Make a fish cake. Fish cake. Traditional fish cake

Most of us are associated with a wide variety of salads, many of which are very filling and high in calories. Of course, the hostess wants all her guests to be full and satisfied with the dishes they tried, but few people worry about their stomachs. Holidays don’t happen very often, and therefore for one evening you can relax a little - enjoy something not entirely dietary, but so deliciously tasty! However, you should not forget about the usefulness of the products from which the dish is prepared. In this article, generous and hospitable housewives are offered an excellent compromise solution for their rich table - the Fish Cake salad.

Why is fish salad an ideal holiday dish?

Firstly, all the ingredients that go into the salad according to the recipe are natural and even healthy (or even dietary). Secondly, the finished dish looks very impressive and resembles the real thing, only salted. Thirdly, due to the use of seafood and eggs, the salad turns out to be very filling, and therefore you can quickly fill up with a small portion (which means you are unlikely to eat extra calories). In general, the option for a festive feast is ideal. Shall we start cooking?

Layer components needed for salad

The “Fish Cake” salad is prepared in layers, each of them is a new ingredient, and between them is a tender one. The edges are framed with red fish, and the top is decorated with red caviar. Is it possible to ignore such a masterpiece? Fish salad cake will certainly become one of the main culinary decorations of your celebration.

List of ingredients

We begin the preparation stage. Here is a list of products needed to prepare the salad:

  • lightly salted salmon or trout - half a kilo (you can buy ready-made cuts - two packs);
  • eggs - 4-6 pieces;
  • crab sticks - 400-500 grams (or one package);
  • rice - 80-100 grams.

For buttercream:

  • Philadelphia or Almette cheese (possibly with herbs) - 150 g;
  • sour cream and mayonnaise (can be replaced with natural yogurt) - 4 tbsp each. spoons;
  • gelatin - 8 grams.

For decoration: red or black caviar (optional).

Preparatory stage

You must first prepare all the products: boil the rice in salted water (you can add a little paprika), hard-boil the eggs, peel and separate the whites from the yolks, cut the fish into thin slices (if you are not using ready-made slices).

Preparing butter cream

Dilute the gelatin in half a glass of water and leave it to swell for half an hour. Meanwhile, in a separate container, beat cream cheese, sour cream and mayonnaise or yogurt. Heat the gelatin in a water bath until completely dissolved and cool. Add it to the rest of the ingredients, mix with a spatula or beat with a mixer. The cream is ready.

Assembling the salad cake

It's time to assemble the layered fish cake salad. To assemble it, you will need a fairly deep, preferably cone-shaped (slightly tapering inward) bowl shape. We line it completely with cling film (if you don’t have it, you can use foil), and then line the walls and bottom of the mold with thin pieces of fish (overlapping). Grind the yolks, whites (cut into cubes or three on a grater), everything separately, without mixing.

Place buttercream (a couple of spoons) on the bottom of the mold. Next, layer all our ingredients in the following order:

  • grated yolks and cream;
  • crab sticks and cream;
  • whites and cream again;
  • the last layer is rice and cream.

By the way, if you don’t like crab sticks, you can replace them, for example, with boiled shrimp. It will turn out even tastier and, of course, healthier. It’s a good idea to replace mayonnaise with natural unsweetened yogurt; this will make the dish noticeably more dietary without affecting the taste. But it’s better not to touch the rest of the ingredients - it’s this combination of red salted fish, tender whites and rich yolks that will give the perfect harmony of flavors.

Carefully wrap the mold and put it in the refrigerator for several hours (3-4 hours or overnight). When the salad has frozen, take it out, remove the film, cover it with a large flat dish and turn it over. Slowly remove the mold (so that the cake does not fall apart or stick). Salad "Fish Cake" is ready. All that remains is to decorate it.

Decorating a festive dish

We take red caviar (black is possible) and beautifully place it on the top of the cake, decorate the salad with herbs (parsley, dill, lettuce) around the circumference. Such a dish will look very impressive both outside and in cross-section. At the same time, preparing it is not very difficult, the most important thing is to prepare all the ingredients in advance, and then all that remains is to assemble it, cool it, and decorate it. When serving, it is better to cut neat pieces for your guests yourself so that it does not fall apart and maintains a decent appearance. You can complement it with rye croutons or black bread toast, which will perfectly highlight the taste of the dish.

Well, are you ready to take a risk and make a truly “Fish Cake”? The recipe proposed in our article will probably be within the capabilities of even novice young housewives. Bon appetit!

I came across the recipe for this festive layered fish salad on one website, and I couldn’t pass up this beauty and deliciousness. Moreover, I love layered salads, and the fish cake with salmon looks so appetizing, tastes wonderful, very tender.

Let's prepare a fish cake for testing, practice a little this way, because it is quite difficult to prepare (meaning the outer part of the fish), then we will surprise the guests - we will serve it on the festive table, believe me, the guests will be delighted, even if someone is not I really like the ingredients included in the composition - the appearance will do the trick...))). Holiday fish cake recipe with photos...

Ingredients for holiday salad

  • lightly salted salmon or trout (500 g)
  • rice (100 g)
  • boiled eggs (4 pcs.)
  • small package of crab sticks
  • mascarpone cheese or Philadelphia cheese (100 g)
  • small jar of red caviar
  • sour cream (4 tbsp)
  • mayonnaise (4 tbsp)
  • gelatin (8 g)
  • turmeric (1 tsp) - optional
  • parsley and dill, lettuce (for decoration)

Fish cake recipe with photos step by step

Let's prepare gelatin

1. Pour gelatin with cold boiled water - half a glass, let the gelatin swell, about 40 minutes.

Boil rice for festive fish salad

2. Wash the rice, pour in more water than twice the rice, add a teaspoon of turmeric so that it turns yellow after cooking, or boil regular white rice, add a little salt, and mix. When it boils, reduce the heat and simmer until done. Cooked rice with turmeric will look like this.

Let's grate the ingredients

3. Let's grate each product in turn into different containers - egg whites, egg yolks, crab sticks.

Let's prepare the salad form

4. I advise you to choose a form for fish salad that is not high, otherwise it will be difficult to lay out the fish strips. For a more pleasant appearance of the salmon cake, buy brightly colored fish; it is advisable to cut off the dark edges of the fish. The bottom of the pan should be lined with food grade film or foil. Layered salad recipe with photos.

Cutting the salmon

5. Cut the skin off the salmon, cut into not too thin, but wide strips - it will be more convenient to lay out.


I advise you to lubricate a fish knife with vegetable oil - then the fish will not stick to the knife

Place the salmon in the mold

6. Place the fish on the bottom of the mold, overlapping.

You can buy ready-made fish slices

Dissolving gelatin in a water bath

7. Prepare the cream for coating the salad. Pour half a pan of water and place it on the stove until it boils. After the water boils, put a smaller dish in it, put it in the infused gelatin, dissolve it until it has a consistency similar to jelly, and leave to cool.

Preparing cream for puff salad with salmon

8. Combine mayonnaise, sour cream and cheese until smooth. Pour chilled gelatin into the resulting mass and stir. The cream will be a bit runny at first, let it sit for 5-10 minutes to thicken. By the way, you can prepare an analogue of mascarpone cheese at home, nothing complicated - links to two simple recipes for making mascarpone cheese are waiting for you at the end of this article. Step-by-step recipe with photos.

Layer the salad

9. Let's start forming the layers of the salmon cake. The strips of fish laid out along the bottom of the mold should be coated with cream, place the yolks on the fish as the first layer, and spread with cream.

10. Chopped crab sticks - cream.

11. Proteins - cream.

12. Rice - cream.

Decorate the puff fish salad and serve

13. The festive salad is almost completely ready, there is a little left - decoration. But before serving, put it in the refrigerator for several hours, preferably overnight, so that it soaks, hardens, and holds its shape. When it has brewed, we decorate a suitable-sized dish with lettuce leaves and herbs. Carefully turn the puff salad onto a plate.

Remove the cling film and decorate with red caviar. This beautiful festive fish cake is ready!

Homemade mascarpone cheese

As promised, two recipes - an analogue of mascarpone cheese.

Finally, I want to offer you options for decorating a holiday salad found on the Internet:

Bon appetit!


    Place all products on the work table. Using a mixer, blender or food processor, combine and then beat the creamy curd cheese and moderately rich sour cream until smooth.

    Add capers, chopped in a food processor or by hand, lemon juice, onions and any herbs, pepper and salt to taste to the creamy mixture and mix thoroughly again.

    Cut off the crusts from rye bread or loaf. Cut the resulting crumb lengthwise into medium layers, and then grease the first cake with cheese cream. Next, cut the cucumbers into thin rings.

    Place the cucumber slices in an even layer on the greased rye layer of bread.

    Cut the lightly salted salmon into thin long slices and place on top of the cucumbers.

    Repeat this with all bread crusts and fillings.

    Cover the resulting cake completely with cream cheese-based cream.

    Let the finished fish cake soak. Before serving, it is advisable to decorate the appetizer with fresh cucumbers, herbs and roses rolled from salmon fillet. That's the whole recipe. We hope that preparing a snack cake based on it did not cause you any difficulties. Bon appetit!

KBJU and composition for the entire dish

Snack cake with canned fish

Snack cake with canned fish made from ready-made Napoleon cakes. Delicious, easy to prepare, beautiful appetizer for the holiday table.

Suitable for every day too. The snack cake is hearty and can be prepared simply and in a hurry.

  • Canned fish in oil or in its own juice 1 can. Suitable mackerel, pink salmon, tuna or other fish of your choice
  • Eggs 3-4 pieces
  • 2 onions
  • 1-2 carrots depending on size
  • Mayonnaise approximately 200g
  • Cheese 100g
  • Pepper optional
  • A little vegetable oil
  • You will also need ready-made cakes for “Napoleon”


  1. Cut the onion into cubes and fry in vegetable oil for several minutes.
  2. Add grated carrots and add a little salt.
  3. Simmer the vegetables under the lid until cooked.
  4. Boil the eggs hard and grate them.
  5. It is better to separate canned fish from the bones, so the taste will be more pleasant. Mash the fish with a fork and add a little liquid in which it was for juiciness.
  6. Mix grated eggs and canned fish.
  7. We will alternate the filling.
  8. Grease the finished cake with a little mayonnaise and lay out the stewed vegetables.
  9. Cover with the next layer of cake. On top - mayonnaise and fish with eggs, a little grated cheese.
  10. We repeat the layers.
  11. Grease the last cake with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese, grated on a medium grater.

The appetizer is filling and tasty. It is better to prepare half an hour before serving so that the cakes are a little soaked.
Guests will appreciate the snack cake with canned fish. You can experiment with the filling. For example, fried onions with mushrooms and ham with cheese and garlic, or Korean carrots with cheese and fried minced meat. Choose any products whose combination you like.
Look at the recipe - fish with vegetables, cheese and mayonnaise baked in the oven, a delicious simple and healthy dish, suitable for any occasion.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated


- 250 g of fish cookies,
- 400 g sour cream,
- 200 g sugar,
- 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar,
- chocolate for decoration.

Recipe with photos step by step:

1. To prepare the cream, it is better to use thicker sour cream - 20-25 percent fat content will be just right. Combine sour cream with sugar and vanilla sugar.

2. Beat the sour cream with a whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved. The easiest and fastest way to do this is with a mixer.

3. Place fish cookies into a bowl with cream. Before you do this, make sure that the cracker you bought is unsalted, without additional flavors or aromas.

4. Stir the contents of the bowl several times so that the “fish” are completely covered with sour cream.

5. The mold in which the cake will harden must be covered with cling film so that later there will be no problems with removing the dessert.

6. Transfer the “fish” in sour cream into the mold, compact it well and level the future cake. In order for the no-bake cake to soak well and harden, you need to keep it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, or better yet, leave it overnight.

7. Then you need to turn the cake pan over onto a flat plate and remove the cling film. Decorate to taste, I used grated chocolate.

8. An excellent dessert, the preparation of which took no more than 15 minutes, is ready!
Enjoy your tea!
Please also note

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