How to make an egg glow. How to make a rubber egg from a chicken egg. Experiments for children

There are many interesting and safe experiments that you can do at home. To do this, you can use what you have in the house. Such experiments do not require a special place or special knowledge.

The essence of the experiment

A fun experiment can be done with an ordinary chicken egg, you can also use quail egg, the process will go a little faster with it. The whole point of the experiment is how to make a rubber egg from an ordinary egg.

To do this, the egg is placed in vinegar and left for a certain time. Vinegar reacts with calcium and completely dissolves it. The shell comes off the protein in the form of gas bubbles. What remains at the end looks like an elastic jelly ball; it looks and feels like rubber. For those who are pondering the option of how to make a rubber egg without vinegar, the answer is simple - not at all! Without vinegar, the desired reaction will not occur, and the experiment will fail or the result will not be the same.

First stage of the experiment

Now you will learn how to make a rubber egg at home. To do this, you need to prepare 9% vinegar, one egg and glassware.

An egg is placed in a transparent bowl and filled with vinegar so that it is completely hidden. The reaction begins instantly, bubbles immediately appear on the shell carbon dioxide. In bird eggs, the shell contains 90% calcium carbonate.

When exposed to acid, the shell begins to soften and disintegrate into small elements. When decomposed, a chemical product is released - carbon dioxide. To figure out how to make a rubber egg, you don’t need to have any special knowledge of chemistry. The only thing you need to know in this case is that you cannot eat such an egg. Now everything needs to be left for 15-24 hours.

Continuation of the experiment in a day

After the specified time has passed, the egg must be removed from the vinegar. You can do this without gloves; with short-term contact with the skin, nothing bad will happen. It will be noticeable to the naked eye that the egg has increased in size, there are remains of the shell on it, but now they look more like white powder. These residues must be washed off with water. Here's how to make a rubber egg with your own hands. It was saturated with vinegar and felt like thick jelly or rubber to the touch. The color of the white became darker, but the yolk remained in the same condition as before.

The egg can be squeezed a little; it bounces well off a hard surface, like a bouncy ball. But throwing it from a great height or using force when throwing it is not worth it. Only the upper shell becomes dense, while part of the white and the yolk remain liquid. When you try to cut this “bouncy”, the contents flow out. If you illuminate it, you can see where the yolk is.

White egg

In addition to this method, there are other options for making a rubber egg. In this case, it will not be transparent, but white. The whole experiment is carried out the same way, only acetic acid is used instead of vinegar. After keeping the egg in chemical substance the allotted time, it also needs to be washed under running water; in this case, it is better to protect your hands from exposure to acid and use gloves.

The outer shell also completely dissolves, but the egg itself has White color, like a boiled egg, and it is not so elastic to the touch, it does not spring back if you throw it on a hard surface, but it is also interesting as an experiment.

Colored eggs

It is very fun to conduct such experiments, it is also interesting to play with the resulting jumpers, they perform a unique role as anti-stress. That is why you can make such “jumpers” multi-colored.

How to make a rubber egg colored? It's very simple - add egg coloring to vinegar. Such dyes have a persistent and rich color; they dissolve well in vinegar. There are different colors in the dye pack. For such an experiment, you need to prepare as many vessels as the number of colors that will be used in the experiment. There are as many flowers as there are eggs. Place one egg in each bowl and add powder of the desired color. Pour vinegar over everything and wait the allotted time. When the residual coating from the shell is washed off, only the colored “jumper” will remain.

Of course, we should not forget that the egg has not actually turned into a rubber ball, and there is no need to put it with toys. Over time, it will deteriorate, or due to mechanical damage it will begin to leak and stain things. There is little pleasure in getting dirty with a spoiled egg, the smell is terrible and it washes off gradually. If it doesn't break within the first couple of days, it's best to throw it away. If you wish, you can always make a new “rubber ball”.

We bring to your attention a very simple and very educational chemical experiment “Rubber Egg”. To carry out the experiment you will need:

Place the boiled egg in a previously prepared glass container (glass or bowl) and fill it with vinegar so that it completely covers the egg. And immediately we can observe the release of bubbles from the surface of the egg. This is nothing more than the reaction of acetic acid with calcium carbonate, which makes up the shell. After some time, the color of the shell will begin to change. And after 3 days, vinegar will completely dissolve the eggshells. Carefully remove the egg and rinse thoroughly with running tap water.

This is where the fun begins. Try exploring new properties of a well-known product with your child. See what happens when you press on the surface of the egg and how it behaves when it bounces off a hard surface. And if you shine a flashlight on an egg in the dark, you will see that it glows!

We carried out this simple chemical experiment with a boiled egg. Try this same experiment with a raw egg. The shell will become soft and elastic, the egg can even be squeezed a little. But we don’t recommend hitting it on a hard surface :).


Entertaining chemistry for children. Simple home chemistry experiments and many useful information from the world of chemistry | About the site

How to make a glowing, transparent and rubber egg

There are many amazing things in the world. Some of them you can do yourself at home.

Interesting experiments can be carried out with eggs.

You need to prepare necessary materials Please read the instructions below carefully, and be patient.

  • one raw egg;
  • large cup or glass;
  • 9% vinegar.

  1. Place an egg in a cup.
  2. Pour in enough vinegar to completely cover the egg.
  3. Place the cup in a dark place for a day.
  4. After a day, remove the egg from the cup and peel it white plaque, which remains instead of a shell.

This is the simplest egg experiment. Let's complicate the task - let's make it glow!

For the experience you need to prepare:

  • UV lamp;
  • two glasses;
  • two raw eggs;
  • two markers of different colors;
  • large bowl or medium sized bowl;
  • vinegar 15%;
  • gloves to protect hands;
  • pliers.

  1. Wear gloves. Using pliers, remove the back cover of the marker. Remove the soft colored center.
  2. Pour 100 g of vinegar into a bowl or bowl. Place the center of the marker in vinegar and squeeze the paint out of it.
  3. Do the same with the second marker.
  4. Place the eggs in glasses and pour the prepared mixtures over them.
  5. Place the containers with eggs in a dark place for two days.
  6. After two days, remove the eggs and wash them thoroughly under running water. Pay attention! The prepared egg is several times larger than usual.
  7. Ready eggs look very beautiful under ultraviolet light. In addition, they are very elastic and bouncy. But you need to play with them carefully, because they can burst.

  • Why does an egg become rubbery and where does the shell go?

The shell of an egg is made of a substance called calcium carbonate. Vinegar is an acid that can completely dissolve it.

The process that occurs when vinegar comes into contact with eggshells is called decalcification.

They are saturated with paint, which gradually penetrates them as the shell dissolves. The paint of the markers is very saturated, which is why it appears under the glow of an ultraviolet lamp.

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5 exciting experiments with eggs

Now the Internet is full of photos of Easter decorations, painted eggs and cute chickens. Needlewomen are actively creating beauty from eggs, kids are making crafts from eggshells and painting eggs. Our team of experimenters has prepared several entertaining experiments with an ordinary egg.

Let's start with a very simple experiment with an egg, which, if desired, can turn into a submarine. To do this you need to take raw eggs, jars and salt. Add a few tablespoons of salt to a jar of water and the egg floats, add fresh water and it sinks. This experience is suitable for very little curious people. Read why this happens here.

How will the egg and vinegar interact? This is easy to verify experimentally. Place a chicken egg in a glass with 9% vinegar for 6 to 12 hours. And then there is a process of interaction between the calcium contained in the eggshell and vinegar. All this is accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide. Gas bubbles appear on the surface of the shell.

After a while, the shell completely dissolves, and the egg ends up in a thin shell. You can play with this egg a little. If you carefully throw it on the table, it will bounce like a rubber ball. But be careful - the thin shell can easily burst, and the contents will stain everything around (tested from my own experience). It also turns out very beautifully if you illuminate the egg with a flashlight.

As in the previous experiment, we will need an egg and vinegar, as well as toothpaste. Half an egg was coated with toothpaste and placed in a glass with 9% vinegar. Left for 12 hours. After time, we saw that the shell under the layer of toothpaste had loosened a little, while the half not covered with toothpaste had completely lost its shell. Interesting!

This experiment is for extreme people. A chicken egg has a unique shape, thanks to which it remains very strong when exposed to pressure from the outside, and fragile when pressed from the inside. Everything is very well thought out by nature. These properties are used by architects during construction. But we did not go into details of the architecture, but decided to test the strength of the eggshell. Watch the video report.

If, as a result of the previous experiment, the eggs are still broken, then you can cook an unusual green scrambled egg, sometimes it turns out turquoise. Surprise your family.

Let's face it, science is fun. I hope you enjoyed the egg experiments, if so, share the link with your friends on in social networks. Invite us into your home laboratory. Tell us in the comments what you liked most and post a photo. We will be happy to share every joyful moment with you. And to make your future scientific research even more vivid and memorable, I have a useful GIFT for you - “A Collection of Experiments with Sound.” Have fun experimenting!

Victoria Usoltseva

03/30/2015 at 20:11

Wow, totally cool!!

But I knew about the pasta with egg, but I completely forgot. Excellent experience, our three-year-old inquisitive child, I am 100% sure, will like it 200%! We are waiting for the day off and we will test, shine a flashlight, sink submarines, and walk around. oh, I’m afraid that I won’t agree to such an “extreme”))))

Galina Kuzmina

03/31/2015 at 05:19

Happy experimenting. Then send us your photo experiences for the gallery!

Irina Snatkina

03/31/2015 at 09:20

Wow, I didn’t know that table vinegar had such an effect on eggshells! I'll have to experiment. :good:

Galina Kuzmina

04/01/2015 at 03:47

Irina, be sure to check it out.

Anna Ignatenia

04/01/2015 at 10:50

The green scrambled eggs and walking on eggs were impressive! Have fun! We experimented with vinegar and toothpaste, but it didn’t work out so effectively; apparently the shell was thicker. And they made a floating egg more than once). Thank you!

Galina Kuzmina

04/01/2015 at 11:43

Yes, mom Galya is having fun!

04/02/2015 at 18:08

It's so interesting to watch your experiments! Well done! So simple, but amazing for kids!

Galina Kuzmina

04/02/2015 at 18:39

Elena, sometimes I’m more surprised than the boys))

04/06/2015 at 05:47

Galya, such wonderful “Easter experiments”. I especially liked the green scrambled eggs. Have you tried it yet?

Galina Kuzmina

04/06/2015 at 09:15

Yes, quite edible))

Alexandra Malyuta

04/07/2015 at 12:50

What unusual experiences! Super fun and entertaining and educational! The green scrambled eggs were amazing!

Anastasia Sharapova

04/08/2015 at 16:34

Another simple experiment is to try crushing an egg in your hand. Will not work! Precisely for the same reason as walking on eggshells in experience :)

Galina Kuzmina

04/13/2015 at 14:08

Anastasia, thanks for the addition.

03/14/2017 at 09:33

can be crushed) there is a secret)

Galina Kuzmina

03/14/2017 at 10:48

03/15/2017 at 13:14

It's all a matter of physics; if you squeeze evenly with your entire palm, it won't work. If you apply force to one point, it breaks easily. My grandfather used to play me like this when I was a child

04/09/2015 at 11:01

The video experience is especially interesting!!) Before Easter, it’s important to learn new details about the properties of chicken eggs!

Galina Kuzmina

04/13/2015 at 14:07

Natalia Sokolova

04/22/2015 at 09:05

Very cool! You are just great! You give so many useful and interesting things! I should experiment with the same thing with eggs)

Equipment for slicing happiness

06/27/2015 at 08:57

KUL. Now I know what I will do with my daughter all day tomorrow.

Galina Kuzmina

06/27/2015 at 09:16


10/09/2015 at 06:33

Wow! My son and I conducted only one experiment with an egg, and here’s how many you have. We have something to strive for. Thank you for the inspiration!

08/06/2017 at 15:15

in one of Perelman’s entertaining books the following trick is described:

the shell softens so much under the influence of vinegar that the egg fits into the neck of the bottle.

You must first pour water into the bottle.

the shape of the egg will return to normal, the vinegar from the shell will go into the water and the shell will become hard again.

The jet engine for the boat is also described somewhere there:

We drill a hole in the shell from the sharp end, suck out the contents, fill it with water, secure it above the board, put a tablet of dry alcohol, set it on fire and wait for the water to boil and the craft to move.

This is for the boys - you have to solve technical problems.

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Participants in the “My Favorite Experience” photo gallery in October have a wonderful opportunity to win a gift from “Simple Science”.

The entire "Experiments in a Box" series.

The set includes 10 sets of “Experiments in boxes:

  1. Pharaoh snake
  2. Volcano
  3. Hot Ice
  4. Crystal
  5. Handgam
  6. Chemical eraser
  7. Experiments with balls
  8. Artificial snow
  9. Colloidal garden
  10. Hologram

Gifts are sent only within Russia.

  • The general period of the competition is from October 1, 2016 to October 31, 2016 inclusive.
  • Awarding of prizes until December 31, 2016 inclusive
  • Send your photos to participate in the Photo Gallery “My Favorite Experience” to:
  • Please indicate Photo Gallery in the subject.
  • Indicate the title of the work and the age of the experimenters.
  • No more than three works will be accepted from one participant.
  • Winners will be determined by November 7, 2016.
  • The winner is determined by the largest number votes given for the photo work.

Prizes are sent only within the territory of the Russian Federation

In a dark room, this egg-shaped product will glow and surprise your guests with its unusual appearance. In this publication we will study the method of making a glowing rubber egg. For this we will need a raw chicken egg, but we will not make any homunculi. We also need any container and vinegar. In this case, we used essence; you need to be very careful with it and do it all with gloves. You will need a bright acid yellow marker. You need to pour the toner out of it. If its rod is immersed in water, then all the paint will transfer into it. You need water to dilute the essence.
How to make a glowing egg.
We immerse the egg in a glass and fill it with marker toner. Add vinegar essence and a little water. Then it’s better to do everything on the balcony so that the essence doesn’t stink and leave for a couple of days until the egg shell is completely dissolved. When using the essence, everything will go much faster.
A day later, the egg’s shell dissolved. Now let’s wash it and see if it glows or not. This is how the egg turned out. Now we turn on the ultraviolet lamp and see that the egg has begun to glow.

How to get a glowing egg

For the experience you need to prepare:

  • UV lamp;
  • two glasses;
  • two raw eggs;
  • two markers of different colors;
  • large bowl or medium sized bowl;
  • vinegar 15%;
  • gloves to protect hands;
  • pliers.

What do we have to do.

  1. Wear gloves. Using pliers, remove the back cover of the marker. Remove the soft colored center.
  2. Pour 100 g of vinegar into a bowl or bowl. Place the center of the marker in vinegar and squeeze the paint out of it.
  3. Do the same with the second marker.
  4. Place the eggs in glasses and pour the prepared mixtures over them.
  5. Place the containers with eggs in a dark place for two days.
  6. After two days, remove the eggs and wash them thoroughly under running water. Pay attention! The prepared egg is several times larger than usual.
  7. Ready eggs look very beautiful under ultraviolet light. In addition, they are very elastic and bouncy. But you need to play with them carefully, because they can burst.

The science

Did you know that an egg is made up mostly of water?

Try an experiment with your children in which an egg shell will disappear in vinegar.

Besides? there are many more experiments that can be done with a chicken egg.

Experiments for children

1. Rubber egg (without shell).

You will need vinegar and 24 to 48 hours for the experiment.

Video experience for children

2. Flatten the egg and return it to its original shape.

If you repeat the first experiment with vinegar and then dip the egg in corn syrup, the egg will turn into a deflated ball. If you then immerse the egg in water and wait for some time (about 24 hours), it will “inflate” and return to its shape.

You will need:

Corn syrup

Egg container

Large spoon (to hold the egg in the container under the syrup)

Children's experiences

3. How to put an egg in a bottle?

You will need:

Hard boiled egg


Matches or lighter


1. Cut a strip of paper (20 x 2.5 cm).

2. Carefully light the strip at one end and drop it into the bottle.

3. Place a hard-boiled egg on the neck of the bottle.

4. Watch as the paper goes out on its own and the egg falls into the bottle.

How to get an egg out of a bottle?

Just blow hard into the bottle and the egg will pop out.

Home experiments for children

4. The egg is floating.

You will need:

2 cans or glasses

5 teaspoons salt

1. Pour water into one jar.

2. Pour warm water into the second jar and add salt. Stir.

3. Carefully place one egg into each jar.

4. Watch - one egg will remain afloat, and the other will sink to the bottom.

Experiments for children

5. How to make a glowing egg

You will need:

Marker for highlighting text

2 empty containers

UV lamp.

1. First c make a rubber egg (see experiment 1), only add paint squeezed out of a marker to the vinegar.

2. Wait 24 hours, remove the egg, turn off the light and shine the ultraviolet light on the egg.

Home experiments for children

6. Colored volcano.

You will need:

Baking soda

Egg paint or food coloring


1. Mix baking soda and food coloring in a ratio of 2 to 1. If the paint seems to you not too bright, add a little more dye. Stir to form a thin paste.

2. Using brushes, paint the eggs with a thick layer of paste.

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