A dog with a rat nose. Fighting dog breeds, names of “scary” and calm ones. Pros and cons of the breed

There are many myths surrounding bull terriers. A representative of the breed is considered aggressive, angry, vengeful, and has received the unspoken name “a dog with a rat’s face.” The source of stereotypes is the powerful physique of the animal and its unusual appearance. However, the reality differs from the myths, and bull terriers, with proper upbringing and training, can be loyal pets.

Origin of the Bull Terrier breed

The homeland of the Bull Terrier breed is Great Britain. For the first time, dogs with an elongated, rat-like muzzle appeared in the middle of the 19th century as a result of many years of experiments. To create the breed, English bulldogs, white English terriers and Dalmatians were crossed. From all these breeds the dog has adopted the best traits - endurance, activity, courage, intelligence.

The new breed was introduced in 1862 at a dog show by breeder James Hinks, who became famous for breeding the Bull Terrier. A few years later the breed received recognition from the English Kennel Club. Owning a Bull Terrier was a sign of good manners, and most members of the intelligentsia, such as Oxford teachers, acquired loyal and respectable dogs.

Fighting Bull Terriers are called "pit bull terriers" or "pit bulls" for short. They were used in dog fighting and were popular in the United States for a long time. After the ban on dog fighting, control was introduced over the number of these dogs. The pit bull is characterized by aggressive behavior and the grip of a shark.

Another fighting breed similar to bull terriers is the mastiff. Their ancestors served as guards back in Sumerian times and were full-fledged warriors in the Roman army of Julius Caesar. Purebred breeding of these powerful, shark-like dogs began in England during Tudor times.

Appearance of a dog with a rat face from a photo

Due to the unusual shape of the muzzle, many consider the animal to look like a rat. The head of these fighting dogs is large, the upper part is almost flat, the tip of the nose is blunt and slightly down.

The eyes are narrow, small, and deep-set, which is why they are compared to the eyes of a pig. The ears are thin, set close to each other. They must stand upright. The lower jaw is large and strong. The teeth have a scissor bite; They are large, sharp, and it is not for nothing that they say that the dog has the grip of a shark.

The dog's body is strong and muscular. The chest is wide, muscles are visible under the skin. The chest is lowered to the ground lower than the stomach. The back is powerful, but short. The body has a round and compact shape.

The limbs are of medium length, dense and muscular, with strong bones. The front legs, like the hind legs, are parallel to each other. The knees are flexible and mobile. The tail is short, tapering towards the end and directed downwards.

According to the breed standard, coat color can be either white or colored. White dogs may have colored spots, but they should not stand out too much on the coat. The eyes are dark brown; light color is considered a defect. The photo below shows that bull terriers actually have little in common with rats.

Character and behavior

There is an opinion that bull terriers are aggressive dogs that do not obey their owners and can attack a person for no reason. Many stereotypes have arisen around this breed, which are reinforced by the dog’s unusual appearance and strong physique.

Puppies need socialization from an early age, otherwise they grow up wayward and capricious. The puppy must immediately understand who the leader is; he needs training. The dog becomes attached to its owner and can become jealous if he shows attention to another animal. At the same time, the bull terrier is distinguished by high intelligence and is able to make decisions on its own. If the owner's commands seem strange and incorrect to him, he will refuse to carry them out.

Bull Terriers are active and energetic. They love outdoor games; owners will have to take long walks with their pet every day. The dog loves games of dexterity, and the more difficult, the more interesting, because representatives of this breed have high intelligence, quick wits and wit, which need to be constantly developed.

Health and life expectancy

Most purebred dogs have congenital defects that are a consequence of selection. They experience health problems, but knowledge of hereditary diseases helps owners keep the situation under control and visit the veterinarian on time.

What diseases are typical for bull terriers? Anatomical defects are now quite rare. Some dogs may experience partial or complete deafness, blurred vision, and kidney problems. Such deviations are considered breed defects; dogs with congenital diseases are not allowed to reproduce.

Thanks to modern technologies, it has been possible to minimize the incidence of hereditary diseases. Most kennels conduct genetic testing to cull dogs that carry defective genes.

The Bull Terrier does not require special care; it is a clean dog. The advantage is the short coat, which is easy to clean. If it is recommended to wash long-haired dogs after each walk, then it is enough to wipe a bull terrier with a damp towel.

Molting occurs in spring and autumn. During this period, it is necessary to pay increased attention to combing the coat. Every day you need to comb your pet with a special brush or iron it with a rubber mitten. At other times, it is enough to carry out this procedure 2-3 times a week.

What hygiene procedures need to be carried out regularly:

  • Clean your ears once a week;
  • trim nails regularly;
  • bathe with special dog shampoo as needed;
  • Rinse your eyes daily to prevent inflammation.

Your pet should be walked every day. The Bull Terrier is not suitable for leisurely walks in the yard. This is an active, mobile dog that needs to burn off energy while running, playing with a ball and a stick. Representatives of the breed do not tolerate cold well, so in winter, when the temperature drops below 10 degrees below zero, the dog must be taken outside in clothes. In summer, on the contrary, you need to walk in the shade, avoiding direct sunlight. Bull Terriers are intended only for indoor keeping; keeping on a chain is not allowed.

Dog food

What to feed a bull terrier? Such a powerful, muscular and energetic dog must be well fed. It is best to opt for specialized food with a balanced composition, which contains the required amount of proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements.

Contrary to popular belief, you should not feed your Bull Terrier only meat. The daily diet should contain the following products:

  • 60% meat;
  • 20% cereals;
  • 20% vegetables.

In addition to beef and chicken, it is allowed to feed your pet sea fish fillet and offal. You can also give fermented milk products: sour cream, cottage cheese.

Education and training

From the first days, the puppy should be raised and trained. He needs to determine a place in the house, show him where his food and water bowls are. The Bull Terrier must be immediately accustomed to the rules of interaction with people. You should not indulge a small puppy, despite the desire to pamper him. The baby should be prohibited from begging from the table, climbing onto the sofa, biting and tearing the upholstery. If he doesn't learn where he belongs, he won't learn to respect his masters.

It is important for the Bull Terrier to see in its owner a leader whose commands it will listen to. If a person fails to gain authority from a puppy, then it will be much more difficult to subdue an adult dog. The dog will not obey commands and may behave aggressively towards people.

Puppies are highly trainable due to their high intelligence. They learn basic commands and remember that they cannot take food from someone else’s hands. It is prohibited to use physical punishment during the training process. Bull Terriers are vindictive and vindictive and do not forget about cruel treatment towards themselves.

How to choose a puppy

Babies are separated from their mother at the age of 2.5 months. At this point, they are quite independent and can go to a new owner. When choosing a puppy, you should carefully examine it and check its teeth. Deafness is a congenital defect of the breed, so during the examination you need to clap your hands loudly and see if the puppy reacts.

Source: thenypost.com
This ball of fur has remained a faithful protector of monasteries and houses in Tibet since ancient times. The dogs, with a thick protective layer and weighing between 45 and 80 kg, are adapted to the harsh winters of Central Asia.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Source: thenypost.com

Source: darkroom.baltimoresun.com
These dogs were developed in Scotland in the 1700s. The breed is a mix of the Skye Terrier and the Scotch Terrier (Scottish Terrier), giving the dog a unique appearance. Farmers and gypsies used it to hunt rats and badgers due to its short legs. The animal retains its rare status; only a few hundred units are registered annually.


Source: reddit.com
These furry animals are a cross between a Newfoundland, a St. Bernard and a Pyrenean mountain dog. The weight of an adult reaches 80 kg. According to legend, they were bred to produce a dog that resembled the lion that graced the coat of arms of their hometown of Leonberg, Germany. After World War II, only eight of these gentle giants survived.

Portuguese water dog

Source: greenfieldpuppies.com
These dogs are known for their beautiful curls and amazing adaptability to water. They were originally bred on the coast of Portugal and were used to catch fish in nets, recover lost gear, and exchange messages between ships. The breed was on the verge of extinction in the 1930s until a wealthy Portuguese merchant began a program to breed them, although they remain rare.

Löwchen, lion dog

Source: dogwallpapers.net
Löwchen means “lion dog” in German. This is one of the rarest breeds on the planet, whose history dates back to 1442. The magnificent, elegant and loving dog accompanied the wealthy elite of France and Germany everywhere and can be seen in historical paintings and tapestries.

Source: 2.bp.blogspot.com
Belgian dogs are descendants of small terriers that were used to hunt rodents. Griffons are affectionate, adorable, curious, and known for their human-like facial expressions. By the end of World War II, there were no griffins left in Belgium. The breed remains extremely rare.

New Guinea singing dog

Source: nasa.gov

Source: upload.wikimedia.org
The "Singing Dog" was completely isolated for over 30,000 years, discovered during a high altitude excursion in Papua New Guinea in 1950. As the name suggests, this breed loves to sing. They gather together and howl, making sounds unique to dogs. With fewer than 100 individuals found outside their natural habitat, they are virtually impossible to track in the wild.

Xoloitzcuintli or Sholo (also Xoloitzcuintli or Mexican Hairless Dog)

Source: xoloaus.com
Xoloitzcuintles have been around for over 3,000 years, with a history that can be traced back to ancient Mexico. They were domesticated early and used as hunting dogs. Mention of these animals is found in art objects of the Aztec and Toltec civilizations.

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

Source: upload.wikimedia.org
The wolfdog has existed since 1955, resulting from the crossing of German shepherds with Eurasian wolves. The dogs are obedient and friendly, like German Shepherds, and also retain their wild nature and developed pack instinct.

Bergamasco Shepherd

Source: petzmag.com

Source: dogphotos.info
These herding dogs were bred for alpine climates and their developed thick coats do not shed and require surprisingly little attention. These large animals are obedient, observant and patient. They tend to form a close bond with their owner, although they can be shy in the company of strangers.

Vendean Basset Griffon or Great Vendeen Basset Griffon

Source: upload.wikimedia.org
The Great Basset got its extravagant name from the French aristocrats it accompanied on hunting trips. To this day it serves as an excellent companion and is distinguished by its short legs.

Lancashire Heeler

Source: 1hdwallpapers.com
You probably already guessed that the heeler is considered a descendant of the Welsh Corgi and the Manchester Terrier. The dog is not large, but strong and muscular, bred for herding livestock. Smart, cheerful and endlessly loyal pet.

Mudi (Hungarian Cattle Dog)

Source: all-puppies.com
Native to Hungary, these rare herding dogs are invaluable to their owners. Moodys are extremely smart, strong, brave and most importantly, loving. Their notable feature is their wavy coat, reminiscent of sheep's wool.

Russian Toy (Russian Toy Terrier)

Source: madabout-dogs.com
These elegant dogs were popular among the Russian aristocracy and did not spread outside Russia until the 1990s. With a height of 20-25 cm and a weight of 3 to 6 kg, they are close in size to a Chihuahua, have an athletic build and magnificent long hair in the ear area.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Source: weirdtwist.com

Source: kutedog.com
If you dream of keeping a bear at home, but this is not possible, get a Caucasian Shepherd. Weighing from 50 to 90 kg and up to 75 cm tall, these intelligent giants have protected their owners and livestock from bears and wolves for thousands of years.

Swedish Vallhund or "Viking dog"

For many years he protected and guarded herds of animals in Slovakia, as a result of which the Slovakian Chuvach turned into the guardian of his entire flock, including the human family. Under the thick, beautiful fur of these animals, there are well-developed muscles; the weight is mainly made up of muscles.

Neapolitan Mastiff or Mastino Napoletano

We are sure that after reading the words “a dog with a rat face” in the title of our article, many of the owners of these animals will be offended by the author. After all, for them, their beloved four-legged friend is the smartest, most loyal and most beautiful. Perhaps someone sees similarities with the famous rodent - let's not judge them harshly.

Just recently, the domestic media presented the bull terrier as an evil, stupid, aggressive and extremely unattractive creature. At the same time, no one mentioned that sometimes the seemingly harmless Spitz, the cute Dalmatian or the charming Chow Chow are much more aggressive than the Bull Terrier, and that these dogs can be dangerous.

It all depends on what goal a person pursues when purchasing an animal. Some people need a loyal companion, while others want a killer dog next to them. Most often in our time, the latter category of owners includes teenagers who thus want to establish themselves among their peers.

But let’s leave emotions aside and try to figure out what she really is like - “a dog with a rat’s face.” Perhaps, after reading this article, someone will change their opinion about this animal.

Bull Terrier: description

Unfortunately, not all dog breeds were bred by humans so that the four-legged pet would become a loyal friend and reliable companion. The cruel entertainment of people dictated different requirements for some dog breeds - aggressiveness, endurance, increased strength. They were used for dog fighting and baiting animals. The Bull Terrier is a medium-sized fighting dog weighing 25 kilograms. Height - from 40 (females) to 55 cm (males).


The bull terrier, the photo of which you see in the article, has a very unique and recognizable egg-shaped head. It sits quite low on the muscular, strong neck. The jaws and teeth are very powerful, with a cross bite. These external signs are probably what lead some people to say that it is a dog with a rat face. Although, in our opinion, the comparison is rather dubious.

The ears are triangular, erect, located close to each other. The nose is large, the nostrils are well developed. The tail is short, tapering towards the end. triangular, widely set.

Body type

This powerful and muscular animal is the Bull Terrier. The characteristics of the breed indicate that its chest is rounded. The limbs are muscular and strong. Despite its apparent massiveness, the bull terrier is very dexterous, agile and agile. It has excellent jumping ability.


The bull terrier, a photo that can be seen in all cynological publications, can have either a pure white color or a colored one. The first option is preferable, followed by brindle. Other colors are not a defect or defect.


Now let's figure out whether a dog with a rat's face is really dangerous. The Bull Terrier breed is distinguished by strength and agility. Its relationship with a person, like that of other dogs, depends 99% on how the puppy is raised. If from a very early age he understood that the owner is the leader, whose obedience must be unquestioning, then it is difficult to find a better friend.

The Bull Terrier breed, or rather its representatives, has the following characteristics: they are playful, restless and active creatures. If you decide to get a bull terrier, get ready for many hours of daily walks. Therefore, such a dog is more suitable for energetic and young owners.

If, when you mention the name of this breed, you imagine a dog with a rat's muzzle, this means that you have come under the influence of the black PR launched in our press regarding this animal in the late 90s. In fact, he is a cheerful, cheerful and quite likeable dog.

Contrary to journalists' claims, the bull terrier has a high level of intelligence. Yes, he is capricious and jealous. Will not obey if he considers the owner's commands to be unreasonable. The owner will need love, patience and care to raise the dog correctly. We must not forget that she needs early socialization. Since this is a very intelligent dog, it will happily respond to a friendly and kind attitude and will readily obey a fair owner.

A smooth-haired dog (the bull terrier is one of these varieties) does not require complex care. Twice a year - in autumn and spring - she molts. Wool can be easily removed with a fine brush or a special mitten. After a walk, it is not necessary to bathe the dog - just wipe it with a damp towel or sponge.

It is necessary to check your pet's eyes and ears for inflammation, although it is extremely rare for a bull terrier to suffer from ear diseases. Breed characteristics indicate more serious genetic hearing problems, especially in white individuals. They are often born completely deaf.

Since the Bull Terrier is very active, walks with it should be long and active. Let your pet run around to his heart's content, play with a ball, and jump over the bar. This will help maintain excellent physical condition of your pet, since these dogs are prone to obesity. And after such an active walk at home, the dog will be calm and peaceful.

Choosing a puppy

Puppies of this breed are very cute babies. It is unlikely that anyone would dare to describe such a little thing with an offensive phrase - “a dog with a rat’s face.” This breed is special, so if you decide to purchase such an animal, you should contact a specialized nursery or a well-established breeder. Do not buy a dog from the market or from an advertisement. In this case, you risk purchasing a sick or outbred puppy.

The baby can be taken away from its mother at the age of two and a half months. By this time, he will have received all the necessary vaccinations at the nursery. When purchasing, pay attention to the teeth. At this age, the puppy should have twelve of them - six on top and bottom.

It is imperative to have your hearing checked (we talked about this problem). To do this, just clap your hands and see if the puppy reacts. It is advisable to meet the baby’s parents and look at their pedigrees. Usually, obvious deviations from the standard are visible even to a non-professional.

Raising a puppy

The Bull Terrier is a hyperactive dog, so you need to start raising a puppy from the first days of its appearance in your home. The new resident should have a place to rest, a specific place to eat, where there should be bowls for food and water.

First of all, the owner must make it clear to the baby that he is the master of the house. You cannot follow the puppy’s lead, allowing him to climb onto the sofa or beg at the master’s table. Small bull terriers are very smart. They quickly understand that they cannot take food from strangers or pick it up from the ground, etc. If you understand that you cannot raise a puppy on your own, contact a professional dog trainer.

How much does a bull terrier cost?

The cost of any animal depends on various factors - the presence of a pedigree, the “merits” of the parents, the physical condition of the baby, and its exhibition prospects. Answering the question: “How much does a bull terrier cost?”, it should be noted that the price range today can range from 15 to 70 thousand rubles. The average price for bull terrier puppies in well-known nurseries varies from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. A lower price should alert the buyer.

Let's sum it up

Representatives of the Bull Terrier breed can be briefly described in a few words: strong and dexterous, wise and sociable, loyal and kind. These dogs require early socialization and mandatory training. Suitable for experienced and active owners. You need to know that the bull terrier, like many other dog breeds, will not perceive a nervous and insecure person as a leader, as well as a cruel, offending animal. This dog will submit and respond to care and love, and will be devoted only to those he respects, and such respect must be earned.

Dog handlers, animal psychologists and professional trainers believe that fighting dog breeds are nothing more than a myth. This will be confirmed by any international canine organization, although the names and photos of gladiatorial-looking dogs have been replicated on many sites on the Internet.

Wikipedia has an article on “War Dogs.” It is dedicated to dogs, which were used as living weapons in ancient and medieval wars. In subsequent history, such things did not happen.

In response to the question of which dog breeds are fighting dogs, any specialist will clarify: what do you mean? If we are talking about dogs specially bred for fights with their own kind, then the list of fighting dog breeds that fit this description will be limited to only two representatives:

  • — an invincible participant in dog battles with 3000 years of experience;
  • American Pit Bull Terrier - the owner of a stranglehold, banned in Australia and EU countries.

Both “fighters” became hostages of notoriety completely unfairly. Among them, aggression towards a person is considered a disqualifying sign. Simply put, fearful and ferocious “fighters” are considered degenerates and are identified and spayed (or euthanized) during puppyhood.

Breeders have good reasons for this:

  1. According to the rules of dog fighting, all participants must be washed before performing. This eliminates the possibility of treating dogs’ fur with “stimulating” drugs. And in order to prevent fraud, every owner washes someone else’s pet. And nothing terrible happens: the barking “aggressors” behave calmly during the water procedure not with the “leader of the pack.”
  2. During competitions, sometimes it is necessary to take overly enthusiastic “fighters” to different corners of the ring and keep them there. It is unlikely that such a trick would have been successful with fighting street mongrels or domestic shepherd dogs. And the Pits and Shar-Peis shrug their shoulders.
  3. Without developing a balanced character, such requirements cannot be met. Isolated cases of aggression towards humans among fighting dogs with FCI pedigree are the result of the costs of maintenance and training.

The most dangerous

Typically, the cohort of killer dogs includes large animals with a threatening appearance. Based on this criterion, Molossians and Mastiffs are automatically included in the group of “bloodthirsty monsters” - animals too large and strong to inspire trust.

The names of the “most terrible” dog breeds, considered fighting dogs, are well known to everyone:

  • bulldogs - cheerful, hardy, quick-witted;

Bull Terrier is a rat in the form of a dog? and got the best answer

Answer from Nastya[expert]
They are really a little scary, but it seems to me that such dogs are not bred for beauty, but for fighting, their jaws are strong and they themselves are powerful, but there are idiots who show dogs at fights and pit them against each other, I think this is not normal, such people should go to a mental hospital, poor dogs suffer because of such people, and what about their instinct... that's it))

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: is the bull terrier a rat in the guise of a dog?

Answer from Oliya[guru]
I like them)

Answer from Yorum ANTICHAT[guru]
cool. ha ha ha! looks like a friend of mine!

Answer from YomPoPoPom[guru]
for taste and color...
I do not like them.
and someone doesn’t like the Germans, for whom I go crazy)

Answer from Karina Timchenko[newbie]
I think this dog was crossed with a rat. Or is it just a miracle of nature.

Answer from ✰Sergey Anisimov✰[guru]
so it's not just about beauty... these are very loyal and devoted dogs... I like them!!

Answer from Oliya[expert]
Brilliant question) My favorite breed.. English aristocrat)

Strong and kind dogs with a sense of humor)

Answer from Ivanov Ivan[guru]
Rats are much cuter than this monster

Answer from Unknown[guru]
Cool, especially the minis

Answer from Elizaveta Tkachuk[guru]
Bull terrier somehow... Brrr... The rat is even cuter! I'm disgusted, but it's not about beauty, it's about devotion.

Answer from Sweet Poison[guru]
And I like them. More precisely, I prefer dogs like shepherds and huskies (similar to wolves).
But for me the main thing is that the dog is serious.
This is why I don’t like small dogs.
But I have a good attitude towards Staffs and Bull Terriers. And outwardly they don’t repel me.

Answer from Asshole[newbie]
a good dog only requires tough training

Answer from Gerda Herr[guru]
yes, they look like rats. But the structure of their muzzle is therefore “ideal” for fighting. Alas.

Answer from ° ° Yana ° °[guru]
No! These are very good dogs!! If you have no taste, then the Bull Terrier is not for you. Well, at least bulls are better than squeaking Yorkies and sneezes with bulging eyes!
Well, sit with a labr who has no character and with a newfie as big as a horse!! IMHO!!

Answer from Victoria[guru]
It’s immediately obvious that you’ve only seen them in the picture, the bulls have a human character and a big human soul, and this will cover 100 times the fact that their appearance is not an acquired taste, and it’s not tactful to speak like that about any breed

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