Methodology for conducting a competition to fill vacant positions in the state civil service of the Russian Federation in the federal archival agency. Fundamentals of civil service and personnel policy Competitions for vacant positions


by order of the Ministry


holding a competition for replacement

vacant position of the state civil service

at the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region

1. This Methodology for holding a competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service in the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology) defines the basic provisions of the organization and procedure for conducting a competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service in the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry).

2. A competition to fill a vacant position in the state civil service in the Ministry (hereinafter referred to as the competition) is held to ensure the constitutional right of citizens of the Russian Federation to equal access to the state civil service, as well as the right of state civil servants to career advancement on a competitive basis.

3. The competition is held in two stages, in the manner established by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 N 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 1, 2005 N 112 “On the Competition to fill a vacant position in the state civil service of the Russian Federation"

4. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18, speak the state language of the Russian Federation and meet the qualification requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state civil service for a vacant position in the state civil service have the right to participate in the competition.

5. The competition is held by the competition commission of the Ministry, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region.

First stage of the competition

6. The procedure for holding a competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service in the Ministry begins with the consideration by the Minister of Culture of the Government of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Minister) of an internal memo from the head of a structural unit of the Ministry with a request to announce a competition for filling a vacant position in his structural unit (Appendix No. 1 to the Methodology)

7. Announcement of the acceptance of documents for participation in the competition (Appendix No. 2 to the Methodology) (indicating the name of the vacant position of the state civil service, the requirements for the applicant to fill this position, the date and place of receipt of documents to be submitted, deadlines for receiving documents, as well as details of the official website of the Ministry with detailed information about the competition) are published in the media (the newspaper “Daily News. Moscow Region”).

The following information about the competition is posted on the official website of the Ministry in the public information and telecommunications network: the name of the vacant position of the state civil service, the requirements for the applicant to fill this position, the conditions for serving in the civil service, the place and time of receipt of documents to be submitted, the deadline, before the expiration of which the specified documents are accepted, the date of the competition, the place and procedure for its holding, the forms of submitted documents, the List of questions for testing, and other information materials.

The announcement of the acceptance of documents for participation in the competition and information is prepared by the department of state civil service, personnel and awards of the Organizational Directorate of the Ministry (hereinafter referred to as the authorized department).

8. A civil servant who has expressed a desire to participate in the competition:

In the government agency in which he holds a civil service position, he submits an application addressed to the employer’s representative;

In another state body, submits to this state body an application addressed to the representative of the employer and a personally completed, signed and certified by the personnel service of the state body in which the civil servant fills a civil service position, a questionnaire (in the form approved by the Government of the Russian Federation) with an attachment photos.

A citizen who has expressed a desire to participate in the competition submits to the authorized department:

a personal statement for admission to participation in a competition in a free form, indicating the name of the vacant position of the state civil service for which he is applying, as well as the address of the place of residence (place of stay), contact numbers;

a personally completed and signed application form in the form approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001.

a copy of your passport or an equivalent document (the relevant document must be presented in person upon arrival at the competition);

two photographs measuring 4 x 6 (black and white);

a copy of the work book (except for cases when official (labor) activity is carried out for the first time) or other documents confirming the labor (official) activity of the citizen;

(as amended by order of the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region dated 09.No. 59-r)

work of the competition commission

Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region

for holding a competition for replacement

vacant position of the state civil service

1. This Procedure determines the procedure for the work of the competition commission to fill a vacant position in the state civil service of the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the competition commission).

2. The competition commission in its activities is guided by the Federal Law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”, the Regulations on the competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service of the Russian Federation”, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 1, 2005 No. 000 “On the competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on the competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service of the Russian Federation), other federal laws and regulations of the Russian Federation and the Moscow region.

3. The competition commission is formed by a legal act of the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region in the manner established by parts 8-10 of Article 22 of the Federal Law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”, paragraphs 17, 18 of the Regulations on the competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service of the Russian Federation and consists from the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary, commission members, independent experts, representative of the Department of State and Municipal Services of the Moscow Region.

4. The competition commission for holding a competition to fill a vacant position in the state civil service works on an ongoing basis and is convened as needed. The date, time and place of the meeting of the competition commission is determined by its chairman, and in his absence - by his deputy, after the Minister of Culture of the Moscow Region Government makes a decision to hold the second stage of the competition.

5. Before the start of the competition, interested structural units of the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region submit a memo to the department of state civil service, personnel and awards, in which they indicate: the vacant position for which it is necessary to hold a competition, proposals for choosing a method for assessing the professional and personal qualities of candidates.

6. Competition commission:

a) taking into account proposals from interested structural units of the Ministry, determines specific competitive procedures in accordance with the methodology for conducting a competition to fill a vacant position in the state civil service in the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region.

The decision to apply specific methods for evaluating candidates is determined by voting, a simple majority of votes.

b) makes a decision on the admission of citizens (civil servants) to participate in the competition or on their refusal to participate in the competition. The grounds for refusal of admission to participate in the competition are the failure of a citizen (civil servant) to meet the qualification requirements for a vacant position in the civil service, as well as the presence of restrictions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state civil service for entry into the civil service and its passage;

c) decides to hold the second stage of the competition;

d) reviews and approves the list of questions for testing applicants;

e) evaluates the professional and personal qualities of candidates based on the relevant qualifications and other requirements for a vacant civil service position in accordance with the official regulations for this position, as well as through the use of competitive procedures.

7. A meeting of the competition commission is held if there are at least two candidates, otherwise the competition is considered invalid.

8. The meeting is considered valid if at least two-thirds of the composition of the competition commission is present.

9. The decision of the competition commission based on the results of the competition is made by open voting by a simple majority of votes of its members present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman of the competition commission is decisive.

10. The decision of the competition commission is made in the absence of the candidate and is the basis for his appointment to a vacant civil service position or refusal of such an appointment.

11. The voting results of the competition commission are formalized by a decision, which is signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission who took part in the meeting. The decision is the basis for issuing an order of the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region to appoint the winner of the competition to a vacant position in the civil service and concluding a service contract with the winner of the competition.

12. The secretary of the competition commission, within 7 days from the date of completion of the competition, informs the candidates who participated in the competition about its results in writing.

13. At the meeting of the competition commission, a protocol is kept, which records the decisions made and the voting results to determine the winner of the competition. The minutes of the meeting of the competition commission are signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission who took part in the meeting.

Appendix No. 3

to the order of the Federal Budgetary Institution "FNTsG im. F.F. Erisman"



on the procedure for holding a competition to fill vacant positions of scientific workers of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Science "FNTsG im. F.F. Erisman" Rospotrebnadzor


1. These Regulations determine the procedure and conditions for holding a competition for filling positions of scientific workers (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), the rules for holding a competition for filling positions of scientific workers and transferring scientific workers to the corresponding positions in the Federal Scientific Center for Genetic Research named after F.F. Erisman" of Rospotrebnadzor, hereinafter referred to as (the Center), which carries out the scientific activities of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

2. The competition is announced by decision of the Director of the Center if there is a vacant position of a researcher. The presence of a vacant position does not impose an obligation on the director to announce a competition to fill it. The Director of the Center makes a decision on holding a competition, including on the basis of internal memos from the heads of scientific structural divisions. Persons who meet the qualification characteristics required to fill the corresponding position are allowed to participate in the competition for filling the position of a scientific worker. The decision to announce a competition is formalized by order of the director.

3. The competition is held to fill positions included in the list of positions of scientific workers subject to filling through a competition, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 2, 2015 No. 937.

4. The competition is not held:

when hired part-time for a period of no more than one year; to replace a temporarily absent employee, who, in accordance with the law, retains his place of work - until this employee returns to work.

5. The competition consists of assessing the professional level of the applicant for filling positions of scientific workers (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) or transfer to the corresponding positions of scientific workers in the organization, based on the scientific and (or) scientific and technical results previously obtained by the applicant, their compliance with the established qualification requirements for the corresponding position, as well as scientific and (or) scientific and technical tasks, the solution of which is expected by the applicant.


2.1. To conduct a competition for filling the position of a research assistant, a competition commission is formed, operating on an ongoing basis. At the same time, the composition of the competition commission is formed taking into account the need to exclude the possibility of a conflict of interest, which could affect the decisions made by the competition commission.

2.2. The composition of the competition commission must include the directors of the Center, representatives of the elected body of the relevant primary trade union organization, as well as leading scientists invited from other organizations carrying out scientific, technical, and innovative activities of a similar profile.

2.3. Meetings of the competition commission are held as necessary within the time limits established by the organization, but no later than within 15 calendar days from the date the applicant submits an application for participation in the competition to the head of the organization. The decision based on the results of consideration of the application is made by the competition commission.

2.4. The competition is held in two stages.

2.5. At the first stage, the Center places an advertisement on the information and telecommunications network "Internet" on its official website "" and on the vacancy portal at the address "http://scientists-researchers.rf" (hereinafter referred to as the vacancy portal), which indicates information in accordance with with clause 8 of the Procedure for holding a competition for filling positions of scientific workers, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 2, 2015 No. 937:

a) place and date of the competition;

b) the closing date for accepting applications for participation in the competition;

c) full names of the scientific positions for which a competition is being announced and the qualification requirements for them (hereinafter referred to as the requirements), including the branches (fields) of science in which the applicant is expected to work;

d) an approximate list of quantitative indicators of the applicant’s labor productivity, characterizing the performance of the proposed work;

e) the terms of the employment contract, including the list of labor functions, the term of the employment contract or, if an employment contract is expected to be concluded with the applicant for an indefinite period, the period after which certification is expected to be carried out; the amount of wages, the possible amount of incentive payments and the conditions for receiving them, possible social guarantees (provision of official housing, compensation for the cost of renting a living space, provision of treatment, recreation, travel, and so on).

The closing date for accepting applications is determined by the organization and cannot be set earlier than 20 calendar days from the date of posting the advertisement provided for in this paragraph on the Internet information and telecommunications network. Applications submitted after the deadline for accepting applications established by the organization are not allowed to participate in the competition.

2.6. Applicants for vacant positions, in accordance with these Regulations, place an application on the vacancy portal containing:

a) last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the applicant;

b) date of birth of the applicant;

c) information about higher education and qualifications, academic degree (if available) and academic title (if available);

d) information about length of service and work experience;

e) information about the branch (area) of sciences in which the applicant intends to work, and about the intended direction of his research;

f) lists of previously obtained main results (number of publications on issues of professional activity, number of results of intellectual activity and information about their use, number of grants and (or) contracts for the implementation of research, development and technological work, including international projects, in which the applicant participated, the number of persons who have completed training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school, who have successfully defended a scientific qualification work (dissertation) for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, which was supervised by the applicant, and so on).

The applicant has the right to post on the vacancy portal an autobiography and other materials that most fully characterize his qualifications, experience and performance.

2.7. A review of the applicant’s performance of job duties from his last place of work, signed by an official authorized by the employer, may also be submitted to the competition commission. The review must contain a motivated assessment of the applicant’s professional, business and personal qualities, as well as the results of his professional activities.

The list of applicants for positions is generated automatically on the vacancy portal.

2.7. Applicants for vacant positions submit the following documents to the competition committee:

personal statement (Appendix 2 to these Regulations);

a personally completed personal personnel record sheet;

*copies of documents on higher professional education;

*copies of documents on the award of an academic degree, assignment of an academic title (if available);

*copy of the work book (except for cases when labor activity is carried out for the first time) or other documents confirming labor activity;

information about scientific (scientific and organizational) work for the last five years preceding the date of the competition, signed by the applicant and certified by the scientific secretary of the Institute.

Copies of the above documents must be certified upon presentation of the original by the head of the Center's personnel department.

2.8. The competition commission’s refusal to allow an applicant to participate in the competition is provided in the following cases:

a) the applicant provides false information;

b) the applicant does not meet the qualification requirements established by the Center for the relevant position;

c) violation of the established deadlines for submitting documents;

d) if the documents are not submitted in full or in violation of the rules for their execution established by these regulations.

2.8.1. The decision to refuse to allow an applicant to participate in the competition is made by the competition commission. The competition commission has the right to make this decision at any stage of the competition in case of detection of violations provided for in clause 2.8. The decision of the competition commission is formalized in the form of a protocol.

2.8.2. If documents are submitted untimely, not submitted in full, or in violation of the rules of execution for a good reason, the competition commission or the chairman of the competition commission has the right to decide to extend or postpone the deadline for accepting documents, formalizing this with an appropriate order.

2.9. If no application is submitted to the competition, the competition is considered invalid.

2.10. The period for consideration of applications is determined by the chairman of the commission and cannot exceed 15 working days from the closing date for accepting applications/applications.

2.11. At the second stage of the competition, the competition commission evaluates the applicants and compiles a rating based on their assessment based on the information contained in the application/application and other materials attached to them, which most fully characterize the qualifications, experience and performance of the applicant.

An assessment of the main results previously obtained by the applicant, information about which was sent to the commission, taking into account the significance of such results (compliance) with the expected performance indicators published by the Center in the competition announcement;

Assessing the qualifications and experience of the applicant;

Evaluation of the results of the interview, if one is held.

2.13. To assign points, members of the competition commission use the approved form “Applicant Score Sheets for a Vacant Position” (Appendix No. 4 to these Regulations).

2.14. The results of the scores for all applicants are reflected in the form “General rating of applicants for a vacant position” (Appendix to these Regulations).

2.15. The winner of the competition for filling positions is the applicant who takes first place in the ranking. The decision of the competition commission must include an indication of the applicant who took second place in the ranking.

2.16. If one applicant participates in a competition to fill a vacant position as a researcher, no scoring is carried out and a rating is not compiled.

The applicant is considered elected in the competition if more than half of the members of the competition commission who participated in the voting vote for him. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the person presiding at the meeting of the competition commission is decisive.

2.17. The decision of the competition commission is documented in a protocol.

2.18. An employment contract is concluded with the winner of the competition within 10 days in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and an order is issued to appoint a scientific worker to the vacant position.

2.19. If within 30 calendar days from the date of adoption of the relevant decision

the competition commission, the winner did not enter into an employment contract on his own initiative, the organization announces a new competition, or enters into an employment contract with the applicant who took second place.

2.20. When transferred to the position of a scientific worker as a result of election through a competition to the corresponding position, the validity period of the employment contract with the employee may be changed by agreement of the parties, concluded in writing, in accordance with the terms of the competition for a certain period of not more than five years.

2.21. The expiration of a researcher’s employment contract is the basis for holding a competition to fill his position. A researcher who is not elected for a new term is dismissed from his position in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.22. The applicant has the right to appeal the decision of the competition commission in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1. A citizen’s entry into the civil service to fill a civil service position or the replacement of another civil service position by a civil servant is carried out based on the results of a competition, unless otherwise established by this article. The competition consists of assessing the professional level of applicants for civil service positions and their compliance with the established qualification requirements for filling civil service positions.

1) upon appointment to civil service positions in the categories “managers” and “assistants (advisers)” filled for a certain term of office;

2) upon appointment to civil service positions in the “managers” category, appointment to which and dismissal from which are carried out by the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation;

3) when concluding a fixed-term service contract;

(see text in the previous edition)

5) upon appointment to a civil service position of a civil servant (citizen) included in the personnel reserve in the civil service.

(see text in the previous edition)

3. A competition may not be held for appointments to certain positions in the civil service, the performance of official duties for which involves the use of information constituting state secrets, according to the list of positions approved by a regulatory act of a state body.

(see text in the previous edition)

5. An applicant for a civil service position may be denied admission to participate in the competition due to non-compliance with the qualification requirements for a vacant civil service position, as well as in connection with the restrictions established by this Federal Law for entry into the civil service and its passage.

8. The competition commission includes a representative of the employer and (or) civil servants authorized by him (including from the department for civil service and personnel issues, the legal (legal) department and the department in which the competition for filling a vacant civil service position is held), a representative of the relevant body for managing the civil service, as well as representatives of scientific and educational organizations, other organizations invited by the body for managing the civil service at the request of the employer’s representative as independent experts - specialists on issues related to the civil service, without indicating the personal data of the experts. The number of independent experts must be at least one quarter of the total number of members of the competition commission.

(as amended by Federal Law dated July 2, 2013 N 185-FZ)

(see text in the previous edition)

8.1. Member of the competition commission in the federal executive body, in which, in accordance with

Filling a vacant position involves hiring a new employee to fill the vacant position. This makes it possible to receive decent remuneration for your own work and attractive prospects for career growth. In addition, behind a vacancy there is often an offer to take a worthy position in government agencies. Therefore, filling a vacant position can be a good prospect for young specialists if they manage to pass the competitive selection.


Filling a position is different from regular employment. To get the desired vacancy in Moscow or another city, it is not enough to simply send your resume and go through an interview. It is possible that you will have to prove to a potential employer your own skills and merits, as well as your suitability for the offer. It is possible that you will even have to go through a competition to fill a vacant position. Each enterprise has its own rules and requirements.

So, filling a vacant position provides a potential employee with the opportunity to obtain a certain status. However, first you have to go through a special procedure. Filling a vacant position may be temporary or permanent. This depends on the conditions of a particular enterprise, to which the potential applicant agrees at his own discretion.

For example, a new employee may replace a previous one who was laid off or is temporarily on leave. Depending on the reason for the absence of the previous specialist, you can understand for what period the vacancy is relevant. In the second case, the new employee may be called “acting,” which signals a temporary position.

Filling a vacant position is possible both in the state and civil service.

Conditions of the competition

So, what requirements does a potential candidate need to meet?

Adult specialists with the necessary set of knowledge and skills are allowed to participate in the competition to fill a vacant position. Experience is also welcome. This is enough to be able to apply for very attractive vacancies in Moscow, including those related to the civil service.

Procedure for holding the competition

In fact, the entire procedure involves only two stages.

  • Posting information to attract potential candidates.
  • Direct holding of the competition.

However, each of them involves features that we will discuss below.

First stage of the competition

First, a potential employer, or rather its personnel department, accepts applications from potential candidates who want to participate in the competition. You will also have to submit the following documents from the list:

  • Questionnaire.
  • Identity document.
  • Diploma of special education, as well as its copy.
  • Work record book, as well as a copy.
  • A medical certificate confirming the absence of serious illnesses.

This list may be supplemented at the employer’s discretion with some other documents permitted by Russian law.

Next, the personnel department reviews the received applications within a month. The procedure for filling vacant positions requires that candidates admitted to participate in the competitive selection be notified. Then the fun begins.

Second stage of the competition

After completing the formalities, they proceed directly to screening and selecting candidates. The winner will receive a previously announced civil service or government position.

What activities might the competitive selection include?

  • Interview.
  • Carefully review the submitted documents.
  • Stress resistance testing.
  • Verification of the availability of specialized skills and knowledge that allow you to successfully cope with the obligations stated in the vacancy.

If a candidate who has successfully passed the selection refuses the vacancy for any reason, it will be provided to the applicant who took second place in the competition.

The competition will not take place

There are situations when selection for the vacancy to be filled is not carried out. This is open information that can be read in advance.

  • If a new employee is hired for a short period.
  • If the manager was appointed by presidential decree.
  • If a civil servant was transferred to a new vacancy from his previous place of work.
  • If the position is provided to an employee registered in the personnel reserve.
  • If the vacancy does not involve serious responsibilities and does not require the potential candidate to have specialized skills and knowledge.

Job categories

Vacancies can be filled in various fields of activity. However, all positions, in fact, are divided into only two categories: state and civilian.

You need to understand that the specifics of the competition may differ depending on the employer’s conditions. Some people make more flexible demands on candidates, while others conduct a strict selection process.

It must be understood that in the case of, for example, civil servants, competitive selection is not the only way to appoint a candidate. Alternative options for him may be elections or election. All information is fixed by law.

If we talk about competitive selection, it presupposes the presence of several candidates who are able to demonstrate their own work skills, experience, knowledge, etc. That is, everything that may interest a potential employer and be useful for the performance of duties.

A special commission is created to evaluate candidates. She evaluates applicants, taking into account the professional skills and knowledge of each of them. The result of the selection allows for a fair distribution of places between private traders. The specialist occupying the first line of the list is assigned to the vacant position.

Reasons for refusal

If an applicant submits an application for participation in a competition, this does not mean that he will be allowed to participate in the competition.

There are many reasons why the HR department may reject an application.

For example, in case of non-compliance with professional requirements. Theoretically, to fill a vacant position, it is enough to have a diploma from a university or college. However, in practice it may turn out that another specialization is needed, etc.

Also, candidates who have any administrative offenses cannot apply for competitive selection.

So, having collected a lot of theoretical information, we can draw many conclusions regarding the prospects for filling a vacant position. It is possible that for some this could become a serious step in career development. However, you need to have sufficient professional skills to beat other candidates.

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