Cadastral valuation of land plots. Procedure for assessing land allocated for agriculture

In economic terms, land valuation may involve assessing property rights to it. This could be, for example, property or rental.

Selection method

Evaluates land plots on which there are buildings and if there is information about the amounts of transactions with similar plots. This assessment method is performed in a specific sequence:

  1. The comparative elements of objects are determined;
  2. The differences between each of the similar objects and the one being assessed are identified;
  3. An adjustment is calculated for each element;
  4. The market value of the entire object is derived based on adjusted data for similar transactions;
  5. The cost of improvements is calculated;
  6. The cost of the memory is determined.

It is also used when there is no standard activity on the market.

Remainder method

Evaluates areas that can be improved by development and get the maximum profit from it.

The method is carried out according to this plan:

  1. The income from the object is determined based on the amount of market rent and planned expenses;
  2. The income from buildings is determined;
  3. Income from land plots is capitalized into the price according to the norms.

Subdivision method

Used when dividing land into small plots. It is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The number and size of future plots are determined;
  2. The price of acquired memory is determined by comparison;
  3. Costs are calculated, a development schedule is drawn up, the approximate time of sale is determined, and profits are calculated;
  4. Net profit is calculated after the sale of all plots;
  5. A discount rate is selected that will reflect the risks during development and sales.

In order to develop land, the following costs are usually taken into account:

  • Clearing the territory, planning and dividing into plots;
  • Construction of utility networks, roads;
  • Salaries for designers and workers, insurance, taxes;
  • Advertising and marketing.

Only appraisal companies (legal entities and individuals - individual entrepreneurs) can engage in appraisal activities. The whole procedure is divided into several stages.

  • An agreement is concluded To compile it, the appraiser must have the following information:
    • Purpose of the assessment;
    • Evaluation standards;
    • Land category;
    • Type of permitted use;
    • Type of property;
    • The presence of restrictions on the disposal of the object by the owner;
    • Land registry data;
    • Availability of buildings;
    • The date for the assessment is agreed upon.
  • The collection and analysis of available information is carried out. This includes:
    • Legal documents and property registration data;
    • Physical characteristics of the memory;
    • Description of buildings and utilities;
    • Description of the location of the storage facility and adjacent facilities;
    • Features of the storage unit related to its location;
    • Economic factors are analyzed.
  • A direct inspection of the facility and surrounding area is carried out.
  • The necessary information and documentation is requested from the owner of the site and operational services.
  • An analysis of the real estate market and the practice of such sales is carried out.
  • Determination of the assessment method.
  • Coordination of the obtained results.
  • Compilation of a report.

Final report

The results are presented in the form of a written report and serve as an evidentiary document for interested parties. The form and content of the report must comply with the requirements of federal law. In practice, a unified report form has not yet been developed, so different appraisal companies can provide reports on the work performed in different forms and different in content. But the information they contain, the form of research and the final conclusions must meet certain requirements:

Availability of information about the cost of the object. Availability of information from which the customer was able to independently:

  • Understand its content and method of assessment;
  • Check the intermediate and final results of the assessment.
    • The information in the report must be confirmed and justified;
    • The content must comply with the principle of unambiguity and not cause ambiguity in understanding what is written. Specific terms must be defined;
    • Compliance with the principle of verifiability (regarding all calculations given);
    • Interim optional information should not be contained in the report.

When preparing an assessment report, the contractor must:

  • Complete and submit the assessment report to the customer in a timely manner;
  • Indicate in the report the date of the assessment, assessment standards, purpose of the assessment and other data that does not allow for double interpretation of the assessment results;
  • When establishing any value (other than market value) during the assessment process, its criteria are indicated, as well as the reasons for which such an assessment was carried out;
  • The report may contain information that, in the opinion of the contractor, is necessary to be included in the report for a more complete application of a particular method;
  • Number and stitch the report page by page, sign it with your own hand and certify it with a seal.


The cost of performing appraisal work depends on the area of ​​the storage facility, its location and the tasks assigned to the contractor.

In different regions of Russia, the cost may differ, but on average, the cost estimate can be minimal from 2 thousand rubles and above. The assessment period usually does not exceed 5 working days.

With the development of the real estate market in Russia, landowners have felt the need to understand the value of the correct assessment of existing real estate.

A cost-based approach to valuation cannot be applied to land, since it cannot be reproduced (if we mean only land without buildings). For self-assessment, you can use income or comparative methods. The income method is somewhat more complicated than the comparative method, so appraisers recommend using this method to initially determine the value of land.

The use of a comparative approach is available to almost every market participant; it can be carried out in several stages:

  1. The supply market in the area of ​​interest is being studied. Similar plots for sale are selected.
  2. For each of the selected plots, the cost per 1 hundred square meters is calculated. The amount received should be reduced by about 5% - this is the estimated discount amount when concluding the transaction.
  3. Calculate the average cost per 1 hundred square meters from the results obtained.
  4. Having the average cost per 1 sq.m., calculate the cost of your plot.

The main difficulty in this method is the correct selection of similar sentences, and then it’s simple mathematics.

It is worth noting that such an assessment cannot be legally valid for presentation, for example, to a bank when the buyer takes out a mortgage loan. Only an appraisal completed and provided in writing by an appraisal company can be a legal document.

When the need arises for a competent assessment of a storage facility, such indicators as location and ecology are taken into account. The market will show the most likely cost of the plot, since it will simply not be possible to sell it for much more than what is offered in the same real estate sector.

The market value of land depends on the amount of probable profit and the timing of its receipt. It may change over time, so an assessment should be carried out immediately before concluding a transaction. The market value may also change due to changes in the intended purpose.

The valuation of private properties in garden and dacha associations is carried out taking into account the prices of similar objects or undeveloped plots being sold. The cost in these cases strongly depends on the availability and intensity of transport links, on the availability of electricity and gas and, to a large extent, on the environmental condition.

This is a set of administrative and technical actions of municipal bodies to determine the cadastral value of land plots under the jurisdiction of this body as of a specific date. Cadastral valuation of land has several levels of goals.

  • At the state level, this is the creation of a unified nationwide taxation system for lands owned by state and non-state property, which makes it easier for fiscal authorities to perform the functions assigned to them, primarily in terms of filling budgets.
  • At the level of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation - obtaining an accurate idea of ​​the efficiency of land use in each individual territory on a certain date, making informed decisions on the distribution and redistribution of land plots, on their more productive use, regarding privatization, issuing construction permits, etc. .
  • For owners of specific land plots - establishing a fair level of taxation of land, obtaining a guideline for determining its optimal market value, which is important for streamlining transactions of purchase and sale and lease of land, inheritance, mortgaging land, investing in land plots, etc.

Order of conduct

State cadastral valuation of land must be carried out at least once every 5 years. It is carried out simultaneously for all land plots located throughout the administrative-territorial unit. This procedure is carried out by the Federal Real Estate Cadastre Agency and its territorial bodies. Also, persons and organizations that have received a license to conduct valuation activities may be involved in the assessment.

During the assessment, (the rights of limited use of a plot of land for laying and operating power lines, passage or passage through the territory, etc.) and other restrictions on the rights of owners established by current legislation, a court or a relevant administrative act are taken into account.

Stages of work:

  1. Preparation and creation of an information base (analysis of the local land market, price levels for different land plots depending on their categories and location, study of legislation, judicial practice, precedents, etc.).
  1. Division of the assessed territory into zones and cadastral blocks.
  2. Justification and determination of cost indicators required for cadastral valuation.
  3. Identification of price zones within the territory.
  4. Graphic and digital design of the results of cadastral valuation of land, entering them into the State Property Committee.

Assessment methods

When assessing the cadastral value of land, the cost, income or comparative method, or combinations thereof, can be used.

Cost method is used, as a rule, for unique land plots that have no analogues for comparison or are not in demand, and consists in determining the cost of the plot.

Comparative method used in the assessment of typical land plots about the market value of which there is sufficient information. It is quite simple and accurate, but reflects only the current state of the market, which may change over time.

Income method based on determining the expected income (rent) from the commercial exploitation of the land. It is usually based on an analysis of previously received income.

In addition, the appraiser uses data on rent for the use of land plots, prices of concluded land purchase and sale transactions, infrastructure facilities, communications, location, physical characteristics, topography, type and condition of the soil, the presence of improvements on the site, etc. .

The main indicator for determining the cadastral value is the specific indicator of the cadastral value of 1 m 2 of land. It is determined for certain categories of land, types of permitted use or individual cadastral blocks based on the Methodological Recommendations for each category. By multiplying the area of ​​a specific plot by the specific cadastral value of 1 m2, the cadastral value of the plot is determined.

If several types of permitted use are provided for a land plot, then when assessing the cadastral value, the type of permitted use for which the specific indicator of the cadastral value of 1 m 2 will be maximum is selected.

If the market value of a land plot is known, then the cadastral value is determined as a percentage of it. cannot be higher than its market value.

Peculiarities of land valuation for different categories of destination

In the state cadastral valuation of lands of urban and rural settlements, vegetable gardening, horticultural and dacha associations, data from a statistical analysis of current market prices in dynamics and other information about land plots, as well as the results of other land valuation methods, are used, that is, it prevails comparative method .

When assessing , located outside urban and rural settlements, as well as forest lands, the amount of capitalization of the estimated rental income is taken into account (income method) .

Cadastral valuation of land plots located outside the territory of urban and rural settlements, which are classified as other, is based on the capitalization of estimated rental income or taking into account the costs required to reproduce and/or maintain and ensure the preservation of the value of their natural potential (income or cost method) .

Cadastral valuation of agricultural land requires the determination of integral indicators that take into account soil fertility, location and technological properties. On their basis, the cadastral value and rental income are calculated.

Results of cadastral land assessment

The results of the state cadastral valuation are approved by the relevant regulatory act of the administrative-territorial subject, are available to everyone in the media and on the Rosreestr website and are valid, as a rule, for 5 years, until the next cadastral valuation. The cadastral value of a land plot before the expiration of this period can be challenged and changed only in the following cases:

  • when the area and boundaries of the site change;
  • when changing the type of permitted use of the site;
  • when transferring a site to another category;
  • in case of objective changes in the characteristics of the site (as a result of floods, earthquakes, landslides, landslides, the passage of a road through the site, etc.);
  • if errors are detected in the documents that were used in calculating the cadastral value;
  • in the event of a significant change in market conditions, resulting in a drop in market value to a level below the cadastral value.

The cadastral value of a land plot can be changed:

  • in working order - by contacting the territorial body of Rosreestr at the location of the land plot;
  • administratively;
  • in a court.

The new cadastral value comes into force from the moment the corresponding changes are made to the State Property Committee and the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It.

This procedure should be performed no more often than once every 5 years. According to the law, it is impossible to do it less often, but more often it is possible, although it is not advisable. It will be enough if you evaluate your property once every 3 years, as required by law and due to subjective circumstances.

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The planned cadastral valuation of land plots will not be carried out in 2019. Now, from the beginning of the year, the so-called transition period has begun, when a new cadastral valuation system is being formed. This process will last until 2020, when budgetary institutions that will deal with cadastral valuation should finally be created.

What it is?

Cadastral valuation of land plots is work that is carried out to determine.

Such actions consist of several stages:

  • approval of the decision;
  • choice of performer;
  • actually carrying out the work;
  • acceptance of results;
  • entering them into the EGRN (Unified State Register of Real Estate).

Why is an assessment carried out? The main goal is to establish the cadastral value of any property, including a land plot.

The rules for assessing different categories of land differ (as well as by type of permitted use). For example, when valuing agricultural land, the main thing is the income method, which determines future income from the use of this land.

The second most important category - the lands of settlements - are assessed taking into account the same aspects as when determining. They look at the conditions in a certain region and locality. There is a basic rule: the cadastral price should not exceed the market price.

The reasons that force people to carry out cadastral valuation are the following:

  • the market value of the land that is owned is lower than the cadastral value or the same;
  • the taxpayer wants to determine a fair tax on his land plot if it seems to him to be unreasonably high;
  • transactions for the alienation of territory (purchase and sale, donation, inheritance);
  • Receiving funds from a bank secured by a land plot will necessarily require its revaluation.

Currently, there are two types of state cadastral valuation: extraordinary and planned. The planned one will be carried out according to schedule, and the unscheduled one will be carried out in the case when real estate prices in a certain region fall by more than 30% compared to the last cadastral assessment.

Normative base

Currently, “On the rules for cadastral valuation of land” is in force. It defines both the procedure and the purposes of cadastral valuation. A definition of cadastral work and performers of this type of service is given.

Until 2020, these assessment works will be carried out not by federal, but by commercial structures.

From the beginning of 2019, changes to Federal Law No. 360 “On Amendments to Certain Laws” come into force. According to this legal act, the cadastral value will be “frozen” until the 20th year. From January 1, 2019, the one in force at the beginning of 2014 will apply.

The government has drawn up a bill according to which all cadastral valuation will be taken under state control. Evaluation methods will be developed “at the top.” Each subject of the Russian Federation will receive the corresponding indices quarterly and evaluate the site according to them. And until the introduction of the new regulations, the old law will apply, according to which commercial structures take part in the assessment.

Cadastral valuation of land plots

After the transition period associated with the formation of both new assessment methods and personnel has passed, assessments will be carried out only by state employees. They will be located in the branches of the State Cadastre.

Clarification of the cadastral value and removal of errors will be carried out free of charge. It is assumed that with regular clarification of the cadastral value of objects there will be fewer inaccuracies and errors.

Where to go?

So, now an unscheduled cadastral valuation can be ordered from private owners or from Rosreestr. These are appraisal companies that carry out this type of work according to the application, that is, ahead of schedule. While the transition period continues (until 2020), you have the right to choose the appraisal company yourself.
If desired, it can also be ordered from Rosreestr.

Before concluding a contract, carefully check the correctness of your choice, since further actions will depend on the quality of the assessment.

Information about the honesty of a company can be obtained both from friends and on special forums. It makes no sense to be guided only by price.

How is it carried out?

First, talk to an appraiser. It may not make sense to carry out additional work. In order to reach an agreement, you need to clearly indicate the goal you are pursuing.

If you were able to agree verbally and agreed on the date for the procedure, you can sign the contract.

It contains the following information:

  • what is the purpose of the assessment;
  • what methodology will be used;
  • dates when the work will be completed;
  • responsibility of appraisers in case of incorrect assessment.

We attach it to the contract. This statement can also be received electronically and then printed. It will be cheaper and faster. There is a corresponding function on the Rosreestr website; you can fill out an application, pay by card online and receive an electronic document.

The conclusion must contain the following characteristics:

  • technical parameters of the site and its;
  • information about the owner;
  • what technique was used, what was the reason;
  • cadastral value.

If your goal was to reduce the tax base, then an increase in cost will have the opposite effect on this factor. And in the case when your goal is to evaluate the collateral, increasing the cadastral price will have a favorable effect on the bank’s decision.


When assessing, various methods are used that give different results on the same territory.

The most common are:

  • expensive;
  • comparative;
  • profitable.

In the case of cost, those investments that were made by municipalities or the state are counted. First of all, these are roads and infrastructure, including installed utilities. They pay for themselves through taxes levied on the taxpayer-owners. They have a high cadastral and market value.

The comparative method uses the following analogies: location (close/far from the center or populated area), ecology and landscape. The comparative approach is applied only where the objects at which the audit was carried out are located nearby. Appropriate amendments are made and a cadastral value close to the neighboring one is established.

The income method is used when it comes to commercially valuable areas. This is land located, for example, in the city center or an elite area. The cadastral value is based on the prospects and profitability of this site.

Is it possible to change the price?

Very often, various types of errors are made during cadastral registration. They may be associated with inaccuracies entered into the cadastre at the first stage, when the boundary plan is submitted to Rosreestr. Errors may also come from incorrect calculations or typos. In this case, it is necessary and possible to change the cadastral value.

Most often this is done through the court. As a result, an extraordinary cadastral assessment is carried out and new data is entered into Rosreestr.


In addition to the court, claims for incorrect assessment of cadastral value are accepted by special commissions. These commissions are created on the basis of local branches of Rosreestr, the so-called dispute commissions.

MitraGroup will conduct a cadastral valuation of land in Moscow and the Moscow region and help reduce the tax burden!

Get advice on tactics to reduce the cadastral value of your site and your benefit - FREE!

What is the difference between an independent cadastral valuation of a land plot and a state one?

Independent assessment

  • A cadastral valuation of a specific land plot is carried out based on the data provided.
  • When determining the price, all the advantages and disadvantages that affect the cost of the site are taken into account.
  • The result obtained corresponds to the current market value of the land and the realities of the situation.

State assessment

  • To conduct a cadastral valuation of land, the appraisal company is provided with general data for the region and, on their basis, averaged data is obtained.
  • Individual characteristics of the plots, which can increase or decrease the price, are not taken into account.
  • As a result, the cadastral value may differ significantly from the real market value.

List of required documents:

  1. Certificate of state registration of rights or extract from the Unified State Register
  2. Cadastral passport of a land plot
  3. Cadastral certificate of cadastral value

Independent cadastral valuation of land in Moscow in numbers

By contacting MitraGroup for cadastral valuation of land plots in settlements, you can save from 30 to 70% of funds on paying property taxes or rental rates.

In 70% of cases challenging the cadastral value, the applicant's demands were satisfied.

What is the time frame for cadastral valuation of land plots?

Creating an assessment report takes

MitraGroup is your reliable partner in independent assessment of the cadastral value of land

  • Guaranteed reduction in cadastral value! We determine the cadastral
    the cost of the plot and we guarantee a reduction in cost thanks to our
  • Work under the Federal Law “On Assessment”! Our reports are exactly the same
    According to the legislation, we provide a 6 month guarantee on the report.
  • We work with any objects! We will evaluate any private, industrial, agricultural or commercial site.
  • We cooperate with SRO! All our reports are approved
    from a partner company with SRO approval.
  • Transparent and understandable calculation methods! All assessment documents are accompanied by the required explanations and calculations.
  • We'll deliver for free! The assessment can be picked up at the office or ordered
    free delivery by courier within the Moscow Ring Road.

How to order a procedure for assessing the cadastral value of land in Moscow and the Moscow region:

  • Leave a request.
  • Provide us with documents for the site.
  • Wait for the results.
  • Order free delivery of the report within the Moscow Ring Road.

Where an independent cadastral valuation of land plots may be required:

  • To the commission for revising the cadastral value. The organization operates under all regional branches of Rosreestr. This is the first stage in changing cadastral data.
  • To court. If the commission makes a negative decision on the case, then the assessment of the site for challenging the cadastral value is provided as the main evidence in court.

Determination of the cadastral value of land for various purposes

Order from MitraGroup:

  • Determination of the cadastral value of agricultural land occurs according to the same method as for forest lands. The company’s specialists will set the real price of arable land, hayfields, and pastures. Their service is in demand among agricultural business owners.
  • Determination of the cadastral value of industrial land. Establishing the value of an industrial complex requires taking into account the price of the land on which they are located.

New rules for cadastral valuation in 2017

In 2016, a new law “On State Cadastral Valuation” (Federal Law No. 237) was adopted. It came into effect on January 1, 2017. According to the new legal act, the assessment will be carried out by the institute of state appraisers. Previously, the determination of the cadastral value of agricultural lands and lands for other purposes was carried out by independent appraisal companies, which were selected on a competitive basis. This meant that the assessment was entrusted to the organizations that offered the lowest price.

The cadastral value established on January 1, 2014 is frozen for a period of 6 years, that is, until the beginning of 2020. But the law determines that individuals and legal entities can challenge it if they consider it unfair. For this reason, the number of clients wishing to determine the real cadastral value of land plots will not decrease.

To receive advice and order services from the MitraGroup company, fill out the form below, our specialists will call you back to clarify the details.

Name of worksCost of work
from 90,000 rub.
from 90,000 rub.
Challenging the cadastral value of a land plot for private plots, individual housing construction, country house construction, for gardeningfrom 40,000 rub.
Challenging the cadastral value of an agricultural land plotfrom 40,000 rub.
Challenging the cadastral value of an industrial land plotfrom 50,000 rub.
Challenging the cadastral value of a commercial land plotfrom 60,000 rub.
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