What are the benefits of onions? What happens if you regularly eat onions? Why do you want onions: reasons, contraindications, composition and beneficial properties Why not onions and garlic

By folk calendar Today is Lukov day. The peasants were finishing harvesting onions from their gardens. They kept some for themselves and sold the excess. This culture has always occupied a special place in Russian cuisine. Even in the leanest years there is room for the head onions was always on the peasant table. Onions are a favorite seasoning for soups, cabbage soup, okroshka, main courses, fillings for pies and pies. He was revered and how medicinal plant. And, indeed, the benefits of this vegetable in the fight against colds and viral infections is invaluable to this day. “Onions cause seven ailments,” our ancestors said. And any of our contemporaries knows that during the cold season we need to rely on this useful plant.

The bow was also widely used in magic. Among village healers, this vegetable was an invariable attribute when inducing and removing certain types of damage, making amulets, protecting against nightmares and treating insomnia.

There are many folk signs associated with onions.

Folk signs for September 20

1. White clouds in the sky mean bad weather.

2. Black clouds mean rain.

3. Cranes fly high and slowly - for a stormy, rainy autumn.

4. The cones on the Christmas trees grow low - to the imminent frost. If they grow high, frost will hit towards the end of winter.

5. You cannot eat onions from the new harvest before Onion Day, otherwise they will dry out in the bins.

6. A lot of husk on the bulb - for a frosty winter.

7. If you hang bulbs in the corners of the house on this day, the air will be clean.

8. Eating onions today means getting rid of torment (diseases).

9. If you put onion wreaths on your pets on September 20, they won’t get sick all year long.

10. On this day, the girls prayed to Saint Luke to send them long braids.

11. If a man is the last one to enter the house before going to bed, the whole family will be free from illness for the whole year.

12. Taking and lending money and bread means trouble.

13. Little girls should not be given dolls on this day - otherwise they will be infertile in marriage.

14. Matchmaking on this day promises an unsuccessful outcome.

If you type the word “garlic” into an Internet search engine, a huge number of sites will offer you extensive information on the benefits of garlic and half as much about its harm. And yet, over the years, with parental instructions, we all know that garlic is an excellent remedy for colds. There is an opinion that this is a remedy “for all diseases,” but, unfortunately, people’s health deteriorates over the years and garlic is unlikely to help them, because garlic is a very affordable remedy.

Each person faces a choice to consume or not consume certain foods. And now the choice is: to eat or not to eat garlic.

Following the criteria of common sense, let us call upon the opinion of a competent person for help, as ancient sources say on this matter, and of course, everyone will experience the influence of garlic on their body from their own experience.

Robert K. Beck says in his study:

“The reason why garlic is so toxic is the sulfanyl hydroxyl ion it contains, which penetrates into the blood of the membranes of the brain and is especially poisonous to higher mammals. In its penetrating ability, this substance is exactly like dimethyl sulfoxide. I made this sad discovery when I was the world leader in production of biofeedback equipment. Some of my employees, who had just returned from lunch, were identified by the encephalograph as clinically dead. We tried to establish the reason for their condition. They answered: “I was in an Italian restaurant. They served me a salad with garlic sauce.” So, we began to observe them, asked them to note what happened to them when they took garlic before lectures, spent time and money.

In 1950 I was an aircraft designer. A staff surgeon came to us almost every month and reminded everyone: “And don’t even try to put any food with garlic in your mouth for 72 hours before flying on our planes, because this reduces the reaction by two to three times. Eating just a little bit of garlic will make you three times slower.” At that time we did not yet understand why this was happening. But twenty years later, when I was already the owner of the Alpha Metrix Corporation for the production of biofeedback equipment, we discovered that garlic completely disrupts the functions of thinking. I conducted a study at Stanford, and those who took part in it unanimously concluded that garlic is poisonous. You can rub a head of garlic on the sole of your foot, and soon your wrists will smell like garlic too. So it goes inside the body. This is what makes the poison contained in garlic similar to dimethyl sulfoxide fumes: sulfanyl hydroxyl ions penetrate any membranes, including the corpus callosum of the brain.

Most of humanity has heard about the benefits of garlic. This is just ignorance.

If you have patients complaining of weak headache, inattention or absent-mindedness, if there are those among them who cannot concentrate on working with a computer after lunch, just experiment and see for yourself. Advise such people to exclude garlic from their diet, and you will see how much their well-being improves. This will happen as soon as possible. Then, about three weeks later, let them eat some garlic. They will say: “My God, we could not even think that this was the cause of our suffering!..”

All of the above applies equally to deodorized garlic, kiolic and some other products. Very unpopular, but I had to tell you this unpleasant truth."

In the eighties, Bob (Robert) Beck, exploring the functions human brain, discovered that garlic has harmful effects on the brain. Only later did he learn that many areas of Yoga and philosophical teachings warn their adherents against eating onions and garlic, although this contradicts medical practice. Any person engaged in intellectual or creative work, having experimented with garlic, will confirm that after eating garlic, thinking really becomes clouded. Although Beck's discovery does not detract medical properties garlic, but it is still necessary to add to its antimicrobial and antiviral effect the effect it has on the brain and consciousness.”

If we consider the attitude of Ayurveda to garlic, then it contains garlic and even alcohol tinctures It is recommended for certain diseases, for purely medical purposes. However, the same Ayurveda says that for those for whom clarity of thinking and the ability to comprehend higher knowledge come first, as well as for those who intend to curb their lower carnal instincts, garlic is harmful.

In his lectures, Dr. Torsunov O.G.: “Nutrition in goodness”, “Nutrition in ignorance” says that Ayurveda classifies garlic as a tamasic product: “After eating garlic, sexual activity increases greatly, eating garlic literally spoils character: it increases arrogance, anger, pride increases. Eating garlic is extremely unfavorable for spiritual development. Human life is designed to raise energy up, not down, and a product like garlic helps direct energy downward - increases animal instincts. Eating garlic is extremely unfavorable for life and happiness.”

This is what a doctor, candidate of medical sciences and spiritual teacher Ruben Zakharbekov:

“Garlic causes a burn to the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach, leading to severe spasm, and spasm, in turn, leads to atony and disruption of the digestive organs.

You may object: “I’ve been eating garlic all my life and I don’t feel any cramp.” And you'll be right. You may not feel the harmful effect of garlic on the esophagus, but this does not mean that it is not there. If you constantly ate this product, then over time your nerve endings will lose sensitivity. Try eliminating garlic from your diet for six months, and then eat a clove. You will feel all the symptoms of pancreatitis: belching, pain in the hypochondrium, in the pancreas area. However, this is not pancreatitis, it is a burn of the mucous membrane and the reaction of your autonomic nervous system to it. Many people will ask: “What about hot peppers?” Pepper does not have such a powerful burning effect. It can cause a severe burn, and yet its effect is milder than that of garlic. And they eat it, as a rule, in very small quantities due to its strong pungency.”

In the book Hatha Yoga Pradipika in shloka 59 it is written: “Foods that are forbidden (for yogis): bitter, sour, spicy, salty; sour porridge, vegetable oils, sesame and mustard, alcohol, fish, meat, ..., garlic. Asafoetida and garlic are considered sexual enhancers because they are supposed to stimulate the production of sex hormones... One who is trying to maintain awareness of the higher aspects of consciousness should definitely refrain from taking such substances until he is firmly established in this state of consciousness.”

In the book “Gheranda Samhita” it is literally written: “At the beginning of YOGA practice, you should avoid everything spicy, bitter, sour, salty and fried, just like sour milk, diluted buttermilk, heavy vegetables, alcohol, nuts, vine palm, lemons, garlic . For a yogi, garlic and onions are even worse than meat. Everyone who does not want to give up these polluting plants if they practice YOGA should tell themselves this!

The sacred texts of India (Vishnu Purana, Shiva Purana, Mahabharata) tell the story of the churning of the ocean . Tradition says that onions and garlic came from the saliva and blood of the demon Rahu, who took possession of the drink by deception immortality destined for the gods. Lord Vishnu cut off the head of the treacherous demon, and it became the dark planet Rahu, due to which solar and lunar eclipses occur. Onions and garlic grew from drops of saliva and blood that fell to the ground, so pious brahmins do not eat onions and garlic, realizing that this is the blood of a demon. Mixed with the nectar of the gods, onions and garlic received many healing properties. But they originated from a demon, and therefore have a strong influence on the lower chakras, awakening the animal nature of man. Those who ate garlic and onions in ancient India were considered shudras (low caste) and barbarians (ignorant). Therefore, those who desire spiritual elevation try to avoid these foods.

  • “...it is not recommended to eat garlic and onions for those who wear rudraksha, i.e. worshipers of Shiva" (from the texts of Sivananda "Lord Shiva and His Worship").
  • “TAMAS is everything that decomposes. Leftover food and dishes that have been reheated several times are tamasic. In addition, this includes onions, garlic, meat, fish, and alcohol. They burden the mind, stimulate base instincts and lead to depression” (Dwivedi, Triguna, Maharishi - Ayur-Veda).
  • “Since the drop of amrita that Rahu managed to drink only reached his throat, his body fell dead, but his head remained alive and has since tormented the Moon and the Sun, taking revenge for the betrayal. Whenever possible, Rahu swallows them with great pleasure. But now only the head remains of it, and therefore the luminaries pass through it and become visible again as soon as the eclipse ends. Where drops of Rahu's blood fell to the ground, garlic grew, whose healing properties similar to amrita. However, on the mind of those who consume it, it produces an effect inherent in the nature of Rahu.” (Robert Svoboda. The Greatness of Saturn)
  • “The wearer of rudraksha should not consume intoxicating substances, meat, or garlic.” (Sama-Veda, Rudraksha-Jabala Upanishad)
  • “For the twice-born, garlic, leeks, onions, and mushrooms growing from sewage are unsuitable for food.” (Dharma Shastra, chapter 5, article 5)
  • “A twice-born person, having deliberately eaten a mushroom, [the meat of] a domestic boar and a rooster, garlic, onions or leeks, falls into sin (patati).” (Dharma Shastra, chapter 5, art. 19)
  • “One of the reasons for the increase in sexual energy in the body, and accordingly, sexual desire, is the consumption of meat, very sweet, salty and spicy foods, as well as small doses of alcohol. Therefore, to control it, vegetarianism is recommended, avoiding sweets, cakes and pastries, dates, pineapples, onions, garlic and alcoholic drinks" (Mathur Mandal Das. Ayurveda of the family).
  • “Ramanuja wrote repeatedly, dividing unclean foods into three groups: unclean by nature (onions, garlic, etc.); received from the hands of an unworthy person, say, from the hands of a robber; food that is unclean due to its spoilage, dirty, sour, etc.” (The World of Vedic Truths. The Life and Teachings of Swami Dayananda).
  • “If you love onions, garlic and meat, it indicates the rajasic nature in you. It will disturb the peace of your mind and arouse base passions. Avoid onions and garlic. Meat eaters should immediately give up this most unhealthy and unspiritual habit. Take more milk, ghee, butter, honey, wheat, rice and vegetables. Avoid hot seasonings, garlic, onions and spicy foods. Eat moderate, light, non-stimulating, simple foods. Give up tobacco, alcohol, tea, coffee, meat and fish.” (Sivananda Swami. The Golden Book of Yoga).
  • “Commonly prohibited foods: meat, fish, eggs, onions, mushrooms, garlic, masoor dal (red lentils), parched rice, white eggplant, hemp (marijuana), citron (sweet lemon, citrus medica, a relative of lemon and lime), tree sap (not boiled), buffalo and goat milk, milk with salt (salty dishes such as soup containing milk are allowed). Also, canned and frozen foods should not be offered, and it is better to avoid foods containing unhealthy substances such as yeast and white sugar.” (conversation with Srila Prabhupada, Vrindavan, November 3, 1976) (Pancaratra Pradipika)
  • “To save everyone present from the poison released from the churning of the ocean, Lord Shiva drank it and his throat turned blue. Since then His name has been Blue-necked (Nilakhanta). When Amrita appeared and the division began, one of the asuras, Rahu, stole the vessel with Amrita, deciding to drink it alone, in order to achieve immortality. But Lord Vishnu noticed his act as he was sitting between the Sun and the Moon and cut off his head with his weapon (sudarshana chakra). But since Rahu managed to take Amrita into his mouth, his head gained immortality and became the planet Rahu, causing lunar and solar eclipses, from the blood and saliva of the asura, which fell to the ground, onions and garlic grew, and from the spilled Amrita - Haritaki.
    Consumption of rakshasa blood is contrary to all systems of spiritual self-improvement, because it increases the false Ego - “I am this body.” Therefore, all yoga systems do not recommend eating onions and garlic.”
    (Mathur Mandal Das "Introduction to Ayurvedic Treatments" p. 70).

The third criterion of sanity: own experience. For those who have embarked on the path of yoga, clarity of thoughts and keeping oneself pure, meaning the energy of goodness - maintaining within oneself the divine qualities of calm, kindness, compassion are paramount. Living and working in society, it is necessary to find strength that will help preserve the little that accumulates through diligence in practice. Believe me, it’s not easy, it’s easy to allow yourself to slack, to be lazy or eat too much, it’s very important to be vigilant 24 hours a day, because 5 minutes of losing yourself means days and days of diligent practice. It’s easy to give in and eat garlic, but why “amuse your tongue” or be in good health, realizing that by eating garlic, you will distance yourself from yoga. Show common sense, feed yourself with good foods, live in goodness. As the ancient saying goes: “ What you eat, you eat". What you eat eats you = what we eat creates ours physical body and affects the subtle body.


  • Internet articles “about the dangers of garlic”,
  • Hatha Yoga Pradipika,
  • Gheranda Samhita
  • Lectures by O.G. Torsunova

Our body is an integral interconnected system, which itself suggests what is necessary for its better existence. You don't know what you're missing and want onions? It is worth listening to your desires and understanding what substances our body needs. If you want onions, then most often this signals that your body does not have enough antimicrobial substances to protect against viruses and infections.

The benefits of onions

Onions are considered one of the healthiest foods, as they contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements to maintain the health of the body. A lack of them may lead to eating onions raw. In the main chemical composition onions include:

  • Vitamin A. Is an antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals that cause premature aging of cells. Participates in the production of hormones, the formation of the nervous system, and also affects the quality of vision.
  • Vitamin C. Known as ascorbic acid, which is a strong antioxidant. Increases immunity, which promotes rapid recovery from diseases. With its help, the body produces collagen bonds, which forms skin elasticity, bone strength, and strengthens blood vessels. The body reacts sharply to a lack of vitamin C, which is one of the reasons why you crave onions.
  • Vitamin E. Participates in the body's metabolic processes, accelerates the regeneration of cells of internal and external organs. Has a beneficial effect on the production of sex hormones and is one of the most useful vitamins from infertility.
  • B vitamins. Participate in all body processes. Thanks to them, it is formed nervous system, female fertility increases. They influence the process of hematopoiesis and the transfer of genetic information. Affects everything internal organs without exception.
  • Vitamin RR. Vitamin known as niacin, which provides prevention of arthritis, diabetes mellitus, formation of cholesterol plaques.

Onions are rich in microelements such as iron, copper, manganese, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, zinc, ash, calcium, cobalt.

Recent studies have proven the content of phytoncides in onions. It is thanks to them that onions have pronounced antimicrobial properties.

The benefits of onions for women

As mentioned above, onions contain a large amount of vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and the functioning of the pelvic organs. Also vitamin B 9, in a different way folic acid, has a direct effect on the functioning of the ovaries, which helps the production of hormones that increase the chances of pregnancy.

The benefits of onions for men

It has been proven that drinking 1 tablespoon of onion juice three times a day can increase potency and sexual desire. The vitamins and microelements included in its composition help the production of testosterone and the enhancement of secondary sexual characteristics in men. Why does a man want onions if no viruses or infections were detected during tests? Most likely, there is a decreased level of testosterone in the body.

Why do you want onions?

If you feel an irresistible desire to eat onions, then most likely the body is signaling an attack by viruses and bacteria, since onions are a powerful weapon against infectious diseases. And when asked why you want to eat onions every day, you can answer that this is often associated with respiratory diseases, when a hidden infection suppresses the body, and you do not resort to proper treatment.

IN folk medicine onions are the main product for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza. When cold weather sets in, our immune system sends a signal to the brain, which creates taste preferences, and this is one of the reasons why you want onions.

Norms for the use of onions

In fact, there is no specific figure that will indicate the maximum dosage of onions per day, but it can be noted that if you eat 150 grams per day, you will get half daily norm vitamins A and C.

Onions are not high in calories (47 kcal per 100 grams), but nevertheless they are a high-carbohydrate product. It can increase appetite, but will help the rapid absorption of food.

Can onions harm the body?

Onions are not recommended for use by people suffering from high stomach acidity and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. When consumed large quantity Onions may cause asthma attacks, increase blood pressure and develop tachycardia.

The effect of onions on the body

Brain. With frequent consumption of onions, rejuvenation of parts of the brain and delay of aging are observed. Research has shown that onions are a sleep aid. A person who loves onions rarely suffers from insomnia.

Liver. If your liver hurts, then perhaps that’s why you want onions. The reasons for this phenomenon also relate to the fact that our body begins to suggest the products it needs. Combining sugar with onions and then drinking plenty of water can flush out toxins from the liver and gallbladder.

Heart. Frequent consumption of onions affects the process of hematopoiesis and the functioning of the heart muscle. Also, onion juice resolves bad cholesterol, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

How to eliminate the smell of onions?

It’s impossible to imagine without onions large quantity salads, meat and fish dishes, because it adds a piquant aroma and taste. But for all its usefulness, onions have a drawback that causes many people to limit their use. Onions contain sulfur compounds, which cause tears when cut and odor after consumption. In order to avoid sulfur evaporation, you need to follow some rules:

  • Try to store the bulbs in the refrigerator.
  • Carefully remove the peel without damaging the fruit.
  • Wet your knife before slicing cold water and when chopping onions, use a very thin and sharp knife; it injures the walls less, which prevents the gas from escaping.

  • After consuming the product, bad breath remains for a long time. Almonds, walnuts or cedar nuts eaten after onions will help solve this problem. You can also drink a glass of milk after eating.
  • One of effective ways Get rid of an unpleasant odor by slowly chewing a sprig of dill or parsley immediately after eating.
  • Dishes can also absorb the unpleasant smell of onions. In order to avoid the smell from the pan, boil water in it with the addition of 2 tablespoons of vinegar. To avoid odors from cutlery, you just need to wipe them with table salt.

Onions are one of the most the healthiest products, which can help the body in treatment and prevention various diseases. The main thing is to trust your body, and it will tell you what is best for it at the moment.

I try not to use onion And garlic and replace them. Why? – you ask, because it is generally accepted that garlic and onions are very good for health. But is this really so?

Let's see what they say about it various traditions of the world.

According to Ayurveda, classical medicine of India, the products are divided into three categories – sattvic,rajasic And tamasic– foodstuffs in goodness, passion and ignorance. Onions and garlic, and other alliums, are classified as rajasic and tamasic foods, which means that they increase the qualities of passion and ignorance in a person. This is expressed in the fact that they produce an unpleasant odor from the mouth and body, and these (bulbous) plants also cause agitation, anxiety and aggressiveness. Therefore, they are harmful physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. However, Ayurveda allows treatment with onion and garlic in some cases. But at the same time they are by no means daily products nutrition.

People who do prayer And meditation, also do not use these products because they have Negative influence on consciousness.

Taoists, followers Taoism, discovered thousands of years ago that plants from the bulbous family are harmful to humans in a healthy state. In particular, onion harmful to the lungs garlic- for heart, leek– for the spleen, chives– for the liver and green onions- for the kidneys.

People practicing slats, they say that garlic and onions are among the first substances that should be eliminated from the human diet - along with tobacco, alcohol and pharmaceuticals.

Now let's see what it says about it modern medicine.

Back in the 1950s it was known that garlic reduces human reaction time by two to three times. It is for this reason that it is also considered harmful to dogs.

And in the 1980s, in his studies of human brain function, Dr Robert(Bob) K. Beck, Ph.D., saw that garlic had harmful effects on the brain. He discovered that garlic is actually toxic to humans because its sulfone-hydroxyl ions cross the blood-brain barrier and are poisonous to brain cells.

He later learned that many philosophies and yoga movements also do not recommend consuming onions and garlic.

What is not so well known is that raw garlic can carry harmful (potentially fatal) botulism bacteria. Perhaps this is why the Roman poet Horace wrote that “garlic is even more harmful than hemlock.”

It is widely accepted among medical professionals that while garlic kills harmful bacteria, it also kills beneficial bacteria that are essential for the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Homeopaths come to the same conclusions and say that Red onion causes dry cough, watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose and other familiar cold symptoms when consumed.

For certain diseases, such as cholelithiasis, anemia, stomach or intestinal ulcers, any acute diseases gastrointestinal tract, kidney and liver diseases, epilepsy, you should be extremely careful in consuming garlic and onions.

These are some of the reasons why it is better not to use these products in cooking, but to replace them, which are very similar in smell and taste.

After many years of not using onions and garlic, I tried to use them to treat colds and was very clearly convinced that they really do have a negative effect, which, with frequent use, a person simply does not notice.

I wish everyone health, happiness and goodness!

Best regards, Yulia.

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