                                                    what is it for? thank you for your help.

                                                                    • Anna, at a certain point, you may realize that you are too proud.

                                                                      Hello! from Wednesday to Thursday I had a dream: “I was running my hand over my right ear, but there were no earrings there (medical and stone), I looked in the mirror, and the hole was just huge, and I was thinking how to fix everything - then it became a normal size and I was thinking about what kind of earrings It’s better to wear gold or jewelry... it’s still not convenient to walk around with one...”
                                                                      I wake up and the first thing I do is check to see if the earring is in place... Why would that be??

                                                                      • Katerina, the fact that your earrings disappeared in your dream probably means that you attach a lot of importance to your appearance, and the opinions of others are important to you.

                                                                        • Ksyusha, the fact that there were earrings in your dream probably means that you are too trusting.

                                                                          Hello! and today I had a dream... as if I found ONE silver earring, in the shape of a heart... and inside there was a transparent stone... very beautiful, but I never found who it belonged to... tell me what this means??? Thank you.

                                                                          • Tatyana, the fact that you had such an earring in your dream probably means that you will soon find an interesting job.

                                                                            Hello! I lost one earring that I’m wearing now (my husband gave it to me for our wedding anniversary), I was very upset in the dream, but immediately found it in pieces (under a sweater, on the floor, on the stairs). I put the spare parts in a box and found two more (like mine) silver earrings. I thought that I could wear them too, “if anything happens.”

                                                                            • Maria, the fact that in your dream you lost an earring probably indicates that you may soon lose your job or business connections that are important to you.

                                                                              Good afternoon, Alina! In a dream, some woman (about 20 years older than me) took earrings (large silver flowers with leaves) from my ears; in ordinary life I don’t wear those. And in return she gave me silver ring earrings. I immediately put them in my ears, and I asked this woman: “When will you return my earrings to me?” She replies that in a few days or a week - I don’t remember exactly what she answered me. She also told me about the men and gentlemen of her stormy youth, whom for some reason I a priori should know and remember, but I don’t know them and don’t remember them.

                                                                              • Tatyana, the fact that in your dream someone changed your earrings probably means that you can change your job at the suggestion of another person.

                                                                                Hello, Alina!
                                                                                I dreamed that my husband and I were invited to a cafe, sitting and talking. Suddenly my husband’s friend runs up to us (I didn’t recognize him right away), puts his hands on both of our knees and looks at me intently. At the same time, I understand that this is somehow strange, but I cannot say anything. I draw your attention to the fact that he has one earring in his ear - gold, in the form of a ring, and I see it very clearly, i.e. in a dream attention is focused on it. Eventually I leave. What could this dream mean?

                                                                                • Helen, the fact that you had such an earring in your dream probably indicates that you may be deceived by this person.

                                                                                  Good afternoon,
                                                                                  On the night from Wednesday to Thursday, I had a dream that an unfamiliar woman came to my house and asked me to help with something, I wanted to give her clothes or food, and she said: “No, I want this and points at my ears.” I turn around and look in the mirror, and in my ears are my gold earrings, which my mother and sister gave me in reality. I refused this woman in a dream and said that “these earrings are a gift and I will not give them away.” Then I woke up. Why is this dream?

                                                                                  • The earrings in this dream are most likely a symbol that warns you that you may be deceived.

                                                                                    Hello! I dreamed that I was holding a jewelry box in my hands, and in it were a pair of earrings and a ring of a strange shape; the earrings seemed to be square... and the ring seemed somehow “blurry”. In the dream, I know that my boyfriend gave it to me ( everything is fine with him at the moment) I look and understand that they are not made of gold, but iron, but with gold plating, but the plating is so-so... no gloss. I’m starting to think that, supposedly, why did he give me non-gold ones ...I begin to look closely at them and it begins to seem to me that they seem to be gold, which doesn’t quite look like iron... I continue to think, maybe this is red gold... and that’s how I woke up. I would like to note that at the moment my boyfriend treats me great , we have a wonderful relationship, we’ve been together for a year, but it just seems to me that he doesn’t have love, but affection for me. Or it just seems to me. Thank you

                                                                                    • The fact that you saw earrings in your dream probably means that you will soon find yourself a very interesting activity.

                                                                                      on the night from Saturday to Sunday I dreamed that they asked me for my gold earrings and I needed to give them back, I took them off and gave them, but I didn’t really want to do this. What would that mean? Thanks in advance for your answer

                                                                                      I dreamed that I was looking at myself in the mirror, looking at my new earrings (my husband gave them to me in a dream, I know this, but I didn’t dream about the process of giving them), and at the moment when I was looking at them, my mother came in and I said: Oh, what beautiful earrings... and I answer, you didn’t know, but my husband gave them to me. And that's it. The earrings are very beautiful and with precious stones, scattered and in the middle there is some kind of large orange stone. The earrings remained on me, I woke up. This was from Monday to Tuesday.

                                                                                      • Such a dream, in which you were wearing new earrings, probably indicates that your work will be very interesting to you and you will enjoy it.

                                                                                        In a dream, they gave me very beautiful new earrings to try on, and out of several girls, some old man chose me and another girl. I started trying them on and put them on. They were unusually beautiful, hanging from some stones (in the dream, I couldn’t make out the precious ones or not) The earrings were light purple and very large, more suitable in my opinion for a tall girl of model height for a glossy magazine.

                                                                                        • The fact that you had new earrings most likely means that you could get a very lucrative promotion.

                                                                                          I dreamed of an acquaintance. I saw him from behind and didn’t talk to him in the dream, but only watched his actions as if from above (it was as if I wasn’t in that dream). He seemed to be walking forward, and on his right ear I noticed an earring - oblong and shiny, like jewelry in the shape of a drop with a pointed bottom, it sparkled very much. And this guy was walking somewhere in his dream... Even in the dream, I was surprised why he put on an earring. But he didn’t see me. He seemed to be minding his own business.

                                                                                          • Your dream, in which there was such an earring, most likely indicates that you may have your sights set on someone’s high position.

                                                                                            I dreamed today that when handing out presents, a girl gave me earrings made of dark metal with a small stone. I looked at them and didn't like them. I told her this and returned it. In return, she gave me a cosmetic bag - a wallet. I opened it, and there was another small one. I really liked it.
                                                                                            What would that mean?

                                                                                            on the night from Wednesday to Thursday I dreamed the following: I discovered that my earring (which I wear all the time) was missing from my left ear. I rushed to look - following my footsteps, where I was in the dream, and quickly found her safe and sound on the floor in the bedroom. Could this be somehow connected with my husband, his name is Seryozha? Thank you.

                                                                                            I dreamed from Thursday to Friday that I lost one of my earrings, studs. (in life I also lose them very often, but I find them). So, first I lost her, and then I found her just as quickly.

                                                                                            I dreamed of my earrings, only I lost one. I started looking and here on earth there were several of them, but not mine.
                                                                                            And that same day in the evening I broke up with the guy we had been with for 2 years and 2 months. What is this for?

                                                                                            I dreamed that my friend showed me her earrings with green stones and said that her work colleagues had matched them for her ring. it is also the same with the green stone. what is it for?

                                                                                            My mother, in reality, she lost one earring a long time ago... and this is the second time in a dream that I find this lost earring... and now I dreamed that I found a lot of silver earrings and among them there was one unpaired earring, but I didn’t find it I took it and this earring again looked like my mother’s earring, but it was not like the one she lost, but the one she now wears... I didn’t wear any of these earrings...

                                                                                            • Probably, such a find in your dream indicates that you can find yourself many interesting and profitable activities.

                                                                                              It was written that I was standing in front of the mirror and saw that I had three earrings on my ear, I liked them very much, but after half a day I literally realized that because of them my ears were starting to hurt, my skin was itching, it was unbearable, I endured and endured, and when I went to the mirror again I saw that my ear had already turned red from them, and I decided to take them off, it hurt to the point of tears, and pus began to come out of the puncture sites, what would this cause? I then gave the earrings in a dream to another girl who also wanted to pierce her ears, but I don’t know her in reality

                                                                                              • Your dream, in which there were such earrings, probably indicates that your favorite activity will soon become tiresome for you.

                                                                                                On the 8th, on the night from Friday to Saturday, I had a dream: a whole bunch of rings of different shapes, I don’t know where to put them, then I find myself visiting an unfamiliar girl, I have a whole package of different jewelry, I give her a pair of beautiful earrings with stones, one earring She puts it on the right ear, and hooks it to several places on the ear, the rest is unknown. There is a gold chain in the bag, but I still have it. Then my family turns out to be visiting her, we sit down at the table and everyone eats different food, I have soup with meat, the girl has soup with an apple in it, the rest eat main courses, we watch out the window, talk about life. All this happens in an unfamiliar place and in another city.

                                                                                                • The fact that you had a lot of jewelry most likely means that you will have many opportunities to diversify your personal life.

                                                                                                  Good afternoon Today I dreamed that my boyfriend was sitting in my room, and in his left ear he had a gold earring with stones. And this earring looks more like a ring! I was worried and asked where he got it, but he never answered! What is this for?
                                                                                                  Thanks in advance!

                                                                                                  hello, I had a dream as if they dug up the earth, the land is very fertile, and someone shouts to me from the side that I’m digging very deep even though I didn’t dig at all, I go out into the street and see that everyone dug up and left my part for me, I’m going to look at mine labor and I see under the ground there is a basement, which it was as if we were looking for before, I enter this basement and there are light bulbs everywhere, and I find a box there and inside there are antique but very beautiful earrings, rejoicing at the new find, I leave the basement while turning off the lights everywhere, but I don’t tell anyone about the find, only a guy I know, then I dream as if I’m fighting with a classmate and wake up.

                                                                                                  • The fact that the land was like this in this dream most likely indicates that you will have many prospects in developing your business.

                                                                                                    I dreamed that it was my birthday and I was putting on an earring in front of the mirror. It is beautiful and has an original unusual shape. A bit like a clip, but it has a bow. The only thing is that the earband is very wide, so much so that when I put it on, it breaks my ear. Despite the pain, I feel happy, and over time I plan to buy a second one.

                                                                                                    hello... I recently dreamed that I was looking for something on my sister’s nightstand and saw gold earrings in the shape of a diamond with green stones (it seemed to me that they were old-fashioned) and I also thought: “whose are they? My sister doesn’t seem to have those”... .very interesting to know what this is for))) I heard that the earrings are for a wedding, but I don’t understand mine or my sister’s wedding)))? What do you think?

                                                                                                    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I found gold earrings, several pairs (there were so many of them that they did not fit in my hand), I collected them, but then I discovered that in my hand I had not only earrings but also rings. Then I wanted to wear earrings, but I couldn’t choose which ones, they were all pairs. What could this mean? Please tell me. Thank you in advance.

                                                                                                    Hello!! I had a dream from Sunday to Monday. My husband and I are walking through the market, and I stop where jewelry is sold. I bought two pairs of earrings. One pair is in the shape of a ring, the second is in the shape of a flower. I wanted to buy the cheapest ones, but they weren’t available. Then my husband and I moved on, I put on earrings that were in the shape of a ring, then I smile and ask my husband: “Did I pick up beautiful earrings?” And he makes a dissatisfied face and says: “Nope.” In reality, I'm pregnant, I'm a month and a half pregnant. I would like to know what this dream is about. Thank you.

                                                                                                    • New earrings in this dream most likely promise you to find new interesting hobbies and activities for your leisure time.

                                                                                                      Hello! I dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday that they gave me one gold earring in the shape of a leaf, the edges were all dusty, dirty... I took it and threw it away...
                                                                                                      And the previous night I dreamed that I was wearing several diamond rings and suddenly gypsies began to attack me from all sides, after which I discovered that two diamonds were missing from one of the rings.
                                                                                                      What could this mean?
                                                                                                      Thank you in advance.

                                                                                                      • A dream in which you were offered such an earring, but you refused, most likely indicates that you may miss a very promising job offer.

                                                                                                        Hello! I dreamed from Friday to Saturday that I found somewhere 3 or 5 earrings without a pair. First I found earrings, and then rings. And the last three rings were the same. Thank you in advance!

                                                                                                        From Sunday to Monday I dreamed that my husband gave me three pairs of earrings. I was choosing what to wear for the evening, I chose large beautiful ones in the shape of a butterfly wing. There were also some large and medium-sized ones with a pebble, some kind of cloudy, and besides, the pebble fell out of one, but was not lost.

                                                                                                        Hello, I had a dream where I put on my grandmother’s antique earrings (huge pink flowers (as if they were real, not made of metal) with some kind of stone) and admired them, together with my mother (she recently died). There were some other earrings nearby, not so big, but gold and with a red stone.

                                                                                                        Hello! I had an unusual dream. in the evening I'm on a walk somewhere, then I find myself near the shore and start digging in the sand and find a lot of different jewelry, in most cases earrings, mostly one at a time, and they all seem to be silver, but in the end I find a pair of earrings with beautiful red stones and joyfully I take them for myself. then suddenly suspicious men start approaching there and I hastily put on beautiful unusual boots and run away from there.

                                                                                                        I dreamed that I was sitting and talking with the guy I love... Then I take one of my round (ring-shaped) earrings and put it on so that both my ear and his ear are on the axis of the earring! That is, we are shackled with an earring...

                                                                                                        Good afternoon. Help me decipher the dream. I had a strange dream in which everyone was up in arms against me, and besides, my husband was provoking me into a fight. But I don’t want this and ignore him in every possible way. My earrings, given by my husband, also appeared in the dream. In one earring I did not find two of the four large stones.

                                                                                                        i dreamed that I was putting on wooden ring-shaped earrings in front of the mirror (a large wooden ring, with a keychain in the shape of a fang or something in the shape of a claw at the bottom. I put them on and for a long time could not tear myself away from my reflection in the mirror, I was simply fascinated by the earrings)) )))))

                                                                                                        P.s. Thank you for your very interesting site and for your help. This is the second time I’ve contacted you :)))

                                                                                                        Hello! I dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday. My mother-in-law tells me that I should lend my earrings to my father’s funeral, but I shout that I won’t take them back later, but I don’t feel sorry for anything for my family and I reluctantly give them away, knowing that later I can never bring myself to wear them. During the funeral I see my dad’s earrings in his ears. In real life, my dad is alive. What does such a dream mean?

                                                                                                        • A dream in which you had such earrings most likely indicates that you can return to an activity that is important to you.

                                                                                                          Hello, I dreamed that I was sitting on the beach, digging in the sand and finding a gold earring. Then I find another one - a pair for it, I continue to dig and find more and more earrings, and each has a pair. I give all the earrings to my wife - she counts them. And in the end we come to 18 pairs. And then we dig up a box of weapons, but I say that we won’t get involved with this and that we need to report it to the police, to which one of the passers-by says that it’s better to report it anonymously, otherwise they can take everything away. I would really like to know the meaning of the dream.

                                                                                                          Hello! From Friday to Saturday I had a dream that a man (we haven’t seen each other once, it doesn’t work out, meetings fall through, but we call each other and communicate on the Internet) gave me a ring and earrings. The ring was not large with small stones, and the earrings were 2 different, were presented to me to choose from with the text “I didn’t know which ones you’d like best.” The gift was a real surprise for me, I ignored the ring, but the earrings caused real delight (in reality, I really want new ones). I tried on both, according to queues in the same ear, I chose the second one. The earrings were made of antique silver. Help me understand this dream for something good or bad?

                                                                                                          • A dream in which that man gave you such a gift most likely indicates that you can start a successful romance with him.

                                                                                                            Lately I've been having dreams about earrings. Either I found hoop earrings, or I looked at various beautiful earrings in the window. I chose from among my own what to wear. And today I dreamed about my gold earrings again, I haven’t worn them for a couple of weeks... I took them out of the box to put them on. Why...

                                                                                                            I just can’t connect with the dream I had today.
                                                                                                            in the dream, my friend and I were either cleaning up or something else, and began to find some of my jewelry... I remember finding 3 earrings (and I was sure that it was necessary, that they were included) but at the same time I remembered that they should There were some more, but I couldn’t find them.
                                                                                                            at this time my mother comes with some new earrings (quite cute, as it seemed to me in the dream) and I ask her about the earrings that I can’t find, she says that they were there, so you’re not looking hard, and I say “maybe give me yours.” in response, she tells me that some jewelry store is either having a sale or something else, in general, she took me to this store to buy new earrings.
                                                                                                            and I don’t know how to understand this)

                                                                                                            Hello. On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, I had a dream in which I was at a children's matinee, but it took place in the evening, on the open veranda. I leaned on the railing to look down (I don’t remember exactly why), and an earring fell off my ear (I’m wearing them now) and fell into a crack on the ground. I ran downstairs after her, when I came running, there was already a girl there, she was looking for my earring. As a result, we found it, but besides it there was a lot of jewelry there, both gold and costume jewelry... I have an exam ahead, could this be somehow connected with it???

                                                                                                            • The fact that your earring fell off in this dream most likely indicates that you can leave an activity that is important to you.

Why do you dream of earrings in your ears? The dream book often calls this symbol a harbinger of good changes. A vision in a dream promises success at work, in love and at home. However, sometimes the plot warns of gossip and rumors.

Great time ahead

Did you dream about earrings in your ears? The dream book tells you: success awaits you in your professional field. Family life will also be cloudless, and relationships at home will be excellent.

Seeing beautiful jewelry on your ears in a dream means: personal relationships will be successful, harmony will come between you and your lover.

Why do you dream of precious earrings in your ears? The dream book promises the coming of a great time in reality. The dreamer will be able to receive new cash income and strengthen her financial position.

What were they like?

The interpretation of the dream is possible based on what kind of earrings they were:

  • gold - a symbol of a calm, harmonious future;
  • silver - important events at work will make you worry;
  • with diamonds - your personal life will delight you with pleasant changes;
  • with pearls - there may be a misunderstanding with your lover, you will cry;
  • with ruby ​​- your efforts will be appreciated by management: there is a climb up the career ladder or a bonus ahead;
  • with an emerald in a dream - a streak of light, good luck;
  • decorated with several precious stones - minor issues will have to be resolved;
  • decorated with one large expensive stone - you will meet a man, the acquaintance will become fateful.

Miller's Dream Book: good news

Did you dream of seeing earrings in your ears in the mirror? The dreamer is about to hear good news. She also has interesting work ahead.

You will learn a secret, but be careful

Such a vision in a dream promises a favorable period in life, success in many areas. However, you need to be careful and vigilant. Try to avoid hasty actions that can lead to stupid mistakes, think about your every step, otherwise you will scare away your luck.

Why dream of seeing them on yourself? You will reveal some secret, find out facts or circumstances that were previously hidden from you.

Did the girl dream of taking off her earrings? The dream book calls this a good sign. Someone really likes her and will soon hear a declaration of love.

Beware of gossip

Feeling discomfort from them in a dream means: troubles related to the professional sphere and business will begin.

Have you seen earrings in the ears of a stranger or a guy? The dream book warns: gossip about you will appear, and this may negatively affect your success. You need to approach your affairs responsibly, concentrate on solving problems correctly, in order to avoid mistakes.

Women's jewelry in a dream is endowed with exceptional symbolism, says the dream book. Earrings, for example, foreshadow pleasure, good luck and even marriage. But at the same time, they hint at misconceptions, troubles, and gossip. To understand what the image is about in a dream, you have to look at the details of the plot, and first look at popular interpreters.

Seeing earrings according to the Enigma dream book

Did you see original earrings? This is a sign of seduction and temptation; they indicate the futility of actions or, on the contrary, quick enrichment. You definitely need to take a closer look at the appearance and features of the products.

Small and modest ones indicate mutual understanding, and large or shiny ones indicate deception and falsehood. Long pendants suggest: you don’t value what you have, so you can lose it.

It is best to receive earrings and a chain as a gift from your beloved man in a dream. After such a dream, the Enigma dream book guarantees a quick marriage. Moreover, you will live, as they say, happily ever after.

Interpretation according to the numerological dream book

This dream interpreter offers a very pleasant interpretation. If you tried on large earrings in front of the mirror, then in reality your romantic desire will come true, perhaps you will get married.

If the clips are the same, then this will happen in exactly two weeks. If they are different, you will have to wait two months. Was there only one pendant in the dream? Alas, the wish will not come true soon.

It’s much worse for men to see and especially put on earrings. The dream book believes that on the 11th day after the dream, big troubles will happen at home or at work.

Beautiful earrings that you dreamed about on Saturday promise peace and pleasure. Seeing them in a dream on Monday means an unfortunate incident. If you give the pendants to another person on the night of Thursday or Sunday, then in the very near future you will begin to compete with him.

What do Miller, Vanga and others think?

Other interpreters give equally ambiguous interpretations. For example, Mr. Miller believes that earrings promise an interesting business or news. But if you accidentally break them, then due to carelessness you will become an object of bad rumors and gossip.

Why do you dream about gold items? According to the Muslim dream book, they promise the appearance of a wife or mistress. Islamic promises money, which will bring disappointment and mental discomfort.

The seer Vanga associates earrings with her daughter and her fate, as well as other people's secrets. It guarantees a man an acquaintance with an interesting person. If you saw earrings in a dream, then Dr. Freud is sure: this is only a reflection of a strong attachment to a loved one.

Why do you dream about new earrings?

Why dream of beautiful earrings in a store window? An interesting project awaits you. You can wear new clips for a love adventure. Have you tried on pendants made of gold or silver? Get rich or find a patron.

Seeing cute things on others means that you will get rid of laziness, blues and take up the implementation of plans. Earrings with stones characterize a romantic connection. The dream book offers the following meanings:

  • Emerald - reconciliation, renewal of relationships.
  • Ruby is a fiery but fleeting romance.
  • Turquoise is a surprise, a surprise.
  • Amber - a happy marriage, a loving husband.
  • Amethyst – liberation from resentment.
  • Sapphire is love that brings suffering.
  • Pomegranate – fulfillment of promises and hopes.

Seeing old jewelry in a dream

Often, antique earrings suggest that fate itself has destined you to meet your chosen one. But seeing them in tandem with an old necklace is a sign of a marriage of convenience that will not bring happiness.

Why do you dream of amber earrings? The dream book promises a happy marriage. Did you dream about ruby ​​earrings? It is a symbol of power, wealth and energy. But emerald ones are considered an act of blessing, a sign of self-knowledge and spiritual growth.

If pearl jewelry appeared in a dream, then suddenly changed circumstances will help to reveal secret potential. But if you have lost expensive jewelry, then miss your chance.

What does inexpensive jewelry mean?

Did you dream about inexpensive jewelry? You will try to attract someone's attention by any means, but you are unlikely to achieve what you want, because you will commit stupid actions. Were there any damaged specimens in the pile of pendants? An unkind person has planned evil against you.

Why do you dream about a lot of cute things? The dream book prophesies: life will be full of events, meetings and news of various natures. Be sure to note their color.

  • Blue – fulfillment of plans, fun.
  • Blue – understanding, humility, coldness.
  • Green – abundance, healing.
  • Pink – illusions, fantasies.
  • Red – passion, overexcitement, anger, threat.
  • Black – concentration, deep emotions.

I dreamed about different earrings

What does it mean if you decide to wear different earrings in a dream? The dream book warns: you will suffer serious losses if you succumb to some temptation. At the same time, different earrings suggest that some of your ideas will be extremely successful.

Why dream about wearing only one earring? In reality you will be with the person you love. Wearing several pendants indicates a passion for many at once. Have you been sorting through trinkets at night, not knowing what to wear? There are very difficult choices to be made.

Why take off and give away earrings?

Taking off or losing earrings in a dream is always bad. This is a signal of a deterioration in relationships, position, and voluntary abandonment of plans. Lost just one item? Get ready for a serious disagreement with your loved one.

Have you consciously decided to give away or sell your ordinary jewelry? The dream book is convinced: there will be major losses, a break in communication on your initiative. If you manage to break the products, you will not be able to keep this obligation.

Looking for earrings at night means that you are making an attempt to please someone. If found, the actions will be successful. But accidentally finding jewelry on the road is worse. In reality, you will become a victim of an evil slander.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about gold earrings in a dream?

Gold earrings - for career growth, financial wealth, happy travel.

If in a dream you give earrings to someone, in reality you will have to make happy with your decision a person who largely depends on your opinion.

Losing gold earrings or one of them in a dream means parting with a lover, tears, failures.

If you dreamed that gold earrings were being put on you, beware of adventures and fleeting romances. Random connections can cause you a lot of problems and troubles, be careful and prudent.

If you dreamed of broken gold earrings, you will have an unpleasant conversation with a person occupying a higher position.

If you are wearing gold earrings in a dream, and they are in the shape of rings, this means repeated mistakes. Perhaps in the near future you will suffer from the same situation that you have already suffered from.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream of a golden earring?

Gold earrings signify obligations, perhaps guardianship over someone close.

If you hold them in your hands, your business will go up, increase profits, and improve your financial situation.

Also, gold earrings in a dream, if they are too heavy for you, mean that you will not be able to cope with the burden of responsibilities that have fallen on you.

Gold earrings dream of joyful events, new discoveries, success at work, and good news. To see a pair of gold earrings intact and beautiful in a dream - in reality you will experience repeated joy, double happiness, extraordinary luck and promotion await you. Finding gold earrings in a dream is a sign of a joyful event.

Give it to someone or lose it - in reality you will experience misfortune through no fault of your own. Beware of ill-wishers who are plotting behind your back.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about gold earrings?

If you dreamed that you were holding gold earrings in your hands, in reality you will succeed in all your endeavors and be happy in love.

If you received gold earrings as a gift in a dream, you are going to get married for selfish reasons. Think carefully - such a marriage will not be happy and, in addition to wealth, will bring you deep frustration and mental dissatisfaction.

Finding gold earrings in a dream is a good sign. You will receive a gift or monetary reward for your efforts, and you will easily resolve any issue.

Losing gold earrings in a dream means that due to your own indiscipline you will miss the most important chance in your life for a bright and cloudless future.

Modern dream book

What do gold earrings mean to the dreamer?

Buying or selling gold earrings in a dream means personal problems. Perhaps you will experience complications in family relationships, unhappy love, or a cooling of your relationship with your lover. If you dreamed of gold earrings with a flaw, for example broken, this means falsehood, delusion and tears. Beware of problems at work - those closest to you may set you up.

Dictionary of Dreams / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Let's figure out why you dream about gold earrings

Buying gold earrings means confusion, giving earrings means disappointment, putting on earrings means a quarrel with your loved one, selling earrings means not keeping your word. Earrings made of gold dream of good news and interesting work. If you dreamed of broken gold earrings, try to be wise and careful. Otherwise, bad rumors and gossip can harm you. Earrings made of gold in a dream - Someone really likes them; earrings with stones are a love adventure. Finding one earring means stealing someone else’s happiness. Breaking an earring means cheating on a friend.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand what gold earrings are for?

Soon there will be separation from family - this is a bad omen. New earrings in a dream - for a wedding. Wearing gold earrings on yourself is a warning, stealing gold means you will lose respect, giving it as a gift means you will be at a wedding, losing it means loss, having a lot of gold and silver means there are a lot of parasites around you. If in a dream gold earrings begin to peel off, it means benefit. Buy gold earrings - the expected will not come true. Seeing a large number of gold earrings in your box means a desire to be very rich.

How to learn to understand your dreams

Why do women and men dream about gold earrings?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore Gold earrings in a dream have the same meaning for both sexes.

Personal dreams and their interpretations

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