Valentine's Day greeting cards. A bright collection of congratulations in pictures for Valentine's Day. Collection of beautiful Valentine's cards for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day has recently become a holiday for us.

But this is a very bright holiday, since there is a reason to once again say words of love to your loved one.

And if these words are in poetry, and even accompanied by a beautiful postcard, then it’s doubly pleasant.

Beautiful greeting cards, congratulations and wishes for Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

I hasten to congratulate you.

Smile more

I ask you on this day.

Toast to love

Love leads through deserts

And through the mountain ranges,

And it doesn’t get cold in the wind,

And he's not afraid of heights.

Because we care about blood,

My toast, of course, is to love!

Playing dangerously with feelings,

We're both very strange

Already reached the edge

And not crazy.

And I won’t hide my desire, -

I just don’t know - what are we waiting for?

When in the end with you

We'll still go crazy!..

I want you to be young in life

The road you took

Didn't become a narrow path,

I wish you more love with me,

Huge, pure, like a tear,

And to smile in life

Your happy eyes!

Congratulations for your loved one

My dear, gentle, dear,

My best and favorite!

My affectionate, so dear

And so necessary in life!

Let me tell you that I

Warmed by the warmth of your soul,

And the star of love, grief,

Life illuminates with a wondrous light!

For your sweet smile

For your brown eyes

Angels fight in heaven

And on earth I suffer!

Declaration of love

It's not easy to confess love,

And right away I want to start:

I dream of waking up with you,

I dream of kissing you.

I thank fate for the look.

And finally, plucking up the courage,

I will say the cherished “I love you.”

Congratulations for your beloved

I love you, you know it

You drown in my love,

I live and breathe by you,

I hasten to meet you!

I can't help but love you

Living without you is like living without air,

Stay close to me,

I will warm you with love, with a warm look.

I love you with all my heart,

Feelings get stronger day by day

You are my life, my soul,

I'm ready to do anything for you.

Let me be next to you,

I won't insult you even with a glance,

After all, for me you are the Queen,

There is no more beautiful maiden on earth...

How strange, but how sweet it is:

When you're next to me,

No heat or light needed

Neither purity, nor beauty;

No need for sweet, loud songs...

I don’t divide happiness into parts -

I have simple but capacious

Three words: I love you!

Valentine's Day is a great occasion to tell you that I love you. Yes, I often repeat these words, but today is special - words of love are spoken today by hundreds, thousands, millions of loving hearts, the air itself seems to be saturated with a fabulous love aura. I love you. I know this, I feel it with every cell of my body, with all my soul. I love you. I pronounce these words constantly, like a mantra, sincerely believing that they protect you from everything bad and evil, protect and help you. I love you. All the power of my feelings, desires, aspirations is in simple three words. On Valentine's Day, I say three very important words in every life - I love you, and I believe that my love will be your life talisman.

I'm not shy, because there is no shame

To confess your love.

On the contrary: I'm happy and proud

I confess to you with howling feelings!

I'm trembling in anticipation of an answer,

And, addressing you in the words of a poet,

I beg you for mutual love,

May my feelings be answered!

Even those who speak out loud about the uselessness of this holiday, deep down dream of receiving a romantic gift or delighting a loved one with a tender surprise, are constantly looking for a postcard for February 14th.

It inspires the most practical and inspires the calmest to madness, makes them forget about age and remember the beautiful. Of course, we are talking about Valentine's Day. But even the most expensive gift cannot replace the sign of attention that was created.

Everything made by hand is made with love

Many people are afraid of crafts of any kind because they believe that they “can’t do it.” But to make a postcard for February 14, you don’t need any special skills or special materials - if it looks naive, a little childish, it will be received even more gratefully. And if you consider that such a homemade card will definitely contain the feelings of the person who made it, then its value will be greater than any expensive decoration. What do you need for such a wonderful gift?

Unusual cards for Valentine's Day: a miracle of buttons

To make a creative and touching card, you can successfully use... ordinary buttons. In general, they are very often used not only for their intended purpose, but also to create unusual things. Such cards for February 14, decorated with an applique of buttons laid out in the shape of a heart, look cute and spontaneous, and also very cozy.

The delightful button applique can be made in a single color (for example, traditional red) or multi-colored - as desired. Any postcards from February 14th are an opportunity to show your imagination and put not only your hands, but also your heart into making them.

An excellent option is to take buttons of several colors and stick them in this way: the outline is one color, inside it is a row of another, then a third, and so on until the very middle.

It is not necessary, however, to make a heart. The button tree is also very beautiful and creative. The trunk can be made from rope, a piece of vine, or simply drawn. Your postcard for February 14th will certainly be received with delight.

The button bouquet looks no less cute. To make a flower for him, you need to take a small button, wire and cardboard petals. With a wire stretched through both holes of the button, the petals are attached to this “base”, and the wire itself forms the stem. A few of these flowers - and the bouquet is ready. We made it ourselves and it is beautiful!

Beaded cards for February 14th – pure radiance of feelings

Many beginning needlewomen are “afraid” of beads - they are small, fragile and quite difficult to work with. But at the same time, the products that are created from it amaze the imagination. With its help, you can not only weave and embroider, but also make very beautiful and unusual postcards for February 14th with your own hands.

One of the options is a heart glued to cardboard, shining with the edges of beads. It is easy to make from beads of the same color strung on wire. Then a heart is bent from such beaded wire, which is glued to the card. This heart and a beautiful, sincere inscription in the middle will make the card one of a kind.

Valentine's Day cards with beaded sprinkles also look great. Making one is more than simple: you just need to apply a design on a cardboard blank (From a simple heart to more complex shapes), and then apply glue to the places necessary to secure the beads. After they are sprinkled with the material of the chosen color and it is securely glued, the unnecessary residues are carefully swept away with a soft brush, and the gaps are again carefully filled with glue and filled with beads of the appropriate shade.

Creative Valentine's Day Cards: My Heart Is Here, Guard It Well

If you have some skills with fondant, which can be purchased at craft stores, this is a great material for a festive heart that can be used to make Valentine's Day cards.
This mastic is similar to plasticine, so giving it a suitable shape is not difficult, and then the finished product can be decorated in any way you like - with buttons, beads, even rhinestones. To make the finished heart firm, you need to bake it in the oven - three minutes will be enough.

But making it worthy of a Valentine's Day card is a task that requires a little more time. To add shine, you need to polish it with fine sandpaper, rub it well with a piece of jeans and cover it with varnish (for nails or furniture). There will be no shame in attaching the finished heart to a postcard with tender words of love.

Touching happiness: unusual do-it-yourself postcards for February 14

Beads, buttons, mastic - the materials are beautiful and interesting, but some people find them a little cold. We will not challenge this statement, we will simply offer an alternative.

Naturally, Valentine's Day cards should be cute, so a candy pocket, a knitted heart, or a fabric applique will not only decorate the card, but also make it cozy.

Another creative and beautiful decoration option that you can make for Valentine's Day is a lotus flower. It is made from ribbon for wrapping flowers. To make a module for such a flower, you need to take four strips of ribbon thirteen centimeters long and bend them so that the third part of the length is at the top. By pulling the ends, a lotus flower is assembled from such modules, which is then attached to a cardboard heart. It is unlikely that you will find similar postcards for February 14 anywhere.

How to make a lotus flower with your own hands

This flower can decorate any Valentine's Day card.

Cardboard and textiles - recognition without words (Step-by-step instructions)

You will get a gentle and romantic card if you use textile components. For such a card you will need paper (white and red), white lace, red satin ribbon and red thread, double-sided tape and glue. You need to cut out three hearts of the same shape but different sizes from paper: the largest and smallest - from red and the middle one - from white. You need to do this twice. For postcards on February 14 to tell about feelings, the heart is an ideal option.

Now they need to be glued in descending order onto a white cardboard base so that there is room for another triple heart. After this, they need to be “connected” with a red bow made of satin ribbon, and the base of the February 14 card should be decorated with lace at the bottom and a ribbon at the top, securing them with tape. The composition will be completed by flagella twisted from threads, which are attached so as to look like balloon threads.

These Valentine's Day cards can tell you how you feel, even if you don't write anything. Such recognition is sometimes worth more than a thousand words.

There is love in the picture

Pictures from postcards? On Valentine's Day, not such miracles are possible. In order to give your loved one a real miracle, you need to make cards for February 14th with your own hands - for example, make a tree from scraps of newspaper and glue heart-shaped leaves on it.

Another great idea is to cut out a palm from a magazine cover, glue it onto a cardboard base and decorate it with delicate hearts, which are cut out from the same material as the palm, but only in light colors.

You don't have to spend a lot of money to please your loved one. It’s better to take the time to make postcards for February 14 by hand - and this will definitely appreciate who your product is intended for, the words written on it and the heart beating reverently in its presence.

Other cards for Valentine's Day

A non-financial, but at the same time very effective way to congratulate your soulmate is a postcard from many “I’s”.

Don’t be lazy to decorate sweets beautifully for the holiday:

Very beautiful postcards are obtained if you use gouache and a stencil.

In these cases, a sponge is used for painting.

Step-by-step instructions: DIY postcard with voluminous hearts

Using a shaped hole punch, we make hearts from prepared scrapbooking paper. Place them on the base (2 hearts for each position).

All that remains is to bend the top hearts and your Valentine's Day card is ready! With our own hands we created such a small miracle.

Card with confetti for Valentine's Day (photo instructions)

Cut out a heart-shaped window on the front of the card.

Prepare the confetti using a hole punch (any paper or newspaper will do). Cut out two identical rectangles from transparent polyethylene.

Now we will make a bag for confetti from prepared polyethylene rectangles, fill it with confetti and secure the bag in front of the window.

Secure the bag with tape and hide it with another sheet of paper.

All that remains is to write the words for your loved one, place the card in an envelope and hand it to the recipient on Valentine's Day!

Master Class: how to make a 3D Postcard for February 14

Video: how to make a “Heart in the Window” postcard

Cool card for Valentine's Day (Video)

Original postcard for Valentine's Day (Master Class)

Valentine's Day is a relatively new holiday for us, but it has already managed to win the love of millions of trembling hearts. It is celebrated annually on February 14, following a long and merry series of New Year's celebrations. But unlike winter Christmastide, when snowflakes, Christmas trees and tinsel are visible everywhere, on Valentine’s Day the eye is drawn by the invasion of cute hearts, funny bears, beautiful flowers and scarlet greeting cards. Among all these elements of romance, it is the latter that remain a constant attribute of the holiday from year to year. Perhaps that’s why not a single congratulation is complete without valentines, and maybe cards for Valentine’s Day February 14, 2018 - The best way confess your feelings or remind them once again. Bright and colorful, with congratulatory inscriptions and poems touching to tears, rectangular or heart-shaped - they are always associated with something bright, sincere and kind. With genuine love, probably! Don't be left out: download for free, print and give a Valentine's card to your other half for Valentine's Day.

Beautiful greeting cards for Valentine's Day on February 14

Traditional beautiful greeting card for Valentine's Day (February 14) is filled with important symbols. It is customarily decorated with: hearts - as a sign of love and spiritual affection, Cupid - the son of the magnificent goddess of love, red roses - Venus's favorite flowers, lace - as a sign of tenderness and romance, as well as rings, doves and other elements symbolizing the unity of hearts. Most often, greeting cards for Valentine's Day (February 14) are made in the shape of a heart and in a very small size, but electronic versions of Valentine cards can be very different.

Collection of beautiful valentines for congratulations on February 14

Valentine's Day cards: free download for printing

The very first Valentine is just under 500 years old. The greeting card was made in the form of a secret love message and became the ancestor of today's popular cardboard cards with holiday inscriptions and wish poems. Back in the 19th century, the serial production of black and white pictures for Valentine's Day was launched and their cost was quite impressive, unlike today's cards, which can be downloaded and printed for free. Over time, valentines changed in every possible way, but their popularity did not decrease, but only grew.

If you want the best Valentine's Day cards, you can download them for free to print in the next section.

The best Valentine's Day cards for free download

The best cards with inscriptions for a girl on Valentine's Day on February 14

Valentine's Day is a difficult holiday, so congratulations should be unusual. For example, a romantic gift in the form of a trip to a restaurant or a hot air balloon flight, as well as a cute souvenir and a bouquet of fragrant flowers. The best card with inscriptions for a girl on Valentine's Day on February 14 will perfectly complement the overall picture. Unlike guys, girls are maximalists, which means additional signs of attention will be very useful. In addition, Valentine's card is an integral attribute of the Valentine's Day. Download in advance the best card with messages for your girlfriend on Valentine's Day (February 14), so you don't have to buy template cards at the last minute.

Collection of cards for girls on Valentine's Day (February 14)

Suitable cards for Valentine's Day on February 14th for a guy

Men are not as sentimental as girls. But that's no reason to deprive guys of suitable cards for Valentine's Day (February 14). Of course, you should give up pictures with cats, bunnies and plush hearts, giving way to less romantic and more suitable cards for Valentine's Day on February 14th for a guy. We have collected the best of them in the next section: choose and download!

A selection of valentines for February 14, suitable for congratulating a guy

Cool and funny to tears cards for Valentine's Day on February 14

On this wonderful holiday of all lovers, the atmosphere is filled not only with romance and tenderness, but also with joy and fun. Warm hugs and frank declarations of feelings are replaced by cheerful time together and friendly gatherings in a club, cafe or home environment. This means that congratulations can be not only serious and lyrical, but also cool and funny, like the cards for Valentine’s Day (February 14) from our next section.

Gallery of cool and funny cards for Valentine's Day (February 14, 2018)

Bright cards for Valentine's Day in English (with congratulations and poems)

For fans Western culture For Valentine's Day, you will need bright cards with congratulations and poems in English. IN Lately foreign valentines have become even more popular among teenagers and young adults. And, accordingly, the variety of them has increased significantly. Today, everyone who wants to please their soulmate can choose the most ideal bright card for Valentine's Day on English language(with congratulations and poems), download it in two clicks and send it to the recipient’s mobile or email. What could be simpler!

Bright valentines in English with beautiful inscriptions or poems

A postcard for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 is the most charming way to convey your feelings to your loved one, confess your secret or once again confirm your affection. At the same time, a beautiful greeting card for a guy or girl does not have to be lyrical with poems touching to tears. Funny Valentine's card for Valentine's Day with funny inscriptions and funny congratulations no less pleasant on such a bright holiday. Choose the most suitable option from our gallery, download for free and print in advance on paper or bright cardboard.

Love is the strongest, brightest and most beautiful feeling in the world, because it is what pushes people to achieve achievements and deeds, makes them become better people and brings true happiness. Romantic, family and friendly love fills the soul of each of us with light and warmth and gives confidence in the need of other people. And February 14, 2018 is the day when each of us can and even should show our feelings to our loved ones. On this day, the whole world celebrates Valentine's Day, and it has long been a tradition on February 14 to give a gift to your husband or wife, your beloved girlfriend or boyfriend, best friends and close relatives cards for Valentine's Day. Moreover, thanks to the Internet, you don’t have to buy postcards at all - the Internet has an almost limitless selection of beautiful pictures with inscriptions for friends and loved ones. And here we have selected the best funny and romantic cards for Valentine's Day, which you can download for free.

Beautiful cards to your beloved for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

Girls love romance and attention, so on February 14, 2018, every representative of the fair sex will expect from her chosen one a beautiful postcard for Valentine’s Day, a declaration of love, and a romantic surprise. And all loving boys and men will definitely please their beloved with gifts and tender words, because Valentine’s Day is a holiday of the triumph of love and the sincere expression of their romantic feelings.

The best cards for Valentine's Day for a girl

To make it easier for men to find the most beautiful picture with congratulations to their girlfriend or wife, here we have collected and posted the best cards for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 to their beloved.

Download free Valentine's Day cards for men

Even in past centuries, when society in Western countries was much more conservative than today, on February 14, girls and women were allowed to be the first to confess their feelings and show their love to a man. Therefore, it is not surprising that modern girls On this day they rush to congratulate their chosen ones and once again assure them of their love. And if your loved one is not around on this day, it doesn’t matter - girls can download Valentine’s Day cards for free and send them to a man.

Free cards for men on February 14

Here representatives of the fair sex will find the most beautiful cards with congratulations to their beloved men. All Valentine's Day cards below can be downloaded from our website for free.

Cards with congratulations on Valentine's Day to your husband

Many netizens are engaged in drawing e-cards, and while for some it is a source of income, for others it is a hobby. And it is not surprising that many married women they create beautiful Valentine's Day cards for their husbands to please their spouse, as well as to demonstrate their talent to all network users. All representatives of the fair sex can download such pictures and send them to their “soul mates”, especially since the choice of postcards for February 14th for the husband is so large that choosing an original Valentine’s card will not be difficult.

A selection of postcards from February 14 for your husband

Our website contains a small selection of postcards for Valentine's Day to your husband with heartfelt congratulations on this romantic holiday.

Funny cards for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

Laughter is a manifestation of joy and happiness and a way to prolong life, and lovers often strive to make each other laugh and give positive emotions to their loved ones. Therefore, postcards for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 will be no less popular than romantic pictures. Such funny cards with funny inscriptions will not only show love and affection, but will also definitely bring a smile to the recipient’s lips. And despite the fact that funny postcards may not seem very romantic at first glance, it is still possible to send your warmth and the brightest and most sincere feelings to your loved ones.

Collection of funny cards for February 14, 2018

Download original funny cards Happy Valentine's Day, to congratulate your loved ones on February 14, 2018, here.

Cards for friends and girlfriends on Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

On Valentine's Day, it is customary to congratulate not only lovers, but also friends. And this is quite correct, because people feel almost the same towards friends and girlfriends. strong love, as to brothers and sisters. Therefore, Happy Valentine’s Day cards on February 14, 2018 for friends should definitely be sent to all girlfriends, friends and good acquaintances.

Valentine's Day cards for friends

We have made a small selection of beautiful Valentine's Day cards for friends so that all users can download them from our website on February 14, 2018 and send them to loved ones.

Happy Valentine's Day greeting cards with inscriptions

Beautiful cards Happy Valentine's Day with inscriptions - poems and declarations of love can touch the soul and evoke a whole range of positive feelings in the recipient. Such postcards will tell about the feelings of the sender and give the recipients a feeling of happiness and faith in happy love and the patronage of St. Valentine.

Musical card for Valentine's Day

Paper and electronic Valentine's Day cards with romantic inscriptions dedicated to your beloved husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend have long become in the classic way Happy Valentine's Day. But in addition to such familiar postcards, on the Internet you can find and download for free funny postcards for February 14, 2018 for friends and loved ones, which are a romantic music video greeting. And all visitors to our site can watch one of these video cards here.

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