Samoyed Laika: description of the breed, features of education and care

(Samoyed, Samoyed, Samoyed dog)


Spitz and primitive breeds

Height at the withers



Many hearts were won by the snow-white beauty from the North. And this is not only because of the amazing appearance, but also the intelligent qualities of the breed.

Since ancient times, Samoyed huskies have helped people survive in the harsh conditions of the North. They are smart, obedient and hardy dogs.

As for breed standards, they have the following criteria:

  • Height at the withers for males is 51-56 cm, and for females - 46-51 cm.
  • Weight from 20 to 30 kg.
  • The color may be cream, with tan, but mostly pure white.
  • Coat with soft and dense undercoat and flexible outer hair.

Breed varieties

There are two types of breed - a bear and a wolf Samoyed. They are slightly different in structure. The bearish type has a more powerful and shorter torso, as well as a wide skull. Wolf - on the contrary, an elongated body and a narrow skull.

General description and characteristics of the breed

Males reach a height at the withers of up to 57-58 cm, and females - up to 52-53 cm. They can be considered. An attractive look to the dog is given by its smile. The nasal lobe can be brown, flesh-colored or black, and by winter it completely discolors.

The eyes are dark brown and deep set. Small ears are slightly rounded, covered with thick hair inside. The tail is also densely pubescent, which can be thrown back or sideways.

The coat itself is very thick, dense and shiny. In the region of the neck and withers, it forms a collar. The color can be not only snow-white, but also cream or tan. The main condition is the presence of silver ends of the guard hairs.

Interesting fact! This breed is one of the most famous ancient northern breeds. She got her name because of the secluded life from a person, but at the same time she always lived next to him.
The peoples of the north used the Samoyed as a deer, walrus and bear hunter. And on a cold winter night, dogs protected people with their warm fur from freezing.

All dog breeders of the world appreciated the appearance and character of Samoyed huskies. And so at the moment there are quite a lot of lovers of this breed. With proper care and maintenance, Samoyeds often live up to 15 years.

Samoyed character traits

The Samoyed Laika is gentle and friendly dog having a good character. She makes an excellent companion and family member. These animals are always full of spirit and are able to find a common language with all family members and their environment.

The dog loves and demands constant communication not only with his family, but also with those around him. Therefore, it is unlikely to suit too busy people, so it will miss attention and communication. You can't leave her alone for too long.

Samoyeds are well trained, they can be attributed to easily trained dog breeds. There are situations when the animal becomes stubborn, but this is easy to fix, only by showing its character. In addition, due to evolution no hunting instincts Therefore, when kept with other animals, there will be no problems.

As for children, Samoyeds treat them very well, calmly endure their active lifestyle. A dog can endure increased attention to her person from a child for a long time, as well as participate in games with a small one.

dog education

The training of the Samoyed includes education, which helps to develop and consolidate the existing behavioral skills through coercion and encouragement, as well as teaching all the necessary commands. In this case, the execution of commands is mandatory requirement If the puppy does not execute the command 3-4 times, then this disobedience may become systematic.

It is important to know that proper education cannot do without punishments, the main thing is that they be done in a timely manner. Beating a puppy with a leash is unacceptable, since in the future he may simply refuse to walk using this element. It is rare to allow the use of a whip, but only in the most extreme situations of disobedience.

Features of training

Without training, you cannot raise an obedient dog. However, it should be taken into account that physical punishment should be minimal! The dog has its own pride and self-esteem, and this should not be forgotten.

The training itself is based on the principle of a wolf pack. And this means that:

  • The ringleader, in this case the owner, must eat first. That is, the dog must be fed after the whole family has eaten.
  • The owner must first enter the house, and after that the dog.
  • The dog should not be confused underfoot, so it should determine a personal place.

Puppy training should begin at the age of 3 months. He must learn to follow obedience commands, after which he is awarded a diploma. A guard dog is recommended, in addition to basic commands.

Further, if desired, you can undergo training in the tracking or security service, as well as in the search and rescue field. An experienced instructor is able to find the right approach to each dog and make training an easy stage in the life of an animal.

Samoyed requires meticulous care and maintenance. The best option for her is a country house, but it can also be kept in an apartment, but with frequent and long walks. The dog needs to get a lot of exercise, space and movement.

Dogs themselves are clean, they do not have the typical "dog" smell. But at the same time, thick coat requires regular care, especially for periods of molting (2 times a year).

If the dog, first of all, you should find out the reason. Perhaps the pet thus expresses dissatisfaction with your absence, or there is some kind of disease.

Should be pet periodically. You can do this with a regular thermometer.

As for bathing, this procedure can be done 3-4 times a year. More frequent washing can adversely affect the condition of the coat, especially for dogs participating in exhibitions.

Feeding Samoyeds

As for feeding, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian who will select the optimal type of diet for a particular dog. At the same time, most breeders recommend feeding animals with specialized feeds in dry or wet form. Thus, the animal will receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals from food.

When feeding with natural food, the following foods should be excluded:

  • Chocolate;
  • Chicken and pork bones;
  • Eggs;
  • Raw meat.

In order to avoid stomach problems, it is better to transfer feeding after a perfect walk. With sufficient physical activity and feeding according to the age of the dog, it does not have problems with being overweight.

Dog diseases

Samoyed huskies are characterized by the following diseases:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • Cataract;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pigmentation of the nose;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • Deafness.

Video about the breed

Video about the breed

Choosing a puppy

You should take into account some tips that will become indispensable when choosing a companion for a period of 12-15 years.

  1. The selection of a puppy takes place on his 45th birthday and not earlier! In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands, because the baby has not yet been vaccinated. It is also important to pay attention to the condition of the house: the apartment should be clean, without foreign smells of urine or feces. This shows the attitude of the owners not only to the dog, but also to its puppies.
  2. A puppy aged 45 days or more must be clean, well-groomed and smell good. The eyes should not contain suppuration and other discharge, the puppy's ears should also be clean, and not contain dirt and lumps of sulfur.
  3. A small Samoyed must have the correct bite and the required number of incisors. At this age, lip pigmentation may be intermittent, but attention should be paid to the presence of black dots. They also indicate complete further pigmentation.
  4. Umbilical hernia. It may be present in a puppy, but only in a small amount. If a hernia occurs, then the operation to remove it must be funded by the breeder. A puppy with a pedigree is sold in full accordance with the breed standard!
  5. You should pay attention to the movement of the puppy. The front paws should be strictly parallel to each other, and the elbows should be pressed to the ribs.
  6. Tail location. By the age of 1.5 months, he should already take his position. It is best when the tail is close to the body, and does not hang to one side.
  7. . It is necessary to clarify with the breeder when the worms were driven out and with what preparations. The obligatory period is 21 days and then every 10 days until the puppy is 2 months old.

This breed is distinguished by devotion to the owners, therefore It is undesirable to adopt a dog as an adult because she is devoted to only one! Taking a puppy, he will never betray you.

Special preparation in the house before the appearance of a Samoyed puppy is not required. The main thing, as with other breeds, remove valuable and fragile things from visibility. The puppies are too active and during the game they can touch some objects.

The cost of puppies

The average cost of puppies with a pedigree fluctuates from $250 to $1000. Several factors affect the cost:

  • Gender of the puppy
  • Eminence of ancestors;
  • Purpose of purchasing a dog.

Bitches usually cost more than males. Moreover, if the parents of puppies have honorary titles, then, accordingly, their cost increases.

If a puppy is purchased as a pet, then it may have some minor flaws that are important for show animals, so its cost may differ significantly.

Puppies without documents will cost 1.5 - 2 times cheaper.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Each breed of dog has its own advantages and disadvantages. And the Samoyed is no exception. The advantages of the breed include:

  • Love for people and children;
  • devotion of character;
  • Cheerful disposition;
  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Getting along with other animals.

Among the shortcomings are:

  • Fairly high cost of thoroughbred puppies;
  • Abundant molting;
  • Strong talkativeness. If a dog is bored, it may howl for a long time.

In general, if you characterize the breed, then it is ideal for active families who do not welcome a home lifestyle. Dogs get along perfectly with any pets, small children and strangers. Their positive attitude and love of life is often transferred to the owners.

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