Simple card games for two. Games with cards. Rules. Lion and sun

On the Internet, when mentioning 36 card poker, you can often come across such a concept as “ painted poker" This is exactly the kind of game that is played with a reduced deck. But if you dig a little deeper, it turns out that she is very far from poker, having almost nothing in common with it. Therefore, we will not consider it, but the rules of classic Texas Hold'em with one small change– it uses 36 cards.

If you are already familiar with this game, then there will be nothing new for you, except for the new limit on the maximum number of players in one game and slightly changed the strength of combinations. You can read them a little further, in the section of the same name, and we will look at all the rules in detail.

First bets and pocket cards

The game begins with setting the blinds– mandatory minimum bets that are introduced into the game so that there is no empty bank. They are placed by two players sitting to the left of the button - a special chip passed clockwise every hand.

The big blind is almost always twice the small blind. After these bets are made, players receive cards in their hands. Everyone has 2. Already at this stage, everyone can make assumptions about what their chances are of collecting this or that combination, and whether it is worth taking the risk now. In order for this to be justified - need to become familiar with probabilities and strategies, but that's a topic for another conversation.

Trading circles

Having received cards in their hands, players begin to trade . The essence of this action is to place chips. All players must either call bets or discard the cards they have, thus no longer participating in a particular hand.

What actions are available to players?

  • Call– equalize the bet. Bet the same number of chips as the other player who bet the maximum;
  • Fold– discard your cards;
  • Raise– increase the rate;
  • All-in- bet on everything.

The circle continues until everyone is equal. After this, the next stage of the game begins. It is called flop. Now the cards are not dealt to the players, but are laid out on the table. Here they are common.

That is, conditionally, each player can use them to collect a combination along with what he has in his hands

A new betting circle begins, where the first action is taken by the player sitting again to the left of the loaf. Now the player will have access to two new actions:

  • Beth– this is the same raise, but it is called that way if there have been no bets on this round yet;
  • Check– skipping a move. The player may not bet or fold his cards, but continue to play.

Another round has ended, the bets have passed, and the table is dealt new map. This stage is called turn, and new trades follow.

And finally, the final, final circle - river. Last card and final bets.

After this, players reveal their cards and compare combinations. The one who has more takes the entire bank for himself.

There are situations when, due to different quantities Players and banks have several chips. It’s not difficult to understand these nuances, but you don’t have to worry about it at first, because the computer is responsible for all this.

It also happens when two players have completely identical combinations. In this situation, the bank may well be divided.


Now we have reached a section that may be of interest to both beginners and professional players. The combinations themselves are no different from those used in standard 52-card Hold'em, but their order is slightly different.

  • Kicker- the highest card. It is used to determine the winner if the players were unable to collect any of the stronger combinations, or if they matched them;
  • Pair– two cards of the same rank. It doesn't matter how it's put together. From pocket cards or only on the table. Only the rank of these cards matters;
  • Two pairs. If several players were able to collect such a combination at once, then the winner must be determined using higher cards, but not their combination;
  • Straight– that combination, which many novice players perceive as one of the strongest, is generally the third strongest here. In standard Hold'em she is one position older. A straight is five consecutive cards. The youngest is from Ace to Nine, where the first card serves as a five, the oldest is from Ten to Ace;
  • Set– three cards of the same rank. You may see other names such as troika, but they differ only in the way they are collected. Their strength does not change because of this;
  • Full house– and again a change. This combination is also perceived as strong in regular poker, but here it is located slightly lower. It consists of one set and one pair. If several players have a full house, then the winner is determined by the three of them;
  • Flash– five cards of the same rank. This combination has risen higher only because the number of card ranks has decreased and there are now fewer matches for each suit;
  • Kare– four cards of the same rank;
  • Straight flush– five consecutive cards of the same rank;
  • Royal flush– straight flush from ten to ace.

If you have not played poker before, then simply memorize the order of these combinations (if, of course, you want to play with 36 cards). If you are familiar with Texas Hold'em, remember two changes:

  • Seth is older than straight;
  • Flush is better than full house.


As in other types of poker, you can play 36 cards with different limits. There are three of them:

  • NoLimit. The most common option is when the maximum bet is limited only by the number of chips you and other players at the table have;
  • FixedLimit. The sizes of minimum and maximum bets are clearly limited;
  • PotLimit– the size of the maximum bet is limited by the formed bank. That is, the closer to the end of the hand, the more you can bet.

Nuances of strategy in 36 card poker

There are thousands of nuances in Texas Hold'em that you need to know in order to play well. There is no point in telling them separately; separate materials are devoted to this - there are hundreds of them, including books from poker legends. Now let’s just talk about the features of this variety.

36 card hold'em is more aggressive

Due to the fact that the chances of getting each combination increase almost 1.5 times all players are more active and take more risks, and this creates dynamics in the game. But the important thing is that this is still the same Texas Hold'em, loved by millions.

The probabilities will need to be revised, as will the strength of starting hands., but it's worth it considering that when playing with 36 cards, you'll really feel the tension all the time.

As a result

"36 Card Poker" is a traditional Texas Hold'em game that uses a small deck with cards starting from a six rather than a two. This imposes some peculiarities on the way the game is played. Combinations are more likely to occur, players attack more actively, but the changes that need to be remembered are minimal.

Poker with 36 cards is an excellent opportunity to get a completely new experience from your favorite game without changing anything.

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Card games for 3 people

A deck of cards will always help out on a boring evening, no matter how many people are in the company. The variety of card games includes those designed for one player, those for two, and many card games for three. All of them have a fascinating plot and are capable of giving a lot of positive emotions. In this case, the duration of the game can be several minutes, or it can drag on for several hours, which will fly by unnoticed. Card games for three will become a great alternative boring get-togethers with friends.

What can you play with three friends?

Any game in the company of friends will be exciting and interesting, but you shouldn’t stop at classic folk card games for three, because now there is a much larger choice of them. Every evening you can compete in a new game, so everyone will definitely not be bored.

You can play the following card games for three:

  1. Classic card entertainment.
  2. Commercial card games for three persons.
  3. Gambling entertainment with cards.
  4. Folk games.
  5. Intelligent.

And this is just a small list of entertainment that can be organized simply with one deck of card sheets. There are still a lot of options, and even if you don’t have any real opponents, you can always organize your leisure time with the help of a virtual company of card players, to do this you just need to go.

Online card games for three are extremely popular today. They are always relevant and the demand for them among gamers does not decrease, as they allow you to relax, take your mind off life’s problems, relax after work, train your logic and thinking, and also actually test your own strength and luck. There are quite a lot of such games a large number of, they are all diverse, so there is no gamer who will not be able to choose one that will satisfy all his requirements and wishes.

Increasing interest in the game

When your friends are already tired of playing, it’s worth remembering the incentives that will make the game more interesting. Card games for three can be made even more exciting if you come up with an interesting punishment and reward at the end of the game. These include:

  1. Strip games.
  2. Games with the pursuit of monetary gain.
  3. Games of desire.

It is worth noting that wish games can turn into a real adventure if you prepare with a list of wishes in advance. After all, you can offer your opponent to fulfill various wishes, such as:

  1. Sports desires.
  2. Vulgar desires.
  3. Desires with benefit for the whole company or for the winner in particular.
  4. Desires with humor.
  5. Alcoholic desires.
  6. Extreme punishment for losing and much more.

It all depends on how widely the imagination of the participants “runs wild”.

Popular not only in casinos. There are a huge number of games that you can play with friends, at home and even in the office (only during your lunch break, of course!). The most popular of them are card games for two. Let's look at the simplest and most interesting options.


In general, the principles of this game are almost completely copied from the 36-card “fool” - except for one important detail. Here the queen of spades is stronger than the ace of trumps. The strategy is to try not only to successfully catch the “witch”, but also to cleverly use it. It is advisable, if you are left without cards, to hold it until the final - so that by handing it to your opponent, you are guaranteed to win.

Thanks to the factor of unpredictability, the “queen” awakens even more excitement than the prototype taken as its basis.

twenty one

Card games for two are always intriguing. Like, for example, in the game "21". The goal is to get 21 points or beat the deck manager. So, the banker makes an initial bet of, say, 100 rubles. He then deals a card each to his opponent and himself, placing his own face up.

Number cards from 6 to 10 are worth face value, Ace is worth 1 or more often 11, and B, D, K are worth 2, 3 and 4 points. The player makes a request, for example, 20 rubles, and asks for a second, or even a third card. If the hand is more than 21 (announced immediately), less than the dealer's, or a draw, the loser's bet goes into the pot. Then the deck goes to the winner, and the game lasts until the finalist hits a triple hand (300 rubles).

Download and print more detailed rules of the game:


Card games for two are not only popular varieties of “fool”. You should definitely pay attention to the sequence game. A deck of 52 cards is divided between two players - equally or by random cut, then a bank is formed. The first participant makes a move, for example, lays out a nine. And the second must continue the sequence, and so on until the ace, which is answered with a deuce. The winner, that is, the player who has lost all cards, receives the pot plus the agreed bonus from the opponent.

Download and print more detailed rules of the game:


The point of the game is to collect 9 points, or again, to beat the banker. Denominations from 2 to 9, as always, are assessed by actual seniority, and 10 and pictures give ten points each. In this case, 19 is considered as 9, 27 as 7, and so on - according to the last digit.

Each player receives 2 cards, and can request a third if there are not enough points. In this case, the loser, who collected 10, 20 or 30 points (baccarat), in the next round, as an exception, receives the right to lead the distribution.

Download and print more detailed rules of the game:

Borax (three sheets)

During the game, until the deck (36 cards) runs out, two players receive three cards each, and the seventh is laid out as a trump card. The goal is to take bribes on every hand, but so that the total value of beaten pairs is 31 points. Points for face cards and aces are counted as in the game "Twenty One", and the digital denominations are worth nothing. And bura itself is a slang name for the best “hand”, consisting of three trump cards.


This section of the reference book contains descriptions of the rules of various card games.

Card games are firmly established in daily life people back in the Middle Ages. Our variety of card games are presented primarily in casinos, as well as in gambling clubs, especially poker clubs. Of course, when traveling, at home, and among friends, we enjoy playing cards.

Card games can be roughly divided into two main categories: gambling, in which victory is brought by chance, and commercial, in which the result is significantly influenced by the skill of the player.

The given descriptions of card games are taken from open sources.


Card games occupied a huge place in the life of the wealthy and educated strata of Russian society in the 18th - 19th centuries. It is not easy to explain the roots of this complex socio-psychological phenomenon: there is a thirst for thrills, a desire to escape from the boredom of everyday life, a craving for communication, but first of all, of course, the possibility of easy and quick enrichment. One way or another, the card game, widespread in everyday life, was equally widely reflected in Russian literature.

In some works, the vicissitudes of a card game occupy a crucial place in the plot or, in any case, determine the character and motives of the characters’ behavior. “The Queen of Spades” by Pushkin, “Masquerade” by Lermontov, “The Players” by Gogol, “Two Hussars” and some chapters from “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy, Chekhov’s stories “Screw” and “Whist”, “Grand Slam” by L. Andreev - in a word, it’s impossible to list everything. There are dozens of names of card games alone in Russian literature.

Card games were divided into COMMERCIAL and GAMBLING. The first required not only a successful arrangement of cards, but also calculation, consideration, a kind of talent - almost like in chess. Gambling depended only on blind chance. The word “GAMBLING” comes from the French “hasard” - chance, then it received additional meaning- passionate, obsessed. It is characteristic that the nobles - officers and officials - were mainly fond of gambling - it was not the art of the game that attracted them, but only the winnings, and large ones at that.

However, sometimes they played not for the sake of winning, but for the sake of... losing, they lost deliberately in order to please their partner, on whom their fate, career, and profitable marriage depended. So, Griboyedov’s Repetilov, in order to become the son-in-law of the baron, who “aimed at becoming a minister,” “with his wife and with him, embarked on a reversal, / He and she lost what sums, God forbid! “But when Repetilov married his daughter, the baron did not promote his son-in-law, fearing “reproach / For supposedly being weak towards his relatives!” » Here it is useful to know that REVERSI is an ancient card game.

Most often, the heroes of classical works played a game of chance, which, depending on the options, was called BANK, PHARAOH or STOSS. The authors described the course of the game, trying to captivate readers who knew both the rules and terms very well. For us, all this is Chinese literacy, making it difficult to understand the text. Meanwhile, this game is so primitive that it resembles the notorious “point”. Only the terms are complicated.

One of the players - BANKOMET - announced the amount of money for which he was playing, usually a large one - BET THE BANK. Another or several PONTED, that is, played against the bank, acting as PONTERS. Each punter had his own deck; the card on which the punter bet was taken out of his deck and placed face down near him. The punter placed the jackpot on this card, that is, the bet money, the bet. Then the game itself began.

ATM METAL BANK - laid out cards from his always fresh deck alternately into two piles, right and left. If the card chosen by the punter ended up in the right pile, the banker won the bet; in the left, the punter won. At this point, TALIYA, that is, the game, ended and a new one began, with new bets. As you can see, the chances of winning for the banker and the punters turned out to be completely equal.

If, while playing, the punter did not increase the bet, it was called playing MIRANDOLE. SEMPEL - simple, non-doubled rate, doubled rate - PE; PASSWORDS, or WITH ANGLE, - tripled; PASSWORDS PE - sixfold. Accordingly, the punter bent the corners of the card he placed, that is, put aside - from one to four corners. Hence the expression “BEND PASSWORDS”, or simply “bend” - increase the rates. The epigraph to the first chapter of “The Queen of Spades” contains the words of the “player’s song”: “They bent - God forgive them! - / From fifty / To one hundred.” This means that the punters doubled the bet and played on pe. The character of this story, Surin, complains that he plays carefully, without getting excited, with Mirandole, but nevertheless he always loses. Narumov is surprised at his firmness, why he never bets on RUTE. To bet on the route meant to bet (with a raise) on the same card in the expectation that sooner or later it would fall to the left, that is, in favor of the punter. This gave an opportunity, or at least hope, to win back for those who lost their first simple bets (samples) - the amount of winnings in this case covered the amount of losses.

To win from the first card placed was called WIN SONIC, that is, immediately - this is how Chaplitsky won in “The Queen of Spades”, betting on the very first card suggested to him by the Countess.

If there were several punters and, moreover, some of them bet on not one, but on two cards, the game became more complicated and slowed down: after each TAKE, the punters had to keep track of whether they had won or lost, revealing the postponed card accordingly. The results were WRITTEN IN CHALK on the green cloth of the table for subsequent calculation between the players.

Let us now trace Hermann’s fatal game in “The Queen of Spades” - the culmination of the entire story. The bank was metal by the owner of the house, Chekalinsky. When Hermann entered the living room, “there were about twenty players crowded around a long table,” and there were more than thirty cards on the table (that is, they were put away with the wrong side up) - this means that some players bet on not one, but two cards. That’s why “the match lasted a long time... Chekalinsky stopped after each throw to give the players time to make up their minds, wrote down the loss, politely listened to their demands, and even more politely folded back the extra corner that had been bent by an absent-minded hand.” The latter is undoubtedly ironic: seeing that their card lay to the left, other punters tried to quietly bend an extra corner on their card in order to increase their winnings: not absent-mindedness, but outright cheating.

Hermann played one-on-one with Chekalinsky. On the first evening, he placed the card called by the countess (three) and wrote the jackpot above it on the cloth, that is, the amount of the bet. Hermann firmly believed in winning, so the jackpot was solid - 47 thousand (“He’s crazy,” thought Narumov). Chekalinsky warned Hermann that no one had bet here more than 275 rubles in sample, that is, a simple primary bet. To confirm his solvency, Hermann shows a bank note. Chekalinsky places it on the card set aside (but not announced out loud) by Hermann and begins to throw. A nine goes to the right, a three to the left, conceived by Hermann. Hermann says “win”, shows his three and leaves with a huge winnings.

The next day, Hermann comes again, puts in another card suggested by the countess - a seven, puts his 47 thousand and yesterday's winnings on it (that is, he plays on a double bet). Chekalinsky mosque. The jack goes to the right, the seven placed by Hermann goes to the left. Hermann wins 94 thousand and leaves.

On the third day, Hermann was again at Chekalinsky’s. “The other players did not play their cards, eagerly waiting to see how he would end up.” So, Hermann, like previous times, punts against Chekalinsky alone. “Everyone printed out a deck of cards. Chekalinsky shuffled. Hermann removed and placed his card, covering it with a pile of bank notes. It looked like a duel. Deep silence reigned all around.

Chekalinsky began to throw, his hands were shaking. The queen went to the right, the ace to the left.

Ace wins! - said Hermann and opened his card.

“Your lady was killed,” said Chekalinsky.

Hermann shuddered: in fact, instead of an ace, he had a queen of spades. He couldn’t believe his eyes, not understanding how he could “turn around” (that is, take out the wrong card from his deck that he was counting on). Hermann lost to dust - the Countess seemed to take revenge on him by turning into a card queen of spades.Isn’t it only now, having delved into the rules and the course of the game, that we feel the full drama of the events? Knowing the card terms used by the classics as metaphors, we can more clearly imagine what is happening:

And before him is the imagination
The motley pharaoh sweeps his mosque.

(Pushkin. Evgeny Onegin).

The flashing of cards thrown left and right by an ATM when playing Pharaoh is compared with the pictures that arise in the mind of the lover Onegin.
In Pushkin’s “Little House in Kolomna” there is a phrase that is completely mysterious for our contemporary:

Let's rest a little at this point.
What? stop or let it go?..

As we just learned, playing on ne means doubling your bet. Before that, the poem talks about the poet’s difficult experience of writing it in an unusual stanza for Russian versification - an octave. The second line of the above quote should be understood as follows: give up without completing the task, or continue with redoubled efforts?

Friends Lavretsky and Mikhalevich meet in Turgenev’s “Noble Nest”. And what? “From Onika, after many years of separation... they argued about the most abstract subjects.” Sonic (Turgenev writes this term separately) means winning from the first bet, and here, figuratively, immediately, without long introductions.

Some card terms have taken root in our language in a figurative sense; knowing them, we often don’t even think about their card origin: GO VA - BANK, that is, bet on the entire bank - act with extreme risk; I PAS - I refuse to move, figuratively - I am unable, I am forced to refuse; TO APPLY - to add your bet to the bet of another player, that is, to join someone out of self-interest. The expression “RUB YOUR GLASSES” is understood by many as smearing someone else’s glasses in order to distort what is visible. It's actually a cheating term; An extra point (sign) was rubbed onto the card with a special powder, thereby turning, for example, a six into a winning seven. REMOVE - quietly replace the card with another one you need.

In ancient times, humanity did not have such extensive opportunities in terms of creating gaming products. Not only computers, but even the simplest calculating machines were not visible then even on the horizon of scientific progress. But, nevertheless, many managed to create wonderful games that, having passed through the centuries, continue to delight humanity. This includes chess, backgammon, and a large number of card games. All these games have now migrated to virtual reality. So, anyone can fight a computer in chess, and many of the virtual minds can easily deal with even a candidate master of sports! Backgammon has been played online for a very long time, especially now that playing for money online has become commonplace. Well, online card games are generally the holy of holies of online casinos. Moreover, you should not think that card games are the lot of modern times. In fact, games that involve a certain level of card interaction different meanings, perhaps the most ancient on our planet. In particular, in the East, solitaire games like mahjong were very popular, which can be called fundamental in the category of card games. But the card ones Online Games- this is a product of modernity, moreover, many of them are exact copies of ancient games, while others are simplified versions. There are also games created in the computer era. Also, a very large number of network card games have only external signs some famous game with a thousand-year history, but essentially having nothing in common with it. Globally, card games can be divided into many categories, and the division will depend on the principles underlying this classification. Based on the spirit of computer game world, the easiest way is to divide games based on money. That is, all card games can be divided into those that are created for entertainment and those whose essence boils down to playing for money. The first include different types solitaire games, as well as popular yard games like fool. Despite its notoriety, the fool is a game too geared to chance to be a solid way to decide the fate of a monetary investment. But poker is just a game of skill. After all, luck is important here only when playing to the end. And the main battles take place on the field of psychology and self-control. In addition to poker, the relatively young Debertz can also be considered a solid game for money. All card and Board games online games are very simple from a computer point of view, so they can be easily played from any laptop or desktop.

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