The nature of the dog breed Siberian Husky

We all know that a dog is a man's best friend. She is there when we are happy; whines and howls when we feel bad, trying in every possible way to express “words” of support in his dog language. This language is understandable without further ado.

The dog faithfully runs to the door when we come home after a long absence. Joyfully fills with loud barking and wags its tail, without leaving us a single step. This is the most devoted animal in the world. She will never leave her master voluntarily and will be with him until the end of her days.

She is a full-fledged member of our family, and for some people these animals replace all relatives and friends, spending their days in an apartment only with a good old friend - a dog. When dogs die, they take a piece of our heart with them. We are really losing something so dear and dear that words here are meaningless - you just need to feel it.

And although the ancestor of this animal is a wolf, a dog will never offend a person without a good reason.

There are many dog ​​breeds in the world. Approximately 500 breeds, but breeders do not stop there and continue to bring out more and more. Exists classification of breeds by the International Canine Federation into ten main groups:

Today we will tell you about the Siberian Husky breed. These dogs are gaining immense popularity among people, gaining more and more of their admirers. You will learn about the description of this breed and about the features of care by reading this article.

  1. History of the Husky.
  2. Description and characteristics of the external features of this breed.
  3. Types of color of the Siberian Husky.
  4. Wayward character of representatives of this breed.
  5. How to properly educate and train.
  6. Features of caring for the Siberian Husky.
  7. How and what to feed for harmonious development.
  8. Where to buy and how much.

History of occurrence

The Siberian Husky is a specialized breed of sled dog officially registered by the Cynologists Association in 1934. Refers to primitive spitz breed. Its homeland is the Far East, and the closest relatives are aboriginal dogs of the northern latitudes of our region. This is one of the oldest sled dogs. In the modern world, it is used as a companion dog and participates in all kinds of exhibition events.

Americans became interested in this breed in the middle of the 19th century. Then they gained particular popularity among the population of Alaska for participation in dog races. Russians and Chukchi used this breed for their sledges (sledges with teams for riding dogs). However, the inhabitants of Siberia could not appreciate the advantages of this breed and neglected them, removing them from the breed register. The USA was the first to recognize the Siberian Husky and approved the standardization for this breed.

Husky stands for Eskimo. This breed was named Siberian in North America. The name stuck and has survived to this day.

The use of the Husky as a domestic dog began actively in 1970 and continues to this day. It is impossible to resist this beauty and her bright blue devoted eyes.

Characteristics of the Husky breed

These dogs by nature have tremendous stamina, a powerful muscular corset and a proportional physique in general. They are characterized by such standard external features:

movements Huskies are light, fast and very smooth. When looking at the gait of this representative, it seems as if the husky is hovering above the ground, its movements are so free.

Maximum the weight male- 28 kg, females- 23 kg. The weight of the animal must be in harmony with growth. The latter, in turn, should not exceed 60 cm at the withers for a male and 56 cm for a female.

smell as such, there is no husky breed, so you should not abuse it with washing.

From these animals you will not hear barking, as from other dogs, but rather a hoarse growl, more like a cat's purr.

When choosing a Siberian Husky, pay attention to all of the above qualities.

Classification of color types

There are many color options for representatives of this breed. Conventionally, they can be divided into the following categories:

Husky character

This dog is distinguished by liveliness of character, extraordinary friendliness and at the same time special calmness. They are family dogs, but only recognize one owner. They love children very much and they love them back.

Will be a great pastime active outdoor games. In winter, your pet will be happy to pull sleds with kids along the snowy streets, delivering indescribable delight to children and adults.

Complete lack of aggression towards humans and makes it impossible to use as a guardian of the dwelling. Doesn't bark or lash out at strangers. This dog is very affectionate and friendly, but at the same time freedom-loving and active. They get along well with other dogs and even with cats if they grow up in their company from childhood.

Use as a hunting ground is unacceptable! And also a bad guard or watchman will grow out of a puppy of this breed. Therefore, you need to decide what you want from your dog in the first place, and then get a pet.

Dogs need to be trained, just like any other animal. Without an appropriate approach, a stubborn and uncontrollable animal will grow out of it.

How to educate and train

If you decide to get a Siberian Husky, get ready to completely change your entire lifestyle and love hiking for long distances. Just wallowing all day in front of the TV in an embrace with your pet will not work. These dogs require quite an impressive walking time and active regular runs, so the owner will have to comply and bring himself into proper sports shape.

So, representatives of this breed need:

  • Communication with representatives of this breed, because husky is a pack dog and she needs a relationship with her own kind.
  • Walking only on a leash, because there are many cases of dog running away. Free walks are possible only in case of unquestioning obedience to the commands of the owner.
  • Husky dog ​​breed is special ingenuity, inquisitive sharp mind and sensitivity, therefore it is necessary to direct these qualities in the right direction so that an obedient and good-natured dog grows out of your pupil.

    Strictness and discipline must be applied. You must clearly and clearly show who is the boss in the house. Handshaking is not allowed! Be sure to encourage after the executed commands to consolidate the effect.

    How to care for a husky dog

    This breed is completely suitable for keeping in your apartment with regular walking. Great if you are the owner of a private house with a large garden plot. Dogs are very love to swim in the water especially when it's hot. Give your pet such an opportunity, take him to stakes and lakes, let him swim and get drunk from the heart.

    Basic rules for caring for a husky:

    1. Dog sheds, so comb it regularly during shedding, using a special brush for dog hair.
    2. cut your hair claws so that the claw only slightly touches the floor.
    3. clean your ears several times a month.
    4. Delete tartar at the veterinarian.

    As you can see, the dog is unpretentious and does not require special care. There is no specific smell, so huskies do not need additional bathing. Caring for a dog is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the basic rules.

    Nutrition Features

    The diet of the Siberian Husky does not differ much from the diet of other dogs. It must contain:

    • Meat.
    • Fish, preferably sea.
    • Dairy products and dairy products.
    • Vegetables and fruits.

    You should also include in your diet. specialized mineral and vitamin complexes. A veterinarian can pick them up.

    If you don’t want to strain too much with husky food, choose the best option for her dry food for active dogs and follow the recommended dosages from the manufacturer.

    Never mix dry food and natural products! Initially decide on the type of feeding and stick to it for the rest of your pet's life.

    This is necessary to maintain the health and harmonious development of the animal. Dogs of this breed live an average of 10-14 years. They are healthy and rarely get sick.

    Where to buy and how much

    There are two purchase options:

    • From hands. It can be acquaintances, relatives or strangers. But in this case, no one can give you guarantees of purebredness.
    • nurseries in large cities of Russia. Here you can buy purebred puppies, however, you will have to pay a tidy sum.

    The cost of puppies in kennels varies from 700 to 1500 American dollars. It can also be purchased by hand for $100.

    So, if you are active, purposeful and ready to pay a considerable amount for the acquisition of a four-legged friend, then the Siberian Husky will become your indispensable family member and devoted companion.

    Siberian Husky

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