One day a week on kefir. Fasting day on kefir: losing weight correctly and quickly. Basic version of a fasting day with kefir

After festive feasts, the human body needs unloading. Moreover, excesses cannot but affect the figure. Fasting days are a great way to cleanse the body and get rid of extra pounds. All that matters is the choice of the main product daily ration. One of the most popular is a fasting day on kefir.

About the beneficial properties of kefir

This fermented milk product brings many health benefits. Low calorie content and affordable price are the undoubted advantages of kefir. It contains milk fat, proteins, milk sugar, minerals, vitamins, hormones and enzymes. This product contains 12 different vitamins. The most important of them are A, D1, D2, U2 and carotene.

Vitamin A (retinol) and carotene are needed by humans for good vision and normal development of the body.

Vitamins of group D (calciferols) help the body absorb phosphorus and calcium salts. Their deposits are necessary in bone tissue.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is an active participant in the processes, helps wound healing, and also provides color and light vision.

Mineral salts of calcium and phosphorus and vitamins of group D are necessary for the body to build skeletal system body. They help make bones strong and durable.

Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) participates in the redox processes of the body and hematopoiesis, supporting the immune system.

This amount of useful substances makes kefir an indispensable product for the human body.

About the medicinal properties of the drink

The results of medical studies have shown that kefir is a real medicine, a panacea in the treatment of acute and chronic gastritis (with normal or low acidity), hypertension, ischemia, dysbacteriosis, vitamin deficiency, prevention of diabetes, atherosclerosis, liver cirrhosis and cancer.

Kefir is an integral component of most diets. It helps fight obesity and unpleasant intestinal diseases.

The help of this fermented milk product is needed in treatment diabetes mellitus. This drink has a tonic and rejuvenating effect. It increases appetite and cleanses the body from long-term use of medications. It is recommended for women during pregnancy, menstruation and breastfeeding. Kefir will also help get rid of a hangover.

What is the benefit of fasting days?

Fasting days and fasting are completely different things. Complete refusal of food slows down metabolism, the body saves energy. It is impossible to lose excess weight by completely giving up food. And fasting days speed up metabolism, and weight quickly decreases. In addition, excess fluid comes out and swelling goes away. You can lose 1-2 kilograms of weight in just a day. But most of the loss is water. Fasting days on kefir are necessary for people who suffer from obesity, slow metabolism, and intestinal blockage. The body is cleansed of waste and toxins, the digestive system is cleansed. The size of the stomach decreases.

Fasting day on kefir: how to organize it correctly

Any diet requires proper organization. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to follow them, and the desired result will not be achieved. It is necessary to remember the following rules for fasting days on kefir:

During unloading, it is better to remove any physical exercise. It's better to give your body a day of rest. If you are planning hard intellectual work (for example, an exam), then, as reviews indicate, it is better to postpone the fasting day on kefir. After all, due to monotonous food and feelings of hunger, concentration is reduced and thinking is inhibited.

When to do a fasting day

Unloading is easier if a person is busy that day. It is best to choose one of the busiest working days. The main thing on a fasting day is a distraction from obsessive thoughts about food. A wonderful distraction would be going to a massage or a bathhouse. It is also recommended to walk more.

How to choose kefir

This drink, first of all, must be selected based on its fat content. Best of all - up to 1%. A product that has an expiration date of more than 3 days is not worth buying. If the goal of unloading is cleansing and not weight loss, then you can use kefir up to 2% fat content. This fermented milk product or part of it can be replaced with yogurt or low-fat fermented baked milk.

What can you add to kefir?

The diet can be varied with porridge, vegetables and fruits. To get enough, they eat chicken or fish. But not all and not at the same time. But it is better to limit yourself to monotonous and simple food. The results of fasting days on kefir will be more noticeable if only 1 additional product containing fiber or low in calories is added to this fermented milk product.

Kefir monoday

You should only consume low-fat kefir and water all day. You need to drink 1.5 liters of the drink. Such fasting days for losing weight on kefir are the most effective. Really get rid of 2 kg. To diversify the use of the drink, you can add herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro), spices (ginger, cinnamon, pepper), and sugar substitutes. But adding salt is strictly prohibited. It will retain fluid in the body and prevent weight loss. You can add greens only in very small quantities to diversify the taste. And among the spices, you should prefer hot spices that speed up metabolism and promote weight loss. But do not forget that hot spices are harmful to the stomach.

Kefir and apples

A fasting day with kefir and apples is very tasty, effective and healthy. Apples are low in calories and high in vitamins. It is better to choose green apples that are not too sweet.

During fasting day on kefir and apples you need to use 1 liter of kefir and 1 kg of apples. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of water. Form the ingredients into 5 servings.

If for any reason raw apples cause discomfort or fermentation, you can bake them in the oven. To brighten up their sour taste, add honey (no more than half a teaspoon).

Kefir and cottage cheese

You need to eat up to 300 g of low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese, and up to 800 ml of kefir. And as much water as possible. The daily intake of cottage cheese is divided into 6 parts, which are taken every 2 hours. You can add some fruit, bran, rosehip decoction, low-fat sour cream and a little honey.

The advantage of such a fasting day is that it is quite easy to tolerate. There is practically no feeling of hunger.

Kefir and cucumbers

Cucumber, which is 97% water, is ideal for eating with kefir. Such a fasting day will pass easily and without the feeling of hunger, and will also alleviate the condition of people suffering from rheumatism, arthrosis, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

During the day you need to drink 1 liter of kefir and eat 1 kg of cucumbers. These products can be consumed simultaneously, or alternated. It is not forbidden to add a small amount of greens to the diet.

These products are used to prepare original soup. You need to cut the vegetables and pour them with a mixture of mineral water and kefir. You can season the dish with a minimal amount lemon juice.

Kefir and bran

Bran is the richest source of plant fiber. They will improve intestinal function, remove allergens, toxic substances, decay products, lower cholesterol and moderate appetite. Since grain shells quickly absorb water, you need to drink more (up to 2.5-3 liters per day). Bran, when combined with kefir, acquires a pronounced cleansing effect. This fasting day is one of the most effective. To cleanse the body, use pure oat, wheat or rye bran without any additives.

During the day you need to eat at least 30 g of bran and drink 1.5 liters of kefir. Of course, the bran must be poured with boiling water in advance and left to infuse. Afterwards, the product should be divided into 6 servings and added to kefir. Or you can divide the steamed bran into 2 or 3 servings and alternate the consumption of a fermented milk product with a cocktail with fiber. But it is important to remember: kefir with bran can cause formation in the intestines. large quantity gases, and discomfort will be felt in the stomach. If a person suffers from flatulence, then such a diet will not suit him.

Kefir and buckwheat

Buckwheat - hearty and useful product. It will help cleanse the body of excess fluid, toxins, waste, as well as excess weight. Buckwheat also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair, and helps the body fight stress. This cereal, compared to others, is the leader in copper content. The calorie content of buckwheat is quite high, but due to the fact that the substances included in this cereal are completely absorbed by the body, buckwheat is considered the best dietary product that is suitable for both adults and children. And, which is very valuable, it gives you a feeling of satiety, but does not harm your figure.

A fasting day on buckwheat and kefir helps not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse the intestines. There is no need to cook the porridge. It is better to leave the buckwheat to infuse the day before, pouring 400 ml of water and 1 cup of buckwheat. This will preserve the vitamins and minerals contained in buckwheat. The prepared porridge should be washed down with a glass of kefir. On a fasting day on buckwheat and kefir, reviews of which are extremely positive, you should not add salt or any spices to either the porridge or kefir. This will only add extra calories.

There will be no hunger on this day. A fasting day on buckwheat and kefir is considered filling and well tolerated.


According to reviews, fasting days on kefir are not suitable for everyone. In order not to harm your body, such unloading should not be carried out in cases of disease of the stomach or excretory system, with underweight and anorexia, during infectious colds, as well as for children under 16 years of age.

It is also prohibited to change your usual diet, exposing the body to severe stress, during menstruation, as well as during stressful situations such as changing jobs or places of residence. During pregnancy and lactation, the use of any diets and changes in the usual diet should be carried out exclusively in consultation with a doctor.

Don't overdo it

You cannot provide additional cleansing to the body by resorting to diuretics or laxatives. Such forced stimulation will harm the body and, moreover, put extra stress on the kidneys. It is strictly not recommended to interfere with the cleansing process that occurs with the help of kefir and any additives to it.

Oh, this review has been brewing for me for a long time. But just today I took a photo to show how much weight you can lose in one fasting day.

Background, very short

I was quietly on a diet, losing weight quickly and confidently, and then boom and a series of family holidays. She survived one, and then went... not into a binge, but into a glutton. In total, in a week I gained back as much as 3 kg. I understand that there is more water than fat. But it’s still unpleasant; after losing 11, I have no desire to return to my old weight. By the way, I lost them on this diet.

Let `s start?

I take low-fat kefir 0.1 or up to 1% fat and off I go! We drink and get thinner.

In general, I already practiced a fasting day not with kefir and apples, then with kefir and buckwheat. But I settled on pure. After apples, a terrible glutton wakes up, I want to eat an elephant. And buckwheat gets boring very quickly. At least that's how it is for me.

Kefir is a completely different story!!!

You can prepare a lot of all sorts of delicious things from it. Make yoghurts with sweeteners, add bran, which will help cleanse the body, I like souffles from it, and make a fat-burning cocktail. I have already talked about this and the kefir diet in more detail. I will not repeat myself. And the drink itself is very filling, we drink 150-200 grams every 2 hours and there is no feeling of hunger!

How much weight can you lose in one fasting day?

So, I started drinking kefir. I weighed myself on an empty stomach in the morning.

I drank, drank, ate, ate, devoured several servings of soufflé, made yogurt with bran, and drank some diet syrup. In total, 1.6 liters of kefir were used per day. It's supposed to be less, but I don't deny myself this product.

Next morning! Ta-dam!

Of course, I didn’t lose 1.9 kg of fat!

I just got rid of excess water, cleaned it a little and unloaded the body. It also tightened my stomach! This is exactly why I adore it. fasting days on kefir. After them, you no longer want to eat the first, second and third, and two servings each.

One! Just one day! Is it really that difficult?

It's difficult, especially in the evening. I want something boiled or harmful, not kefir. You need to pull yourself together, and not everyone can do this. But after a fasting day on kefir, you can easily start any diet or rebuild your diet.

And very important! From the second half of the fasting day, races to the toilet will begin. A lot of water will come out. Be sure to drink more fluids, don't forget. This will only be beneficial. My body itself asks for water, I constantly feel dry and drink at least 2 liters. But there are people for whom this is not the case.

Lose weight up to 1 kg in 1 day.
The average daily calorie content is 600 Kcal.

The kefir fasting day is very easy to carry out and quite effective, which is why it is deservedly very popular among many people who are losing weight. This is facilitated by the low calorie content of kefir (40 Kcal/100 grams). In one day of a fasting diet with kefir, you can lose up to 1.5 kg.

In what cases is kefir fasting day used?

1. To eliminate the consequences of overeating in holidays- for example, after two weeks of New Year holidays.
2. To maintain ideal weight without resorting to diets (carried out 1-2 times a month).
3. In order to shift the weight when it freezes in one place for a long time when carrying out any long-term or repeated diet (for example, Japanese) with a large overweight(plateau effect).

Kefir diet requirements for 1 day

It is advisable to limit the dinner before kefir day in terms of calorie content - preference for fruits or vegetables. Similarly, breakfast after a one-day kefir diet is also desirable to be light - vegetables, fruits, juices.

To carry out the kefir diet, you will need 1.5 liters of kefir. We buy the freshest kefir for the diet, no older than 3 days and with a short shelf life, up to 7-10 days, with a fat content of no more than 2.5%, ideally 0% or 1%. In addition to kefir, you can choose any other unsweetened fermented milk product - fermented baked milk, ayran, yogurt, koumiss or any other that is available in your area with the same fat and calorie content (about 40 Kcal/100 grams), and it can also be supplemented with dietary supplements.

During a one-day kefir diet, it is highly advisable to drink at least 1.5 liters of ordinary non-carbonated and non-mineralized water - you can also have tea, regular or green, but not fruit/vegetable juices.

Kefir diet menu for 1 day

In its pure version, the kefir fasting day is extremely simple - every 3 hours you need to drink a glass of kefir, for example at 8.00 the first glass, at 11.00 the second glass, and then at 14.00, 17.00, 20.00 and at 23.00 we drink all the remaining kefir.

The intervals can be either reduced or increased within 5-6 doses (for example, before bedtime or to get to the lunch break) - but so that the volume of kefir does not exceed 1.5 liters.

Menu options for kefir fasting day

There are more than 20 different options for kefir unloading, differing from each other in the amount of kefir and various additives. In all options, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of ordinary non-carbonated and non-mineralized water - you can also drink tea, regular or green.

All options are equally effective and have a wide variety of flavors, so we can and do choose according to our preferences.

1. Kefir-apple fasting day- you will need 1 liter of kefir and. During the day we drink kefir and eat apples, plus drink a glass of kefir at night.

2. Kefir diet for 1 day with honey and cinnamon- you will need 1.5 liters of kefir 1%, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. cinnamon, you can add a pinch of ground ginger. As in the pure version of the kefir fasting day, we drink a glass of the kefir mixture every three hours, stirring thoroughly before each use.

3. Kefir fasting day with bran- you will need 1 liter of kefir, 2 tbsp. bran (wheat or oat), mix and drink a glass of kefir mixture every three hours, shaking thoroughly before each use.

4. Kefir-curd fasting day- you will need 1 liter of kefir and 300 g of cottage cheese with a minimum fat content. During the day, every 4 hours we eat 2 tbsp. cottage cheese and drink a glass of kefir plus a glass of kefir before bed. Don't forget to drink at least 1.5 liters of water.

5. Kefir-curd fasting day with rosehip decoction- you will also need 1 liter of kefir and 300 g of cottage cheese, during the day we eat 2 tablespoons every 4 hours. cottage cheese and drink a glass of kefir plus a glass of kefir before bed. In addition, in the morning, brew a glass of rosehip infusion and drink half a glass in the morning and half a glass at lunch. This version of kefir fasting day contains a high dose of vitamin C, and is suitable during the recovery period after illness and during traditionally low-vitamin periods from mid-winter to late spring.

6. Kefir-curd fasting day with berries and/or honey- you will need 1 liter of kefir and 300 g of cottage cheese. Every 4 hours we eat 2 tbsp. cottage cheese mixed with 1 tbsp. any berries and 1 tsp. honey and drink a glass of kefir. Additionally, before going to bed, drink the remaining kefir.

7. Kefir-curd fasting day with rosehip decoction and sour cream you will need 1 liter of kefir and 300 g of cottage cheese. Every 4 hours we eat 1 tbsp. sour cream, 2 tbsp. cottage cheese and drink a glass of kefir. Also, in the morning, brew a glass of rosehip infusion and drink half a glass in the morning and at lunch. This option also contains a high dose of vitamin C, and is also best suited during the recovery period after illness and during traditionally low-vitamin periods from the end of winter. Compared to a kefir-curd fasting day with only rosehip decoction, this option is even easier to tolerate, because contains a significant amount of animal fat.

8. Kefir-cucumber fasting day- you will need 1 liter of kefir and. During the day, every 4 hours we eat either a cucumber salad (with any low-calorie sauce) or half a cucumber in its pure form. Half an hour after the cucumber, drink a glass of kefir. We drink the remaining kefir before bed.

9. Kefir-buckwheat fasting day- you will need 200 grams of buckwheat (1 glass) and 1 liter of kefir. Buckwheat is prepared according to the method of preparing cereals - in the evening, pour two glasses of boiling water over buckwheat and leave until the morning or brew in a thermos. Do not add salt or sweeten the resulting porridge, divide it into 4-5 portions and eat throughout the day. For every buckwheat meal, drink a glass of kefir. You can mix buckwheat and kefir in a blender until smooth and drink. Don't forget to drink at least 1.5 liters of water or tea.

10. Kefir diet for 1 day with juice- you will need 1 liter of kefir and 0.5 liters of any fruit or vegetable juice. Every 3 hours, alternately drink a glass of juice and a glass of kefir. For example, at 7.00 we drink juice, at 10.00 - kefir, at 13.00 - juice, at 16.00 - kefir, etc. The 3 hour interval can be changed from 2 to 4 hours.

11. Kefir-oat fasting day- you will need 1 liter of kefir and cereals instant cooking. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, brew porridge from 2 tbsp. cereal. Do not add salt to the porridge, but you can add half a teaspoon of honey. And we also drink a glass of kefir for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We drink the remaining kefir before bed. Additionally, you can drink any vitamin Herb tea. Don't forget to drink plain water - at least 1.5 liters.

12. Kefir fasting day with dried fruits- you will need 1 liter of kefir and 100 grams of any dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, apples, prunes, or a mixture). Dried fruits can be soaked in the evening, or can be consumed dry. Divide the dried fruits into 4 parts and eat each part after 4 hours and an additional glass of kefir. We drink the remaining kefir at night before bed. This menu option, like the rosehip option, contains a high dose of vitamins A, C and B, as well as potassium and iron. The end of winter and the beginning of spring is the time for this option.

13. Kefir-watermelon fasting day- from the products you will need 1 liter of kefir and. During the day, every 3 hours we alternately eat 150-200 grams of watermelon and drink a glass of kefir. For example, at 7.00 we eat watermelon, at 10.00 - kefir, at 13.00 - watermelon, at 16.00 - kefir, etc. Before going to bed, drink the remaining kefir.

14. Kefir-fruit fasting day- from the products you will need 1 liter of kefir and 0.5 kg of any fruit (for example, pears, peaches, etc.). Every 4 hours we eat one fruit and drink a glass of kefir. We drink the remaining kefir at night.

15. Kefir fasting day with vegetables- you will need 1 liter of kefir and 1 kg of any vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.). During the day, every 4 hours we eat 150-200 grams of vegetables either straight (tomato or cucumber) or in the form of a salad (use low-calorie sauces for dressing) and drink a glass of kefir. Before going to bed, drink the remaining kefir.

16. Kefir fasting day with fruits and vegetables- you will need 1 liter of kefir, 0.5 kg of any vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage) and any two fruits (pears, apples, peaches). Every 4 hours we eat 150-200 grams of vegetables or fruit and drink a glass of kefir. For example, at 7.00 cabbage salad + kefir, at 11.00 - apple + kefir, at 15.00 - cucumber + kefir, at 19.00 - peach + kefir. Before going to bed, drink the remaining kefir.

17. Kefir fasting day with cheese and vegetables- from the products you will need 1 liter of kefir, 70 g. cheese, 2 cucumbers, 1 tomato, cabbage. Every 4 hours we drink a glass of kefir and additionally cabbage salad in the morning, cheese for lunch, cucumber and tomato at 15.00 and cucumber at 19.00. As in other options, we drink the remaining kefir before going to bed.

18. Kefir diet for 1 day with chocolate- you will need 1 liter of kefir and 50 g (regular milk, bitter, white or chocolate bar with additives). Every 4 hours, eat a quarter of chocolate and drink a glass (200 g) of kefir. We drink the remaining kefir before bed.

19. Kefir fasting day with potatoes- from the products you will need 1 liter of kefir and 3 medium potatoes. Boil the potatoes or bake them in a slow cooker or oven. During the day, every 4 hours, a glass of kefir and for breakfast/lunch/dinner we eat a potato. Before going to bed, drink the remaining kefir.

20. Kefir fasting day with eggs- you will need 1 liter of kefir and 2 boiled eggs. Every 4 hours we drink a glass of kefir and an egg for breakfast and lunch. Before going to bed, drink all the remaining kefir.

21. Kefir fasting day with fish- you will need 1 liter of kefir and 300 g of boiled (or cooked in a slow cooker) any low-fat and tasty boiled fish. Do not add salt to the fish. Pike, perch, pike perch, burbot, river bream and hake, blue whiting, cod, horse mackerel, and sea pollock are suitable. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, we eat a third of the fish and drink a glass of kefir, and before going to bed we drink the remaining kefir.

Contraindications for a one-day kefir diet

The diet cannot be carried out:
1. for lactose intolerance in fermented milk products. This intolerance is quite rare; intolerance to dairy products is much more common, but even in this case kefir diet can be carried out on lactose-free fermented milk products;
2. during pregnancy;
3. under high physical activity;
4. during breastfeeding;
5. for some forms of diabetes;
6. for some forms of hypertension;
7. for some diseases gastrointestinal tract;
8. for gastritis with high acidity;
9. for deep depression;
10. in case of heart or kidney failure;
11. if you have recently surgical operations on the abdominal organs;

Anyway consult a doctor before starting a diet necessary.

Advantages of kefir fasting day

1. Restricting calories for 24 hours lowers blood sugar levels. Those. This 1-day diet may be recommended for some forms of diabetes.
2. Spending a fasting day on kefir has a beneficial effect on the entire body. It is ideal for fasting with a constant balanced diet.
3. Kefir with dietary supplements is characterized by pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and, in addition, dietary supplements help strengthen the immune system.
4. Suitable for shifting weight that has been frozen in one place during other longer or repeated diets.
5. Kefir improves your condition digestive tract due to the normalization of intestinal microflora.
6. The kefir diet can be recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, biliary tract, for hypertension and for the prevention of atherosclerosis.
7. A kefir fasting day will help you maintain your ideal weight without actually dieting and the accompanying sensations (if carried out periodically once every 2-3 weeks).

Disadvantages of the kefir diet for 1 day

1. Kefir fasting day is not a complete method of weight loss.
2. The effect of weight loss can be significantly reduced during menstrual periods.
3. Kefir as a product is not produced in some countries Western Europe, but for the diet you can also use other fermented milk products or yoghurts with a fat content of no more than 2.5%

Repeated kefir fasting day

As a method of maintaining weight within certain limits, a one-day kefir diet can and is sufficient to be carried out once every 2-3 weeks. The maximum frequency of this diet for the purpose of weight loss is every other day - this is the so-called striped diet.

Fasting days are a huge variety of options for the most different ways lose weight and cleanse your body in just one day. Of all of them, kefir day is perhaps the most popular, used more often than others for weight loss. A day like this on kefir is characterized by a huge number of benefits that can make the process of losing weight, if not pleasant, then at least easy and, which is especially important for any girl, effective, completely uncomplicated for the body.

Benefits of a fasting day

Kefir day really has a number of benefits based directly on the properties of the fermented milk product itself. Among them are:

  1. The minimum calorie content in kefir, a small percentage of fat content, which does not in any way affect the taste and quality of the product;
  2. Possibility to use practically unlimited amount kefir per day, which will not interfere with the weight loss process;
  3. Fasting days on kefir are presented in a variety of variations, allowing you to combine the fermented milk product with other foods, so such a day will definitely not suffer from monotony;
  4. Kefir can be easily turned into sour cream or cottage cheese, further diversifying the daily food menu, without changing the calorie or fat content of the product;
  5. A day on kefir will have a positive effect not only on your figure, but also on general condition health, will help cleanse the body of toxins, have a good effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and give a feeling of vigor and pleasant, noticeably palpable lightness throughout the body.

Disadvantages of the kefir diet

However, any fasting days on kefir also have peculiar disadvantages, which should not be forgotten when choosing this method of losing weight:

  1. Such fasting days, like the days of any mono-diets, cannot be repeated too often and cannot be delayed for too long; once or twice a month is enough; more frequent use of kefir cleansing diets can lead to unpleasant consequences;
  2. The smaller the variety of foods consumed per day, the better, so in order to lose weight, you should minimize all additional dishes and consume only kefir, but if you feel unwell, you need to add everyday food used on ordinary days to your diet;
  3. Despite the recommendations of some losing weight, talking yoghurts and other tasty kefir substitutes, fasting days should be exclusively natural food- fresh fruits and vegetables, pure kefir, without other ready-made treats from the store;
  4. Not all fruits are suitable for kefir day; you need to choose only dietary options, such as apples, citrus fruits, watermelons and others, giving up bananas, grapes and other fruits;
  5. Fasting days are also the days before and after the actual kefir day, so at this time you should also not overeat and it is better to give preference to everything light and natural, otherwise the weight loss effect will not manifest itself in any way.

In addition, a kefir fasting day is strictly contraindicated for several groups:

  1. children and teenagers;
  2. pregnant women, as well as those who have recently given birth;
  3. people with kidney diseases;
  4. people suffering from obesity of any degree, as well as with an established diagnosis of anorexia;
  5. people with serious stomach diseases, including gastritis.

Kefir products

From kefir you can easily get sour cream or soft cottage cheese, which will not differ in taste and consistency from store-bought products, but they will have a minimal amount of fat, as well as calories, which means they are ideal as the main menu for weight loss.

Sour cream is very easy to prepare. To do this, you need to freeze a package of kefir, leave it in the freezer overnight, and in the morning put the resulting ice in a sieve or colander, previously covered with three or four layers of paper napkins and gauze folded in several layers and placed in a deep bowl. In three to four hours, the whey will collect in the bowl, and sour cream will remain in the gauze. The thickness of the product can be adjusted by the duration of the whey draining - the longer this process is, the thicker the sour cream will be. Subsequently, during the kefir day, you can eat sour cream and drink whey. If the sour cream turns out to be very thick, you can simply dilute it with whey to the desired consistency.

Cottage cheese is prepared according to the same principle as sour cream, but it is kept in gauze for much longer, until it becomes soft, “mushy”, after which this product can be used as a food for weight loss. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it will be consumed separately or become the basis for dietary dishes.

Time to consume kefir

During a kefir day, no matter what fasting meal plans for weight loss are invented, you need to drink at least one liter of kefir, divided into 5-6 servings. Dietitians consider one and a half liters of fermented milk product, divided into six 250-milliliter servings, to be a more acceptable option, but the “dose” can be varied from a liter to two within the amount of product most acceptable to the body. In this case, the amount of water may be less than what is drunk on regular, non-fasting days.

If sour cream or cottage cheese is prepared from the same liter or two of kefir, they must be combined, on the contrary, with more water to restore balance in the body. You can add fruits, berries or any other dietary products to any meal, except the very last one, before bed.

You need to consume a glass of kefir every two to three hours, starting from the moment you wake up and ending about one and a half to two hours before bedtime. You need to completely give up tea, coffee and other usual drinks, especially alcohol, for at least a day of the diet, so that fasting days will benefit not only your figure, but your overall health, allowing you to take a break from the caffeine in coffee and from dehydration, which can lead to brings the same green tea.

Product combination

Any fasting nutrition program for the day consists of choosing a minimum amount of foods that are ideally combined with each other and are easily digestible. That is why you can choose no more than two additional products to accompany the fermented milk product, which will also be eaten per day. At the same time, all products must be consumed without salt, sugar and other additives, absolutely fresh, and not fried in a frying pan.

The following options for fruits and berries may be excellent:

  1. any citrus fruits, especially grapefruits;
  2. apples;
  3. watermelons;
  4. mango;
  5. blueberries and blueberries, cranberries;
  6. raspberries and strawberries;
  7. cherry;
  8. a small amount of dates;
  9. kiwi or fresh pineapple.

You can also eat some kind of vegetable, also choosing the most healthy and dietary option:

  1. celery;
  2. any leaf lettuce;
  3. carrot;
  4. cucumber;
  5. any kaputa;
  6. sweet potato;
  7. green beans.

A duet for kefir can be low-fat fish or chicken fillet, eggs, low-calorie grain cottage cheese. Any product requiring heat treatment It’s better to either bake without oil in foil, or cook in a water bath, avoiding frying and boiling, since these two cooking methods will either add extra calories or “extract” all possible useful material from the product. Buckwheat, which is also an excellent basis for a fasting day, can be a good addition, and the body can benefit from a few tablespoons of bran added to kefir. They will also help get rid of the feeling of hunger between glasses of kefir in case your appetite still noticeably makes itself felt.

Rules for holding a fasting day

To achieve a satisfactory, high-quality result and to avoid harm to health, you need to adhere to several simple rules, especially important for those who have chosen kefir day as a basis for weight loss:

  1. Kefir must be fresh, made a few days ago, completely natural without preservatives or other additives;
  2. You need to choose a product that is either completely low-fat or with a mass fraction of fat content not exceeding one percent;
  3. It is better to postpone the fasting day if you have recently had a cold or any other illness, and your general health does not allow you to give up your usual food for the whole day;
  4. If you regularly carry out a fasting day, you should not change kefir to any other product; it is better to leave this fermented milk drink as the basis for at least most planned fasting days, so the body will get used to them faster, and a sharp decrease in calories will not cause shock;
  5. Before the beginning dietary nutrition It’s better to change your entire diet a little and start eating a couple of days before losing weight large quantity soups and liquid cereals;
  6. You should not abuse the use of fasting days before important events, since the combination of a fasting day with a rather nervous environment caused by excitement before an important event can harm your overall health. On such a day of losing weight, it is better to generally minimize any physical activity and mental work; even a combination of diet with regular sports activity is very undesirable.
  7. Even when combining kefir with other products, the amount of fermented milk drink should exceed all other ingredients, and their total calorie content should not go beyond 1200 calories.

Of course, it’s very difficult to call a kefir day full, so you need to work hard to get through it, but the effect that such a short diet guarantees won’t keep you waiting. General cleansing of the body, lightness in the stomach and a certain amount of excess weight lost will certainly be a worthy result, justifying some time of a fairly strict hunger strike. After such a cleansing, you are unlikely to want to return to an unhealthy diet, and after just a month of regular fasting, the diet itself will certainly become more healthy and natural.

A fasting day on kefir for weight loss is an excellent option to improve the functioning of the digestive system and get rid of unnecessary pounds in a short period of time. With this fermented milk product you can lose 2 kg in one day.


Fasting days are useful not only because they allow you to effectively and quickly lose excess weight. They are excellent prevention of certain diseases.

Benefits of kefir:

  • the content of beneficial bacteria in the product helps improve;
  • restoration of intestinal microflora;
  • improves metabolism;
  • promotes restoration of microflora;
  • toxic substances are removed from the body;
  • strengthens bones;
  • saturates the body.

Fermented milk products contain a huge amount of calcium, which helps regulate energy metabolism. The technique will be useful for people who suffer from diseases such as hypertension and atherosclerosis.

How much can you lose: result

Using kefir fasting days, you can lose from 0.5 to 3 kg. This result is achieved due to the fact that kefir helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste. To consolidate the result, you must be committed to a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating.

How to properly unload on kefir

A fasting day involves consuming kefir, which contains the lowest percentage of fat. How much do you need to consume this fermented milk product so as not to feel hungry and not overdo it? The daily norm is 1.5 liters. You can drink any amount of liquid during the day.

It is necessary to distribute the daily intake into small portioned plates - 200 ml each. It must be taken every two hours throughout the day until 20:00. At intervals you can drink mineral water, unsweetened.

Kefir + apples

Apples are a real treasure needed by a person organic substances and fiber, which will make you feel full. That is why the combination of kefir and apples is very popular among those who care so much about their appearance and health. This method is very effective because the plumb line can often be 1.5 kg.

In order for the fasting day to bring maximum benefits, you need to divide 1.5 liters of kefir into 5 equal parts and eat it throughout the day, adhering to uniform time intervals.

Servings of fermented milk product must be combined with the consumption of a medium unsweetened apple.

Kefir with cucumbers

A very successful summer release. During the day, consume 1 liter of kefir and 1 kg of cucumbers. However, there is no need to limit yourself to consuming only these products separately.

100-150 ml of fermented milk product for a snack will only be beneficial.

Kefir + buckwheat

By correctly combining portions of kefir and buckwheat, a positive result will definitely appear, and you will not feel hungry:

  1. In the evening, 160 g of buckwheat should be poured with 120 g of boiling water. Then, cover the container with a lid and wrap it tightly with a towel.
  2. When you wake up, divide the contents into 5 equal parts.
  3. Consume these portions throughout the day, maintaining equal time intervals between doses.

In this case, you need to wash down the buckwheat with a portion of kefir. During breaks, drink herbal tea or mineral water.

Cottage cheese with kefir

This method of losing extra pounds is no less effective, and lovers of fermented milk products will enjoy it.

During the day you can eat 400 g of cottage cheese, drink daily norm kefir and the same amount of mineral water or herbal tea.

Kefir + banana

Thinking about high energy value This exotic fruit, many are hesitant to use it for weight loss.

But, according to nutritionists, eating this fruit is a very successful and profitable decision. The dietary fiber contained in bananas will speed up the digestion of food, and fructose eliminates the desire to indulge in sweets.

It is acceptable to eat no more than 3 bananas throughout the day: morning, afternoon and evening. Drink your daily dose of low-fat kefir, remembering to divide it into portions (5-6 servings).

You can diversify your diet by making a light salad and cocktail.

Kefir with tomatoes

Tomatoes also effectively cope with the task of unloading; it is not for nothing that they are classified as vegetables with a negative calorie content. Thus, using them with kefir, the result can be minus 1-1.5 kg per day.

How to spend a fasting day: divide 2 kg of tomatoes into 4 equal parts, alternating each portion with one glass of fermented milk product.

Rice-kefir unloading

Divide cooked rice porridge and 700 grams of kefir into 5 servings and consume at regular intervals during the day. It is recommended to warm kefir a little so that it is better absorbed.

If it is difficult to adhere to the strict rules of this technique, then the rice-kefir menu is an ideal option.

On kefir and beets

Kefir and beets are a very worthy combination. Beets can have a laxative effect, and together with kefir they can either enhance the effect or bring digestion to a state of stability.

Kefir and beets in combination are a successful remedy for losing excess weight. Beets, which have a laxative effect, enhance their properties with the help of kefir, or help normalize digestion.

Systematic consumption of beets helps improve blood, because this vegetable is a source of hemoglobin.

During the day you need 1 liter of kefir and 0.5 kg of beets. Taking it more than 3 times a day is not recommended. For the remaining time, consume kefir.

Exit from fasting day

You should not overload your stomach with heavy food. Better to eat:

  • light soups;
  • fresh vegetable slices;
  • porridge;
  • white meat (poultry);
  • lean fish.

Eating kefir is useful not only during fasting. Nutritionists recommend drinking the product daily during snacks.

Fatty and high-calorie foods will not benefit either the internal or external state of the body. Therefore, it is better to refuse it, then the effectiveness of fasting days will increase.

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