Chow chow dog food: customer reviews. Feeding chow chows with natural products. Which is the best dry food for chow chows?

You want to raise a healthy, beautiful dog that will bring pleasure not only to you, but will also make passers-by look at it with admiring glances. Remember, even very good hereditary inclinations can be ruined by poor maintenance and improper feeding.

You brought an absolutely amazing baby into your home. The Chow Chow is an extremely clean dog. Even very small ones, who can hardly stand on their paws, go into the playpen all over the newspaper. Therefore, before the puppy appears in the apartment, think about where you will place the newspaper for him. It is better if it is on linoleum and in a place easily accessible to the puppy. If you have a large apartment, then at first you should put newspapers in each room, and then gradually accustom the puppy to one specific place. This problem will completely disappear after you start walking outside (at the end of the quarantine period after vaccinations).

Do not restrict the puppy's movement around the apartment. The Chow is not an annoying dog, but it must always have its owner in sight and perform its security functions, monitoring the entire apartment. In addition, an owner who locks a baby in the hallway is unlikely to be able to count on the love of his pet. A puppy is like a child, he also needs to know that he is loved, that his best owner in the world is next to him.

A chow chow puppy does not sleep on a bedding; it does not need space. At night, he can often move from place to place, but will always be within sight of the owner.

The puppy should not crawl under low furniture. Such places should be secured with something during the puppy's growth period so that he cannot get into them. Do not teach your puppy to jump on the sofa, bed and chairs (chairs, ottomans, tables, bedside tables, etc.), this can lead to injuries that will subsequently affect the dog’s health.

The puppy should not jump off the sofa or from your arms. If you release the puppy from your arms, then place it firmly on the floor, because... all jumping at an early age can lead to dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system and digestive system. The puppy should be carried up the stairs in your arms. Only after 5 months is the puppy allowed to climb the stairs independently, and after 6 months - to go down.

The Chow Chow does not need frequent washing, so you should only shampoo your puppy if necessary. Wash with water ~ 38-40C with special shampoo for dogs, then dry it with a hairdryer. A wet dog should not be taken outside!
Particular attention should be paid to grooming the puppy. Since the Chow Chow has a magnificent long coat, you should accustom your pet to daily grooming from an early age. It is necessary to comb only against the grain, thoroughly combing each area. This procedure will not take you much time, but will teach your baby discipline and obedience. It will be more convenient for you if you teach the puppy to comb itself on a table covered with bedding provided for this purpose. It is necessary to teach brushing from the first day the puppy is at your home, otherwise it will be much more difficult in the future. It is better for you to consult your breeder or breed manager about tools for grooming your baby. At first, an ordinary comb with long teeth (frequent and rare) will help you out. Let us emphasize once again - pet and comb the chow-chow puppy only against the grain!

You need to lift the baby carefully, only under the tummy; you cannot lift the puppy by the paws, so as not to injure them. The puppy should have his own toys: balls, products made of thick rubber, rings, bones made of solid veins. It is better to buy 2-3 toys at a pet store. You cannot give regular children's toys with squeaks because... they can swallow them; you should not give toys made of spongy rubber or plastic, since pieces of these toys, once in the baby’s stomach and intestines, can swell and cause intestinal volvulus. An excellent toothbrush that brings a lot of joy to the baby and health benefits are dried offal, which appeared in a wide variety in stores. But you should buy only natural products (even pressed ones - much worse), without dyes and additives - esophagus, tails, ears (after 6 months - they are the fattest). Although Chow Chow puppies are quite tidy and will not spoil any of your furniture, remove any dangling wires in the house or cover them with something. It happens that puppies chew the wires, become energized and die.

Do not let your baby pull on rags, straps, or ropes, as this can ruin the bite.

WALKS - you can go for walks only after the end of the quarantine period after the 2nd vaccination. If your baby understands on the first walk that he was carried out for a specific purpose, be sure to praise him. First they walk for 10-15 minutes, then the walking time is increased to 45-60 minutes. It is necessary to ensure that the puppy does not get tired during walks, do not allow the puppy to overheat, do not walk in the sun, this can lead to sunstroke.

The puppy must have a harness and leash for walking. The harness is narrow and soft, the leash has a good carabiner so that the dog does not fall off it. You can make a harness for a small puppy yourself, and it is better to accustom him to walks in a harness.

At an older age, it is necessary to teach the puppy to obey. But in any case, the dog should be able to walk without a leash. She needs to be given the opportunity to run around the park and lawn. The more often you take your puppy outside, the faster he will learn to go to the toilet at home. On the street, only allow dogs that you know well near your puppy. If you want your home to always be clean, then teach your baby to wipe his paws with a wet rag after every walk, and you can teach him to wait for this procedure in a certain place near the door. It is necessary to accustom the dog to this during puppyhood.

CHOW-CHOW training in a dog school is not required, but knowledge of commands such as “COME”, “PLACE”, “FU”, “SIT”, “NEAR”, “NOT” will only bring benefits. Chow chows learn any commands you need very easily and at a fairly early age. Your baby will only be happy if you work out with him, so it will depend only on you what commands you want to teach him. Chow chows are obedient children. Situations when you will need to show are quite rare (most often they occur at 6-8 months). Usually, to do this, it is enough to tell the baby about your displeasure, and keep in mind that all problems need to be solved at the moment they arise and not later. The puppy will pick up on the intonation of your voice. When expressing your dissatisfaction with a misdeed, speak in a calm, stern voice, but do not shout. If your voice has no effect, you can resort to using a newspaper rolled into a tube (it makes a loud and scary noise!), or, as a last resort, lightly slap the bridge of the nose, but under no circumstances should you hit the puppy. The worst punishment for a Chow Chow puppy is to shake him by the scruff of the neck. This may be perceived as an insult to the personality of a proud and independent Chow, it will be remembered for a long time, but is a last resort in raising your puppy. Chow chow babies quickly understand what they want from them.

You can’t call a puppy to punish him; next time he won’t come to you. Remember! They are punished only on the spot and during the commission of the offense (ignorance of the Laws does not exempt from responsibility!). Hitting a puppy is strictly prohibited!

You cannot punish a puppy for a puddle or a pile; it is better to teach the puppy to go to the toilet in a specially designated place with newspapers or a rag.

CHOW-CHOW are afraid of overheating! Therefore, in the heat of summer, he needs to be in the shade. A hot puppy should not be given cold water to drink. The water should be at room temperature. Avoid long walks with your dog in cold, damp weather. They may catch a cold. They are not afraid of the cold, they love snow and frost very much! Under no circumstances should a dog be left in a car in sunny weather. Always remember before you make any decisions regarding behavior and health - puppies are like children (or teenagers). And the correct decision will be the one you would make in a similar situation in a “human” life.


The dog should eat from a bowl set at a "natural" height (grows with the dog!). Drinking water should be at the same height, in an accessible place. If the diet includes dry food (alone or in combination with regular food), the dog should always have water.

-feed the puppy bones, bone broths, give poultry (in particular chicken) bones
-give pork (in any form), smoked meats
-feed legumes
-feed pasta
-feed with boiled potatoes (pieces of raw potatoes are allowed)
-give chocolate ( poison for dogs!), candies, sweets
-feed the puppy spoiled food
-feed with raw grated carrots (it can be used for medicinal purposes!).
Anything fatty or smoked (that directly affects the liver) is a colossal provocation, most often ending in a violent allergic reaction of the skin (scratching, gnawing, dullness and hair loss). Simple, stable food is the key to your Chow's health.

At 2-4 months - 5 times a day,
at 4-6 months - 4 times a day,
at 6-12 months - 3 times a day,
after a year the dog is fed 2 times a day,
An adult dog, after 4-5 years, is fed once a day.


8 hours - cottage cheese with bifidokefir, acidofoline with bifidoflora or fermented baked milk with bifidoflora
12 hours - dry food, pre-soaked
16 hours - cottage cheese with bifidokefir, acidofoline with bifidoflora or fermented baked milk with bifidoflora
20 hours - dry food, pre-soaked
23 hours - meat (raw beef, twice minced or finely chopped after 2 months) + porridge (buckwheat) Amount of food per feeding ~ 2/3 џ 1 glass (~ 150 џ 200 g). If the puppy does not eat the food completely, then the single portions should be reduced, but not the number of feedings.
If a healthy puppy does not eat the food offered, remove it and offer the same food at the next feeding. If the puppy quickly eats the offered food, then the portion should be slightly increased. All food should be at room temperature.


Meat - only beef (later - lamb)! (boneless, preferably without veins for small puppies) - scalded with boiling water or lightly boiled (2-3 minutes), is the main source of protein. The puppy especially needs it during the period of intensive growth. After 2 months, the puppy is given meat in finely chopped pieces (about 1x1 cm), as the puppy grows, the meat is cut into larger pieces, but not larger than 2x3 cm (pieces for goulash), otherwise the puppy may choke. A 2-month-old puppy is given 70 g of meat per day with the addition of vegetable oil (corn, olive, sunflower ~ ½ teaspoon), then, as the baby grows, this portion increases slightly. But you should always remember that the Chow Chow is a specific breed that has its own characteristics, and one of them is that adult Chow Chow dogs practically do not need meat, they are more likely to be vegetarians than meat eaters, so excessively feeding a puppy with meat can lead to to a breakdown in metabolism. Boiled beef heart, kidneys, tripe and lungs can be introduced into the dog’s diet after 4 months. If necessary, an older baby can be given boiled turkey 1-2 times a week.

Beef liver can be given to an adult dog in boiled form and in small quantities (preferably not imported - metabolic disruptions are possible due to the hormones used when feeding the animal, which are deposited in the liver). Although chow chows are very fond of chicken meat, it can be given very carefully and in very small quantities, preferably only white meat, because Quite often nowadays, poultry farms use hormones and various baits obtained with chicken meat when feeding chickens; they can cause allergies in your pet. If you still want to pamper your baby with chicken, then let it be domestic chicken, raised by a grandmother in the village and well boiled.

The puppy has no need for eggs. If your dog is deficient in proteins and you want to give her an egg, then only a hard-boiled one, no more than 1 time per week and only after reaching 6 months of age. FISH is a valuable food product containing phosphorus. It is introduced into the diet after 4 months, given only boiled, cut into pieces, without heads, bones and fins. YOU CAN ' T GIVE - RIVER FISH, SEA PERCH AND POLLACK!

DAIRY PRODUCTS are the main source of calcium necessary for the development of your baby's bones. Cottage cheese takes first place among dairy products. Up to 1.5 - 2 months it is better to give cottage cheese made at home. It can be done in two ways:
1. Bring 1 liter of milk to a boil, remove from heat, pour 1 liter of kefir into the milk, stir, cover and leave to cool. Throw the resulting mass into a sieve.
2. Bring 1 liter of milk almost to a boil (but do not boil!), add 1 tablespoon of calcium chloride (buy at a pharmacy), the milk will immediately coagulate, remove from heat, let stand, drain the whey, but do not squeeze out.
We give the resulting cottage cheese with a small amount of whey to the puppy. Large amounts of whey may cause stomach upset. If your pet does not have a similar reaction, then the remaining whey can be added little by little to other food.

The puppy is given ~150 – 200 g of cottage cheese per day. You can add kefir, acidophilus, or fermented baked milk to it. Preferably containing bifid flora. Milk in its pure form is weak, so introduce it into your dog’s diet in small portions (or better yet, don’t even try it). If your dog reacts to even a small amount of milk, it is better to try replacing plain milk with fermented milk products with bifid flora (the best option), naturally, without sugar and dyes. Sometimes you can give milk porridge - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal - with a small piece of butter or a teaspoon of vegetable oil. The first two should be very well boiled, the rolled oats should be steamed. The porridge is cooked by diluting the milk by 50% with water, and is not sweetened. The puppy needs to be given kefir, fermented baked milk, or acidophilus every day, either with dry food or with cottage cheese. It must be remembered that milk or kefir themselves are food for the puppy, not drink, so they should not be given between feedings.
Gradually, the puppy needs to be accustomed to regular store-bought cottage cheese, gradually adding it to homemade cottage cheese. An adult dog eats store-bought cottage cheese.

BLACK BREAD is a good source of B vitamins. An older puppy can be given 2-3 small black crackers a day. An adult dog can be given 1-2 pieces of black bread per day.
VEGETABLES - carrots, cabbage, beets, pumpkin, zucchini are given only in boiled or stewed form, carrots and beets if necessary and in small quantities. It is better to boil vegetables together with meat and cereals. Give in the form of liquid porridge.
After 4 months, it is good to add 1-2 cloves of garlic to the dog’s food 2 times a week. It is a good anthelmintic.
PORridge - up to 5 months - buckwheat, after - it is better to prepare mixed porridges: buckwheat with rice, buckwheat with barley and rolled oats. For an older dog, it is better not to cook porridge, but to steam it: pour the cereal into boiling water, mix well, bring to a boil, cover with a lid and turn off. You can pack it in, you can just leave it to cool on the stove. For kids, porridge can be cooked in meat broth with vegetables or with milk in a 50x50 proportion with water. Add a small piece of butter to milk porridge, and vegetable oil (olive, corn, sunflower) to porridge with vegetables.
FRUITS - in small quantities they are useful for the puppy. Apples, bananas, apricots, dried apricots, any berries (if it starts to itch, immediately stop giving them altogether). Allergies to citrus fruits and grapes are the most common.

DRY FOOD. Many owners prefer to feed their puppy dry food. There is a huge amount of food specifically designed for raising a puppy and for an adult dog. When introducing dry food into your pet's diet, ask your breeder what kind of dry food your baby received before. New food should be introduced gradually, in small portions, and only if your dog has accepted it well, you can increase the amount of food to the amount indicated on its packaging. Please note that the food allowance is given taking into account the fact that you feed the puppy only dry food and nothing else. If your baby has a mixed diet, then this norm should be reduced by 2-3 times. The following foods are well suited for our breed: DOGGY JUNIOR, HAPPY DOG JUNIOR (after 3 months - junior 23), MIRA DOG JUNIOR, BAVY DOG JUNIOR, DIAMOND, PRONATURE, GINA and other premium and super premium class foods with protein content up to 4 months - no more than 28% (if signs of allergy appear, alternate porridge with dairy products and mineral supplements), and then - with a protein content of no more than 23%. If you give dry food (up to 7-8 months it is better to give it soaked), do not forget to provide drinking water.

Chows are dogs with heavy bones, so for normal formation of the skeleton, and especially joints, they need to add gelatin. Gelatin is introduced from about 2.5 months to a year, it is advisable that the dog receives it every day. You should start with a teaspoon, increasing the amount by 4-5 months to a tablespoon of dry gelatin per day. If gelatin causes weak stools (this is quite possible), you can switch to a lower dose, giving it along with rice. Gelatin is poured with cold water (a glass of water per tablespoon of gelatin), left for 1-2 hours (if the brand of gelatin is unknown to you (different brands swell differently), then it is better to soak overnight to guarantee), and then added to food (small - a little at each feeding, for older ones - once a day). Do not forget to consult with the breeder, because... If the dog is heavy, it also needs additional mineral supplements to support its joints.

Please remember that the chow chow has its own characteristics, namely, some foods can cause allergies and weakened liver function, and in advanced cases, a breakdown in metabolism, so the food of an adult dog should contain no more than 20 - 23% crude protein. For the same reason, you should not give fatty foods (including fatty cottage cheese and fatty sour cream as food), eggs in larger quantities than required, cream and butter, and store-bought minced meat. Foods for babies contain a higher amount of protein and this is the norm for them, because... The growing body needs protein.

In any case, you must remember that all dogs, like people, are individual, and although it is up to you to decide what is best for your baby, you can always consult with your breed leader or breeder.

All food your baby receives should be at room temperature. You can cook food for several days and keep it in the refrigerator. Then before feeding you just warm it up a little.

Do not try to offer other food to replace the one not eaten. This will be an irreparable mistake, and you will grow up to be picky. But if your dog refuses the new dry food introduced or, conversely, the food that it has been eating for quite a long time, take a closer look at your pet, maybe the food causes an allergy (scratching, scratching, red eyes). Please remember that our chow chow babies are dogs, and therefore their food should be dog food - without spices, excessive salt, or smoked meats. They do not need variety in their diet at all; moreover, it is harmful to them. Therefore, try to adhere to the recommendations given here, and If necessary, consult your breed club leader or breeder.


The normal body temperature of a dog is 38-39C. If you notice unusual lethargy, drowsiness, vomiting, diarrhea, purulent discharge from the eyes or nose, or the puppy refuses to feed, measure the baby’s temperature. To do this, carefully insert the tip of the thermometer, lubricated with Vaseline, into the anus 5-7 mm for 2-3 minutes. At the first signs of illness, immediately call a veterinarian (Preferably the one recommended to you by the head of the breed, because, unfortunately, very few veterinarians know this breed and understand its characteristics. Very often the dog is “healed” without taking these characteristics into account) . Whenever they become dirty, wipe the puppy’s ears with a cotton swab soaked in boric alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. If your eyes are slightly watery, wipe them with a cotton swab dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or tea. Children are afraid of drafts; they can lead to inflammation in the ears.

A puppy's teeth need special attention, especially during their change (from 3 months to 6 months). Make sure that the growth of permanent teeth is not interfered with by milk teeth.
It is strictly forbidden to pull rags, toys, etc. from the puppy’s mouth. This may lead to the formation of an incorrect bite; the dog will subsequently have an incorrect bite and will be disqualified from the exhibition. During the period of changing teeth, the puppy should always have a bone from a single vein (you need to buy it at a pet store) or dried offal.

The puppy needs to trim his nails once a week, you can use any nippers or tweezers (preferably a nail clipper), cut only the very tip of the claw, without touching the living flesh).

The first vaccination should be given between 8 and 10 weeks. It is better to use the Nobivak or Vanguard or Eurican vaccine. It is better to vaccinate in veterinary hospitals or call a veterinarian at home. Under no circumstances take the puppy outside during quarantine (21 days). After 3 weeks, the vaccination is repeated - quarantine again for at least 14 days. Be sure to vaccinate! Only healthy dogs are vaccinated. Before vaccination, give suprastin 24 hours before vaccination, and repeat before vaccination (half a tablet, depending on age and weight). Then the dog is vaccinated at the age of about a year (after changing teeth, at 7-9 months, the breed leader or veterinarian can determine), and then once a year (vaccination cannot be done during estrus). A week (7-10 days) before vaccination, anti-worm medication is given. It is best to buy "Triantel" or "Cestal" for dogs (usually the breeder removes worms from babies at an early age, which you can ask about when buying a puppy). GIVE ACCORDING TO THE SCHEME: 1) The day before the medicine, crush a clove of GARLIC, pour half a tea cup of hot (almost boiling water!) water. Cool (!). Give 2 ml 3 times a day, pouring it into the mouth with a syringe without a needle (bitter!). In the evening, give half a tablet of suprastin. In the morning you can give an anthelmintic, STRICTLY according to the dog’s weight, according to the instructions for the drug. After 7-10 days you can get vaccinated. There is no need to remove worms before re-vaccination. In the future, they are driven every 3-6 months (once every six months at least, always after summer!!, metronidazole is enough once every 6 months). The dose is given according to the dog’s weight (!!). The puppy is weighed and the required amount of the drug is calculated. The drug is given in the morning, on an empty stomach (if indicated in the drug label). After this, the puppy is fed after 1-2 hours. There is no need to re-give the drug. If the helminthic infestation is confirmed by tests, act strictly according to the doctor’s instructions!

And one more piece of advice. Like people, puppies often go through a difficult period during adolescence (5-12 months for them). A hormonal system is formed, and hence behavioral and, possibly, physiological difficulties. It happens that a puppy goes through the “ugly duckling” period, when he grows in one thing or another, and today he can be wonderfully good, but after 3 days he seems to you to not meet the standard. Don’t be scared, don’t rush to the first “advisers” you come across. This is growth, and most likely the problems will go away on their own if you purchased a purebred puppy from a reliable place. But if something bothers you, always contact the breeder or breed manager. Only an experienced person can determine whether what is bothering you is a problem that requires additional measures (most often it is necessary to adjust your diet or the amount of walking), or you can just wait. It is at this age that “terrible allergies” often occur. The owners begin to rush around looking for the cause, change their diet, etc. And, of course, they run to veterinarians, who (unfortunately, most of them are completely unfamiliar with the peculiarities of metabolism, and indeed, with the characteristics of the Chow breed) begin to make mind-boggling diagnoses and prescribe expensive and dangerous drugs. This only makes it worse, because... the liver (and the reason is often precisely the clogging of the liver with “excess” hormones) has already suffered, and it is also finally poisoned with antibiotics, etc. That's it after such therapy in adolescence, many chows remain allergic with constant scratching for life, and the corresponding image is assigned to the breed. Please be careful and first consult with people who have been involved in the breed for many years (the head of the breed of your club), and then decide what to do with your dog. In any case, the choice is yours, but - "We are responsible for those we have tamed!"

List of necessary items for grooming:
1) Metal comb with tapering teeth, rare
2) A metal comb with tapering teeth (these combs can be combined 2 in 1)
3) A metal comb with tapering teeth - a rake (or instead of the first comb, especially convenient during shedding, but you can’t cope with “adult” hair without it)
4) Korcheska with long elastic wires (for fluffing wool and combing out “dirt”)
5) Massage brush for preliminary (and daily) combing
6) Claw clipper

For walking and ring training:
7) Round harness “for chow”
8) Leashes

Do not forget that by taking a dog into your home, you not only take responsibility for its life and health, but also assume responsibility for its behavior in public places, this is especially important in a big city. Not only your peace of mind and that of those around you, but often the very life of your pet depends on your dog’s upbringing, your ability to manage its behavior, understand its needs and intentions. Be sure to read the literature on dog psychology, we have materials and on other resources (Internet or books). And be sure to take the time to take at least a short course in dog management from an experienced dog handler, or at least consult on training methods - preferably with people who have experience working with our breed. The doors of the Coliseum club and the Showdogs health and training hall are always open for residents of St. Petersburg. Tel. 925-14-62. Residents of other regions, please do not start the process and consult in a timely manner, at least by email [email protected], and also find a good dog trainer in your region (for example, using forums on chow sites). LOVE YOUR DOG RESPONSIBLY!!! And don’t forget to take a garbage bag for a walk in the city - this will save you from fines, and your dog from the negativity of others! Remember that in cities there are “Rules for keeping animals” that do not allow pollution of streets and yards. NEVER walk on playgrounds or provoke your dog to interact with other people's children, they are unpredictable! In urban environments, it is advisable (and on the streets, mandatory) to keep your dog on a leash. Good luck!

We are sincerely glad that this miracle has appeared in your home - a chow-chow baby, and we hope that your baby will grow up to be the most beloved and beautiful. If you have any questions (and you certainly will!), we will be happy to answer them. You are welcome! Good luck!

And lastly, I really hope that your responsible attitude towards your new family member will provide him with a calm and joyful life NEXT to you. But just in case, it is highly recommended that city dogs have a special tag on their harness (daily harness or collar) with the dog’s name and your coordinates (you can use key tags!). They saved many dogs who, by chance - God forbid - ended up on the street.

Postscript. From correspondence with one of the owners of my puppy (a girl, lives in Moscow, the letter was written when the dog was 1 year old):

I: Okay, okay, don’t belittle your merits - Tasha’s kindness and contact are 80% your merit (I’ll leave 20 for myself for genetics)).
X:- I keep thinking, what did I do? If you are going to give advice to relatives, you need to understand it yourself... And I see the reasons for kindness and contact only in the fact that
1) as a child, I walked with her on the dog playground among a bunch of other dogs and left her to sort things out with them on her own, and didn’t just grab her in her arms (I’ve observed such owners, and then all my life they grab you into their arms, not literally, but figuratively meaning, or then they tend to vegetable gardens so as not to accidentally eat anyone)
2) I dragged a lot around villages-reserves-trains-ships-cars, and everywhere there were a lot of animals and people of all ages and sizes. Moreover - and this is certainly not my merit - people and animals are all good and have a calm and friendly attitude towards the dog.
And I no longer understand what I did that was so special. Well, I treated her like a human being. Well, the child fussed with her a lot: he squeezed, struggled, and rolled around. I don't understand anything else. I often hear stories about evil chows. In the sense of quite specific stories that, supposedly, there is a chow walking around here that attacks everyone. How such a result is achieved is incomprehensible to me...

I hope that your baby will also grow up to be kind and sociable, and in terms of the way of socialization the chow absolutely agrees with Mistress Tashi. MORE CONTACTS, GOOD AND DIFFERENT! By the way, riding public transport from early childhood is excellent character training. An individual car, alas, does not replace it! And never (!) encourage even justified aggression in your chow - believe me, he will defend property, you and his life in any case if this case, God forbid, arises. But it is possible to accidentally spur the development of too strong guard qualities (they are already in the subcortex in a chow), and then it will be more difficult to cope with the dog. May you have a dog that is pleasant in every way. The CHAU will do the rest itself at the right time. You don't have a Labrador)))


Most breeders recommend feeding puppies with dry food of at least premium class, and the main argument is the difficulty in choosing a balanced diet. Recommended foods include Dogs, Diamond, Nutra Nugget, EUKANUBA for medium-sized dogs with normal activity. However, please note that the protein content is 23-26%. Remember, it is safer for your pet if you buy food in specialized stores or veterinary pharmacies.

The puppy needs to be fed several times a day depending on its age:

  • 2-3 months – every 3 hours, 5 times a day;
  • 3-5 months – 4 times a day;
  • 5-18 months – 3 times a day;
  • over 18 months – 2 times a day.

During the hot season, adult dogs usually eat once a day - in the evening. Please also note that at the age of 6-7 months, puppies are already large enough to be switched to adult food. And don’t forget that when feeding dry food, water should always be freely available.

Take seriously the quality of the water you give your pet. Water containing chlorine and poorly filtered will negatively affect the appearance of the dog’s coat and health.

Photo source:

If you decide to feed your puppy natural food, then pay attention to the following dietary features:

  • meat (beef, lean lamb, turkey) for a puppy - 200-500 g per day as they grow, for an adult dog - at least 300 g. You can add beef liver, heart, tripe, cartilage, flank for variety. You can’t - kidneys, spleen, lungs, udder. Pork and chicken cause severe allergies;
  • bones – beef, raw, no more than once every 2 weeks as a “toothbrush” and to strengthen the gums. Boiled ones can cause injuries to the digestive system, which can be fatal;
  • fish - fresh frozen pink salmon, char, mackerel, tuna, herring, herring, no more than 2 times a week. You can’t - pollock, capelin, all types of river fish;
  • fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, bifidok, bifilife, acidophilus. Preferably about 250 g every day for an adult dog;
  • eggs – boiled chicken, 1-2 times a week;
  • cereals - buckwheat, rice, wheat. Hercules can be given individually, because... Dogs often experience an allergic reaction;
  • vegetables - cabbage, carrots, turnips, rutabaga, pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes, beets, greens, either stewed (no more than 20 minutes so that the nutrients are not lost) or raw in the form of a grated mixture, seasoned with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil (1 tablespoon oil is recommended every day)

Contraindicated: potatoes, legumes, corn, pasta; pearl barley, corn and barley cereals, candies, chocolate, lard, smoked meats in any form, canned vegetables and fish.

Remember that the dog's diet should consist of 2/3 meat products and 1/3 everything else. Food must be given warm and mushy, water must be constantly available. After lunch, the dog needs to rest for 1.5-2 hours, so no one should disturb it. Optimal menu for an adult dog:

  • morning – fermented milk products;
  • evening - main feeding - porridge (or vegetables) + meat + vitamins + 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil.

Chow chows are allergy sufferers. If you see any rashes or signs of unscheduled shedding, be sure to contact the breeder to clarify what the baby was initially fed or whether the parents are allergic to these products. If changing food or diet does not help, contact your veterinarian.

A puppy needs different vitamins at different stages of growth, and if dry food contains the required minimum, then with natural feeding the addition of various mineral complexes is mandatory. For example, during the period of teeth change and bone development, the need for calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D increases. However, minerals are necessary not only for the formation of strong bones, but also for the normal functioning of the entire body as a whole. Therefore, if there are not enough of them in the feed, it is necessary to use fertilizers, for example, “Farmavit”, “Biocefit”, “Calcefit-14, 15” or “Slicky”, “Sanal”, “Irish cal”. You can also add seaweed or tableted brewer's yeast. Dogs up to one year old should be given them every day.

What breeds of dogs are eaten in Korea? This question is asked by many European residents. In principle, the negative attitude towards eating dog meat is quite understandable. After all, for a Russian person a dog is more than a friend. In our country, these animals are the main characters of our favorite films, serve as guides and rescuers, and protect the house from uninvited guests. By the way, animal rights activists around the world also consider the actions of the Koreans to be unlawful.

However, if you look at it, all people (except vegetarians) eat meat dishes. Pork, beef, rabbit, chicken - all this also once enjoyed life, basked in the sun, and took care of its offspring. So why is the relevant question only about what breeds of dogs eat, and not, for example, what kind of chickens or geese? In this regard, the conclusion suggests itself that only vegetarians who do not eat meat at all can condemn the actions of Koreans. It is better for the rest to understand that the culture and traditions of other peoples should also be respected, no matter how acceptable it is for us.

What breed of dogs do Koreans eat?

One should not think that in Korea they eat all dogs indiscriminately, and every mongrel can become dinner or lunch for a hungry homo sapiens. Not at all, Koreans love their pets very much and would never eat them. There are special food dogs for this purpose. In addition, you should know that the sale of dogs is officially prohibited in Korea. This meat is considered a delicacy and medicine, so it will not be sold just like that, much less served in a restaurant instead of chicken or veal. Asians themselves cannot afford to eat it every day, although they consider it very tasty.

When asked what breeds of dogs are eaten in Korea, many answer: chow-chow. This is not entirely true, although this breed is also used for food, but much less often. Even in ancient times, dogs without hair, the Sholoitzcuintle, were very popular. Nowadays, dogs are raised on farms for food, just like pigs or cows. They are usually slaughtered at the age of 6 months to a year. It is believed that animal meat is most valuable during this period.

What kind of dogs do they eat in China? Basically the same as in Korea. The most meat breed is Nureong. They are slightly similar to chow chows. It should be noted that Koreans do not recommend eating the meat of a dog that has not been properly fed or that has not been prepared according to technology. They claim that such a product not only has no nutritional value, but can also be harmful to health. Therefore, it is very important to understand exactly what kind of dogs are eaten. Suddenly, gastronomic preferences in Russia will also change someday.

Beneficial properties of dog meat

Having figured out what breeds of dogs eat, you need to understand what is special about dog meat that it is so highly valued by Asians. This meat is considered a product that can balance, improve digestion, and saturate the body with vitamins A and B. Dishes made from dog meat are called food for longevity. used to treat colds, lung diseases, and muscle pain.

Wedding dish made from dog meat

To prepare an original delicacy for a Russian person you will need:

  • food dog meat - 3 kg;
  • vinegar - 300 ml;
  • garlic - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 3 heads;
  • tomato sauce - 500 ml;
  • green capsicum - 300 g;
  • liver pate - 500 g;
  • pineapple - 1 pc.;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • black pepper;
  • hot pepper seasoning;
  • salt.

A medium-sized dog is slaughtered, the fur is singed, and the skin is removed while it is still hot. Cut the meat from the carcass and chop it into pieces of about 2 cm. Next, make the marinade. To do this, mix vinegar, crushed garlic, ground black pepper and hot pepper seasoning. Pour the finished marinade over the meat and let it sit for 2-3 hours. After the time has passed, the meat is removed from the marinade, lightly squeezed and fried in a large amount of oil over a large open fire. When the meat begins to brown, add onion and pineapple, chopped into large rings. Continue to fry for a few more minutes until the food is soft. After this, add hot water and bay leaf. Cover with a lid. Bury the cauldron in hot coals and leave until the meat is tender. At the end, add the pate and simmer for another 5-7 minutes. Dog meat in this dish is sometimes replaced with lamb, but this significantly changes the taste of the dish, and not for the better.

The owner of both a puppy and an adult dog of a beautiful shaggy breed, striving to provide his pet with everything necessary for full-fledged life, will choose good chow chow dog food for him. Reviews from other dog breeders will be an excellent source of information. If the manufacturer needs to present the product from the best possible side on the official website and in advertising brochures, then the comments and opinions of buyers will be more objective and will help to learn not only about the advantages, but also about the disadvantages of the product.

Dog Chow food: a brief introduction

Hungarian Dog Chow products are the brainchild of the world famous company Purina, one of the branches of the Nestlé concern. The brands offered on the market include Darling and ProPlan. These names are familiar to every dog ​​lover. The food in question is available in two versions: dry product and canned food. It is designed for dogs of various breeds. As the manufacturer promises, more than 90 years of experience speaks volumes, and the natural ingredients used to produce the food are absolutely harmless to the pet. All products belong to the class premium, therefore can be used for purebred animals.

Customers' opinions

Reviews of Dog Chow dog food often concern Buyers indicating that a serious and reliable manufacturer is one of the reasons that prompted them to make a purchase. However, a study of the composition of the food allows us to conclude that it has no obvious advantages over other products for dogs. So, the composition includes the following components:

  • meat and offal;
  • cereals;
  • fats;
  • vegetable protein;
  • fish products;
  • vegetables: chicory root, dried beets;
  • trace elements: manganese, iron, iodine, zinc;
  • vitamins.

The composition of the product is standard. But in reviews of chow chow dog food, buyers indicate that it contains only 14% meat, while the super-premium class requires at least ¼ meat. Therefore, not all consumers agree that the product can be attributed to the class declared by the manufacturer.

Advantages highlighted by dog ​​breeders

In their reviews of Chow Chow dog food, the owners of these beautiful animals note that Dog Chow products have a number of positive qualities.

First of all, it is inexpensive. Let's compare the cost of several feeds in the table.

Price of Dog Chow and ProPlan feeds


"Dog Chow"


average price

per kg, rub.

"Dog Chow"


For puppies, with chicken, 2.5 kg

2.5 kg for 650 rub.

3 kg for 1161 rub.

For large breed puppies, chicken, 14 kg

14 kg for 2950 rub.

12 kg for 4038 rub.

For active adult animals, chicken, 14 kg

14 kg for 2950 rub.

14 kg for 3902 rub.

The table shows that Dog Chow food is a more budget option, the average price per kilogram is less than that of ProPlan. Further, in customer reviews of food for Chow Chow dogs, it is noted that the Dog Chow product contains a whole range of vitamins and elements that are useful for dogs, and in this parameter is in no way inferior to its more expensive brother.

Also, among the advantages of the product, owners of chow-chow dogs include the fact that it can be bought without any problems at any pet store.

Disadvantages noted by customers

An attentive dog breeder will definitely read the information about the composition of the product on the packaging. Often, customer reviews of chow chow dog food are based on this information. As for the Belgian brand, dog breeders note the following disadvantages:

  • The composition itself is poor.
  • From the data available on the manufacturer’s website and on the food packaging, it is difficult to understand what exactly is included in the food. Thus, it is not indicated what specific grains the animal will have to be fed, and specific by-products are not indicated.
  • If other manufacturers of super premium food write a more detailed composition, then Purina limited itself to only a brief listing, which could not but cause bewilderment among the owners who noted this drawback in their reviews of chow-chow dog food.
  • From the information on the packaging, it is not clear whether the product contains any other vegetables other than dried beet pulp.
  • Information about the oil is very vague. It is indicated that it is present in the product, but what kind of oil it is is not clear. Therefore, dog owners refuse food because they are afraid that it contains palm oil, which is harmful even for an ordinary dog, not to mention a purebred one.
  • Large dogs do not get enough of this food.

Because of these disadvantages, many dog ​​owners advise using the food with caution, having first received “permission” from a veterinarian.

What do they think about the dry product?

Customer reviews of Dog Chow dry food for dogs are most often positive. Dog breeders note that this product is most suitable for active dogs who like to run, frolic, and are ready for physical activity. Due to the vitamins and minerals it contains, dry food helps the animal remain strong, energetic and playful for a long time. What beneficial effects do dog lovers notice?

  • Promotes muscle development.
  • Helps maintain body weight even at high training intensity.
  • Allows the dog to remain energetic and cheerful.
  • The food is rich in iron, so it is a good way to prevent anemia.

Some owners, in their reviews of Dog Chow dog food, indicate that they use this product only occasionally, replacing the more familiar ProPlan. Animals eat the product with pleasure, but owners are afraid to switch to it completely, since they trust ProPlan more.

“Dog Chow” food lines as rated by customers

All products are divided into four main categories depending on the age of the pet:

  • Puppies.
  • Dogs up to 5 years old.
  • Over 5 years old.
  • Over 9 years old.

This is very convenient, since it is possible to choose a diet for your dog taking into account his age characteristics.

Most foods are designed for dogs of all breeds, but there are a few special products for small and large dogs. Thus, for puppies and adult animals of large breeds, food weighing 2.5 or 14 kg with turkey flavor is offered. And small dogs can try a dry product with chicken weighing 800 g or 2.5 kg.

The variety of tastes in the assessment of dog lovers

Most of the products in the line can be used for all dogs without restrictions, but there are also several products for animals with special needs:

  • For dogs prone to an active lifestyle. They are offered food with chicken.
  • For animals suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. Products with salmon will suit them.

This division is positively assessed by dog ​​owners, as it helps to identify and purchase a product that is best suited.

The Dog Chow flavor line includes four of the most popular delicacies: chicken, lamb, turkey and salmon. Consumers note that these, of course, are the most common options, but the same ProPlan food has much more flavors, and also contains beef, which is so valued by dog ​​breeders in the diet of their pets.

Buyers' position on canned food

Dog Chow products are represented exclusively by dry food, so owners have to buy products from other brands to make their pet’s diet more varied and balanced. According to reviews of wet chow chows, the leaders include Royal Canin, the Urban Life line for adult animals and puppies. These canned foods are a real treat for your pet; they have a pleasant smell and attractive appearance. The owners note that eating the food even from time to time has a beneficial effect on the animals’ behavior.

And canned food "Adult Beauty" is an excellent option for chow-chow, because, thanks to its composition (a large amount of fatty acids), it allows you to achieve a lush coat of the animal, including with mixed feeding.

Among the modern variety, it can be difficult to choose food for chow chow dogs. Reviews about the manufacturer and the products themselves will help you avoid mistakes.

Veterinarians' position

Veterinarians have a definite opinion about chow chow dog food. Their reviews indicate that the product has both positive qualities and disadvantages. The table shows both of them.

In general, experts note that Dog Chow food is not the best choice for owners who want a long life and good health for their pet. But at the same time, they admit that no negative consequences of consuming feed have been recorded. The position of veterinarians in this case is neutral.

So, reviews from veterinarians about Dog Chow dog food cannot be called enthusiastic; doctors highlight both the advantages and disadvantages of the product.

Buyers and veterinarians have left a large number of reviews about Dog Chow Chow Chow dog food, with differing opinions. Consumers and experts have identified both the advantages and disadvantages of this product. In general, the attitude towards the brand is neutral; among the variety of similar foods, it does not stand out much. A significant plus is the affordable price, therefore, despite the small percentage of meat in the product, owners of various breeds actively buy it.

Two or three decades ago, Chow Chow dogs were considered an exotic phenomenon. Today, a strong redhead on a walk no longer raises eyebrows. The cute face of a lion cub in a bear skin evokes delight and tenderness. Chow chow puppies look like a plush toy, but the kids' character is not at all easy-going. Before getting a pet that looks like a bear cub, it is useful to find out information about the nature of the breed, feeding characteristics, and upbringing.

Breed Features

It is important to know that a chow-chow is capable of unconditionally obeying and following the commands of only one owner; other members of the family will become fellow friends with whom it is pleasant to have fun, take a walk, eat out of hand, and that’s all.

The Chow Chow is considered a decorative breed, but some individuals sometimes show excessive aggression towards strangers around them. If the owner wishes, the fluffy dog ​​is raised into a wonderful watchman.

The Chow Chow is characterized by independence and self-will. This can negatively affect the dog's behavior. It is important to make it clear to even a tiny puppy that the head of the family is the owner, and only he sets the rules in his “pack”.

Despite its selfish nature and natural spoilage, the Chow Chow is considered an intelligent, sociable dog. With proper upbringing, he is able to babysit children or have fun while away the time in canine society.

Breed standards

The Chow Chow is a medium-sized dog breed. The figure of an adult dog is compact, shaped like a square. The parts of the body are proportional, covered with thick, short hair. The average height at the withers of males is 47-58 cm, females - 42-52 cm. The ears are small and erect.

The color range of Chow Chow dogs is varied: there are specimens of black, red, and gray colors.

Spots or tan marks of a different color in the coat are considered a defect in the breed. The color of the Chow Chow must be uniform.

Today there are two varieties of Chow Chow: long-haired and short-haired. Long-haired dogs have thick, medium-sized hair, with increased length of hair on the neck and upper limbs. Short-haired dogs look like a plush toy—the fur is soft, straight, and velvety.

Choosing a puppy

Before visiting a nursery for Chow Chow puppies, follow a number of recommendations.

  • First of all, try to understand exactly why you are purchasing a dog - a spiritual friend or a show specimen. If an exhibition animal is intended, the price of such babies is fixed. You can’t trust advertisements like: “Chow-chow puppies - price negotiable.” In the latter case, the risk of acquiring an outbred or sick animal is significant.
  • Visit a dog show first and observe the behavior of dogs of the specified breed.

When choosing a puppy, take the time to study the details:

  • The appearance characterizes the health of the puppy, similar to a bear cub. Make sure that the body is evenly covered with fur, there are no bald patches or lumps of rolled fur, the tail lies on the back in a ring, the paws are straight, without the slightest curvature.
  • Make sure that the baby's eyes are clean, without the slightest discharge, the nose is elastic and moist, and the ears are free of foreign odors. The only smell that comes from a healthy puppy is the smell of mother's milk. Pay attention to the maintenance of the babies and the external condition of the mother. A clean, warm bedding, separate places for eating, sleeping and toileting, a cheerful, healthy mother indicate strict adherence to the rules of maintenance.
  • Health - vaccinations appropriate for the puppy’s age have been completed and confirmed by certificates.

Features of feeding

Feeding a Chow Chow puppy is rational and balanced. You should not allow your puppy to overeat or undereat. The diet contains a full range of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

A Chow Chow puppy from one month of age is fed four times a day. At 4 months, the frequency of meals is reduced to 3 times; from 8 months, the puppy is transferred to 2 feedings a day.

What to feed a chow chow puppy? The puppy’s daily diet must contain the following products:

  • pureed fish or meat;
  • cereal porridge;
  • milk, fermented milk products;
  • olive oil;
  • eggs;
  • cod or fish liver oil;
  • liver;
  • vegetables, greens

Dog Chow food for puppies is designed specifically for the Chow Chow breed. It contains a complex of essential nutrients that help the young body develop. This food is available for all age groups. Ensure strict adherence to the recommended proportions of this food. Dog Chow food for puppies consists of different-sized granules, which helps the puppy not to swallow food, but to chew it thoroughly.

To ensure that the natural beauty of a Chow Chow puppy does not fade, they carefully care for their coat. Once a week, the puppy is combed with a special brush with rare teeth. During the shedding period, the dog needs brushing several times a week.

Carefully monitor the condition of the puppy's eyes and ears. If necessary, the ears are cleaned with cotton wool using special solutions for cleaning dogs' ears. The dog's eyes should be wiped daily with tea leaves or chamomile infusion.

Growing claws are trimmed periodically. This procedure is performed carefully and carefully, preferably in a veterinary clinic.

When purchasing a Chow Chow puppy, it is important to remember that this is not a plush toy that is put away in a corner when not needed. The Chow Chow is a full-fledged member of the family who needs attention, sincere love and careful care.

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2024 Cats and dogs. Small animals. Health. Medicine.