Read spells for the wind through the window. Reading a love spell on your own is a breeze. On a flour dish

In magic, the most powerful spells are those that involve the power of the elements. Wind in esotericism is an elemental force responsible for the transmission of thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Therefore, conspiracies and love spells for the wind are effective.

The benefits of wind related spells are:

  • effectiveness at a distance from the object of the spell;
  • precise targeting (clearly aimed at a specific person);
  • no negative consequences if carried out correctly;
  • the possibility of carrying out it independently, without resorting to magicians.

The disadvantages of wind spells are:

  1. The need to wait for suitable weather (the stronger the spell, the stronger the wind; it works optimally in a thunderstorm, hurricane).
  2. Inability to read them anywhere and at any time (open space, dawn after a night with a waxing moon).
  3. Maintaining complete solitude (not always easy to achieve).
  4. Duration of the ritual: the spell or love spell is read nine times in a row.

A conspiracy to make your loved one yearn for the wind

It has long been noted: love is spurred on by longing for a loved one. People who believe in magical power use this property and read a spell to the wind so that their loved one will be sad.

The plot is read aloud in windy weather. Stand facing the slowly rising sun, visualize the image of your loved one in your mind. Read in an open space - in a field, in a square. Option: look out the open window and catch the wind.

I call on the wind to help.

I ask the wind to send melancholy to(insert name).

Let him wait and wish to meet,

Let him want to see me that same evening.

The wind is a powerful, living force,

Help dispel the melancholy(insert name).

Bring my love to him.

After reading the plot, close the window (or, if it was read outside the house, return home). Think about the object of feelings all day. Soon you will feel a change in better side regarding relationships.

Keep in mind - the conspiracy works in situations:

  • push your chosen one to thoughts and actions in your direction;
  • refresh your feelings if the relationship has become too familiar;
  • get your loved one back after a quarrel.

In other cases, the spell has no effect and can cause harm.

Spell to the wind for love

The wind spell for love is pronounced under the conditions described above. Your head should be open: the ritual is effective if your hair is blowing in the wind.

Read the text a number of times divisible by three (preferably 9):

Wind, you unravel your braids and caress them.

So may he(insert name) touches them.

Let him know no other happiness,

How to curl my hair around your hand.

He doesn’t need sleep or food - just to see my eyes.

My will is clear, my word is inviolable.

As proof of good thoughts, read the usual prayer.

Conspiracy to the wind on a rival

Reading a spell to wind against a rival often causes concern among newcomers to magic. They are associated with the possibility of harm (even to a rival), because evil intent often returns to the one who originated it.

But the conspiracy will be safe if its purpose is clear. The goal is only separation from the rival. You don’t wish harm on anyone, you just want new relationships to be built as a result of the conspiracy: your loved one’s with you, your rival’s with another man. It is absolutely forbidden to wish evil.

Read the text of the spell under normal conditions with kindness in your heart and without wishing harm on the woman who comes between you and your loved one.

The wind rolls the sea waves,

Bends trees, breaks branches, tears leaves.

So is his love(name of the chosen one) with her(name of the homewrecker) will tear.

Everyone will go their own way.
Let his path lead to me.

Let her path find another.

My word is true and firm as stone.


Remember, this is a conspiracy to end current relationships and build new ones without leaving anyone a failure. This is what makes him strong.

Spell for separation to the wind

If the object of your feelings is no longer free, but this does not make him happy, you can increase your chances of finding love with him if you read the separation spell.

The plot is dangerous if, when reading it, you wish harm on the man’s companion. In fact, the same principle applies as in the previous case: you cannot harm. Comparing a man and a woman with animals, as well as with the devil and the devil, wishing another woman all sorts of illnesses and deformities are rituals of black magic, and they do not lead to any good.

The purpose of this conspiracy is to separate people who are already separated in their souls and are ripe for new feelings.

Read the plot in compliance with general principles. After repeating the text nine times, cover your head as a sign that there is no other request addressed to the elements.

I'm walking down a dark path,

Moon illuminated.

The wind will show me the way

He'll show you the cute one.

He sits with his back to the woman - facing separation.

The woman is sitting with her back to him - facing separation.

Give them the strength to leave

And everyone can find happiness.

And he(insert name) let him take my hand,

And let the wind tie our hands together like a ribbon.


In this conspiracy, they do not wish harm, they simply ask the elements to confirm that the feelings of the beloved and his woman have cooled down, and they want to convey to him the new love personified by you.

Love spell on the wind that cannot be removed

A love spell on the wind is a magical ritual, optimal when you secretly sigh for a man: you feel that you love him, but he does not suspect it.

Through a love spell, feelings will find a man, and he will experience reciprocal interest in you. The most effective are wind love spells: they cover any distance and easily convey thoughts and feelings to the object of the spell.

The proposed love spell is effective and cannot be removed. When deciding on him, think about whether the man is right for you. The ritual is effective provided there are sincere feelings and visualization of their object in the mind.

The love spell is read aloud in an open space on an empty stomach nine times. Each subsequent time, read the text more confidently than the previous time. The energy of words must increase.

I call, wind, I call to you, strong.

I ask for help, I ask for care.

Let's go to(insert man's name) Love,

Stronglike you, wind.

So that he couldn't live without her(insert your name) live,

To miss her.

In dreams and in reality let her appear,

And you won't have(insert man's name) doubts,

That I am destined for him forever.


This strong love spell to the wind, acting shortly after reading.

Strong wind spell

The stronger the element manifests itself, the stronger the conspiracy against it. When there is a strong wind, read a love spell if you have not yet met the person you like, but want love. There is no clear recipient of the conspiracy: a call to a strong wind will concentrate the forces of the elements on his search.

Go out into the open in windy weather. Bow to four sides, alternately take four inhalations and four exhalations on each side. Then, breathing deeply, mentally read the text of the conspiracy:

Four strong hurricane masters.

To me,(insert your name) bring love.

Let her be pure and beautiful, just as I am pure and beautiful in body and soul.

May she be sweet and happy, just as my life is sweet and happy.

Violent winds, bring a sigh with a prayer from me to my betrothed.

Let him find a way and come to me.


After reading, bow again to four directions. Cover your hair (with a hat, scarf) as a sign that you don’t want anything else. Go home. Within a month, your wish will come true.

The conspiracies described are effective, but when relying on them, count on your own charm, wit, and beauty. Then your wishes will definitely come true.

In this article:

The elements in magic have always come to the aid of man. Air is one of the four elements. Wind – freedom, flight and strength. One of the powers that is used in magic. There are no barriers for him. A gust of wind can cover vast distances in a matter of minutes. That’s why they make a wind spell when you need to get results at a great distance. The result is love.

Do you have a loved one about whom you are “crazy”? And he doesn't reciprocate? You can try to make a harmless love spell. This ritual will not bring bad consequences, which significantly distinguishes it from love spells in black magic. The power of the elements is good. Higher powers always carefully monitor the elements. If a person does actions that are not pleasing to Them, then They will painlessly adjust your plans. This will not harm your loved one. If he has a different fate, then you are not on the right path. In black magic they break the fate of a loved one. Note that yours too.

Features of the ritual

A spell to wind will help when your loved one is at a great distance from you. For example, lives in another city or country. If your loved one lives close, then this is not your conspiracy. We will invite the wind. Here's what you need for the ritual:

  • The wind must blow. In our case, the stronger the better.
  • You should definitely find a place from which you can clearly see the sun.
  • Hair should be uncovered—loose to allow it to flow in the wind.

Before performing the sacrament, ask for help from God and the Mother of God. If it is God's will, this person will be with you. If not fate, then the Higher powers will not allow the conspiracy to come true. This means that you are destined for a different fate - love with another person.

Magic words to the wind can have side effects. Don't be afraid dear ladies, nothing bad will happen. You may just become more popular with men. If you observe increased interest in you, this is a conspiracy. People will fall in love with you more often.

So, rush hour has arrived. Early in the morning, at dawn, you got up to perform the ritual. On the street, our assistant is the wind. The sun should cross the horizon line. Let your hair down, turn your face to the sun and say:

“Like the wind unravels my braids, braids them,

So let the servant of God (the name of the beloved) weave and unravel my braids,

He knows no other joy than to curl around me, curl,

Caress me day and night.

And he neither eats nor drinks nor sleeps,

Until my clear eyes can be seen.

My word is firm and my will is indestructible.

Forever and ever, amen."

When you say the words of the conspiracy, do not rush to leave. Stay a little, feel the beauty of the pre-dawn morning. Imagine your shared love with your beloved. Enjoy this feeling to the fullest. Let your heart be filled with joy. A picture of your happiness should be clearly drawn in your head.

After the ritual, you will feel tired and slightly dizzy. Don't be alarmed. This is good, because the ritual has begun. The wind took away some of your strength. By evening your condition will improve.

Love and infinity

For this ritual, take a paper rectangle. Then fold it in half. Draw an inverted number 8 on the outside. The number 8 means infinity. Here it acts as a symbol of eternal feelings. Inside you need to write down the name of your loved one. Place the young man's photo in the envelope.

Start the love spell itself at half past eleven. Place your package of text on one palm and cover it with the other. You will imbue a photograph of your loved one with your energy. Imagine that a stream of light is passing through it. Wait until five minutes to twelve and burn the photo with a piece of paper on which was the name of your loved one.

Pay attention to working with your own energy

When the clock strikes midnight, then you blow the ashes out the open window. Success will come within three weeks.

The Wind and Three Wishes

The wind is not a genie, but it is also capable of fulfilling three cherished wishes. The conspiracy should be taken with the utmost seriousness - because it is performed only once in a lifetime. And the genies also give one chance.

It is done at noon, on the new moon. Better in the very first days of the new moon. It must be windy weather. We go to a deserted place and light a fire from pine needles, thin linden and birch branches.

Then you need to stand so that the wind is blowing at your back. We wait for the fire to get hot and throw a white satin sheet with text into it. The three most secret desires should be written on the sheet with a green felt-tip pen. You can't have more than three. You can make a wish for love.

When the leaf begins to burn, quickly say the spell words three times:

“You burn, but don’t burn out, but fly away to my dream, the dream is washed away by the wind, the dream comes true. Amen".

It’s somewhat similar to a New Year’s wish, when you have to drink champagne while the chimes are ringing, only much stronger. If you didn’t have time to pronounce the spell, but the sheet burned or the fire went out, this is a symbol that the spell is not suitable for you. Look for another one.

If everything went well and you were on time, then wait until the fire burns out to the end. Then fill the area with soil. You can go home. Once there, be sure to wash your hands with running water. You need to wash your hands with soap. Your wishes will come true.

Features of winds in magic

Air is one of the elements that can bring love and health into your life. The wind gives what we ask. Ask him with a pure heart and he will give you happiness.

Our ancestors considered natural elements to be the most effective in magical rituals. Air is one of the main elements that personifies freedom and strength. There are no obstacles for the wind. If we consider it from the point of view of natural sciences, then everyone knows that a gust of wind can reach several hundred kilometers per hour.

The wind spell is used only if it is necessary to cast a love spell over long distances. There is no place where there is no wind. That is why, if you need to bewitch your departed husband, it is better to carry out rituals that use the power of the wind.

Some details

If trouble has happened in your life and you have fallen unrequitedly in love, you can carry out special conspiracies. They are quite safe for the health and life of both parties. The fact is that such rituals are based on white magic. And, as you know, white magic cannot cause much harm. The most you will feel is a little tired. Moreover, it will not last long at all.

Black magic, on the contrary, contains unpleasant consequences that will affect both the performer and the victim. This is why it is better to use white magic for love purposes. Good forces always cooperate with natural elements. You could even say that they are in complete harmony with each other. If the performer decides to carry out actions that the higher powers do not particularly like, then they will make some correction. This correction will in no way be reflected on the victim. No one will even know that the ritual was performed. But if you are not destined to be with your loved one, then in this case, even magic will not be able to help.

The universal principle of the ritual

The ritual is performed in order to help over a long distance. Even if your loved one is far away, the result is still achieved. If you live in the same city, then it is better to find another method of influence. The principle is based on the fact that you need to summon the wind. You must adhere to certain rules.

  1. The wind must be strong. The faster its speed, the more effective the result will be. If you need to get your husband back, then such rituals can also be used.
  2. The performer must position himself in a place where the sun will be clear to him.
  3. It is better not to cover your head and let your hair down. Your hair should fly in the wind. It is believed that in this way the betrothed will be able to catch your scent.
  4. Before you begin the ritual of returning your husband, ask for blessings from God and the Virgin Mary in advance. If fate is destined to be a couple, then the result will be positive. If the young man is not for you, then the plot will not work. Most likely, if the immediate result does not make itself felt, then you are destined for a destiny with another man.

It is necessary to read prayers long time. Don't think you can achieve results in one day. The reading is carried out for more than one week. The only thing is that the rituals should not exceed one month. The ceremony is performed exclusively on the waxing moon. It symbolizes the growth of feelings. The outcome of the ceremony can be seen after a few months.

It is clear that every magical effect has its negative sides. Don't be afraid right away. In this case there is nothing to worry about. The only drawback is that your popularity among men will increase several times. If you start to notice that men are paying a lot of attention to you, you can be sure that the conspiracy has worked. A man's crush on you will not give you peace. Some young ladies, most likely, will begin to perform the ritual for this reason, because, you see, this is not such a minus. But if your husband returns, it’s better not to delve into such consequences.

An effective ritual for the wind

In order to perform the ceremony, you need to wake up before the sun rises. Great if there is a strong wind blowing outside. Please note that the horizon line should not be crossed by the sun until the ritual is completed. You need to let your hair down and turn towards the sun.

“The wind touches my hair. Weaves different hairstyles with them. I ask that the servant of God (the name of the desired guy) also braids my hair and immerses his hands in it. Let there be no other joy in my husband’s life other than being constantly next to me. I, the servant of God (your name), wish that he would not be able to sleep or eat until he is next to me. Let my eyes seem to him the most charming in the world. I want to become happy, and this is only possible next to the servant of God (boyfriend’s name). He alone should be present in my world. I don't want to see anyone next to me anymore. Likewise, let him not notice any women except me. Love is only between us. My words will never change. My decision cannot change. Amen".

You need to read the hex at least three times. Don't rush to leave after speaking the words. Enjoy the beauty of the sunrise. In your mind, imagine the moments when you will be reunited with your loved one. Let the feelings envelop you completely. Immerse yourself in these dreams. The heart should be filled with happiness, and the picture of a joint future should become clearer in the head.

It is quite possible that after the ritual you will be overcome by weakness. Attacks of dizziness are possible. Don't rush into panic. These sensations indicate that the ritual has begun to take effect. The point is that you send part of your energy with the wind. By the end of the day, your general health should return to normal.

Endless love

This wind spell on a loved one is carried out using a rectangle. Create this geometric shape from a piece of paper. Draw an upside down number eight (8) on one side of the rectangle. In all magical rituals, this symbol symbolizes infinity. This is how you can perpetuate your feelings. On the inside of the figure write full name your beloved man. Make an envelope out of a rectangle, and put a photo in it, which should depict your loved one.

Casting a love spell should begin half an hour before midnight. Place the envelope between your palms. In this way you channel your own energy into the drink. In your fantasies there should be an image of a light beam cutting through your palms. When there are fifteen minutes left until midnight, start burning the envelope. At midnight, the ashes must be scattered to the wind. You can do this either by going outside or by dispelling it through the window. There is no fundamental difference between these methods. You can see the result literally in a month.

The wind that fulfills a cherished wish

After the cartoon Aladdin, everyone wanted to have a genie. Now it can be replaced by wind. He, too, can fulfill your deepest desires. The ritual is allowed to be performed once in a lifetime. That is why its preparation must be treated with respect and serious intentions.

Wait for it to appear full moon. The ritual must be performed at noon. Carry out only on the day when the weather is the most windy. Stock up on coniferous, birch and linden branches. Head to the most soulless place where no human has ever set foot. So you need to light a fire from twigs. Stand with your back against the direction of the wind. When the fire starts to burn very well, throw paper into it. With a green marker on paper, write what you want most. It is quite possible that love will become the main desire. It is forbidden to write more than three wishes.

After the paper ignites, quickly start reading the plot:

“Let a piece of paper not be able to burn. The wind should pick it up and carry it to distant lands. There lives a sorcerer who will help me get what I want. I ask you to fulfill only three of my most cherished desires. I will never ask for anything again in my life. Amen".

love spell on the wind

How to make a Love Spell on the Wind

With the help of the wind it is easy to get the most necessary things. Is it health or love? You just need to ask for help from the natural elements with pure thoughts - only in such cases the result is achieved.


This is the most powerful and instant conspiracy to quickly bring love-sickness to any person at a distance from himself. If you need to make your loved one feel bored and sad and constantly think only about you, remembering the best moments of your meetings, read the plot that makes your loved one sad. The old spell for melancholy is the only and sure way that works and will quickly make a man yearn and think only about you. To quickly cast a spell on your own at home intense melancholy on your loved one, open the window and create a draft 2 times (downwind and against the wind) say text of the love-sickness spell to the wind :

There is a strong wind on Buyan Island. Both day and night he sharpens stones,
Let the wind go to my beloved, sharpen his heart and make him sad,
Let the heart of God's servant (...) cry, sob,
His longing for me (...), waited and waited for a meeting with me,
Like a fish without water, like a baby without mother's milk,

So he would (...), without me (...).
Could not live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat, nor in the morning dawn,

Neither in the evening, nor at noon, nor with frequent stars, nor with violent winds,

Neither on a day with the sun, nor on a night with the moon.
Amen, amen, amen!

Having instilled lovesickness with a spell, a person will instantly miss you very much and will be the first to get in touch by calling or writing you a message. Very often, immediately after a slander is made, a loved one calls on the phone making an appointment a few minutes after reading this depressing plot. The longer he doesn’t call, the stronger the longing for love will ache in the soul and heart of a man, he will start to feel bored and quickly succumb to magic, and you should take a wait-and-see attitude and wait actions of a conspiracy for boredom - melancholy induced by the wind .

A conspiracy for a man's melancholy, acting at a distance, read in salt and photo

Conspiracies that make you sad across any distance are very in demand. To make your loved one get bored and really want to see you, a simple magic ritual can be done using a photo and salt. Cause a man or husband to feel sad and obsessive thoughts and the desire to see you will be helped by a safe and easy-to-perform ritual. Conspiracy for melancholy - this is nothing more than a special energy installation that works on the principle of changing the state of a person’s soul. For the ritual you need to prepare a photo of a person, a handful of coarse salt and, of course, the strongest a conspiracy that makes one feel homesick for a photo at home you need to read to make a person sad located at any distance from you. For many healers and sorcerers, salt is an element of many powerful rituals. Induce a feeling of melancholy at home and to awaken the desire to see you will help whispers to melancholy with salt and a photograph of a person: a husband or a man to quickly make your chosen one yearn for you. In the evening after sunset, pour salt over the photo of the person and read it out loud seven times spell for melancholy :

I'm not pouring salt, but I'm adding pain - melancholy.

Take away the smiles and laughter of (man’s name), take away the joy.

So that the light becomes unkind - from pain and melancholy.

To be bored and sad - both day and night,

Both under the moon and under the sun.

The salt eats away, and the longing for me warms up.


Carefully pour the charmed salt from the photo and scatter it near the entrance to the house (entrance) where you live, letting out melancholy and rekindling love. The ritual is considered completed and the melancholy induced by the conspiracy will begin to sharpen the heart of the husband or man, causing him to miss you and experience an obsessive desire to see you as soon as possible. Conspiracy for a man's melancholy for salt can be read no more than once every three days.

Read a bedtime spell for melancholy at home

Let go of melancholy per person can be in a dream if you read spell for melancholy before bedtime. At night, your loved one will start dreaming about you and he will miss you very much and will grieve until he calls or sees you. Usually, during the night, melancholy takes over a person’s consciousness; in the morning, the loved one really wants to see the one who sent the love melancholy. To make me sad in the evening after sunset, looking at your shadow, read the night three times spell for melancholy :

How a servant of God (...) cannot live without his shadow,

He can’t live like this (...) without yearning for me,

God's servant (...).

Walk and stumble, choke from longing for me.

As the sun moves across the sky,

You follow every path to me.

My word is strong and molding.


Before send melancholy Please read the following mandatory rule! Love spells for melancholy Our great-grandmothers have very effective and safe rituals and work like a simple white love spell with a one-time effect. Let go of melancholy You can do it no more than once every three days so as not to harm the psyche of your beloved man.

Make your loved one sad

Make you feel very sad on your beloved man or boyfriend and you can quickly make it so that he comes at home. To induce melancholy, it is recommended to read three times spell for melancholy by connecting two cards - a queen with a jack (if the man or guy is not married) and a queen with a king if the man or beloved young man is married or engaged. As soon as you utter the words of the conspiracy, your loved one at a distance will miss you and quickly want to see you. It looks like a simple ritual and at the same time very strong depressing spell will quickly give you the result you need and this has been tested by many people. It is important to know what to make you sad from a distance the cards must be new - not played, while fortune telling cards can be used. Now, to bring sadness to your loved one, by connecting the cards, say the spell three times:

M oh old and beloved friend.
Go to the distant lands where the earth ends.
There is a crooked hut there, there is a thin board in it.
She covers the coffin and crushes the melancholy.
That melancholy whines, sobs, the board prevents you from breaking free.
Devils, brothers, take down the board and lead me to longing for the world.
Directly to the house of the Lord servant (name),
So that you always miss me.
Let melancholy cry into his heart and flow into his body.
Let hot love burn in him for me!
I close the servant (name) with the Cross of the Lord,
I pour longing for him into my blood and soul.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Saying a conspiracy that helps make me sad three times the ritual is over and the person who was induced with longing has probably already begun to yearn for you and with every minute his longing for you becomes stronger and stronger, awakening in him the desire to see you as soon as possible. How are you convinced make you sad from a distance You can do it at home for anyone and it’s very simple.

© Copyright: Magician


  • Strong and simple whispers of longing to attract love are popular and quite effective ways to remotely influence the feelings of a loved one using magic. A ritual at a distance will bring melancholy to your beloved man, making him yearn and think only about you. Girls at all times read words that make a man sad. These wonderful rituals have survived to this day, with the help of which you can, at a distance, cast a longing for yourself on a man and use magic to make him want to see you as soon as possible.

  • An effective plot to make your beloved man feel bored, homesick and jealous can be read immediately at a distance from the man. A 100 percent working spell that makes you sad can be read for any phase of the moon at home, day or night, white magic will make a man think about you and miss you greatly. A strong spell for a man to make him feel bored and sad can also be read so that his loved one wants to be close and comes as soon as possible. The plot quickly helps to cause strong loneliness and an obsessive desire in a man to see you as soon as possible and always be with you. The best plot depressing will probably have an effect immediately after reading and will instantly help make your loved one miss you

  • Witches very often cast the strongest love spell for melancholy in bad weather. If you read a strong witch's love spell in the rain, snow or strong wind, then with the help of magic you can bring black melancholy and love to a person. Immediately from the moment the witch's magical ritual is performed, the person being bewitched will have an obsessive desire to see each other as soon as possible and be together more often. You will see the consequences of inducing melancholy using a “witch’s love spell” immediately: the bewitched person begins to call more often and show his love feelings more vividly, and, being at a distance from you, begins to yearn for you greatly. This very common among the people and quite quick love spell, which allows you to cast longing for yourself on another person, is mentioned by Stepanova; she calls it “Witch’s love spell.” A witch's love spell for melancholy should be read in any bad weather, in a thunderstorm, in the rain, when it is snowing or a strong wind is blowing. When you go out into the street in bad weather and move away from a crowded place, say out loud (in a normal voice, without shouting or whispering) the words of a witch’s love spell for melancholy:

  • You need to read a strong conspiracy yourself if you need to make your loved one love you deeply while apart and yearn only for you. Magical power will make your loved one want to communicate only with you, other women are indifferent to him. This very old love spell was often used by Russian girls when their beloved man or husband left to work in another city. A love spell - a love spell helped to save a marriage and protect a loved one from betrayal. Magic has helped me more than once to bring a strong feeling of love to my loved one.

  • The most powerful and popular conspiracy, calling a person to meet you quickly will quickly force your loved one to meet you. This magical challenge is read outside in the summer. To carry it out, you need to leave the house early in the morning, as soon as the sun rises and there is still dew on the grass. Take off your shoes and, walking barefoot in the dew, read a spell that can call your loved one to you by instilling a feeling of melancholy:

  • You should read the black conspiracy to let melancholy on your own if you need to quickly make a person feel melancholy for themselves. The ritual will help to evoke in a man who is at a distance from you - even in another city or another country - a feeling of true love, yearning for loneliness without communicating with you. If you need an easy and quick ritual that will make a person feel sad, your loved one will not fall asleep until he calls or writes to you first, read this love spell that I will teach you now. You can read this plot against the husband you are married to or your ex-hubby, instilling a real feeling of love and a desire to communicate only with you. After reading the words of a conspiracy that creates melancholy with the help of magic, you can make a person feel sad and lose all peace. You need to read a strong and long-term plot inducing love-sickness and longing in the evening on a photo of a man

  • Calling a sweetheart is a love spell that needs to be done with magic to bring back a departed person. Calling a husband or wife helps to force a man to come quickly or call urgently. When they ask me “is it possible to get my husband back if I make a strong request” - my answer is yes. This ancient ritual helps restore relationships after a strong quarrel or divorce, restoring relationships that were once lost. A strong call to a meeting is a whole magical ritual that is performed independently in several ways:

  • If your beloved man stops calling, doesn’t write, avoids meeting you in every possible way, a strong conspiracy will help to the right person I called you urgently, but the conspiracy works very quickly. Magic helps to force your loved one to call, write or come to the person you are calling. A depressing ritual with a conspiracy will force a person to remember your existence, call you or come to a meeting. Calling spells will make the person you need remember about you and immediately call the phone. To independently perform a fail-safe ritual to remind you of yourself, go to an open window in your house and read the words of the hex so that someone who loves will call you, and you need to read the hex to call right now 9 times:

  • A love spell spell is a very common love ritual that can very quickly, sometimes instantly, make a person feel very sad. Immediately after inducing melancholy, the beloved will feel a strong love affair feeling sad and alone, he will want to see each other or talk. You can read the hex at any time of the day. Come to front door of your apartment, spitting on the door frame, say a spell for longing for love:

Are you suffering from unrequited love or want to increase your partner’s attraction to your smell, hair, voice, body, but your chosen one is away on a business trip or just on business? Of course you want him to miss you. Make a spell that causes melancholy in a man at any distance!

With the help of spells, you can “bind” the energy of your loved one and play with it as much and as you want!

That is, your loved one will miss you and yearn, remember, think. But of course, when making a conspiracy to make you sad, remember that as a result you are invading its essence and forcibly subjugating it. But what not to do in the name of love!

People love and in this they are selfish! They all want their “object of adoration” to constantly think about them and miss them. This is especially true for women, who by nature are much more emotional than men. Girls often have a question:

How to make a man feel sad and bored? What measures can be taken to ensure that my husband arrives as soon as possible, or at least just calls? How to convince him that he is a father and your child needs him? A plot to yearn for a loved one can help with this.

Find in this article the most suitable way and use it for its intended purpose!

What is a conspiracy to make a man sad at a distance?

Longing spells are certain magical spells that can cause in the person on whom they are cast a feeling of inexplicable sadness and longing for the client. The victim of the conspiracy begins to get bored, and she has an irresistible desire to see, hear, and hug the person who ordered the ritual.

  • Depending on the method of influence, all conspiracies for melancholy and love on a loved one can be divided into white and black.
  • The white conspiracy for longing and love is weaker, but also safer, both for the victim and for the person who ordered the ritual.
  • “Knows” such conspiracies white magic, the effects of which, compared to black magic, are softer and less profound.

Behind black conspiracy to melancholy is “answered” by black magic. To cast a strong black conspiracy on a guy’s melancholy, they use his biological materials:

  • blood,
  • saliva,
  • sperm,
  • hair,
  • nails.

To enhance the impact, a black magician can turn to the forces of darkness and perform rituals in the cemetery. Such influences have quite serious consequences for both one and the other “side” of the ritual, causing depression, illness and misfortune. Getting rid of black influences includes, in addition to carrying out special conspiracies, so as not to be sad:

  • reprimand with prayers;
  • the use of blessed water and Thursday salt, which is made before Easter on the night of Maundy Thursday.

Let's figure out what time of day and on what Moon the plot to make a guy miss a girl is read.

White rituals can be performed in the morning, afternoon, evening or night - any time will do. Among the four lunar phases: new moon, full moon, waxing and waning, the most successful time for carrying out love rituals is the growing moon. As for black rituals, they are best performed at night during the full moon.

There are many different love spells.

The following are used as “auxiliary” ingredients in such rituals:

  • wind,
  • salt,
  • apple,
  • photo of a loved one,
  • morning dew.
  • meat, etc.

At first glance, it seems that it’s simple to bring a strong melancholy to a loved one with a conspiracy, but this is far from the case. The success of the enterprise depends on the strength of the customer and performer of the ritual, as well as on the degree of resistance of the victim.

Spell for longing at a distance

Remember me, (name), without me you can’t eat - you can’t eat, you can’t drink - you can’t get drunk, you can’t make love with anyone but me. I lock the melancholy in you, I lock it with a key. With the other you don’t know each other, don’t kiss, don’t have mercy. As I said, so be it.

To help you concentrate better, you can look at a photo of your man or mentally imagine his face in as much detail as possible.

Voice spell to make your loved one miss you

This conspiracy can be accessed by simply making a phone call or in a personal conversation. All you need is while you hear the voice of your beloved man, quietly say:

I hear you, and you breathe me. Let it be so.

Previously, in order to make a loved one feel sad and bored in this way, one had to come up with an opportunity so that the person being bewitched would not guess anything. But today it is much easier to use this conspiracy.

Conspiracy to yearn for the moon

This plot helps to rekindle feelings and makes them remember you. Use it when the Moon is visible in the sky. You can make your man dream about you, thus fixing your image in the very subconscious, or you can send love longing. Try to imagine the details of the dream as best as possible before sending it to the recipient. Formulate your intention in colors, then look at the moon and say:

A dream about me is a dream for you, for (his name) about me, (your name).

Conspiracy for melancholy on fire

Fire has long helped our ancestors in love affairs. And the very feeling of love is like fire: it also consumes those who do not know reciprocity. Speak your cherished words into the flame - you can use a candle for this.

Just as a candle burns, so you, (name), without me, burn like wax, fade away, know no peace without me, remember me. As I said, so be it.

To make the fire spell work better, you can visualize the image. Imagine melting wax, you can imagine love in the form of a fire, quickly flaring up dry grass. A love spell for a candle is not suitable for romantic dreams, but for kindling strong passion.

How to independently read a plot for the longing of a loved one at a distance

Reading a plot to make your beloved man or boyfriend miss you has always been and will be in demand among the fair sex. This simple magical ritual helps to evoke in a man - a loved one or simply a handsome one:

  • a feeling of longing for the performer,
  • obsessive thoughts about her
  • the desire to see and be with her.

A spell for melancholy is nothing more than a special energy installation that works on the principle of changing the state of the soul of the person who has become a victim of the ritual.

This magical effect should not be equated with a love spell. Unlike a love spell, a spell is characterized by a lighter action and does not imply a karmic attachment. However, as a result of this ritual, a slight intrusion into a person’s consciousness and suppression of his will still occurs, because longing for love does not appear on its own, but arises as a result of the use of magic. It is for this reason that rituals for a man’s melancholy should not be resorted to too often, without understanding the possible consequences.

The thoughtless use of witchcraft in itself is already dangerous and fraught with negative manifestations, up to and including the complete destruction of the lives of the performer and the victim.

How and in what cases are rituals performed?

Most spells for longing for a man are white in nature and are considered relatively safe, but only under the condition that everything was done according to the rules, without abuse. Therefore, these magic spells need to be cast only in truly necessary cases:

  • in order to push the chosen one to take the first step towards the performer and to the beginning of a love relationship;
  • in order to refresh feelings in a long-term relationship, when there is cooling on the part of the loved one;
  • in order to return a loved one if separation from him occurred as a result of a quarrel or the actions of a rival who has long been in the past.

Whatever the performer's goal, magical ritual, aimed at causing melancholy, should be applied only with absolute confidence that the chosen one does not experience any negative feelings and emotions towards her. Otherwise, a man on a subconscious level will strongly resist the effects of the conspiracy, which can lead to dire consequences:

  • alcoholism,
  • drug addiction,
  • suicidal
  • inclinations.

As for the timing, like all love rituals, during the growth of the night luminary. However, some can be used when the moon is full in the sky.

On the waxing moon

Pronounced on the waxing moon. It is advisable that the weather be windy outside. The spell for melancholy can be read both with the window open and in the open air. Words:

“There is a strong wind on Buyan Island. Both day and night he sharpens stones. Fly, wind, to my dear one, sharpen his heart, making him sad. Let the heart of God's servant weep and weep(name of the chosen one). Let his longing for me, the servant of God (his name), wait and await his meeting with me. Like a baby without mother’s milk, like a fish without water, so may he, (the chosen one’s name), be unable to be, live, eat, or drink without me, neither at dawn, nor at evening, nor at noon, neither with frequent stars, nor with violent winds, nor with the sun in the day, nor with the month in the night. Amen (3 times)!”

On a flour dish

This conspiracy can be used by a woman already living with a man (a married couple, for example) - in the event that separation from her loved one is planned. The ritual makes the faithful yearn for the performer and protects him from betrayal. To perform it, you need to prepare any flour dish with your own hands (pancakes, pie, cake) - the main thing is that your sweetheart likes it. You should stock up in advance:

  • flour,
  • sieve
  • cinnamon.

A woman must sift the flour using a sieve, do this 7 times. Each time you repeat the following words (during the entire sifting process):

“I grind and sow flour for my dear one’s flour. Let the servant of God grieve(name of the chosen one) is also concerned about his own blood. Let someone else's beauty not embarrass your body. Let evil eyes not touch the thoughts of the brave. Let the servant of God (name of the chosen one) strive for God’s servant (his name), I’ll sprinkle cinnamon for this. Amen!"

When cinnamon is mentioned in a plot, the flour needs to be seasoned with it a little - just a little, so that it is almost not felt in the finished dish. You can give ready-made baked goods from charmed flour to a man on the road, or drink tea with him at home.

For salt

Salt is an element of many rituals. It can also be spoken in order to make the chosen one yearn, naturally, on the waxing moon. The charmed salt must be poured under the threshold or door of your loved one so that he will definitely step over it. The text is as follows:

“I don’t pour salt, but I add pain. I don’t take peace, but I steal peace. Smiles and laughter(man’s name) take it, take away the joy. So that the light becomes unkind - from pain and melancholy. To be bored and sad - day and night, under the moon and under the sun. Salt - eat away, and melancholy - warm up. Amen".

The salt spell for melancholy is a strong and effective way to attract the attention of the “object of passion.” To perform the ritual you will need a red candle and a handful of ordinary salt. First you need to say salt, which you will later throw to your loved one. At midnight on the waxing Moon, light a candle, pour salt into a clay container and read the following plot for a man’s love-sickness, stirring the grains of salt with your hand:

“I sprinkle salt, sprinkle it, I command the Servant of God (name of a loved one) to obey me. I sprinkle salt, sprinkle it, and I blow a fog into the head of the Servant of God (the name of my loved one). I sprinkle salt, pour it over it, and cover the eyes of the Servant of God (the name of my loved one) with darkness. My word is true, my desire is strong.”

After reading the salt curse, you can proceed to the second stage of the ritual. Pour the salt into a bag and, at the first opportunity, throw it to your loved one, it is better to do this at the doorstep of his house. Scattering salt, you need to continue reading the plot for boredom and melancholy - the success of your entire “enterprise” depends on this:

“I’m not scattering salt, I’m bringing melancholy and boredom. You will no longer see peace, Servant of God (the name of your loved one), without thinking about me (your name) you can neither spend the day nor spend the night. Neither eat, nor drink, nor sleep, nor live - you love me alone. Just as no one can collect grains of salt, no one can remove my conspiracy. My word is true, my desire is strong.”

For the spell to work, after the salt has been spilled, you need to quickly leave without turning around or talking to anyone.

On the picture

A strong conspiracy to yearn for a photo will help the wife remind her “forgetful” husband of her existence, and the mistress will “capture the heart” of her married chosen one even more. The essence of love influence is that a woman, visualizing the image of a sweetheart, enters into astral contact with him, influencing his thoughts and behavior.

  • In order to “create” a conspiracy to make a man feel sad at a distance using a photo, you must first “obtain” a photograph of him, in which the guy would be depicted alone and in full growth.
  • The photo should be relatively recent, not “older” than a year.
  • To carry out the ritual, you will also need a red or white candle.

Before going to bed, light a candle, pick up a photo of your “dear friend,” look carefully into his eyes and, stroking his head with your fingers, begin to read the spell from the photo to make your loved one yearn:

“I clear your thoughts from all worries, from all troubles. I fill them to the brim with sadness, torment and longing. On a fine day under the clear Sun and a dark night under the Moon, you will love me alone, and you will begin to think about me.”

Then move your fingers to the area of ​​the man’s heart and, stroking the picture, continue reading the plot for the longing of your beloved guy:

“I will warm your heart with my love, even if it hurts and dies from love for me. I will reward you with spiritual anguish, I will order you to love me alone.”

You need to end the ritual with the words:

"Let it be so".

Invest in them as much of your energy and faith as possible that everything will work out for you.

At the end of the ceremony, extinguish the candles, put the man’s photograph under your pillow and go to bed. You can read this plot to induce lovesickness for your loved one as many times as you need. The only condition: try to make sure that no one sees the enchanted photo of the man and no one touches him. This is a fairly powerful and fast-acting lovesickness spell, so if you did everything correctly, then the guy’s desire to see you will increase “by leaps and bounds.”


A conspiracy is pronounced during the waxing phase of the moon on a recent photo of the chosen one. He should be alone in the photograph, his eyes should be clearly visible. The words are pronounced three times: at dawn, in the afternoon, at sunset. The performer should look straight into the man’s eyes and say:

“How can a servant of God not(man’s name) without his shadow, God’s servant (man’s name) cannot do this without yearning for me, God’s servant (his name). Walk and stumble, choke from melancholy. As the sun walks across the sky, so do you along every road to me, God’s servant (your name), go. My word is strong and molding. Amen!"

The photograph should be hidden in a safe place, closer to you. No one else should see him.

How to make a guy miss a girl using playing cards

The plot will require a new one playing card, which is well shuffled and removed with the left hand. Then 9 cards are laid out in a circle, at the same time the words are pronounced: “Thirty (1st card) six (2nd) cards (3rd) four (4th) suits (5th) I bring (6th) melancholy (7th) on (8th) ... (here the name of your loved one is pronounced and the last 9th card is placed).”

And so the whole deck is laid out in a circle, there should be 4 circles, with the cards lying face down. The cards of the first layer are revealed and cards of the same value, but of different suits, are selected. They are placed in the middle, the process is similar to playing solitaire. If all the cards are stacked, then longing is brought upon your loved one.

To make a guy sad at home is a strong plot, reviews, Stepanova

Conspiracies Siberian healer very effective and helpful in different life situations. Spells are easy to make yourself at home. To say melancholy you need to take a piece of bread and say:

“Like a dog runs after a bitch, chases, howls at the stars, so that the slave (name) follows me everywhere, howling in anguish. The dog barks, the door is closed, the bone is buried, so I, God’s servant (name), lock the heart of the slave (name), lock, lock, bury, bury. Teeth, lips, key in the ocean-sea. Amen".

Then give the bread to the dog for him to eat.

Make me sad about a guy he loves or not, about the waxing moon, an apple

The incantation is pronounced in front of an open window or on the street in windy weather during the waxing moon:

“There is a strong wind on Buyan Island. Both day and night he sharpens stones. Fly, wind, to my dear one, sharpen his heart, making him sad. Let the heart of God's servant (name of the chosen one) weep and cry. Let his longing for me, the servant of God (his name), wait and await his meeting with me. Like a baby without mother’s milk, like a fish without water, so may he, (the chosen one’s name), be unable to be, live, eat, or drink without me, neither at dawn, nor at evening, nor at noon, neither with frequent stars, nor with violent winds, nor with the sun in the day, nor with the month in the night. Amen (3 times).”

Take a red apple and cut it in half. Take out the core and in its place put a piece of paper with the guy’s name on it, saying:

“As the apple dries, so will the servant of God (name) be bored!” Connect the halves and tie with a red ribbon. Put the apple in a sunny place and the man will get bored and dry along with the fruit.

To catch up with melancholy through a cemetery, demons, a thing, hair, smoke, willow,

To get bored through a cemetery, you need to pluck up the courage to go there after midnight. Find a fresh grave so that the name of the deceased matches the name of the loved one.

Approach the grave and bow 9 times, saying:

“A dead man sleeps in his coffin, he is tired of lying on only one side. He tried to roll over, but he couldn’t wake up. He will not be able to rise from the grave and walk among living people. The dead man goes to the grave, the grave goes into the ground, and the slave (the name of the beloved) goes to the slave (his name) forever and ever. Amen".

An active conspiracy to make a man sad at a distance

If the man is far away, then you can make him miss the photo. At midnight, light 2 candles, put a photo of a man, press it down with a stone and say the words:

“I call upon the spirits of the earth. Come, help. Bring melancholy to the heart of the slave (name of the beloved). I'll put a pound of stone on his soul. Let it weigh heavily, and don’t let me forget about me.”

The stone is left in the photo all night, and the candles are extinguished. It is better to go to bed in another room.

To make your loved one feel sad, so that he gets bored, yearns, comes to me

Take a handful of salt and say it:

“I don’t pour salt, but I lay pain. I don’t take peace, but I steal peace. Take away the laughter and smiles of (name), take away the joy, From melancholy and pain, so that the light becomes unkind. To be sad, bored, day and night,
Under the Moon and under the Sun. Eat away the salt, warm up the melancholy. Let it be so!"

This salt should be scattered under the door of your lover.

Another 1 way:

Take the photo of your husband, place it under your right bare heel, step on the image with it and say three times:

Catch up with melancholy with the help of runes, with the help of a candle

On the waxing moon, a ceremony is performed with church candles. At midnight, the candle is lit and placed on the table, at which time the man’s name and date of birth are written on paper. Then you need to mentally imagine the happy moments spent with him. Light the paper from the candle and say:

“I cast a magic spell on the servant of God (name). So that he yearns and misses me, So that he doesn’t see his life without me! I bring upon him great melancholy, sad sadness! Let him walk around and around me, Let him only make me happy, Let him only see happiness with me! Amen!"

A powerful way to make your husband feel sad and think about his wife

Take a photograph of your husband and stand on it with your bare heel and say:

“As my body crushes you so much, Let your love for me crush you. Just as your body feels heavy under my heel, so will your heart feel heavy without me. Amen".

Catch up with melancholy the gypsy way

At night, go out into a field or a vacant lot, a spell requires a lot of space, raise your hands to the moon and say 3 times:

“The radiant moon illuminates her face. On this day I ask you to fulfill this for me. Make me miss you. Let everyone think about me, find no place during the day, not fall asleep at night, and during the day let the soul fly to me like a magnet. The forces of magic are in a hurry, they want to help me in love. My image is in front of you. You will miss me. Amen"

When you come home, you should definitely pray with a lit candle.

To catch up with melancholy through the window, with the right look

Open the window and whisper through it 9 times: “Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my entryway, to my threshold, following my footsteps. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen".

Conspiracy to the wind

An ancient spell for melancholy to the wind can make your ex-boyfriend remembering you, which will serve as an “impetus” for him to return. For loving wife the words of the spell for melancholy will be the beginning of recovery family relations, which “gave a crack.” You can do the ritual at any time of the day and in any weather, as long as it is windy. In a deserted place, find a hill and stand on it so that the wind blows in your face.

Stand on the hill for a while, feel the gusts of wind and try to clearly imagine the image of your loved one. Then start reading the spell for melancholy to the wind:

“Like on the glorious island of Buyan, the Wind Vetrovich walks. Everyone will bow to him, everyone will honor him. I will bow my head low to the ground and ask Veter Vetrovich for mercy. Fly Veter Vetrovich to my dear (name of loved one) in his native side. Bring him Veter Vetrovich a burning melancholy, a yearning boredom for me (your name). Let great sadness gnaw at him, let thoughts about me (your name) haunt him. Let his heart inflame with love for me (your name). Let him not sleep, not eat, and not be able to live without me (your name). Let it be so".

After reading this powerful plot for the melancholy of a loved one, immediately leave without turning around or talking to anyone. At home, the plot can be read through an open window or through a vent.

Spell for rain

A spell for rain will help to make the guy feel sad. The ritual can be performed at any time of the day, as long as it rains - the heavier the better. Let's look at a brief algorithm for this ritual:

  1. To begin, write your name and the man's name on a piece of paper.
  2. Then go out into the rain and, holding a piece of paper with written names in your hands, begin to read a spell for severe melancholy: “As raindrops wash away traces, so will our separation be washed away. Let the water take away your joy, I will leave only boredom for you. Let the one who erected a wall between us no longer be a hindrance to us. You will be the only one who will love me, I will be your only joy in life. Let the rain bring melancholy. Let a date with me only save you. As soon as the water merges our names together, fate will bring me and my dear one together forever. Let it be so".
  3. After reading the plot, go into the house and take the spelled sheet with you.
  4. The piece of paper with names needs to be dried and hidden in a secluded place.

You can “catch up” with a strong spell for rain without leaving your home. To do this, you will need to read the plot through an open window or window. While reciting, raindrops should fall on a sheet of paper with names written on it. However, it is worth noting that the first version of the ritual works better.

Spells for smoke and steam

An example of a strong conspiracy that makes a guy sad is the ritual with smoke. To perform the ceremony, you need to light the stove and wait until the smoke starts to rise. Then open the stove door and read the plot to make you lovesick:

“Burn the logs, crackle - fly smoke towards your dear (name of your loved one). Bring me peace quickly, reward me with melancholy and sadness in return. Fly, circle, bewitch his wild head. Penetrate the soul, envelop his heart in haze, do not let him love anyone. Let him only miss me greatly, let him not notice anyone else. His salvation will be meeting me, from now on and forever he is only mine. Let it be so". In a few days, your loved one should send “news” about themselves. Once this happens, don't miss your chance to "get him on your side."

The “bath” ritual is considered a fairly effective spell for melancholy. To bring melancholy to a loved one, you need to heat the bathhouse and, after taking off your clothes, take a good steam. Then take the broom that you used in the bathhouse and read one of the most strong conspiracies for longing and love:

“In the steam bath, I steamed and groomed myself with a broom. I washed away the boredom and melancholy from myself and prepared it for my dear (the name of my loved one). I will leave the bathhouse, stand on a silk broom, and shout out a cry to the eight winds. Eight winds will fly to me from eight directions. I will give boredom and melancholy to the winds, I will order it to be taken to my dear (the name of my loved one). The winds will fly into distant distances, find the winds of my dear (name of a loved one), reward him with boredom and melancholy forever. My dear (the name of a loved one) will see neither peace nor joy, only sadness will be his companion. How my dear (name of your loved one) will miss me (your name), how he will cry. Only love for me (your name) will be his joy and consolation. The word is said, the deed is done."

After the recitation, the enchanted broom must be taken with you and hidden. The result of the ritual will not be instantaneous, but true.

Spell on a thing

Strong love spells that cause an immediate reaction from a man are made using his personal belongings. To “bring” melancholy to a loved one, the first thing you need to do is “get” this very thing. A suitable thing for reading a plot to make a guy sad would be an object with which he is constantly in contact.

  • In this regard, wardrobe items and various “working” devices have proven themselves very well: a pen, a notepad.
  • A lovesickness spell for a departed husband can be made using things he has forgotten, which you will later return to him.

Now let's move on to the ritual itself. The spell for a man’s melancholy should be read after midnight on the waxing moon. At the appointed hour, you need to stay alone, light a red candle and read a quick spell for a man’s love-sickness:

“A loon bird flew in the high sky, it saw everything, knew everything. I will call the loon bird, order it to fly to distant lands, beyond the blue seas high mountains. Fly, bird, circle, and bewitch my dear Servant of God (the name of your loved one) to me forever. Make him feel melancholy and sadness, take away his joy and happiness. Without me, the Servant of God (your name), he will not see peace, he will not know other dear ones. Throw a fog into his violent head, bring darkness to his eyes, so that he sees only me, the Servant of God (your name), and only misses me with mortal boredom. Enter into his dreams and into his thoughts, so that he dreams only of my name. So that without me he could no longer eat, sleep, day or night. Let it be so".

Even the best and strongest melancholy spells will not work without your energy supply. Therefore, while reciting, you need to clearly imagine a man, putting as much strength and energy as possible into every word spoken.

  • After reading the plot, the “depressing one” should:
  • put the charmed thing under your pillow and go to bed,
  • and there is no need to extinguish the candle - let it burn out to the end.
  • At dawn, the item must be taken out and returned to your loved one as quickly as possible.
  • How you do this is not important - the main thing is that he does not realize that you spoke to her, and is the first to touch her after you.
  • The wax of a burnt-out candle must be very carefully collected and disposed of by throwing it into the river or burying it under a young tree.

The effect of the spell on the thing will begin immediately after the man touches the spelled object, while very good results are shown by things that the man will use constantly. Every time he touches such an object, your image will “pop up” in his thoughts, in addition to his desire. Wearable wardrobe items have a powerful effect.

  • Black magic in such rituals “offers” to sprinkle the enchanted objects with blood or use other human biological materials.
  • However, such methods are very dangerous and have serious consequences, and it is quite difficult to cancel or remove such effects, no matter how much you want it.

Raw meat spell

Love magic, both black and white, is rich in a wide variety of conspiracies. Among them there are also those whose “ingredients” seem somewhat unusual. Good results can be expected from a spell for longing for food for animals, where raw meat serves as food. To perform the ritual you need to take a piece raw meat and read the conspiracy over him:

“Like a dog without a bitch toils, barks, howls at the moon, so let the Servant of God (man’s name) not live without the Servant of God (your name) and howl in anguish like a dog. I, the Servant of God (your name), take away the peace of the Servant of God (name of the man) forever, I lock his heart from others with three locks. Let it be so".

After reciting the meat, you need to feed it to the hungry dog ​​and wait for “news” from your loved one.

Miss me

“Both day and night the blood beats in your temples. Let your heart begin to ache with melancholy. I will become your constant vision, In your dreams you will see me as an obsession. I take all your thoughts for myself, I conjure you to dream about me! As soon as longing creeps into you, your path will turn towards me. Amen, amen, amen!

With black candles

The conspiracy requires a certain list of ritual things. This ritual for melancholy is the most powerful. Buy black ritual candles. Get a recent photo of your loved one. Exactly at 24:00, close yourself in any room, light candles, forming a vicious circle from them. Place the photo face up in the center of the circle. Looking at the flames of the candles and imagining the image of the person you are interested in, read the plot seven times in a row:

“I will rise blessed. I'll go cross myself. From the house to the door, from the yard to the gate. I’ll find a clear field in the east, where there is a hut, in the middle of the hut there is a board, and under it the sadness creaks. Melancholy cries, melancholy sobs, waits for the white light, white light, the red sun waits, rejoices and has fun! Likewise, let the servant of God (name) wait for me, rejoice and be merry, cannot live without me, cannot be without me, drink and eat, neither in the morning nor in the evening; just as a fish cannot live without water, just as a small child cannot live without its mother’s milk, without its mother’s womb. Dig, longing, eat, longing, into the chest, into the heart, into the belly of the servant of God (name), grow and give birth throughout all his veins and bones with aching and dryness for the servant of God (name).”

After completing the reading of the plot, wait until the candles burn out completely, collect the cinders, wrap them in a sheet on which the plot is written and bury them in a place where no one can set foot. The photo should be removed away from prying eyes.

A ritual that saves you from melancholy

This is a fairly simple, but very effective spell for melancholy. Helps even in seemingly hopeless situations. To begin, take a transparent decanter and go with it to church, where you should sprinkle it with holy water, crossing it three times:

  1. When you come home, wrap the decanter in 7 layers of paper, one linen towel and put it away from prying eyes.
  2. No one should take the decanter under any circumstances!
  3. The countess should lie down and wait for his finest hour, which will come during a big festival or celebration, when the house will gather a large number of of people.

Anyone who wants to get rid of melancholy must prepare the entire holiday himself - from cleaning the premises to cooking. When all this is done and ready, you need to pour sweet red wine into the decanter. While pouring wine, you should have time to pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Pour sweet wine into a transparent decanter for my sorrow. Whoever drinks this wine will forget about his troubles, along with his troubles my melancholy will go away, it will grow as grass, and flow into the sea as water. I will pour this wine for everyone, I will quench all misfortunes. And when the wine runs out, I will become happy again and forget my sorrows. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Throughout the holiday, you should monitor the decanter and keep an eye on it.

  • Only the author of the conspiracy should pour wine for the guests, and no one else! The more guests drink wine, the faster sadness and melancholy will dissipate.
  • The main condition is that the decanter is empty by the end of the evening and the last guest.
  • When the decanter is empty and the guests have left, you need to wash the decanter with your own hands, and so thoroughly, as if you are cleansing your soul and heart from pain.
  • When the decanter is clean, pour silver water into it so that your soul is also filled with joy, peace and tranquility.
  • Place the carafe of water in the closet and do not take it out for seven days.
  • After this time, the decanter should be broken, throwing it as hard as you can on the ground, so that the grief with which you parted through it will never return.

Collect the fragments and bury them near your home. At the place where the fragments were buried, plant a pumpkin, which absorbs residual negativity well. While burying the fragments, read the prayer “Our Father” nine times.

Simple ritual

The plot to make the one you need call should be read according to the rules given above. There is no need to “try” - act only when such a need really has arisen. Put feeling into every word, then your lover will definitely respond.

“Dear, anyone, (the name of the person you are addressing) is mine! Call me and tell me what’s in your heart.
Etheric ligature - mobile communication, connect us! I am a virgin queen, there is no one more beautiful than me, take the phone and say “hello!” Take the phone and make a call. I will respond - I will make my way into your heart! Amen."

The above plot is read alone, without prying eyes and ears. Say the formula several times until your heart says: “Enough!” It should be borne in mind that this conspiracy is suitable in cases where the relationship has been established for a long time, but there was a small disagreement. The conspiracy is well suited for the young man to be the first to decide to take a step towards reconciliation.

Online oracle using the latest phone numbers

Here you will find a rather interesting free online fortune telling by the phone number of your loved one: boyfriend, man or woman. Enter the last four digits of your lover's phone number and get some life tips from the Oracle. Despite the apparent simplicity and playfulness of this oracle, the derivation of predictions is based on the system of numbered fortune-telling cards by Maria Lenormand - and in fact is a somewhat random arrangement of them.

Strong rite

For a successful ritual, several simple conditions are necessary:

  • Handle objects with extreme caution.
  • Imagine that they are made of a very fragile material.
  • So fragile that you can accidentally crush it with your fingers.
  • It is necessary to show emphatic respect to objects; careless movements, tapping, twitching are not allowed.

You will need:

  1. blank sheet of paper
  2. photograph of a loved one,
  3. pen.

Sequence of the ritual:

  • Sit at the table. Place a pen in front of you, a photo of your loved one left side away from you, and a sheet of paper to the right.
  • Take a pen in your hand and read the plot;
  • Place a piece of paper in front of you and read the plot;
  • Write your phone number on paper and read the plot;
  • Place the photograph face down on the written number and read the plot;
  • Turn the sheet over along with the photo so that the sheet is on top of the photo.

Conspiracy text:

“My dove, (the name of the person you are addressing) is mine, my desired, long-awaited one!
Remember, remember! How good it was for us.
Remember, remember! I opened my heart to you.
Soon soon! Remember my number.
Soon soon! Make an appointment.
Not this week. Not the other day. This minute!
I'll be waiting for your call!

Of course, the ritual with the conspiracy is performed without outsiders. Even if the plot was successful - the young man called, there is no need to rush to the phone and brag to your friends. You have an agreement with the Force - this is keeping a secret.

For a new friend

This plot is recommended for the case when you know a young man superficially and you have not yet developed a relationship. But before the conspiracy, you need to ensure that the young man calls you at least once, then the conspiracy to get the man to call will work with a guarantee.

  • Before conspiring, you need to find a secluded place.
  • Find in the telephone list the number of the person whose call you want to achieve, but you do not need to dial the number.
  • As soon as the number appears, hold the phone to your ear and imagine the young man’s voice.
  • Let it be a small greeting phrase like “Hello! How are you?”, but in your imagination the voice should sound exactly the same as you would hear it in reality.

As soon as this happens, turn off the phone with the words of the conspiracy and immediately, repeating the conspiracy, turn it on again.

“Nav! Reality! Correct! I hear your words.
Correct! Nav! Reality! They are running before me.
Reality! Correct! Nav!
They sound in your thoughts so that they appear in reality!
Phone ring
Repeat the words!

The plot may work so unexpectedly that you may become confused and start answering the young man inappropriately. Of course, this may somewhat spoil the first impression of you as an interlocutor. Therefore, before the conspiracy, it is advisable to prepare and write down one or two stock phrases for the answer. Then you won’t have to hastily remember what you wanted to say, but will just have to read the prepared phrases.

For salt and water

You will need: a candle, a white (without pictures) handkerchief, a red cord, a glass of water and a salt shaker.

Sequence of the ritual:

  • Light a candle and place it in front of you;
  • Place a handkerchief between the candle and you on the table;
  • Using a lace, draw a circle on the scarf. If the lace is long, then make a circle of several turns. The more turns, the better.
  • Place a glass of water in the center of the circle;
  • Take the salt shaker in your hand and imagine how a young man dials your phone number and calls you. Put the salt shaker back in place.
  • Place your palms around a glass of water and imagine your lover impatiently calling you. Put the glass back in place.
  • Take a pinch of salt from the salt shaker and, without raising your hand, immediately shake the salt into the salt shaker, do this twice. And the third time we throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and, while reading the plot, watch how the salt dissolves.

“Like salt in water, Thoughts about me
Dissolves in you. Vysoki Brega,
There is water among them, I am the only one
You need. The circle closes
Cute smiling Phone in hand -
Calling me! Amen"

After the spell, pour one half of the water into a pot with a flower with a masculine name, and the remaining water into a pot with a flower with a feminine name.

It is known that a girl’s heart is impatient, sometimes she so badly wants to push the young man to take an important step! But it’s not always convenient for a girl to do this with words, and then magic comes to the rescue. Read a conspiracy from a rival at home.

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