Cherry jam without cooking. Cherry jam - recipes for pitted and pitted cherry jam for the winter. How to make pitted cherry jam with pectin

There is a certain interaction between plants located nearby. Some of them are true friends and buddies, ready to help each other in every possible way, others remain neutral, and others tend to be at enmity with others. To use this influence to get a decent harvest and avoid annoying mistakes when planning a garden, you need to understand which crops can be planted side by side, and which proximity of vegetables in the beds is extremely undesirable.

What are mixed plantings?

If the garden area is small, but you want to get a variety of fruits, and more, circumstances suggest a way out: compacted crops or mixed plantings. This is a method of organic farming, when several different crops are cultivated simultaneously in a garden bed: vegetables, herbs, berries, flowers, planted taking into account the compatibility of the plants, mixed together or according to a certain pattern.

Mixed plantings: benefits and beauty

The natural question is: is the topic of combined plantings relevant for owners of spacious plots? Every gardener, planning to populate his plot with “green friends” in the spring, dreams of getting the most out of each bed. At the same time, any experienced vegetable grower knows that to obtain a significant harvest, you need fertile soil, high-quality seeds, healthy seedlings, the use of effective fertilizers, and proper care of the plantings in the neighborhood.

However, few people take into account another significant circumstance: allelopathy. Don’t be intimidated by this scientific name for the phenomenon of the biochemical influence of some cultures on others or their mutual influence. Allelopathy is capable of providing mutually beneficial conditions for the coexistence of vegetables adjacent to the garden when planted together, but it can also serve to suppress the development individual species factor.

Good neighborhood

The essence of the effect is that all parts of plants are released into environment(air, soil) biologically active substances - phytoncides, antibiotics and others. These compounds, depending on the type, can either be absorbed and have a beneficial effect on neighboring crops, or oppress their neighbors in the garden. Successful selection of green “cohabitants” allows you to harvest more from your garden and grow healthy, beautiful fruits with improved taste.

In addition to the positive manifestation of allelopathy, there are many more benefits that encourage the organization of joint plantings on the site, even if there is enough space on it for separate cultivation.

Isolated neighborhood

Advantages of mixed plantings

It is worth noting that combining vegetables in the garden is not the latest trend in garden farming technology. Since ancient times, the American Indians have known a successful trio: peas, corn, pumpkin. The classic community of plants has successfully migrated to the present day and is successfully used by many vegetable growers: peas enrich the soil with nitrogen, corn serves as its support, pumpkin, covering the ground, fights weeds.

Classic trio

Organizing joint plantings is a more promising and exciting activity than cultivating monocultures on separate sites. However, the approach to planning “communal” beds must be responsible. It is not enough to know what vegetables and other crops can be planted nearby; you need to be prepared to make observations and analyze the results of the neighborhood. But people who have decided to experiment and have harvested more than one harvest from combined plantings note many advantages of this approach:

  • The available land area is used more rationally, and more is harvested from it than when planted with a monoculture.
  • Vegetables in the garden have good appearance, are healthy or get sick less.
  • The need for crops to water is reduced.
  • There is no need for frequent thorough weeding of the beds.
  • The time required for preparatory gardening work is reduced.
  • It becomes possible to reduce or eliminate the use of mineral fertilizers due to nitrogen fixation by legumes.
  • Unilateral soil depletion and “fatigue” are prevented, and the need for crop rotation gradually disappears.
  • The elimination of pesticides is becoming a reality, as many plants attract beneficial insects and birds that destroy pests. There are also flowers and herbs that repel harmful insects and rodents.
  • The harvest is obtained throughout the season if other crops are sown on the area vacated after the early ones.
  • It is possible to create a unique microclimate in the garden bed, using tall, stable plants as curtains to protect delicate neighbors from winds and direct sun.

Cabbage, marigolds, calendula - a wonderful neighborhood

Rules for the formation of combined plantings

Experience and observations accumulated by gardeners indicate that, in addition to the listed advantages, mixed cultivation even affects the taste of vegetables. In particular, herbs such as basil, celery, monarda, and parsley improve the taste of tomatoes. Bush beans can make radishes more savory. A cucumber planted next to a sunflower will delight you with especially sweet, crunchy greens.

These tomatoes are especially tasty

Choosing the right combination of vegetables among each other in the garden and realizing all the benefits of growing plants in a mixed type is possible only if you follow certain rules. When planning the organization of a “communal” garden bed, you must:

  1. Consider the climate in the region.
  2. Study the specific features of your own plot and focus on them: is the garden in the sun or in the shade, is it protected from the winds, what are the agrotechnical characteristics of the soil, is there a possibility of watering.
  3. Orient the beds in such a way that tall specimens do not shade light-loving neighbors and, on the contrary, shade those for whom the hot sun is harmful.
  4. Combine plants with different growing seasons. Early vegetables, greens (onions, radishes, Chinese cabbage, lettuce) in mixed plantings should be planted with crops with a long ripening period (cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants, beets, tomatoes).
  5. Decide whether the food area will be sufficient for all the “tenants” of the garden bed. This depends on the development of their root system. Plants with deep, strong roots should be placed adjacent to crops with shallow root systems.

Scheme of a small bed with combined plantings

As a rule, three crops are grown in a mixed bed: the previous early one, the main one and the partner plant. With sufficient knowledge and experience in gardening, you will draw up schemes for combined plantings yourself. If you don’t rely on your own experience, use ready-made planting patterns and special tables from the examples below.

Compatibility table

Compatibility of crops in one bed

Now we should dwell on the compatibility of some common crops with other plants in a common garden bed and figure out which proximity is beneficial for them, which is acceptable, and which is harmful.

Onion and the best neighbors for it

It’s hard to imagine a Russian’s diet without onions; every summer resident hopes to stock them for the whole winter. It is interesting to find out how he behaves in a mixed bed, whether he makes his neighbors cry.

It is reliably known that onions are not only useful for humans - they are an excellent companion for many other crops, diligently protecting them from diseases and pests. Thanks to this, plants placed nearby develop well and produce increased yields. But a gardener aimed at obtaining a solid harvest is also interested in which neighborhood is favorable for the onion itself.

We can immediately say that this vegetable will be comfortable in the company of salads, radishes, tomatoes, parsley, beets, cucumbers, and strawberries. And you should keep it away from grapes, legumes, and sage.

Comfortable neighborhood

Many vegetable growers who are mastering the technique of growing vegetables together are wondering whether it is possible to plant onions and garlic in the same bed, because they are so similar: they have the same sowing time, requirements for soil, lighting, and agricultural technology. However, these crops are from a common family - their similarity is also manifested in the presence of common pests and diseases, from which they cannot protect each other.

Onions and garlic have superficial root systems, which means they can compete in terms of nutrition and moisture. There are more disadvantages in such a neighborhood than advantages, and it is not worth planting them mixed in a small area. As a last resort, you can divide the “living space” in half between them. But the best option would be to plant onions and carrots in the same bed - this combination has become a classic in the practice of growing vegetables together.

Carrots and onions are friendly

Carrots and the ideal growing environment

Carrots and onions are the perfect duet. They not only coexist peacefully - their position is active in relation to each other’s pests. Carrots will safely repel the onion fly, and the carrot fly will not even come close to the area where the onion protector stands side by side with the tasty root vegetable. The simplest example of such a bed: a central row of onions along its length and two rows of carrots on the sides.

Classic neighborhood

However, it is worth noting that these crops have different watering requirements. When the bulbs are full and begin to ripen, the onions do not need water, it is even harmful to it, and at this time just give the carrots a drink. If the climate in the region is such that vegetables cannot be grown without watering, you have to either leave the onions only as a protector, or say goodbye to part of the carrot harvest, trying to protect the ripening onions from rot.

A way out of the described situation could be to grow perennial onions or onions for greens together with carrots. Or you should find out what else can be planted in the same bed with carrots and implement the idea. Having studied the table above, you can make sure that carrots are good next to radishes, peas, lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, and garlic. Its proximity to parsley, celery, and dill is undesirable.

Carrots are comfortable next to radishes

By the way, many are surprised that the delicate sprigs of self-sowing dill should be removed from the carrot bed. But everything is natural: these plants from the same family compete for water and food. In addition, both of them (like all umbrella species) are attractive to the carrot fly. Therefore, it is not advisable to leave cute dill bushes among carrot crops. Moreover, it is unacceptable to deliberately plant carrots and dill in the same bed - this is an unfortunate juxtaposition.

The result of a bad neighborhood

Garlic and other plants in one bed

Garlic is a wonderful plant that endows the space around it with phytoncides that bring health. This is a natural fungicide that works well in the fight against fungal infections. Most of garlic’s neighbors like this quality: in its environment, potatoes can cope with late blight, carrots will not be damaged by carrot flies and psyllids, and strawberries will not be attacked by harmful insects.

Garlic - a natural healer

So you can plant a lot of vegetables, herbs, and flowers in the garden next to garlic. It likes carrots, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, beets, tomatoes, and especially favors celery. And they are the best neighbors for garlic itself. Many flowers feel great in the presence of a fragrant vegetable. Of those with whom garlic is friends in the garden in particular, we can name roses and bulbous flowers: tulips, gladioli, daffodils.

Good partners of garlic

Despite his beneficial features, the proximity of garlic is contraindicated in peas, lentils, beans, and peanuts. They cannot be placed not only in the same bed, but also near a plot planted with garlic, which has such an adverse effect on legumes that they stop developing normally and hardly bear fruit. It is also unacceptable to plant cabbage and perennial onions next to it. But for raspberries and strawberries, garlic will be the best companion.

For tulips, proximity to garlic is beneficial

Strawberries and suitable neighbors

When setting up a strawberry plantation, summer residents often think about what can be planted next to the strawberries in the same bed to protect the berries from pests and diseases. Inquisitive farmers have found a solution: garlic, a natural healer, copes with this task perfectly. The following pests are afraid of him:

  • ants;
  • strawberry weevil;
  • nematodes;
  • wireworm;
  • spider mite

Garden strawberries (commonly known as strawberries)

The glorious protector of sweet berries is planted in a row in the rows of a strawberry bed and between holes with berry bushes. Strawberries (garden strawberries) reciprocate with garlic: the heads of garlic grow even larger and stronger than when planted in a separate “living space”. Everyone who practices growing strawberries and garlic in the same bed is sure that their proximity is very beneficial.

Bittersweet couple

Good companions for aromatic berries include beans, onions, eggplants, radishes, spinach, and parsley. The latter drives away slugs from ripening berries. But there are no crops with which strawberries would be poorly compatible: apparently, they are very friendly to their neighbors and are loved by all of them.

Strawberries' best neighbor is beans

It is known that different varieties Certain crops (for example, potatoes) can quarrel not only when planted nearby, but even when storing the crop. Therefore, there are often disputes between garden owners on the topic: is it possible to plant different varieties of strawberries in the same bed or will this lead to civil strife or cross-pollination. There is no reason to be afraid of one or the other: garden strawberry bushes simply do not know how to quarrel.

Cross-pollination occurs, but it will affect the appearance and quality of the berries only if strawberries are propagated by seeds. During vegetative propagation, the grade will not be affected - the main thing is not to confuse which mother plant the rosette is separated from. For these reasons, it is worth planting varieties of garden strawberries, if in the same bed, then in separate groups.

Parsley will protect against slugs

Cucumbers in joint plantings

Pimpled, crispy greens - what could be better at the beginning of summer? And if you are already determined to grow vegetables together, you should know which neighbor of the cucumbers in the garden will be a faithful assistant to them, and which one will oppress them. Cucumbers are not picky, a good neighborhood is not a problem for them - in this regard, they are compatible with most vegetable crops. It is easier to list those plants with which cucumbers do not have a good relationship.

Corn curtains protect from the wind

The list is small:

  • potato,
  • radishes (specialist opinions differ here),
  • tomatoes (a controversial issue),
  • spices.

Dill is a wonderful partner of cucumbers

Much more than the neighborhood, the development of this vegetable is influenced by the microclimate and soil. Therefore, when deciding what to plant in a bed of cucumbers, more attention should be paid to the ability of companions to protect growing vines from the aggressive influence of the environment. For example, corn curtains will provide excellent protection for cucumber vines from the winds, and beans will supply them with nitrogen. There is one exception among herbs: dill goes well with cucumbers.

Another example of a pleasant neighborhood

Beets in a common garden

When deciding what to plant beets with, you should rely on scientific data and use common sense. The German scientist Hubmann, who studied plant compatibility for many years, concluded that plants such as beets, potatoes, tomatoes, bush beans, and spinach can coexist perfectly, stimulating each other. Good neighbors for beets, in his opinion, are also onions, kohlrabi, lettuce, garlic, and strawberries.

Community of Root Vegetables

Regarding the incompatibility of beets with other vegetables, there is no consensus. Some vegetable growers, contrary to Hubmann, argue that this root crop does not grow well next to potatoes. However, many gardeners successfully grow it along the edges of potato ridges. Neither scientists nor practitioners have decided on the usefulness or harmfulness of the proximity of beets to corn, chard, and chives.

There is a version that the substances secreted by beet roots have antibiotic properties and have a healing effect on neighboring plants. Therefore, growing, for example, beets and carrots in the same bed will have a positive effect on both crops.

Joint cultivation of beets, onions, carrots

True, you will need to take care to maintain a sufficient interval between the rows, remembering that the powerful foliage of beets can greatly shade their companions. A good option mixed cultivation of vegetables will be a bed, in the center of which a row of onions is planted, along the edges a row of beets and a row of carrots.

Pumpkin in the vicinity of other crops

Pumpkin does not have any special preferences or hostility towards vegetables growing nearby. However, it can be considered quite successful in its proximity to the previously mentioned corn, peas, as well as other legumes, radishes, and nasturtium. Sometimes gardeners, trying to make maximum use of the area of ​​the compost heap, plant zucchini on it together with pumpkin.

Friendship is friendship, but garden beds are better apart

But pumpkins and zucchini cannot be good neighbors in the same garden. As a result of cross-pollination, fruits grow in a shape and color unusual for both vegetables. Hybrids on zucchini grow round, and on pumpkins oblong. Their taste also suffers. This is a clear example of an unsuccessful application of a mixed growing system, and it is not worth deciding on such an experiment.

This company is better for pumpkin

Tomatoes surrounded by neighbors

Some people consider tomatoes to be as individualistic as pumpkins. But, if you turn to the experience of Swiss, German and domestic gardeners, it is not difficult to see that cultivating tomatoes in the vicinity of other crops is quite possible. They go well with radishes, lettuce, carrots, celery, parsley, beets, and garlic. There is no doubt that you can plant these vegetables and herbs in the same bed with tomatoes.

Their mutual influence may be different. For example, the relationship between garlic and tomatoes is favorable for the latter: garlic protects them from spider mites and reduces the risk of late blight. And basil is considered the best companion for tomatoes, not only promoting the growth of the vegetable, but also improving its taste. By the way, other aromatic herbs have the same property: borage, lemon balm, marigold, mint.

The effect of nettles growing nearby on tomatoes is interesting: it increases the shelf life of tomatoes and improves the quality of tomato juice. As a rule, those who grow tomatoes and carrots in the same bed, the row of which is placed along the row of tomatoes, are satisfied with the results. But tomatoes have almost no enemies - only fennel can be considered an obvious antagonist, which is such in relation to almost all vegetables.

The proximity of eggplant to pepper is a joy

Bell peppers in the center of a mixed vegetable garden

It is impossible not to mention the possible neighbors of bell peppers in the garden. It has a good relationship with basil, eggplant, dill, spinach, and thyme. Marigolds, coriander, and onions can act as protectors of pepper from aphids, with which it gets along well. And a plant like okra can be planted next to fragile pepper bushes to shelter them from the wind.

The combination of tomatoes, peas, cabbage, beets, beans, and carrots is contraindicated for pepper. Neighborhood is extremely undesirable sibling- hot pepper. It will not interfere with the development and fruiting of the “Bulgarian”, but the result of cross-pollination will be a loss of harvest, since sweet peppers can no longer be called such. You can decide what to plant next to the pepper in the same bed based on the lists of successful and unsuccessful neighbors.

Cabbage is the best neighbor for vegetables and herbs

There are many types of cabbage; they grow and bear fruit in different ways. But they have common problems with pests and diseases, so the problem of how to plant cabbage in one bed is solved almost the same for all varieties. Celery is an excellent partner for cabbage, gaining additional flavor and being stimulated to grow thanks to the influence of cabbage. In turn, it drives away white butterflies and cruciferous flea from the beds.

Neighborhood is beneficial for cabbage:

  • different types of onions,
  • salad,
  • potatoes,
  • aromatic herbs (sage, dill, chamomile),
  • beans,
  • garlic

Cabbage's Pleasant Neighbors

Cabbage and tomatoes do not get along in the same bed. Strawberries are also not in favor with the “garden lady.” But cabbage is still different from cabbage. By placing cauliflower in the vicinity of the white cabbage sister, you can miss the calculations for the harvest of colored heads: their setting in the vicinity of the white cabbage beauty is significantly reduced.

Potatoes and crops useful for them

Growing “second bread” in a mixed crop is beneficial: it suffers less and does not require crop rotation as much. Beans and spinach are good neighbors for potatoes in the garden. A remarkable result can be obtained if you plant bush beans in the spaces between potato rows - they repel the malicious pest, the Colorado potato beetle, and enrich the soil with nitrogen. The harmful beetle is also repelled by tansy, marigold, coriander, and nasturtium.

Potatoes and beans in the garden

Potatoes also feel good in the company of radishes, corn, varieties of cabbage, and salads. The company of horseradish planted in the corners of a potato field is favorable for him, but the proximity of sunflowers and quinoa has a depressing effect. The combination of potatoes and celery is undesirable. There are conflicting opinions regarding the compatibility of potatoes and beets, peas and tomatoes.

You have gained some idea of ​​the benefits of joint planting of garden crops. If you are fascinated by this idea, do not stop: study the characteristics of the plants that you plan to cultivate, consult with experienced gardeners and specialists, and success will certainly come. Your favorite vegetable garden, sparkling with new colors, will delight you with its appearance and decent harvests.

When planting garlic, you need to follow many rules that relate to the selection of a place for planting, soil preparation and planting material. But it is equally important that all crops on the site be planted in such a way that the garlic has the “right” neighbors. Many beginning gardeners make the irreparable mistake of planting incompatible crops nearby. Let's try to give some tips that will help avoid unpleasant consequences, and figure out what can be planted next to garlic.

Proper crop rotation is of great importance in any gardening enterprise. Experienced gardeners carefully plan where and what beds will be located, what will grow on them. It takes into account what crops grew in the garden in the previous year. Compatibility with other crops is important; if the combination is chosen correctly, berries, vegetables, and green crops will not get sick, and in the fall they will delight you with a healthy and rich harvest.

Unsuitable crops can inhibit plant growth. They will “reward” the plant with many diseases, fungal infections, which will adversely affect the harvest or lead to death. All this fully applies to garlic, the most popular vegetable in the garden.

Predecessors of garlic

You can’t just choose a place to plant and plant garlic. It is necessary to know what plants grew in this place. Each crop has its own effect on the growth of garlic.

It is not recommended to plant garlic after garlic and onions. It is better to give preference to melons and grain crops. These plants, as well as forage grasses and legumes, saturate the soil with useful microelements and have a positive effect on the mineral composition. This allows you to get a large harvest of healthy large bulbs.

Undesirable crops for garlic are radishes, carrots, and turnips. Coriander, mint, basil, and celery are also not suitable as predecessors. Lettuce is also not perceived by garlic as a previous crop, although it grows well next to it. Strong and aromatic heads of garlic can be collected if you plant the vegetable after potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, squash or pumpkin. It is worth noting that garlic itself is a good precursor for almost all crops.

What to plant next to garlic

What to plant garlic with? Are there any plants that cannot grow next to this spice? Garlic has a high concentration of biologically active substances, in the garden it plays the role of a suburban fungicide that successfully copes with any fungal infections. The plant also produces phytoncides that suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria. These qualities of garlic have a beneficial effect on most neighbors of the crop, nourishing and strengthening the plants.

For example, potatoes and healthy garlic crops together help potatoes suffer less from late blight. When planting garlic between strawberry bushes, you can repel most insects that harm the crop from the garlic. If the garlic bed is located next to lettuce and carrots, this will help get rid of the psyllid or carrot fly, which often infect carrots.

Garlic becomes a good companion for vegetables and herbs. You can plant the cloves between plants such as cucumbers, tomatoes, parsley, and any types of salads.

What to plant next to garlic? Garlic is a real protector of flowers and berries. The proximity to currants, raspberries, gladioli, roses and tulips is especially favorable.

Onions and garlic: together or separately

Is it possible to plant onions together with garlic? This question often worries gardeners. We have already found out that garlic should not be planted after onions, but how do these crops behave when located next to each other? On this score, vegetable growers different opinions. Growing onions and garlic in neighboring beds is a bad choice. This is not strictly prohibited, but these crops belong to the same family and have the same diseases.

These plants have a lot in common: they are planted at the same time, they also ripen almost at the same time, these crops feel good only in sunlight. Therefore, if the area is small, you need to save space and you can place the plants nearby. It is still not recommended to plant onions and garlic close to each other in the same bed; the distance should be approximately 15 cm. You just need to carefully ensure that the planting material is free of pests and diseases.

Garlic and strawberries: better together

Strawberries (strawberries) and garlic are the friendliest neighbors. They can only benefit each other. From such combined (joint) plantings, everyone benefits, both the crops and the gardener. Garlic is a biological protector of strawberries from pests, as well as fungal and underground diseases of strawberries. This becomes possible due to the released phytoncides.

Garlic not only repels slugs, but also mole crickets and larvae chafer. Both plants are moisture-loving. Once every five to six days it is necessary to water the beds. Some gardeners grow garlic in strawberry beds, but do not dig it up, but only cut the greens in the summer. On next year The garlic harvest will also be good. Strawberry-cabbage, strawberry-cucumber, strawberry-carrot are also excellent neighboring crops.

Combination of garlic with legumes

After legumes, garlic grows well, but it doesn’t want to see beans and peas among its neighbors. These vegetables don't want to get along with each other. They get sick, their productivity decreases. Peas-cucumbers - good combination, but beans and peas also conflict with each other. Vegetables have complex relationships, don't they?

Mixed planting: planting or harm

Mixed cultivation (alelopathy) is a special type of cultivation of several crops in one bed, planted according to a certain pattern. Is such a landing relevant? For which crops is it needed and why?

The advantage of planting multiple crops is that each plant performs its own function, protecting each other. Even the American Indians cultivated plants according to this principle. The most popular combination: corn, peas and pumpkin. Peas saturate the soil with nitrogen, pumpkin fights weeds, and corn serves as support. The main task is to choose the right crops. Some plants growing near others can improve their flavor. For example, celery and onions improve the taste of tomatoes. Cucumbers next to sunflowers will grow crispy and juicy.

But garlic rarely wins in any neighborhood, despite all its beneficial properties. A bed of garlic should not be located next to peanuts or lentils. These crops stop developing and bearing fruit normally. Planting perennial onions next to garlic will not grow. But garlic grows excellently with raspberries and currants, having a beneficial effect on berry crops.

When planting different crops in the same bed, it is necessary to strictly follow the planting pattern. Plants should not block sunlight from each other. It is necessary to take into account the height of each plant that will grow together, ensuring tiered planting. The main crops should be higher than the compactors. This planting creates favorable conditions for the root system.

The disadvantages of the method include the fact that allelopathy is a too complex planting method. It requires deep knowledge of all crops, their properties, growing times, and even a lot of experience. It is better for novice gardeners not to risk planting, because incorrect planting of at least one plant will lead to the destruction of the crop.

Why is it that your neighbor’s potatoes are productive, but those on your own plot with the same care are worse? How does this crop develop, and what, in addition to traditional agrotechnical cultivation methods, do you need to know to ensure consistently good harvests?

Not all summer residents and gardeners know that plants, like other living beings, have their own characteristics in development. The roots of the plant and their leaves secrete certain substances that interfere with the development of other plants, but can, on the contrary, improve growth and even protect against diseases and pests. There are such fortunate neighborhoods that even improve the taste of certain cultures.

And potatoes have their “friends”, and they also have unfortunate neighbors. Therefore, when choosing what to plant next to the potatoes in the neighborhood, you need to remember about its negative and positive effects on other plants and how they themselves affect the potatoes.

How to grow such an enviable harvest?

Potato as a crop

The name “potato” came from tuberous nightshade Italian word“tartofel”, “tartufolli”, which was explained by the similarity of the underground part of the plant with fruiting bodies truffles. Later, the Germans formed their own version of the name, more similar to ours. In general, potatoes, as you know, were brought to Russia by Peter the Great, and after several centuries this crop became one of the most popular in the whole world. Currently, more than half a thousand of its varieties are known, and in our country it is recommended to grow half of them, including table, technical, and fodder varieties.

This plant is known to everyone, but it was not always grown in Rus'

Potato is a plant with a height of 30 to 150 cm, in which stolons develop on the part immersed in the ground - shoots that form tubers. Tubers can vary in color, size, weight, depending on the variety. The largest tubers can reach a kilogram or even more.

Which neighborhood is unacceptable and which is possible?

So what can be planted next to potatoes, and what harms them and neighboring crops?

The right choice of neighborhood improves the yield of both crops.

It is no coincidence that we have to pay increased attention to potatoes. Firstly, because planting it, as a rule, takes up a lot of space on the site. Therefore, the choice of what to plant in the potato rows is very important. Correctly thought out placement will not only improve the quality of potatoes, but will also save space, make plantings more compact, and the area will be used more efficiently.

When choosing a plot for potatoes, you need to take into account the following parameters:

  • illumination of the place - whether the area is in the sun, in partial shade or shade;
  • soil acidity level - can be clubroot, alkaline or normal;
  • soil feature - the soil can be sandy, chernozem, loam, etc.;
  • dependence of neighboring plants on watering or fertilizing.

All this must be taken into account before planting plants on the site. And, of course, know about the compatibility of different cultures when selecting partners.

One can only envy such a successful neighborhood

It is strictly forbidden to place potatoes with plants of the same family as the nightshade family. These include peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants, which is associated with common diseases and pests. So, even inexperienced summer residents know how the Colorado potato beetle can instantly get from a potato to a tomato or eat eggplant bushes in one night.

Gardeners know what harm this neighborhood can cause if late blight infection occurs. At the same time, treating potatoes with pesticides is less harmful than using the same solutions for other crops, which accumulate more harmful and toxic substances in the fruits.

Advice. In a small area where there is no extra space for separately growing vegetables of this family, it is recommended to separate the plantings with plants that can repel pests with their aromas. For example, such opponents of the Colorado potato beetle as marigolds or calendula perform well. Tall corn, beans, and beans can also become a kind of shield in the path of harmful insects.

The second unwanted neighbor is strawberries. Planting potatoes next to a plantation of this berry will lead to the fact that in the rainy season the berry garden can become a breeding ground for black gray rot (this crop is extremely susceptible to this disease), which can spread to potato bushes. They have another enemy - a nematode, from which both potatoes and strawberries suffer. In such a neighborhood, the wireworm infects potatoes faster than usual.

Advice. Separating strips with crops of carrots, beets, radishes or spinach will help protect these crops from negative mutual influence.

A beautiful rural landscape in which a potato field abuts the golden rims of sunflowers will in fact produce a poor harvest. This is because the oilseed crop consumes an extremely high amount of nutrients. Therefore, it is possible to grow anything in the vicinity of sunflowers only by adding organic fertilizers to the soil.

The potato row cannot be interspersed with sunflowers; if there is such a need to combine these crops, then oilseeds can only be planted in the direction from north to south - this way the tall plants will at least not shade the lower potato bushes.

What else do potatoes get along with poorly? Of course, you should not place it under apple trees, and such proximity will not benefit grapes or cherries. They will produce a harvest, but the taste of the fruit will be noticeably worse. Poor placement of potato beds - under currants, raspberries, sea buckthorn.

What to plant next to potatoes in the neighborhood

Among the options for a bad neighborhood, you can also name celery, including leaf, root, petiole, as well as parsley, which also inhibits potatoes.

When determining what can be planted near potatoes, many summer residents choose cucumbers as neighbors to their potatoes. Firstly, because everyone plants this vegetable, and it needs to find a bright place. Secondly, such landing has no direct prohibitions. Plants actually do not harm each other in any way. However, as in the case of nightshades, potatoes and pumpkins (and cucumbers also belong to this family) have a common problem - late blight disease. It is cucumbers that suffer from it more than others if they adopt this disease from potatoes. Because specialized literature often explicitly prohibits the placement of pumpkins, cucumbers, and zucchini with squash next to potatoes. But what to do if there is no other place other than to place them side by side?

Advice. There is no need to plant disease-prone cucumbers in open ground, it’s better to arrange at least a mini-greenhouse. Such a lightweight device is made into a non-permanent one - from wooden or metal arches and plastic film. On a day when there is no rain, it can be opened, exposing the plants to light and air, and at night the cucumbers must be hidden from rain and dew by covering the greenhouse with film. In close proximity, it is also necessary to carefully treat the potatoes from pests so that pesticides do not get on the cucumber plantings.

To save other pumpkins from infection, you simply should not allow the vines of pumpkins and the tendrils of squash to come into contact with the potatoes. Late blight will not affect the fruits if, at the time of pouring the pumpkin, you place something under each pumpkin that prevents it from coming into contact with wet soil, for example, wooden planks.

Now about what plants can be placed near potato beds. You can safely plant all types of cruciferous plants. The latter include cabbage, radishes and radishes.

Experienced gardeners generally do not consider radishes worthy of a separate place and, remembering their rapid entry into commercial ripeness, often scatter the seeds directly over the potatoes when planting. By the time the potatoes are first weeded, the radishes begin to ripen and are safely harvested. However, according to the rules, if you need to use space sparingly and compact the plantings, it is better to sow radishes in the middle of two double rows of potatoes. In this case, the potato beds located on the sides can be weeded, and after harvesting the radishes, hilling can be done. When cutting wide, one-meter row spacing between potatoes, radish also feels quite good.

Advice. You shouldn’t plant anything between the rows except radishes and radishes. So, cabbage, which is generally neutral to potatoes, will be in a depressed state, because potatoes with their spreading powerful tops will block the light for it, and cabbage of any variety needs a lot of sun. In addition, when plantings are thickened, both crops can develop such a common and unpleasant disease as blackleg. It is also undesirable to place carrots between rows, which generally coexist quite well with potato beds. The same can be said about other root vegetables, in particular beets.

What's good for what?

Of the useful plants that are Russian conditions It is best to plant nearby, the following can be distinguished.

All green crops and herbs are excellent for sowing near potatoes. Lettuce, spinach, and even more so aromatic dill, parsley, basil, and coriander repel some pests with their distinct smell. At the same time, they do not have to be placed in a separate bed - greens and herbs grow well between the rows.

For the same reason, you can compact potato rows with onions and garlic, and also plant them along the perimeter of the main plantings - the smell will protect the potatoes.

Combined plantings can be quite beneficial for plants

Separately, it is worth mentioning the relationship between potatoes and green manure plants. Mustard is best suited for this role, as its secretions from its root system help disinfect the soil not only underneath it, but also around it. It can be sown between potatoes, but should be cut off as soon as the plant reaches the height of the tops. The roots that remain in the ground while decomposing will become a good fertilizer. Another best neighbor in the area can be any legume. This family includes peas, beans, and beans, all of which improve the soil by saturating it with nitrogen. By the way, the roots of legumes have a special smell that the Colorado potato beetle cannot tolerate and the larva of the click beetle cannot tolerate. But if bush beans can be planted without a doubt, even in rows, even next to potatoes, then beans are useful only in plantings along the edges. After all, they can significantly reduce the taste characteristics of potatoes, only because in the struggle for nutrients (and legumes need a large amount of them) they have stronger accumulation capabilities, which is why potatoes suffer.

Peas will ripen during the potato beetle treatment period, but chemicals should not be allowed on ripening peas. Therefore, if the potatoes are processed only by hand, without chemicals, that is, pesticides, then peas can be sown. In this case, the rows of peas should be located so that they do not shade the neighbor’s plantings, that is, from north to south. Finally, gardeners have long been accustomed to sowing green beans along the edge of the potato field. And it is right.

As can be seen from this article, nature has allowed many plants to be “mutually polite.” It is important to know and respect the characteristics of each and place them so that the cultures in their neighborhood do not harm each other, but benefit each other.

The special structure of nature has always surprised man. The way it is arranged is that plants growing nearby help each other or, conversely, begin to “fight” for a place in the sun. If you are seriously convinced that the danger to your garden lies exclusively in weeds, then you are mistaken! Nearby beds with incompatible cultures, can cause a gardener to be in a bad mood.

So, what should you not plant close to each other? For example, it is not recommended to grow cucumbers next to lettuce, since these vegetables cannot live “in harmony” with many herbs, including aromatic ones. Dill is no exception. As you can see, there are many nuances and subtleties in this matter. We will try to figure them out in this article when we answer the question - what to plant next to carrots?

Carrots are a vegetable that every housewife always needs! All year round they add it to all sorts of dishes, both hot and raw. Salads with carrots are especially tasty. What kind of neighborhood with carrots will be the most favorable?

Onions and carrots

Onions and carrots are “eternal” cohabitants. Of course, you have already heard many stories about carrot flies, which liked this root vegetable no less than people. If you plant carrots and onions in the same bed, you will be able to drive away this pest. The reason is that such flies cannot tolerate the aroma of onions. The benefit of having onions nearby is also that it prevents root mites from damaging the carrots.

As they say, carrots never last long. It protects onions from onion flies and moths. It is worth noting that this root vegetable is an excellent companion for all varieties of onions, and even garlic.

There are separate methods for sowing onions and carrots. The essence of one of these methods is that it is necessary to scatter onion seeds over the garden bed fourteen days before sowing carrots. You do not need to sprinkle onion seeds immediately, but after the carrots are sown. This is not only convenient for the gardener - he will not have to do the same job several times, but also useful, because the crops will be sown at a time convenient for them.

The situation is different if you decide to plant carrots next to onion sets (). First you need to plant carrots, and after a few weeks you can start planting sets. It is recommended that carrots and onions grow in a row or even two rows.

When planting carrots and onions together, know that the first crop is compatible with tomatoes, while they cannot be planted next to onions!

Carrots and celery

It is not recommended to grow carrots and celery in the same bed. These cultures do not mix well with each other. Celery does not protect onions from the onion fly; on the contrary, it attracts insects that are dangerous to it.

Planting onions in the same bed with carrots has a number of features. It is recommended to sow these crops earlier than carrots. If you sow a vegetable ahead of schedule, its sprouts may be subject to spring frosts, and then instead of a rich harvest, you will get a “flowerbed”. It is known that carrots bloom only in the second year, and she may “decide” that it has already arrived and it’s time for her to bloom.

An advantage for crops in close proximity to carrots is that when they bloom, they attract various beneficial insects with their aroma.

Carrots are a vegetable that is present on almost every table during meals. This root vegetable is rich in vitamins, microelements and beneficial minerals. It’s not for nothing that in Rus' they said that this vegetable brings strength to people. Carrots are distinguished not only by their beneficial properties, but also by their pleasant taste. Even desserts are prepared using it, and it is recommended that young children be given delicious carrot juice.

But in order to get a good carrot harvest, you need to know which crops are best to place them next to. The most optimal compatibility of carrots:

  • Beans;
  • Radish;
  • Sage;
  • Peas;
  • Salad;
  • Garlic.

What are carrots incompatible with?

Carrots are a common root vegetable. It is grown in almost every garden, but the harvest is not always as good as the gardener would like. It would seem that there is no drought, and in right time was planted and is being cared for excellently. What's missing from carrots?

And the answer is not as complicated as it might seem. The destructive proximity to other cultures is the main reason. The vegetable spends all its “strength” and “reserves” on the fight, and the carrots grow thin, weak and in small quantities.

The following crops are incompatible with carrots in the same bed:

  • Anise;
  • Beet;
  • Horseradish;
  • Parsley;
  • Fragrant greens.

Moreover, it is recommended to plant carrots as far as possible from apple trees. Otherwise, you may end up with bitter vegetables and bitter apples. Of course, you want to grow sweet carrots, so it’s best to avoid such a neighborhood.

Now you know what to plant next to carrots and which crops are best avoided. The gardener must take this information seriously. Be sure that by planting carrots away from dill, you will get an excellent harvest that will be the envy of your neighbors! The main thing is the correct seating. Knowing which vegetables conflict with each other, you can protect them from loss, because first of all, it benefits you! On the contrary, knowing which crops are “friends”, help each other and protect from insects, you will intentionally plant them next to each other.

This is such unique nature! Growing a good crop of carrots in one bed is very difficult and for many summer residents almost impossible. A beet and carrot bed located nearby can produce a high-quality harvest with proper care.

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