How plastic surgery is done. What you need to know before having plastic surgery. The real story of facial plastic surgery with surgeon Andrey Iskornev

Real photo of a patient (52 years old) after SMAS lifting on the 12th day (WITHOUT PHOTOSHOP!). In the top photo of the collage you can see the amazing neck lifting effect. And below on the left, as it was before. The patient (maybe you even recognize her) is happy, in a great mood, posing. You can even meet her in person at our clinic when you schedule your consultation.

The real story of facial plastic surgery with surgeon Andrey Iskornev

On the eve of her anniversary (50 years), our patient Marina really wanted to perk up, get new emotions, look younger and love herself again!

Photograph of the patient 3 days before surgery.

It was difficult to decide on the operation, even though Marina dreamed about it so much. The excitement went away as soon as Marina talked with the doctors and anesthesiologist, recharged with energy, gained a positive attitude and confidently lay down on the operating table.

First day after surgery.

Doctors remember how well Marina was in the post-operative period: she always said: “Everything will be fine with me, all the bruises will go away and I will be the most beautiful!” And so it happened!

Marina shines at the party. A little over a month has passed since the operation.

SMAS lift with modeling of the midface, before and 1.5 months after surgery. The photo is published with her permission.

SMAS mid-face lift, endoscopic forehead lift, deep Hollywood platysmaplasty, CO2 fractional skin resurfacing, lip contouring. "Before" and 10 days "after". Surgeon: Andrey Iskornev.

Another story of facial plastic surgery of patient Iskorneva A.A.

“I fell asleep and woke up in the ward, but then I still really wanted to sleep”

Irina became the heroine of the project with the most big amount surgical procedures in one anesthesia. Iskornev A.A. performed liposuction of her chin, facelift, transconjunctival blepharoplasty, endoscopic lift of the eyebrows and temporal region and completed everything with lipofilling, that is, filling wrinkles and folds of the face with her own fat to simulate volume and a more natural result of the operation.

The operation was performed under general anesthesia under the guidance of the most experienced anesthesiologist Natalya Georgievna Sarkisova, Ph.D. with more than 30 years of experience in aesthetic surgery.

Progress of the operation

At the very beginning of the operation, the surgeon performs liposuction of the chin. In Irina's case, we used a laser to further reduce the skin. Then transconjunctival blepharoplasty was performed, which removed the fat bags of the lower eyelids without making a skin incision. Next came the longest stage - facelift (tightening the skin of the face and neck with a pre-auricular incision). With this operation, it is not so much the skin that is tightened, but the internal structures, which are united by the concept of SMAS. Since during such an operation excess skin is formed in the temporal region, Iskornev A.A. Then he performed an endoscopic tightening of the skin of the temple and at the same time lifting the “tails” of the eyebrows. The only incision from such an operation is located in the scalp and is completely invisible in the future. And the finishing touch was lipofilling, during which Irina was given additional volume in the cheekbones and the so-called tear trough. All this together ensures maximum naturalness as a result of the operation.

This is what the patient’s “inner world” looks like through the surgeon’s endoscope, which is used to lift the temporal area and eyebrows through a small incision in the temporal region. Magnification on the monitor helps the doctor avoid the slightest inaccuracy in performing the operation.

Blood tests before facelift:

  • General blood analysis
  • Biochemical analysis blood
  • Coagulogram (blood test for clotting)
  • Testing for HIV, hepatitis C, hepatitis B, syphilis
  • General urine analysis
  • Examination by a gynecologist (if indicated)
  • Consultation with a therapist (if indicated)

Joyful changes

Irina on the 10th day after surgery, isolated bruises on the soft tissues and sclera of the eye. It has no effect on vision!

14th day after surgery. Coming back to life

The patient before and 2 weeks after a circular facelift.

This is what the suture looks like in the pre-auricular area on the 20th day after surgery.

Additional procedures that enhance the results of the operation

What has changed after facial plastic surgery?

The contour of the lower jaw has improved. By moving and fixing the subcutaneous structure of the face, called the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system), the contour of the lower jaw was tightened.

The bags (fat protrusions) of the lower eyelids have disappeared. Irina underwent transconjunctival blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids, since the excess skin of the lower eyelids was insignificant and therefore she wanted to perform the operation without leaving any incisions on the skin. Although, with properly performed classical blepharoplasty, these scars are completely invisible starting from the 10th day after the operation.

The “tail of the eyebrow” and skin in the temple area have tightened. Since Irina had previously undergone classical blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids, it was best to “open the eyelid” and carefully tighten the tip of the eyebrow from the temporal approach. The look became more youthful, and the eyebrow stopped “looking down.”

Before and after transconjunctival blepharoplasty, eyebrow tail lift.

The head of the EMC Aesthetic Clinic and leading plastic surgeon Sergei Levin talks about responsibility to the patient, finding a doctor and the latest trends.

— What should you pay attention to when choosing a clinic and surgeon?

Sergey Levin, head of the EMC Aesthetic Clinic, plastic surgeon, Ph.D.

— The surest way to choose a clinic is by recommendation. There is nothing more reliable than personal experience acquaintances The history of the clinic where the recommended surgeon works is important: its reputation serves as the main guarantee of the quality of operations. An additional indicator of reliability will be the length of time the surgeon works in the clinic - the longer it is, the better.

The second stage is a personal consultation. I think that it is worth staying with a surgeon who inspires trust both as a professional and as a person.

Numerous certifications do not always reflect professionalism. Yes, this is an important stage, but surgery is a profession based on experience and practice. IN plastic surgery there are many nuances that sometimes cannot be taught: this is the technique of creating invisible seams, and the features of working with cartilage and skeletal systems, and knowledge of the complex architecture of the facial structure. Understanding the subtleties comes only with experience.

It is very important that the patient and the surgeon have the same idea of ​​beauty. The doctor’s portfolio should contain many photographs with the results of his work, this will allow one to appreciate his vision of beauty. But the photo in Lately is not the main guarantee; some doctors even fake pictures in Photoshop. However, if the surgeon has over a hundred “before and after” images, this is a good indicator.

— How does a patient choose a surgeon?

“The patient will stay with the surgeon who will simply and clearly explain to him what the result will be and will dispel all his fears. Not fears associated with anesthesia, but fears of being dissatisfied with the operation.

Using the latest digital technologies, misunderstandings between surgeon and patient can be avoided. Today, the result of almost any operation can be shown virtually using 3D computer modeling. At each of my consultations, I always do preliminary modeling. The patient himself sees what will happen in the end and decides on the operation.

By the way, many surgeons do not work with 3D modeling because they believe that it imposes additional responsibility on them. After all, these are different things - saying “I promise, everything will be beautiful” and doing 3D modeling, where it will be obvious what a person will look like afterwards. But in the patient’s head there may be a completely different picture that is impossible to make, but which the surgeon can promise.

What if you don’t like the result of the operation?

- You can suggest a correction. Usually the result is not pleasant, not because of the surgeon’s mistake, but because the patient and the surgeon did not reach a common vision of the result. According to medical ethics, in this case a correction must be made. Since the operation involves not only the work of the surgeon, but also the work of the anesthesiologist and nurses, the cost of the correction operation is still paid.

— Do you refuse patients?

— I always voice my point of view to the patient. The surgeon must act for the benefit of the patient, so he can dissuade in cases where he sees that after the operation the patient will not be more beautiful or he asks for the impossible. Depending on the case, I may refuse to operate for my own ethical reasons or if the operation could be harmful to health.

For example, young women often want big breasts. But they do not fully realize that the heaviness of the bust puts stress on the shoulders and spine and can cause back problems and chronic lower back pain. In addition, the operation is sometimes followed by a difficult recovery period. If I see that from an aesthetic point of view the patient is all right and she is clearly under someone’s influence, then it is better to invite her to think again.

— One of the most popular operations is breast augmentation, and there are many myths associated with it. What is important to know about breast surgery?

— Successful breast surgery is only possible with an experienced surgeon, in a well-equipped clinic and with the availability of high-quality medical materials (primarily breast implants). In addition, you need to know the following: implants are not associated with the occurrence of tumor diseases, the incision (it can be under the breast, under the armpit and along the areola) does not affect the sensitivity of the nipples, all implants are soft, therefore they practically do not differ from natural breasts to the touch, surgery does not affect future breastfeeding.

— How to prepare for surgery?

— Most often people turn to plastic surgery for healthy people. If a person does not have diseases that affect his lifestyle, then he can be called healthy. However, preparation for surgery necessarily includes a preoperative examination, where the patient passes everything necessary tests and undergoes specialized research. There is always a risk that during the examination problems may be discovered that require, for example, medical intervention. This happens rarely, but it does happen.

The postoperative period is no less important than preparation. After the operation, the surgeon remains in touch with the patient, answers all questions, performs postoperative dressings and examinations. The more complex the operation and the longer the recovery period, the more often the doctor meets with the patient at post-consultations.

In aesthetic surgery, the main principle of the physiology of aging cannot be neglected: age-related changes affect all facial structures. It's not just the quality of the skin that changes. With age, the skull—the support and frame that determines the proportions of the face—shrinks, soft tissue thins, and bone structures undergo resorption (destruction). By reducing the size of the skull, the slope of the forehead changes, the size of the nose changes (the tip goes down, the back becomes more massive and wider), and the distance between the base of the nose and the edge of the upper lip increases.

To achieve natural rejuvenation, you must first restore the foundation. The introduction of fillers into the area above the periosteum allows you to restore lost volumes of bone tissue. Relevant points are the chin, the corners of the lower jaw, the infraorbital region, the temple and forehead area. After restoring the volume of the skull, a facelift or rejuvenating rhinoplasty can be performed.

The material was prepared with the support of the EMC Aesthetic Clinic.

Nature endows each person with a number of advantages, including external ones. But what to do if she bypassed your face or body?

Is it worth correcting external imperfections with the help of plastic surgery, and most importantly, what might be the cost of such interventions? What actually drives people to the plastic surgeon's office? Let's talk about this.

Women's reasons

Why do women decide to change the shape of their lips or the size of their breasts, or why do they get a facelift? This decision is usually caused by one reason. Many young ladies dream of getting rid of the complexes that have haunted them from a young age. They categorically do not accept some part of the body in themselves; it seems ugly to them and, in their opinion, is the main obstacle to a new relationship. Many people believe that by radically changing their appearance, they will become truly sexy and desirable in the eyes of men.

Male gaze

Not all men are the same in their habits, actions, and even more so in their views on “artificial” beauty. Some of them are convinced that silicone is a huge pest. women's health. And this is true in most cases. After all, silicone implants can cause such dangerous diseases as breast cancer, lymph node cancer, soft tissue necrosis, bleeding, blood clots and a number of others. negative consequences.

Others are convinced that no silicone can make a woman fall in love. After all, true love is not measured in the parameters of “cover beauty.”

There are men who still encourage women in their choice and even sponsor such operations. Moreover, they can go with her to an appointment with a plastic surgeon and independently choose their future breasts or lips. Such men assert themselves at the expense of women.

“Here, admire her breasts, her sexy mouth - have you ever seen such seductive forms? Yes, this is my woman and she belongs only to me. And you can only envy me,” these are the thoughts that occur to male supporters of artificial beauty. Therefore, if your chosen one declares that he is ready to pay for all the services of a plastic surgeon, think about whether he really loves you or just wants to assert himself at the expense of your new forms?

A sociological study among British men who had to answer a single question: “How do you feel about silicone breasts?” showed unexpected results for women. 87% of surveyed men aged 18 to 35 are convinced that silicone breasts are UNBEAUTIFUL! And only 13% of respondents do not see anything wrong with the fact that women decided to change the shape of their breasts, and some of them are even ready to fully pay for the services of a plastic surgeon.

Think twice

So, if a woman nevertheless decides to plastic surgery, and even if she managed to avoid negative consequences for physical health, this does not mean that her life will improve overall.

After all, a “redesigned” appearance is not always perceived by others the way she would like it to be. For example, close people may repeatedly say that her previous nose, breasts, wrinkles or lips looked much more natural. And even if such phrases are not uttered to offend, they still sound very convincing from the lips of others, and most importantly - sincerely. Therefore, such “frankness” will not go unnoticed and will not pass by women’s ears. After all, doubts, feelings of guilt, and most importantly - the awareness of the fact that her “efforts” did not live up to their hopes, did not surprise them, and even worse - became the object of sympathetic glances, reduce your desire to be perfect to nothing.

In order not to torment yourself with such thoughts later, you should once again adequately assess your shortcomings and think: do they really interfere with your life and relationships with men? And most importantly, ask yourself the question: “Can new form breasts (nose, lips) radically affect my self-esteem and get rid of many complexes? The answer to this question can only be partially affirmative, since getting rid of external complexes is primarily an internal work.

Therefore, some conscientious plastic surgeons insist on mandatory psychological support for the client before surgery. Often, during the process of psychological consultation, clients come to the conclusion that they do not need to correct external shortcomings at all in order to feel happy, in demand and full-fledged people, but only need to strengthen their self-esteem, that is, to believe in themselves.

After all, one complex is often replaced by another - deeper ones. And if you get rid of them with the help of surgical manipulations, this will lead... to addiction or so-called “plastic addiction”. This is worth talking about in detail.

Bad Examples

I think each of us knows at least one case of such addiction, as a result of which very attractive (which is important) people turned into, to put it mildly, living “mummies”. They not only managed to unpleasantly surprise the public with their fatal transformations, but also completely ruined their lives.

A clear example of this “trap” is the image of the King of Pop Michael Jackson- one of the record holders for the number of plastic surgeries. It is possible that the king of pop could continue to delight the whole world with his musical masterpieces if he could overcome his addiction to this type of surgery in time.

Famous singer Jessica Simpson I really wanted to have an even more gorgeous bust. After a sharp weight loss, the star’s breasts noticeably lost their former shape. Therefore, she decided to correct this deficiency with the help of plastic surgeons. As a result, she became the owner of enlarged mammary glands, which look somewhat asymmetrical.

Valery Leontyev, like many of his colleagues, is a big fan of modern plastic technologies. He was repeatedly rejuvenated using similar procedures. But the latest plastic surgery to lift the eyelids led to undesirable consequences in the form of damage to the muscle responsible for lifting upper eyelid. As a result medical error The singer could not completely close his eyes for a long time.

Also among the “victims” of plastic surgery are celebrities whose previous appearance was much more attractive than their present one - Amanda Lepore, Jackie Stallone, Jnice Dickidson, Lucia Mendez, Joan Van Ark, Joan Rivers.

Therefore, if even public people become guinea pigs in the hands of experienced (!) surgeons, then what can happen to a person who decides to change his life in this way? better side? I think the appropriate conclusion suggests itself.

Objective reasons

In addition to the very subjective reasons why many of us decide to undergo plastic surgery, there are a number of objective motives for this procedure.

1. Reconstructive reasons. If you really have congenital or acquired defects in appearance as a result of some kind of injury (deviated nasal septum or painful stretch marks abdominal cavity), which means that plastic surgery will not only help you get rid of visible flaws, but will also improve your health.

2. Postoperative consequences. Many women, fortunately, manage to overcome such a dangerous disease as breast cancer. But through chemotherapy and surgery, their breasts become, to put it mildly, imperfect. Therefore, plastic surgery can help many women restore their previous bust shape.

3.Aesthetic reasons. For example, if a woman or man in their youth looks much older than their biological age and their face is covered with deep wrinkles, then plastic surgery can really improve their quality of life. After all, having felt confident in our beauty, we also get rid of low self-esteem, which prevents us from achieving our goals.

Decide or abstain?

So, if you simply decided to surprise your loved ones with a new look, this is not a reason to seek help from a plastic surgeon. You should rather go to a stylist, makeup artist or psychologist. By the way, any conscientious doctor who can consider your problem from his professional point of view should convince you of this.

Also, do not forget that this type of surgery is like a funnel from which it is very difficult to get out. This is evidenced by the statistics of unsuccessful plastic surgeries, which require more and more interventions to correct defects that have arisen after previous operations.

Do not forget that those to whom all our efforts are “dedicated”, that is, men, are not always supporters surgical interventions. And even if they do not hide their admiration, “drinking in” widely with open eyes on television screens where busty Hollywood beauties “live” - this does not mean that they would like to live with a woman who personifies the standard of ideal forms. After all, beauty gives them not only admiration and the desire to possess, but also jealousy, envy and... an inferiority complex.

Fashion trends and modern trends in beauty standards are not a reason or indication for plastic surgery, but just your whim, which can lead to irreversible consequences and very unexpected reactions from others. Therefore, you should not take such a serious step without consulting with your loved ones.

But! If you nevertheless decide to correct the shape or size of a certain part of the face, then go in search of a reputable and trusted surgeon - collect recommendations, find out all the details of the rehabilitation period, weigh the risks of unwanted postoperative consequences, and most importantly - weigh the pros and cons. against". And before you go to a plastic surgeon, give yourself an answer to one single question: will a new breast shape (lips, nose, eyelid) make me happier? Sometimes just a truthful answer can play a decisive role in making such an important decision.

These days, plastic surgery is no longer considered something unusual. This is a common phenomenon not only among women, but also among men. You can resort to plastic surgery if you want to be beautiful, every woman strives to make her body perfect, and someone wants to remove a birth defect that interferes with normal life and self-esteem. There are many reasons why people think about plastic surgery, but in this article we will talk about when is the best time to have plastic surgery. Before you go to a plastic surgery clinic, pay attention to what time of year it is.

Climatic conditions different seasons have a great influence on the outcome of plastic surgery. At the “border” of the seasons, it is not recommended to lie under the surgeon’s scalpel, since the human body at this time is vulnerable and susceptible to stress and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

So what time of year should you choose for plastic surgery?

According to the research results, it was found that Most plastic surgery clinics perform a large number of operations in winter, namely at the end of December or beginning of January. This is due to the fact that during the long winter holidays the patient’s body will become stronger, and he will not have to miss work or take time off at his own expense.

But for many patients, this scenario is not entirely suitable, since the rehabilitation time falls on holidays, which means that those who like to have fun and drink will have a very hard time. As for smoking, you will also have to abstain here. Two weeks before the operation, you will have to give up this bad habit, as it can have a bad effect on the healing process of the sutures after the operation.

If you have a weak immune system, you should not plan surgery for autumn or spring., since at these times of the year the body is most susceptible to disease and can easily catch viral infection. And those infected with infectious diseases, cancer, as well as patients diabetes mellitus, and plastic surgery is contraindicated for people with poor blood clotting.

How about having surgery in the summer? There was a mistaken time that summer is not best time for plastic surgery. For example, in the summer, sutures heal poorly due to hot weather, and the compression garments that the patient is forced to wear cause even greater inconvenience.

Of course, this is true, but we do not live in the Stone Age, and all modern clinics are equipped with air conditioning systems, and at home today almost everyone has an air conditioner; you are unlikely to go for a walk outside with bandages, but at home everything will be fine with you.

In addition, summer has a good effect on the condition of the body, your immunity is not exhausted as in winter, metabolic processes in the body accelerate and blood flow improves, as a result of which scars heal faster and the rehabilitation period is reduced.

In the summer, rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty are most often performed, because after eyelid correction, patients are recommended to constantly wear dark glasses, which in the summer season will not surprise anyone, but in winter, on the contrary, they will attract attention to you and will arouse curiosity among others.

Also popular in summer are procedures such as otoplasty and mammoplasty, as well as endoscopic face lifting. Everything heals faster in the summer.

Another advantage of summer operations is that it can be done at the beginning of your vacation, so that there are no unnecessary questions at work where you were missing. And when you return to work after your vacation, you can explain your changes that you had a good rest and it was good for you.

Well, if you can't stand it well high temperature, you have problems with blood vessels, then it is better to postpone plastic surgery until the end of summer and beginning of autumn, when it is not yet cold, and the summer benefits for the body still remain.

Some are sure that before the operation it is necessary to read horoscopes and check with lunar calendar, and if there is even the slightest warning that you need to be careful in the near future and not make hasty decisions, you should wait a little with the procedure until the stars smile on you. Well, whether to believe in the horoscope or not is up to you.

At what age should plastic surgery be done?

So, we found out when it is best to have plastic surgery, and now let’s move on to age. Are there any restrictions or contraindications for plastic surgery at a given age?

According to the results of numerous surveys, women believe that it is better to have plastic surgery at a younger age, and not when they turn 60 and there is no need for it. Plastic surgery should do its job, decorate the face and body, but at the same time in such a way that it does not catch the eye of others, and when they see you, they ask: “Have you changed your hairstyle?”

The other half of those surveyed believe that in young people, the beauty given by nature has not yet faded, and they have no reason to lie under the surgeon’s scalpel without time. But older women sometimes really need such operations. As wrinkles appeared over time, the skin sagged and lost its former elasticity. What will the doctors say about this?

One of the most frequently asked questions, which is asked by those who want to change something in their appearance, is “At what age can you have plastic surgery?”

A child can undergo surgery to correct any defects even at the age of 5. This requires parental consent. And when you turn 18, you can do whatever you want with your body, as long as your head is in place.

Advice from the Plastic Club: plastic surgery can and should be done solely according to the indications of a particular patient. And the main thing is that it should not be “chasing the trend”, but really your inner desire)

Each type of operation has its own age category; it is informal. So, for example, 18 summer girl there will be no need for a facelift or elimination of a sagging belly; most likely, she will want to become the owner of gorgeous breasts, correct the shape of her nose, the shape of her eyes, enlarge or change the shape of her lips.

Older ladies are thinking about how to rejuvenate their skin, get rid of excess fat, in other words, become younger.

To have plastic surgery, no age restrictions. Once you turn 18, you decide what to do with your body, and if there are any risks, the doctor should warn you about them in advance and, if necessary, dissuade you from undergoing surgery.

Many women often ask the question, “Is it possible to have plastic surgery during menstruation?” Of course, it is possible to have surgery during menstruation, but is it worth it?

The fact is that unnecessary bruises and swelling, increased bleeding may appear, as a result of which the rehabilitation period will increase. Plastic surgery is not urgent and can wait a few days until your period stops. Therefore, doctors try not to operate at this time.

Another important aspect that certainly needs to be taken into account is the timing of recovery and rest after surgery.

For example, having undergone facial plastic surgery, it is necessary to properly observe the rehabilitation period and impeccably follow all the doctor’s instructions. There is no need to think that everything difficult is already behind you, and you have started new life with a new face. This face still needs to be brought to “mind.” And if you do not follow the doctor's advice, unpleasant consequences may occur, such as bruising, swelling and other extensive complications.

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