Which club should I send my child to so that he doesn’t get tired and develops properly? Which club to send your child to? Clubs and sections for phlegmatic people

Do you have a child and are you concerned about his all-round development? It’s worth thinking about what speaks in you when you choose this or that circle for your child: concern for his development, your own unrealized ambitions, or something else?

Child psychologist Galina Ushatova talks about how to choose the right one, taking into account the psychological characteristics of the child.

So, in order to navigate through the variety of additional activities for children, and then choose from them the one that will bring maximum benefit and pleasure to the child, you need to take several steps.

1. We observe the child, determine his interests and abilities. Everything is simple here. Your little one will happily sculpt from plasticine and draw - you need to send him to an art studio, of which there are a great many in Belgorod (all kinds of art schools and private workshops are eagerly awaiting little talents). The baby loves to dance and gets to the beat of the music - feel free to go, etc.

2. We ask the child. Of course, your parental opinion is authoritative and important, but no less important is what the child himself thinks about this. Even if you think that singing is not your child’s strong point, but he wants to sing, you need to listen to his opinion and give him a chance. little man try his hand at something he likes.

3. Trial and error method. If it’s difficult to decide on your preferences, you need to try several clubs and sections to choose from. So at least it will become clear what is definitely not suitable for the baby.

4. We take into account psychological characteristics child.

5. Getting rid of illusions. There is no need to demand from your son or daughter to become the best in their chosen activity, because they are still small, their interests are unstable, and their margin of safety is low. Instead of blindly chasing a place on a ghostly pedestal, enjoy with your child his passion, the process itself, supporting him in achievements and especially in failures.

Activities and sections for choleric children

Children with a choleric temperament are active and determined. These guys fearlessly go into a dark room, bravely climb tall trees, are very energetic and inquisitive, but can also be aggressive. They can take away a toy or push another child on the playground.

If you recognize your child in this description, then his irrepressible energy needs to be directed in a more productive direction. Sports sections such as athletics and gymnastics are recommended. A team events sports (football, rounders, hockey) will help you learn to better understand the feelings of other children and work in a team. Swimming is also a great option for them. Breathing control will teach your little fidget to manage his feelings.

As for sports such as martial arts, boxing, etc., it is better to avoid them.

We develop sanguine children

If your child is the leader of the company, has a developed imagination, is active and sociable, he can most likely be classified as sanguine. Such “stars” are favorites of both children and adults. For them, routine is the heaviest punishment. Therefore, try to choose activities for your child with frequent “changes of scenery.”

They also say about such people that they “spray” a lot. Parents need to be prepared to change more than one activity group before their child settles on just one.

For additional activities, a sanguine person can be offered a theater studio, drama club, dancing or singing. As for sports, we can talk about team sports.

Circles and sections for phlegmatic people

Balanced and slow, phlegmatic children are also very reasonable, but are often sedentary and passive, living in their own mode.

These guys will enjoy additional activities in which they can show their stylish side (patience, perseverance). This can be design, construction, modeling. If you have a girl, then embroidery and beading will suit her just fine. And of course, such children will find themselves in modeling, drawing, wood carving, checkers and chess.

We must not forget about physical activity. Phlegmatic children can safely try their hand at martial arts and yoga. Please note that these are all activities where you can take your time to think about your next steps.

We send melancholic children to a circle

Your son is the prince of a sad image, and your daughter sighs sadly every now and then? Perhaps these are melancholic children. They are characterized by tenderness, anxiety, and shyness. They are kind and sensitive, often unable to fight back the offender. They worry when someone gets into trouble, but they perceive their own problems as a true tragedy.

Such children who lack self-confidence are “treated” by clubs in which they will have to be the center of attention. This could be all kinds of creative clubs in an art or music school, as well as foreign languages, theater clubs.

In a team sport, these children will most likely feel out of place, and for martial arts they are too timid and vulnerable. But sports that develop in an aesthetic direction will come in handy. This includes skiing, skating, swimming, yoga. A love for animals will be useful for melancholic children in horseback riding and in young naturalist clubs.

It is almost impossible to meet representatives of “pure” types of temperament. Most likely, your child will have a combination of traits from several of the types described. It is necessary to determine which features predominate at this stage.

But no matter what temperament your child has, no matter what successes or failures accompany him on his path, the main thing is your support. If a choleric person needs to be praised, but in moderation, then it is almost impossible to over-praise a melancholic person; they need a lot of kind words in order not to lose faith in themselves.

And one more piece of advice. There is no need to send your child to several clubs and sections at once. There is no need to overload it. Fatigue will not only interfere with your studies, it will take away your childhood with its games and selfless fun. Moreover, in the end, as a result of excessive workload, the child may experience psychological protection in the form of a lack of motivation. And no matter how capable and talented he is, learning will not be easy later.

When choosing a club that a child will attend, parents need to take into account many factors: the child’s age, gender, his character and real abilities. It is necessary to observe what the child shows increased interest in.

If the child devotes every free minute to drawing, then classes in the circle visual arts will help reveal his talent. Those who love to transform themselves will enjoy the theater studio for children; restless and energetic children will benefit from sections where they can be active - sports, dancing and clubs with calm activities. It is important for a preschooler to instill certain skills that will later be useful at school: perseverance, concentration, the ability to direct irrepressible energy into creative activity.

When choosing sports sections for your child, you need to consult a doctor about possible contraindications. You also need to take your health status into account when choosing creative clubs. For example, if a child has poor eyesight, then beadwork is not for him.

What types of clubs can be chosen for girls 4-7 years old?

  • dancing of any type (ballroom, modern, sports);
  • gymnastics;
  • music clubs;
  • at the school for young models, the girl will be taught how to show off her clothes beautifully;
  • theater Club;
  • beading;
  • making toys with your own hands;
  • floristry – crafts made from flowers and other natural materials;
  • crochet (it’s difficult to work with two knitting needles at this age);
  • origami;
  • drawing and artistic modeling;
  • culinary mugs. There the girl will learn to cook simple dishes, and will also master the rules of table setting and beautiful presentation of dishes.

Types of clubs and sections for boys 5-7 years old

  • modern and sports dances;
  • some types of martial arts (taekwondo, judo, karate and others);
  • boxing;
  • team sports (many boys love to play football);
  • basics of playing the guitar;
  • chess club, if the boy has certain abilities;
  • Fine art circle;
  • modeling and design circle;
  • swimming;
  • billiards.

Sociable children - both boys and girls - can be enrolled in the young journalist's studio. There the guys will meet interesting world television, learn how to speak correctly and acquire other useful skills that will be useful in the future.

Institutions additional education They offer a huge selection of different clubs and sections where you can find something to do to your liking and in accordance with the desires of the child.

When a child turns 5 or 6 years old, parents begin to think about choosing a sports section. In diversity various types training, it is difficult to choose an option that will not only please the child, but will also improve his health. To make an informed and safe choice for your baby, read our guide to choosing sports activities for preschoolers.

Children's sports with health benefits

Before you give your child to sports section,Take him to see a specialist. In this case, it is better to choose a doctor at a sports club rather than a local pediatrician, since the therapist does not always know the specifics of individual types of stress. Only after securing the doctor’s approval can you plan your training schedule.

  1. Any serious problems with the respiratory or circulatory system may be a contraindication to active sports. If a child has high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythm or bronchial asthma, physical therapy is ideal for him.
  2. When choosing a sport, consider existing chronic diseases of the child. If a child has poor vision, neither contact martial arts nor outdoor games such as volleyball, basketball or football are suitable for him.
  3. If the baby often catches colds and suffers from respiratory diseases, any sports that require prolonged contact with cold air, be it skiing, skating or hockey, are contraindicated for him. Swimming in the pool is not suitable for those suffering from chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis. Children with diseases of the genitourinary system should refrain from water sports.
  4. At the age of 5-6 years, children should not engage in sports that may lead to improper muscle formation in case of improper training. Such sports include, for example, badminton and big.

You should not force your child to train intensively from preschool age. A fragile, growing body reacts negatively to excessive stress caused by an improper training regimen. If your child gets tired quickly, is capricious for no reason, is easily distracted and does not sleep well, think about reducing sports activity or changing the coach.

Any active activity can be beneficial for your baby's health, but it can be improved if done outdoors. Outdoor activities will bring maximum benefits to your child. Perfectly strengthens the immune system and swimming in the pool. Sports activities that take place in spacious, well-ventilated areas are always preferable to small gyms without exhaust hood. This opinion is shared by expert Yulia Ermak, whose video you can watch on our channel.

What to look for when choosing a sports section?

  • First of all, The child must have a desire to play sports. Knowing which section is right for your preschooler can be difficult. Show him videos of various sports competitions, tell him about the rules and advantages. This will help the baby decide.
  • Secondly, take into account the physical and psychological characteristics of your preschooler. If he is short, don't try to sign him up for volleyball or basketball. An overweight child should not be sent to or. Such activities will only ingrain complexes in the child’s psyche due to the fact that you have placed him in obviously unfavorable conditions.
  • A successful choice of section also depends on child's character. Sociable kids will have fun playing in a team. If your little one likes to be the center of attention, athletics will suit him, because he won’t have to share his victory with anyone. For introverted and shy children, individual sports such as swimming, tennis, and gymnastics would be an ideal choice.
  • The third important factor when choosing a section is good coach. He must combine the ability to teach and knowledge of child psychology. It is not always possible for a renowned athlete to find a common language with children and create a comfortable atmosphere for them to develop. Attend the classes of the selected trainer before enrolling your child in his group. Chat with the mothers of other children who are already working with this coach and find out their opinion.
  • Consider also location of the sports school. Ideally, it should be close to home or kindergarten, so that the child spends less time on the road and can get home from training faster. On the other hand, location should not be a deciding factor if the child is not suitable for the sports or coaches of the nearest children's sports club.
  • remember, that Some sports require significant investment in equipment. For example, if your daughter will be participating in dance competitions, she will need shoes and costumes. If you are not ready for additional expenses, choose sections that do not require special equipment.

Which sports section should I choose for a 5-6 year old child?

  • Swimming- one of the most gentle and beneficial sports for children's health. Children can swim from the first days of life, so at the age of 5 or 6 years nothing will stop them from starting to visit the pool. When choosing a pool, pay attention to the administration’s attitude towards the medical certificates required for admission to the water. Before purchasing a subscription, it is also worth studying the condition of the sports complex, the temperature of the water and the quality of its purification.
  • Active, sociable boys are ideally suited for classes or basketball, or volleyball. All these sports have a general strengthening effect on the growing body, strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, develop dexterity and increase reaction speed. Playing in a team also develops communication skills and promotes better adaptation to a new team. On the other hand, team sports can be quite traumatic, so you will need to spend money on quality equipment: comfortable sports shoes and protective equipment.
  • Martial arts, be it or martial arts, will allow the child to throw out excess energy and gain useful self-defense skills. Contrary to popular belief, such sections are suitable not only for boys, but also for girls. Martial arts develop dexterity and coordination, and increase reaction speed. Breathing practices of martial arts serve to prevent colds and calm the nervous system. The high risk of injury can be minimized by wearing protective equipment.
  • perfectly develops flexibility and grace, guarantees good posture. Such activities are suitable for artistic children who like to express themselves in movement. As a less traumatic alternative to gymnastics, you can choose sports or ballroom dancing.
  • Any disciplines athletics strengthen the muscular and skeletal systems, develop agility, speed and strength. However, monotonous workouts can quickly get boring for kids, so such sections are only suitable for really enthusiastic and purposeful children.
  • Winter sports, such as and, strengthen the immune system due to hardening and develop endurance. Such sections are suitable for children who can easily tolerate the cold. The disadvantages of the classes are the high level of trauma and the high cost of equipment.
  • Suitable for ambitious babes who love to win. Classes will improve coordination and dexterity, strengthen the musculoskeletal system and the respiratory system. Unfortunately, the cost of training is usually very high.

Well, at least to broaden your horizons. You shouldn’t make a child a “nerd” who can’t see anything beyond school textbooks. In order for him to develop, it is necessary to expand the boundaries of his world. And all kinds of studios, sections, clubs are a great help in this.

In addition, it is not uncommon for a hobby to develop into a lifelong endeavor with age, and a children’s club turns out to be a launching pad for future professional achievements.

How to choose?

It’s good if the child himself knows what he wants and signs up for football or dancing without the help of his parents. What if the child doesn’t gravitate towards anything other than computer shooters?

Then the parents take the initiative into their own hands and try to captivate. Let's try tennis - all your friends have signed up.

You draw well - let's go to the art studio.

Do not forget that development must be harmonious. And when choosing clubs, try to maintain a balance - do not get carried away only by sports or, conversely, only by intellectual activities. Ideally, it would be good to combine them, for example, football and drawing, dancing and chess. Jumping after school is very useful, especially for modern children who lead a sedentary lifestyle. But switching your brain to another activity is no less important.

How to manage everything?

This is the most important question for parents who object to after-school activities. And the most common mistake.

In fact, a busy daily routine disciplines a child, organizes him better than any punishment or instruction, teaches him to manage time and value it. It’s just that life itself forces a student to do everything - this is the only condition not to get bad grades in classes and to complete work in clubs.

Another thing is that mothers (and fathers too) should initially help the child organize his daily routine.

You can even schedule it minute by minute: when is lunch, when are lessons, and when do you have to go to class.

But you won’t have a headache trying to pull your child away from the TV, and you won’t be tormented by the question of where he goes in the evenings. The child is busy!

The most important

Don’t be overzealous with circles, there shouldn’t be too many of them, otherwise the child will simply get tired. A hobby should bring joy.

Allow children to change clubs if they want to do something different. This is not yet a profession or even a choice of university - just a search for yourself and your interests. Be interested in your children's hobbies and support them. Even if you dreamed of seeing your son in the chess section, and not in the football section. Respect their choice.

Try to find money for classes if you see that the child is seriously interested. Training in some sections (alpine skiing, for example, or computer) really costs a lot of money. But they are compensated by the knowledge that the child is in action. The only thing is that it is worth agreeing “on the shore” that this is not a momentary whim, but a long-term project. And only in this case is it worth buying expensive equipment. However, this applies to any circles.


Tip for parents. The child doesn’t know what to do and has no hobbies? Try to help him, taking into account the characteristics of his character.

  • For combative, cocky boys, “real masculine” activities are suitable - football, hockey, wrestling, maritime affairs.
  • A win-win option for girls is dancing or figure skating, fortunately after all the “ice ages” these activities are at the peak of popularity, and finding a section is not a problem.
  • To get computer strategy fans away from their monitors, you can send them to the chess section. Here you also need to solve logical problems.
  • It is better to send a quiet person who lacks self-confidence to a circle where group work is expected, rather than solo performances - for example, to a choir.
  • If your child loves to “make faces” and copies teachers and classmates well, take him to a theater studio.
  • Does your child crave popularity? Take him to guitar lessons. The ability to pluck strings will immediately make him the life of any company.
  • If your child has vision problems, it is best to enroll him in the pool. Swimming generally has a healing effect.
  • And if your offspring is good at lying and making up fables, find him a literary studio or take him to the editorial office of the school newspaper. Let his imagination work for the benefit of the cause.


Sergey Varchuk:- My daughter is already an adult, and my son Vanya will soon be 5 years old. Now he goes to the children's center, where they have dancing, music, modeling, drawing, and so on. In general, I think that when choosing a club, the main thing is not to put pressure on the child.

But, on the other hand, if the child is not interested in anything, then he himself will not enroll in the section and will not do anything.

Adolescence roughly occurs between 13-16 years of age. It is not for nothing that it is called transitional, since it is at this age that a girl becomes a girl, her personality develops, certain habits, character, individual views on life situations are formed and, of course, certain hobbies appear. Unfortunately, teenagers' hobbies are not always beneficial for them., because children often imitate their older comrades or heroes computer games setting a bad example.

That is why the girl’s parents should play an important role in choosing hobbies.. This does not mean that you need to force her to do what the mother wants, but the child himself does not want. Parents should not realize their unfulfilled dreams in this way, but they can help their daughter realize her own potential and give an impetus to the future, based on her interests. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with our material, which details only useful and relevant information regarding hobbies for teenage girls. Perhaps you will be interested in some hobbies, hobbies, and you can introduce your daughter to them.

Hobbies for girls 12-13 years old

At the age of 12-13 years, the best option for a girl may be to become interested in needlework. This can be traditional bead embroidery, floss, knitting or newfangled Handmade types, such as scrapbooking, diamond embroidery.

What can a 13-14 year old girl do?

At the age of 13-14 years, puberty is in full swing, so the girl begins to recognize herself as a “girl”. She becomes interested in caring for her body and no longer wants to just watch her mother apply makeup or do a manicure, she wants to do it all herself.

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Hobbies for girls 14-16 years old

What hobby is banned?

It is worth mentioning dangerous hobbies for teenage girls. We won't talk about obvious things like smoking, etc., but sometimes seemingly harmless hobbies can negatively affect your child. Unfortunately, among many schoolgirls there is a widespread passion for gel polishes, the so-called “shellacs”. The fact is that applying gel polishes and gels involves the use of harmful and chemically hazardous drugs, including acids and acetone, so it is not recommended to get involved in such a hobby without special training. In addition, in the process of a girl’s growth and formation nail plate Do not apply gel substances. If your daughter wants to learn this, then explain to her the consequences and suggest that for now she limit herself to creams and oils for hand care, and allow her to paint her nails only with regular varnish.

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Parents should also be wary if their daughter is interested in anime or subcultures and is trying to be like her older friends or a character from TV. Such hobbies force the child to live “outside reality” and can ultimately lead to tragic consequences. Goths, emo, etc. are simply obsessed with the death cult, so if you observe changes in appearance child and in his mood, it means your parental authority and attention is not enough, or maybe it simply isn’t there. Therefore, stop what you’re doing and take care of your daughter as much as possible, come up with interesting joint projects, help her discover her talents and become unique in real life.

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