Where to start raising a puppy. Puppies: education, care and feeding. Don't care about your pet's mental development

An obedient dog is the dream of all pet owners. But in order for the pet to be flexible and well-mannered, it is necessary to make an effort on the part of the owners. Did the animal come into the family as a puppy, or has it already adult, it is always possible to correct his behavior. How to raise a dog correctly, what methods of reward and punishment should be adopted and what line of behavior should be followed?

It will not be possible to influence the behavior of a pet (this applies not only to puppies, but also to adult animals) if the owner cannot become an authority for him - the leader of the pack. How to show your dog who's boss? There are a few simple rules:

  • The owner is always the first to start the meal, this is exactly what happens in a pack of animals - the leader gets his fill, then everyone else in order. The dog should be fed only after the whole family has eaten. If this is not possible in the morning, then you can feed your pet first, but do everything as expected on the weekend.
  • The leader enters the gates, doors, gates first, the rest of the pack members will definitely let him through. You should accustom your pet to this order. All attempts to crawl through, squeeze in, pushing others aside, must be stopped. To do this, you need to give the command “No!” in a stern voice, and holding the dog by the chest, enter first. Screaming while constantly tugging on the animal's leash is not recommended.
  • The owner's leadership should be shown even in the game. In any fun of a competitive nature, a person must win. Both puppies and adult dogs love tugging objects, in which case the prey should be in the hands of the owner. If the pet is superior in physical strength, or during the game there is no strength left, you can use the “Give” command and pick up the item.
  • Ideally, the game should start with the host serving. Of course, when it comes to puppies and young animals, it is very difficult to follow this rule. Sometimes you can succumb to provocation from your pet. But the dog must finish the game solely at the suggestion of the owner. One command is enough for your pet - “No!”, but if this does not work, you must command “Sit!” and maintain this position for 30-40 seconds. This pause will allow the dog to calm down.
  • A well-mannered dog should follow all instructions and commands the first time. Of course, such unquestioning obedience is not easy to achieve, but subsequently it will be much easier to control the animal, which means that time is not wasted.
  • A pet should have its own corner in the house - a place. Not all owners agree that dogs cannot sleep on sofa beds, but only on their own. But when an animal growls when trying to kick it out of the owner’s furniture, it is necessary to take serious measures, since the animal has begun to forget about its status in the house.
  • The pet's rank will be significantly lowered if all its attempts to lie down on the sofa or bed are stopped for some time. You can block furniture, close doors, take the animal out of the room before going to bed - all means are good, except physical impact.
  • It is necessary to accustom your pet to the “Place!” command. Of course, if the goal is for the animal to always sleep there, you need to be firm and send the animal back to its place again and again, even if the dog is just stretched out on the floor. It’s easier in this matter with puppies - the main thing is that the owners themselves should not give in to slack; with an adult they will have to work hard.
  • If the dog has gone too far and has stopped obeying, you can use another method - kick the dog out of the place where he lies for no reason. Even if it's his litter. This should not be the norm, but used only for educational purposes, since such an attitude will remind the pet who is in charge in the house. You can also restrict access to certain rooms by keeping your puppy outside the door.

Outdoor toilet training

An important educational issue that concerns not only puppies. Sometimes a family gets an animal that is accustomed to street life, or people move from their house to an apartment. In the latter situation, you should not give up your pet, because in most cases you can accustom the animal to new conditions.

Appropriate Punishment for a Dog

You should never use physical force – hitting or kicking your pet. An example of such an attitude is yard dogs, which everyone tries to offend, which leads to the animal’s embitterment.

In addition, the owner’s hand should evoke extremely pleasant emotions for the dog. It is used to caress the pet, give food, and treat injuries. If you use your hand for beating, the dog's trust will disappear, after which it will be difficult to earn it back. The dog will be aggressive even if the owner takes it by the leash.

Of course, education without punishment is impossible; it is necessary to wean the dog from picking up trash while walking, not taking treats from strangers, etc. It is necessary to choose other, more suitable methods:

  • Word. A command pronounced in a firm, confident voice in most cases works better than assault. In this case, the command “Ugh!” will help; it will become an indicator that the owner is not satisfied with the behavior of his pet.
  • Use of force. This is a last resort, most often used on puppies that do not want to obey. If they disobey, they get a spanking on the scruff of the neck from their parents. Since the owner takes on the responsibilities of a guardian and educator, he must do the same. It is enough to shake the baby by the withers, raising his voice, and then stand, looking down menacingly. Does the puppy have his tail tucked, ears tucked and looking guilty? This means that the meaning of the punishment has reached him.

Sometimes adults require similar exposure. Most often, dogs of fighting breeds are particularly stubborn, especially if they came into the family as adults. In a rebellious pack, the leader presses him to the ground, baring his teeth threateningly; the owner should do something similar.

Initially, the pet should be lifted off the ground by the collar and croup. Having lost the feeling of the ground under his feet, the dog will become worried and his self-confidence will be shaken. Then you need to lower it to the ground, laying it down and pressing it slightly to the ground. This attitude will remind you that a person is a leader and requires respect and submission.

Video on how to raise the perfect dog

Basic rules of education

Of course, without experience in communicating with dogs, it is difficult to immediately understand all the subtleties of education. If you don’t have time to delve into it yourself, entrust this matter to a professional. If this is not possible, you will have to work hard and not let everything go to chance. An animal of any age needs training, but a number of tips will help you find an approach to a pet of any age:

  • The owner himself must learn. Without knowledge, you should not take on raising a dog, as wrong actions can cause harm. Today there are many films and books filmed and written by professional dog handlers and veterinarians that help in this difficult matter. You should set aside time to gain new knowledge - 40-60 minutes a day will be enough.
  • You cannot use the word "later". You should not think that the dog’s incorrect behavior will correct itself, or that it can be corrected later, when the desire appears, free time etc. If you miss the moment, you can forever lose the authority of the animal, and the correction will have to be carried out by dog ​​handlers.
  • Self-control is important. Being a teacher and educator is difficult in any field, be it working with children, adults, or animals. Before training, you need to tune in to a positive mood, but if any events have pissed you off, you should not start training until nervous system won't go back to normal. Under no circumstances should you scream, lash out, or spank your dog; not everything works out right away, so it’s important to be patient.

A well-mannered dog is not only a pride for any owner, but also a reliable support and protection.

And now you are a happy dog ​​owner! When the first euphoria subsides, you are guaranteed to ask yourself the question: how to raise a puppy? After all, an obedient, flexible and well-mannered puppy will grow up to be a comfortable dog for living together.

Photo: google


Raising a puppy includes practicing skills such as:

  • response to nickname
  • training to use a collar/harness and leash, training to use a muzzle
  • training to show teeth, manipulate ears and paws
  • learning to walk on a loose leash
  • practicing the commands “Near”, “To me”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Stand”
  • practicing basic endurance in basic positions
  • teaching your puppy not to pick up food from the ground.

Specialist observation: Since this type of training is not normative, it often includes other wishes of the owners, such as socialization of the puppy, place training, bed weaning, cleanliness training, formation of food and play motivation and maintaining the correct balance between both types of motivation, formation of a balance between excitation and inhibition processes, etc.

When can and should you start raising a puppy?

You can (and should) start raising a puppy from the first day he is in his new home. Only upbringing is different from upbringing. You shouldn’t “take the bull by the horns” and start training all teams at once on the very first day. Let the baby adapt and explore the new home. Your new family member will eat, sleep and play. The game is a great way to develop motivation, focus on the owner, and switchability. What is there - all training process can be turned into a most interesting game! And given that the puppy comes to us in a “tabula rasa” state, we have the opportunity to sculpt the very dog ​​we dreamed of. And this modeling is a constant process, requiring us to be almost 100% involved in our little pet: we need to regularly actively encourage the correct behavior and small victories of our baby and ignore or switch (and ideally, not allow) incorrect behavior.

I am often asked: “How to properly punish a puppy for his intrigues and pampering?” I usually answer: “No way! You need to punish yourself for being careless or provoking the puppy to do the wrong thing.”

How to properly raise a puppy

Raising a puppy with games

While the puppy is in quarantine, you have a head start! This is your time! The time when you can quite easily “lead” the dog to you. Learn to play with your puppy. Play honestly, selflessly, sincerely. Use a toy to imitate prey and how it runs away. Usually the hare does not jump into the dog's mouth, he does not fly through the air over the puppy's head (do not forget that jumping at an early age is dangerous and very traumatic). When playing, imitate a hunt, use a toy to imitate a running hare. Teach your puppy to switch from your hands or feet to playing with a toy. Teach him to love playing with you, otherwise, after going outside and meeting other dogs, it will be difficult for you to outplay them.

Raising a puppy by earning food

How many times a day does your baby eat? 4 times? Great, that means you will have 4 workouts a day. Learn to work with him regularly from the very first day your baby is in the house. Teach your baby to earn food too. Your training does not have to be long: for a puppy under four months of age, a training session of 10 to 15 minutes will be plenty.

How to start raising a puppy? Why should he be rewarded? Everything is simple here.

  1. Has the puppy approached you? - they called him by name and gave him a piece.
  2. You took a few steps away from him, he ran after you - they called you by name and gave you a piece. This is you teaching the puppy to respond to his name.
  3. They sat on the bed, and the baby remained on the floor - they gave him a piece for 4 paws on the floor: at the moment you are practicing a calm attitude towards the bed.
  4. Put a harness and leash on the puppy, walk him across the room, lightly tugging on the leash from time to time and rewarding him for walking - this is how you teach the baby to use a leash and to be controlled while on a leash.

We teach the puppy not to test everything

Usually puppies love to try everything with their teeth or dig it up. How to deal with this? I really, really love the Rope method. While you are at home, the puppy wears a collar (or harness) with a meter-long rope attached to it. As soon as the baby begins to perform actions that are unpleasant to you (gnaws a shoe or the leg of a stool, stole a slipper, ...) you step on the leash, pull the puppy towards you, switch it to a piece of treat or to play with you.

If the baby still reaches out to the forbidden thing, there are several solutions: the first (and simplest) is to remove the forbidden thing from reach for two weeks. If the first method does not suit you for one reason or another (although I would highly recommend putting your shoes in the closets), try the second. Holding the rope and not letting the baby near the forbidden thing, we say strictly: “No,” pause and watch the puppy. Most likely, the baby will try to get his way. We prohibit and do not allow to commit an offense. We wait. We prohibit and do not allow. We wait. We prohibit and do not allow...

The number of attempts to achieve its goal will be different for each puppy. Some people have 3 - 4 attempts, a more persistent puppy - up to 8, for especially stubborn ones (this often includes terrier puppies) - up to 15, or even 20. The main thing is patience, don’t give up! As soon as the puppy turns away from the coveted stool or moves away from it, be sure to praise him! Learn to see and celebrate his small everyday victories. And don't forget to remove the string at night or when you leave home.


The appearance of another “family member” in the house is not only a great joy, but also a responsibility. Little puppy- this is a child. In order for living together to give joy, the baby should be raised obedient, neat, and socialized. He, like all children, received his first lessons from his mother - these are lessons of obedience and caution. The owner will have to do the rest. This will require knowledge about the behavior of dogs, their diet at different periods of growing up and the basic rules and approaches to education and training. Don't delay starting educational process for later. It is recommended to start raising a puppy as soon as he crosses the threshold of the house.

You need to live in a pack - this truth flows in the blood and is imprinted in the genes of the dog. Every pack has a leader. With the arrival of a new member into the house (pack), in this case a dog, you should immediately indicate who is the boss of the house. If this is not done, the animal will try to take authority upon itself, not paying attention to equality and friendly relations, which previously reigned in the family.

It is necessary to clearly indicate that the owner of the house is a person

There is always one leader in the pack. It is better that this role goes to a person. In this case, the process of raising a pet will become easier and faster.

The leader must be the first in everything:

  • The best pieces always go to the leader - he eats first. The dog eats food after the whole family has finished breakfast, lunch or dinner. You can deviate from the rule, but you should not turn the exception into a new rule.
  • The leader always goes ahead of the pack - he leads it, and no one runs ahead or runs in front of him. Always be in front and do not allow the dog to be the first to enter the yard, the house, or narrow passages - this will increase its authority in its own eyes. Violation of the established order must be stopped with a strict command “no” and physical restraint using a leash.
  • The mother plays with the puppies in their games and often involves them in the game. But as soon as they cross the boundaries of what is permitted, punishment follows and the game ends. Frolic with your pets, but adhere to the rule - the game begins and ends at the owner's command. And one more thing: the leader always wins - otherwise he is not a leader. So, after the end of the game, the toy should be in the hands of the owner, even if this requires a strict command. A game is a game, and if the “no” command does not work, you should give the order “sit” and give the dog time to come to his senses and calm down.
  • A sign of good upbringing is the dog’s strict compliance with the owner’s commands. This is a complex skill that requires patience and takes a lot of time, but just imagine the admiration of those around you for the pet’s precise execution of commands and the feeling of pride in the animal and, of course, in yourself – not sparing time and effort on your pet and its upbringing.

From puppyhood, animals show a desire for cleanliness. This happens at the level of instincts. As soon as the puppy begins to walk, it stops shitting in its rookery. Natural cleanliness should be used to teach your baby to use the toilet in a designated place - at home or on the street.

The path to success begins with the establishment and strict adherence to several types of regime.


  • feeding is carried out at strictly established times;
  • compliance with the norms and frequency of feeding is carried out in accordance with the age of the pet.

You should feed your dog at the same time every day

The walking schedule depends on the dog’s real life needs. Puppies require a walk and a trip to the toilet after:

  • each feeding;
  • energetic games;
  • fear or excessive activity.

Adult dog Two or three walks a day are enough. It is mandatory to go outside in the morning and evening. If possible, lunchtime.

When developing a toilet routine, the best results are achieved by using the good old “carrot and stick” method:

  • praise, pet, treat with a treat every time the dog toilets in the right place;
  • The kid caught at the scene of the “crime” responds with a steely tone and the command “fu”.

Use the carrot and stick method

When applying the method, do not forget that its main component is encouragement, not punishment!

Up to three months, until the puppy is vaccinated, you can use a special tray with filler as a toilet. When going outside at first, you should not use sharp commands or physical force. The best option is more frequent walks. At this age, the baby may not yet understand commands, especially a large number that replace one another.

The first walks on the street should be of the same type. Same route, amount of time, reaction to behavior. At the same time, it is better to walk away from busy highways and roads, where the baby can go to the toilet simply out of fear, and not out of necessity, when a flying car makes a terrible sound in the form of a horn or braking. The puppy should feel comfortable and completely safe, and not dream of quickly getting home, where he can do his business more habitually and more conveniently.

For the rest, it’s enough just to be attentive to your pet and monitor its needs.

Raising a puppy in the house begins with accustoming it to the place where it will be:

  • sleep;
  • store toys;
  • hide from the annoying pestering of small children and from the owner when he wants to punish him;
  • return on the command “place”.

That is why it is important to first take the baby to a bed. The place where the puppy's life begins in the house will become his favorite, especially if it is furnished comfortably and interestingly. When the baby is half dead, you should repeat: “Place, good, well done, place!” This should be repeated 4-5 times a day. After some time, the puppy will understand that the bed is its rightful place.

As for the location in the house, it is necessary to choose a place so that no one disturbs the dog. It is recommended to avoid walk-through corridors and drafty areas. As a lounger, you can use special expensive dog beds or a regular mattress, for example, left over from a crib.

Also, the dog must understand the place command

The dog’s place is its property and a protected corner. You cannot encroach on it, try to drive the dog away from it, without punishing it when it is there.

Accustoming a puppy to his place has many positive aspects, for example, in the future you will not have to drive him away from sofas, beds and armchairs. A trained dog can be allowed to lie where it likes during the day, but on command it must return to its place.

The pet must also have a separate and permanent place for feeding. Dishes for food and water must be clean. Even if your pet has not finished eating, you should clean the dishes - this will accustom you to a certain diet.

You need to keep your pet's bowl in one place at all times.

When faced with the need to place an adult dog, you will need to be firm during the training process. Every time you find the dog lying in the wrong place in the apartment, you should voice the command “place” and take it to the lounger. Repeating the process will achieve a positive result.

The correct approach to nutrition lies in following a regimen, varied diet and knowing when to stop. Overnutrition and undernutrition are equally bad.

Diet requirements:

  • Meeting the energy needs of the dog's body at all stages of growth.
  • Variety – meat, dairy products, vegetables, cereals.
  • Separate meals. It is not recommended to give meat and dairy products at the same time.
  • Limiting time for eating food. No more than 15-20 minutes. If the diet is not eaten, you can safely take it away and clean the bowl.

Food should be varied

Following a diet will help proper growth an animal that will be distinguished by good health and high activity. For each age, taking into account the needs of the growing body, veterinarians have developed clear recommendations for organizing the dog’s nutrition. General requirements that every dog ​​owner should adhere to:

  • Until the age of 2 months, a puppy needs to be fed 6-5 times a day.
  • As they grow, every 2 months, the number of feedings is reduced by one. From 10 months of age, you can switch to two feedings a day - morning and evening.
  • It is not recommended to feed the puppy between feedings (except for training purposes).
  • It is necessary to feed and water your pet only from its bowls.
  • It is advisable to secure the bowls on stands according to their height, so as not to disturb the growing skeleton.
  • The water must be clean, and its supply in the bowl must be constantly maintained.

Raising an obedient pet is difficult, but possible. To do this, you need to work hard - both the owner and the dog. Raising a puppy is built on a large number of rules and instincts. Knowing how the former interact with the latter, you can easily deal with even a disobedient dog.

The behavior of animals is largely based on a variety of reflexes - both innate and acquired. Understanding the processes of formation and development of useful skills and reflexes in dogs provides the key to their upbringing and training.

Initial training (education) can begin at 1.5-2 months of age. The initial list of commands is small, but it lays the foundation and simplifies the process of further training.

  • Nickname. It is important to teach the puppy to respond to the name chosen for him. By calling, you can offer food or treats, rewarding him with praise or petting when he runs. Very soon he will respond to her with joy.
  • Place. Important command. Accustoming to its place and practicing it in puppyhood helps in the future with training.
  • Ugh. The most frequently used command among children. Helps in solving most pet behavior problems.
  • To me. A very important team. You should ensure that this command is executed the first time - repetition reduces its significance and does not lead to results.

Initial training is carried out at 1.5-2 months of age

Starting from the age of 3-4 months, you can move on to short (10-20 minutes) but regular exercises. The list of commands can gradually be replenished with new, more complex ones: “Nearby”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Stand”, “Fetch”. To develop conditioned reflexes to carry out each command, reinforcement is used - a favorite treat, words of approval, stroking.

It is recommended to start with simple and easy-to-learn commands, gradually moving on to more complex ones. The owner is required to be persistent, demanding, fair and consistent, without which it is simply impossible to raise an animal.

In the process of raising (training) puppies, the use of forceful methods of punishment should be avoided. When teaching the execution of the commands “Fu”, “No”, as punishment you should use a sharp and harsh intonation of the voice when giving the command, and a jerk of the leash.

Punishment must be effective

Babies should be punished by imitating the habits of their mother - picked up by the skin at the withers, lifted off the ground and shaken, then lowered to the ground and pressed lightly, showing your strength and authority.

When training older dogs, it is permissible to use a hand spank, but only on the rear part - you cannot hit the dog in other places. The punishment must be effective so that it is not ignored.

It should be remembered that physical punishment is used only in the initial stages of training. After developing the necessary reflexes, the use of the “Fu” command should be sufficient for punishment.

Basic rules of education

As in many other areas, the best results in training and training your pet can be achieved with the help of professionals. When this solution is unacceptable for some reason, the only available option is to engage in parenting yourself. A few simple notes may be helpful on this thorny path.

  • Don't neglect self-education. Without basic knowledge about your pet, its behavior, physiology, principles of education, nutrition, you will not achieve success. Today there are more than enough sources for obtaining specialized knowledge. You should only use those that were developed by professionals.
  • Forget the words “next time”, “we’ll put it off until later”, “not now”. Having decided to take the upbringing of your pet into your own hands, do not put it off on the back burner - start today. Anything that is put off until later, in the hope of catching up and correcting when there is time, can result in a loss of authority and status as the leader of the pack, leading to the dog seizing power. It’s easy to miss the moment - you will have to correct the situation only under the guidance of a trainer.
  • Have patience, self-control and confidence in yourself and your pet. The role of a teacher, no matter what kind of students he has to work with, will require all of the listed qualities. Only a positive attitude, no nervous breakdowns while working with a pet, in no case take out your irritation on him, do not hit, do not yell, believe in yourself and in him, work for the result. The latter will not keep you waiting and will allow you to be proud of yourself and the dog.

A well-mannered dog is a reason for pride and reliable protection!

An obedient pet is the dream of every dog ​​owner. But achieving what you want is not so easy; for this you need to put in a lot of effort and be patient.

It doesn’t matter at what age the dog came into your family - as a puppy or as an adult, you can always correct its behavior. How to properly raise a dog, what system of rewards and punishments should you come up with, what line of behavior should you follow?

The dog's place in the family hierarchy

How to raise a dog correctly? Before starting practice, you should study basic theoretical information. A person will not be able to influence the behavior of his pet if he cannot become an authority for him - the leader of the pack. But how can you show your dog who's boss? There are several simple rules:

How to properly raise a puppy: toilet training

An extremely important question that concerns not only puppies. Sometimes a family gets animals that are accustomed to street life, or a family moves from a private house to an apartment. In the latter case, there is no need to give up the pet, because in the vast majority of cases the animal can be accustomed to new living conditions.

Adult pets need to be walked twice a day; as for older pets, they need to be taken out at least three times, at the same time - morning/lunch/evening.

Puppies cannot have a walking schedule yet. The owner must spend a lot of time nearby and take the baby outside every time he begins to worry and look for a place.

Raising an adult dog and appropriate punishments

Under no circumstances should you hit or kick your pet; physical force is unacceptable! An example of such an attitude is yard dogs, which many people want to offend, which leads to their embitterment.

In addition, the owner’s hand should evoke extremely pleasant emotions for the pet. It is used to treat injuries to the dog, give food and caress. If you use your hand for hitting, it will be impossible to regain the dog’s former trust. The pet will be aggressive even at the moment when the owner takes it by the leash.

Of course, education without punishment is impossible; it is necessary in many life situations, but preference should be given to more loyal methods:

Sometimes such physical impact is also necessary for adult animals. As a rule, dogs are especially stubborn fighting breeds, especially if they came to a new family as adults.

Basic rules of education

Of course, without experience in raising dogs, it is quite difficult to understand all the subtleties at once. If you are unable to delve into parenting issues on your own, then contact a professional. A pet of any age needs appropriate upbringing; to find an approach to it, we recommend that you pay attention to the following tips:

A well-mannered dog is not only a faithful friend and the pride of the family, but also protection and reliable support!

Raising a dog is a very labor-intensive process that requires patience from the owner. Despite a large number of books on this topic, you should not hope that in a month you will be able to make your pet obedient.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

General rules

The advice of dog handlers regarding the education process boils down to the following: proper upbringing impossible to implement without some features. Simple rules organizing the process. The basics of raising a puppy are strong will and patience of its leader, that is, its owner. That is why, from the very first day a puppy appears in your house, it is worth showing him that in your “pack” the leader is you, and not the dog, and gradually teach him to obey all your commands.

Simple advice from experienced dog handlers will help you figure out where to start and how not to break the dog’s psyche during the training process:

  • daily regime. This point is very important both for the animal and for you. Remember that the puppy cannot tell you about his desires - ask him to eat or play with him. A harmoniously designed daily routine, which includes all the items necessary for a dog, will allow the pet to feel confident. The only thing that should not be forgotten is to strictly carry out all the points in strict sequence every day;
  • You need to dominate your dog from the moment it first appears in your home. To do this, it is necessary to immediately distribute roles in the family. Even in children, the dog should see a leader - then during a walk it will clearly follow the commands of its “little leader”;
  • Training should take place regularly, it is advisable to include this item in the daily routine. However, it should be remembered that classes should not last more than 20 minutes. If you show patience and perseverance, very soon your dog will delight you with its good behavior.

A dog from a shelter - education and its features

When deciding to do a good deed and adopt a future pet from a shelter, you should understand that the occurrence of certain problems is simply inevitable. The first thing to remember is that you need to give the dog time to get used to the new environment, family. Perhaps at first the dog will simply hide somewhere and not come out, and will not immediately remember that he should go to the toilet outside. However, your patience and love will help you overcome all obstacles and show your dog in a gentle way that you are the main thing in your tandem.

c"> Raising a dog up to a year - stages and features

You should cultivate obedience in a puppy from birth and not stop for a moment. There are some rules that you should think about even before the puppy crosses the threshold of your home for the first time.

  1. Boundaries of what is permitted. You must understand what you want to see in an adult dog's behavior and what is unacceptable. You should begin to instill the necessary behavior from the moment the puppy appears, and in no case should you hope that the dog will grow up and become wiser.
  2. Learning to distract attention. From the moment your pet is born, he should have toys. To prevent your puppy from chewing shoes or furniture, you should play with him regularly. Remember that the animal reacts to the smell, and if its saliva remains on your shoes, it doesn’t understand why you can’t play with it. As soon as you notice that your pet has decided to frolic, switch his attention to the toy.
  3. Tasty reward. Every achievement, even a small one, of a puppy should be rewarded - give him his favorite treat or cuddle him.

But after a year, when the dog clearly understands the rules of behavior and determines the limits of what is permitted, you can proceed directly to training. Professionals involved in dog training, developing in them the skills to guard and protect their owner, insist that training can only begin once the dog has reached the age of two. The peculiarity of two years of age is that the dog’s psyche has become quite strong.

Brief characteristics of dog breeds and their education

When starting to raise a Labrador dog, you should take into account the peculiarities of its psychology. Labradors have a very affectionate disposition. And they rightly believe that for affection they can be forgiven for their laziness and reluctance to learn. Unlike a yard dog, a Labrador is not very persistent.

The characteristics of the Labrador dog breed and its upbringing show that you will have to not only attract the pet’s attention, but also keep it throughout the entire lesson. Unlike the husky breed, which requires strictness in education, the Labrador is more willing to learn for “treats” or affection.

e"> Raising a pointing dog

Wanting to have not just a well-mannered dog in the house, but an assistant and hunting partner, it is important not only to teach the puppy to follow simple commands, such as sit, lie down, next to you, etc. Hunting dog must not be afraid of water, be able to catch up with prey and bring it to the owner, have such qualities as perseverance and seriousness. After all, hunting is no place for games. That is why, without training the animal in field conditions you can't get by. First, you should teach your puppy not to be afraid of bodies of water - after all, swimming in a bathtub is one thing, and quite another thing in a lake. To do this, in the warm season, you should go with a puppy who has reached 4-5 months of age to shallow water and gradually call the dog to you, motivating it to go into the water. Only after the puppy learns to swim well can you begin field training, introducing the dog to ducks and other game and instilling the necessary skills.

f"> Collar - noose for education

An indispensable assistant in the process of training your dog is a collar. Today, the choke collar is very popular on the market; it is made of soft nylon and does not cause severe pain to the animal. In most cases, the pet learns to respond to the slight jingling of the chain, and not to pain.

Many novice dog breeders wonder whether it is possible to beat a dog for educational purposes, thus punishing disobedience and other offenses. You cannot resort to this method. Remember that in response to any manifestation of your aggression, the dog will defend itself and its life using the methods available to it - bites, attacks.

Raising an adult disobedient dog

It is, of course, possible to train or retrain an already mature dog, but it will require enormous patience and a long time from you. It is difficult for an adult dog to understand why it should “suddenly” obey its owner. After all, up to this moment everything was different, and it will no longer be possible to cultivate obedience at the level of instincts, like in a puppy. But you need to start from simple to complex.

First, learn to hear each other. You should start training when the dog is already slightly hungry, in which case he will try more persistently to get a treat. A cowardly dog ​​needs to learn to deal with its fears. Remember, as a child you were probably afraid of the dark. But persistence and time helped you overcome it. Gradually teach your pet not to react to other people or cats. Hyperactive and large dog Is it difficult to stay in one place and not sweep away everything in your path? Try to free up the space as much as possible, gradually filling it with the items you need. Furniture appears gradually, leaving enough free space. When the pet gets used to the new “obstacle”, you can add the following.

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2024 my-cross.ru. Cats and dogs. Small animals. Health. Medicine.