When to dig winter garlic in the year. When to dig up garlic. Proper storage of garlic heads

When to harvest garlic in 2019? Let's start with the fact that there are two types of garlic: winter and spring.

The first one mainly has shoot forms, is sown in the fall and harvested approximately 100-110 days after the first shoots appear from the ground.

Second non-shooting, seeded in early spring and is harvested 2-3 weeks later than the winter crop.

On a note! Don’t fuss for the time being - the garlic itself will give you a signal when it’s time to remove it.

Signs of garlic ripeness

The feathers of spring garlic will fall off. And the winter one, like on a flagpole, dissolves an inflorescence on its arrow - an aerial bulb. Summer residents usually remove this arrow in order to form good large cloves in the head of garlic.

But those who have already acquired minimal experience in growing winter garlic must leave one or more large garlic shoots in the garden. As soon as the wrapper of the puffed bulb bursts and the garlic seeds (bulbs) peek out, it’s time!

There is no need to think that the “signaling” arrows are being sacrificed for the harvest. These bulbs will be used to increase it. If you plant them in the fall, in next year They will form strong, healthy single-teeth. And some of them later become full-fledged shrews.

There is another “control” way to determine the ripening of garlic. Rake off the soil from two or three heads and see what condition their scales are in. If it has acquired sufficient strength, the bed is ready for harvesting.

Many summer residents, in order to get some kind of guarantee, clean for about a week ahead of schedule ripening, without waiting for the “shirt” on top of the head and on the teeth to dry.

Such garlic “reaches” when dried and stored. And although he appearance not as “presentable” as garlic that was harvested in time (slightly wrinkled), it stores well.

But if you are late with cleaning, the teeth that continue to grow will tear the “shirt” and move away from the arrow. Such garlic will not last long in storage, so it has to be put aside for autumn planting.

Harvesting garlic from the garden

To dig up garlic, choose the time early in the morning or before sunset. The weather should be dry and sunny. Garlic has a fairly developed root system buried in the soil.

Therefore, each plant should not be pulled out of the soil (then the stems will break off in your hands, and the heads will remain in the ground), but more or less carefully dug up with a shovel or garden fork, especially if the garlic grew in an area with rather heavy soil.

In this case, you should try to keep damage to the roots to a minimum. After digging, you need to shake off all the soil.


After harvesting, the garlic is cleared of the uppermost integumentary scales. In this case, you can wash the heads in water, and after removing the scales, rinse them again, but in clean water. After this, all of it should drain, the remains can be shaken off.

The dug up garlic is removed under a canopy for drying to protect it from possible bad weather. This is an important point. If you neglect drying and immediately send the garlic for storage, the entire harvest is in danger of rotting.

If the weather remains clear and dry for several days, you can leave the garlic to dry directly on the beds. However, at night, when air humidity rises, it will still have to be removed somewhere.

A flawless lawn at your dacha all summer long!

Nadezhda Nikolaevna, 49 years old. I have been planting grass near my house for many years. Therefore, we even have experience in this area. But my lawn has never looked as gorgeous as after using Aquagrazz! Like heaven and earth. The lawn is lush and dark green even in the heat. Requires minimal watering.

After drying, the entire harvested crop is divided into three parts.

The largest and healthiest heads are selected for seeds. Such selection only benefits garlic: strong, healthy plants are guaranteed in the future and the variety is not allowed to degenerate.

Garlic of lower quality, unable to last until spring, is set aside for priority use. Its stem is cut 2-3 cm above the head, the roots are trimmed, it is scattered into boxes and put away for temporary storage.

A ventilated pantry is suitable for this. When the autumn harvest is completed, the boxes will move to the city, and their contents will end up on the family table.

The rest of the garlic, suitable for winter storage, is put into the attic along with the seeds and thoroughly dried for two to three weeks.

To avoid the formation of rot, when drying, the garlic should be laid out on boards or any non-damp surface in one layer.

Worth noticing! For better storage of garlic, it is better not to cut the roots, but to burn them in the flame of a candle or burner.

On the other hand, under no circumstances should the roots be cut off along with the bottom. Such a cut is an open gate for putrefactive microorganisms.

From garlic selected for winter storage, you can make a real country-style design element with your own hands! But for this, it is necessary that the stem of winter garlic be cut off by at least 10 cm. A braid will be knitted from these stems.

It is collected from below, by sequentially attaching one head of garlic to another (it usually takes about one and a half dozen for one braid).

Each previous head is twisted into a loop of dry stem. To make the braid stronger, during the manufacturing process you need to weave several tufts of straw into it, and if there is none, twine will do.

Innovative plant growth stimulator!

Increases seed germination by 50% in just one application. Customer reviews: Svetlana, 52 years old. Simply incredible fertilizer. We heard a lot about it, but when we tried it, we surprised ourselves and our neighbors. The tomato bushes grew from 90 to 140 tomatoes. There is no need to talk about zucchini and cucumbers: the harvest was collected in wheelbarrows. We have been dachaing all our lives, and we have never had such a harvest....

The end of the bundle is tied with twine so that it forms a loop. It is on this that the braid will subsequently hang on the wall.

Besides good place storage, garlic turns into a decorative decoration for the kitchen, and besides, it is always at hand for the housewife.

However, it should still be remembered that garlic for any purpose should be stored at a relative air humidity of no more than 70-80% so that it is not spoiled by putrefactive processes.

If this condition cannot be met in the kitchen, it is better to find another, more suitable place for storing the garlic.

When to harvest garlic in 2019 according to the lunar calendar

In order to correctly determine whether garlic is ripe or not, you need to constantly monitor it. As soon as the tops of the garlic begin to droop and the lower leaves turn yellow, you can dig and check whether the garlic is ready for digging. And it will be ready if its outer shell cracks and the clove is clearly visible.

This means the garlic is ripe. Once you are sure that your garlic is ready for harvesting, immediately, without delay, refer to the lunar calendar. Many gardeners determine when it is time to dig up garlic by checking the lunar calendar. A dry sign on the waning moon favors harvesting work.

According to the lunar calendar, favorable dates for 2019 are as follows:

  • in the month of July - from 5 to 7, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24;
  • in August - 1-3, 11, 12, 15, 16, 29, 30.

When to harvest garlic in 2019 in the Moscow region

Cleaning should be timed to coincide with dry weather so that drying is successful. Garlic should not be stored in the same room with other vegetables, since the latter require high air humidity.

It is better to store it in the dark. Garlic is harvested in late July-early August (the timing depends on the cultivation area). Harvesting begins when the outer leaves have turned completely yellow, and the middle ones - one third and a quarter from the top.

A characteristic sign of ripening garlic is also the straightening of the curved peduncle and the opening of the wrapper on the inflorescences (gardeners leave these stems on three or four plants to obtain seed material.

When garlic can be harvested depends on the time it was planted, the weather and when the harvesting took place. Experienced gardeners determine the timing of garlic harvesting purely intuitively. For those who have no experience, there is good advice: periodically, starting from the first days of July, once a week, dig up several heads in different places in the bed and carefully inspect them. The very appearance of the garlic will help determine whether it is time to harvest it. Good garlic has a formed, elastic head; the lower leaves should be slightly yellow. If you wait out this moment, then it will be problematic to remove the garlic, and it will also be very inconvenient to prepare it for the winter.

Determining the optimal harvest time

The possibility of long-term preservation of garlic without compromising its commercial properties directly depends on the time of harvest. The harvesting campaign regime is set taking into account the characteristics of the growing season of the crop in the given climatic conditions.

The maximum growth of the ground head occurs during the initial period of drying of the lower leaves. A responsible task for a farmer who wants to harvest a rich and high-quality harvest is to accurately determine optimal time collection, after which it is possible to organize successful storage of garlic for the winter.

  • If harvested too early, the garlic may ripen, but the bulb will not have time to grow to its maximum possible size. In this way, you can lose up to 15% of the potential yield.
  • When harvesting is late, the garlic has time to overripe. The top husk will begin to peel off and crack, allowing the cloves to fall out of the bulb, dry out and spoil. This will lead to a decrease in shelf life and marketability, a decrease in the cost and demand for products, and a sharp drop in profits from sales.

The harvest date is determined by external signs plants:

  1. for non-shooting varieties - by lodging of false stems;
  2. for bolting varieties - by wilting of the upper leaves, cracking of the covering layer of the inflorescence, drying out of the outer shells of the garlic head.

When to dig up winter garlic

Winter garlic is dug from the 20th of July until the beginning of August. You must first make sure of maturity; the signal is massive yellowing and lodging of the lower leaves, this means that winter garlic is ripe and ready for harvesting. All the nutrients from the above-ground part have passed into the head, so there is no longer any need to leave the garlic in the ground.

If you are in doubt whether the garlic is ripe or not, dig up a couple of bulbs with a fork and inspect. Good garlic that has reached its required ripeness is firm to the touch, the cloves will be well separated (but not falling apart), and the scaly shell will come off easily.

In addition, the ripening of garlic can be calculated by the arrows, at the ends of which the seed pod with bulbs is ripening; when it begins to open, it means it’s time to dig up the garlic in the garden. Bulbs can come in handy if you want to improve the health of your plantings. The teeth gradually, year after year, accumulate infections, from which the bulblets are free.

No need to wait for complete drying, otherwise you will miss the deadline.

When to dig up spring garlic

The second name for spring garlic is summer. It begins to ripen at the end of August, towards the beginning of September. When you observe yellowing of the stems and leaves, you can be sure that the garlic is ready for harvesting. The root collar dries out, the bulb is hard and dried out. All these are signs of mature spring garlic.

But, if you do not have specialized equipment, then it is quite possible to do the cleaning by hand. It is necessary to cut off the arrows, dig up the bulbs a little and carefully, avoiding injury, remove the garlic from the ground. The harvest is laid out in rows so that it dries within 24 hours. Then it is collected in a special room, where it is additionally dried for several weeks with the stems and roots already cut off. It is recommended to leave at least a centimeter of the stem, and when cutting the roots, do not damage the bottom.

If you miss the deadline, the bulbs gradually begin to crack and the cloves fall apart. Then they just start to sprout. The time when garlic should be harvested is determined by several criteria. A dense shell has formed around the heads and the teeth themselves have quite clear outlines. As for the above-ground parts, you should notice yellowing of the two lower leaves.

How to properly remove garlic

Garlic is ready to harvest when its leaves turn yellowish-brown and begin to fall off. Another sign of maturity is dry leaves. Garlic harvested too late will not store well, and the head will disintegrate into individual cloves that are poorly covered with husk. This type of garlic is more susceptible to disease. They dig garlic in clear, dry weather, digging in the bulb and pulling it out of the soil by the tops. Please note that garlic on any soil is not pulled out, but dug up! You need to carefully remove garlic from the garden so as not to damage the heads. Now collect the garlic, remove the soil from the roots and bulbs with your hands and lay it out to dry for 1 -1.5 weeks. After thorough drying, the roots of the garlic are cut off, leaving no more than 2-3 mm, and the stem, leaving a neck up to 10 cm long. When the heads are dry, they are cleaned of dirt and transferred to a well-ventilated, bright room. You should not hit the dug out heads with a shovel or other hard object: any dent on the teeth can eventually turn into a source of rotting. Afterwards, you need to carry out the first selection of heads for seeds, trying to choose the largest and most beautiful ones. Selected heads are tied into bundles of 10 pieces. and hang it separately from the rest of the garlic, also tied in bunches, on a rope in the same place. Do not tear off the tops: the garlic should dry along with the leaves. It is better to remove garlic 5 days earlier than 5 days later. With early harvesting and dosing of bulbs under a canopy, the outflow of nutrients from the leaves into the bulbs continues for 5–10 days. At the same time, their mass and density increases, 3-4 integumentary scales of good quality are formed.

If harvesting is delayed even by 2-3 days, the integrity of the integumentary scales is compromised, the cloves crumble, and the bulbs become loose and unsuitable for storage.

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Storing garlic after harvesting

Immediately after harvesting garlic, it should not be stored for storage. You should first dry it for a couple of weeks, and only then store it for storage. As a rule, they braid their hair or simply put the bulbs in boxes. After a week, you should cut off the roots and tops by 1/2 or 3/4 of each garlic, and pour them into clean canvas bags, then dry them well for 10–12 days, then store them. Spring garlic, unlike winter garlic, is remarkably stored in both warm and cold rooms. A popular storage method is braided braids of garlic, which are hung in the kitchen - it is not only convenient, but also beautiful. Store in a cool, dark place, allowing air to move freely around the bags.

If garlic will be stored in an apartment for the winter, it must be kept in a cool corner, otherwise the heads will turn yellow. When storing root vegetables for a long period of storage, trim the stems, leaving only 5 cm from the tuber. If storage is planned in a basement or refrigerator, the temperature must be maintained at +1-50C

Properly harvested and dried garlic can be stored for six months or more.

It's in full swing summer season and it’s time to harvest from your garden beds. Today I want to tell those who are still growing their first fruits when to harvest garlic in 2017.

The surest and most important sign of when to harvest garlic in 2017 in the Moscow region or other cities middle zone In our country, this is when the leaves at the bottom of the garlic begin to dry out and turn yellow. Most often, this period occurs in mid-July - early August, it all also depends on how hot the summer was or, on the contrary, how rainy it was. Most often these dates fall from July 20 to August 2. But when to dig up garlic in the Moscow region in winter, here it is better to focus on moon calendar to find out exactly when it is time to harvest garlic for better storage in winter.

Let us give you some advice right away: once you have collected all the garlic, do not leave it in the garden, especially if it is already ripe. Such garlic will not be able to lie for a long time, and its slices will disintegrate.

You can dig up garlic when the lower leaves have already dried out and the upper ones have already turned yellow. In this case, the head of garlic will be dense; when the garlic cloves are separated, they will easily come off, and the film covering them will be easily removed.

How to distinguish between ripe, overripe and unripe garlic? Unripe will be soft and doughy. And overripe garlic begins to sprout again. Garlic is destroyed when dried and such garlic, like unripe garlic, is not suitable for long-term storage.

The best garlic for storage is the one covered with films in three layers. Before harvesting all the garlic, check a few pieces for ripeness and only then can you dig up the entire bed.

How to correctly determine the ripeness of garlic?

Dig up several heads of garlic, first raking the soil around and checking the condition of the scales. If the scales are strong and the garlic heads are firm, the garlic is ready for harvesting. When harvesting, first cut off the arrows of the garlic, then carefully dig up and pull out the garlic, shake off the head of garlic and place it on a newspaper until completely dry. It is better to place the newspaper with garlic in a warm, dry, ventilated place, where it will remain for at least a week. After drying, the stems and roots are removed, leaving a stump of about 2 cm, and the roots are trimmed so as not to damage the bottom of the garlic.

Garlic should only be harvested in dry, clear weather. To avoid damaging the garlic roots, it is better to dig them up first. Although you can not cut the roots, but weave them together into a braid, additionally weaving in twine or straw. Such braids or bundles can be hung in the house and even used as interior decoration.

Large heads of garlic are best stored. Therefore, it is better to use them last. While the small heads will go into cooking first. Garlic for food should be stored at a temperature of 1-2 degrees, while for seeds at zero degree.

When to remove garlic from the garden in 2017 - this question concerns all summer residents, without exception, in the second half of summer. The usefulness of garlic is beyond doubt. It is grown in almost every garden. But, if planting it does not cause any difficulties, then problems may arise with storing the crop throughout the winter. The fundamental condition is timely.

Signs of ripening garlic

How do you know when garlic is ripe and it’s time to dig it out of the garden? Depending on the time of planting, a distinction is made between spring (summer) and winter garlic. The first type is summer. It does not form arrows.

Of course, climatic conditions can affect the timing of harvesting summer garlic, but most often it is harvested towards the end of August.

Ripe spring garlic is identified by its brown and fallen foliage. Winter varieties can shoot, but there are also non-shooting varieties. As a rule, winter garlic is harvested at the end of July.

How do you know when garlic is ripe? You can determine the readiness of root crops for harvesting by external signs:

  • the skin of the inflorescences is cracked;
  • the lower leaves turned yellow;
  • the flower stems (if any) have become soft, while maintaining their green color;
  • The scales of the bulbs have dried, become strong and thin.

Garlic should be harvested in dry weather. It is extremely important not to be late in harvesting: an overripe product, of course, can be eaten, but its nutritional quality will be low, and the shelf life of the crop will be short.

If the scales covering the bulb are cracked, the head has split into cloves, and new roots have appeared on it, then the root crop is overripe. In relation to this culture it works Golden Rule: better a week earlier than a day later.

When to dig garlic in 2017. Drying garlic after harvesting

If garlic was planted in light soils, then it can simply be removed from the ground. Otherwise (or when the plant is planted deeply), the crop is harvested using a shovel and pitchfork. After inserting the tool under the bulbs, carefully lift them, trying not to injure the roots. Excess dirt is removed by hand or by light shaking.

The authors of some articles suggest drying the bulbs in the sun for several days before curing. This method is applicable in areas with cold climates, since in very hot weather the bulbs can get sunburned.

Some gardeners place freshly dug bulbs on the ground in groups. They are laid out in such a way that the green leaves of some plants cover the heads of others. However, even in this case, the risk of burns cannot be completely eliminated.

In addition, sudden daily temperature changes can harm plants, shortening their shelf life. If there is free space, it is better to place the crop under cover.

Leaves, flower stems and roots should not be removed. Garlic can be hung in bunches or placed on racks in a dry, ventilated, not too hot room. Old window frames placed on trestles or something similar will work well for these purposes.

You can hang plants on eaves, protecting them from direct sunlight. Leave in this position for 2-3 weeks.

In areas with humid climatic conditions It is recommended to cut off the foliage after 7-10 days of drying, leaving a stem 10 cm long. The roots can be removed completely or their length can be reduced to 3 mm. Otherwise, they will play the role of a wick, delivering moisture obtained from the air to the head and increasing the likelihood of infection of the garlic with fungal diseases. In addition, during the drying period it is important to regularly inspect the leaves. If you find mold, cut it off immediately, as it will quickly spread to the bulbs.

How to store garlic

Only spring garlic is suitable for long-term storage. The product will keep well at a temperature of 15-20 degrees. If the winter is warm, then a balcony is quite suitable.

There are several ways to store garlic:
Braids and wreaths.

A flawless lawn at your dacha all summer long!

Nadezhda Nikolaevna, 49 years old. I have been planting grass near my house for many years. Therefore, we even have experience in this area. But my lawn has never looked as gorgeous as after using Aquagrazz! Like heaven and earth. The lawn is lush and dark green even in the heat. Requires minimal watering.

The stems are left after the foliage is removed. Weaving begins from the bottom of the plant, the heads are woven sequentially. Using twine will give the braid strength. When finishing weaving, you can make a loop - it will become more convenient to store the garlic. This method will allow you to preserve summer garlic until the next harvest. Glass jars.

Place the prepared heads in clean, sterilized jars to the top. For better shelf life, sprinkle the bulbs with flour (up to a 2.5 cm layer) and cover with plastic lids.

Boxes and stockings. Dry the heads well and place them in baskets, nylon stockings or cardboard boxes. In this case, you should regularly sort through the bulbs, removing rotten ones.

Storing garlic in high humidity conditions.

To prevent rotting and damage to the crop, the heads are placed in layers in shallow wooden boxes or in canvas bags. Each layer is sprinkled with salt, which will absorb moisture and protect root crops from pests and fungus.

In this way, you should fill the box completely. Instead of salt, you can also use dried plant components (onion peels, sphagnum, sesal). They perfectly absorb moisture from the atmosphere.

Problems with storing garlic in winter Even if you provide proper conditions for storing the crop, you may encounter some troubles: mold, germination, drying out of the bulbs. Can this be prevented? Rotting and mold formation..

This happens when the heads have been damaged or frozen. If garlic is stored in high humidity, healthy bulbs will begin to mold. This can be avoided by drying the harvested crop under To prevent moisture loss, the heads are dipped in molten, non-hot paraffin before being sent for storage. Thanks to this, the surface is covered with a protective layer. This method will help protect the crop from diseases.

Sprouted bulbs. By lightly burning their bottoms over a candle or gas, you can not only get rid of the emerging roots, but also improve the keeping quality of the garlic. If this was not done in advance, and the head has sprouted, it is cleaned and placed in vegetable oil.

As necessary, the bulbs are removed from such storage. Garlic can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 months. In addition, garlic oil has a wonderful aroma and is used in cooking.

Innovative plant growth stimulator!

Increases seed germination by 50% in just one application. Customer reviews: Svetlana, 52 years old. Simply incredible fertilizer. We heard a lot about it, but when we tried it, we surprised ourselves and our neighbors. The tomato bushes grew from 90 to 140 tomatoes. There is no need to talk about zucchini and cucumbers: the harvest was collected in wheelbarrows. We have been dachaing all our lives, and we have never had such a harvest....

Alina Sokolova, especially for

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Inexperienced gardeners sometimes fall into the unfortunate misconception that the main thing is to plant garlic correctly, water and feed the plants on time, and protect them from diseases. However, they often forget about such an important point as timely harvesting. For such a rapidly ripening crop as spring garlic, this is especially important, because unripe bulbs will not acquire all the beneficial qualities and taste characteristics. Heads that sit on the bed longer than expected will begin to take root, lose some of their valuable substances and the shelf life necessary for storage.

Choose the right cleaning time!

The timing of harvesting spring (summer) varieties differs significantly from their winter relatives. And this is not at all surprising if we take into account that winter garlic manages to take root in the fall, and in early spring it immediately wakes up and begins to actively vegetate.

Cloves planted in spring require additional time to germinate. That is why the harvest time for spring garlic is somewhat later compared to its winter counterpart. They occur in the second half of August, and sometimes in the first ten days of September.

Rainy summers speed up ripening, while dry and hot weather, on the contrary, prolongs the process. Therefore, in addition to the calendar, you should also use your own observations. There are several visual signs by which you can accurately determine that summer garlic is ready for harvest.

  • Most of the tops (up to 75%) turn yellow and fall to the ground.
  • The teeth of the heads are easily separated using only your hands, without the use of auxiliary tools.
  • The bulb is covered with three layers of easily removable scales of a characteristic shade for the variety.

Remove garlic from the garden wisely

To harvest without loss, it is not enough to do it on time. It is necessary to dig up the bulbs correctly.

  • As soon as you notice the first signs of ripening, partially free the heads from the soil, allowing them to quickly and better prepare for removal from the garden.
  • After about a week or two, stop watering completely and allow the soil and crop to dry thoroughly.
  • Clean as quickly as possible, choosing a dry and sunny day. Morning or evening time is most preferable.
  • The plantings must be dug up using a fork or shovel, placing the tool a few centimeters from the heads so as not to accidentally damage them.
  • If you have strong tops, you can help yourself by slightly pulling up the above-ground part. If the tops tear easily, you will have to pick the heads out of the ground with your hands.
  • Garlic that has already been removed from the ground cannot be thrown in, as this significantly reduces its keeping quality. It is necessary to carefully place the crops in baskets or simply on the ground.
  • When harvesting, the bulbs must be immediately cleaned of excess soil and the topmost scales, and also carefully examined in order to detect diseased specimens in time.
  • Before storing the crop, it is necessary to further process it: dry it, remove all leaves, and, if necessary, most stem, leaving a “tail” of 4 cm.

How to dry garlic correctly

The process of drying garlic should be discussed separately, since the safety of the crop largely depends on it.

  • Most the best option assumes good weather during harvesting. Then the garlic is simply laid out directly on the garden bed or on specially prepared wooden flooring under the rays of the warm sun and gusts of fresh breeze. A small number of heads are removed indoors overnight, and significant volumes are covered with plastic wrap.
  • In wet, and especially rainy weather, the crop should not be left in the garden. It is immediately removed under a canopy or in a well-ventilated room. It is recommended to process large volumes of garlic in special dryers with forced ventilation and a gradual increase in temperature to +40 °C.
  • When drying in the sun, the tops should not be removed, as this prevents the bulbs from getting thermal burns. In addition, when ripened together with the above-ground part, all the nutrients from it pass into the heads, making their taste brighter and increasing the concentration of nutrients.
  • The drying process takes about two weeks on average. Once completed, the crop is processed (leaves, stems and roots are removed) and re-sorted. At the same time, planting material is selected from the largest and strongest heads for the next season, and low-quality (sick and damaged) bulbs are also discarded.

Basic rules for storing crops

In order to eat juicy and fresh garlic heads all winter, you need to know how to properly preserve the grown and harvested crop.

  • The room in which you plan to store garlic must have good ventilation. This necessary measure prevents an increase in air humidity to critical values ​​above 80%, which are detrimental to the crop. It is the large percentage of water in the air mixture that contributes to the emergence and development of numerous pathogenic microorganisms that cause bulb rot.
  • Garlic is sensitive to temperature conditions. It feels best at stable low (from +2 to +4° C) or stable high (about +20° C) temperatures.
  • Good room ventilation is not a sufficient condition for successful storage. It is necessary to choose a method of laying the bulbs in which each of them will receive enough fresh air. The best solution would be traditional wreaths, braids or bunches hung on walls or stretched wire. “Breathable” containers are also suitable: mesh bags, nylon stockings, wicker baskets or wooden boxes.
  • If you plan to place garlic in a plastic or glass container that does not provide sufficient ventilation for the heads, then it is recommended to sprinkle the harvest with a natural desiccant - coarse salt.
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