Lunar conception calendar by day. Calculation of conception according to the lunar calendar. Favorable days for conception

The existing lunar calendar will help with conceiving a boy or girl. If it makes no difference who will be, because the main thing remains only the health of the baby, then astrologers suggest choosing the right day for conception. The moon influences the life and destiny of a person, its impact is different every day.

When a married couple decides to have a child, they naturally begin to look on the Internet for recommendations on how and when it is best to do it.

One of the calculations of the best day for conception is the lunar conception calendar.

For those who believe in the influence of stars on a person’s destiny, the lunar conception calendar will become an indispensable guide in such a delicate matter.

Lunar calendar for conceiving a child for 2018

The lunar calendar is compiled by astrologers based on the location of the Moon in the starry sky, taking into account the lunar cycle and its influence on the human body. The calendar develops a schedule for each month, it indicates the best days for conception and the highest probability of what a child will have if conceived on a specific day.

Features of conceiving a child according to the lunar calendar

The moon has a special effect on nature in general and on human cells. The greatest beauty of the lunar calendar is that it indicates the highest probability of conception on a certain day of a specific gender of the baby.

Is it possible to predict the gender of a child using the lunar calendar?

There are 12 zodiac signs, of which 6 are considered masculine and 6 are considered feminine. The calendar is compiled according to the zodiac sign the Moon is in.

If during the period of interest she is in one of the feminine signs, a girl will be born, but if at the time of conception the Moon is in a masculine sign, a boy will certainly be born.

The Moon stays in each sign for an average of 3 days.

Conceiving a boy according to the lunar calendar 2018

In 2018, astrologers proclaim the following favorable days for conceiving a boy:

Conceiving a girl according to the lunar calendar 2018

The conception of a girl occurs on certain days.

Favorable days for conception according to the lunar calendar

In addition to the fact that the lunar calendar marks the days on which you can conceive a boy or a girl, there are also favorable (when conception is most desirable) and unfavorable days (when conception is not recommended at all).

Better days

Lunar days differ from calendar days, so to calculate best days you need to use a special lunar calendar. Astrologers believe that the most favorable days fall on days 2, 4, 11, and 28.

People conceived on this day are haunted by good luck with success in all endeavors from the beginning to the end of life.

He will always be able to direct his natural talent in the right direction, so there will be no problems with his career. Love affairs will be crowned with happiness and strength of relationships.

People conceived on this day are distinguished by restlessness and enviable activity, moreover, they are so charming that everyone loves them: from close relatives to people around them. Thanks to its inexhaustible vital energy Even at an early age, they will try all available activities and decide who they want to see themselves in this life.

A wonderful day to conceive a child, endowed with noble qualities such as pride, dignity and fortitude. They also have clearly expressed non-standard thinking, good physical strength and endurance.

People with easy luck, sometimes they don’t even have to make much effort to achieve their goal. You just have to think about what needs to be done, and the world around them begins to change so that everything happens for the best. People conceived on this day are easy to communicate and have an easy-going character.

Good days

The following numbers fall on good lunar days: 1, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 16, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26 and 30 days.

This day gives people good survival, the ability to fight, and achieve new achievements in life despite any obstacles.

Good resistance to stress does not allow them to break down from problems, but allows them to easily get out of difficult life situations.

They always remain capable and have good self-control. People conceived on this day win over their subordinates and are skilled leaders.

Great idealists. Their life goal is not to earn popularity, not fame and money, but to achieve their ideals. They are independent of other people’s opinions and the opinions of others are not particularly important to them - this makes them individuals whom they strive for and admire.

These people do not settle down; they need movement to live - a new job, travel, trips, a change of activity. Very sincere and open people who do not accept deception from other people.

Such people know no boundaries. Any emotion passes at its peak.

If you laugh, it brings you to tears, if you love, then with all your heart, but if something bad happens in life, it’s a disaster.

Fortunately, they are endowed with great self-control, so all their emotional outbursts quickly stop. They are very purposeful and endowed with good willpower.

They love traveling so much that they can even connect their work with it. Life will be bright and cheerful.

People conceived on this day have an amazing sense of subtle world. Excellent intuition will always tell them which direction they need to go and how to act to achieve their dreams. The sensations are not always pleasant, because the premonition of a bad event will disturb, leading to a bad mood, and possibly to causeless scandals and tears. By nature they are empaths, people will reach out to them for sympathy and understanding.

Very nice, kind and selfless people are born, conceived on this day. They have empathy and a very calm nature.

Strength, charisma, leadership, justice - these are the main character traits. They cannot stand loneliness, even if they want to relax, they would rather spend time in the company of friends than sit at home. Very sociable and selfless.

Real explorers of the world. They are always interested in everything, they always strive to solve some riddle that others have puzzled over.

There are never any particular problems with studying and, growing up, they become inventors.

These children don't know what a lie is. This is unacceptable for them, because they are so honest, their thoughts are pure, and their moral qualities are the highest. From childhood they grow up awkward and often get injured because of this, but over time they learn to be careful.

This day will give the conceived child strong intuition, which can surprise and even shock others. They do not have many friends, but they are chosen and faithful. They give in to their feelings to the fullest, giving their all.

Very self-critical. Awareness of their own imperfections often upsets them. If they can learn to control their feelings, they will live a long and interesting life. Success in their career will not bypass them.

People conceived on this day are real individuals - deep and thorough. They do not succumb to depression because of negative little things (they may not even notice them), but in case of serious issues they will always find the most a good option. Many hobbies and a huge baggage of my own experiences about understanding the world. They are consulted when they see no way out of a situation, because they are wise.

Neutral days

Neutral days lunar calendar are considered to be: 3, 5, 17, 18 and 27 days.

Leaders endowed with great vital energy and enormous ambitions are their basis.

They are so confident in their abilities that they do not understand or accept weaknesses in other people.

For people of this day, there will be a constant struggle for a place in the sun; they are always accompanied by unexpected life turns, and they will need to adapt to them. Whatever they get in life will be the result of their own efforts, and the more effort they give, the more they will have (both in career and personal happiness).

They have a mild character and usually do not succumb to depression. All difficulties in life are perceived as a useful lesson. They believe that the world provides many chances that should not be missed.

They are honest, sympathetic and attractive people. There are every opportunity to achieve your goals. Life will turn out very well if a person initially decides on a direction.

Children conceived on this day are in poor health, and in the event of difficulties in life, they cannot always adequately assess the situation. However, they are very positive, have a gentle character, and always come to the rescue in trouble.

Bad days

There are days that are not recommended for conception: days 13, 19, 20 and 23.

The lives of these people do not depend on themselves. The peculiarity of this day is that what happens will depend on the actions of the people around you.

The better their actions, the more positive things will happen to them, and vice versa. They should learn to control their actions in order to avoid bad events.

Someone who was conceived at 19 lunar day will be endowed with great patience, so that all difficulties will be perceived as another life lesson. There will be many difficulties, the solution of which will require a lot of vitality.

Such people are closed in on themselves. The discrepancy between the perfect world in their head and the real world will cause internal suffering. If the efforts they make to achieve some goals do not bring success, their hands will immediately give up and they will become offended by the whole world.

These are people who can grow up both gifted, capable and endowed with mental capabilities, and closed people-mysteries. Often those around them do not consider them sincere due to excessive isolation and will avoid them.

Worst days

When planning a pregnancy, the time of conceiving a child should not fall on the worst days in the lunar calendar, namely: 9, 12, 15 and 29 days.

This day is marked by the influence of close forces. Those conceived on this day will be endowed with special magical abilities, but when using them only misfortunes will happen around.

They love justice, so they always get into different disputes. They are also prone to extremes: no matter what good or bad happens to them, they experience it to the fullest. When life breaks them, they resort to intrigue and deception. They need a lot of control and good upbringing.

The fate of those conceived on this day will not be easy. Hot temper, excessive emotionality and frequent mood swings will cause big problems in life.

The day of conception is extremely negative, since people conceived on this day are characterized by depression and nervousness. Life will constantly put them in unpleasant, even bad situations, and their parents will have to protect them all the time.

Even though the Moon has an influence on a child conceived on a certain day, there is no need to interpret these days exclusively negatively. Only love and upbringing by parents will bear fruit and teach the child to be himself, to see the beauty of the world and to cope with the difficulties that life has in store for him.

Recommendations for using the method of professional astrologers

Parents choose the day they conceive their baby based on the influence of the moon on that particular day. It must be taken into account that fertilization of an egg by a sperm occurs one day after sexual intercourse. Therefore, to conceive on a specific day, you need to take into account the sperm speed factor. Using methods for conceiving a boy and a girl according to the lunar calendar, you can calculate the right day for sexual intercourse.

Possible errors

When the lunar conception calendar has been studied, the right day for conception has been selected, and the day of sexual intercourse has been calculated to conceive a child of a particular gender, there is still a chance of failure. Firstly, it is not always possible to correctly predict the behavior of sperm on this day. They may be more or less active and reach their goal on a different day than they expected. Secondly, the lunar day does not last from 00:00 to 00:00 at night. It is known that there are only 12 calendar months in a year, but there are 13 lunar months, and the lunar day also has its own hours.

In contact with

The moon is the patroness and helper of women. She is responsible not only for female intuition, but also for even more subtle processes occurring in the body of the fair sex.

Many centuries ago it was already known that menstrual cycles correlate with the cycles and phases of the Moon and that for a successful pregnancy it is necessary to correlate the days of conception with the night luminary. This question, of course, is controversial, since deeply religious people, for example, will immediately tell you that everything is God’s will and that a child is born only when it pleases God. And scientists will add that conception is possible only at the moment of ovulation.

But how then can we explain the cases when women who were unable to get pregnant suddenly turned to the Moon and received the long-awaited offspring?

Read our material about which phases of the moon are best to conceive a child, which days of the lunar calendar are most favorable for conception, and when it is better not to approach your partner at all in order to avoid far-reaching unpleasant consequences.

Moon phases favorable for conception

It is believed that the phase of the moon in which the woman herself was born is most favorable and productive for conception. That is, if you were born on a new moon, then it is on the new moon that you have every chance of conceiving a child, regardless of menstrual cycle.

This method was patented in the mid-twentieth century by Dr. Jonas. The doctor emphasized that if on the day of conception the position of the Moon is the same as on the mother’s birthday, then conception will take place in any case. Clinical trials of this method showed that Jonas was right and in 98 cases out of 100 (an amazing indicator!), couples who had previously had problems conceiving managed to give birth to a child.

However, the doctor did not take into account the transit of other planets, as well as solar and lunar eclipses and lunar days occurring at the time of conception (Jonas simply had other tasks, namely: the birth of children from couples who were considered infertile). At the same time, all this can affect the child’s future and not in the most positive way. After all, it’s not enough to conceive, you have to carry it to term, give birth and try to do everything in your power so that the baby’s fate is not a “villain”.

So, using Dr. Jonas’ method, don’t be too lazy to contact a professional astrologer and draw up general map movements of the planets for the period when you are going to conceive.

By the way, there is also an opinion that conception, like everything that is done for creation and for the long term, is better done during the waxing Moon.

Lunar day. First decade: calculating days for conception

Phases are phases, but the current lunar day should not be discounted - not all days are favorable for conception.

1st lunar day. The second half of the day is favorable for conception. The child will live happily ever after.
2nd lunar day. A child conceived on this day will be successful. In addition, on this day it is easy to conceive a child of the gender you want.
3rd lunar day. Unfavorable day for conception: the baby’s character will be difficult. It will be difficult for you to raise him, and then it will be difficult for him to live.
4th and 5th lunar days. Unfavorable days for conception.
6th lunar day. Favorable day for conception. The child will live a long life, especially if he is conceived in an environmentally friendly place.
7th lunar day. A day favorable for conception. The child will grow up energetic, active and hardworking. But you will have to stop all his attempts to embellish events, deceive and fantasize from a very early age, otherwise he will too often achieve everything in life with the help of lies.
8th lunar day. A child conceived on this day will live an interesting, eventful, but very difficult life.
9th lunar day.
10th lunar day. One of the most successful days for conception. Pregnancy will be easy, and the baby will be born “kissed by God.”

Lunar day. Second decade: calculating days for conception

11th lunar day. Favorable day for conception. The baby will be strong, and as he matures, he will actively achieve his goals.
12th lunar day. Auspicious day. The child may become a healer or have other superpowers. He will also have very well developed intuition.
13th lunar day. Conception is not contraindicated, but the child can have both a successful and unsuccessful life.
14th lunar day. A very favorable day for conception. The child will be able to easily carry out almost any correction of fate. They say about such people that they have a strong guardian angel.
15th lunar day. Unfavorable day for conception.
16th lunar day. Auspicious day. The child will grow up to be a calm, self-sufficient and prudent person.
17th lunar day. Auspicious day. The child will be a bright and talented person.
18th lunar day. Unfavorable day for conception. The child may be born sick and weak. He will also be too susceptible to the influence of others.
19th lunar day. Unfavorable day for conception. A child can become a brilliant villain.
20th lunar day. Neutral day. Conception is not contraindicated, but the child’s success in life will depend on your and his potential. However, the baby will be purposeful and very hardworking.

Lunar day. Third decade: calculating days for conception

21st lunar day. A day favorable for conception - the child will grow up capable of completing any task. But his enthusiastic and impressionable nature may be prone to fanaticism.
22nd lunar day. A very auspicious day. Prudence will help your child draw a lucky ticket.
23rd lunar day. Unfavorable day.
24th lunar day. A very favorable day for conception. Even if you have problems, energy of a given day will help you. And a child conceived on this day will be born active, he will be strong and self-confident.
25th lunar day. Auspicious day. The child will be endowed with unique mental abilities. He will be happy to solve complex problems at school, and then in adulthood.
26th lunar day. A very favorable day for conception. The child will achieve a high position in society, will be rich and successful in his career.
27th lunar day. The day is neutral. Conception is not contraindicated. The child will be kind, others will love him, but it is likely that the child will have to take care of his health all the time - problems may arise.
28th lunar day. A favorable day for conception. The child will be talented, he will succeed in everything, especially if he does what he loves. The only danger is laziness. She will accompany the child if he is not interested in what he is doing. Therefore, make sure that your baby follows his destiny.
29th lunar day. A very unfavorable day for conception. To avoid unplanned pregnancy, avoid any sexual contact.
30th lunar day. A day unfavorable for conception. There is a danger of not carrying the fetus to term, and the child may also be born defective.

Skeptics may note that sperm live up to five days, so it is difficult to calculate on which day of the lunar calendar conception actually occurred. But, as a rule, if you use the “lunar method” when conceiving, fertilization occurs on the same day.

Do you want your baby to live a long, interesting and prosperous life? Consult the Moon - she will help both you and your baby become happier, take into account the astrological situation, and most importantly, love your child even before the moment of conception.

People knowledgeable in astrology know for sure that the likelihood of conceiving a child largely depends not only on the onset of ovulation, but also on a certain successful phase of the moon. Scientific evidence suggests that the day of the lunar calendar when a child was conceived influences the gender, fate and character of the newborn. If you want to know which day is best to plan your conception, then use the advice of the lunar calendar.

Astrology, like physics, is an exact science, therefore, when proper planning gender of the child according to the lunar calendar, the error is minimal. This calculation method has been used for centuries, and the first mentions of the lunar calendar were recorded in ancient manuscripts. It has gained popularity and spread throughout the world since the second half of the twentieth century.

The fact that the Moon is able to control not only nature, but also life cycles Our ancestors noticed people, believing that it has no less force of influence than the Sun. The Moon has a special effect on the emotional state and menstrual cycle of a woman, and since conception is a complex hormonal process, it is also subject to the influence of the night luminary.

Of course, a young family planning a new addition is interested in what their child will be like, his character traits and future fate. At first glance, it is impossible to predict this, but astrologers assure the opposite: knowing on what day according to the lunar calendar conception occurred, one can theoretically determine the baby’s disposition and his abilities.

As follows from statistics, the accuracy of such forecasts is sometimes 90% and the error of this calculation method, according to experts, is only that conception can occur within 3 days after sexual intercourse.

Features of conceiving a child according to the lunar calendar

When choosing suitable days in the lunar calendar for conceiving a baby, you should take into account the fact that the zodiac signs are conventionally divided into male and female. This means that when conceiving, you need to know in which zodiac sign the Moon is located.

The period of the full moon or new moon should be excluded from the list of suitable days. The most ideal option is conception during the new moon. In this case, your baby will certainly be born healthy and strong.

The lunar day when the expectant mother was born is also suitable, since it is considered the most fertile. The same condition applies to men. For example, if a woman was born on a waxing moon, then it is on the waxing moon that it is worth planning the birth of a new life.

The lunar calendar for conceiving a child will help predict the baby’s gender, which corresponds to a certain zodiac sign at the time of conception. According to the lunar calendar, the most favorable conditions for conceiving a girl will be Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces and Virgo. To make a boy, the Moon must be in Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Libra or Leo. You should not lose sight of the fact that from sexual intercourse to fertilization itself can take from several hours to three days.

When planning the sex of a child, the age of the parents also plays a role. The conception of a boy according to the lunar calendar is most likely to occur if it is carried out in an odd month of the year (July, September, and so on), provided that the woman’s age at the time of conception is divided by two. And vice versa.

Astrologers believe that children born during a period when the ecliptic longitude of the Moon is equal to the solar one, as a rule, are characterized by weak immunity and vulnerability. “Children of the full moon” are more impulsive and emotional.

“The Minion of Fate” can be conceived on the 28th day of the lunar calendar. Such a child will become a successful and successful person in the future. The same cannot be said about children conceived on the 29th lunar day. They can expect a difficult and difficult adult life.

Birth horoscope

Many people are probably learning for the first time, but a woman’s fertility largely depends on the position of the Sun and Moon at the time of her birth. Knowing these data, based on them, the expectant mother can make personal horoscope birth, independently determining the day and time suitable for conception.

It must be compiled once a month, and it is always necessary to calculate the exact date when the Moon will be at the same distance from the Sun as it was at the time of the woman’s birth.

Just as when planning the gender of a child, one must not forget that fertilization does not always occur immediately after conception, and from the moment the sperm meets the egg, the Moon can change to another sign, the distance between the Moon and the Sun will also change.

Professional stargazers recommend: if you are planning a pregnancy soon, do not be lazy and look at the lunar calendar. There you will learn that the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 17th and 24th lunar days are favorable for conception.

You should also consider factors such as:

  1. A mother's lunar birthday is most suitable for conceiving her baby.
  2. When planning the gender of a child, you need to monitor what zodiac sign the Moon is in at the moment and its movement in the next two days.
  3. It is better to conceive before the full moon, at a time when the Moon is gaining energy. This is the most successful period, since there is a high probability that the unborn child will be born strong, resilient and stable in life. The chances of getting pregnant will double if a woman ovulates during this period. Another interesting fact is that each phase of the moon can endow the baby with certain characteristics.
  4. The probability of successful conception is high on the 15th day of a woman’s menstrual cycle, as well as 3 days before and 3 days after menstruation.
  5. The day a person is conceived plays a very important role in his destiny, determines his life path, emotional state, character and abilities. Each day of the lunar calendar is special, however, there are also days when you should wait to conceive. Fortunately, there are fewer of them than favorable ones.
  6. There are also entire time periods when it is better to delay pregnancy. People who trust the “star” opinion should know about unfavorable days to conceive a child:
  • 10 days before the mother’s birthday and the same number after;
  • on a bad day (thunderstorm, hurricane wind, snowfall, hail), during a solar and lunar eclipse;
  • in a state of severe physical fatigue;
  • after taking a cold shower, swimming in a pond, hypothermia;
  • on a full stomach, while intoxicated.

Lunar days calendar 2016

The lunar conception calendar for 2016 details the most favorable dates for conceiving a child of a particular gender, indicating the start time of the period.

We also bring to your attention the lunar conception calendar for July from detailed description good and suitable days for conception.

When planning the date for conceiving a child according to the lunar calendar for 2016, we recommend paying attention to the summary characteristics. Here the main character traits of people conceived on a particular lunar day are briefly outlined. (The numbers below correspond to days in the lunar calendar).

1 – a person whose life began on this day of the lunar calendar can confidently walk through life, overcoming any obstacles. His Guardian Angel will always be with him.

2 – those conceived on the 2nd day of the lunar calendar can safely participate in lotteries, since such people will not have win-win options.

3 – people of strong-willed character, inner strength, ambition and integrity.

4 – a person conceived on this lunar day is called the “soul” of a company with a suspicious character. He is not prone to manipulation and meanness.

5 – no stability. The life of such people is full of movement, challenges and adventures.

6 is the day of future visionaries and dreamers. However, these qualities will not prevent such people from achieving great success in politics and social activities.

7 – Those whose day of conception falls on the 7th lunar day can enjoy life, but they should be careful when traveling.

8 is a symbol of an eventful life. Strong and principled people conceived on the 8th day of the Moon will achieve everything the hard way. Any depression will be hard to bear for them, and moments of happiness will be the most memorable.

10 – sign strong connection with parents. Such people love their family, travel a lot and always find happiness only in their native land.

11 – extraordinary mental strength accompanies people conceived on the 11th lunar day. They are proud and noble, active and purposeful, and also achieve great success in sports.

12 – predominance of intuitive thinking. This is the main trump card in all aspects of life of a person who was conceived on this day.

13 is a symbol of lucky and lucky people. They are able to skillfully use the acquired knowledge and avoid possible unpleasant consequences.

14 – provided that a person conceived on the 14th lunar day develops certain spiritualistic abilities, he will turn out to be a good magician. And in general nature endowed him with integrity and a sense of justice.

15 – emotional natures. Such people, as a rule, love selflessly, hate fiercely and have fun uncontrollably.

16 – soft and kind personalities. They do not strive for life on display, but prefer a quiet and secluded place to live.

17 – cheerful and joyful people. However, at the time of conception, parents should not drink alcohol, so that the addiction is not passed on to the unborn child.

18 – a person who was conceived on the 18th day of the lunar calendar is distinguished by his modesty and sincerity. He does not harbor anger and is capable of truly loving.

19 - people of amazing nature with a reserve of vitality and extreme charm.

20 – those conceived on this day according to the lunar calendar will try to live to the maximum, drawing everything from fate. They are smart, spiritually developed and positive in business.

21 – fighters for justice and excellent psychologists. These people achieve success in medicine and poetry. They are extremely sociable and sociable.

The 22nd day of conception promises a person a predisposition to occult sciences. Very often among people conceived on this day you can meet wonderful astrologers.

23 – there is a high probability of conceiving a very smart person or, conversely, a stubborn slow-witted person. Such a day in astrology is called the day of extremes.

24 – clumsy people with a good character are born if the day of their conception falls on the 24th lunar day. They are also physically strong and truth-loving.

25 – the life of such people is full of adventures and incredible events, from which they will find a way out in the most incredible ways. This does not prevent them from being successful and successful in life.

26 are born millionaires. Those conceived on the 26th day of the lunar calendar will always be accompanied by good luck and career growth.

27 – soft and good-natured personalities, prone to infectious diseases. They are happy and devoted in love, always giving kindness to others, but at the same time they have certain limits of patience.

28 - those born on this day are the darlings of fate. Luck accompanies them in any business or endeavor, but the slightest passivity can ruin everything in an instant.

29 is the most difficult day of the lunar calendar for conception, symbolizing the constant struggle for existence, the fight against temptation and evil. Very often, people conceived on the 29th lunar day suffer from depression, mental disorders or vice versa, they are struck by faith.

The 30th day in the lunar calendar is the most suitable for planning the conception of a child. The life of such people is easy and happy. They are endowed with a good mind, kindness and wisdom. They are extremely lucky in love relationships.

Conception according to the lunar calendar. Video

It is known that the Moon has a huge influence on all processes of the body. If you are planning to get pregnant, we recommend that you use the lunar calendar for conceiving a child. Using it, you can conceive and also guess the gender of your unborn child.

Lunar conception calendar: favorable days

According to astrologers, the most successful day for conceiving a child is a woman’s birthday. It was on this lunar day and three days after it that the body expectant mother best prepared to fertilize the egg. As for men, they are also more fertile on their birthday.

The most favorable period for conception according to the lunar calendar is the time of the waxing Moon. These days you can conceive a healthy, strong, beautiful and capable child. It is good if at this moment the woman is ovulating. Astrologers claim that trying to conceive during the waxing moon during ovulation does not misfire.

Conception during the waning moon is unfavorable. The child may be born with health problems. It is also believed that a child conceived during the waning moon will be born either premature or very weak, and in the future may develop a bad character.

The full moon is an uncertain period for conception. On this lunar day you can conceive an indigo child, a talented or even a slightly unusual baby. Full moon can affect a woman’s body at the time of sexual intercourse, both positively and negatively. Consequently, a child may later grow up to be a genius, or he may become a misunderstood and not accepted person in society.

The new moon is a neutral period for conception according to the lunar calendar. But on this lunar day there is a high probability of misfire, so it is better not to experiment and choose a more suitable day for the birth of a new person.

Using astrology and calendar lunar phases You can plan the gender of the child in advance. If you, for example, want to conceive a boy, you need to choose a suitable day for this according to the lunar calendar.

How to conceive a boy?

If you want to give birth to a boy, you should choose a specific day for conception. Look at the lunar calendar for the month and look at the Moon in the Zodiac Signs. According to astrology, all horoscope constellations are divided into female and male Signs. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a day when the Moon is in male constellations. So, you can conceive a boy on days when the Moon is in the Signs of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Aquarius and Sagittarius.

There is another way to guess the gender of the child. In this case, everything will depend on the expectant mother. If a woman is an odd number of years old at the time of sexual intercourse, then she needs to work on conceiving a boy in odd months of the calendar (January, March, May, July, September, November).

How to conceive a girl?

In order to conceive a girl, just as in the first case, you need to choose the right day for this according to the lunar calendar. It is recommended to conceive girls on days when the Moon is in female signs Zodiac: Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and Scorpio.

You can conceive a girl in another way. For this, the expectant mother must be an even number of years old. In this case, favorable months for conceiving a girl according to the lunar calendar are even months (February, April, June, August, October, December).

With the help of the lunar conception calendar, you can plan your pregnancy and give birth to a child of the desired gender. But no matter how your baby is born, he must be loved and desired! We wish you good luck and don't forget to click and

24.02.2014 14:10

Astrologers say that the right wedding date can be the key to a happy and strong family life. ...

The conception calendar is a convenient thing that allows a woman to monitor her menstrual cycle, namely, to determine dangerous and safe days in terms of possible pregnancy. The child's conception calendar is a form in which you need to enter the first day of the last menstruation, and the program, using different colors, shows which days are the most “fruitful”. Try it, calculating the conception calendar is really very simple!

To better understand how the program works, we will present the main factors that were taken into account when creating it.

1. For the vast majority of women, ovulation (the only day in the month when the egg is ready for fertilization) occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. Look at the conception calendar - the day of ovulation (exactly the middle of the menstrual cycle), as well as a few days before and after it are highlighted in orange and green.

2. Fertilization of the egg cannot occur during menstruation, or at the very end of the cycle. These "safe" days are represented by pink(see baby conception calendar).

You can also check the accuracy of the data obtained by monitoring your condition during the ovulation period.

1. The amount of vaginal discharge will noticeably increase.

2. Libido (sex drive) will increase.

3. You may notice a jump in your basal temperature (measured in the rectum), but only if you plotted it in advance.

4. An ovulation test (can be purchased at almost any pharmacy) shows a positive result.

5. Short-term, aching pain in the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries may appear.

6. Using an ultrasound examination, the doctor identifies signs that an egg has been released from the ovary.

You can calculate your conception calendar right now! Enter the exact data about the beginning of critical days (the exact date) and in a couple of seconds you will receive the necessary information. Please note that the data obtained cannot be trusted 100%; nevertheless, our body is a big mystery, and any “little things”, such as stress or a change of place of residence, can affect the processes in it.

Note also that ovulation does not occur every cycle. Every woman of reproductive age has at least 2 cycles per year that are “sterile.”

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