Love horoscope for April Taurus woman. Seasonal allergies swelling of the nasal mucosa

In April 2016, the Universe will decide that Taurus lives are somehow boring and will arrange an amusement park for them. Thank God, Fate will leave the choice of attraction up to us, so let’s get ready for an exciting time! Some Taurus will scream at the top of their lungs on a roller coaster, others will ride in circles on a carousel, and still others will look at the world philosophically from the height of a Ferris wheel. The main thing is that representatives of this zodiac sign do not sit down on a bench with ice cream and spend the whole month watching the celebration of life pass by. The horoscope strongly advises you to remember that April is a time of movement, actions and accomplishments. Imagine buying an expensive ticket to Disneyland just before its demolition, thus getting the opportunity to ride the legendary attractions for the last time. It is unlikely that in this case you will remain on the sidelines, citing fear of heights, speed or darkness. This spring, act as if your whole life is a giant park that exists only for you to try something new, get a dose of adrenaline and new experiences.

The horoscope should warn Taurus that in April 2016 it will not be easy for them, but in no case should they give in to difficulties. In any difficult situation, a representative of this zodiac sign will definitely have a means at hand to save himself. If in problematic situations you do not get confused and do not panic, you will soon discover that life jackets are being distributed nearby, enemies are no less cowardly than you, and Superman is hovering over the rooftops, ready to shield civilians with his bulletproof chest.

In love in the coming period, Taurus will demonstrate assertiveness and confidence. Free representatives of this zodiac sign will do their best to prove their superiority over their rivals. If you see that a fan has presented your chosen one with a flower, then show up on your next date with a whole basket to shame your opponent. One thing is bad: Taurus will demand complete dedication from their other halves, so the option “let me smile at a nice colleague to make work more pleasant” will not work in these relationships. You will not tolerate ambiguous answers or ambiguous provisions. In the internal code of Taurus, everything is simple: there is him, there is his chosen one and no third parties between them, so away with all these fitness trainers, English teachers and attractive bartenders! Those people whom such life position suits them, they will find in the person of Taurus a reliable stone wall and a strong shoulder.

In April, the horoscope promises you support in career advancement, especially if your work involves communication. Business partners and clients will begin to believe you almost at your word, which will have the most positive impact on your financial situation and authority. If Taurus decides to sell air in a glass this spring, he will not only be able to carry out this operation without any problems, but also pocket the profit, like from selling elite alcohol. However, what comes easily comes just as easily, and money is no exception to this rule. Taurus should not waste their earnings left and right, buying unnecessary devices and paying for momentary entertainment; it is better to start investing. Of course, not all ordinary people buy and sell shares with the skill of seasoned stock brokers, but making a deposit in a bank and receiving at least small but stable interest is also considered a successful deal.

Office workers will have to do a lot of running in the coming period, because problems will begin to fall on their heads like peas from a holey bag. Taurus, with their unbreakable confidence in their own abilities, have nothing to fear: despite the complexity of situations and the cunning of their opponents, obstacles will be successfully overcome. To be honest, it is a sin to complain about ill-wishers for this zodiac sign. In April 2016, people around you will treat you with due respect, so if a wave of negativity comes from one of your colleagues, then think about what you did to deserve such antipathy. In mid-spring, the ideal role for Taurus is the good guy from a classic Western, who defeats the villains without fail and is not averse to knocking back a mug or two in a tavern with the local regulars. The horoscope advises to refuse bribes, forgery and intrigue this month (as, indeed, in all others). Stick to the specified storyline, and your name will be listed in the credits in large font!

Attention, the Taurus horoscope for the month of April 2016 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming 2016, the Red Monkey should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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It promises many pleasant meetings and flirting for all zodiac signs. This is not surprising, because spring has always been the most romantic time of the year. According to the love horoscope for April 2016, make the most of all opportunities - do not limit yourself to walks and dates, especially since the sun is already smiling with all its might and giving spring warmth. Read more on I want. ua, what dreams await representatives of all zodiac signs in the love horoscope for April 2016.

Love horoscope for April 2016 - Aries

Love horoscope for April 2016 Aries says that the month can become a period of strengthening relationships with your soulmate. But to do this, you should listen to the stars, who advise you to be a little more restrained. According to the love horoscope for April 2016, Aries women should pay special attention to their words and emotions, which can accidentally offend their partner and provoke a conflict.

Love horoscope for April 2016 - Taurus

The love horoscope for April 2016 for Taurus promises a fairly eventful month. During this period, representatives of the sign can make very important decisions necessary for the harmonious development of relationships. The stars recommend that Taurus in the second half of April not be selfish, but listen to the opinion of their partner to the end, since excessive stubbornness can lead to misunderstandings. The love horoscope for April 2016 tells Taurus women not to make any hasty conclusions and not to take everything too personally.

Love horoscope for April 2016 - Gemini

The love horoscope for April 2016 promises love, harmony and happiness in family relationships for Gemini. The main thing is not to put moral pressure on your loved one. It’s better to find out what’s in your chosen one’s soul and what he dreams about. Also love horoscope as of April 2016 Gemini women says that it is necessary to make contact yourself and, in case of conflict, to be more compliant and softer. Remember that happiness lies within ourselves. In the second month of spring, the stars recommend using this saying more often.

Love horoscope for April 2016 - Cancer

The love horoscope for April 2016 for Cancer says that many representatives of this zodiac sign will feel the long-awaited freedom in thoughts and actions: they will be guided by the strongest, who will not allow them to stop halfway. Also, according to the love horoscope for April 2016, the stars will allow Cancer women to feel the clarity of their thoughts and clearly coordinate further actions.

Love horoscope for April 2016 - Leo

According to the love horoscope for April 2016, astrologers advise Leos to decide what is really important to them - family relationships or relationships on the side with another person. Many representatives of the sign during this period may fall into a state of depression due to doubts about the correctness of their choice. At the same time, the love horoscope for April 2016 recommends that Leos, especially women, look at relationships only from the positive side.

Love horoscope for April 2016 - Virgo

For Virgos, the love horoscope for April 2016 says that during this period many representatives of the sign will be ripe for family relations, which will encourage them to propose marriage. According to the love horoscope for April 2016, Virgo women will have a very fruitful and responsible month for their personal lives, while for Virgo men everything will be much more modest. They will have to put in more effort.

Love horoscope for April 2016 - Libra

The love horoscope for April 2016 advises single Libra to take a closer look at people you have known for a long time, but whom you have not considered as a partner for a love relationship. There is a high probability that it is among such people that your other half is hiding. Libras who have already met their love should make concessions. Also, according to the love horoscope for April 2016, Libra women should not provoke quarrels, thereby maintaining mutual understanding and the idyll of the relationship.

Love horoscope for April 2016 - Scorpio

According to the love horoscope for April 2016, Scorpio may seriously think about his future. Many representatives of the sign will have deep thoughts about a future together with their partner and how to ensure the financial well-being of their family. At the same time, the horoscope for April 2016 for a Scorpio woman suggests a lot of interesting and lively communication in her personal life. While men will look for affection from their partners.

Love horoscope for April 2016 - Sagittarius

The love horoscope for April 2016 for Sagittarius says that the desire to build a relationship can push you towards a person who does not love you. This can cause frustration and pain, so you should control your sudden desires. Especially the love horoscope for April 2016 recommends this for Sagittarius women.

Love horoscope for April 2016 - Capricorn

According to the love horoscope for April 2016, for Capricorns the month will be a period of household worries and troubles, this is the most suitable. At the same time, your significant other may experience a lack of attention, which can provoke quarrels. Give your partner as much time as possible. For Capricorn women, the love horoscope for April 2016 recommends more often pleasing their men, who are already bored with their warmth.

Taurus has a calm, but not particularly productive month ahead. But you will have time for yourself, family and relaxation. By all indications, this is a happy period!

Business forecast
In the first week of April 2016, you need to take a short break, reduce activity and wait for the start of the new lunar month, which begins on April 7.
Throughout April, Taurus' eloquence and contact will be important for success. How well you are understood by your partners and clients will depend on how you express your thoughts and ideas.
You should not use loans or credit. You need to try to make do with your own resources. Loans will be very difficult to repay.
On the twentieth of April 2016, you may have an important meeting that will have great importance for your professional activity.

Personal life, relationships
In April 2016, Taurus will meet many new people. Whether they will be successful in terms of prospects in their personal life is a question.
But you won’t be bored this month, you won’t be left unattended.
A very interesting event will happen around April 22. It will make you reconsider the way you view relationships, people, and even yourself.
Those Taurus who have a partner need to devote enough time and attention to their “other half”. Otherwise, you risk causing resentment and misunderstanding. And then the process of destroying relationships can begin. Be careful with those around you!

Health, rest
In April 2016, Taurus may have throat diseases caused by both respiratory infections and other reasons.
Older Taurus may have problems with the heart, and indeed with the cardiovascular system in general. The cause may be a sudden change in weather in the off-season, and the symptom may be headaches.
If you are going on vacation in April, then it is best to choose the second half of the month, and even the last ten days.
And keep in mind that a vacation in April may turn out to be more expensive for you than planned.

Special days in April 2016
The month is information-rich and tiring, as you will have to communicate a lot. Make the most of modern communications to make your life a little easier.
Special days when the Moon is out of course or changes phase are considered unfavorable for starting business and important meetings.
These are April 5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24 and 30.
Particular attention should be paid to the period from April 8 to 10, when the Sun passes through Uranus. There may be unplanned incidents here, and you need to be prepared for everything!

To make April 2016 successful, try to divide all your affairs and concerns into three parts: the most important, important, and secondary. And start doing it. If you manage to complete the tasks from the first point, praise yourself and move on to the next one, but without fuss and haste. By following this algorithm, you will protect yourself from wasted time and laziness and will be able to achieve maximum results.
Don't forget to also find time for your soul. Give yourself some space and at least an hour of time to be alone and dream. After all, all great things begin with a dream...

Favorable days: 1, 5, 8, 12, 18, 28.
Unfavorable days: 6, 15, 22, 26, 30.

Love, family
If you are a family person, then in April 2016 Taurus continues to have a period of harmonious relationships with his lover and children. The planet of happiness located in this area generously gives you time of joyful and warm moments in communication with children. Be sincere and pure, play and let the children become your guides to the world of miracles and fairy tales!
If you haven't met yours yet ideal partner, then be sure that as soon as you relax and let go of the situation, everything will happen, like in your favorite love movie. The only thing you should do is to beware of infantile, eccentric and materialistic people who stick to you like flies to honey. But they are not interested in you, but rather in expensive gifts and entertainment.

Work, finances
Despite the arrival of spring and tempting warm days, Taurus will most likely be able to maintain a high degree of concentration and productivity at work. You will systematically and methodically move towards your goals, for which, of course, your boss will praise you and reward you with a bonus. You deserve to be a role model, so don’t blush or be embarrassed if you see your photo on the honor board by the end of the month.
You may also notice that your boss/colleague trusts you greatly, revealing corporate secrets and details of your personal life. Appreciate it and justify the trust.

Health, beauty
Pay attention to the hip girdle, sacrum, bottom part spine, as well as the liver. Do not make sudden movements and overload the spine. If you have sedentary work, try to get up and stretch every hour if possible. If possible, go for a massage.
The best for the liver are natural, freshly squeezed, mainly vegetable juices, clean water and light food. Be careful with citrus fruits; it is better to consume them in the first half of the day and in moderation.

Work, career, business
However, incorrigible workaholics may be upset by a certain lull in business. The number of contacts is reduced, but appears a large number of organizational work. You may have to put things in order, do what for a long time was left for later.
All this will clearly manifest itself after the new moon, which will occur on April 7, 2016, and the first week of the month is a bright, active and very productive period.
In the second and third decades of April, many will deal with issues related to organizing a business or looking for work in another city or in another country.
Looking ahead, we can assume that this will not happen right away; you will still have to travel a lot of roads before you get what you want.

Taurus’s financial situation is not particularly stable, but there are hopes for obtaining a loan, and it is quite likely that partners will support him not only morally, but also financially.
Parents or a loved one who are not involved in the business world will help.

Love, family
Personal and family matters can come to the fore for Taurus. Many will deal with complex issues related to repairs and further improvement of everyday life. Many will purchase furniture or other items that improve their everyday life.
The relationship between the spouses is quite harmonious; they overcome everyday problems together and raise children.
The children are a joy - their business is going well. Many families may have children or grandchildren. Lovers will experience a surge of feelings, meetings with loved ones living in another city or in another country are possible, and a long trip is quite likely.

In April 2016, the energy potential of Taurus is small, and this will be especially noticeable during the days of the new moon - April 6-8. During this period, reduce your activity and be more careful when traveling and driving.
Based on materials from Pavel Globa and Tatyana Borsch

From April 1 to April 10. You have every chance for a pleasant acquaintance with far-reaching consequences at a friendly party. From April 1 to April 5, a free, creative atmosphere will create ideal conditions for the birth of love. April 6 is a suitable day for sensory quests and experiments. In already established couples, all joint matters must be discussed in detail. From April 7 to April 10, secrets and secrecy can cause family discord. Trust and mutual support will open a second wind in the relationship.

From April 11 to April 20. The stars invite you to work on mutual understanding. April 11 is the day of your epiphany. Not only will you be able to re-evaluate your union, but you will also see ways to resolve conflicts and act constructively. The cluster of planets in the sign of Aries will affect you Negative influence, forcing you to harbor a grudge. Don’t give in to provocation, tell your loved one openly about what worries you, this will help you avoid trouble. Difficult days to understand may be April 12, 17 and 19.

From April 21 to April 30. From April 21 to 24, you and your chosen one will be united by caring for the family nest. After April 24, it is better to avoid public events. It will be much more important for you to focus on each other. From April 26 to April 30, those couples who have not yet registered will finally decide to take this important step. On April 30, there is a high probability of love at first sight, which has every chance of developing into a marriage.

Family horoscope

You will direct all your efforts to creating comfort. From April 1 to April 6, children's fun may not be safe. Bans are unlikely to stop them; take charge of their games—this way you can insure and secure their actions in time. Pay attention to your child's friends, now they greatly influence him. A family trip is likely in early April. In April, your beloved’s contribution to improving living conditions will be impressive.

Health horoscope

April will intensify any of your actions: the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle will worsen, and treatment and preventive measures started at this time will be incredibly effective, especially from April 1 to 6 and from April 14 to 23. Pay attention to the functioning of the endocrine system.

Horoscope of work and money

From April 1 to April 15, there will be an opportunity to earn extra money informally and strengthen your budget. There is a high probability of intrigue, be on guard with your colleagues. On April 8-9, a career breakthrough or assignment is expected that will allow you to express yourself in the best possible way. From April 17 to 21, do not enter into transactions, they are fraught with significant losses.

Horoscope for April 2016 for Taurus men

Love. His generosity in choosing gifts for his beloved is limitless. He will be full of tenderness, but in return he will demand respect for his personal space and the right to privacy. Now your chosen one is not in the mood to participate in crowded events; he needs comfort and peace.

Tone. Most time, your man will save his energy. This is not a cause for concern, but simply a natural period of calm. From April 15, it will gradually begin to revive active life and stop avoiding people.

Finance. Confidentiality will be the key to success and profit. April is favorable for concluding contracts and attracting new business partners. The period from April 4 to April 16 is associated with risk and monetary losses. Business related to works of art and health services will bring good income.

Job. At the beginning of April, a promotion or a new, more lucrative offer is likely. From April 8 to 10, your demands will be heard by management and satisfied. The psychological climate during this period is not stable. After April 15, Venus will help solve business issues and find employment.

Friends. From April 1 to April 13, your man will devote a lot of time to communication, both business, discussing financial issues, and while on vacation. Your Taurus will be able to establish contact between different people, which will be perceived by them as an invaluable service.

Leisure. Until mid-April is the best period to realize your cherished childhood dream. The loved one must internally decide to take the first step towards its implementation. Nature will become the source of strength.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for April 2016:

April 2016 year will be one of the most successful months of the year for Taurus. They will be able to prove themselves and demonstrate their abilities. Thanks to their intelligence and perseverance, they can move up the career ladder. Although this will not be easy to achieve, purposeful Taurus will cope with all the difficulties on the thorny path. Their concentration and discipline will help them achieve ideal results in their professional activities. There may be obstacles in the implementation of their plans, but they will not prevent Taurus from realizing their plans.

In the second month of spring, representatives of the earthly element realize what they should strive for. Their developed intelligence will help perform important production tasks. Rash actions committed over the course of a month can negatively affect relationships with colleagues and family. Therefore, in April, Taurus needs to be especially careful to avoid conflicts and troubles, and not to tarnish their reputation.

In April, Taurus will be able to make good friends. They will receive a lot of positive emotions from communicating with them. However, in a family it is possible problematic situations, which will upset impressionable representatives of the sign. Relatives will support you in difficult times and help resolve difficulties. Taurus lovers can put all the dots in a relationship and decide on their marital status. Love relationship will be bright, passionate, fulfilling and romantic. New relationships will force Taurus to think; they should not make hasty decisions. You should consider whether this is the right choice.

Mid-spring is favorable for putting things in order in the house. This activity will tire hardworking Taurus too much, but they will be satisfied with the results of their work. This month is the time to think about changing your image, getting a new hairstyle, updating your wardrobe. A new look will help you look more impressive and attractive. In April, you can do something creative that will bring additional income.

This month it will be possible to solve problems related to unpaid loans. Trades made at the beginning of the month will bring significant profits. It is possible that successful business partners will appear who will improve the well-being of Taurus.

In terms of health, everything will not be as good as we would like. If your health worsens, you should not refuse medical help. An irresponsible attitude towards health will lead to serious problems.

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