Nutrition and body weight correction. Introduction. About the dangers of crash diets. Basics of proper balanced nutrition

Sample fasting diets.

Methods for correcting excess body weight and treating obesity can be classified into:

Medication - carried out in combination with non-medicinal methods by medical specialists (nutritionist, endocrinologist, etc.) or together with attending physicians or doctors of medical prevention offices/departments, health centers;

Surgical - carried out according to special indications in a surgical hospital by surgeons together with nutritionists, endocrinologists, etc.

The goal of correcting excess body weight is to reduce the Quetelet index to 25 kg/m, waist circumference for men less than 94 cm, for women less than 80 cm.

The intermediate goal for obesity, especially with a significant degree, is the Quetelet index below 30 kg/m2, waist circumference for men less than 102 cm, for women less than 88 cm.

Target weight loss for obesity is determined individually, but it is advisable to strive (in the absence of contraindications) to the general target level. It is important to take into account the total cardiovascular risk.

The initial appointment is focused on determining the indications for correcting excess weight and choosing tactics, including determining the type of obesity, intensity and duration, and associated pathological conditions.

The initial assessment should include an assessment of preventive behavior patterns. The concept of “preventive behavior model” includes an assessment of the patient’s attitude towards identified excess weight gain (obesity), the desire to reduce weight gain and the willingness to follow medical prescriptions and advice. Experience scientific research shows that the predicted success in reducing excess weight is more often observed in patients with an active attitude towards their health, who have a desire to improve their health, but feel the need for medical care, because they understand that it will not be easy for them to cope with the problem on their own (model of perceived need for medical care).

The initial appointment of a patient with overweight/obesity can be carried out either by the attending physician or in a medical prevention office/health center.

Most patients with excess weight express a desire to normalize weight, but not in all cases this desire is conscious and associated with the desire to “act.” Such patients may be advised to consult a psychologist (if possible). At the same time, a medical preventive doctor must have basic skills in conducting motivational consultations with the preventive goal of increasing the conscious attitude towards the health and wellness of patients with behavioral risk factors, which include eating habits (eating behavior). It is in this regard that at the initial appointment you should pay attention to assessing the patient’s desire to reduce excess weight, which is established by a simple survey method. If the patient does not have such a desire, then at the first stage he needs to undergo at least a brief consultation, in which it is important to provide information about the need to control body weight and maintain it at an optimal level. Based on the examination, already at the initial appointment, persons with absolute and relative contraindications are excluded. These patients (or their relatives) are interviewed and given health education material in the form of leaflets, leaflets, brochures, reference materials, etc. Persons with normal BW also receive brief advice on healthy eating and body weight control. Patients who express a desire to reduce excess weight, but have a number of contraindications, can be offered, if possible, individual tactics.

Persons who are practically healthy, but overweight (BMI in the range of 25.0-29.9), who do not have additional other risk factors (smoking, dyslipidemia, impaired carbohydrate tolerance, etc.) are invited for group counseling (health schools) or they are recommended to have a repeat visit; the content of the consultation at the return visit is similar to the topic of the lesson at the Health School for excess weight gain.

Persons with a BMI >30.0 with a diagnosis of obesity and persons with excess weight (BMI 25.0-29.9) with concomitant risk factors are scheduled for follow-up visits, they undergo repeated supportive counseling and body weight monitoring.

It is possible to prescribe additional drugs (strictly according to indications) against the background of diet therapy and/or surgical treatment. If necessary, consultations with other specialists are prescribed: endocrinologist, psychotherapist, reflexologist, exercise therapy doctor, surgeon, etc. Self-monitoring of MT is recommended for all patients.

Drug correction of obesity
The use of drugs is indicated for:

Ineffectiveness of diet therapy and other methods of non-drug intervention;

Complicated forms of obesity (treatment of concomitant pathologies);

With a BW index of more than 30 kg/m or more in any case and an index of 27 kg/m or higher in the presence of AO or risk factors and concomitant diseases. You can immediately prescribe drug therapy along with a diet.

Secondary obesity, when there is a pathology of the endocrine system (treatment of the underlying pathology).

All drugs prescribed to obese patients are used strictly according to indications and contraindications. Contraindications for drug treatment are: childhood; pregnancy; a history of serious side effects when using drugs of a similar type; simultaneous use drugs with a similar mechanism of action

Medicines used for obesity are divided into the following groups:

Directly used for obesity

Hormones that improve metabolism

Vitamins, amino acids and minerals to help balance a reduced diet

Symptomatic drugs: antihypertensive, diuretic, laxatives, hepatotropic, antidiabetic, hypolipemic, etc.

According to the mechanism of action, drugs of group 1 for the treatment of obesity can be divided into 2 subgroups:

Centrally acting, appetite suppressants: anorectics acting on adrenergic serotonergic structures (specific drugs and their dosages are determined by the attending physician, since there are contraindications to the use of each of them)

Gastrointestinal agents that reduce food absorption: orlistat is a pancreatic lipase inhibitor. Reduces fat absorption by 30%. Prescribed by a doctor in an individual dose for each patient.

Treatment with orlistat can be continued for up to 6 months under medical supervision. Repeated courses are possible. From the point of view of evidence-based medicine, there is no information about their effective and safe long-term use.

Surgical methods of correction for obesity.

Invasive conservative (plasmapheresis, hemosorption, etc.) and surgical (gastroplasty, formation of a “small” stomach, intestinal resection, etc. methods) more often are used according to strictly defined vital indications, when there is high degree of obesity, with a body mass index of more than 35 and associated risk factors and/or diseases that cannot be corrected conservatively and/or occur with typical complications (secondary endocrine disorders, spinal hernia, severe coxoarthrosis and etc.).

More gentle operations of liposuction, liporesection with abdominal wall plastic surgery, etc. have more cosmetic value and can be performed in the absence of well-known general surgical contraindications, at the request of the patient.

It is known that the physical development of a person as a process of change and formation of morphological and functional properties depends on heredity, and on living conditions, as well as on physical education from the moment of birth. Of course, not all signs of physical development are equally amenable to correction at student age: the most difficult thing is height (more correctly, body length), much easier is body mass (weight) and certain anthropometric indicators (chest circumference, hips, etc.). ).

In this work we will look at what means and methods physical culture every student who wishes can correct and maintain normal their anthropometric indicators, in particular body weight.

Prospects for developing an ideal figure depending on your body type

wellness physique physical regimen

Unlike height, body mass (weight) is subject to significant changes in both directions with regular exercise in certain activities. physical exercise or sports (with a balanced diet).

Before you start training, you need to accurately assess your data: general state health, heart readiness for physical activity and body type. People with various types body types respond differently to the same training system. What will give great results for one may not work for another.

As is known, normal body weight is closely related to human height. The simplest height-weight indicator is calculated using the formula: height (cm) - 100 = weight (kg). The result shows normal body weight for a person of this height. However, this formula is only suitable for adults with a height of 155-165 cm. With a height of 165-175 cm, you need to subtract 105, with a height of 175-185, subtract 110.

You can also use the weight-height indicator (Ketley index). In this case, dividing body weight (in g) by height (in cm) gives the quotient, which should be about 350-420 for men and 325-410 for women. This indicator indicates excess or lack of body weight.

Directed changes in body weight are quite accessible at student age. The problem is different - you need to change your usual lifestyle. Therefore, the prevention or treatment of obesity is largely a psychological problem. But whether or not you need to significantly change your body weight, you decide for yourself when assessing the proportionality of your body. All that remains is to choose the types of sports (exercises) for regular exercise, especially since some types contribute to weight loss (all cyclic - running for medium and long distances, cross-country skiing, etc.), others can help “gain” body weight (weightlifting, artistic gymnastics, kettlebell lifting, etc.).

The true anthropometric proportionality of the human body, recognized by both anatomists and biodynamic specialists, is based on the views of the ancient Hellenes, whose cult of the human body was quite high. This was especially clearly reflected in the classical proportions of the works of ancient Greek sculptors. Their development of body proportions was based on units of measure equal to one or another part of the human body. This unit of measure, called the module, is the height of the head. According to Polycletus, the height of the head for a normal human figure should be eight times the height of the body. So, according to the “square of the ancients,” the span of outstretched arms is equal to the height of the body. The length of the thigh fits four times the height of height, etc.

Main body types

  • * asthenic (ectomorphic);
  • * hypersthenic (endomorphic);
  • * normosthenic (mesomorphic).

The issue of weight is extremely important in many sports. For some athletes (basketball, rugby, etc.) an increase in body weight (provided that this increase is the result of growth muscle mass) provides obvious advantages. Others, on the contrary, have to reduce body weight before the competition. Many sports involve organizing competitions based on weight categories. These include bodybuilding, boxing, equestrianism, martial arts, rowing, barbell, and wrestling. In addition, there is a group of sports in which, although the concept of “weight category” is not used, a certain body type of the athlete is assumed and traditionally this is, as a rule, a small weight of the athlete. This group includes sports such as gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, dancing, long-distance running, etc.

The problems facing athletes from both groups of sports are the same. According to the usual criteria, an athlete may not be overweight, but for a certain sport or for the weight category in which the athlete performs, his body weight may exceed the permissible norm. The demands of a sport often lead to an athlete trying to lose weight at any cost. This often happens to the detriment of physical performance and overall health. The basic rule for an athlete is that any attempt at weight loss should be aimed at achieving a weight and body mass composition that is optimal for health and physical performance. In addition, any weight loss program must contain an educational component. Otherwise violations eating behavior, diets, various drugs weight loss products that have flooded the market are becoming an inevitable practice, from which athletes are not protected.

1. The benefit is not weight, but health and fitness:
- do not set a goal to achieve an unrealistic weight (it is useful, first of all, to answer the questions: have you ever maintained the weight you want to achieve without resorting to diets; what was the last weight you maintained; are there any prerequisites for weight loss improve physical fitness, etc.);
- pay more attention not to weight, but to body composition and lifestyle;
- prevent rapid weight loss;
- monitor changes in physical performance and general condition that accompany weight loss.

2. Changing diet and eating behavior:
- do not starve and do not allow an excessive reduction in calorie intake (at least 1200-1500 kcal for women and at least 1500-1800 kcal for men);
- moderately reduce energy consumption and change the diet so that it is acceptable and achievable with your lifestyle;
- do not set unrealistic nutrition rules and do not regularly deprive yourself of your favorite foods;
- reduce fat consumption;
- eat more whole grains and grains, vegetables and fruits, increase the amount of dietary fiber in the diet to 25 or more grams per day;
- do not skip meals and avoid excessive hunger; have breakfast, as this will help you avoid overeating later;
- nutrition before training (competition) must be adequate;
- plan ahead for the possibility of snacks, take some if necessary healthy foods Always take with you high-carbohydrate foods after intense physical activity;
- know your weaknesses, such as: do you eat more when you are excited, upset, depressed? Can you hold on in a situation where there is a lot of food around?

3. Correction of the physical activity schedule:
- aerobic exercise and strength training should be included as a mandatory component of physical activity, since their presence is an absolute requirement for burning fat and maintaining muscle mass;
- these exercises should become regular, regardless of training as such.
Thus, it is first advisable to make the necessary reasonable changes in the diet and physical activity schedule of the athlete. If weight loss really remains a necessity for an athlete, it is advisable to start a systematic weight loss program as early as possible in order to avoid weight circulation in the future. Weight loss programs are not recommended to be combined with periods of intense endurance training, as the training cannot be expected to be intense enough to improve the athlete's fitness. It is also important to be aware of the adverse effects on immune system function of consuming diets that are inadequate in energy and/or protein.

In practice, weight loss is divided by speed: gradual (from several months), moderate (several weeks) and rapid (24-72 hours). The most common method of rapid weight loss is dehydration. In this context, this definition includes measures that influence water loss through increased sweating (sauna, special clothing, etc.). This is not to say that these methods do not have negative consequences (ultimately, dehydration can impair thermoregulation), however, they remain a powerful tool for losing body weight if necessary to do so in a short period of time.

For weight loss at any rate, the negative energy balance method is acceptable. Ideally, an athlete sets himself the goal of achieving the desired weight in a real period of time and adheres to the tactics of gradual weight loss (maximum 0.5-1 kg per week).

With this approach - a negative energy balance, due to an increase in energy expenditure and a decrease in energy consumption, minimal losses of “lean mass” are guaranteed. Ideally, the negative energy balance should be 400-800 kcal per day (an average reduction in calorie intake by 10-25%). If the caloric intake of an athlete falls below 1800-1900 kcal per day, then the necessary replenishment of muscle glycogen reserves becomes difficult and adequate energy supply for physical activity during intense training is impossible. In addition, with very low-calorie diets (about 800 kcal per day), as well as low-calorie diets practiced over a long period of time, a significant portion of weight loss is water and protein loss. Also, due to the reserves of water and protein (50 percent or more of lost weight), weight loss occurs in the event of rapid weight loss.

Often, athletes who embark on weight loss programs already have a low percentage of body fat. In this case, achieving the required weight is possible only by losing “lean mass” with a minor contribution of the fat component. Weight loss occurs due to a decrease in water reserves in the body, muscle and liver glycogen reserves, i.e. reserves that are extremely important for athletic performance.

Very great importance acquires the time remaining for the athlete after the procedure for determining the weight category immediately before the performance. This remaining time must be used wisely to restore glycogen and water reserves, and replace electrolytes lost during the dehydration process. Sports drinks (5-10% carbohydrates and electrolytes) combined with high-carbohydrate sources such as sports bars (at least 2-3 hours before competition) work well to address these needs in the short term.

In general, it is wise to adhere to the following recommendations:
- perform in a real weight category, do not set unattainable goals;
- try to lose weight gradually, strive for maximum loss of the fat component of body weight. In some cases, the following scheme is possible: most excess weight remove gradually during the pre-competition period and subsequent weight - by dehydration 24-48 hours before the competition;
- try to ensure that the training process is accompanied by a high-carbohydrate diet (60-70% of energy consumed from carbohydrates), since muscle and liver glycogen reserves should increase in the best possible way, despite the period of weight loss;
- the recommended amount of protein is 1.2-1.8 g/kg body weight, and the ratio “amount of protein: amount of energy received” is important and should increase if the caloric content of the diet is reduced;
- use vitamin-mineral complexes if the amount of food consumed is limited for 3-4 weeks or more;
- maintain normal hydration during training process with the exception of the 24-48 hour period before the procedure for determining the weight category in the event that weight correction through dehydration is necessary;
- in the case of using dehydration for weight correction, try to maximize the period of time between the procedure for determining the weight category and the performance in order to use this time to restore energy reserves and water reserves in the body.

Types of physical activity that stimulate an increase in oxygen consumption during exercise include various cyclic movements performed with moderate intensity for a sufficiently long time, which contributes to the processes of reducing the fat component of body weight.

    during the first 20-30 minutes of a training session, energy is generated from carbohydrates (glycogen and glucose);

    the calorie content of 1 g of fat is 9 kcal;

    to perform work with a heart rate intensity of 120-140 beats/min for 1 minute, 10 kcal is required;

    the last 5-7 minutes of the training session are devoted to relaxation and flexibility exercises, which do not require a significant amount of energy,

then in one aerobic training session lasting 1 hour, about 30 g of fat is burned:

It follows that to reduce total body weight due to the fat component for 3 kg you need to do about 100 workouts, but at the same time daily fat intake and total caloric intake from food should not exceed daily norm non-exercising person!

Therefore, when solving problems of reducing the fat component of body weight, it is necessary to simultaneously solve the problem, first of all, of developing general endurance, which will allow you to perform aerobic exercises for a long time.

In order for aerobic exercises that stimulate weight correction to be successful, the following must be taken into account:

    duration performing aerobic exercises should be at least 1 hour;

    the selection of an exercise is determined by the positive attitude of the student towards the selected exercise and his ability to perform this exercise, because otherwise, the practitioner will spend a large amount of mental and physical strength on its implementation, so it will be difficult to perform the exercise for a long time (a person who is bad at skiing and has a negative attitude towards low temperatures will not be able to achieve and maintain the required level of intensity for a long time);

    The best effect comes from exercises that are performed in conditions that require additional energy expenditure not associated with the work of motor muscles, such exercises include swimming, and doing exercises outdoors in the cold season, in this case the body additional energy is spent on heating the body;

    exercises are performed in well ventilated area or outdoors, which increases the percentage of oxygen in the air. Clothing should be made of materials that are highly breathable and absorb moisture (sweat). It is unacceptable to use cling film as a wrapping material, which supposedly helps increase fat burning in a selected area of ​​the body. Impaired skin respiration in this case leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes, which in no way stimulates the use of fats as energy resources;

    intensity performance of the exercise should increase gradually with 30% in the first lessons and up to 60% according to the Karvonen formula (Appendix 2) and no more, since more intense exercise leads to the development of aerobic anaerobic processes, as a result of which oxygen consumption may decrease, and therefore a decrease in the amount of fat spent on energy supply; in addition, the amount of lactic acid in muscle cells increases, which leads to rapid fatigue and cessation of exercise;

    The main method of performing the exercise is uniform, i.e. without rest throughout the entire training session;

    the number of classes per week should be at least 3 with a break of one day, but no more than 6, so need to be given time to recover;

    and, of course, monitor the quantity and quality of food. The amount of food should not exceed the daily requirement, which depends on gender (on average, daily energy consumption for boys is 2700 kcal, girls - 2400 kcal), age (at a young age, daily energy consumption is greater), the individual’s body weight (the greater the body weight, the more body tissue, the large quantity calories required for basal metabolism), the nature and intensity of work, household and educational activities(Table 6), as well as motor activity individual (Table 7).

Table 6.

Energy consumption for persons of various labor categories

Table 7.

Energy cost various types activity (kcal/min)

Walking and cross-country skiing

Cross country running

Football game

Playing tennis

Game of table tennis


Volleyball game

Gymnastic exercises

Modern dance

Driving a car

Window cleaning

The qualitative composition of food must also meet the needs of the body. Food should include foods containing the following elements: proteins, fats, carbohydrates in an approximate ratio of 1:0.5:4, water, minerals, vitamins and plant fiber.

Squirrels– necessary construction material cell protoplasm. They perform special functions in the body. All enzymes, many hormones, visual purple of the retina, oxygen carriers, enzymes, protective substances and blood cells are protein bodies. In tissues and cells, protein structures are continuously destroyed and synthesized. In a relatively healthy adult body, the amount of decomposed protein is equal to the amount of synthesized protein. Among other things, proteins, in the absence of carbohydrates, are sources of energy. The daily protein requirement for a regularly exercising person is 1-1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Fats– an important source of energy in the body, necessary component cells. Excess fats can be deposited in the body. They are deposited mainly in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, omentum, liver and other internal organs. The total amount of fat in a person can be 10-12% of body weight, and in case of obesity - 40-50%. Fat is used as a plastic and energy material; it covers various organs, protecting them from mechanical stress. Accumulation of fat in abdominal cavity provides fixation internal organs. Subcutaneous fatty tissue, being a poor conductor of heat, protects the body from excessive heat loss. Fat is part of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, protects the skin from drying out and excessive wetting when in contact with water, and is a necessary component of food. Dietary fat contains some vital vitamins. Also fats participate in education fatty acids ensuring the completeness of metabolic processes. The daily fat requirement is 20-30 g, regardless of the individual’s body weight! Moreover, the greater the fat component of body weight, the less dietary fat intake should be. So, for example, an individual with a body weight of 90 kg requires 20 g of fat per day, with a weight of 60 kg - 30 g.

Carbohydrates– the main source of energy in the body. If the level of glucose in the blood drops below 60-70 mg% (i.e. 60-70 mg per 100 ml of blood), then the transfer of glucose from the blood into nerve cells almost stops. With such low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), convulsions, loss of consciousness (hypoglycemic shock) occur and life is threatened. Excess sugar (after eating a meal rich in carbohydrates) is converted into glycogen in the liver and muscles and stored there (deposited). Also, an excess of carbohydrates, especially in women, leads to their processing into adipose tissue. Therefore, when setting goals to reduce the fat component of body weight, it will be relevant low carb diet, which allows you to quickly approach the threshold of fat breakdown during training, while at the same time not creating a deficit in energy for the basal metabolism necessary for the functioning of the body. The daily requirement of carbohydrates for a systematically training person is 400-500 g per day, regardless of body weight. However, if the goal is to lose weight, then the amount of carbohydrates must be significantly reduced to a level that ensures the basal metabolism, and even possibly lower, necessary to maintain life in a state of complete rest (for men with a body weight of 70 kg it averages 1700 kcal; in women are 5-10% lower), i.e. up to 250-400 g. The rest of the energy healthy body can be produced from fats.

Water. Water and mineral salts do not serve as nutrients or sources of energy. But without water, metabolic processes cannot take place. Water is a good solvent. Redox processes and other metabolic reactions occur only in a liquid medium. Liquid is involved in the transport of certain gases, carrying them either in a dissolved state or in the form of salts. Water is part of digestive juices, participates in the removal of metabolic products from the body, including toxic substances, as well as in thermoregulation.

A person can live no more than 7-10 days without water, while without food - 30-40 days. The daily human need for water is 2,0-2,5 l.

Minerals are part of the skeleton, in the structures of proteins, hormones, enzymes. The total amount of all minerals in the body is approximately 4-5% of body weight. Normal activity of the central nervous system, heart and other organs proceeds under the condition of a strictly defined content of mineral ions, due to which the constancy of osmotic pressure and the reaction of blood and tissue fluid are maintained; they participate in the processes of secretion, absorption, excretion, etc. The daily requirement of the human body for some microelements is as follows: potassium 2,7-5,9 g, sodium – 4-5 g, calcium – 0,5 g, magnesium – 70-80 mg, iron – 10-15 mg, manganesebefore 100 mg, chlorine – 2-4 g, iodine – 100-150 mg.

Vitamins. The importance of vitamins is that, present in the body in minute quantities, they regulate metabolic reactions. The role of vitamins is similar to the role of enzymes and hormones. A number of vitamins are included in various enzymes. With a deficiency of vitamins, a condition called hypovitaminosis develops in the body. A disease that occurs in the absence of one or another vitamin is called vitamin deficiency.

To date, more than 20 substances have been discovered that are classified as vitamins. Vitamins affect metabolism, blood clotting, growth and development of the body, resistance infectious diseases. Their role is especially important in the nutrition of the young body and those adults whose activities are associated with heavy physical activity at work and in sports. An increased need for vitamins may be associated with special environmental conditions (high or low temperature, thin air). For example, daily requirement Vitamin C for adults is on average 50-100 mg, for children 35-50 mg, for training athletes up to 200 mg or more (in order to improve performance, they are even recommended to take this vitamin at the start, and for marathon runners - during the distance). Vitamin deficiency, as a rule, affects itself in the early spring, when immediately after winter the body is weakened, and there are few vitamins and other biologically active components in the food due to the restriction of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet.

R vegetable fiber promotes the digestion process. In addition, food of plant origin most often has a negative calorie content, i.e. The body spends more energy digesting it than the food itself contains calories.

Thus, when solving problems related to body weight correction, it is necessary not only to increase the body’s energy expenditure for systematic physical activity (regular long-term aerobic training), but also:

    increase daily physical activity:

    refusal of vehicles,

    refusal of the elevator,

    failure of household mechanized means;

    monitor your diet;

    systematically create conditions for additional energy consumption by the body:

    hardening procedures,

    bath, sauna,

  • strict daily routine,

    work on a personal plot,

Veronika Herba - urban beauty and health center

Weight correction: everything you need to know about the procedure

From this article you will learn:

    How should weight correction be carried out correctly?

    What should be the diet when correcting weight?

    How psychological weight correction works

    What hardware methods are there for weight correction in beauty salons?

    How much does a weight correction program cost in Moscow?

Unfortunately, the issue of excess weight has already been raised at the global level: the number of people facing obesity is rapidly increasing. It is quite obvious that the number of different diets designed for weight correction has also increased. But their results do not always meet expectations. Today, most experts have come to the conclusion that weight correction through diets is a dubious method that guarantees only a temporary effect. They suggest considering various procedures to combat excess weight.

How to correctly correct your figure and weight

Just imagine that the number of obese people in the world is identical to the number of hungry people. Humanity simply needs weight correction.

Improving living standards, exceeding food consumption standards and progressive dysfunctions of the body are gradually leading humanity to excess weight. Half of the population of developed countries has weight problems and needs to be corrected. People suffer from diabetes, immune diseases, pulmonary and cardiovascular pathologies, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Please note that our conversation will be not so much about the fight against obesity and cellulite, but about weight correction, and these are different problems, which means that the methods for solving them are not identical to each other.

The first thing you need to know about weight correction is that it is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. This is a very complex process, developed taking into account the characteristics of a particular person’s body. Stereotypes and amateur practices in body shaping can harm the body.

The initial step is a thorough examination of the body. The endocrine system is checked and gastrointestinal tract, a general blood test and biochemistry test are taken, etc.

Girls also need to see a gynecologist to rule out any inflammation, cancer or endometriosis. The examination will help you formulate an effective, and most importantly safe for your health, plan of action for weight correction.

If a patient decides to refrain from a medical examination, then he is unjustifiably risking his health. Certain methods of weight correction have serious contraindications, and if they are neglected, the patient will cause great harm to his body.

Unfortunately, there have also been cases of death in the race for thinness. These are very rare situations, but they prove that weight correction must be approached with maximum responsibility and you need to think first about your health.

A comprehensive weight correction program includes:

    Proper nutrition,

    Special hardware procedures,

  • Physical activity.

Adipose tissue contains a very large amount of water. It is for this reason that the weight correction process begins with lymphatic drainage, which allows excess fluid to be removed from the patient’s body. Then they move on to breaking down fats and stimulating muscle fibers to reduce the volume of intermuscular fat. The last stage of weight correction is considered to be procedures that help restore skin elasticity.

What are the settings for weight correction?

Anyone facing the problem of excess weight finds it very difficult to live with it. This is how the human body reacts to stress, neglect of exercise, overeating, inattention to the quality of nutrition, etc. Unfortunately, the modern rhythm of life for most people creates such conditions. But at the same time, we have been taught that only eternally young, slender, fit models and actresses are considered a reference point. You should not take such propaganda into account; always listen to yourself and your own body, because beauty comes in different forms. A good trend recent years You can call it an interest in a healthy lifestyle. The main thing is not the pursuit of a mythical ideal, but health. Weight correction should first of all be aimed at improving the patient’s health, and only then at the aesthetic result.

Today, many formulas have been developed that can determine the weight that is suitable for you. They are easy to find on the Internet or in specialized literature. Often these formulas show different results, so it is better to contact a weight management specialist for accurate information. We ask you to remember that the ideal parameters are not those dictated by society, but those that will help you feel comfortable. Before correcting excess weight, you need to clearly understand what your goal is, what results you want to achieve! Perhaps you are satisfied with your weight, but you want to adjust the parameters, or maybe you need to tone your muscles? Goals are very different.

    Effective weight correction involves a number of complex measures. First of all, you must be motivated to change. Naturally, the final goal may be different: someone loses weight solely for physical health, someone wants to maintain morale by getting rid of complexes. The most important thing is confidence in your intentions and desires.

    In order to feel easy and comfortable, you need to change your lifestyle. The first position in this case is occupied by proper nutrition, which should become your constant companion, because then you can not only lose weight, but also feel great. The customs of the country in which we live teach us from childhood to eat plentifully. Remember any holiday - the table is always full of non-dietary dishes! But by reviewing the traditions of your family, you will set an example for those around you. We do not ask you to exclude refreshments from the reception procedure, but to create more useful menu very effective in correcting excess weight. You need to understand that to achieve results you will have to regularly adhere to a healthy diet. Statistics show that temporary diets do not produce tangible, much less long-term, effects.

    Everyone knows that a sedentary lifestyle leads to the accumulation of excess weight. If you haven’t played sports since school, then this item is for you. You don’t have to attend grueling workouts at the fitness center; today you can find classes for every taste, even for those who have never been interested in sports. Yoga, Pilates, bodyflex, water aerobics... The list goes on for a very long time. Sports will not only correct your figure, but also strengthen your body as a whole. Physical activity helps improve cardiac activity, develop endurance, etc. When training becomes a habit, you will feel that you have become more energetic, active and mobile. Don't forget that this is also a great way to combat stress! Physical activity is an integral part of weight loss!

    Please note that losing more than 2-3 kilograms of weight can lead to worsening of your skin condition. It's unfortunate, but rapid weight loss usually does not guarantee the disappearance of cellulite. On the contrary, such weight changes can cause stretch marks and sagging skin. It is possible to minimize this effect sports activities and massage. Now there are many methods to combat cellulite. Numerous beauty salons provide various services in this direction, but do not forget that they should work only in combination with a healthy diet and exercise, which are included in your weight correction program.

    Often the real reason for excess weight is hidden very deeply. If the basic methods, including proper nutrition, are necessary physical exercise and the corresponding procedures did not produce the desired effect, then most likely you need to visit a psychotherapist, which will help continue the correction of excess weight. The position of doctors in this area is that excess weight is, first of all, a psychosomatic illness that has certain reasons (disadvantage attention, love and care), and there may also be some obstacles and attitudes that hinder the process of weight correction. These are the problems that psychotherapists try to solve. After undergoing therapy, you will be able to better understand your body and yourself.

Constantly maintaining a healthy weight is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. And with the right approach, working in this direction can give you many pleasant moments and overall pleasure!

What should be the diet when correcting your figure?

Have you long ago decided to lose weight, but there is no result? Have you been on a grueling diet for a long time, but the weight quickly returned? Experts never tire of repeating: for healthy long-term weight loss, there is no point in going on strict diets and overloading yourself with excessive physical exercise. Food intake should be balanced, which means the presence in the diet of a certain amount of fats and carbohydrates, as well as proteins. For a good result, you just need to simply follow the norms of eating behavior and attend weight and figure correction procedures. There are various sets of services created to get rid of excess weight and keep the body in shape. We present to you a list of recommendations that must be followed when undergoing a weight correction program:

    Drink plenty of fluids – at least two liters of clean water per day.

    Frequent meals - 5 – 6 times a day.

    It is better to eat from dishes of small volume and dark color.

    You should not eat before bed - your last meal should be 3-4 hours before.

    Steam it.

    Develop the habit of carefully studying the product label - composition, calories, carbohydrates, etc.

    Eat only when you are hungry.

    If you feel slightly hungry, you can have a light snack. Use dried fruits without added sugar, nuts, muesli and fresh fruit for this.

Try to exclude from your diet:

    All sweets. The use of honey or natural jam is allowed, but in small doses and until two o’clock in the afternoon.

    I'll have to give up flour. Switch to bread and cereals made from wholemeal flour, but its quantity must also be minimized.

    Alcoholic drinks do not contribute to weight loss - there are a lot of calories even in a small dose.

Many, in pursuit of an ideal weight, begin to set themselves all sorts of prohibitions, but this can even worsen the situation. Believe me, it is better to periodically allow yourself some weaknesses, but in very small quantities. It is necessary to make it a habit only to consume sweets early. If you allow yourself something, then only in the first half of the day. Remember that by consuming junk food during low activity of your body, you will automatically acquire fat, because the body very quickly converts unused fast carbohydrates into it. The transformation process is very fast when eating fatty sweet foods - cakes, pastries, chocolates. When correcting your weight, you need to make sure that the sweets you eat do not turn into fat, and for this you will have to work hard, spending a huge amount of energy. Therefore, it is better to get used to fruits, dried fruits, honey, natural jam, marshmallows and marshmallows. Such sweets are more easily burned by the body, but only with sufficient physical activity.

How psychological weight correction works

Most likely, many of you have heard about psychological weight correction. There is an opinion that it helps to cope with increased appetite, and also relieves self-doubt. But can such information be trusted? Maybe it would be better to spend these funds on sports in a good fitness club? Let's figure it out.

Today there are two main ways of psychological weight correction:

Cognitive approach

This method affects the patient's consciousness, providing psychological assistance when correcting weight. Conversations with a specialist take place, during which it becomes clear that weight gain is only your fault, but there is no point in being angry with yourself because of this. Psychological weight correction, controlled by a cognitive therapist, is:

    Organization and detailed study of the patient’s food diary, in which he indicates not only what he ate, but also why;

    Studying your individual traits, identifying possible dependencies;

    Searching for secondary reasons for excess weight, for example, fear of a serious relationship, because “there are no normal men.” It's hard to believe, but this is a standard hidden reason for many ladies;

    Gradual increase in self-esteem.

As a result of cognitive therapy, you will still be prescribed dietary food to correct weight, but it will be easier to stick to it, because psychological preparation contributes well to this.


This method of weight correction is usually cheaper than the previous one. Most often it is carried out in the form of group classes. This is a very common technique in weight correction centers, of which there are quite a lot. Hypnotherapy is based on putting the patient into a trance and instilling in him a hatred of overeating. There are several proven organizations in our country that provide group hypnotherapy. If you decide to visit such a weight correction center, be sure to request a license or certificate before the procedure. Unfortunately, there have been recorded cases of incorrect attitudes that lead to complex mental disorders.

The goals of hypnotherapy are not too deep - you need to get rid of the craving for overeating. With the inner world of a person, with his problems, lack of confidence, etc. This weight correction technique does not interact.

What methods of weight correction exist?

Weight loss drugs

Many companies provide consumers interested in losing weight with appropriate pills. You can also find a wide variety of cocktails for weight correction. Their prices vary, but, unfortunately, all these methods are the same. This is nothing more than a marketing ploy by sellers. You will only waste your money, and sometimes your health, without achieving the desired result in weight correction. If you at least superficially study the physical processes occurring inside the human body, it becomes clear where excess weight comes from. Nothing other than reducing food intake, exercising and certain procedures can help with weight loss.

A very small part of all the volumes of tablets sold are actually created by scientists who have an idea of ​​​​how to influence the process of formation and use of fat in the body. For example, L-carnitine takes part in metabolism, but only at the time of its intake. When you finish taking L-carnitine, your lost pounds may return. Especially if you violate the diet set for weight correction.

All other drugs for burning fat are at a minimum harmless and ineffective, and at a maximum they can be harmful to health. The usual action is a diuretic or laxative effect, as well as a weak and short-term decrease in appetite. Naturally, no drugs can lose weight for you, much less help you in trying to maintain any weight correction results.

Hardware weight loss methods

Our experience shows that turning to a healthy diet is not as easy as we would like. Day modern man Scheduled by the hour, there are always a lot of worries, and all of them are very important. Study, work, family, home - all this requires a huge amount of time and moral resources from a person. The daily schedule does not allow most people to adjust the moment of eating according to the instructions of weight management specialists. In addition, a low-calorie diet is not always available - sometimes there are no certain products, sometimes there is no time. Especially if we consider the situation of a work office, when there is simply no way to come home and have lunch.

As for intense exercise in the gym or on the street, many who start weight loss stop training due to lack of the necessary willpower, and others simply cannot fit a visit to the fitness center into their busy schedule.

A healthy diet and physical activity will not provide quick weight correction, so even those people who were able to find the time and energy for this may be disappointed in the modest results. How to speed up the process of losing weight? Going under the knife for the sake of it doesn't seem like a smart decision to most people, but there are more attractive and safer methods of influencing fat deposits. We will tell you about hardware weight correction. This procedure will speed up the process of losing weight and relieve you of cellulite. It can affect local fat deposits that are not affected by sports exercises. Various methods Aesthetic cosmetology provides safe therapeutic services that can help you with weight correction, in the shortest possible time and without the need for a recovery period.

What hardware weight correction methods are there?

Lymphatic drainage massage

The body's lymphatic system is made up of large quantity vessels and ducts carrying lymph. Lymph serves to get rid of toxins and saturate cells with nutrients. Lymphatic drainage massage is used to remove fluid, which helps get rid of swelling and fat accumulations, activates the immune system, and helps relieve stress and fatigue. Today, there are two ways to perform lymphatic drainage massage:

    Manual. It is carried out to activate the lymphatic system from superficial to deep levels. The procedure must be carried out only by a qualified specialist who is able to understand which area of ​​the body is overstressed and needs to be worked out.

    Hardware. This method includes pressotherapy and LPG massage.


In medical practice This method of weight correction is commonly called mesotherapeutic liposuction. The results of this technique can be compared to surgical fat removal. The advantage is that there is no rehabilitation period. And the procedure itself does not cause severe discomfort or any pain.

This cosmetic procedure is not complex. It consists of maintaining special drug, which destroys fat. Moreover, the injection is carried out with short needles. The substance itself does not remain in the body. Decomposition products are eliminated naturally through circulatory system. Interestingly, the area of ​​destroyed fat cells is no longer covered with new ones, which allows mesotherapy to be called long-term and effective method weight correction.

There are many different substances that can destroy fatty tissue. The choice between them should be made by an experienced physician and based on the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Endermological massage (LPG massage)

The meaning of LPG massage is the effect of rollers on the body. The procedure goes as follows: the first roller fixes the skin, and the other smoothes it. This effect on the skin and fat cells occurs with a continuous supply of vacuum. As a result, collagen is produced, from which the skin frame with the desired structure is built. In addition, this massage promotes microcirculation and stagnation of intercellular fluid.

The LPG procedure helps reduce body volume, breaks down local fat deposits, fights swelling, increases skin elasticity, eliminates cellulite and corrects figure contours.

When correcting weight, one procedure is not enough to achieve the desired effect. Usually at least 10 sessions are needed. One procedure will take from 20 to 40 minutes and can be performed a couple of times a week. In this case, the effect will last approximately six months.

In our country, LPG massage is visited every year by approximately 250 thousand people seeking weight loss. This procedure is not at all dangerous, contraindications to it are minimal.


Pressotherapy is another type of hardware lymphatic drainage massage. The procedure helps to correct weight, reducing the amount of fat accumulation. The patient puts on a special suit, which consists of a pair of boots, something like a jacket, gloves, and a belt. All parts are inflated with compressed air, its supply and pressure alternate, producing a mechanical effect that is controlled through the apparatus. Pressotherapy provides positive influence not only for weight correction, but also in the fight against cellulite and varicose veins.

Ultrasonic cavitation

It's comparative new technology weight correction based on the breakdown of fat deposits through ultrasound. Problem areas are affected by a device that destroys the subcutaneous layer of fat. Other tissues are not affected by ultrasound due to their greater density. Due to the decrease in pressure, the skin, nerves and blood vessels are also safe.

The effect of cavitation during weight correction is no worse than that of surgical liposuction. The advantages of the procedure are the absence of a recovery period and complications.

Cavitation is performed both on the patient’s body and face. Therefore, with its help you can even get rid of a double chin, excess fat on the shoulders, stomach and chest. In addition, this procedure tightens the skin, which eliminates the need to cut it off, unlike liposuction.

Anticellulite massage

Cellulite is a very common problem among women. “Orange peel” not only looks bad, but also creates discomfort in the Everyday life. Unfortunately, when losing weight it is not always possible to get rid of this disease, so when correcting and losing weight, the issue of cellulite arises very acutely. You can combat this problem by attending massage courses. Anti-cellulite massage is aimed at draining lymph and improving skin tone. Common areas of treatment are the buttocks and thighs, which is where cellulite usually occurs.

Professional massage stabilizes blood circulation, which allows you to nourish skin cells. This way the skin acquires firmness and elasticity, making it easier for it to maintain its shape and fight the formation of changes. Only a true professional who has extensive experience in this field can carry out the procedure correctly. aesthetic medicine. Independent procedures are unlikely to produce any results. In addition, they can harm the body.

To carry out anti-cellulite massage, various creams and auxiliary products are used that can break down excess fat and have a beneficial effect on the skin. During the procedure, all products are easily absorbed, which occurs due to the mechanical influences of the massage therapist. A course of weight correction using anti-cellulite massage usually consists of 12 or 15 sessions.

Weight correction and prices for programs and procedures in Moscow

Almost all cities in our country have beauty and health centers, and there are also weight correction programs. In Moscow, for example, this is the Veronika Herba City Health and Beauty Center, which provides a variety of health and beauty services aimed at skin and body care, maintaining youth and slimness, including weight correction procedures. In our salon, only real masters of their craft work, having valuable experience in the healing and rejuvenating fields of medicine. The specialists who make up the team of our center use only the most effective and modern methods, the latest equipment and safe means.

For correction and weight loss, the Veronika Herba center offers the following services:

Weight correction program “Cellulite”STOP"

Ozone correction is considered an excellent replacement for injections of indirect and direct lipolytics. Due to the strong selective effect on the cell membrane of the fat cell, the adipocyte wall is destroyed, which helps to quickly burn fat. Lipolysis, the launch of metabolism, a decrease in polypolymer and free radical processes in tissues lead to a decrease in fat mass, and therefore to weight loss.

Products of the biochemical action of reactive oxygen species and ozone do not cause harm to the body. They are more likely to go into the water, which is why this method often used as part of a complex effect on metabolic syndrome, as well as as a way to lose weight and combat cellulite.

When correcting weight, this procedure for one area will cost you from 2,600 rubles.

The program includes:

    Improving tissue nutrition, normalizing blood supply and cellular respiration;

    Beginning of lipolysis and getting rid of edema and tissue fibrosis due to cellulite;

    Normalization of lymphatic drainage and the action of the valves of the veins of the lower extremities.

Effect of the program:

    Decrease in volumes;

    Lifting problem areas;

    Destruction of local fat deposits;

    Normalization of the activity of venous and lymphatic vessels;

    Activation of local rejuvenation and collagen formation.

Beautiful body strategy (bodystrategist) (weight loss – fight cellulite – tone – firmness)

Fresh differentiated tactics, which involve both the use of certain products that act at the cellular level for self-administration, and the use of strong and effective professional influences for quick and noticeable weight correction results:

    The best option for getting rid of extra pounds, cellulite and elasticity of the skin;

    Thermogenic, liposomal, transdermal structures for deep transport active substances.

A novelty in the field of skin care is the use of substances that stop the functioning of PHK molecules that live in the cells of the entire body. These molecules interfere with the normal formation of collagen and elastin, which can have a negative impact on your skin after weight loss.

The widest selection of special cosmetic preparations for self-use, which you can purchase at the Veronika Herba center, guarantees the opportunity to choose the best means to maintain your beauty. Specialists will find products for any skin type and condition, for patients living in any climatic conditions. Veronika Herba presents:

    Self-care (a set of products for your body);

    A set of salon procedures.

Thermal detoxification (BagnidiPisa)

Strong thermal massage mud mask for weight correction with drainage and anti-cellulite effect. The latest development, in which 95% of all components are natural. The mud mask consists of a homogeneous dispersion of kelp and fucus algae, green tea powder, enriched with stimulating properties. Due to the thermal water from the Bagnidi Pisa mineral spring, the mask has a positive effect on the patient:

    Eliminates cellulite;

    Normalizes lipolysis;

    Helps drainage in skin tissues.

All stages of the procedure:

    Using the BagnidiPisa anti-cellulite mud mask with wrap;

    Massage with anti-cellulite cream;

It will cost from 4,700 rubles.

Rejuvenation and elasticity (bodystrategist+firming)

As we have already said, skin care is an integral part of correction and weight loss. We will tell you about a unique procedure that can rejuvenate your skin and give it elasticity. The action is based on the application of a biphasic cream-gel mask with organic tamanu oil and green walnut extract. The synergy of the active substances included in this mask gives the skin elasticity and firmness, tightening it. This method guarantees a good result - nutrition, hydration and tightening of your skin.

The procedure can not only give elasticity, but also reduce the number of stretch marks and form antioxidant protection. Very good for dry, tired skin and for care after active ultraviolet exposure.

During the procedure, the patient can relax and enjoy. As a result, you will get the following result:

    Increased hydration and elasticity of the skin;

    Tissue nutrition;

    A pleasant feeling of skin protection and freshness.

All stages of the procedure:

    Greeting ritual using Tranquility aromatic mixture;

    Body exfoliation with bodystrategist - a renewing fruit scrub;

    Using a wrapping mask with a firming and rejuvenating effect;

    Relaxing head massage;

    Application of bodystrategistoil and D-age - massage application of oil and cream with a strengthening effect.

The standard duration of the procedure does not exceed one and a half hours.

It will cost at least 5,400 rubles.

Dual action modeling procedure (bodystrategist)

Another very strong and effective procedure for weight correction with heat/cold technology. We advise you to visit her during any period of your health-improving activities. Thanks to the procedure:

    The silhouette is corrected;

    Lipolysis is activated;

    The volume of fat accumulations is reduced;

    Microcirculation increases.

All stages of the procedure:

    Greeting ritual using Tranquility aromatic mixture;

    Body exfoliation with bodystrategist - a renewing fruit scrub;

    Using anti-cellulite cream with a thermogenic effect bodystrategist, affecting problem areas of the body. The cream is covered with film for 20 minutes;

    Bodystrategist oil massage.

The standard duration of the procedure does not exceed one and a half hours.

Drainage and modeling with bandage (bodystrategist + bandages)

The process is aimed at demonstrating the lymphatic drainage effect, which can be achieved due to the increased amount of natural essential oils. The procedure removes excess fluid and effectively reduces volume, which is very important when correcting weight. Let's list its actions:

    Normalizes microcirculation;

    Reduces swelling of the legs;

    Awakens lipolytic activity.

All stages of the procedure:

    Greeting ritual using Tranquility aromatic mixture;

    Body exfoliation with bodystrategist - a renewing fruit scrub;

    Bandages pre-immersed in anti-cellulite oils are wrapped around the patient’s arms, legs and abdomen;

    Massage with anti-cellulite cream;

    The end of the procedure is to use the gel to make your legs feel lighter.

The standard duration of the procedure does not exceed one and a half hours.

It will cost from 4000 rubles.

Lightness of legs (vitalleg)

An excellent procedure for relieving the feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs. Foot massage with an effective thermal mud mask. Due to the thermal water from the Bagnidi Pisa mineral spring, the mask has a positive effect on the patient, and various essential oils have a drainage effect. As a result, the patient feels incredible lightness and freshness for a very long time.

All stages of the procedure:

    Thermal massage mud mask BagnidiPisa;

    Foot massage;

    The end of the procedure is to use the gel to make your legs feel lighter.

The standard duration of the procedure does not exceed one and a half hours.

The procedure will cost from 4,000 rubles.

Aroma bath slimming and drainage (remodelingbath)

A hydromassage bath with an anti-cellulite mixture of bodystrategist oils and an underwater manual massage that promotes weight and silhouette correction. The drainage effect helps remove excess fluid and toxins.

All stages of the procedure:

    Hydromassage bath with bodystrategist anti-cellulite oil mixture (10 min.);

    Underwater manual massage (30 min.);

    Firming body cream D-age;

    Finish with a cooling foot gel.

The standard duration of the procedure does not exceed 45 minutes.

It will cost at least 1900 rubles.

Weight correction: patient reviews

Yulia (23 years old), Syktyvkar

I want to talk about psychological weight correction. In my case everything was quite easy. First, the psychologist determined the reasons for my overeating. It turned out that I simply didn’t understand at the time of eating that I was already overeating, that I didn’t need that amount of food. And of course there are other things: I get distracted, I get nervous, etc. After this information was fixed in my mind, I began to think that in most cases I just want to chew something. Then I started a food diary and identified an incredible amount of excess, unhealthy foods. After that, I tried to eat only when I felt really hungry! I just started eating the right products (complex carbohydrates). As a result, I did not need sessions to normalize my diet. At the same time, I did not starve, but ate quite normally. So in two months I lost almost 10 kilograms, but the rest went away much more slowly. I myself could not have come to such a result, because before that I tried many times, but to no avail.

Alena (31 years old), Perm

A few months ago I decided to lose weight. In Moscow I found a salon and took a course to get rid of cellulite. It's just that after pregnancy it is very noticeable.

They put a special suit on me and began to squeeze me. I even felt like an astronaut!

They explained to me that the procedure improves lymphatic drainage, blood flow and metabolism. After the procedure, cellulite almost disappeared, and I also lost 2.5 kilograms of weight and 2 cm of volume.

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