Klion d or clotrimazole which is better. What suppositories are most effective for thrush. Local funds - their advantages

The appearance of vaginal candidiasis in the first place puts women before the choice of means for the treatment of the disease. Many patients have already encountered the experience of treating vaginal candidiasis and use familiar drugs that once helped. But newcomers to the fight against the disease are lost before the choice - what are the best suppositories from thrush to cure the disease quickly and forever.

It is best to use suppositories for the treatment of thrush - they act locally on the vaginal mucosa affected by the fungus and give a better result than sprays. To make it more convenient for you to choose the best remedy, we have compiled a list of TOP-10 in the form of vaginal suppositories.

The most effective on the market of antimycotic drugs, according to doctors, is.

It has antifungal, antibacterial and antiprotozoal effects. The active substance is nifuratel, the auxiliary is nystatin. Do not conflict with each other, providing a complex effect. In one session, patients get rid of not only the fungus, but also pathogenic bacteria.

Macmirror complex is allowed to use even. Another advantage of the drug is that, acting on fungi and pathogenic microflora, it does not inhibit the normal biocenosis of the vagina, which is why the therapy is as tolerant as possible. The course of admission is 8 or 12 days, one suppository at night.

Gino Pevaril

A relatively new representative of the antimycotic group for the fight against fungal infection of the genitals.

The composition of Gino-Pevaril includes a component of econazole nitrate, which has a detrimental effect on yeast, fungi, dermatophytes, gram-positive microorganisms. It is convenient in terms of dosage - Gino-Pevaril is available in 50 and 150 mg. In the chronic course of the disease, the course is prolonged, so doctors prescribe 50 mg of the substance daily for two weeks.

In acute candidiasis, it is necessary to act on the pathogen more powerfully and gynecologists recommend using a dosage of 150 mg and putting only three pieces of Gino-Pevaril for three nights. The drug is well tolerated, but it cannot be used in pregnant women in the first trimester due to the penetration of the active substance into the systemic circulation. Practically does not cause side effects.

Good candles from thrush at an affordable price -. The basis includes the active substance of the same name, which has a detrimental effect on a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms, including fungi.

The principle of action of Clotrimazole is a violation of vital important processes in a fungal pathogen, because of which it subsequently dies. Despite the variety of forms of release, women are already long time prefer Clotrimazole suppositories, which proves their effectiveness and ease of use.

The standard course of using Clotrimazole is 6 days, during which they put one piece at a time. Given the severity of the disease, gynecologists recommend extending the period of application.


A good result in the fight against candida albicans is given by candles for candidiasis for women. The drug is distinguished by a democratic price and high quality - with the help of a medicine, you can reliably recover from the disease.

Pimafucin is based on the chemical component natamycin. Despite the widespread use, the resistance of the pathogen to it has not been formed - this allows you to constantly get a positive result from Pimafucin therapy. It is necessary to apply once a day, at night, the duration of therapy is from three to six days, depending on the severity of the course of the pathology.

When the desired result is achieved, doctors advise prolonging it for another three days for the purpose of prevention. Pimafucin can be used by everyone, including pregnant women, since the active ingredient does not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus.

Candles based on nystatin

Active Chemical substance nystatin is a part of several names at once, these are suppositories of the same name, and Polygynax, and Neomycin, and - suppositories from thrush, the list of which can be continued.

These representatives of the antimycotic group differ only in the additional components that make up their composition. Nystatin is contraindicated during pregnancy, but shows good results, so it is often prescribed to non-pregnant women. Despite their positive traits, not everyone dares to use nystatin analogues.

Candles from the nystatin group are used twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, their period of use is quite long - about two weeks. Of course, most patients in today's pharmaceutical industry prefer to deal with the problem in the short term, but nystatin will be life-saving for those who have a chronic process. In this case, you should put up with the inconvenience of using nystatin, since the result exceeds all expectations.


An effective local antimycotic representative of Russian production -. The product contains ketoconazole, which provides a fungicidal effect.

Ketoconazole affects candida albicans, yeast-like, dermatophytes, as well as staphylococci and streptococci. When deciding which suppositories for thrush are better, it is worth considering that Livarol is active both in the acute course of the pathology and in the chronic, often recurrent type of the disease. This sets them apart from other brands. Livarol is prescribed to patients with weak local immunity, as well as to those who have a seriously disturbed vaginal balance due to prolonged use.

Livarol is contraindicated during pregnancy in the first three months of gestation, as well as for those who have an individual intolerance to ketoconazole. To help Livarol, one piece is used every day, introducing them deeper into the vagina at night. The course of use is at least three to five days, and in case of a protracted illness, doctors recommend using Livarol for at least 10 days in order to achieve a lasting therapeutic effect.


The Hungarian representative of the antifungal series has become popular due to its good antimycotic effect. Zalain's price category is acceptable. The suppositories are based on sertaconazole nitrate.

The active substance adversely affects candida albicans, dermatophytes, streptococci and staphylococci. In addition to a wide spectrum of action, Zalain has other advantages. Often, patients use one Zalain suppository to get rid of signs of vaginal candidiasis. In severe cases of the disease, doctors recommend re-use after a week.

A distinctive positive characteristic of Zalain is the impossibility of its penetration into the systemic circulation. This means that side effects from use are minimal. Only sometimes women complain of redness and, but such complications are extremely rare. It is also worth noting that Zalain is allowed, which other medicines do not allow.

The best suppositories for thrush, which often recurs, are. The active ingredient is itraconazole. Like other antifungal representatives, the drug works great against different types pathogens.

Suppositories are inserted deep into the vagina at night, the minimum period of use is seven days, the maximum is two weeks. They are not prescribed to pregnant women in the first trimester, and the rest are advised to refrain from sexual activity during therapy.

When breastfeeding, it is better for a young mother to interrupt feeding. In rare cases, Irunin provokes side effects, including burning, but doctors do not advise stopping taking it - side effects quickly disappear.


Not so long ago, Klion-D suppositories were very popular, but with the release of more progressive analogues, the drug was undeservedly forgotten.

Klion-D is based on the active substance metronidazole and miconazole nitrate, which have antifungal properties. In addition, candles also have an antibacterial effect. This is especially important if the cause of the disease is not only fungi, but also pathogenic bacteria.

It is best to use Klion-D at the initial stage of the appearance of signs of vaginal candidiasis. It is necessary to apply within ten days, putting it overnight in the vagina. If the pathology is severe, it is possible to connect oral agents.

Choosing which suppositories from thrush are the best, you can not ignore Ketoconazole. It contains the active substance of the same name, which perfectly fights against fungal pathogens.

Ketoconazole, when it enters the vagina, quickly penetrates the mucous membrane and works directly against the pathogen. The price of the drug is low, but the effect of this does not worsen. Treatment with Ketoconazole takes place for at least five days, one piece every day.

If necessary, doctors can extend the course up to ten days. Ketoconazole is prohibited for use in those women who are pregnant and breastfeeding. Also, it is not prescribed to those who suffer from renal or hepatic insufficiency.

What candles for candidiasis for women are better to choose?

If it is necessary to treat genital candidiasis, it is best to be examined before starting an appointment with a gynecologist and pass it. Laboratory studies will make it possible not only to establish the pathogen, but also the severity of the course of the process, the presence of burdened analyzes.

Depending on the results, the doctor will prescribe the best candles for thrush, the names of which are asked at the pharmacy without a prescription. With therapy in full, the disease is treated in a short time and stable remission is achieved.

Candles from thrush are the most convenient drug for local drug therapy of vaginal candidiasis. The effectiveness of suppositories is aimed at deep penetration of antifungal components. Active substances have a sanitizing effect on the mucous membrane, destroying pathogenic microorganisms and eliminating the inflammatory process.

Candles will help to quickly eliminate the symptoms of thrush

On a par with suppositories are vaginal tablets from thrush. They also have an almost instant effect, eliminating not only the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis, but also destroying the cause of its development.

Discomfort in the perineum may be a symptom of thrush

Vaginal suppositories for candidiasis cannot fully cure the disease. This is possible only at the initial stages of the development of the disease and with a competent approach to treatment. As a rule, without a doctor, drug therapy is not only ineffective, but also unsafe. To obtain the proper result from the treatment, it is necessary to approach this competently. First of all, you need to find out the causes of the development of thrush and eliminate the predisposing factors:

  1. Correct changes in the vaginal microflora by normalizing the pH level.
  2. Stop taking antibacterial drugs and restore the protective functions of the body.
  3. Exclude sexual intercourse and monitor personal hygiene.

How to understand that thrush develops in women? What symptoms should you see a doctor for? Any discomfort should alert! Whether it's obnoxious, curdled discharge, itching or burning. The sooner a woman sees a doctor, the more likely it is that the disease will be cured quickly. In some cases, only 2-3 days are enough to return to a full life. In advanced cases, treatment can be delayed for a long time.

Why is thrush dangerous, and what to do when it appears?

Frequent stress can cause thrush

Vaginal candidiasis is a fairly common disease that can occur in response to frequent stress and even during pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body. The danger of thrush lies in the fact that this disease is often complicated by the addition of infectious processes. The fungus of the genus Candida creates favorable conditions in the vagina for the life and reproduction of such pathogenic microorganisms as chlamydia, bacteroids, gardnerella and fusobacteria.

Treatment of thrush is carried out using vaginal suppositories only in the first stages of progression. If measures are taken late, then oral medications cannot be dispensed with. This form of drugs affects pathogenic microorganisms through the blood, destroying them not only in the vaginal area, but simultaneously throughout the body.

Main characteristics of vaginal suppositories

Currently, pharmaceutical companies produce many drugs to combat thrush. in gynecology they occupy a leading place, since without them it is impossible to cope with many diseases.

Before choosing candles from thrush, you need to visit a specialist

Vaginal suppositories from thrush are a universal medicinal product, which is widely used for monotherapy and in combination with oral medications. Only a doctor, after a comprehensive diagnosis, can choose the most effective drug. It is not recommended to use suppositories against thrush on your own. This approach to drug therapy may not be effective enough. This is followed by the transition of the disease to the chronic stage of development.

After the appearance of the primary symptoms of thrush, for the appointment of effective treatment, you should visit a specialist. At the appointment, the doctor will take a smear for sowing and, after receiving the result, will shave a suitable product. Candles for thrush in women should have sufficient antifungal effects, in accordance with the resistance and stability of the pathogen.

What suppositories are best?

What candles from thrush are better? It is impossible to answer such a question without examining the results of a smear for bacterial culture. The most effective candles for thrush are those that are selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the pathogen and the state of the patient's body. If you buy even the most expensive drug on your own, then it most likely will not have the desired result. Such an approach to treatment will not only lead to a violation of the microflora of the vagina, but will also cause the transition of the disease to the chronic stage of development.

Do not pull with a visit to the gynecologist. Timely delivery of tests and drug treatment- a guarantee of health and preservation of reproductive functions. The specialist will not only prescribe the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, but also tell you how to use suppositories from thrush correctly.

What drugs are most in demand?

How to decide on the choice of candles from thrush?

Candles from thrush - a list of names: "Zalain", "Livarol", "Irunin", "Makmikor", "Clotrimazole", "Miconazole", "Ifenek", "Pimafucin", "Polygynax", "Betadin", "Lomexin" , "Fluomizin". These drugs are highly effective against the fungus of the genus Candida. They are prescribed in the initial stages of thrush and in combination with other drugs to combat chronic forms of the disease.

In order to understand which candles are better, it is necessary to study their description in more detail: composition and properties. It is not enough to know the name of the candles from thrush in order to effective treatment. It is mandatory to undergo a diagnosis and get recommendations from a specialist. Do not risk your health, but consult your doctor about which candles can be used specifically in your case.

Vaginal suppositories "Zalain"

"Zalain" is intended for single use

Vaginal suppositories against thrush, developed on the basis of benzothiophene and imidazole. Active substances destroy pathogenic fungal microorganisms and restore the natural microflora of the vagina. The drug is intended for a single sanitation. Just one candle from thrush can permanently save a woman from unpleasant symptoms.

Despite the fact that the drug has a number of contraindications and can cause adverse reactions, it is often prescribed during pregnancy. The doctor at the same time takes into account the possible risks to the fetus and compares them with the benefits for the mother.

The use of suppositories from thrush is not recommended for persons who have an individual intolerance to the components that make up the preparation. Among the adverse reactions, the most frequent can be distinguished - local burning and in the vaginal area. It is not excluded the possibility of developing an allergic reaction in the form of urticaria, redness and swelling of the mucous membranes and skin.

With thrush, Zalain suppositories are recommended to be taken once. Before laying the suppository, you should wash yourself. The procedure is carried out as follows: the woman is in a prone position and does not get up after the introduction of the candle. This approach eliminates the possibility of leakage of the drug after dissolution under the influence of body temperature.

The cost of the drug varies from 380 to 480 rubles, which depends on regional allowances.

Suppositories "Livarol"

"Livarol" is very effective in the treatment of thrush

With candidiasis, Livarol candles are indispensable helpers. The active substance, which is part of the drug, has a pronounced and persistent effect on fungal colonies. The drug is absolutely safe, as it does not cause allergic reactions. Despite this, before using the drug, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

  • Dosage - 1 suppository per day.
  • Time of use - daily, at night.
  • The course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days.

A long course of treatment can cause the development of resistance of the thrush pathogen to the active substances that make up the suppositories.

Candles "Livarol" for the treatment of candidiasis cost 365 rubles. (5 pcs.), 455 rubles. (10 pieces.).

Vaginal tablets "Irunin"

"Irunin" is widely used to treat chronic thrush

The drug is intended for women suffering from the vaginal form of candidiasis. The drug quickly destroys pathogenic microflora and normalizes the natural level in the vagina. It is widely used for the treatment of chronic thrush in combination with drugs intended for oral use.

  • Candles should be laid once a day, before going to bed, after careful hygiene procedures.
  • The drug is not used in the first trimester of pregnancy and for the treatment of women who are breastfeeding.
  • If redness, burning and itching appear, it is recommended to stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

Antifungal suppositories cost 300 rubles (pack of 10 vaginal tablets).

Candles "Makmikor"

Combined suppositories for thrush, which include active ingredients such as nystatin and nifuratel. The drug is absolutely harmless, so it can be used by pregnant women, but only after prior consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

"Makmikor" is assigned even to pregnant women

  • Candles should be laid before going to bed, after hygiene procedures.
  • The course of treatment for candidal vaginosis is from 5 to 8 days, depending on the stage of progression of the disease.
  • It is not recommended to take in the presence of a hyperreaction to the substances that make up the drug.
  • Adverse reactions include skin rash and itching. If they occur, the use of suppositories should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

The cost of the drug "Makmikor" in the form of suppositories is 420 rubles. (8 pcs.).

Vaginal suppositories "Clotrimazole"

"Clotrimazole" has a pronounced antifungal effect

An effective remedy that has a pronounced antifungal effect. The drug should be taken with extreme caution, as it has a wide range of adverse reactions in the form of increased urge to urinate, pain during intercourse, vaginal dryness, attacks of pain in the lower abdomen and the appearance of copious discharge. With a well-calculated dosage, adverse reactions are extremely rare.

It should be noted that long-term therapy with Clotrimazole suppositories is not carried out, since pathogenic microorganisms have the ability to develop resistance to the active substances that make up the drug.

The cost of vaginal suppositories is low, despite the rather high efficiency: a package of suppositories costs only 70 rubles.

Candles "Miconazole"

"Miconazole" is also used to treat various genital infections.

The use of suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis is unacceptable without consulting an experienced doctor. Despite the fact that the instructions for use contain recommendations for dosing, the duration of antifungal therapy should be calculated individually. With the help of this drug, various genital infections are treated, which makes it universal.

Suppositories "miconazole" quickly help to eliminate the symptoms of thrush and normalize the natural microflora of the vagina. In women, treatment with this drug is carried out quickly enough. In some cases, it takes only 3 days for a complete cure for thrush.

  1. Before going to bed, the suppository is deeply inserted into the vagina.
  2. The course of treatment is from 3 to 7 days, depending on the stage of progression of thrush.
  3. For 1-2 days, a slight burning sensation and redness, diarrhea and pain in the lower abdomen are acceptable. These symptoms are considered normal and do not require correction.

Among the contraindications are diabetes, liver dysfunction and herpes. It is not recommended to use these suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis in pregnant and lactating women.

Advantages and disadvantages of vaginal suppositories

The best candles for thrush are those that quickly destroy the fungus, normalize the microflora of the vagina and do not cause side effects. Almost all suppositories are good, there are those that are intended for single use. And there are drugs that require long-term therapy.

Advantages of drugs for insertion into the vagina:

  • Local suppression of the activity of fungal colonies.
  • Low likelihood of adverse reactions.
  • A one-time mortgage is possible, which does not require additional correction.

But not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. The attending physician may not approve of this approach to the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. The fact is that the use of this form of drugs often does not have the desired effect. It is necessary to treat thrush using vaginal suppositories, strictly following the scheme prescribed by the doctor. Only in this way it is possible to achieve the expected effect and completely recover from thrush.

The condition of a woman is reflected in many organs. For example, thrush at the moment signals a decrease in immunity. This occurs due to many factors: from an increase in blood glucose to the development gynecological pathologies. You can not consider thrush as an infectious disease transmitted to a partner.

It is required to treat it comprehensively, identifying the cause of the appearance, otherwise even the most effective suppositories from thrush can only help for a short time.

How to treat thrush?

You should not self-medicate and buy suppositories against thrush, which a friend or a pharmacy seller will advise.

Adequate treatment is prescribed by a gynecologist and not always from the first examination, but directs the patient for an additional examination.

Often the problem appears against the background of other, more serious pathologies, such as diabetes mellitus, inflammatory diseases chronic ( HIV, tuberculosis), disorders in the digestive system and others.

Candidal colpitis- this is the medical name for thrush, it is treated for a long time, because immunity affects the entire body. Especially in chronic pathologies, relapses cannot be avoided here. Therefore, it is impossible to advise which suppositories for thrush in women are the most effective.

During treatment, the following actions are carried out:

For the treatment of thrush, suppositories from different pharmacological groups are used:

  • Antifungal agents.
  • Antibiotics with an effect on the Candida fungus.
  • Candles of complex action, in which, in addition to antifungal substances, there are others.
  • Means that strengthen local immunity.

An accurate determination of the list of effective drugs for treatment will be carried out by the doctor after an appropriate analysis and examination.

Treatment of thrush in women. Video:

Causes of thrush

In order for candles to help, you need to know the cause of the appearance of thrush. The weakening of immunity and the development of the disease occurs under the influence of the following factors:

infectious diseases.

Personal hygiene is of poor quality.

Hypothermia of the body.

The habit of using synthetic underwear.

Treatment with certain drugs, such as antibiotics.

Wrong nutrition.

Changes in the hormonal background, it happens during pregnancy.

Use of daily sanitary napkins.

If the defeat of the fungus is insignificant, then vaginal suppositories will help to cope with it. What suppositories for thrush are best used to eliminate the disease, the doctor will tell.

Cheap and effective candles for thrush

Every woman wants to find the most effective and safe candles, so that they quickly and efficiently help get rid of the problem, are safe and easy to use. All drugs can be conditionally divided into several groups.

Inexpensive but effective

Inexpensive and effective candles include the following:

1. Nystatin - the average price for them is 60-80 rubles. The fungus does not show resistance to the components of the drug, and therefore quickly dies. After the treatment, a long-term effect is observed. Very convenient for chronic thrush.

It is used in advanced cases, but with prolonged treatment, vaginal dysbacteriosis may occur, because the remedy affects not only the pathogenic flora. Candles should be used 3 times a day.

Contraindicated in pregnant women and those who cannot tolerate the components of suppositories. Side effects are rarely manifested in the form of nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

2. Clotrimazole - its price is 30-60 rubles. This drug has side effects in the form of abdominal pain, itching and discharge. Their treatment lasts only 6 days, for which one candle should be inserted deep into the vagina at night. Contraindicated in pregnant women, especially in the early stages, and nursing mothers.

3. Synthomycin is an inexpensive suppository, 35-50 rubles. The active substance in them is macrolide antibiotics that can disrupt metabolic processes in the membranes of fungi. These suppositories are used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. If used for a long time, microflora disturbance may occur. It should be administered 2-3 times a day.

There are other drugs that can quickly get rid of the problem. But their use should be coordinated with the doctor.

Expensive drugs

Effective and inexpensive candles from thrush have proven themselves positively, which is why they are still in demand among ladies. There are other drugs that are not so cheap, but at the same time are preferred for use:

1. Pimafucin - 3 candles cost about 280 rubles. This drug is approved for pregnant women. It is applied in a course of 3-6 days, one per day. Not approved for use if there is hypersensitivity to the components. A side effect is a slight burning sensation of the vaginal mucosa.

2. Lomexin - the price for a capsule of 10 g is 330 rubles, and for two capsules of 6 g each - 450 rubles. A capsule with a larger weight is used once, and 6-gram ones need to be administered 2 days in a row. This is a fairly effective remedy, quickly kills the fungus.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components and during pregnancy. Of the side effects: rash, urticaria - in this case, the treatment must be canceled, irritation - you can continue therapy.

3. Livarol - the price of a package is 450 rubles. In addition to getting rid of the fungus, the drug helps to cure some bacterial infections. It is prescribed for those who have thrush for the first time. Do not use at the beginning of pregnancy, in the later stages only as directed by a doctor. Side effects - redness of the mucous membrane, itching and allergies in the form of a rash and nausea.

4. Terzhinan - can be bought at a price of 360-390 rubles. The drug is a means of complex action. It contains neomycin, nystatin, ternidazole and prednisolone. It can simultaneously treat other pathologies, for example, vaginitis.

Quickly relieves itching and inflammation. To side effects include individual intolerance, allergy. Cannot be applied to early dates pregnancy. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, but the drug should not be used for more than two weeks.

5. Hexicon - inexpensive drug, about 300 rubles per pack. The tool is detrimental to many types of pathogenic microflora. It has no contraindications for taking, it is allowed to be treated even for pregnant women. Improper use can lead to vaginal dysbiosis. Candles must be administered deeply 1-2 times a day, the doctor prescribes the full course - this is 5 or 10 days.

6. Zalain - you can buy it for 500 rubles. The candle is inserted once and is pretty effective drug. If the symptoms do not disappear, then you can re-use after a week.

The candle is inserted at night deep into the vagina. Of the side effects - itching, but it is not necessary to cancel the treatment. Allergic reactions are possible. It is forbidden to use during pregnancy.

These are the most popular and best vaginal suppositories for thrush, but in fact there are many more of them, there are both expensive and not very expensive ones. Which ones are right for you, only the doctor decides based on the results of the examination.

Proper treatment for thrush. Video:

Candles from milkiness during pregnancy

Thrush is not as harmless as it seems. The launched form extends to internal organs women and can negatively affect reproductive function and make the woman barren. When planning to conceive a child, it is necessary to cure thrush so that it does not interfere with pregnancy and does not harm the fetus during its gestation.

In the later stages, it is also undesirable, since it can go to the baby during childbirth. The best treatment at this time - local candle therapy.

But not all of them can be used, otherwise the particles of the drug, once in the blood, can harm the development of the baby.

You can be treated with safe and effective suppositories, designed for use during the gestation of the baby. The best suppositories from thrush in this period:

More useful information here.

  • Pimafucin;
  • Zalain;
  • Livarol;
  • Hexicon;
  • Clotrimazole.

These drugs have already been described above. You can also use other means:

The presented drugs have contraindications that should be considered before use. It is better to consult a doctor.

Candles from thrush during breastfeeding

After childbirth, when the mother is breastfeeding the baby, the hormonal background and thrush almost always occurs. In order not to harm the health of the baby, the treatment is carried out exclusively using candles. There are candles, the active substances of which penetrate into breast milk, so they cannot be used.

If you do not want to give up breastfeeding, you need to choose drugs that are safe for the baby. These include: Clotrimazole, Hexicon, Zalain, Pimafucin. All of them are described above.

Candles for candidiasis and thrush are the most convenient in the treatment of this disease. They are introduced deeply and are well absorbed by the vaginal mucosa, quickly relieving inflammation and killing harmful microorganisms. Do not forget about the reasons for its appearance and use all the possibilities to increase the body's defenses.

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Vaginal candidiasis is more commonly known as thrush. It is a disease that affects the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Its occurrence is due to the active reproduction of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

According to statistics, 3 out of 4 women have experienced thrush at least once, and recurrence of the disease occurs in more than 50% of respondents. Contrary to popular belief, vaginal candidiasis is not sexually transmitted. Moreover, thrush is not associated with the presence or absence of sexual activity.

Thrush is accompanied by terrible discomfort: itching, discharge, burning, painful urination, pain during intercourse. For effective treatment, an appeal to a specialist is required, who will establish the true cause of candidiasis and select individual therapy.

Among the means to combat thrush and its prevention, candles are especially popular. This form of release contributes to the rapid elimination of unpleasant symptoms due to the local effect on the lesion. They are convenient and easy to use. They can also be found under the name suppositories or vaginal tablets.

  • doctors' recommendations;
  • user reviews;
  • online survey;
  • price policy.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

The best candles for thrush: price-quality

Thrush is an extremely unpleasant disease that brings significant discomfort to a woman's life. Constant itching, burning and pain do not allow you to concentrate on work. With candidiasis, you will not be able to relax even on vacation.

This category contains candles for thrush, which, according to user voting and the opinion of experts, have proven to be the most effective. Their high cost is more than offset by the rapid removal of symptoms and long-term results. Positive reviews of these products confirm their pronounced antifungal effect.

5 Gino-pevaril

Relief after 1st suppository. Minimum contraindications
The country: Switzerland (made in China)
Average price: 420 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.3

The symptoms of incipient candidiasis familiar to most women are unbearable itching and unpleasant discharge. Unfortunately, inexpensive medicines and remedies traditional medicine not able to get rid of them in the shortest possible time. In contrast, the first use of Gino-pevaril suppositories brings significant relief, while the full course (14 days at a dosage of 50 mg or 3 days at 150 mg) allows you to remove inflammation for a long time. The wide spectrum of action of suppositories is due to the properties of their main component - econazole, which damages the cell membranes of fungi and thereby contributes to their destruction. In addition, econazole is poorly absorbed into the body, and its metabolites are rapidly excreted by the kidneys, so the number of contraindications for this drug is minimal.


  • helps quickly.
  • there is a convenient dosage option;
  • in case of recurrence, a second course of treatment is possible in a week.


  • distrust of some women to Chinese products.

4 Neo-Penotran

The best form. Excellent reviews from doctors
The country: Germany (produced in Turkey)
Average price: 910 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

One of the most effective remedies against thrush, most gynecologists consider Neo-Penotran candles. As active compounds, they use 500 mg of metronidazole and 100 mg of miconazole nitrate. There is also a more concentrated drug "Forte" - with 750 and 200 mg of active ingredients, respectively. The combined effect provides effective inhibition of pathogenic fungi and bacteria, due to which the drug is indicated not only for the treatment of thrush, but also for a number of other gynecological infections, including mixed ones. Among the many advantages, women point to the convenience of using candles, despite their non-standard triangular shape.


  • complex impact;
  • effectiveness confirmed by reviews of doctors and women;
  • undemanding to storage conditions (not higher than 25 °);
  • high duration of the result.


  • frequent mention of adverse reactions such as vaginal itching or abdominal pain;
  • duration of the course chronic inflammation- 14 days;
  • high cost.

3 Macmirror Complex

Wide spectrum of action
Country: Italy
Average price: 713 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Vaginal suppositories Macmirror complex is a combined drug that has antiprotozoal, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Users note the high effectiveness of their use. They especially liked the release form. Candles are covered with a special shell, so that when they are introduced, the hands remain clean. As a minus, the reviews mention the high price of the drug. Also, dissatisfaction is caused by leakage of candles, and as a result, soiled linen. If indicated, the remedy is allowed for pregnant women.


  • a wide range of activities;
  • high efficiency;
  • candles are in the shell;
  • allowed with caution during pregnancy.


  • high price;
  • profuse leakage.

2 Betadine

Betadine suppositories are on the list of the most popular vaginal suppositories for thrush, according to a user survey. Them distinguishing feature is a high antiseptic and disinfectant effect, which is due to the active substance povidone-iodine. The abundance of oil in the composition negatively affects the degree of their leakage. The reviews note that suppositories can stain clothes. As a plus - permission to use them in the first trimester of pregnancy. One package is enough for the treatment of thrush.


  • antiseptic and disinfectant effect;
  • the drug is allowed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • Packing is enough for the course.


  • leak and stain clothes.

1 Zalain

Better Efficiency
Country: Hungary
Average price: 551 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The broad-spectrum antifungal drug Zalain is available in the form of a cream and suppositories. Suppositories for the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis, as reviews show, are more convenient. The main advantage is a single dose, the package contains only one candle. The tool is distinguished by a fundamentally new sertaconazole molecule. Thanks to this, it is possible to prevent repeated episodes of thrush. The triple mechanism of action stops the growth of the fungus, increases the permeability of the cell membrane, prevents the penetration of the fungus into the mucous membrane and the transition to a pathogenic form. In comparison with most suppositories, which is noted by users, these candles are approved for use during menstruation. Of the minuses - the high cost.


  • single dose;
  • affects all links of fungal infection;
  • prevents relapses;
  • can be used during menstruation;
  • with the permission of the doctor can be used during pregnancy.


  • high price.

The best inexpensive candles for thrush

Hormonal failure, metabolic disorders, a decline in immunity and the use of antibacterial drugs can provoke a relapse of thrush. Inexpensive thrush suppositories can also be effective in restoring microflora and killing fungi.

Candles reviewed in this category are most in demand according to sales. In addition to the obvious plus - low cost, they quickly relieve itching and burning, which are so annoying with candidiasis. Shortly after the introduction of suppositories, discharge decreases and pain during urination stops.

5 Ketoconazole

Time-tested action against the causative agent of thrush
Country Russia
Average price: 240 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.2

Candida infection is characterized by a long course and frequent relapses, which is why women have to look for new and often unsafe treatment regimens. A more reliable solution is to choose an antimycotic drug from among well-studied drugs that acts directly on the cause of the disease. Similarly, ketoconazole works in the body, which not only stops the growth of colonies, but also has a powerful fungicidal effect. It was first synthesized over 40 years ago, has since been well studied and is especially recommended for acute and recurrent vaginal mycosis.


  • budget cost;
  • clinically tested effect;
  • can be used for prevention.


  • duration of the course (from 5 days to 1-2 months);
  • many contraindications - diseases of the liver, kidneys, hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation, age over 50 years.

4 Klion D 100

The best generic of a more expensive remedy
Country: Hungary
Average price: 350 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

In the fight against thrush, it is recommended to use original preparations made in the USA, Germany, and Switzerland. They are rightfully considered the most effective and safe, but at the same time, they are economically inaccessible to many women. So, in comparison with the German Neo-Penotran candles, their Hungarian counterpart costs three times less, and contains the same active ingredients in the base, albeit in a smaller amount: 100 mg of metranidazole and miconazole. However, judging by the frequent appointments and positive feedback doctors, it perfectly helps in the complex treatment of yeast vulvovaginitis and bacterial trichomoniasis. The drug has been known since Soviet times, its action has long been tested, and it is often prescribed even during the II and III trimester of pregnancy (the I-st ​​in the instructions is indicated in the list of contraindications).


  • affordable price;
  • effective composition;
  • does not affect the microflora and pH of the mucosa.


  • fragility of suppositories;
  • discomfort during administration;
  • short-term result in chronic thrush.

3 Nystatin

Inexpensive effective drug
Country Russia
Average price: 80 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Antifungal suppositories Nystatin have a number of advantages: budget price, effective purposeful action, quick relief from the symptoms of thrush. As users assure in the reviews, this is one of the the best means first aid for candidiasis. Among the disadvantages is addiction to the drug, which is why in the future these suppositories may be less effective. Please note that this is an antibiotic. These candles are prohibited during pregnancy.


  • low price;
  • high efficiency;
  • rapid relief of symptoms.


  • getting used to the remedy;
  • antibiotic drug;
  • prohibited during pregnancy.

2 Hexicon

Pronounced antiseptic effect
Country Russia
Average price: 289 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Hexicon vaginal suppositories are one of the best inexpensive suppositories. Their spectrum of action includes antiseptic activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, protozoa and viruses. However, as the reviews show, it is in the fight against thrush that they do not demonstrate themselves in the best way, unlike other gynecological misfortunes. The effect is only for the period of use. The course of treatment, as a rule, is 10 days, and then the symptoms manifest themselves with renewed vigor. Users note that this drug is allowed during pregnancy, and is quite effective in the non-starting form of candidiasis.


  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • effective in the unopened form of thrush;
  • affordable price;
  • permitted during pregnancy.


  • resumption of symptoms at the end of the course.

1 Clotrimazole

Best price
Country: Poland
Average price: 12 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Clotrimazole vaginal tablets are in great demand due to their affordable price. Surprisingly, despite the low cost, the drug demonstrates high efficiency. Its use is indicated for vulvovaginal candidiasis, trichomonas vaginitis, and also as a prophylaxis before gynecological manipulations. Unlike classic suppositories, vaginal tablets are less prone to leakage. But it's a little more difficult to enter. Of the minuses - this is an undesirable use during menstruation.


  • low cost;
  • high efficiency;
  • the agent does not leak.


  • difficulty in inserting vaginal tablets;
  • not recommended for use during menstruation.

The best candles for thrush during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special period in the life of every woman. Any health problems at this time deserve close attention and urgent treatment. Thrush may appear as the first sign of pregnancy - a kind of reaction to the restructuring of the body, and / or pursue periodically throughout all 9 months. Not everyone medicines for the fight against candidiasis are acceptable. About which candles are most effective for pregnant women and why, we will tell in this rating category.

5 Fluomizin

"Ambulance" help with thrush. OTC dispensing in pharmacies
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 510 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

When itching and swelling are completely exhausted, there is no time for experiments - such candles are needed so that after them it immediately becomes easier. Swiss medicines - although not the most inexpensive, but definitely trustworthy when a quick result is required. The fact that Fluomizin is effective can be judged by hundreds of reviews on forums and thematic sites. Its active substance - dequalinium chloride - has a wide spectrum of action, so it is no coincidence that the drug is so often mentioned in the reviews of doctors, especially gynecologists. Remarkably, the manufacturer allows the drug to be taken during pregnancy, and does not limit the conditions for its sale to the presence of a medical prescription.


  • promptly relieves symptoms;
  • eminent manufacturer;
  • safety - candles are allowed for pregnant women and (conditionally) lactating women.


  • dryness and fragility of the suppository;
  • contraindicated before reaching puberty;
  • in the process of application, do not use soap and other products with surfactants;
  • with severe inflammation alone can not cope.

4 Polygynax

The best solution to spicy problems. Lack of analogues
Country: France
Average price: 390 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Of all the vaginal suppositories, it is Polygynax that receives the most conflicting responses. Some women consider it at least useless, and in some cases even an unsafe remedy, others call it a “lifesaver” in the fight against an annoying fungus. The reason for this confusion lies in its unique composition, which is based on 3 antibiotics at once - nystatin, neomycin and polymyxin. Like any antibiotic, the drug is not recommended to prescribe spontaneously. But due to the multicomponent composition, it covers a larger range of fungal pathogens than products with one component, while (again, as prescribed by a doctor) it can be used during pregnancy.


  • comfortable introduction;
  • low recurrence rate;
  • respect for healthy microflora;
  • providing an enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect.


  • low rate of relief of symptoms of inflammation;
  • large size candles (with a quail egg);
  • the contents of the capsule may leave oily stains that are difficult to remove on linen.

3 Livarol

Increased safety for mother and baby
Country Russia
Average price: 465 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Livarol vaginal antifungal suppositories have a fungicidal and fungistatic effect. Users note that thanks to their use, it is possible to get rid of itching, discharge and pain in thrush as soon as possible. The result is stored for a long time. What is important - this drug is approved for use during pregnancy, and does not pose a threat to the mother or child. The high cost is not the only disadvantage. The shortcomings in the reviews include a partial leakage of the suppository, which causes inconvenience.


  • effectiveness during pregnancy;
  • the rate at which symptoms subside;
  • ease of removal from packaging.


  • high price;
  • partially leak.

2 Terzhinan

Quick relief from thrush symptoms
Country: France
Average price: 371 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Terzhinan vaginal tablets are one of the best remedies for thrush during pregnancy. It is a combined drug used in gynecology, has an antiprotozoal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal effect. According to user reviews, a tangible result is observed after the first use. Of the negative points - this is the inconvenience when administering the tablet, as well as the need for pre-soaking.


  • high performance;
  • rapid removal of unpleasant symptoms;
  • safe use during pregnancy.


  • the need to soak the tablet before use;
  • inconvenience when inserting a vaginal tablet.

1 Pimafucin

Most effective during pregnancy
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 492 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Pimafucin vaginal suppositories have a pronounced fungicidal and antifungal effect. Candles are indicated for vaginitis, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis caused by fungi of the genus Candida. The drug is allowed during pregnancy. Getting rid of the symptoms of candidiasis, as described in the reviews, occurs within three days. After entering the suppository under the influence of body temperature, the drug forms a foamy consistency, which ensures a uniform distribution of the composition. Among the shortcomings, users note the overpriced.


  • high efficiency;
  • safety during pregnancy;
  • quick relief from the symptoms of candidiasis.


  • high price.

We present to your attention a selection of inexpensive and effective candles from thrush. Let's talk about their properties, cost, analogues, contraindications, pros and cons of these drugs.

Candles from thrush (according to medical terminology - vaginal suppositories) are local remedies for the treatment of mycoses (fungus) of the genital organs. Their high efficiency is due to the fact that the active substances quickly penetrate deep into the mucous membranes, killing the harmful microflora and relieving inflammation. The pharmaceutical market offers an extensive range of suppositories for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, which differ chemical composition, features of application and specifics of action. Below are described both cheap and effective suppositories for thrush, and more expensive remedies for the treatment of chronic candidiasis.

TOP 8 most popular antifungal suppositories for thrush


These suppositories against thrush are suppositories yellow color with a funnel-shaped recess on the cut. The main active ingredient is nystatin. Depending on the amount of this substance in the preparation, two types of drugs are distinguished: with 250,000 and 500,000 units of nystatin. You can determine the content of the active substance by the appropriate labeling on the package. Sold in cartons of 10 pieces.


Penetrating into the areas of mucous membranes affected by candidiasis, nystatin exhibits a fungistatic effect, that is, it stops the growth and reproduction of harmful microflora. When used in large doses, it provides a fungicidal effect - it destroys fungal cells, completely destroying them.


The cost of a package with 10 suppositories with 250,000 units of nystatin in the composition does not exceed 50 rubles, and with 500,000 units of the active substance it costs an average of 90 rubles.

Analogues (also active ingredient):
  • Polizhinask (capsules) - 6 pcs. costs about 350r.
  • Nystatin (tablets) - a package with 100 tablets costs an average of 140 rubles.
  • Macmirror (cream, candles) - the cost is 700-830 rubles.

Treatment regimen

Nystatin should be applied twice a day, in the morning and at night. Before the introduction of the suppository into the vagina, it is recommended to wash the genitals with a solution of soap or furacilin.

The course of treatment of candidiasis with this drug lasts 11-14 days.


Nystatin is contraindicated in women suffering from pancreatitis, ulcers duodenum or stomach, liver disease or allergic to the components of the drug. This medicine is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.. But during menstruation, it can be used without any fear.

Side effects

Side effects of Nystatin are very rare, since in general it acts quite gently. But in some cases, women complain of burning, redness and itching in the vagina after the introduction.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Nystatin are its low price and non-toxicity to the body. This medicine is suitable for the treatment of the initial stages of candidiasis, but it is ineffective in the fight against advanced and chronic disease.

2. Primafungin

Antifungal suppositories Primafungin are an effective remedy for candidiasis. Their active ingredient is natamycin. Vaginal suppositories Primafurgin are sold in packs of 3 and 6 suppositories.


Candles Primafungin have a fungicidal effect. After injection, they dissolve, forming a foam. The active substance natamycin penetrates into the cells of fungi and destroys their membranes, thus destroying the harmful microflora.


The cost of packaging Primafurgin with 3 candles is an average of 150-180 rubles. A package with 6 suppositories costs from 240 to 300 rubles in different pharmacies.

Analogues of this drug are:
  • Pimafucin (3 supp. cost about 260 rubles)
  • Pimofucort (cream at a price of about 540 rubles.)
  • Ecofucin (a pack of 3 supp. costs an average of 145 rubles).

Treatment regimen

The suppository Primafurgin should be injected deep into the vagina once every 24 hours, optimally at bedtime. The duration of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and ranges from 3 to 6 days.

At the beginning of menstruation, treatment with Primafugin should be interrupted. And here pregnant and lactating women can use this medicine for candidiasis without risk to the baby.


An unequivocal contraindication to the use of Primafugin is an allergy to natamycin, or to the auxiliary components of the suppository.

Side effects

When using this remedy in isolated cases, local side effects are possible - burning and other uncomfortable sensations in the vagina.

Advantages and disadvantages

Primafugin - good and inexpensive candles for thrush, suitable for lactating and pregnant women. This medicine has practically no harmful effects and contraindications, and at the same time it is effective against most fungi. Its only drawback is prohibition of its use during menstruation.


These candles are white or pale yellow in color. The active ingredient in them is ketoconazole. Each suppository contains 400 mg of active ingredient. Sold in boxes of 5 and 10 pieces.


Candles for female candidiasis Ketoconazole have both fungistatic and fungicidal local effects. Upon contact with the vaginal mucosa, ketoconazole quickly penetrates deep into the mucous membranes and destroys fungal cells, without harming the body.


The cost of a package with 5 suppositories Ketoconazole in different pharmacies ranges from 175 to 245 rubles. Pack of 10 supp. costs an average of 410 rubles.

  • Livarol - candles worth about 350 rubles.
  • Nizoral - cream at a price of about 530 rubles. For a 15mg tube.

Treatment regimen

This drug is used 1 time per day intravaginally (Intra - inside; Vaginally - in the vagina). The course of treatment for candidiasis early stages lasts 3-5 days. If the thrush is of a chronic form, it is necessary to use Ketoconazole suppositories for 10 days.


Contraindications to vaginal suppositories Ketoconazole are:

  • 1 trimester of pregnancy
  • Childhood
  • Allergy to drug components.

Side effects

Side effects are discomfort and hyperemia in the vagina after the introduction of the suppository. Also, sometimes the drug provokes an allergic reaction, manifested by a rash on the skin near the genitals.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the most significant advantages of Ketoconazole can be called its effectiveness in the treatment of chronic thrush. Also, the "pluses" of this medicine are a loyal price and a small number of side effects. The "cons" of the drug include a ban on its use in the first 3 months of pregnancy.

4. Iodoxide

Yodoxide vaginal suppositories contain the active ingredient povidone-iodine in the amount of 200 mg. These candles are brown or brown in color. They are available in packs of 10.


Candles Iodoxide have an extensive antibacterial effect. They are effective in candidiasis, vaginitis and other infectious diseases of the vagina. Iodine, the active substance of the drug, after dissolving the suppository in the vagina, penetrates deep into the mucous membrane and kills harmful bacteria.


The cost of packaging vaginal suppositories Yodoxide ranges from 270 to 400 rubles.


Analogues of this medicine for fungal and bacterial diseases of the vagina are candles Iodosept (price approx. 160 rubles) and Betadine (costs an average of 490 rubles).

Treatment regimen

For the treatment of acute candidiasis, iodoxide is administered 2 times a day for 6-7 days. If this drug is used in the fight against chronic thrush, it should be used for 14 days, 1 time per day.


Since iodine is the active substance of the drug, this drug is contraindicated in women suffering from thyroid disorders. Also, iodoxide should not be used, pregnant women and people with kidney failure, dermatitis and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects

The side effect of the drug is local allergic reaction: itching, hyperemia, burning of the vaginal mucosa.

Advantages and disadvantages

The strengths of Yodoxide are a wide spectrum of action and significant efficiency. It helps both with fungal diseases and with other infections of the genital organs. Its disadvantages include the presence of contraindications and the fact that iodine kills not only harmful, but also beneficial microflora in the vagina. Therefore, after its use, it is advisable to use probiotics.


Candles Pimafutsin - the Dutch analogue of the Russian Primafungin. The active element of Pimafucin is nystatin. The tool is available in packs of 3 and 6 pieces.


Pimafucin suppositories have a fungicidal effect on most fungi of the Candida family.


The cost of a package with 3 candles ranges from 240-300 rubles, and with 6 - 450-600 rubles and more.


The analogues of Pimafucin are Ecofucin (145 rubles a pack) and Primafungin (an average of 170 rubles for 3 candles).

Treatment regimen

Pimafucin suppositories are used 1 time per day for 3-6 days. In the case of advanced forms of thrush, it is additionally necessary to drink Pimafucin tablets.


A contraindication to Pimafucin is a particular sensitivity to its components. Also, it should not be used during menstruation.

Side effects

The only side effect of the drug is a minor local allergic reaction.

Advantages and disadvantages

An effective drug absolutely non-toxic to the body and safe for pregnant women. The disadvantage is the possible side effects and the need to interrupt treatment during the "critical" days.

6. Ginezol

Ginezol vaginal suppositories contain the active ingredient miconazole nitrate in the amount of 100 mg. Solid fat is used as an additional component. Ginezol candles are produced in packs of 7 pieces.


The active substance Ginesol miconazole is a fungicidal agent. It destroys most pathogens of vaginal candidiasis. Does not affect the pH level and the beneficial microflora of the vagina.

Price and analogues

In various Russian pharmacies, the cost of Ginezol ranges from 370 to 520 rubles per pack and above. Analogues of this medicine can be called Neo-Penotran (760 rubles for 14 suppositories) and Klion-D (330 rubles for 10 tablets).

Treatment regimen

Candles Ginezol administered 1 time per day, optimally - at bedtime. The course of treatment in each case is individual. For a complete cure, it is recommended to use the drug for 16-18 days: 2-4 days until all symptoms of thrush disappear, and then another 2 weeks so that the medicine destroys all fungal spores and prevents the recurrence of the disease.

Suppositories Ginezol forbidden to use by pregnant women and women who have been diagnosed with liver or kidney failure. Girls under 12 years of age should not use this medicine.

Side effects of Ginezol include a local allergic reaction and menstrual dysfunction during treatment. Unwanted side effects are rare.

Advantages and disadvantages

To positive aspects Ginezol can be attributed to its fairly high efficiency, the possibility of using it during menstruation, as well as safety for beneficial microflora. The disadvantages of the drug is a rather long course of treatment in comparison with other similar drugs and the presence of side effects.

7. Livarol

Candles Livarol - an analogue of the drug Ketoconazole described above. Livarol is offered in packs of 5 and 10 suppositories.


The drug has fungistatic and fungicidal effects.

Price and analogues

The cost of a package of Livarol with 5 suppositories is about 350 rubles, and the average price of a package with 10 suppositories is 630 rubles.

An analogue of Livarol is Ketoconazole candles worth approx. 190 rubles for 5 pieces.

Treatment regimen

It should be administered as deep as possible into the vagina, 1 suppository per day, at bedtime. The duration of treatment for an acute inflammatory process is 3, 4 or 5 days, for a chronic disease - up to 10 days.

Contraindications, side effects

Livarol should not be used by children and women in the first trimester of pregnancy. At 4-9 months of gestation, it can be used after consulting a doctor. Also a contraindication is a particular sensitivity to ketoconazole.

When taking Livarol suppositories, in isolated cases, a local reaction manifests itself - itching, hyperemia and discomfort in the vagina.

Advantages and disadvantages

Livarol is a fairly effective remedy for thrush, with virtually no side effects. Its disadvantage can be high cost in comparison with analogues.

8. Zalain

Zalain is a drug that can cure thrush in 1 day. This remedy is a white vaginal suppository with the active substance sertocanazole nitrate. One suppository contains 300 mg of the active ingredient, as well as auxiliary components - silicon dioxide, suppocir and witepsol. This medicine is sold in cardboard boxes, 1 piece per pack.


The active substance sertaconazole has both a fungicidal and fungistatic effect, and also slows down enzymatic reactions in fungal cells. After the introduction of the suppository, Zalain's components quickly penetrate deep into the affected mucous membranes and destroy fungi of the Candida family, dermatophytes, gram-positive bacteria and a number of other pathogenic microorganisms.

Price and analogues

One Zalain candle costs in different pharmacies from 400 to 900 rubles. In most pharmacies, the price of this drug is approximately 600 rubles.

Zalain's analogues are drugs such as Sertamikol cream (an average of 325 rubles per tube) and Lomexin capsules (500 rubles for 2 pieces).

Treatment regimen

For the treatment of female candidiasis, Zalain is used once. The candle must be inserted deep into the vagina, after washing the external genitalia with a diluted soapy solution. It is best to administer the drug at bedtime.

As a rule, 1 Zalain suppository is enough to completely eliminate thrush. In some cases, when the symptoms of the fungus persist after the use of the drug, reuse is allowed after a week.

Zalain is not forbidden to use during menstruation. This medicine is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.. But in cases where the benefit from it will be greater than possible harm, it is allowed to take Zalain at 4-9 months of pregnancy.

Contraindications, side effects

An absolute contraindication to Zalain is an allergy to sertoconazole and auxiliary components of the drug. With caution, this medicine can be used by pregnant women.

When using a suppository, a slight local reaction is possible - itching, discomfort and hyperemia in the genital area. As a rule, these unpleasant sensations are not too strong and disappear on their own in 30-40 minutes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Zalain is a very strong and effective remedy for candidiasis. This is one of the few remedies that get rid of thrush in 1 day. Its only drawback is the rather high price.

The specifics of the use of vaginal suppositories

Vaginal suppositories are local antifungal agents that are applied intravaginally. In order for the drug to work properly, it is necessary to insert the suppositories correctly, otherwise, after the suppository is dissolved, the active substance may leak from the vagina.

The procedure for introducing a candle is performed as follows:
  1. Before using the product, wash the genitals with soap or a weak solution of furacilin, and also wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Lie on your back, remove the suppository from the package and gently insert it with your fingers into the vagina as deep as possible. (The suppository is inserted in much the same way as a sanitary tampon).
  3. After the introduction of the suppository, lie on your back for at least 15-20 minutes, placing a roller / pillow under your lower back or raising your legs. This is necessary so that the dissolved medicine does not leak out.

It is best to use the suppositories from the thrush included in the list above just before bedtime, so as not to get out of bed after the administration of the drug. It is also important to remember that part of the medicine will leak out in any case, so it is advisable to use panty liners during treatment.

Medicines for thrush in other forms

In addition to candles, pharmacists offer vaginal tablets, creams and capsules for thrush. According to the method of application and action, these local remedies differ little from suppositories. But tablets and capsules, as a rule, act more harshly and suppress not only the fungus, but also the microflora that the body needs.

In the treatment of chronic candidiasis, in addition to local preparations, drugs of general action are also used - tablets and injectables. General therapy may be needed if the harmful microflora is present not only on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, but also in the intestines. The duration of treatment with general action agents is longer, and averages 18-21 days.

Self-selection of suppositories from thrush: yes or no?

Suppositories with antifungal drugs - easy to use and effective means from the milkmaid. However, it will be difficult for a woman to choose the best candles on her own, since candidiasis can be caused by more than a hundred types of harmful fungi. And each drug has a limited spectrum of action and is effective in combating only certain types microorganisms.

To find a cure, you need to know which infection caused the disease. To do this, you should consult a doctor and take a smear. And of course, we must not forget that a number of serious diseases of the reproductive system have symptoms similar to candidiasis. Therefore, it is not recommended to make a diagnosis on your own and randomly buy a medicine, because thrush can ultimately turn into infertility.

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