Is it possible to feed a chihuahua? How and what to feed an adult Chihuahua: all the subtleties of proper and healthy nutrition. Feeding an adult dog

Veterinarians agree that a mature Chihuahua needs to receive from 50 to 80 grams of food per day per kilogram of weight. Puppies up to eight months old and hyperactive dogs receive a larger portion.
If your pet weighs about two kilograms, then he will receive no more than 150 grams of food per day. Of these, two parts will be protein products, and one will be plant foods. An exception may be dogs during lactation. They are recommended to increase their diet by 1/3 with foods containing calcium.
As a rule, the portion is divided into two meals. In order for your pet to have a good appetite, it is better to strictly adhere to the same feeding hours in the morning and evening. During the day, you can treat the sneeze to a bone made from pressed veins (such as TitBit) or a special biscuit.

Age diet

Chihuahua puppies reach sexual maturity very quickly. Their intensive growth ends by 10 months, which means that all this time they need a lot of energy. High-calorie food will become a source of nutrients. The baby's portion should contain more fats, vitamins and minerals.
After this period, “baby” food can do more harm than good. From 10 months, the Chihuahua's diet becomes less caloric. Now it is based on proteins and carbohydrates.
Old age comes to representatives of the breed after nine years. By this time, the owner should be ready for the next changes in diet. The “senior” group needs light food that is quickly digested.

Chihuahua food types

Let's consider all three possible options for feeding your Chihuahua:

  1. home-cooked food;
  2. ready-made canned food;
  3. dry food.

Natural feeding

A real predator is ready to deal with a whole chicken :)

The first method requires experience and knowledge, since with a daily one hundred gram portion the pet must receive all the necessary nutrients in the correct proportions. It should be remembered that meat, fish and eggs must be boiled to prevent infection with helminths and salmonellosis.
Various by-products: liver, beef kidneys, hearts, are often not recommended to be included in the diet. The same applies to the scar. But sea fish can be given without restrictions. Pollock will be an exception to the rule; it is not recommended to feed dogs with it (it is believed that pollock interferes with the absorption of iron in the Chihuahua's body and leads to the formation of kidney stones). Before offering a fish dish, you should carefully select the bones. The same goes for poultry food (more details).
Your pet will get carbohydrates from cereals, and calcium from fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt or fermented baked milk).

It should be remembered that hard cheeses contain a lot of fat, and therefore are suitable for food as a rare delicacy. You can season a dish with grated cheese once a month.

Vegetables for Chihuahuas are boiled, stewed or grated. Grated carrots with a coffee spoon of low-fat sour cream are very useful.
Dogs' favorite fruits are apples and bananas. There are no contraindications in the huge list of fruits. Here we focus on the taste of the pet. We remember that fruit puree will provide more benefits.

Canned food

The variety of super premium Almo Nature is impressive. There is chicken, sardines, and the usual beef.

What do you personally prefer?

If you purchased your sneeze from a serious nursery, then first of all listen to the breeder. He will talk about the food preferences of the parents and their litter and what they were fed at home. They will help you create an approximate diet.
It happens that owners have to try all three types of food, choosing food according to the pet’s taste and well-being. An indication for discontinuing the product may be an allergic reaction or intolerance to certain components of the food.

Chihuahuas should not be given:

There are foods that are beneficial for humans, but are contraindicated for dogs.

Product Consequences
Nuts They contain a large amount of phosphorus, which leads to stone formation in the bladder and increased bone fragility.
Onion In its raw form it causes anemia in dogs. Only hunting breeds (like dachshunds) are able to digest it without consequences.
Legumes, especially soybeans Causes intestinal spasms and flatulence.
bell pepper The risk of gastritis increases.
Sweets They are very loved by dogs, but they are just as harmful. Causes obesity and diabetes (type 2). Sweets are also harmful due to the increased load on the pancreas.
Pickles, smoked foods, fried foods Completely unacceptable in the Chihuahua's diet. They cause kidney disease, increase blood pressure, and lead to various gastrointestinal disorders.
Fresh cow's milk It ceases to be digested by the body at the age of 2-2.5 months. A small amount of fermented milk products is allowed in food. Milk can cause increased gas formation and diarrhea.

Poor appetite

Chihuahuas are sensitive to the attitude towards themselves and sometimes become dictators in the family. We ourselves give reasons for such behavior. One of the methods of manipulation may be refusal of food.

The main mistake in the absence of appetite would be to try to feed the dog treats from the owner’s table.

Don't be led by your little one: sneezes are very prone to becoming overweight. The photo will not deceive you :)

Firstly, this food may contain ingredients from the “black list” (table above). Secondly, we violate the usual eating schedule, which means we become the culprits of a spoiled appetite. Thirdly, we remember that a pet’s portion is 100-150 grams per day, and no one weighs handouts.
If your dog really has lost his appetite, it would be good to watch him and take him for a walk. A healthy pet, coming from the street, will appreciate the contents of its plate. And it’s even better if food appears there only in the evening, exactly at feeding time.
Don't worry if your sneeze doesn't eat for up to two days. But after that you should show him to the veterinarian.

Despite the fact that Chihuahua breeds are distinguished by good health, certain rules for feeding them should be followed. A reasonable approach to preparing a diet will protect your pet from diarrhea, obesity, diabetes, lordosis - the main consequences of poor dog nutrition.

Indoor breed dogs need carefully monitoring their diet. This is due to the fact that any nutritional disorders can lead to serious health problems. Thus, constant overeating will lead to obesity and problems with the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system, and the presence of prohibited foods in the diet will cause gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. intestinal tract.

What do Chihuahuas eat? Before we talk about permitted and prohibited foods for Chihuahuas, it is necessary to mention some Rules for feeding Chihuahuas with natural products:

  • Food must be fresh. It is not recommended to cook several days in advance, but if you do, store the food in the refrigerator.
  • The food should be at room temperature.
  • The amount of food should always be the same. If the dog has not eaten enough, the bowl must be removed until the next meal.
  • If a dog refuses some type of food, you should not indulge its whims. She didn’t eat at the first feeding, but will eat at the second when she gets hungry.

Now let's talk about what can you feed chihuahua dog:

  1. Meat. Any lean meat will do; it is recommended to give it daily. Twice a week can be replaced with boiled fish or liver (kidneys). It is recommended to boil chicken meat to avoid infection with salmonellosis; other types of product can be given raw.
  2. From cru You can give millet, rice and buckwheat. In this case, the porridge should be well boiled.
  3. Dairy products: low-fat cottage cheese, homemade cheese, fermented baked milk, bio-yogurt, kefir. Giving milk to dogs is prohibited; it can lead to intestinal upset. You can give fermented milk products along with cereals.
  4. Vegetables. They are served stewed or boiled. You can also give raw vegetables (especially carrots), but first grate them and add vegetable oil or sour cream.
  5. Fruits They always give you only fresh ones. They can be cut into small pieces or grated. Apples and bananas are very healthy.
  6. Eggs. It is recommended to give boiled or in the form of an omelet, but not more than once a week.

The lack of food in the dog’s diet should be taken under special control. harmful products, which include:

  • Pork. It is too fatty, and when digested it puts a lot of stress on the liver.
  • Sausages. Such products contain too many additives that are harmful to the dog’s body.
  • Legumes. Lead to bloating and intestinal cramps. For the same reason, it is forbidden to give fresh cabbage; only sauerkraut is allowed.
  • Sweets. Lead to tooth decay, indigestion and tearing.

Approximate dog menu per day

First, let's determine the amount of food for the dog. Daily norm per kilogram of Chihuahua weight is 50 – 80 grams. An adult weighs about two kilograms, therefore, its diet should not exceed 100 - 160 grams per day.

Due to the individual characteristics of the body, it is better to feed the Chihuahua three times a day:

  • Breakfast. It's better to start the day with fermented milk products. It is best to give cottage cheese with finely chopped parsley. You can get by with an omelet or a boiled egg.
  • Dinner. The main meal occurs in the middle of the day. That’s why they give you meat and boiled porridge. You can treat your pet with fresh grated vegetables or fruits. You need to add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to your food.
  • Dinner. Dinner time should not be too late - the dog should have time to use up at least part of the calories eaten. You can give your pet stewed vegetables with added meat.

Feeding a Chihuahua with natural products requires a lot of time, which not everyone has, so many people try to switch their pet to dry food. Moreover, it is more balanced and contains all the necessary microelements and vitamins for a dog’s health.

You need to look for suitable food among professional foods super premium class. If your dog has health problems, then on the advice of a veterinarian, you can choose medicated food. As Chihuahua breeders themselves note, a dog eating dry food feels much better.

If you started giving your pet food of a certain brand, and the dog liked it, then no need to experiment and look for another option. Any change in diet immediately affects the health of the Chihuahua and not in a positive way.

Video about Chihuahua nutrition

In the presented video you can learn in more detail about the features and advantages feeding chihuahuas dry food.

Most of the questions related to feeding Chihuahuas arise with the selection of dry food. The dog is small, picky, and doesn’t always like even the most expensive food. Therefore, if you have encountered such a problem or have just encountered it, share your experience.

Every year there are many more dog lovers. Not so long ago, people preferred large dogs with voluminous muscles, but nowadays dog lovers are most interested in small dogs such as Chihuahuas. The main requirement for their maintenance is proper nutrition. This article is devoted to how to properly feed a Chihuahua. But first, a little about this dog breed.

Chihuahua breed

According to some sources, this beautiful breed is of Spanish origin. The name of the breed was given in honor of one Mexican state where this dog was first discovered. These animals have an extremely friendly character. They feel rather uneasy and insecure in an unfamiliar environment or room. They become very attached to their owner and in the shortest possible time. It is very difficult to bear separation. Tendency to howl and roar when completely alone in the apartment. They are reluctant to make contact with other pets. A little cowardly and fearful. But, despite this, they love their family with all their soul and with all their heart. The undeniable authority of the owner stimulates this breed of dog to carry out several easy commands. This dog is generally difficult to train.

Dogs of this breed are not endowed with great intelligence from birth, but even if you do not take this into account, they navigate well in unfamiliar terrain and easily find their home if they are lost. They have quite strong hearing and sense of smell. They sense human emotions very well, and often try to share the sadness of their owner. If a dog is left without an owner, it plunges headlong into mental anguish and unbearable sadness. Very often, these small dogs die after their owner, since their small hearts are not able to withstand such losses and experiences.

Nowadays, the Chihuahua breed is one of the most popular. They are mainly purchased not only by single fashionable girls, but also by families with children. In each of these cases, this breed can only show its good side.

There are a huge number of nuances and issues in the correct maintenance of a Chihuahua. One of the most important aspects is the nutrition of the animal. It is this aspect that needs to be given maximum attention, since a proper diet is the key to the longevity and health of our four-legged pets.

The right diet

You can learn from breeders how and what to feed Chihuahua puppies correctly, because such people have been dealing with delicate and fragile animals like Chihuahuas for a long period of time and will be able to tell you in detail about all the nuances of their proper feeding.

The cost of puppies of this breed is currently quite high. First of all, the price is influenced by the pedigree and color of the animal. There are several nurseries in Russia that breed purebred Chihuahuas of exclusively noble blood. But the cost of such puppies is very high.

There are several very important nuances that must be strictly observed and taken into account when feeding a small Chihuahua puppy:

  • Until almost two months, a small puppy feeds exclusively on mother's milk. Then they are gradually transferred to porridge. They are especially not indifferent to Hercules;
  • These small dogs do not need a lot of meat, but nevertheless, meat is necessary from time to time, added to porridge in small portions. At first, seventy grams will be enough;
  • If you are interested in the question of what food you can feed puppies of this breed, then first of all it is recommended to visit a nearby pet store. It is not advisable to feed these dogs homemade food, so it is recommended to regularly purchase dog food from specialized stores;
  • You can feed your Chihuahua absolutely any meat except poultry. Only in rare cases can you treat your dog with small quantities of boiled chicken;
  • When the puppy is six months old, he should begin to be given bones, only the thighs and ribs. Chicken bones are completely excluded.

Puppies of this breed have a very weak body, so the quality of food primarily affects their life expectancy and their health. According to experts, even despite their tiny size, these dogs can boast of excellent endurance. But this has not been proven, but the vitality of these animals still surprises thousands of dog breeders.

Puppies are usually very restless. It is prohibited to leave various small parts or wires on the floor. There is a risk that your pet will simply feed something or swallow something. These creatures have very fragile bodies, especially when they are still puppies.

Puppies are very loving and playful, so it is recommended to give them plenty of attention. They are torn from their mothers when they are not even two months old. Feeling defenseless and fragile, they seek to see their protection in the face of their owner. If the owner can earn indestructible authority in the eyes of his pet, then the Chihuahua will become his most faithful friend until the end of his days. Puppies of this breed become strongly and quickly attached to their beloved family. They show their love and tenderness every minute, and try to be close to their household all the time.

What not to feed a Chihuahua

The little Chihuahua is practically omnivorous; she loves to eat tasty food, but not a lot. He eats almost everything from smoked meats, sausages and various pickles. Therefore, the list of what you should not feed your Chihuahua deserves special attention:

  • It is strictly forbidden to feed the animal sausage or any products from the owner’s table. Lamb, pork, and raw milk are also prohibited: this entire list is the main cause of indigestion, and raw pork meat is a common source of canine distemper viruses. Adult animals digest cheese, cottage cheese and low-fat kefir well;
  • Bones are excluded until all of your pet's teeth are formed. Most often this happens when the puppy is six months old. As was written earlier, any bones can be given except lamb and chicken;
  • Adult dogs are not allowed to give milk. It is not absorbed by them at all and does not cause anything, only very severe diarrhea;
  • If you decide to feed your pet porridge, then you do not have to boil it, you can simply steam it. Chihuahuas love rolled oats. Rice is excluded from the diet as it causes constipation.
  • You should not give your dog food that is too cold or very hot. Salt should be used to a minimum. Spices and various condiments detract from the sense of smell in animals. Sweets are prohibited. Since sugar is very harmful to the eyes, tearing, suppuration, and the animal’s teeth may occur. Sugar also leads to obesity and disrupts the gastrointestinal tract, and special dog candies can be purchased at pet stores. Fresh cabbage and legumes tend to cause intestinal cramps. And sauerkraut is very healthy; it should be given to your Chihuahua once a week.
  • In general, most products that are excellent for the human body are real poison for these dogs. For example, walnuts or any other can lead to urolithiasis or severe metabolic disorders in bone tissue. Raw onions can easily cause anemia, gastritis - bell peppers.
  • It is recommended to give vegetables in the form of various salads, with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil or sour cream, this is for maximum absorption of various vitamins. Fruits, celery, parsley, nettles or dandelion leaves are real vitamins. They are very useful for dogs.
  • Water for Chihuahuas is equally harmful both boiled and from the tap. It is best to feed this animal non-carbonated mineral water or tap water that has previously been passed through a filter.

In Chihuahuas, the gastrointestinal tract is the weakest organ. Due to improper and poor-quality nutrition, the animal can begin to lose weight sharply and subsequently die.

The answer to the question regarding how many grams a serving of food is for a Chihuahua can be answered two hundred fifty to two hundred seventy grams. They serve meat exclusively in the evening. This animal must be fed twice a day, early in the morning and in the evening. It is worth noting that an empty bowl or with leftover food should not sit on the floor around the clock. She needs to be picked up from the floor exactly twenty minutes after the Chihuahua starts eating. Fresh water should always be available to your pet at all times. It needs to be changed twice a day, at least, if it is very hot outside, then even more often.

Minerals and vitamins for Chihuahuas

Vitamins and microelements must be present in the body of any animal. They are not only for people, but also for pets, so it is very important to regulate their regular intake. Even a simple pet store can tell you exactly what you can feed a Chihuahua, but often sellers do not know the nuances of feeding a particular breed. Absolutely all dog breeders are well aware of the brands of dog food, which are always plentiful not only in pet stores, but also in any supermarkets. Dry food is simply necessary for dogs of this breed, but in moderation, otherwise your pet will be constipated.

Dry food is a storehouse of minerals and vitamins for an animal, so it should be included in dog food regularly, but in moderation, not too much. The daily intake of such dry food for this breed of dog should be limited to a small amount that fits in a woman’s palm.

There is no need to save on dry food, since only high-quality and expensive food can contain all the easily digestible nutrients. Before you start feeding your Chihuahua this food, you should definitely study the entire range of products available at the pet store. In such stores you can see on average about a dozen, and sometimes even more, items. It is recommended to study the composition very carefully in order to personally verify the presence of useful components. A dog needs zinc, calcium, vitamins A, D, B. First of all, this is the key to strong bones, well-developed muscles, healthy coat and teeth.

Some people often ask the question of how to properly feed a Chihuahua. The fact is that in this matter this breed of dog is not much different from others. They should be fed strictly at the same time. Overfeeding is not allowed. A healthy dog ​​should not have a belly. The ribs should be clearly palpable. This dog breed is very prone to overeating. Excess weight is an extreme load on the animal's heart, which in the future can lead to its death.

Each owner individually decides for himself what exactly and how to feed the Chihuahua, based on the preferences of his beloved pet. Do not forget that this breed of dog has a very good metabolism, and with excellent functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, your pet should go to the toilet at least twice a day.

Recipes for proper nutrition of Chihuahuas

Stew of meat with vegetables and rice

Finely chop the boiled beef. Mix with a small amount of boiled rice. Add grated carrots on a coarse grater. Everything is simmered and cooled to room temperature. Instead of beef, you can use lamb, rice can be replaced with buckwheat, carrots can be replaced with cauliflower or broccoli.

Meat with vegetables

Stew zucchini, grated carrots, eggplant, onions, add boiled meat.

Meat puree with fruits or vegetables

Raw meat is scraped with a knife and mixed with fruits and pureed vegetables. Add broth or boiling water and a little honey. The consistency must be thick.

Meat with buckwheat and vegetables

Buckwheat, beef, cabbage and carrots are boiled. Grind everything in a blender and add olive oil.

Fish with zucchini

Boiled sea fish fillet is mixed with chopped zucchini and simmered a little. The whole thing is poured with a mixture of milk and eggs and brought to a boil.

Chihuahuas are miniature dogs, they are defenseless against various diseases, especially those caused by poor nutrition. Therefore, you need to know what to feed your Chihuahua puppy, how many times a day and what food.

A Chihuahua puppy must be fed according to a strictly defined schedule.

At the age of 2-3 months, the dog can be fed 6 times a day, and then the number of feedings should be reduced. So, from three months to four months of age - 5 times a day, from 4 to 6 months - 4 approaches per day, and from six months to a year - 3 times.

What can you feed a one-month and two-month-old puppy?

At first, the dog feeds on mother's milk.

When he turns 20 days old, it is allowed to introduce a “scraper” into the diet. This word refers to raw meat that has been scraped off a piece with a knife. The meat must be beef.

At first, a portion the size of a match head is enough, but every day the amount of food must be increased.

At 30 days, the puppy can be fed kefir or bifidoc; fresh cottage cheese and porridge will also be useful.

In the 1st month, Chihuahua puppies feed on their mother's milk.

After another 5-10 days, the dogs can eat on their own with their mother from her plate.

The owner of a two-month-old Chihuahua is offered the following menu for the pet:

  1. First feeding: 7 a.m. Cottage cheese, rich in calcium, should be mixed with raw milk. The mixture should be no thicker than sour cream.
  2. Second feeding: 9 am. Boil beef meat, cut into small slices. Boil the vegetables and mash with a fork. Mix everything and add a little sunflower oil.
  3. Third feeding: 12 a.m. Cook vegetable soup with meat and offal. Instead of vegetables, you can use buckwheat or rolled oats. As by-products, you can take finely chopped lungs, liver or kidneys.
  4. Fourth feeding: 3 p.m. Porridge with milk from buckwheat, rice or rolled oats. You can add honey to the porridge.
  5. Fifth feeding: 5 pm. You need to put raw rolled oats in the milk and leave to soak. Add cottage cheese there. Pass fresh carrots through a grater. Combine all this and mix with sour cream.
  6. Sixth feeding: 7 p.m. Boil the meat, cut into small pieces. Instead of meat, you can take a chicken egg and hard boil it. Or cook boiled fish. But you should be careful with it and carefully remove everything, even the smallest seeds. To any of the proposed options, add vegetables boiled in water and season with sunflower oil.

Nutrition for a Chihuahua puppy aged 3 to 5 months

At this age, the number of daily feedings decreases to 4-5 times. It all depends on the body weight that the puppy has gained.

For breakfast, you can offer the dog cottage cheese or bifidok, and periodically a boiled chicken egg yolk.

Daily feeding should consist of boiled meat, chopped finely, and the same vegetables. If the owner chose rice as a side dish for meat, then there should be three times more meat than rice.

Dry food for Chihuahua puppies is steamed with water.

For dinner, the puppy can again be given meat and vegetables.

If you feed your Chihuahua dry food, then a single serving for a puppy up to 6 months should be 20 grams. An older dog (from 6 months to a year) can be given 30-40 grams per feeding.

The food must be steamed in water.

How to feed a Chihuahua puppy correctly

A number of foods should definitely be excluded from the diet of puppies of this breed.

A Chihuahua puppy should not eat anything fried, spicy or sour. You can't salt food. Sweet bell peppers are contraindicated as they can cause gastritis.

The cross should also be placed on desserts such as sweets, muffins, cakes, pastries and cookies. They are sources of fat and can seriously affect the performance of a dog’s cardiac system and lead to obesity.

The Chihuahua's menu should not contain nuts - they increase bone fragility, tissue fragility, the metabolic process is disrupted, and stones accumulate in the bladder. Legumes and peas are not allowed.

The following types of meat are contraindicated:

  • pork;
  • mutton;
  • horsemeat;
  • rabbit meat.

We say a firm “no” to lard, all kinds of canned food, and raw fish. Vegetables that are harmful to a puppy include cabbage, turnips, rutabaga and radishes.

Vitamins and nutritional supplements

Food additives can only be used if indicated by a veterinarian or dog handler.

Chihuahua puppies need vitamins, so they need fruits and vegetables, as well as various food supplements.

Typically, calcium gluconate and calcium glycerophosphate are added to the food your puppy eats. Brewer's yeast and seaweed, rich in calcium, are also allowed. Often even finely crushed eggshells are used.

Among the vitamins, preference is given to vitamin D and Trivita. Many owners flavor their food with Irish Cal mineral compounds.

Of natural products that act as vitamins, a Chihuahua will benefit from a mixture of 0.2 small spoons of honey and the same amount of apple cider vinegar diluted in 20 milliliters of water.

Let's talk about what to feed your Chihuahua. Chihuahua nutrition has always been a delicate and tricky issue. Veterinarians are unanimous on the question of how much a Chihuahua should eat per day. An adult should eat no more than fifty to eighty grams of food per kilogram of their weight every day.

Many owners are interested in whether it is possible to increase the portion, whether this will not be enough for the Chihuahua.

If your pet is hyperactive, or is just developing and is younger than eight months, then the daily dose of food can be increased. This is not all you need to know about feeding Chihuahuas.

Thus, if the total weight of the dog is about one and a half to two kilograms, then during one day he needs to be fed about one hundred and fifty grams of food and no more.

Of the total amount of incoming products, two thirds should be protein compounds, protein products, and only one part should be of plant origin.

Puppies nutrition

However, during breastfeeding it is necessary to change the diet of the nursing mother and significantly increase the proportion of substances that contain calcium. They must leave at least one third part.

The daily dose is divided into several meals. As a rule, for a Chihuahua, eating twice a day is quite enough. To ensure your pet’s digestive system works smoothly and without fighting, teach him to eat at the same time.

It is best to feed them once in the morning and once in the evening. You can have light snacks throughout the day. For example, treat him with a vein bone.

Diet depending on age

Puberty in this small breed occurs quite early compared to others.

By ten to eleven months they stop growing. This means that they must eat heavily during this time.

The Chihuahua's diet should include a large amount of minerals, multivitamins, and plant products.

But in the subsequent period, it is necessary to radically change the nutritional structure, reduce calories and increase the amount of carbohydrates and proteins.

The second time you will need to radically change your diet is after nine years of age, at which age dogs of this breed begin to age. Now the portions should be even lighter.

Types of food

Natural nutrition

A very logical question: what is feeding a Chihuahua? Today, there are three main types of feeding Chihuahuas: natural homemade food, dry food for Chihuahuas, and canned wet food.

In order to prepare your own meals and feed them home-made natural food, you must have certain skills and experience, that is, provide proper nutrition for your Chihuahua.

Natural foods can also include foods such as beef kidneys, tripe, liver, and so on. However, it is better to use them as rarely as possible. But seafood, and especially fish, can be given safely in any quantity.

What is possible

You can give almost any sea fish, except pollock. Pollock can cause stones to form inside the kidneys of small dogs. But be careful with the bones, you must first remove them yourself.

In order for the baby to receive the right amount of carbohydrates, it is necessary to give porridge from cereals, you can give pasta, you can feed the Chihuahua with bread sometimes. And to replenish the calcium balance, be sure to provide dairy products.

For dairy products, give preference to kefir, fermented baked milk, and sour cream. It is better to choose low-fat kefir. Cheese is a fatty product, it can be given on rare occasions and is best used as a treat.

Vegetables should also not be served raw. They must first be cleaned, grated or stewed for a short time. The most useful is carrots. You can prepare this delicacy: mix grated carrots and a teaspoon of sour cream.

This mix will not leave your pet indifferent. You can also give fruits; bananas and apples are very popular among four-legged animals. It is better to give fruits in the form of soft puree.


Soft food is distinguished by the fact that it contains a balanced amount of elements that are necessary for the normal development of dogs.

You can choose the right food option depending on the age and health of your pet. The feed portion is also calculated taking into account these indicators.

If you don’t want to rack your brains about dividing food into portions, you can purchase one-time ready-made bags that are designed for one serving.

If the purchased Chihuahua puppy is your first pet and you are just starting to try yourself as a dog breeder, then consider the types of canned food available.

Modern manufacturers offer two types of feed of this type: holistic and cheap options.

It's not worth saving. The more expensive the food, the better its composition, the healthier it is for dogs and the more natural its ingredients. However, there is no need to go to another city for super-premium segment feed. Buy what is available in stores.

Some dog breeders consider the disadvantages of feeding homemade natural products and canned food to be the need to wash dishes after eating. But when eating dry food there is no such problem. Dry food can be moistened with water to make it softer and small dogs can chew it. Also, when feeding dry food, you need to place a bowl of water near the bowl of food.

How to choose what type of food

First of all, you need to get advice from the breeder. The breeder will tell you how to feed a Chihuahua, what the puppies were fed in the first days or months of life, he will help you create the right diet and choose the type of food. It is a mistaken belief that dogs of this breed eat only super premium food.

It is possible that before you find the ideal food, you will have to try all three of the listed types. It often happens that one type does not give the desired result, then you need to combine nutrition and periodically change the diet.

What not to give to a dog

Many owners believe that if a product is useful for humans, then it will be an excellent source of necessary substances and compounds for Chihuahuas. Actually this is not true. There are a number of foods that are very beneficial for the human body, but which can be harmful to a dog.

Let's look at what you shouldn't feed your Chihuahua:

Nuts. This includes any nuts: cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, absolutely everything. The reason for this is the high phosphorus content. It can lead to the formation of bladder stones. In addition, phosphorus leaches calcium from animal bones and makes them brittle.

Onion. Eating raw onions can cause anemia in your Chihuahua dog. Of all dogs, only hunting dogs are able to digest onions normally, without negative consequences for the body.

Legumes. They provoke severe flatulence and can stimulate the appearance of spasms.

Pepper. Frequent consumption of bell pepper significantly increases the risk of developing gastritis in people.

Candies, cookies and other sweet products. There is probably no person in the world who would be absolutely indifferent to sweets.

In the same way, the little tomboys under discussion are not averse to indulging in sweets; they eat them with pleasure. However, this can cause them to develop type 2 diabetes and become overweight. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control the intake of sugar.

Smoked, salted, fried foods. All of the above is very harmful to the human body, and for dogs it is doubly harmful.

Eating smoked meats, fried foods and pickles can lead to disruptions in the functioning of the digestive system of your four-legged friends.

Fresh cow milk. As adults, pets cannot tolerate cow's milk; they cannot digest it properly. In this regard, they often experience diarrhea and flatulence after drinking fresh milk. This list is a possible source of pathologies.

Why doesn't my pet eat?

It is not uncommon for dogs to refuse food and lose their appetite. This can occur due to a number of reasons. The main thing is to correctly assess the situation and not follow the dog’s lead. Everyone knows that these little creatures are dictators. They are fluent in the principles of manipulation and often want to control the behavior of their owners and their attitude towards themselves by refusing to eat.

Beginning dog breeders make a huge mistake when, when the dog refuses, they try to feed the Chihuahua better and start stuffing them with delicacies from the owners’ table. This is bad and can cause serious harm.

First of all, there is a high probability that products included in the prohibited list listed above will be included. Secondly, the nutritional schedule goes out of line and the routine is disrupted. Thirdly, the daily allowable dose of food is violated. This can lead to obesity and other negative consequences.

Therefore, you should not succumb to your pet’s manipulations and give treats. Continue giving food in the same manner. You can also take the animal for a walk so that it can frolic and get hungry. And in the evening you need to fill the bowl as usual. We hope the article was useful and now you know how to feed your Chihuahua correctly.

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2024 Cats and dogs. Small animals. Health. Medicine.