Square lo shu decoding. Eastern numerology. Willpower line

Chinese numerology– one of the primary sources on the basis of which the modern provisions of this science were formed. Therefore, it is not surprising that the meaning of numbers among the Chinese echoes the well-known characteristics of the numbers of the first ten.

Thus, if Chinese numerology becomes the subject of your interest, the meaning of the numbers will not surprise you, as well as their interpretations. However, if you speak Chinese, the amount useful information will increase for you by several orders of magnitude - the translations available today are sufficient only for a preliminary acquaintance with the topic. The Chinese meaning of numbers is a colossal amount of information, but it contains everything that has to do with human life.

The Chinese take numbers very seriously. Digital code house number, telephone number or passport, as well as day, month, year - all of this is given great importance. Therefore, they count everything - from the number of buttons on clothes to happy days for any important event.

And now - the meaning of numbers in Chinese numerology

  • "1". A symbol of the beginning, the first step. Independence, courage, leadership.
  • "2". Symbol of couple, interaction. Contact, insight, kindness.
  • "3". Troika is a symbol of integrity and openness to the world. Adequacy of judgment, intelligence, self-realization.
  • "4". Not lucky number in Chinese numerology. Increased level risk, vulnerability, failure.
  • "5". Symbol of change. Refusal of the familiar and monotonous for the sake of the new, unexpected.
  • "6". Symbol of vital activity. Efficiency, composure, purposefulness.
  • "7". A symbol of intelligence, the desire for knowledge. Wisdom, spiritual vision, efficiency.
  • "8". Eight is the luckiest number in Chinese numerology. A symbol of success, wealth, fulfillment of desires.
  • "9". Symbol of love and goodness. Happy completion of endeavors, satisfaction, peace.
To harmonize rooms in Feng Shui, they use not an octagon, but a Lo Shu square. The square is divided into 9 parts, each of which corresponds to a certain number from 1 to 9. The sum of the numbers in any direction, including along the diagonals, is 15. Even numbers are located at the corners of the square, odd numbers - in the center and in the remaining parts of the square. Looking ahead, we can say that it is on the basis of the Lo-Shu square that accurate natal maps of rooms are compiled using the method of Wandering (Flying) Stars.

Lo Shu is used in numerology to predict upcoming events, to develop recommendations for achieving success, and so on. Just like in the octagon, each of the sectors of the square is represented by one of the trigrams and the energies of one of the five elements. Using a square or an octagon is a personal choice for everyone, as is more convenient for them. The Lo Shu square can also be superimposed on the plan of an apartment or room (the square must be stretched so that it covers the entire area).

Today there are 2 methods of orientation in Feng Shui: compass and geographical.
According to the teachings of one of them, the Lo-Shu square must be oriented to the cardinal points (the so-called “compass method”). According to it, first the cardinal directions, then the Lo Shu square are superimposed strictly in the center and oriented by the compass. This method is preferable, since it is based on the original basic concepts of Feng Shui and takes into account the flow of energy and magnetic currents of the Earth.

The second method does not take into account the geographical aspect, and according to it the Lo-shu square is always applied with the northern sector (quarry / water) to front door. This method is considered less preferable and we do not recommend using it. It is believed that it arose as a result incorrect translation or purposefully in an attempt to further simplify the complex science of Feng Shui for popularization in the West.

When using the Lo Shu square, you first need to complete the plan so that you get a regular rectangle (if your home has irregular shape, then some sectors may be cut off or missing).
The general rule is: if the missing corner (sector) occupies less than 1/3 of this side of the room, then the plan is completed to the whole. And if the protruding corner (sector) is less than 1/3 of the side of the room, then it is, as it were, excluded from the general plan.
Next, both sides of the rectangle need to be divided into three equal segments, resulting in 9 equal parts of the Lo-Shu square. Each of the 9 squares must also correspond to one of the compass directions.

Flying or Wandering Stars

Roughly speaking, the numbers of the Lo-shu square are the stars. The stars are named accordingly. Star 1, Star 6, Star 8 (White) - are considered the most favorable. Star 4 (green) and Star 9 (purple) are also favorable. Star 5 (yellow) is the most unfavorable. Also unfavorable are Star 2 (Black), Star 3 (jade), Star 7 (red).

The Flying Stars method is used to compile a natal chart of a home (house, apartment, office). In this case, the direction of the facade of the building, the period of construction (or occupancy) of the dwelling, is taken into account.

Mathematical manipulations with numbers underlie the numerological schools of the West and East. The knowledge about secret predictions using numbers, which our ancestors used in the distant past, was transformed into a system much later. Attempts to unite various schools into unified system showed that there are significant differences between the existing numerological schools of the Western and Eastern directions.

Basic numerological systems

Western numerology system

This is the system of numerology we use today; it was formed by Pythagoras (Pythagorean numerology) - the founder of the Pythagorean school. During the Middle Ages, his system of numerology somewhat lost its original essence and was used more as entertainment among the nobility. Its revival occurred relatively recently - just a couple of centuries ago, but today Pythagorean numerology is considered one of the main ones in the world and is quite widespread.

Eastern numerological system

The Eastern school has been steadily popular since its inception. This is due to the uniqueness of the culture and traditions of the East, and the attitude of the peoples living in eastern countries towards them. The numerology of India and China has become more widespread in this direction.

The Indian (or Hindu) school of numerology is also called Vedic, although it has little connection with the Vedas themselves (the great scriptures). In the teachings of Ayurveda, there is a direct connection between a prime number and the corresponding disease of the human system.

The Chinese numerological system differs significantly from the Hindu one. Firstly, she gives her own definition to prime numbers, counts numbers differently and interprets their combinations differently. It is noteworthy that the Chinese today widely practice this system in Everyday life, live based on a system of “successful” or “unsuccessful” numbers and their combinations.
It is worth considering the Chinese school in more detail to understand what principle underlies its definition of numbers and interpretation of their combinations.

Features of Chinese numerology

The history of Chinese numerology goes back more than one millennium; it was founded in ancient times, and during its formation it took on various designations and forms. It is based on a symbiosis of ancient Chinese philosophy, astrology and knowledge about numbers and numbers.

Attitude to numbers

In Ancient China, the sages believed that the world was governed by three principles - luminaries, stars and numbers, indivisible and in constant interaction, the number 12 was endowed with a special meaning. It was the basis of ancient numerology in China - 12 basic numerological numbers, the same number of animals (patrons of the planets in the Chinese calendar), the same number of moons per year, etc.

In a later period, it was replaced by the number 10, where each unit was given symbolism tied to one of the elements. Chinese numerology is closely related to the art of Feng Shui, which developed in parallel; both systems have much in common regarding numbers, their use, definition and interpretation.

Each number is associated with a specific element of nature, while the elements are correlated with the numbers, completely repeating their arrangement and order in Feng Shui

Chinese numerology harmoniously combines mathematical and astrological knowledge and philosophy. There is a row in it prime numbers divided into male and female numbers, which is associated with ancient philosophy and the teaching of light and darkness (we know it as “Yin” and “Yang”). In this regard, every odd number in a series of prime numbers is male, and every even number is female.

The concept of "energy"

Everything in the world has an inherent energy - a certain internal force that can influence the world. Being non-material, it is precisely this that underlies the movement of all processes associated with living/non-living objects. Through the same energy, all living things can sense the world at the level of the senses, and a person is able to sense what is happening around him figuratively and through the prism of special feelings (bliss, compassion, love, happiness, etc.). Powerful spiritual energy, filling a person’s soul, endows him with special secret knowledge, which is the key to a deeper understanding of the world and all its important processes.

Pythagorean, Indian and Chinese numerology considers all fate numbers as the main characteristic of a person. In Chinese numerology, numbers are also endowed with energy, which manifests itself in the form of pure vibration; any such number is considered “living” and has a unique energy that guides a person through life. According to her rules, numbers cannot be positive or negative, they only carry a specific type of energy that can change fate.

The energy of some numbers is aimed at filling something, renewing it, while the energy of other numbers empties, exhausts something.

When doing fortune telling, the Chinese also use a system of numerology similar to the European one, but they attach a special meaning to the essence of each number and endow it with additional properties. To spend full transcript the meaning of the number and its influence on the fate and life of a person, it is necessary to use a special Chinese calculation system, known in the Feng Shui system as the “Lo Shu” square. With its help, you can determine not only the primary elements, but also their interaction and influence on each other.

Meaning of numbers

Sometimes the Chinese use simplified meanings of numbers, which are similar in interpretation to numbers in European numerology. But even in this case, they correspond to certain elements and their own patron planets.

Number 1

Taoists highly reverence the unit, seeing in it the Great Origin of everything. In fortune telling, it means the birth of children. Homonyms for the unit are the words “win” and “honor”. Association with the plant: Spruce is a slow growing but strong, hard tree with healing and beneficial properties.

Unit is the powerful energy of the Sun, instantly charging and filling all living things. This should be taken into account by those who have “1” equal to the Number of Destiny or Life, since they are susceptible to moral and mental overstrain and the appearance of sudden aggression and pain syndromes.

Number 2

Two carries the energy of the Moon, which exposes a person to doubts and endows him with indecision. A person with a two in the Number of Destiny often finds himself in difficult and ambiguous situations, which require him to make a specific choice “between”.

It is a symbol of mutual complementation, unity, struggle and connection of opposites. In fortune telling it means the younger generation and a favorable environment for the development and growth of something; the card itself in the layout means “offspring”.

Plant association: straight and strong Bamboo is a fast-growing plant with beneficial properties that are widely used by humans. Homonyms for two are the words “easy”, “quick”.

Number 3

Jupiter's energy promotes love and growth magical abilities In humans, like “1”, three is a symbol of the beginning and creative development. Three in the Number of Destiny for a person means that others can perceive him as a mysterious and enigmatic person. Three connects the real world with the otherworldly. Trinity philosophy:

  • three principles (heaven/earth/man);
  • three light sources (Sun/Stars/Moon);
  • three religions (Buddhism/Taoism/Confucianism);
  • the triple basis of the family (husband, wife, child), etc.,

is quite widespread and in demand in the philosophy of modern China.

In fortune telling, “3” is access to high society (hat) and knowledge of the world (window).

Association with fire, capable of creation and destruction. A homonym for two is the word “growth.”

Number 4

This is the number of rationality and fidelity, it is stable and constant, providing balance (for the world). The uniqueness of the four: covering space and every facet of an object, it is able to identify and determine its shape. Philosophy “4” is relevant in China:

  • mythical principles (Sun/Earth/Sky/Moon),
  • seasons (4 seasons),
  • symbolic animals (White Tiger, Azure Dragon, Black Turtle, Red Bird),
  • mythical creatures (Dragon/Phoenix/Pangolin/Unicorn),
  • virtues (shame/justice/temperance/education/decency),
  • light sources (Moon/Stars/Planets/Sun).

In fortune telling, the number four denotes an official, an officer, success and growth in a career, a positive outlook in an endeavor, and the opportunity to achieve a high position in society.

The word “lamp” is considered a homonym for the four.

Number 5

The number “5” symbolizes perfection, ideal, power, and has the energy of creativity and search. It gives a person the intention to strive for the highest, for perfection, and contributes to the generation of wars. Five is a very revered number; many dogmas and tenets of Chinese philosophy, religion, and culture are associated with it.

In fortune telling, this is “Emperor”; the number promises maximum and rapid success, growth, and development. In China, they believe that the number “5” is located in the center of the number series and controls it. The homonym for five is the neutral word “nothing.”

Number 6

This is an ordinary (service) number in Chinese numerology, symbolizing some stability that comes after the heyday, exaltation and success of the five. Six opens all directions - all (four) cardinal directions, nadir, zenith, symbolizes stability and interconnection of many phenomena, as well as the possibility of change.

The energy of the “animal nature” is inherent in the Six; it reveals the instincts necessary for a living organism to survive. At the same time, as a number symbolizing a hardworking person, it is capable of endowing him with the necessary strength and energy for the development of natural inclinations.

In fortune telling, “6” means “flaw”, “flaw”, “weakness”. A homonym for number is the word “wealth.”

Number 7

The number “7” symbolizes spiritual perfection, the desire for the Higher Mind, it is the number of forward movement, which does not allow one to stagnate. In Chinese numerology, as in Chinese astrology, “7” is an important number, denoting lunar stations on each side of the world, planetary cycles (7 in total), seven calendar days, five major planets and 2 lunar nodes (or 2 luminaries), as well as many other religious and philosophical provisions. However, in Chinese numerology it rarely carries a key meaning. Even during the period of Ancient China, the Chinese stopped using the septenary week, and this number itself was rarely used in everyday life. Balancing between Light and Darkness in the duodecimal cycle, seven signifies “Balance.” A homonym for “7” is the word “for sure.”

Number 8

The number “8” means “Infinity”, is highly revered in China, and is endowed with many religious and philosophical symbols. It stabilizes any energy, keeping it unchanged. This number is characteristic of people who are reasonable, prudent and rational. In the material plane, it reflects the strength of connections and relationships, material wealth.

In fortune telling, the number eight is interpreted as “the completion of all affairs”, “death”, “final”, and this process can be characterized by both a positive and a negative sign. A homonym for the number “8” is the word “prosperity”.

Number 9

Possessing the energy of Mars, the number “9” carries indomitable energy and endows all living things with it, ensuring swiftness in achieving goals, drive and determination. With its help, spiritual insight is possible, it allows you to control emotions, fears and madness.

In Chinese numerology, nine is an important number, endowed with many symbols and concepts. For many centuries, forecasts for the state were compiled using three nines:

  • Nine Heavens in Buddhism;
  • Nine stars in the constellation Ursa Major;
  • Nine planets.

At the same time, these three nines were a symbol of the union between Earth and Heaven and meant the highest (divine) wisdom, which is available to some people. The number “9” in modern Chinese numerology means “stability after eight” and allows you to control the forces of nature. The number is endowed with many philosophical concepts and dogmas of a religious nature.

In fortune telling, “9” means “grave” and is interpreted as the completion of affairs, the cessation of movements and development. A homonym for “9” is the word “longevity”.

Number 10

The number “10” is a service number, used in the decimal cycle to count monthly decades (previously in China, the 7-ary week was practically not used; the days were 60-day periods of 10 days each.).

In fortune telling, “10” symbolizes the end of everything, the dead lost souls who are undergoing purification through Hell and have not yet achieved enlightenment. By the way, in Buddhism Hell has 10 divisions.

Number 11

Number 12

Number 13

Pythagorean, Indian and Chinese numerology interprets fate numbers differently, although in some cases their interpretations may coincide in key aspects. Numerology opens up unique opportunities to understand the world and oneself, as well as other people and the relationships between them. The Chinese numerological system is complex and very multifaceted, since each number in it corresponds not only to a unique interpretation, but also to many different provisions, postulates and dogmas of a cultural, philosophical, astrological and religious nature.

How often have you had ups and downs in your life? Did you know that you can predict them? Luo Shu square is one of the ancient Chinese ways of calculating numbers by date of birth. The square is often used in Feng Shui practice. The numbers in a square are arranged in a certain order, no matter how you add the numbers, you will always get a total of fifteen.


The square contains 9 numbers, very often they are called nine stars. They say that they are like cosmic energy, which endows a person with certain, unique qualities and characteristics. Numerology is a unique science.

Many Feng Shui masters think that these nine numbers refer to the Big Dipper, but in fact this is not the case. Oddly enough, this legend was invented by us and for us. We are all inquisitive, and in order to somehow explain the meaning of this energy, this story was invented. It’s just that, in fact, there is no explanation for where these 9 “patrons” came from, they just exist. In fact, these nine numbers symbolize nine different strong energies that descend to us on Earth and live, helping us in different situations.

How to calculate?

In fact, calculating lo-shu by a square on your own takes a long time and is not so easy. Calculations are based on date of birth. Example: 06/30/1987. Let's sum each number together: 3 0 0 6 1 9 8 7=20. In this case, you must translate everything to chinese calendar. With decoding numbers online you can find out what awaits you.

The meaning of the first is interpreted as Tai Lan - translated from Chinese as a greedy wolf. Tai is immeasurable greed and thirst for jewelry. Lan is a wolf, although the word has a double meaning. They say that the first part is translated as a dog, and the second part has the meaning of a good and wise person. And the most ancient meaning words are a gift sent from heaven. That is, the first is the image of a greedy wolf who seeks to gain a gift from heaven. On the one hand, it is good that a person strives to learn new things, but at the same time is ready to go over his head and not think about the people around him.

What else do you need to know about values?

Chu-men - the great gate, is considered the most evil and not good of the existing series, which brings disease. Translated: Monarch of Disease. The second meaning is that the star brings fertility and longevity. And the third meaning is that the star is a big Doctor who treats many diseases. Let's also consider other existing star designations.

  1. Conservation 3. Lu-Xin is the savior and saver of the salary. Again two words and two different meanings. Lu is the God who gives wealth, and Xin is the God of disaster and destruction. One of the many names for this star is the Spirit of Misfortune or the Ghost of Accidents. And according to many reviews of people and observations of masters, this is true. The star really carries bad energy, which leads to sad consequences.
  2. Strength 4, interpreted as a civil official. The Chinese name is Wen Chu. The star carries difficult life paths, another of its meanings is “six troubles.” IN ancient China It was believed that people who held high positions were required to pass a couple of important exams to prove their strength and loyalty to the people. And it is believed that when a person occupied high positions, he relaxed and became lazy, as a result of which work for the people decreased. Another meaning is a smart nymph. This star can help you solve many problems and give love, but on the other hand it can bring discord and misfortune.

From five to nine - star interpretations

Star five stands out from all the stars. She embodies purity, faith and honesty. The Chinese name for Leno Chen is honesty and integrity. Oddly enough, with such good qualities, she is considered unfavorable. The second meaning is the Devil of cruelty, the Ghost of misfortune. But they say that it has a beneficial effect on people with the number 5.

Star 6 is a warrior who will always get his way and protect his family and friends. It is considered one of the most auspicious stars, which brings success, tranquility and good luck. The Chinese name is Wu Chu - Angel of Courage. Power 7, star 7 – Chinese Po Chun, means a defeated army. Another meaning is Phantom of Destruction or Hard Fate. Symbolizes the breaking of dreams and hopes. Very often he can deceive, give hope, and then cruelly take it away.

The Lo Shu square is the name given to the oldest Chinese instrument that Feng Shui masters use to make predictions.

It can be called a theoretical conceptual aspect through which the development of a given practice can be better understood.

It was the Lo Shu square that served as the prototype of the famous Feng Shui. The magic square is also the basis of Chinese ancient astrology, the I Ching - the Book of Changes.

How did the Lo Shu square appear?

As an ancient Chinese legend says, a giant turtle once crawled out of the stormy waters of the Lo River onto the shore. This not so rare event could have gone unnoticed, but the turtle turned out to be the owner of an unusual shell, on which nine numbers were clearly visible, arranged in a three by three square. So the gods presented people with a most valuable and amazing gift, which was called the magic square of Lo Shu.

The sides and numbers of the magic square have a certain geographical focus. These are the main directions - north, west, south and east; additional directions are northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest and center. The main feature of a square is the unique arrangement of numbers, arranged in such a way that when added in any direction - horizontal, diagonal or vertical - the number 15 is obtained.

For development Chinese culture the Lo Shu square had a tremendous impact. On its basis, the practice of Feng Shui arose, and Chinese philosophy Taoism.

In accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, each aspect of our life, be it work or love, hobbies, relationships with relatives, is accurately displayed in one specific area of ​​the apartment, house, or any home. There are nine of these zones, like on a turtle shell. Each of them is tied to one of the cardinal directions, it has its own element and color.

To determine where one of the Lo Shu zones is located in a home, a magic square must be placed on or at home. Here you need to be especially careful, since in different interpretations the magic square is supposed to be applied in different ways. Feng Shui gurus have not been able to come to a consensus on this issue: some argue that the greatest effect can be achieved if you focus on the cardinal directions, while others believe that it is more correct to proceed from the layout of the home. With the first option, the zone designated as 1 will be located in the northern part of the house, with the second, the same one will be located at the front door.

According to Feng Shui, it is believed that the place where the entrance to the home is located is located at the bottom of the square. You can choose any of the versions, calculate all the necessary sectors, but if further work with a square, it is recommended to adhere to the once chosen strategy so as not to harm yourself or others.

Northern zone of the square

The northern zone is the personification of a person’s life path and career. Its element is Water. The colors of the zone are black, blue and cyan. The creative cycle for her is circle, metal, white.

Flat forms and any shades of yellow should be completely excluded from this zone. Shapes are welcomed, mainly round and wavy. The zone should only contain things that are directly related to work or career.

To activate a zone, you need to place objects related to water in it, such as a decorative fountain or an aquarium with fish. For greater success, it is useful to place metal products, for example, jewelry, figurines.

Southwestern zone of the square

Element – ​​Earth, colors – orange, yellow, red and pink. Green color and wood material should be avoided. Shapes triangular or square. The creative cycle is fire, red triangle.

The area must be clean, no broken items. Ideally, if you can install two red candles. Here, it is advisable to place any things in pairs - symbols of love are also appropriate.

You can activate it with the help of the earth - just put a pot with a flower. You shouldn't choose green completely.

Luo Shu Square: Eastern Zone

The zone represents family, support and mutual assistance. Its element is a large tree. Colors – light green, bright green. The zone does not like metal; its creative cycle is water. You need to choose rectangular shapes for it.

Careful care of the area helps to qualitatively improve family relationships. It is good to place a family tree in it. The health and appearance of the plant must be carefully monitored - the tree represents the well-being and growth of the family. The zone also feeds the sector responsible for financial well-being with flows of positive energy.

This zone is responsible for various necessary things such as timely payment utilities or quality food. When placing living plants on its territory and providing good lighting nothing interferes with the flow of necessary vital forces.

South-East zone

Zone of wealth and abundance. Elements – small tree, colors – purple, red, gold, green. The shapes inside should be rectangular. Metal – exclude. The creative cycle is water.

To activate the zone, you can place a small fountain in it, place an aquarium, plants with oval or round leaves. Lighting must be of high quality.

Lo Shu Square: Central Zone

The zone is the personification of health. Zone element – ​​Earth, color – orange or yellow. tree and green color it is advisable to exclude it completely. Square shapes. The creative cycle is fire, a red triangle.

Since the area is responsible for health, there must be order and good lighting. Activation can be done using a crystal chandelier. Very beneficial influence funny toys, exhibited in the center, funny illustrations, postcards.

North-west zone

The main element is large metal, respectively, the colors are metallic, white, silver, gray, white, gold. Triangular shapes and red color should not be present. Round shapes are preferred. Creative cycle - earth, square, yellow.

This zone is the sector of the property owner's property. Activation will help you get unexpected help, which can be very useful. Small metal bells would be appropriate inside.

Luo Shu Square: Western Zone

Element – ​​small metal, colors – silver, metallic, white, gold. The color red should not be kept on the territory; triangular shapes should be excluded. The creative cycle is yellow, earth, square.

This sector presents everything that relates to children, both those already born and those in the future. It would be appropriate to place children's drawings or photos of children here. The magic square favors Feng Shui figurines; figurines depicting children are popular here.

North-East zone

Zone of wisdom, learning and knowledge. Element – ​​small earth, colors – yellow and beige, shades of brown. It is not advisable to keep water and black color in the sector. The shapes are square, the creative cycle is fire.

Stones, natural crystals, maybe a map or globe are suitable for activation. The ancient wisdom filling the magic square will help you gain and retain knowledge and achieve amazing success in this. As you become wiser, you can use the funds that come to you more rationally. Wise people are able to save everything they receive from the outside, or manage their wealth wisely - this applies to both means and knowledge.

Southern zone of the magic square

The personification of fame and reputation, the attitude of others towards you. The element is fire, the colors are shades of red. Avoid black, water, and wavy lines. Triangular shapes are preferable inside. The creative cycle is tree, triangle, green.

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