Map of Chao with settlements. Chukotka on the map of Russia. Cities, weather, population, description of the region. Communication and Internet

Maps of Chukotka cities:
Anadyr |

Chukotka map

Once upon a time, about many years ago, the peoples living on the Chukotka Peninsula hunted bison and mammoths. This story has been going on for quite a few centuries.

They came there from that ecologically clean place that was then called Berendey. Much has changed over the past centuries. Archaeologists have recently found invaluable information about the lives of people in the distant past.

In the modern age, the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug is a real treasury of the North-East of Russia. This majestic and diverse land is known throughout the world for its natural mineral deposits. Coal, gas and oil deposits lie in the ground. There is tin, gold, mercury, tungsten, platinum.

Many ancient exhibits can now be seen in museums and exhibition halls. These are products carved from deer antlers, walrus tusks, natural stone and wood. The location of ancient settlements is marked on the map of Chukotka.

The natural world of Chukotka is beautiful and diverse. Trees and plants grow there various breeds, beginning dwarf breeds and ending with the highest. There are mineral healing springs. The map of Chukotka shows the Krusenstern Strait and the coastal islands named after Wrangel, Ratman, and Herold.

Based on the satellite map of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, it is easy to see that the road network in the region is poorly developed. The main reason is permafrost. There are no federal highways; all roads have maximum regional significance. The following roads are worth mentioning:

  • The Polyarny - Leningradsky highway: a 32-kilometer gravel road that connected two gold mines. Due to the liquidation of settlements, car traffic has sharply decreased and the road is falling into disrepair. The northernmost highway in Russia.
  • Iultin - Egvekinot highway: a 207-kilometer gravel road running from the federal seaport of Egvekinot to the villages of Iultin and Cape Schmidt. The easternmost highway in the Russian Federation.
  • Road 44N-3/77K-022: a 2,300-kilometer year-round gravel road under construction from the federal highway P504 “Kolyma” to Chukotka Anadyr via Omsukchan and Omolon.


Looking at the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug on a map of Russia, you will not see large railway lines in the region. There is no railway network in Chukotka at all. There are only scattered narrow-gauge railways that serve as access roads for industrial enterprises.

Large cities and towns of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

On the map of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug with its districts, you can count only eight settlements with a population of over a thousand inhabitants. About 15.5 thousand people live in the administrative center of Chukotka (Anadyr). Other large (by local standards) settlements: Bilibino (about 5.5 thousand people), Pevek (about 4.5 thousand people), Coal Mines (less than 4 thousand people), Egvekinot and Provideniya (2-3 thousand . people), Lavrentiya and Lorino (1000-1300 people).

Satellite map of Chukotka

Switching between the satellite map of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and the schematic one is done in the lower left corner of the interactive map.

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - Wikipedia:

Date of formation of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: December 10, 1930
Population of Chukotka: 50 150 people
Chukotka telephone code: 427
Area of ​​Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: 737,700 km²
Chukotka vehicle code: 87

Districts of Chukotka:

Anadyrsky Bilibinsky Chukotsky.

Cities of Chukotka - list of cities of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug in alphabetical order:

Anadyr city founded in 1889. City population - 15468
Bilibino city founded in 1955. City population - 5348
Pevek city founded in 1933. City population - 4547

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug occupies a significant area of Far East. The occupied territory is so vast that the borders of this subject of Russia touch by sea with one of the largest powers - the United States.

Sights of Chukotka- These are numerous sites of ancient people. For example, the ancient settlement of Uelen is the easternmost region of Russia. Archaeologists have found that people lived there 2000 years ago. There is also an ancient site on Lake Kooleni, which is more than 6,000 years old. Scientists have discovered ancient sites and burial grounds there.

Among the natural attractions of the district there are some that have no analogues anywhere else in the world. One of them is whale alley. It consists of many jaws and whale skeletons that were dug and left there by the ancient Eskimos.

Sights of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: Providence Bay, Whale Alley, Cape Navarin, Ancient Naukan, Lake Elgygytgyn, Chukotka District Museum of Local Lore, Holy Trinity Cathedral, Wrangel Island State Nature Reserve, Chaunsky Regional Museum of Local Lore in Pevek, Museum of the Beringian Heritage of the Village of Provideniya, Providensky Local Lore Museum.

The subject of the Russian Federation: Chukotka Autonomous OkrugMain official city (administrative): AnadyrFederal District: Far Eastern Part of the national economy (economic region): Far EasternOKATO region code: 77000000000 Date of formation of the region: December 10, 1930Population (thousands of people): 50,839 (as of 2014) Territory (thousands of square kilometers): 721,5 Car registration plate (code): 87

Check out online card Chukotsky Autonomous Okrug. For convenience, you can view the map from a satellite, or in the form of a diagram (schematic). When viewing a map from a satellite, you can examine the terrain in detail and find the desired object on the map of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

When switching to the diagram view, with the display of the names of objects, street names and house numbers are clearly visible.

Given the high resolution of the map, it is possible to examine the smallest objects in sufficient detail.

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