Folk fortune telling for love on an ordinary day. The best ancient Russian fortune telling. Fortune telling by creaking

Fortune telling among the Slavs was very common. Magi, sorcerers, healers, sorcerers, sorcerers, and sorcerers practiced fortune telling. During times of home seclusion, fortune-telling was done by boyars, hawthorns and hay girls.

On long winter evenings, they whiled away the time in this way and tried to penetrate the realm of mysterious fate and guess their future or the future of people close to them, reveal the secret plans of their enemies, and prevent the possibility of deception or betrayal. But most often the girls guessed at the betrothed-mummers.

The best time for all kinds of folk fortune-telling has long been considered the Christmastide - from Christmas Eve (on the night of January 6-7) to Epiphany (January 19); "mermaid week" - the time from Trinity to Midsummer (July 7). A favorable time for fortune telling for grooms is on Katerina (on the night of December 8), on Vasily’s Day (January 14), on ordinary days - on the evening of Friday.

Monday is most suitable for fortune telling for health, Tuesday - to identify enemies or someone’s ill will, Wednesday - for money, benefits, Thursday is more suitable for fortune telling for work or study - all career matters, promotions, passing exams, Friday - all kinds love and family matters, Saturday is reserved for professional help. Sunday is a spiritual day, you should read prayers, visit church, light candles.

Before starting fortune telling, you should try to remove everything - thoughts about extraneous things, and concentrate on the subject or desire that interests you most. Fortune telling is a creative process, it does not lend itself to logical thinking, therefore during fortune telling you need to trust your intuition and inner voice more.

Folk fortune telling is simple, accessible and understandable. Now, like many centuries ago, people are concerned about the same problems related to their future, their destiny, family, career, material wealth.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

This is fortune telling for a betrothed for girls with strong nerves. They tell fortunes late in the evening, around midnight. In the old days they used to tell fortunes in the bathhouse; according to legend, the bathhouse was considered a haven of dark forces. In addition to the bathhouse, you can tell fortunes in any dark, secluded room.

Lay a new clean tablecloth on the table and place two cutlery. Keep knives and forks away from the room. Close the windows and doors tightly, sit at the table, put fruits, berries or sweets on plates (there should be nothing meat, fried or boiled in the room).

Place your hands on the table and say loudly:

“Betrothed-mummer, come and have dinner with me!”

After this, some noise usually begins outside the windows: sharp gusts of wind, whistles, knocks, sometimes you can smell a sulfuric smell - all these are signs of the approach of your betrothed. (According to legend, the image of the betrothed is taken by an unclean spirit). When your betrothed enters, you need to be silent and take a closer look at his appearance, try to remember his face, signs, clothes.

When he sits down at the table, ask: “What’s your name?” He says a name and takes something out of his pocket. At this moment, immediately say: “Keep away from my place! Mind off from my riddle!” After these words, the image of the betrothed disappears, and his thing remains on the table. If a girl forgets these words or does not have time to “close up,” then the ghost may play a mischief.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala using wreaths

The girls told fortunes not only on Christmastide, but also on the night of Ivan Kupala. During this mysterious time, they preferred to tell fortunes near rivers and ponds. The most popular fortune telling used wreaths woven from birch twigs. On the eve of the holiday, the girls wove wreaths, each of which was beautiful in its own way and different from the other. Then everyone went to the river and unanimously asked if they should get married this year. The girls threw wreaths into the water and carefully watched how he behaved. If you land on the shore, the girl is destined to get married soon. If she swam further, she won’t get married. And if he drowned, it would be hard for the girl - she would get sick or die.

There are other types of fortune telling. For example, in the tradition of the Old Believers there was also fortune telling with a flower wreath. Before getting married, a girl must work as a servant in the groom's house for a whole year. When the deadline expired, they wove a flower wreath for her and threw it into the river, asking if the girl would get married this year. If the wreath remained afloat, the wedding was celebrated, but if it sank, she had to serve in the house for the entire next year or go to her parents in shame. Some people cheated in such fortune-telling - they wove heavy flowers into the wreath, and it sank. This was done either by the mother-in-law, who did not like her daughter-in-law, or by the girl herself, if she did not want to get married.

You can tell fortunes on wreaths in another way. Weave a lot of beautiful wreaths, put pieces of paper on them with written wishes and throw them into the water. If your wreath lands on the shore - your wish will come true, it will float further - you will achieve what you want yourself, if it drowns - you will see nothing, no matter how hard you try.

Folk fortune telling by wax

To do wax fortune telling, you need to melt the wax (or crumble several wax candles) in a metal container. Pour the completely melted wax into the water in a thin stream. As the wax cools, it takes on different shapes. Whatever image emerges will happen in life. You need to give free rein to your imagination, since you need to guess the meaning yourself.

The most common figures: chest - for renewal, heart - love, ring - wedding, if the wax has frozen in the form of a candle - engagement, matchmaking, bed - for illness, cross - serious troubles, if the cross is weakly expressed - excitement, anxiety, flower - new a pleasant partner, the sight of a flag - important guests will arrive, the wax has frozen in the form of markups - a sign of deceit, intrigue, gossip.

The figure of the beast is a symbol of what it usually means in folklore: fox - cunning, wolf - predation, hare - cowardice, fear. The wax has spread in stripes - trips, stars on the wax - good luck in your studies or career, the human figure - a friend, the wax has frozen in a lump - to wealth, a hole in the center - to poverty. If the wax spreads in weak waves, this symbolizes the fulfillment of cherished desires, and the desires will be fulfilled easily and on time; if the wax spreads out in sharp waves, certain difficulties must be overcome to achieve the desired.

Fortune telling on a mirror with candles

Below we present the three most common options for fortune telling on a mirror.

1 option of fortune telling. Draw 13 crosses on the mirror with a wax candle. Place it on the table without a tablecloth, place candles on both sides of the mirror. Place a cup of water and a pinch of salt on the table. Sit at the table, light candles and say 13 times: “The mirror is a lake, salt is tears, fire is strength, tell me what awaits me in the future.” Then eat salt and drink water. Look closely into the depths of the mirror. Various visions may appear there. If nothing appears in the mirror, turn it over with the reflective side on the table and go to bed silently. In your dreams you will see your future.

Option 2 of fortune telling. Fortune telling begins around midnight. Lay a clean tablecloth on the table and close the windows with curtains. Place 2 plates on the table and place a piece of incense on them. Light a candle. Read the plot and while reading, take incense from one plate, then from the other and alternately bring it to the candle flame. Having finished reading the plot, one piece of incense is left on the table, and the other is placed under the pillow. You will dream about what you wanted to see. Thus, fortune telling was often done before weddings or before moving to a new place.


“They get along well in church with incense, at home they rule over illness, at Christmas they use it to tell fortunes. Incense, incense, it would be nice to tell fortunes with you, to find out the whole truth. Just as you, incense-father, are pure, holy and honest, so be my dream truthful "Amen."

3 option of fortune telling. Write on the surface of the mirror what you want to clarify in your dream. If you want to know how personal, love relationships will develop, write the word “love”; if you are interested in a money question, write the word “money”, etc. Wrap the mirror in a clean handkerchief and place it under the pillow. Usually you will either dream of a specific answer, or it will appear symbolically. A hint for solving the problem is also possible.

Fortune telling from dreams from Thursday to Friday

There are several options for fortune telling by dreams from Thursday to Friday.

1 option of fortune telling. Whisper the words before going to bed: “Friday-Friday, help me dream about who is striving for me.”

Option 2 of fortune telling. Say the following: “From Thursday to Friday I lie down on Matitsa. Matitsa, turn over, whoever loves you will dream.”

3 option of fortune telling. These words: “Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday is alone, and I, young, alone. I am lying on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads: one sees, the other will tell, the third will show fate.”

Fortune telling from a dream

This fortune telling of the truth from a dream is done only in very important and serious cases.

On a piece of black cloth, draw two circles on both sides with a wax candle, one inside the other (circles the size of the bottom of a glass). In the center of the circles on one side write the name: “Raphael”, on the other side - your name. In the spaces between the circles, draw four crosses: top, bottom, right, left.

Such crosses are drawn on both sides in the same places.

Before going to bed, put the cloth under your pillow and say the spell:

"Oh, glorious name of the great living God, to whom from the beginning of time belongs everything that exists and I, your servant (name). Oh, eternal Father, I beg you to send me your Angel, whose name is written in the circle of the pentacle. So that they show me everything, what I desire to see and know, through our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it. Amen."

Fortune telling is done on Saturday, before which you must observe 3 days of fasting.

Fortune telling by dreams

Fortune telling from dreams about the betrothed is very diverse. The best days of fortune-telling are around Christmas (they are also called Christmas fortune-telling) or on Friday, when the moon is waxing or the full moon. You need to sleep alone, there should be no one else in the room. After speaking to your betrothed, do not talk to anyone and do not be distracted by extraneous matters. The less conversations with strangers about the alleged fortune-telling, the better.

To see a true dream, you need to lie with your head in the other direction (that is, put the pillow where you previously lay with your feet), turn the pillow over to the other side, also turn the sheet over with the bottom side up and put on your shirt inside out.

1. This is fortune telling for girls with long braids. When you go to bed, put a padlock in your braid, close it with a key and say: “Mummer, come to me and ask for the key.” Place the key under the pillow. In a dream, a groom will appear who comes to get the key.

2. Before going to bed, put a comb and comb under the pillow, say: “Betrothed, come comb me” (with this wish, go to bed without combing).

3. Place a mirror and a comb under the pillow with the words: “Come, come. Comb, comb. Look at me, show yourself.”

4. Before going to bed, place a jug of water and a mug close to the head of the bed. Before going to bed, say: “You’ll be tired from the journey, my betrothed, I have some water, come, I’ll give you a drink.” Cross yourself and go to bed.

5. Eat a thimble of salt at night without drinking water. “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will get me drunk.” Instead of a thimbleful of salt, you can eat over-salted food.

6. They make a bridge out of twigs, place them under the pillow, wishing: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will take me across the bridge.”

7. They make a well out of matches and say: “Betrothed-mummer, come and drink some water.”

8. Before going to bed, put on socks, then take one off and put it under your pillow. Words: “Betrothed-mummer, come take off my shoes.”

9. Before going to bed, take out the twig from the new broom, put it under the bed, and put some thing from the horse (horseshoe, bridle) under the pillow. Since such things are rare these days, you can make a drawing of a horse or cut it out from a picture, you can also draw a horseshoe. After that, going to bed, say: “Betrothed, my sir, go to my home, shoe a horse, put me on it, take a rod, urge the horse, kiss me.”

10. Read at night three times: “Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday with Thursday, Friday with Saturday. Sunday is a miracle, what kind of dream will I have? Let me, God, see the one with whom I will live forever.”

11. Place a bowl of jam near your head and say before going to bed: “I have all the sweets!” The groom will dream, and besides, there will be no end to the grooms. Make the jam yourself.

12. To make your mother-in-law dream about your future son-in-law, place a frying pan with a pancake under the bed before going to bed. Say: “Betrothed, come to your mother-in-law for pancakes.”

13. If a girl sleeps as a guest in a new place, before going to bed say: “The bridegroom will dream about the bride in a new place.”

Fortune telling on a chain

Fortune telling on a gold chain is carried out at night, when no one can interfere. Sit down and rub the chain in your hands until it becomes hot. Leave the chain in your right hand, shake it and throw it on the floor. The pattern that the lying chain forms will be the result of fortune telling. Needless to say, the chain should not be locked.

If the chain has formed an even circle, you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation from which it is not so easy to find a way out.

The chain will lie in an even strip - you will be lucky in the future.

If it gets tangled or tied in a knot, you can undermine your health or financial situation.

The triangle portends happiness in any undertaking, mostly in love.

If the chain is tied in a bow, you will soon get married or get married, and if it forms a heart, it means you are already loved.

If the chain curls like a snake, be careful in communicating even with the closest people. Expect betrayal.

Fortune telling 77 bramides for a prophetic dream

This dream can show you the future and at the same time warn you what dangers can be avoided. Read the spell before bed and go to bed immediately.


“I conjure you, star Venus, in the name of the angels of sleep, the third legion.

I conjure you, great Angel Anael, who presides over the sixth day of the creation of the world.

With the sacred seal I conjure King David, King Solomon.

I conjure you, holy, strong and powerful Angels, with the names: Adonai, Im, Ey, Asim, Hey, Sadai.

I conjure with the star of Saturn. In the name of all the stars, their powers and all their mighty power. All the names of the angels serving in the second legion. In the name of the supreme Creator, in the name of those who are in the mercy of the Savior.

The earth, from the surface of which trees and grass grow.

The earth in which the ashes of the first of the first are stored:

Adam and Eve are the ancestors of all who were, are and will be.

I conjure you with moisture and water, the milk of the Mother of mothers, the torments of hell and the torments of childbirth, power, the keys of Solomon and, finally, the name of the throne of six-winged creatures. May my dream be truthful and accurate, just as all the words in the book of the Bible given to us by Father God are true.

May my fate be reflected in a dream through Archbishop Morpheus himself.

In the mirror of my consciousness, I am God’s creation, slave (name).

God of Moses, God of Israel! Great and eternal God!

Bless my every word, bless me in my sleep, slave (name).

Let it be so. I said everything. Amen."

This fortune telling should only be used in exceptional cases and no more than 1-2 times a year. The dream cannot be told for three years.

Fortune telling with mirrors

Fortune telling with mirrors is done before midnight in complete solitude; before that, do not tell anyone about the upcoming fortune telling. In an empty room, place a large mirror on a table without a tablecloth, with candles on both sides. Opposite the large mirror, at some distance, install a second smaller mirror, so that it is reflected in the first mirror. Mutual reflection forms a "corridor". Place a handkerchief nearby;

Turn off the lights, light the candles and sit down at the table. Mentally make a wish to see your betrothed and gaze intently into the depths of the reflective corridor. After some time, the image of the betrothed will appear in it. When the image appears, immediately cover the mirror with a scarf and under no circumstances turn around at that moment.

Another way of fortune telling with a mirror. When there are no clouds in the sky and the moon is shining well, go outside at midnight. Stand at the crossroads with a mirror with your back to the moon so that it is reflected in the mirror. Looking in the mirror, say: “Betrothed, show yourself to me in the mirror.” When the image appears, immediately say: “Screw me.”

Fortune telling by tea

Take a simple cup. Pour a little tea leaves there, so that it just covers the bottom. With your left hand, twist the cup clockwise three times. Turn it so that the handle is facing you. Take a look inside. The patterns formed by the tea leaves will be the results of fortune telling. Start the interpretation by visually dividing the bottom in half - the part closest to you relates to your life, the far part - to the lives of people you know. Drawings near the walls indicate imminent events, tea leaves on the bottom indicate the distant future.

Look closely at the shapes formed by the tea leaves. A bottle portends deterioration of health and illness, mountains - obstacles on the way to achieving goals, a tree - a speedy recovery and the fulfillment of plans, the key - happiness, excellent condition of the body, love and money. A straight road with two trenches means imminent changes in your personal life, a winding road means difficulties.

If the path turns sharply, then the changes will be unexpected and great.

A large cluster of tea leaves in the center of the cup at the bottom warns: change your attitude towards work and life, otherwise big troubles await you. If you see an airplane, you will soon be on a long journey.

    The cross and the coffin foreshadow illness and death, troubles and obstacles, enemies and betrayal.

    A ring or circle means a quick marriage or meeting a new person, but if there are two circles, expect disappointment.

    A destroyed house means hopes that are not destined to come true.

    If you see a ladder, you will soon be promoted, but if there is a drawing of a ball nearby, you will experience rapid ups and downs, both in your personal life and in your career.

    The heart means unexpected love, but if it is located at the bottom of the cup, a loved one will have a heart ache in the future.

    If you see an arrow, expect bad news, but if it is directed away from you, you yourself will bring unpleasant news to your family and friends.

Fortune telling with rosary

Once upon a time, this simple fortune telling technique was used by Buddhist monks. Touching the beads, they gave a positive or negative answer. This fortune-telling belongs to the category when a simple and short answer is enough. Start turning the rosary in one direction (at first without counting), all the time focusing on your question. Before reaching half of the rosary, mechanically hold the cord in some place.

Begin to put aside four rosary beads, saying:

The first one - yes

Second - no

The third is unknown.

Fourth - probably yes;

Then repeat again until the rosary runs out. The one that comes out last is the answer.

It was at this time that it was customary to guess. The girls were looking forward to these days to find out whether they would get married this year, what their betrothed would be like, rich or poor. The peasants were guessing about the future harvest.

The people showed amazing ingenuity in the methods of fortune telling. In the villages, they took a chicken or a horse out into the yard, drowned wax, called out to passers-by, threw a shoe over the gate, cast spells on beans, onions, eggs, logs... It’s impossible to list all the methods. The townspeople also cast spells on cards and coffee grounds. And the bravest ones went to fortune tellers to tell their fortunes on a mirror or lead.

Of course, you don’t have to throw your shoe out the door, but you can find out how strong your relationship will be with the help of simple sewing needles.

Take two needles of different sizes. The large one will symbolize a man, and the small one will symbolize a woman. Grease the needles and place them in a glass of water. Drowning needles will mean a break in your relationship or a divorce, spreading to the sides - coolness in feelings, if the needles stick together along the length - a happy marriage awaits you, and if they touch each other with an ear or a point, mutual sympathy will arise.

You can also find out how many children there will be. To do this, pour water into a glass, throw a ring in it and put it out in the cold. When the water freezes, look: how many holes there will be - so many daughters, how many hillocks - so many sons.

Well, the most interesting fortune-telling is the fulfillment of desires. Take a bowl of water, a walnut shell and a small candle. Attach leaves with your most cherished desires along the edge of the pelvis. Place a lit candle in the shell and let it float on the water. Whichever leaf the “boat” sails to, the wish will come true.

The most famous folk fortune telling

1. Wax casting

In order to perform this fortune telling, they take a wax candle, or a simple paraffin Christmas tree candle, and, breaking it into small pieces, place it in a metal spoon. The spoon is heated on a candle until the pieces turn into a molten liquid.

When the wax has melted, take a bowl of water, possibly colder, and immediately, in one breath, pour the contents of the spoon into the water. They guess based on the resulting figure, and fantasy plays a big role here.

Some see a car in the shapeless masses of wax, others - the figure of a young man or a young girl, others - a bed (illness), others - a train, others - a coffin, etc.

2. Fortune telling by shadows

Take a whole sheet of paper, or preferably a newspaper, and this sheet of paper must be crumpled with your hands so that it turns into a shapeless mass, however, avoiding turning it into a ball, but leaving some vague outline. When the paper is ready, it is placed on the bottom of an overturned plate and lit with a match.

The burnt paper, without moving at all or destroying the shape of the ash, is brought to the wall, carefully turning the edges of the plate until some shadow is outlined on the wall, by the outlines of which, just like in the previous fortune-telling, one judges the future.

3. Ring in water

You need to take an ordinary glass with a completely flat bottom, without any designs, pour three-quarters of water into it and carefully lower a round wedding ring, previously cleaned, into the middle of the bottom; then you need to look through the water for a relatively long time into the middle of the lowered ring. With a rather rich imagination, many claim that they see the face of the future groom.

4. Eavesdropping

They go to listen to a locked church, to its doors, or to a chapel, choosing a clear moonlit night for this. The listeners must be girls and, according to legend, you can hear either a wedding song or a funeral song for those who are destined to get married or die this year.

5. Throwing a shoe

Fortune telling girls usually go outside the village and throw their shoes in front of them (on their left foot). And already, judging by where the toe of the shoe points, one can judge on which side the narrowed side will be; if the toe of the shoe points to the outskirts, then this means that the fortuneteller will not get married this year.

6. Fortune telling with a mirror

This fortune telling is considered one of the most terrible. The fortuneteller must be alone, and for this purpose, by 12 o'clock at night, she locks herself in the bathhouse, undressed, she sits at the table opposite the mirror, on the sides of which two candles are burning in candlesticks. Another mirror is installed opposite this mirror and thus a whole gallery of mutual reflections of mirrors is formed.

One must carefully observe and concentrate all the tension of the will in this very gallery, in which, they say, the future betrothed is shown.

7. Fortune telling with a rooster

"A few grains are scattered on the floor and then, at exactly 12 o'clock at night, they take a rooster from the perch (black is recommended) and let him into the room, where the future is assessed in accordance with the behavior of the bird. If all the grains are pecked, then this year there will be good luck and the one who fed will get married; if a certain number of grains are pecked, then from this one can determine, with a certain imagination, how long the event will take place, or which of the girls will get married.

Suppose the rooster pecked 3 grains, which means the 3rd girl will get married. If the rooster does not peck at all, this means failure this year.

8. Fortune telling with a boat

For this fortune-telling, take a large basin of water so that it is not completely filled with water. On the sides of this basin, folded strips of paper with the names of fortune tellers are hung or attached, or possible events are written on them: wedding, infatuation, kidnapping, flirting, passionate love, illness, failure, grief, death, winning, unexpected happiness or luck, etc.

Take a walnut shell (its half) and place a small stump of a Christmas tree candle in the middle of it. - The boat is launched into the middle of the basin and depending on which edge it approaches and which piece of paper it sets on fire, such an event will happen to the one whose name is written on the piece of paper.

9. Wish come true

You need to prepare a small piece of paper and a pencil by the time the clock strikes 12 on New Year's Day. After the first strike, you need to have time to write a wish, burn the piece of paper, stir the ashes into champagne and drink before the clock stops striking 12.

10. Name of the betrothed

They go out of the gate and interview passers-by, asking the name of the woman from men, the name of the man from women. The specified name usually means the betrothed or betrothed.

12. Jumping over fire

On the night of Ivan Kupala, a large fire is lit from branches and straw and people jump over the fire with a running start; a successful jump, if the flame does not touch the person jumping and there are no sparks, means getting married or good luck.

Fortune telling has such a long history that numerous forms of it are already found among various monuments of Ancient Egypt, Chaldea, Greece, Ancient Rome and other countries. Fortune telling was very common among the Slavs, and it was mainly practiced by priests, sorcerers, healers, sorcerers, sorcerers and sorcerers. Even in the Bible there are repeated references to fortune telling.

In Ancient Rus', fortune telling was especially widespread during the era of chamber seclusion. On long winter evenings, hay girls, boyars and hawthorns whiled away the time and tried to penetrate the realm of mysterious fate and unravel their future.
All fortune-telling, as well as change of appearance, i.e. masquerade, were condemned by the church at one time and were considered unclean. That is why, in folk customs, the time of fortune telling was always coincided with midnight.

The most successful days for fortune-telling are considered to be Christmastide, the night of Ivan Kupala, the night of New Year and Epiphany. Usually in the old days, fortune tellers and mummers, on the day of the consecration of water at Epiphany, despite any frost, plunged into the ice hole, washing away their sins.

Various folk fortune telling

For thousands of years, girls have been telling fortunes in different ways and methods that have been passed down from generation to generation to children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and have come down to our times... Try it too, feel the spirit of ancient times and the mysteries of fortune telling!

Fortune telling by dreams.

Fortune telling from dreams about the betrothed is very diverse. The best days of fortune-telling are around Christmas (they are also called Christmas fortune-telling) or on Friday, when the moon is waxing or the full moon. You need to sleep alone, there should be no one else in the room. After speaking to your betrothed, do not talk to anyone and do not be distracted by extraneous matters. The less conversations with strangers about the alleged fortune-telling, the better. To see a true dream, you need to lie with your head in the other direction (that is, put the pillow where you previously lay with your feet), turn the pillow over to the other side, also turn the sheet over with the bottom side up and put on your shirt inside out.

This is fortune telling for girls with long braids. When you go to bed, put a padlock in your braid, close it with a key and say: “Mummer, come to me and ask for the key.” Place the key under the pillow. In a dream, a groom will appear who comes to get the key.

Before going to bed, put a comb and comb under the pillow, say: “Mummer, come comb me” (with this wish to go to bed without combing).

Place a mirror and a comb under the pillow with the words: “Come, come. Comb, comb. Look at me, show yourself.”

Before going to bed, place a jug of water and a mug close to the head of the bed. Before going to bed, say: “You’ll be tired from the journey, my betrothed, I have some water, come, I’ll give you a drink.” Cross yourself and go to bed.

At night, eat a thimble of salt without drinking water. “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will get me drunk.” Instead of a thimbleful of salt, you can eat over-salted food.

They make a bridge out of twigs, place them under the pillow, wishing: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will take me across the bridge.”

Before going to bed, put on socks, then take one off and put it under your pillow. Words: “Betrothed-mummer, come take off my shoes.”

Before going to bed, take out the twig from the new broom, put it under the bed, and put some thing from the horse (horseshoe, bridle) under the pillow. Since such things are rare these days, you can make a drawing of a horse or cut it out from a picture, you can also draw a horseshoe. After that, going to bed, say: “Betrothed, my sir, go to my home, shoe a horse, put me on it, take a rod, urge the horse, kiss me.”

They read it three times at night: “Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday with Thursday, Friday with Saturday. Sunday is a miracle, what kind of dream will I have? Let me, God, see the one with whom I will live forever.”

Place a bowl of jam near your head and say before going to bed: “I have all the sweets!” The groom will dream, and besides, there will be no end to the grooms. Make the jam yourself.

To make your mother-in-law dream about your future son-in-law, place a frying pan with a pancake under the bed before going to bed. Say: “Betrothed, come to your mother-in-law for pancakes.”

If a girl sleeps as a guest in a new place, before going to bed say: “The bridegroom will dream of the bridegroom in a new place.”

Fortune telling with chamomile is one of the most favorite types of folk fortune telling. This does not require long preparation, no special imagination, or the gift of a fortuneteller.
A girl or a boy, imagining their soul mate, picked the petals from a daisy flower, saying: “Loves - loves not.” With whatever saying the last petal is torn off, that is the answer.

But you can guess with a chamomile not only for love. Ask any question - from everyday and personal questions to predicting the result of a particular game. The main thing is that the answer can be chosen only from two options - “yes” or “no”. The more intimate your question, the more correct the answer will be.

New Year's fortune telling with candles.

This fortune telling with candles is a whole ritual, which takes several days to prepare for. It is better to choose the winter time for it, New Year or Christmastide.

Buy three candles in the church, and collect clean water from the source, which should stand at the head of your bed for three or four days. When this period passes, start guessing. Wait until midnight, clear the table. Place three candles on it in the shape of a triangle, between them, in the center, place a decanter with spring water. Place a mirror behind the decanter so that one of the candles illuminates it. You should see a mirror through the water in the decanter. When you have everything ready, relax and concentrate on your question. Peer into the water until you see some picture that will be the answer.

Christmas fortune telling by mirror.

One of the most famous and terrible Russian Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed. It is difficult to say exactly when to guess from the mirrors - you can sit after midnight, or late in the evening. But usually they start guessing exactly at midnight.
For fortune telling you will need a mirror, a candle and a towel. Place the mirror in front of you, next to it - a candle. Only it should illuminate a dark room. Cast the spell:
“Betrothed-mummer, come to dinner with me!”, and look in the mirror.
The appearance of the groom is heralded by a slight flickering of a candle and a fogged mirror. Once this happens, quickly wipe the glass with a towel.
The groom comes up from behind and looks in the mirror. Having looked at his face, the girl should say:
"Out of this place."
The groom immediately disappears. If the girl does not say the required phrase, he sits down on the table and takes something out of his pocket. If a girl exclaims “out of the blue,” the item will be hers.

There is also a slightly modified fortune telling. Instead of one mirror, take two, place them opposite each other, and candles between them. You need to kick everyone out of the room who might interfere - pets, loved ones. You can leave only your closest friends, who will sit on the sidelines awaiting the outcome of the fortune telling. The fortune-telling girl sits down and begins to peer into the corridor formed by two mirrors and wait for the groom to appear.

Christmas fortune telling by wax.

Light the candle. Wait until there is enough melted wax in it.
Pour it into a previously prepared plate of water. You can pour the wax several times until patterns form on the bottom of the plate. These drawings will be interpreted.
Remove the hardened wax from the water and begin to interpret.
Many small individual droplets portend wealth. Large figures are interpreted by their shape and the associations they evoke.
Here are a few such interpretations:

  • A fan means difficulties in the workplace. The company you work for may be liquidated. Friction in the team is possible.
  • Wax grapes mean good luck and happiness in your personal life.
  • The mushroom symbolizes health and long life.
  • The figure of a dragon foreshadows the birth of a child, dreams come true, and the achievement of a goal.
  • The bell always means news. A bell that is straight on all sides portends good things, a curved bell portends bad things, and several bells mean alarm.
  • A leaf from a tree means that you are envied, and intrigues are being weaved behind your back.
  • Wax monkey to betrayal, false friends and lies.
  • Pants portend a quick choice on the path of life.
  • If a figure resembling an apple has formed from wax, take a closer look - the smoother it is, the better the sign; if the apple turns out to be crooked, a temptation awaits you in the future, which you should refuse.
  • The egg has always symbolized new life. Maybe it's the birth of a child, maybe you'll start living again. In any case, the egg is a future shrouded in mystery.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala using wreaths.

The girls told fortunes not only on Christmastide, but also on the night of Ivan Kupala. During this mysterious time, they preferred to tell fortunes near rivers and ponds. The most popular fortune telling used wreaths woven from birch twigs. On the eve of the holiday, the girls wove wreaths, each of which was beautiful in its own way and different from the other. Then everyone went to the river and unanimously asked if they should get married this year.
The girls threw wreaths into the water and carefully watched how he behaved. If you land on the shore, the girl is destined to get married soon. If she swam further, she won’t get married. And if he drowned, it would be hard for the girl - she would get sick or die.

There are other types of fortune telling. For example, in the tradition of the Old Believers there was also fortune telling with a flower wreath.
Before getting married, a girl must work as a servant in the groom's house for a whole year. When the deadline expired, they wove a flower wreath for her and threw it into the river, asking if the girl would get married this year. If the wreath remained afloat, the wedding was celebrated, but if it sank, she had to serve in the house for the entire next year or go to her parents in shame. Some people cheated in such fortune-telling - they wove heavy flowers into the wreath, and it sank.
This was done either by the mother-in-law, who did not like her daughter-in-law, or by the girl herself, if she did not want to get married. You can tell fortunes on wreaths in another way. Weave a lot of beautiful wreaths, put pieces of paper on them with written wishes and throw them into the water. If your wreath lands on the shore - your wish will come true, it will float further - you will achieve what you want yourself, if it drowns - you will see nothing, no matter how hard you try.

Fortune telling for the betrothed.

This is fortune telling for a betrothed for girls with strong nerves. They tell fortunes late in the evening, around midnight. In the old days they used to tell fortunes in the bathhouse; according to legend, the bathhouse was considered a haven of dark forces. In addition to the bathhouse, you can tell fortunes in any dark, secluded room.
Lay a new clean tablecloth on the table and place two cutlery. Keep knives and forks away from the room. Close the windows and doors tightly, sit at the table, put fruits, berries or sweets on plates (there should be nothing meat, fried or boiled in the room). Place your hands on the table and say loudly:
“Betrothed-mummer, come and have dinner with me!”
After this, some noise usually begins outside the windows: sharp gusts of wind, whistles, knocks, sometimes you can smell a sulfuric smell - all these are signs of the approach of your betrothed. (According to legends, the image of the betrothed is taken by an unclean spirit.) When the betrothed enters, you must be silent and take a closer look at his appearance, try to remember his face, signs, clothes.
When he sits down at the table, ask:
"What's your name?"
He says a name and takes something out of his pocket. At this moment immediately say:
"Out of my place! Out of my riddle!"
After these words, the image of the betrothed disappears, and his thing remains on the table. If a girl forgets these words or does not have time to “close up,” then the ghost may play a mischief.

New Year's fortune telling on coffee grounds.

New Year's morning is the most suitable time for such an interesting and mysterious activity as fortune telling by coffee grounds. Your imagination will tell you exactly how to interpret the patterns formed on a saucer of coffee grounds.
The ritual begins with manual preparation of coffee.
Forget about the coffee maker and instant surrogates, and brew it the way our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did. Pour freshly ground coffee into a saucepan, add boiled water and cook. Wait until grounds form. Then you can drink it and talk about the topic that you want to clarify during fortune telling. A pleasant atmosphere will allow you to relax, and a casual conversation will help in the subsequent interpretation of drawings on coffee grounds. When only the grounds remain in the mugs, turn them over onto saucers. You need to make sure that the grounds remain liquid and flow freely around the edges.
Place the mug upside down on the saucer and wait about ten minutes.
Only after this can you begin fortune telling.
The grounds on the saucer should be divided into four even parts - they will symbolize the seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, respectively.

Interpretation of signs:

  • Bubbles in the middle of the saucer indicate news or a letter. Pay attention to which side of the center they are on so you know exactly when it will arrive.
  • If any of the sides of the saucer is not dirty, with only one drop of coffee, then news or a visit will come from afar, and look carefully on which side of the grounds it is located - if on the left, then the news will come from the west, if on the right, then from the east.
  • Stars and dots predict the smile of Fortune. It is possible that you will win a large sum of money.
  • Crosses and circles are warning signs. If the thicket forms elevations, this means success in the intended actions, but if there are depressions and depressions next to them, obstacles may arise on the path to success, which can be quite unexpected (the narrow cracks passing through the elevations will tell you this).
  • If you see beads scattered in a straight line, you can easily overcome these obstacles. Black lines indicate a favorable outcome of events.

You can predict the future using coffee grounds at any time, not just on New Year's Day. This fortune telling will help in any issues of your personal life, everyday life, and work. But remember - coffee grounds, like any way to look into the future, do not provide an accurate forecast. It only tells us which direction we should go.

New Year's fortune telling Eavesdropping.

On New Year's Day, in the old days, girls and boys used to tell fortunes in a unique way. They went outside and made a wish. Listening to the words coming from other people's windows, they guessed whether their wish would come true, what life would be like, what their future husband or wife would be like. At the same time, not only the meaning of the words heard was taken into account, but also the voice itself: whether it belonged to a man or a woman, old or young. The tone of the words spoken also mattered. A gentle voice foreshadowed peace and tranquility in the future for the family, swearing - accordingly, discord.
A number of such fortune-telling also includes calling. On the street, a girl approached the first man she met and asked his name. What was heard in response was considered the name of the future groom.

The girls also went out onto the road and said: “Bark, bark, little dog, howl, little gray top.” Whichever direction the noise comes from, that’s where the girl will go to a new, married life. If the source of noise is close, it means that it is not far away and the narrowed one is located. If the noise is barely audible, the girl will go far, far away.
They also eavesdropped at home. We went to bed saying:
"Betrothed-mummer, drive past the window." If they drive by outside the window, having fun and shouting, their married life will be joyful and happy. If they pass quietly, the girl will live in poverty and misery.

Fortune telling by shadows.

For this fortune telling, take a sheet of paper or, preferably, newspaper. This sheet of paper needs to be crumpled with your hands so that it turns into a shapeless mass, a lump, avoiding the shape of a ball. When the paper is ready, it is placed on the bottom of an overturned plate and set on fire. The burnt paper, without moving or destroying the ash form, is brought to the illuminated wall. Carefully turn the plate until some shadow appears on the wall. The future is judged by its outlines.

Fortune telling with a rooster.

Pre-counted grains are scattered on the floor and then at exactly 12 o'clock at night they take the rooster from the perch (preferably black) and let him into the room.
The bird's behavior is used to judge the future. If the rooster has eaten all the grain, then this year there will be good luck, and the one who fed will get married; if only part of the grains are pecked, then you can determine how long the event will take place or which of the girls will get married (suppose the rooster pecked three grains, then the third girl will get married); if the rooster does not touch the grain, it means a bad year.

Fortune telling with a boat.

For this fortune-telling, take a basin of water, not filled to the brim. Along the edges of this basin they hang paper strips with the names of fortune tellers or write possible events on them: a wedding. illness, passionate love, winning, death, etc. Then take half a nut shell and place the stub of a Christmas tree candle in it. The boat is launched into the middle of the basin and the candle is lit. Depending on which edge the boat sails to and which piece of paper it sets on fire, they judge the future.

Ring in the water.

You need to take an ordinary glass with a smooth bottom, without any designs, pour three-quarters of water into it and carefully lower the wedding ring, previously cleaned, into the middle of the bottom. Then, for a relatively long time, you need to look through the water into the lowered ring. Those who have a rich imagination claim that this is how you can see the face of the future groom.

What girl doesn’t dream of finding out who is destined to become her husband? Some of the young ladies go so far in this matter that they resort to the help of fortune tellers and psychics. But there are simpler ways to find out your destiny, including on your own right at home. The main thing is to choose the right time and day for the ritual. The best methods of fortune telling at home are presented in our article. To implement them, you can use items that are always at hand: candles, mirrors, a wedding ring, thread and needle, and others. All that remains is to tune in to the right mood - and you can begin the ritual.

The presence of certain items necessary for the ritual and the desire to quickly find out your fate is not a guarantee that the results will be correct. There are a number of rules that are important to follow when performing love fortune telling at home:

  1. Ritual time. In the old days, fortune telling was carried out on Christmas Eve (the night of January 6-7). All days from January 6 to January 19 (the so-called Christmastide) were also considered favorable. It was during this period that it was customary among unmarried girls to tell fortunes about their betrothed.
  2. Day of the week. It is not recommended to guess on Friday or Saturday, but only if Christmas Eve does not fall on these days.
  3. With whom to guess. In Rus', rituals were carried out in a noisy company of unmarried girls, with the exception of those rituals when the betrothed was supposed to appear in a dream.
  4. Times of Day. The optimal time for fortune telling is after sunset or after 7 pm. Many girls prefer to perform rituals at midnight.
  5. Environment. It is necessary to prepare properly for fortune telling. To do this, you need to turn off all means of communication, TV and computer, close the doors and curtain the windows. Well, the main thing is the right attitude and faith in what is happening.

Fortune telling about your betrothed in a dream

The presented method is one of the simplest. The ideal period for fortune telling for future love at home is Christmastide. But many girls perform it at other times throughout the year.

The essence of fortune telling is as follows. Before going to bed, an unmarried girl should put a glass of water on the bedside table and put a piece of bread or a bun on it, and light a candle next to it. It’s just important to take care in advance so that it doesn’t tip over in the middle of the night. For a girl to dream about her future husband, she must say the words before going to bed:

“Betrothed-mummer, come to dinner with me.”

In a dream, a young lady should see her future love.

Wax fortune telling

The following ritual is performed using a candle. This method of fortune telling is associated with calling a brownie into the apartment, who should point the unmarried girl to her betrothed. Before performing it, you need to melt the wax in a water bath. At the same time, a small saucer of milk should be placed on the threshold of the house. After this, the girl says the following words:

“Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”

After this phrase, melted wax should be added to the milk. By the shape of the figure obtained as a result of the ritual, you can judge your future. If the wax resembles a flower, this means that the girl will be able to meet her soulmate this year and even get married. The figure, similar to the silhouette of a person, symbolizes great love. If the wax resembles a star, this means that the girl will have success in all endeavors, including studies.

The presented method can be considered one of the best love fortune telling, despite the fact that its results are quite difficult to interpret.

How to learn to tell fortunes with cards?

Methods of determining your destiny using playing cards are considered one of the simplest and most popular. Such independent fortune telling for love at home allows you to get answers to many questions of interest, including what happened in the past and what awaits a person in the future. To carry out the ritual, in addition to a deck consisting of 36 cards, you will need a special interpreter of their meanings. It can be purchased at a bookstore.

The essence of the simplest fortune telling is as follows. The deck of cards should be shuffled well, while not forgetting to formulate the question of interest. Next, with your left hand, the top part of the deck is removed and placed under the bottom. After this, you need to take nine cards and fan them out face down. The cards can then be turned over and the meaning interpreted according to the interpreter.

The next method of fortune telling is to determine your past, present, near and distant future, as well as to learn about those things that interfere with the fulfillment of desires. During the ritual, 5 playing cards are removed from the deck. On the table they are laid out in the following sequence: No. 1 - center, No. 2 - top, No. 3 - left, No. 4 - bottom, No. 5 - right. The results must be interpreted as follows: the first card shows the present, the second - the near future, the third - the distant future, the fourth - the past, the fifth - things that interfere with the fulfillment of desires.

How to find out the name of your betrothed?

This method of fortune telling for love at home is very simple. To find out the name of your betrothed, just follow a series of simple steps. First, using regular scissors, you need to prepare several pieces of paper of the same size. After that, on each of them you should write male names (familiar or unfamiliar guys). Then the prepared leaves are curled. And in such a way that it would be impossible to read the name written on them.

When performing fortune telling, leaves with names are placed in a bowl of water. Closing your eyes, take one of the leaves out of the water with your left hand. The name that will be written on it is what the future chosen one should bear.

A method of fortune telling on a mirror

The effectiveness of this method has been proven many years ago. In Rus', a mirror and a candle were used as one of the main means for performing strong fortune telling for love at home. The step-by-step ritual is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare two absolutely identical mirrors. One of them should be placed on the table.
  2. Next you need to light two candles. Place them in front of a mirror on the table so that the fire is reflected in it.
  3. The girl picks up the second mirror and stands with her back to the first. It is advisable to prepare both large items in advance. It is important that in the second mirror she can see the first and the burning candles.
  4. After this, the girl pronounces words with which she invites her betrothed to appear before her. At the same time, in the mirror behind her she should see the reflection of her future husband.

Fortune telling by book

This method of determining fate is considered one of the most romantic. For fortune telling for love at home using a book, popular women's novels are most suitable.

In order to find the answer to a previously posed question, it is enough to name the page and line number (top or bottom). Then you just need to read the phrase out loud and try to find the answer to the question posed.

Fortune telling by ring on a thread

This method allows you to get an answer to the question posed and learn about what will happen in the future. For fortune telling, you will need a wedding ring, which you can borrow for a while from your mother, sister or grandmother, as well as a strong thread. To cleanse an object from the energy of its owner, it is immersed in ice water for 5-10 seconds.

The ritual is performed over a photograph if the girl knows a young man, or over a glass of water if fortune telling is being performed on a betrothed who is a stranger. The ring is threaded through a thread and lowered over a glass or photo. Next you need to watch how the object moves. If the ring rotates in a circle, this means that the fortune telling answer will be positive. The girl will soon meet her soulmate or get married. If the ring rotates like a pendulum, this means that the answer will be negative.

Modern fortune telling

The above methods of predicting your fate were more popular in Rus'. Today, when telling fortunes about their betrothed, girls are increasingly resorting to modern technologies, namely a mobile phone.

To carry out the ritual, you just need to think about your loved one and immediately dial the phone number that first came to mind. Fortune telling is interpreted depending on what will happen at the other end of the line:

  • no one answers - the loved one does not think about the girl at all;
  • the number is unavailable - you will have to make a difficult decision;
  • the answer “Hello” indicates that a serious relationship will develop between you;
  • if the answer on the phone sounds like “Yes,” it means that the girl’s life will radically change for the better;
  • the answer “Speak” promises a declaration of love soon;
  • if they answered “Where are you calling”, this means that a serious scandal awaits you very soon.

Other simple methods of fortune telling at home

There are also a number of rituals with the help of which every unmarried girl can predict her fate. Below we present the following simple love fortune telling at home:

  1. Place a short candle in one of the halves of the walnut shell and lower it into a bowl of water. After that you need to wait until it burns out. If this happens quickly, then you can prepare for the wedding, and vice versa.
  2. A lot of pine branches should be scattered in a chaotic manner on the floor in the room. Then, closing your eyes, you should choose one of them and look closely at it. If the bark on the branch is rough, the young man will be financially secure, and vice versa.
  3. The next fortune telling was carried out on Christmas Eve or Christmastide. At midnight the girl ran out into the street and shouted “Oy.” From the direction from which the echo came, she should have expected the groom to appear.

Russian folk fortune telling for love is numerous and incredibly interesting. In addition, the veracity of the rituals of Russian witchcraft, the purpose of which is, can hardly be doubted.

It is this topic of folk fortune-telling for a guy’s love that I want to devote my new article to. There was a time when magic was powerful and had an influence on all people. Both men and women turned to fortune tellers for prophecies. But there was, of course, a special category of witchcraft rituals of fortune-telling, which were performed independently at a certain time and for certain purposes.

Folk fortune telling for girls about their betrothed

  • Fortune telling for your betrothed using frosty patterns on the mirror

This is an old, truthful folk fortune-telling for girls about their betrothed. On a winter night, when the full Moon rises in the sky, pour cold water over the mirror and immediately take it outside into the cold. Water on a mirror surface will freeze very quickly. Then return to the house. From frosty patterns you can determine what events await you and what the future of your relationship is.

Clear patterns directed upward indicate that your love feelings are strong, harmonious and beautiful. , going down, promise quarrels and betrayal. Round patterns - your family life will be joyful and prosperous. Oval patterns promise a meeting with new love. If there are no patterns on the mirror, it means separation from your chosen one is ahead.

  • Fortune telling for the betrothed's love using a key and a book

The ritual is performed by a group of girls. For this Russian folk fortune telling for love and marriage, you will need a key and a big old book. The key is placed in the book so that its ring remains outside. The book is then closed, tied tightly with a rope and hung by the ring. The girls gathered for fortune-telling make a guess as to which of them will get married in the new year and take turns saying their names. On whose name the book begins to turn, that girl will be married.

Traditions of folk fortune telling for girls about their betrothed

Starting from Christmas () to Epiphany () is the best time for fortune telling in Rus'. On Christmastide, folk games were organized; in the evenings, carolers went around the courtyards and sang “Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas.” They were given ritual treats: pies, steamed oatmeal, rutabaga, pork, and a glass of vodka. And, of course, during these days, countless rituals of fortune telling for the future were performed, including folk fortune telling for love.

In the holy week following Christmas, evil spirits retreat and no longer have power over people. Therefore, the Orthodox were allowed to recognize the future without fear of bringing disaster upon themselves and their home. At the same time, the most popular were various Russian folk fortune telling for girls about their betrothed.

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