How to roast a goose in the oven. Goose dishes. How to prepare a whole goose for roasting

Winter is rich in major holidays, including Catholic Christmas, New Year, and Christmas according to the Orthodox calendar. And if the New Year's table in Russia and the post-Soviet countries is famous for champagne, Olivier salad and tangerines, then the Christmas table (for both Catholics and Orthodox Christians) has a special meaning.

The number of dishes and the preparation of ritual dishes also play an important role, but the main place is, naturally, given to the Christmas bird, and not a banal chicken, but a more serious bird. More rare “guests” appear on the tables - goose, duck or turkey.

This material contains the best options for goose dishes baked in the oven. By the way, you can cook it not only for Christmas, but also for other important occasions.

Tasty and juicy goose baked whole in the oven - step-by-step photo recipe

For a holiday, you want to surprise your guests with a delicious and original dish. And what could be tastier than a goose baked in the oven?

Cooking a goose is not so easy. You need to know some secrets. The first secret is preparing the marinade. The taste and quality of the meat will depend on the marinade.

To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • Goose weighing 3 kg.
  • Seasoning for meat – 25 g.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Garlic in the amount of 4 cloves.
  • Bay leaf – 5 pcs.
  • Salt.
  • Honey – 20 g.
  • Green onions.

Goose cooking process:

1. First you need to prepare the marinade. To do this, grind the bay leaf into crumbs.

2. Add honey to the bay leaf. It will give the meat a piquant sweet taste and make the crust crispy and beautiful to look at.

3. Peel the garlic and grate it onto a fine grater. Then add the grated garlic to the container for preparing the marinade.

4. At this stage, you need to mix the ingredients well.

5. Then add seasoning and mix the ingredients again.

6. Finally, add mayonnaise. The amount of product depends on taste preferences. The main thing is that the marinade is thick.

7. Cut green onions into small pieces.

8. Prepare the goose carcass for marinating. First of all, wrap the edges of the wings and paws in foil so that the exposed bones do not burn during the baking process.

10. During the baking process, the goose will release a large amount of fat. Therefore, you need to place a baking sheet under the grill with the goose. The baking sheet should be covered with a thick layer of foil. Excess fat will collect on top of the foil and will not stain the baking sheet. In addition, in this case the fat will not burn.

11. Place the goose on a rack in the center of the oven. Turn on the oven at 200° and bake for 30 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 150° and bake the meat for another minute.

12. After the specified time has passed, remove the goose from the oven. The finished goose has a beautiful golden crust.

13. Goose meat prepared in the described way turns out tender, juicy and soft. The combination of components in the marinade makes the product taste extraordinary.

How to cook goose in the oven with apples

The most popular recipe for cooking goose is stuffing it with apples. The festive dish has been prepared on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean for many centuries.

The recipe is quite complicated, there are many secrets, but still “the one who walks can master the road,” and the goose can master the one who wants to. And then everything will turn out as it should: an appetizing, very golden brown crust on top, tender meat and a filling, the sour taste of which goes perfectly with goose.


  • Goose (carcass) – about 2.5 kg.
  • Apples – 5-6 pcs.
  • Honey – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Soy sauce – 2 tbsp. l.


  • Water or broth cooked with vegetables - 1.5 liters.
  • Sugar – 5 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Soy sauce – 70 ml.
  • Apple vinegar – 80 ml.
  • Ginger – 1 tbsp. l. (ground).
  • Pepper mixture.
  • Cinnamon.

Preparing the goose for baking begins 2 days before the festive dinner (the hostess needs to take this into account).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The first thing you need to do is choose a good, beautiful goose, it is better if it is not frozen.
  2. Check for the presence of remaining feathers and down, pluck, you can singe over an open fire, carefully turning from all sides.
  3. Then rinse the carcass thoroughly, both inside and outside. Some housewives recommend additional scalding with boiling water.
  4. Before you start marinating, be sure to pat the bird dry with paper towels to remove excess moisture. Trim the tail, cut off excess fat (usually in the tail, neck, abdomen).
  5. To make the marinating process more intensive, make transverse cuts on the goose breast, cutting through the skin, but not the meat. This, on the one hand, will allow the marinade to penetrate into the meat, on the other hand, during the baking process, excess fat will come out through the cuts. The skin will become drier and crispier.
  6. Take the ingredients for the marinade and stir until the salt and sugar dissolve. Boil.
  7. Place the goose in a very large container so that it is completely immersed in it. Pour hot marinade over the carcass. Place in the cold, cover.
  8. Leave in this state for 2 days, remembering to turn over, for uniform marinating. After the specified time, you can proceed directly to baking.
  9. The filling in this recipe will require apples; they should have a sour or sweet-sour taste, thin skin and a delicate texture. Wash the apples, remove the stem and seeds, cut into 4-6 pieces.
  10. Place inside the carcass. Since fairly large pieces of apples are used, the filling will not fall out during baking, so you don’t have to sew up the hole. But you definitely need to tie the legs. Then in the finished dish they will remain beautifully crossed, and not spread out (if not tied first).
  11. It is recommended to bake the goose not on a baking sheet, but on the oven rack. To avoid problems with leaking fat, be sure to place a baking tray with a small amount of water under the grill. This is where the fat will drain; the goose needs to be covered with foil.
  12. Immediately turn the heat up to very high (200°C), after a quarter of an hour reduce to 180°C, bake for an hour.
  13. Mix honey with soy sauce and coat the roasting carcass with a pastry brush.
  14. Continue baking, reducing the heat to 170°C. Readiness is determined by piercing the meat: the clear juice that stands out is a clear hint that the goose is ready.

Secret information - it takes about an hour to bake 1 kilogram of goose meat, respectively, the heavier the bird, the longer the process. Therefore, weighing is mandatory, and you need to invite relatives and friends to the tasting so that they can share the joy with the hostess.

Recipe for soft and juicy goose in the oven in the sleeve

Grandmothers cooked goose by baking it in the oven in a huge frying pan; it did not always turn out tasty; very often the carcass quickly gave off fat and became dry.

Modern technologies have come to the aid of modern housewives - a special culinary sleeve, with the help of which it is easy to preserve juiciness and obtain a ruddy and crispy, very appetizing crust at the end of cooking.

The following recipe is dedicated to just this method of baking a Christmas (or regular) goose. It is best to start cooking the goose a day before serving, but if you don’t have that much time, then at least 5-6 hours in advance, 2-3 of which will be used for marinating, and the same amount for baking.


  • Goose (carcass) – 2.5-3 kg.
  • Apples – 6 pcs.
  • Garlic – 1 head.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Salt.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Carrots – 1 pc. small size.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Pepper mixture.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Rinse the goose, dry it with towels, make transverse and parallel cuts on the breast.
  2. Rub with a mixture of peppers and salt, sprinkle well with squeezed lemon juice.
  3. Peel the carrots, garlic and onions, rinse, chop, and stuff the carcass with them.
  4. Cover with cling film and marinate in a cool place for several hours.
  5. Wash the apples, cut into large slices, remove the stem and seeds.
  6. Place apples and bay leaves inside the carcass. If there are more apples, you can additionally cover the goose with them.
  7. Hide the carcass in a baking sleeve and secure the ends. You can make small punctures to prevent the sleeve from bursting; excess moisture will escape through them.
  8. Bake for at least 2 hours, at the end of baking, cut the sleeve on top and leave the goose in the oven for a while to form a crust.

Remove from the sleeve and place on a beautiful oval dish. Scatter the apples around and garnish with fresh dill and parsley.

Delicious goose in the oven in foil

To ensure that the goose baked in the oven does not “disappoint” with excessive dryness, experienced chefs suggest cooking it in food foil. This method of baking allows you to retain moisture inside, leaving the goose soft, juicy, and tender.

The filling can be rice with raisins, buckwheat porridge with mushrooms, potatoes or stewed cabbage. But the most festive goose “demands” sweet and sour apples.


  • Goose (carcass) – 2-3 kg.
  • Fresh sweet and sour apples – 4-5 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml.
  • Garlic – 1 head.
  • Lemon – ½ pc.
  • Pepper mixture.
  • A mixture of spices and aromatic herbs.
  • Salt.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The process of cooking goose in foil begins traditionally - with washing and final processing (if required).
  2. Grind 1 tsp in a mortar. salt with seasonings, herbs and peppers. Rub the goose inside and out with this aromatic mixture.
  3. Prepare the second aromatic “sauce”: peel half a head of garlic, pass through a press, mix with 1 tsp. salt and vegetable oil.
  4. Coat the carcass inside and outside with the resulting mixture.
  5. Hide the goose in a clean plastic bag. Place in the cold for 15-30 minutes to marinate.
  6. Prepare the filling. Rinse the apples. Trim the tails, remove the seeds, cut into slices.
  7. Mix with salt, lemon juice, herbs and the remaining garlic (peel, rinse, chop).
  8. Place the filling inside the carcass; the hole can be sealed with a toothpick or sewn up with thread the old fashioned way (just remember to remove it before serving).
  9. Place a large sheet of foil on a baking sheet, folded in half, and place the goose on it.
  10. Wrap the phalanges of the wings and drumsticks of the bird with additional foil (these “parts” tend to burn quickly).
  11. Wrap the goose tightly in foil (further baking will take place in this form), leave for marinating (the process should last at least 5 hours).
  12. After this, it remains to withstand the last stage, actually baking. You need to start with a high temperature - 200°C, then reduce it - 180°C.
  13. After 2 hours, check readiness: carefully open the foil and pierce the carcass. If clear juice is released, then the bird is ready to serve; if the juice has a reddish tint, baking must be continued.
  14. At the very end, free the carcass from the foil, increase the temperature in the oven, and leave for another 5-10 minutes to form a crust that is pleasant in taste and color.

Serve with boiled potatoes and pickles. You don’t even need a reason for such a dish; a goose baked in foil is a holiday in itself.

How to bake a goose in the oven with potatoes

Christmas goose, according to tradition, is prepared with sweet and sour apple filling. But this does not mean at all that there is no other alternative. On the contrary, these birds can be cooked with any types of fillings, including rice and buckwheat.

Goose baked with potatoes is no less popular - you get both meat and a side dish here. What’s also pleasing is the lack of exotic products; everything you need is sold at the nearest grocery store or in the pantry. With the possible exception of goose, which is best taken from the market or from farmers.


  • Goose (carcass) – 2.5-3 kg.
  • Potatoes – 10-12 pcs. (depending on size).
  • Salt.
  • Ground hot pepper.
  • Ground allspice.
  • Garlic – 5-7 cloves.
  • Marjoram – ½ tsp.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Hold the goose carcass over an open fire to remove any remaining feathers and fluff. Wash thoroughly.
  2. Place in a large container. Fill with plain water for 2-3 hours.
  3. Remove from water and dry with paper towels (both inside and outside).
  4. Now rub the outside of the carcass with a mixture of salt and spices.
  5. Peel the potatoes, rinse under running water. Cut into large slices, add salt.
  6. Squeeze the peeled and washed garlic here, add aromatic and hot pepper, marjoram. Mix.
  7. Place the filling inside the carcass and secure the hole with toothpicks.
  8. For baking, choose one of the methods - in a large glass container, in foil or in a sleeve. It is important that the carcass is completely closed, and that the process of stewing and baking occurs simultaneously.
  9. Baking time is about 3 hours, according to tradition, the first hour is on high heat, the subsequent time is on medium heat.

Transfer the goose to a dish, do not take out the potatoes, let it be a surprise for the guests. A large amount of herbs - parsley, dill - will be a real decoration for such a festive dish.

Recipe for roasting goose in the oven with buckwheat


  • Goose (carcass) – 2.5-3 kg.
  • Buckwheat – 1 tbsp. (or 1.5 tbsp if the goose weighs more than 3 kg).
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Onions – 1-3 pcs.
  • Honey – 1 tsp.
  • Mustard – 1 tsp.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper mixture.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash the goose, dry it, trim off the fat. Rub with a mixture of salt and pepper, doing this not only outside, but also inside.
  2. Leave the carcass in a cool place for marinating, covered with cling film.
  3. Boil chicken eggs until hard-boiled, place in cold water, then peel and cut into cubes.
  4. Boil buckwheat in water (2.5 tbsp.) with salt, and the grain should remain slightly undercooked.
  5. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings.
  6. Cut the fat cut from the goose carcass into cubes, place in a frying pan, and melt.
  7. Add the onion here and sauté until nicely browned.
  8. For the filling, combine buckwheat porridge, onion and chopped eggs. Add a little salt and spices.
  9. Place a wire rack in a tray and place the goose on it, which is already stuffed with filling. Sew the hole with thread or fasten it with toothpicks (this method is more convenient and aesthetically beautiful).
  10. Now it’s the turn of honey and mustard, mix them together and coat the carcass thoroughly on all sides.
  11. Bake in the oven for at least 2.5 hours, basting with the fat rendered from the bird.

Additionally, it is recommended to wrap the wings and shin bones in foil, as they burn quickly. You can also cover the entire carcass with a sheet of food foil during the first half of baking to retain moisture inside, make the meat more tender and the filling juicy.

Recipe for goose in the oven with rice

Among all the cereals, buckwheat has a worthy and now popular competitor - rice. The Asian grain is often used today as a stuffing for goose. In some recipes, prunes, raisins, and dried apricots are added to it, which gives the finished dish a very piquant note.


  • Goose (carcass) – 2-3 kg.
  • Rice – 1 tbsp.
  • Mayonnaise – 2-3 tbsp. l. (can be replaced with mustard and honey).
  • Salt.
  • Peppers are hot and fragrant.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash and dry the purchased goose, rub with pepper and salt.
  2. Boil the rice until fully cooked. Drain the water and rinse under cold water to remove stickiness.
  3. Also add salt to the finished porridge, mix with spices and, if desired, with herbs.
  4. Stuff the carcass with the prepared filling. “Grab” the edges of the hole with a thread or firmly grasp them with toothpicks - this is important so that the filling does not come out during cooking.
  5. Transfer the goose to a greased baking sheet.
  6. Spread mayonnaise on top (or a mixture of mustard and honey, which will give a pleasant taste and beautiful color).
  7. Cover the bird with an additional sheet of foil, crimping the edges.
  8. Bake for 2.5 hours, check by piercing. If the juice is clear, then the goose is ready to “move” to the festive table.

When serving, you need to choose a beautiful oval-shaped dish, carefully place the stuffed goose in the center, and decorate it with fresh or pickled vegetables around it. There is no need for a side dish, since the rice filling will successfully fulfill its role.

Insanely delicious goose in the oven with prunes

The traditional filling for goose is apples, but you can go even further and make the filling more unusual and original. To do this, you just need nothing, add exotic prunes to the banal apples. The preparation process is long, but why not please your household with such a masterpiece.


  • Goose (carcass) – 3-4 kg.
  • Apples – 6-7 pcs.
  • Prunes – 300 gr.
  • Onions – 1-2 pcs.
  • Spices and salt.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Stage one, preparing the carcass - scorch it on fire, scrape it with a knife. Wash and dry.
  2. Rub with salt mixed with spices. Leave for several hours to marinate.
  3. Stage two – preparing the filling. Wash the apples, cut into slices, first remove the stem and seeds.
  4. Peel the onion, rinse, cut into rings.
  5. Soak the prunes in warm water for a while and rinse thoroughly.
  6. Mix together apples, onions, prunes. Add salt and spices here. Mix again.
  7. Send the filling into the carcass, seal the hole with a wooden skewer (toothpick). Sprinkle the carcass with spices on top again.
  8. Wrap in a sheet of foil. Place on a baking sheet.
  9. Start the baking process: first set the heat to high, then turn it down.
  10. Keep the carcass in the oven for at least 2-2.5 hours. Open the foil so that a golden brown crust forms on the surface.

Advice - if you soak the prepared goose for a day in wine or mustard-honey marinade, it will be much tastier.

How to cook goose in the oven with oranges

The following recipe suggests using exotic oranges instead of apples traditional for central Russia. Goose with oranges will be the main course of any dinner party.


  • Goose (carcass) – 3-3.5 kg.
  • Oranges 2 pcs. big size.
  • Mustard – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Spices, mixture of peppers.
  • Salt.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. A day before baking, prepare the carcass - wash, trim off fat, dry.
  2. Rub with aromatic salt (mixed with peppers and herbs).
  3. Cover with film and keep in the cold.
  4. The next day, rub the inside of the goose with spices and salt.
  5. Wash the oranges, do not peel them. Cut into slices.
  6. Stuff the carcass. Seal the hole with a toothpick so that the filling does not “go for a walk.”
  7. Gently spread the mustard on top of the skin.
  8. Place in a casserole dish and add a little broth or water. To cover with a lid.
  9. Bake in the oven. Periodically pour over the resulting broth.

This goose looks amazing if the dish is decorated with lettuce leaves, fresh herbs and orange slices.

Original recipe for cooking goose in the oven with cabbage

Another original Russian recipe for cooking goose, where cabbage is used as a filling. The dish is simple in recipe and technology.


  • Goose (carcass) – 2.5-3 kg.
  • Sauerkraut.
  • Rosemary.
  • Salt and peppers.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare the carcass for stuffing - wash, dry, rub with salt and a mixture of peppers. Wait for a while.
  2. Place the sauerkraut in a colander to drain excess brine.
  3. Stuff the goose carcass. In this case, the hole must be secured with stitches of thread or several toothpicks, since the filling is small and may fall out during the process.
  4. You can bake on a wire rack with a tray underneath, or on a baking sheet. Experienced housewives recommend using a baking sleeve - both the baking sheet is clean and the meat is juicy.

In order for a crust to appear, you need to carefully cut the sleeve at the end of baking (after 2 hours). Place in the oven for another 30-40 minutes. Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes go well with this dish.

Goose in the oven with quince

Christmas goose is traditionally prepared with apples, but sometimes they turn out too soft and quickly lose their shape, turning into banal applesauce. Therefore, many housewives use more exotic fruits, such as quince, instead of these fruits.


  • Goose (carcass) – 4-4.5 kg.
  • Salt.
  • A mixture of spices and peppers.
  • Quince – 8-10 pcs. (you can prepare the filling from quince, apples, oranges).
  • Apple, orange, lemon.
  • Honey, lemon, herbs, ginger.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare the goose - rinse and pat dry with a towel.
  2. Rub with a mixture of aromatic spices, ground black and allspice, and salt. Leave to marinate for several hours, even better for a day.
  3. Prepare the filling - rinse the quince and remove the stems. Cut in half, sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent the pieces from darkening.
  4. Prepare apple puree, add orange juice and lemon juice, add a little ground ginger, honey, and spices. Stir thoroughly until the honey dissolves.
  5. Mix half of the fruit mixture with quince slices and place inside the carcass. Sew up the hole with thick thread. Cover the wings and legs in foil.
  6. Grease the goose carcass on all sides with the other half of the aromatic fruit mixture.
  7. Bake on a wire rack placed over a baking sheet with a little water to prevent the fat from burning.
  8. Continue the stewing process for 2 hours, pour water and fat over the carcass.
  9. Turn over and bake on the other side. The signal of readiness is clear juice released when pierced.

A festive goose with quince does not require a side dish, but greens - lettuce, dill, parsley in large quantities are welcome!

Recipe for goose in the oven in dough

The goose recipe presented below has its own secret - it is a yeast dough that does the same job as foil or a baking sleeve. The difference is that the dough becomes a good side dish for fatty goose.


  • Goose – 3-3.5 kg.
  • Yeast dough – 500 gr.
  • Garlic (head), salt, spices and pepper.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The goose carcass is prepared traditionally - washed, blotted, spread with a mixture of peppers, spices, salt and garlic pressed through a press.
  2. Divide the dough into two parts, roll both into a thin layer.
  3. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil.
  4. Lay out the layer. On it is a prepared marinated carcass. Cover with a second layer and pinch the edges of the dough to form a pouch.
  5. Place in a hot oven, reduce heat and leave for 3 hours.

The dish looks impressive, and does not require bread or a side dish, only greens.

Tender and juicy goose in the oven with honey

Some housewives believe that the taste of goose depends on the marinade, and not on the filling; it’s hard to disagree with them if you try to cook the bird according to the following recipe. The filling can be anything - rice, buckwheat, apples, but the marinade is only honey and mustard.


  • Goose (carcass) – 3-4 kg.
  • Mustard – 4 tbsp. l.
  • Honey – 4 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.
  • Soy sauce – 4 tbsp. l.
  • Pepper, garlic.
  • Salt.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Goose is prepared for roasting traditionally.
  2. For the marinade, melt honey, but do not boil, mix with butter and soy sauce. Add mustard, spices and salt.
  3. Coat the carcass with marinade on all sides. Leave for several hours.
  4. During this time, prepare the filling, if apples, wash and cut, buckwheat or rice - boil, rinse, season with salt and spices.
  5. Stuff the goose and hide it in a baking bag (this is the ideal way, but you can do it the old fashioned way - just on a baking sheet).
  6. Bake first in a very hot oven. After 20-30 minutes, reduce the temperature and continue the process for at least 3 hours.

Cut the bag and brown the carcass; guests will remember the sweet and sour taste and pleasant aroma of the dish for a long time.

How to deliciously bake a goose in the oven in pieces

Whole baked goose is a very impressive dish, but its preparation has many pitfalls. Therefore, the meat may turn out either too fatty or too dry. It’s easier to avoid problems if you divide the bird into small portions and bake goose pieces rather than the whole goose.

It has always been a symbol of prosperity, home comfort and established family traditions, and cooking goose meat is a whole ritual with its own subtleties and secrets. Goose is served at Christmas and major holidays, and to make the dish tasty, you should learn in advance how to properly cook goose and practice a little

Cooking goose: how to make the meat tender?

Cooking a goose deliciously is simple and difficult at the same time, since the goose very often turns out tough. However, experienced housewives claim that it is difficult to spoil this bird, the main thing is to properly process the carcass, and then the goose will cook on its own.

If you want to get soft and tender meat, the purchased goose should be plucked, gutted and kept in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Another way to make a goose softer is after gutting, rub it with a mixture of salt, lingonberries or cranberries, ground Provençal herbs or fresh herbs, and then leave to soak for 6 to 48 hours. The goose is simmered in the cold for another purpose - to obtain a crispy and golden-brown crust, which is formed as a result of “drying” the meat in air.

There are several alternative ways to soften a goose: you can marinate the carcass overnight in water mixed with a small amount of apple cider vinegar; pour white wine over the goose and leave in the refrigerator until morning; pierce the meat in several places with a sharp fork and rub with chokeberry juice.

How to cook a goose in the oven and sleeve: secrets from professionals

Before putting it in the oven, the goose should sit in the refrigerator, soak in salt, spices and herbs. Before baking, it is recommended to coat the carcass with a sauce made from honey, mustard, wine, grated ginger, garlic and ground fresh rosemary. The whole thing requires mandatory filling, since the taste of goose meat is most clearly revealed when stuffed.

Suitable fillings include apples, quince, cherries, prunes, vegetarian rice, buckwheat with mushrooms, sauerkraut with cranberries, celery with lemons and onions, liver pate, white bread and onions. An important point: you should fill the carcass with filling no more than two-thirds of its volume. Next, you need to sew up the belly of the goose with strong threads, securing the seam with wooden skewers, and it is better to tie the crossed legs so that the goose fits in the oven.

It is recommended to bake the bird in a large, deep ceramic dish, after pouring a 2 cm layer of water into it. How do you know how long to cook a goose? Pierce it with a knitting needle - if a clear liquid flows out of the hole, the meat is ready, and this process usually takes from 1.5 to 3 hours. You can start baking at the maximum temperature, gradually lowering it to 180°C. If we cook a goose in a sleeve, the tips and recommendations remain the same, except for the cooking time, since the bird cooks faster in the sleeve, and the meat turns out more tender and juicy.

How to cook goose in pieces

After cutting the carcass into pieces, you should soak the meat overnight in cold salted water to soften it, and then pour the marinade over it for two hours and put it in the refrigerator. For the marinade, olive oil, eggs, mustard, prunes, garlic, salt, spices and aromatic herbs are usually used.

Next, the pieces of meat are fried in vegetable oil until golden brown, mixed with sautéed vegetables and roots, poured with broth or beer and simmered until tender for 1.5 hours. You can bake the goose in pieces in a sleeve or goose pan along with marinade, having previously stuffed each piece with garlic and pieces of fruit.

Before serving, the goose is topped with sour cream, mushroom or vegetable sauce, and decorated with fresh herbs, berries and apples. The goose is served with red Burgundy wine, Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot. When you feel the delicate aroma spreading throughout the house, see the appetizing crust, feel the taste of the meat melting in your mouth and begin to savor the first sip of thick and tart wine, you will immediately understand - the goose was a success! Bon appetit!

“Goose, goose is ready!” - this is how the wife of an engineer called her husband to the table from the famous novel by Ilf and Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”. We must give the housewife her due - in order to bake this poultry, great skill is required, because goose tends to dry out: the meat is too fatty, and an incorrectly stuffed carcass swells and becomes strangely deformed in the oven. Let's look at how to cook goose correctly. So that the dish comes out juicy, tender, with a crispy crust.

How to cook a goose in a goose house

For a long time, almost every home has had special dishes for stewing this bird. It’s called a goose pan, although it’s convenient to cook duck, cabbage with mushrooms, and other stews in it. Its main advantage is that the thick cast iron walls heat up slowly and hold excellent heat. Therefore, the meat turns out to be baked. The goose is a unique bird in its own way. When cooked, it releases about half its weight as fat. Therefore, at the last stage, the bird swims in the goose nest already in its own juice. But in order for the meat to become juicy, it must first be marinated.

Classic recipe

We suggest you cook the goose in pieces. The carcass must be cut into portions and soaked overnight in salt water. Mix the marinade from one spoon of mustard, two eggs, 30 g of olive oil, 4 spoons of mayonnaise, chopped prunes (50 g), salt and spices “For poultry”. The pieces should lie in the cold for at least 2 hours. After this, transfer the meat to the goose pan, pour in the marinade and place in the oven set to 180 C. It is necessary to bake the bird based on its size and weight, as well as age. Considering that we chopped the carcass into pieces, two and a half hours will be enough. Every 15-20 minutes you need to take out the pan and pour the released juice over the pieces. When the juice has boiled away, you can add half a glass of dry red wine and simmer some more.

How to cook a whole goose

As already mentioned, when warm, a goose “sweats” a lot and loses its fat. Consequently, its meat shrivels up like relics. To prevent this from happening, legs, wings and other narrow parts need to be wrapped in foil. It’s even better to bake the carcass in a culinary sleeve, which will also reduce the cooking time. If the bird is young, you can put it in the oven open, but be sure to place it on a baking sheet with its back down so that the juice released is like in a bowl. This juice should be poured over the meat from time to time. If you bake it in a sleeve or foil, you need to open the carcass for 15 minutes to form a golden brown crust.

Advice from experienced chefs

Before you cook the goose, you need to defrost it properly. Never speed up the process by using hot water or a microwave. The carcass should come to room temperature on its own. Then you need to rub the bird inside and out with salt and spices, take a thick plastic bag, pour white wine into it and add more spices. Place the goose in this marinade, close the bag tightly and refrigerate for 3-4 hours. The meat will absorb the smell and remain juicy. The filling, which absorbs it well, will help remove excess fat. It could be rice, buckwheat, apples, cabbage. At the same time you will have a side dish.

How to properly cook a goose in the oven

You wash the carcass, rub it with salt and spices, and marinate it. Then cut the onion into rings, sprinkle it with a little vinegar, and place it on a baking sheet. Stuff the filling of your choice into the carcass (buckwheat with mushrooms, apples with quartered onions, rice with prunes and raisins, etc.). Sew up the belly with harsh threads and place it on onion rings. The bird should be baked for about 2.5 hours in this mode: first 20 minutes at a temperature of at least 250 C, then at 180 C, and the last hour at 200 C.

Roasting a goose is a troublesome task. Preparatory work must begin 1-2 days in advance. The whole goose carcass can be cooked by filling it with any combination of products. This will make a delicious meat dish and side dish at the same time. You can cook this bird in pieces, which is also very appetizing. Cooked dishes are always a decoration for the table. Therefore, the process itself must be approached with special care. In order for the meat to be tender and juicy, you need to know some subtleties.

It is better to buy fresh or chilled poultry. But if you come across a frozen goose, then defrost it gradually over the course of a day. When choosing a carcass, consider its size. The optimal weight is from two to four kilograms. It all depends on how many people you are going to feed. The age of the bird also matters. A young goose's legs are yellow, while an old goose's are reddish. The meat of a young specimen is more tender and will cook faster.

Marinate the bird

It's no secret that goose meat is a little tough. Therefore, the question arises: “How to cook a soft goose?” There are some subtleties here too. Festive goose dishes will be tastier if the bird is pre-marinated. The first thing to do after washing the carcass and preparing it is to rub it with salt and spices and leave it in the refrigerator for several days. For greater effect, wrap the goose in cling film. The second way to make goose dishes more tender in the oven is to soak the bird in a light solution of apple cider vinegar. This will take about 12 hours. White wine can also be used as a marinade. Rub the carcass with spices and salt, pour this drink over it and wrap it in film. Place it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Baking rules

Roasting a goose also has its tricks. First we set the temperature to a very high temperature (250 degrees). We keep the bird for about 25-30 minutes. Then reduce the speed to 180 degrees. For the last hour, goose dishes are cooked in the oven at 200 degrees. If you are using a sleeve, cut it open 20 minutes beforehand and let the bird brown. Baking time is about 2-3 hours. It all depends on the size of the carcass. During the process, baste the goose with the fat that has been released. This will make the meat even more tender and juicy.

Goose with cherry sauce

Recipes with goose in the oven are distinguished by their diversity. Various fillings, sauces, side dishes and cooking methods make these dishes multi-faceted and appetizing. Let's prepare a goose with For this you will need a carcass weighing about 2 kilograms, 250 milliliters of red, three small spoons of cinnamon, 250 grams of pitted cherries, spices (salt and pepper).

We wash the goose, rub it with spices and leave it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Then we take it out and make several punctures in the carcass so that the juice is released during the baking process. This is the recipe. Place the carcass in the oven, not forgetting to make several holes in the bag for steam to escape. Bake the bird for about 2 hours. During this time you can prepare the sauce. Pour wine into a saucepan and add cherries. We also add a little salt, pepper and cinnamon. Bring the sauce to a boil and, reducing the heat, simmer for about 15-20 minutes. 30 minutes before the goose is ready, open the sleeve and pour the sauce over the carcass.

Goose with apples

Goose baked with apples is one of the most popular recipes. This dish is loved by many and is the main decoration of family celebrations. We choose a bird weighing at least three kilograms. You also need to take 5 large sweet and sour apples, one onion, two medium lemons, a peeled clove of garlic, one medium carrot, black pepper and salt. We process the carcass and rub it with pepper, salt and chopped garlic.

We put it aside for now, or better yet, in the refrigerator. Peel the vegetables and cut into strips. We take out the goose and make cuts in the skin. Place onions and carrots there. Squeeze the juice out of the lemons and pour it over our bird. Place the goose in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Cut the apples into 4 parts, removing the core. We put them inside the carcass along with a bay leaf. Goose baked with apples will be ready in 2 hours. The heating temperature is 200 degrees.

Goose stuffed with buckwheat

For the first time it is better to use classic recipes. There are a lot of dishes with goose, but buckwheat is used as a filling very often. To prepare tender and tasty meat, you will need a goose carcass (2-2.5 kilograms), half a glass of honey, 150 grams of adjika, a glass of buckwheat, one onion, 200 grams of boiled mushrooms, vegetable oil and spices. Mix honey and adjika and rub the goose with this mixture. Place it in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film, for 5-6 hours.

In general, the longer the bird is marinated, the better and more tender the meat will be. Boil buckwheat with a little salt. It needs to be half raw. Cut the onion into cubes and fry with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. Add boiled mushrooms (any kind) to the frying pan and lightly brown them too. Add this mixture to buckwheat and get a delicious filling. We stuff the goose and sew up the belly with thread. This is a goose recipe in the sleeve, so we pack the bird and put the baking sheet in the oven. The total baking time is 1.5-2 hours. The dish is perfectly complemented by fresh vegetables. The result is a rosy and delicious baked goose. The recipe is simple and straightforward, suitable for any feast.

Goose with potatoes

This recipe allows you to get tasty and tender meat and aromatic potatoes soaked in juice as a side dish. And for this you will need a standard set of products. Take a goose carcass (1.5-2 kilograms), 1-1.5 kilograms of potatoes, 100 grams of mayonnaise, a peeled head of garlic, salt, any spices and pepper. Chop the garlic in any convenient way. Then mix it with mayonnaise and spices. We wash and dry the carcass.

Rub it with the prepared garlic mixture on all sides. Place the goose on a baking sheet, and place the potatoes, cut into slices, around the bird. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Cover the baking sheet with foil and send the dish to bake. Cooking time is 2-2.5 hours. But 15-20 minutes before it’s ready, you need to remove the foil and let the meat brown. To make the potatoes and goose juicy, you can water them with the released fat and juice during the process.

Unusual recipe

Some goose dishes in the oven require some skill. For example, removing bones from a carcass. We take out only accessible large bones so as not to disturb the integrity of the bird. Rub the goose prepared in this way with a mixture of salt, pepper and any spices. Lubricate it with mayonnaise and chopped garlic and send it to marinate in the refrigerator. From the remaining bones, cook the broth, and on its basis - millet porridge (2 cups) until half cooked.

Cut 300 grams of lard into cubes and heat in a frying pan. In this fat, fry three chopped onions and one finely chopped carrot. Then add porridge to the vegetables and mix. This will be the stuffing for the goose. We put it inside the goose, and sew up the belly with thread. Place the bird on a baking sheet and place it in the preheated oven. Cooking for about 2 hours. To make the meat more tender, pour it with the juice released during the process.

Christmas goose

All over the world, goose is traditionally cooked for Christmas. This recipe is optional, but is often used in such cases. You will need a goose carcass (about 2-3 kilograms), 700 grams of green aromatic apples, 300 grams of cranberries, half a glass of honey, three large spoons of mustard, vegetable oil and spices. As usual, rub the goose with salt, pepper and vegetable oil. Wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. Then, when the bird is marinated, take it out and let it warm up to room temperature. At this time, let's prepare the filling.

Cut the apples into 4 parts, removing the core. Place apples and cranberries inside the goose and sew up the belly tightly. Coat the top of the carcass with a mixture of honey, mustard, butter and spices. You can bake the bird on a baking sheet or in a duck roaster. To do this, use a sleeve or cover the goose with foil. Periodically water it with the released juice. Baking time is 2-3 hours and depends on the size of the carcass. The result is a delicious and tender baked goose. The recipe can be supplemented with a side dish (potatoes or rice). Apples and cranberries add flavor to the meat and are an additional ingredient when serving the dish.

Goose with prunes

To prepare, take 200 grams of prunes, a little salt, pepper, 300 grams of ordinary rice and a goose carcass weighing about 4-5 kilograms. A minimum of products, and as a result - maximum pleasure from food. Boil the rice, but not until completely cooked. It will go together with the goose in the oven. Soak the prunes for 20 minutes and then cut into pieces. Mix it with rice and add a little apple cider vinegar. Rub the carcass with salt and pepper in advance. We do this carefully, not forgetting the inner surface. After the goose has been in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, fill it with filling. We sew up the carcass and pack it into a large bird. Place the baking sheet with the goose in the preheated oven and bake for 2-2.5 hours. Then we cut the sleeve and pour the released juice over the bird. In 15 minutes the dish will be ready. We take out the ruddy carcass and let it cool a little. You can serve goose dishes in pieces. To do this, cut it into pieces and place it on a large plate around the filling.

Goose with apples and quince

By adding quince, you can get an incredibly aromatic dish. Take a goose (4 kilograms), 300 grams of sweet and sour aromatic apples, 250 grams of quince, 200 grams of carrots and parsnips, 100 grams of sweet peppers, onions, prunes and dried apricots, several peeled cloves of garlic, peppercorns, bay leaves, 5 cloves, ground black pepper, 4 small spoons of turmeric, 500 milliliters of water and salt. Let's start by preparing a mixture of pepper, turmeric and minced garlic. You can add other types of pepper if desired.

Rub the goose carcass inside and out with this mixture. Set it aside to marinate. We clean the carrots and cut them into fairly large circles. Remove the skin from the onion and cut it into approximately 8 pieces per head. Peel and core a third of the apples and cut into slices. We make light cuts on the rest so that they do not burst, because we will bake them whole. We peel the quince and cut it into slices (or any other shape). We also cut parsnips and sweet peppers into large pieces. Soak dried fruits in hot water for 15 minutes. Then we dry them and cut them into pieces. We take a large container and put apples, quince, dried apricots, parsnips, carrots, prunes and sweet peppers into it. Spread foil on a baking sheet and place the goose on it. We fill it with a mixture of fruits and vegetables. If the filling remains, then spread it around the carcass. Close the foil and put the goose in the oven. In two hours it will be ready.

Goose with oranges

Goose dishes in pieces require less cooking time. Take a carcass weighing about 1.5 kilograms and cut it into portions. Generously grease each piece with a mixture of honey, spices and vegetable oil. Let them marinate for at least 2 hours. Then transfer the goose to a baking sheet greased with oil. Add orange, cut into slices, juniper, thyme sprigs, pour 250 milliliters of red wine and 100 milliliters of chicken broth. Cover the baking sheet with foil and place in the oven for 2 hours. After this, open the goose and give it another 20 minutes to brown. We use the juice remaining in the pan to prepare a tasty and aromatic sauce. To do this, pour it into a saucepan, removing the juniper and oranges, and add spices to taste. Reheat and serve with meat.

Geese accumulate fat, which is superior in quality to the fat of any other bird. It contains almost no cholesterol and is capable of removing radioactive elements from the human body. Goose meat is an excellent source of protein and iron. Therefore, the goose needs to be cooked correctly in order to render out the fat, but not remove it completely, preserve the beneficial qualities and not dry out the meat. It is better to use an oven for this.

Every housewife, buying a goose in a store or at the market, dreams that she will get a juicy goose in the oven, a soft goose in the oven, in a word - a delicious goose in the oven. Recipes for cooking goose in the oven are varied and multifaceted. Here are just a few of the most common: goose with apples in the oven, goose in the oven with potatoes, goose with buckwheat in the oven, goose in the oven with prunes, goose with rice in the oven, goose with cabbage in the oven, goose in oranges in the oven. In addition, depending on the method of cutting the carcass, laying the meat, and thermal protection of the dish, recipes may also differ: goose in the oven in a sleeve, goose in the oven as a whole, goose in pieces in the oven, goose in the oven in foil, goose in dough in the oven.

Goose meat in the oven turns into a delicacy during cooking. The original taste of goose meat is enhanced by baking. Therefore, baking a goose in the oven is the most common way to cook a goose. The results are delicious aromatic dishes: goose with apples, baked in the oven, goose baked in the oven in a sleeve, goose in foil, baked in the oven, goose baked in the oven with buckwheat, prunes or potatoes. Often a goose carcass is stuffed with various products and ingredients. The recipe for stuffed goose in the oven involves the use of juicy sweet and sour products, usually apples. Stuffed goose baked in the oven is a signature dish of many lovers of this meat. To prepare this dish, you can use a recipe for goose with apples in the oven, a recipe for goose baked in the oven with apples and oranges.

New recipes for goose dishes in the oven are constantly appearing on our website. You will probably like goose in the oven with apples and prunes, goose in the oven with potatoes in the sleeve, roast goose in the oven. The recipe for goose baked in the oven is constantly being improved and supplemented with new ideas. This is largely due to our readers. Therefore, if you have any of your own signature recipes for goose in the oven, for example, a recipe for goose in pieces in the oven or a recipe for goose with buckwheat in the oven, post it on the website. Goose in the oven, recipe and photos from you will decorate our collection. If someone needs to prepare a “goose in the oven” dish, a step-by-step recipe is most convenient, try making this option and send it to us. How to cook a goose in the oven - photos of this process will help novice housewives.

So, have you decided to cook the goose in the oven? Our site will give answers to all your questions: how to cook a soft goose in the oven, how to cook a juicy goose in the oven, how to bake a goose in the oven, how to marinate a goose for the oven, how to bake a whole goose in the oven. In a word, you will understand how to deliciously cook a goose in the oven. Another important issue for preparing the “goose in the oven” dish is time and temperature. These indicators depend on the size of the poultry carcass, the products used, the method of marinating and cooking. For example, cooking a goose in the oven in a sleeve or foil significantly reduces the time for this operation due to less heat loss.

You might be interested in a few more tips for cooking goose:

Only young geese are suitable for culinary processing. The meat of old geese can be very tough, even if it is pre-seasoned in a marinade.

In order for the goose meat to be soft, it should be regularly basted with fat during the cooking process.

Before cooking, you can treat the goose so that the skin becomes crispy during baking. To do this, the bird needs to be doused with a large amount of boiling water so that the skin turns white and tightens. Then dry it, rub it with dry white wine and salt on the outside and inside and put it in the refrigerator overnight - on a wire rack, without covering it, to dry. Before baking, pierce the skin of the goose all over with a fork and rub with something fragrant. For example, ginger powder.

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