We wish you new creative success. Beautiful happy birthday greetings to a creative person. Congratulations to a creative woman in prose

Believe in yourself, otherwise no one will believe in you.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars

I adore science fiction films, because in addition to the visualized creative fantasies of directors, they contain archetypes of legends, myths, fairy tales, and in general this is a huge storehouse of wisdom (if, of course, it is a quality film).

And the quote from “ Star Wars” that I remembered in the paragraph above serves as a beacon illuminating the essence of my thoughts in this article.

What was the inspiration and incentive to talk about believing in yourself and working on your own development? My recent online questionnaire. Ten questions, answered by many interested people, outlined some statistics on the topic of creativity, success, causes and consequences of harmony in life or the lack thereof.

Having studied at leading personal growth companies and acquired coaching skills, I want to pass on experience and knowledge so that they help people find themselves, understand their thoughts, desires and goals. After analyzing the responses to the questionnaire, I came up with a list of 5 conclusions and am happy to share them.

Conclusion one. The main enemy of a successful person is underestimating one’s own capabilities.

... low self-esteem is the other side of selfishness. A person living with low self-esteem always seeks attention and confirmation that everything is fine.
Anthony Hopkins

In my opinion, wonderful words of creative and successful person. I can even imagine the intonation with which the great actor pronounced this phrase, and I completely agree with it))

Stop being EGOists - feeling sorry for yourself, not believing in your strengths and demanding something from the world around you.

To the question: “Do you consider yourself a successful person?”

  • more than 12% wrote that this feeling is not familiar to them;
  • about 70% of people answered that they are not yet ready to say that they have achieved success!
  • And only about 18 percent consider themselves successful.

Although this is not a matter of status, financial well-being and achievements, because many of the respondents are colleagues of each other, of the same age, etc. That is, in essence, the difference between the respondents is only in their own beliefs and self-confidence!

This confirms another question about what is missing in order to become successful. The results are given below.

My wish: believe in yourself and that you are successful now! Remember your successes, rather than focusing on your mistakes! Think positively and know that you can do more than you give yourself credit for!

Conclusion two. Health and sports are the basis for success in any field of activity

Health so outweighs all other blessings of life that a truly healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.
Arthur Schopenhauer

As statistics show, we attach the least importance in achieving success to the main and key element of our life - health! But indeed, without this most important component it is impossible to fully feel happy and successful!

I believe that the basis of health is regular exercise, diet and rest.

Therefore, my wish: spend at least 15-30 minutes a day for your body, in the form strength exercises, stretching, flexibility or cardio exercises. Watch your diet, water balance and sleep patterns. And you will feel how you have an additional resource for new achievements.

Conclusion three. Teachers' help is needed!

Of course, no one will tell you what is better for you than yourself! But! When we want to learn to play the guitar or dance, we are taught by trainers and teachers; when we want to learn foreign languages or master any profession, then we turn to experienced specialists or teachers to gain knowledge and skills.

And when we decide to become successful and harmoniously developing individuals, we decide that we can handle it on our own. We read philosophical quotes from famous thinkers under photographs of friends or study a couple of books on pop psychology and think that we are already psychologists))

My opinion is that success thinking needs to be learned from the experience of people who not only feel like they are harmonious individuals or have a decent bank account, but also from those who have the education and tools to help with this. Otherwise, attempts to achieve harmony and success look as inept as auditions for vocalists or self-taught dancers who come to competitions and amuse the jury and the public.

My wishes: look for mentors. There are many trainings, educational programs, courses, serious books. Find people who, with their example, achievements and energy, will help you believe in yourself and pass on their experience and knowledge.

Personally, I am still humbled and delighted when people turn to me not only for advice, but also for training and mentoring. Glad to help people!

If we want to truly learn something, we look for a teacher who knows his subject perfectly. It’s the same on the spiritual path. To find the path out of suffering, you need someone who has already found this path. It is impossible to learn enlightenment only from books; we need a living example, a support that will lead us to what he came to.
Keanu Reeves

Conclusion four. Environment matters

Tell me who your friends are. and I'll tell you who you are.
Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain.
Folk wisdom

I like to quote the phrase: “We are the arithmetic average of the five people closest to us.”

My wish: choose with whom to communicate and develop. Let these be the kind of people with whom you want to spend time and receive business and pleasure, while giving no less.

Conclusion fifth. Creative energy is like air - you can't see it, but it's everywhere

50 percent of respondents consider themselves creative because it is their profession, and the other 50 percent because creativity can be shown everywhere. I support both categories.

In conclusion, I would like to thank everyone who answered the questionnaire and helped me expand my understanding of the problems of success and harmonious development of a creative personality.

I hope that the conclusions that I have drawn will help you understand the points that need to be worked on, and this has already given me impetus to create a new training that will help work on every element that requires attention.

Avoid those who try to undermine your self-confidence. great person, on the contrary, instills the feeling that you can become great.
Mark Twain

Believe in yourself, inspire your surroundings, create, learn and be healthy, successful and happy!

We look with envy at those who are successful in creativity. It seems that everything fell straight from the sky into this man’s hands. Each of us wants success in creativity, but only a few actually achieve heights. Many people are tormented almost every day by the question:? Is it really impossible to get everything at once without special secrets? Most likely, there is some mystery that no one knows, because success in creativity comes from inspiration, and it arises in the soul and in the brain of a person, in his thoughts. Maybe you need to find out some kind of pattern and it’s in the bag?

95 percent of what is known about the brain has been discovered in just the last 20 years. So, your beliefs about creativity have probably been shaped by faulty information. For example, many people believe that only special, talented people are creative - and you should be that way from birth. However, it is important to remember and it has been proven that success in creativity is gained through hard work.

How to succeed in creativity

The idea that geniuses such as Mozart, Shakespeare and Picasso were “gifted” is a myth, according to a recent study at the University of Exeter. Scientists analyzed phenomenal performance in the fields of sports, art and mathematics to find out the truth of the conventional wisdom that achieving a high level of competence in a certain field is impossible without innate potential. In this particular study, the researchers concluded that excellence is defined by five basic elements.

Success in creativity is:

1. possibilities
2. encouragement
3. training
4. motivation
5. practice or constant work (more important than anything else)

The study also shows that few people were able to perform well without parental encouragement, and no one reached a high level in their field without spending thousands of hours on serious training. Success in creativity is really hard work. Consider Mozart, who practiced for 16 years before becoming a recognized master.

How to succeed in creativity

Research shows that every person has creative abilities. Success in creativity is achieved by those who learn different things. The more diverse your learning experience, the greater your potential for creativity.
In addition, it has been proven that in creativity, quantity is almost equal to quality. In fact, the larger the list of ideas, the higher the quality of the final solution. Typically, the best ideas appear at the end of the list. Success in creativity is achieved by those who constantly try and move forward.
The average adult considers three to six alternatives for any given situation. The average child thinks about 60. Serious success in creativity can be achieved if you open your consciousness and stop holding back your imagination on the way to achieving your goals.
Creativity is an individual process. Traditional brainstorming was found to be ineffective due to fear of social judgment. Success in creativity cannot be achieved this way. Groups are the best solution for idea selection, not idea generation.

All this is interesting and instructive, but it is not necessary to look for the roots of the problem of creativity. There is one element even more important than the five mentioned above. The following story perfectly illustrates what is the main factor in creativity.

How to succeed in creativity

A New York publisher was concerned about a lack of creativity among its editorial and marketing staff. He hired psychologists to try to determine what distinguishes creative workers from everyone else. After a year of research, psychologists discovered that there is only one difference between creative and non-creative workers: an unshakable belief in their own creative abilities. Creative workers believed that they were creative, while non-creative people believed that creativity was not for them.
So, are you creative? All you have to do is believe in yourself. Is it too difficult? Success in creativity will not take long to arrive!

Examples (samples) of universal congratulations on your professional holiday (14 options in total). The proposed texts are not in verse (in prose). The words are suitable for congratulating colleagues, a congratulatory speech at a corporate event, personal congratulations from yourself, and for posting in the office. You can also use them to sign postcards for colleagues, professionals in your field, or write a text of congratulations from the organization’s management.

If you need to add even more wishes to your texts, use those (just select the ones you need and add them to your text).

Option #1

Dear colleagues and friends! Today is our professional holiday. Please accept congratulations and sincere wishes for prosperity, the realization of your career and professional plans, plans, and dreams. We sincerely wish you success and prosperity.

Option No. 2

Dear colleagues and friends! Today, on our professional holiday, I want to wish us all:

  • Successful professional development and growth;
  • Easy and unhindered movement forward - to new successes;
  • New experiences and new amazing discoveries;
  • And the most important thing is that our work is useful, recognized and appreciated.

Option No. 3

Dear Colleagues! Today, on the day of our professional holiday, we wish you all:

  • New interesting projects;
  • New professional achievements;
  • Bright professional goals;
  • Accelerating professional growth;
  • Expansion of professional skills and abilities;
  • Lots of interesting trainings;
  • Professional popularity, recognition and approval;

Be happy in your profession and may it also be favorable to you.

Option No. 4

Dear colleagues and friends! On this wonderful holiday dedicated to our profession, we congratulate you and wish that all your professional ambitions are realized. So that your work brings you satisfaction and joy. So that fatigue is only pleasant. And so that only good news haunts you. So that the results of labor are in demand and useful to many people. And so that on the way to the goal we come across only decent people (clients, customers, management, performers, patients, etc. - here insert what is necessary regarding your professional activity).

Option #5

Dear Colleagues! The past (since the last holiday) professional year brought us a lot of interesting things... It was difficult, eventful, demanding of us and useful in terms of the amount of experience gained. It was a difficult, but very interesting time. Today, on our professional holiday, I wish you that in your new prof. year, we were able to effectively use the accumulated experience... So that we were given opportunities to strengthen our position and prosperity. To interesting projects found us. And so that the new skills we acquire will help us effectively solve the tasks. In general, colleagues, happiness and prosperity to us.

Option #6

Dear participants! I would like to congratulate us on our professional holiday and hasten to inform you that you are the best! You have managed to create an excellent, strong and well-coordinated (harmonious) team. This is important for effective work.

  • You know how to solve professional problems that our chosen activity, profession and management poses to us again and again.
  • You know how not to bend in the face of difficulties and not lose your head from success.
  • You know how to lose and move on. And also - you know how to win and not stop, enjoying what you have achieved.
  • You know how to improve in your profession and learn quickly.
  • You are able to introduce new things quickly and productively, and you are also able to calmly abandon outdated and unjustified work methods.

But the most important thing: you are the best, because you are beautiful, kind, smart, strong people, ready to come to the aid of a colleague, rejoice in common successes and empathize in difficult times. I am proud of you and that I work among you. I wish you to remain the same great professionals and wonderful people.

Option No. 7

Dear employees! The management of Murzilka Inc LLC congratulates you on your professional holiday and wishes you all the best both in your professional life and in your private life. We love and appreciate each of you. You are excellent specialists, thanks to you the organization grows, develops and prospers. We hope to continue to be useful to each other and move towards new successes (victories) together.

Option No. 8

Colleagues! Today, on the day of my professional holiday, I want to tell you that I am proud of each of you. And also, I am proud that I work with you every day. And I don’t regret a single day spent with you.

Every day you do difficult, important and very necessary work that many people need. And you do your job perfectly. Choosing such a profession characterizes you as wonderful people. And that’s why it’s impossible not to be proud of you.

Thank you for being you and for being who you are. And I wish that the next professional year (which is until the next holiday) will be easy, calm and fruitful for us. Thank you and good luck.

Option No. 9

Dear Colleagues! Congratulations on your professional holiday. Each of you is a unique creative personality and as a team you all show excellent creative results. We thank you for your work and contribution to the development of the organization. We wish you further creative success and new victories. May bright, productive ideas never leave you and may all your plans come true. And let the implementation be easy and highly appreciated.

Option No. 10

Dear friends! We congratulate you on your professional holiday and we hasten to tell you that the work you did in the previous (professional) year was of excellent quality. She was highly appreciated and in demand. You have shown yourself to be wonderful specialists and no less wonderful people. You are professional, persistent (in achieving goals), tenacious, decent, energetic and organized. You showed yourself at your best the best side, with which only a person in our profession can show.

We appreciate, notice and remember each of you and all of you together. You are a great team. We wish you well-being, prosperity, health, joy and professional growth.

Option No. 11

Friends! Today is your professional holiday, on which I congratulate you. You are all real pros. And I know that sometimes it seems to you that you have reached the “ceiling” in your development and there is nowhere else to move. I have already wished you a lot on previous similar holidays... But today I want to say that I admire your professionalism every day, admire you and sincerely wish you to find ways to grow further, despite the fact that you are highly qualified specialists. I also wish you strength to cope with such dead ends in professional growth, not to despair, and again move forward along the path of professional prosperity.

Option No. 12

Dear Ivan Ivanovich! Congratulations on your professional holiday. I know how much you value your profession, respect and appreciate it. Therefore, I wish:

  • I wish you a long, happy, successful, fruitful professional life;
  • May your work always be appreciated and in demand;
  • So that you will be surprised by new discoveries in your activities for a long time and never cease to rejoice at the results obtained;
  • So that new successes inspire you, and failures only stimulate you to new exploits, and do not demotivate you;
  • And of course, so that patience does not leave you and your loved ones and that they (loved ones) take your work to heart just like you yourself. And of course, it is very important that they not only accept it, but understand and share it.

Option No. 13

Dear friend! I congratulate you on your professional holiday and want to tell you that I have always loved you as a loved one, and now I’m also proud to be friends with such a great professional.

On such a day, I consider it my duty to wish you that you grow successfully and develop in your chosen direction. To be yours professional path was smooth, easy, not too slow and joyful for you. So that you get from your work everything you want to get and that your efforts are always duly rewarded. May all your hopes and dreams come true and may the results of your activities never disappoint you. So that only the right decisions come to mind and, most importantly, timely ones.

In general, dear, I wish you your personal and professional happiness and prosperity. Well, I will always rejoice at your victories and will always support you in moments of doubt. Congratulations!

Option No. 14

Dear friend! On your professional holiday, I cannot stand aside and not congratulate you on it. I am grateful for your friendship, but today I want to tell you that I am proud of the profession you have chosen (what professional path you have chosen). It (the profession) is difficult and interesting, and I wish you:

  • So that you are not embarrassed by difficulties. Know that you always have someone to turn to for support;
  • So that you don’t stop halfway and go your way to the end... And in the end I see you - a cool pro, not only my pride, but also a recognized (titled, famous and popular) leader of the profession;
  • So that you are happy on this path, no matter the difficulties and no matter what;
  • So that your family and friends have the strength, wisdom and patience to share with you your passion for the profession;
  • So that your professional skills and abilities only multiply easily and quickly;
  • And finally: so that your profession never interferes (but only helps) you remain the same great friend that you are now... and at the same time, let it not interfere with happily organizing other areas of your life (family, hobbies, learning new things, travel, entertainment ).
  • If you decide that the selected text will be printed and hung in the office, try to place a congratulatory picture on the sheet in addition to the text (preferably in color, but not necessary)
  • If you decide to give a congratulatory speech out loud, try not to speak for long. The above texts are short enough and easy to remember. However, you should not combine several texts into one and say everything at once.
  • If you think that one text is not enough for a congratulatory speech, then you can say several, but separate them in time (for example, say one and the second after some time at a convenient moment).
  • Try not to read the text from a pre-prepared sheet. Try to learn it. It is permissible to sight read only if you have difficulty remembering the selected text.

News suppresses thinking, makes us passive, kills creativity.

"Don't read before lunch Soviet newspapers" The famous quote from Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog” is almost a hundred years old. But how modern it sounds if you remove all references to Soviet Union. Almost a century has passed since the story was written, the information flow around us has grown tens and hundreds of times, so we offer a new call: “Don’t read the news at all.” Well, maybe just a little, so as not to completely fall out of what is happening around us. Otherwise, we have no time left for work, for communication, or for creative success.

Don't read the news, The Guardian proves. And that's why:

News is bad for your health

Reading them leads to fear and aggression, interferes with the realization of creative potential and deprives the ability to think deeply. News is like sugar for the body. They are easily digestible. The media feeds us small pieces of trivial facts that, in fact, do not concern us and do not deserve attention. This is why we never experience satiety. Unlike reading books and long magazine articles (which we have to think about), we can absorb a huge amount of empty news.

The news doesn't matter

Of the approximately 10,000 stories you have read in the last 12 months, name one that allowed you to make a better decision on a major issue affecting your life, your career, or your business. News consumption has nothing to do with you. In fact, news consumption is a competitive disadvantage. The less news you consume, the more benefits you have.

News is toxic to your body

They constantly act on the limbic system. Panic stories stimulate the formation of glucocorticoids (cortisol). This throws your immune system into disarray. Your body finds itself in a state of chronic stress. Other possible side effects include fear, aggression and loss of sensitivity.

News increases cognitive errors

News flow is the father of all cognitive errors: the desire for confirmation. We become overconfident, take foolish risks, and underestimate opportunities. Our brains crave stories that "make sense" even if they aren't true. Any journalist who writes that “the market exists because of X” or “the company went bankrupt because of Y” is an idiot. We're fed up with this cheap way of "explaining" the world.

News suppresses thinking

Thinking requires concentration. Concentration requires continuous time. News is specifically designed to interrupt you. They are like viruses that steal your attention for their own purposes. News reduces the number of thinking people. News seriously affects memory. Because news disrupts concentration, it weakens comprehension.

News works like a drug

Having learned about any incident, we want to know how it will end. With hundreds of stories on the news, we are increasingly less able to control this urge. Scientists used to think that the dense connections among the 100 billion neurons in our heads were already fully formed by the time we reached adulthood. Today we know that this is not so. Nerve cells regularly break old connections and form new ones. The more news we consume, the more we train the neural circuits responsible for skimming and multitasking, while neglecting those responsible for reading and focused thinking. Most news consumers - even if they were previously avid book readers - have lost the ability to read long articles or books. After four or five pages they get tired, concentration disappears, and anxiety appears. It's not because they're older or have more things to do. It's just that the physical structure of the brain has changed.

News makes us passive

The vast majority of news is about things you have no control over. The daily repetition of the fact that we are powerless makes us passive. They grind us down until we adopt a pessimistic, insensitive, sarcastic and fatalistic worldview. There is a term for this phenomenon - “learned helplessness”.

News kills creativity

Finally, what we already know limits our creativity. This is one reason why mathematicians, writers, composers and entrepreneurs often produce their very best creative works in young age. Their brains enjoy a wide, uninhabited space that gives them the opportunity to come up with and implement new ideas. I don't know a single truly creative person who has a passion for news - neither a writer, nor a composer, a mathematician, a doctor, a scientist, a musician, a designer, an architect or an artist. On the other hand, I know a lot of angry, uncreative people who consume news like drugs. If you want to use old solutions, read the news. If you are looking for new solutions, don't do it.

Are you looking for beautiful and original birthday greetings for a creative person, woman or man? Here are suitable wishes in poetry and prose for such an occasion. Choose the congratulation you like and send it to the creative person via SMS or congratulate him personally. Creative people love original congratulations and surprises. Please your creative friends and relatives with beautiful congratulations more often!


Let your life be colored in a moment
Happy and bright flowers,
And on this amazing holiday, Birthday,
You will be warmed by close hearts.

Let ideas be born in your head,
And big creative plans await
And soon you will open galleries,
Where suddenly the long-awaited success will come!


I wish on this birthday,
Good luck in your creativity, good luck,
New impulses, inspiration,
And in the mood for creativity.

So that the muse can be felt nearby,
And never get lost,
So that there is always a fountain of ideas,
And it hasn't dried up. to never!

I wish you a creative sea,
And so that there is health,
More love and happiness in life,
May all your whims come true!


A boundless ocean of creativity
It rocks you on its waves,
If you are given talent by fate,
May he always inspire you.

And I hasten to congratulate you as soon as possible
Happy birthday, have a wonderful holiday,
I wish you creative ideas,
Let every day be interesting!


I wish you on this birthday,
May all your dreams come true without difficulty!
Let there be just a sea of ​​inspiration,
Color your life in bright colors!

I wish you many happy events,
And millions of creative ideas!
May there be thousands of discoveries in life,
And a lot of clear, bright days!

Poems for a creative person


Congratulations on your birthday!
May everything be good in life,
Let the inspiration never leave you
And your creativity flourishes.

I wish you tenderness and happiness,
Soulful and responsive warmth.
Let all bad weather pass by,
And let there be more good in life.


I want to wish you on your birthday,
So that inspiration does not leave you,
And the muse, so capricious in the morning
I served you hot coffee.

I wish you creativity in your work,
And strong wings to fly upward,
To beauty, love, positivity
Life was filled to the brim.


Happy birthday! creativity,
Living is easy, dreaming is beautiful.
Implement and create
Never lose heart.

Sail on the sea of ​​inspiration,
Surpass a genius with talent
Multiply your labor, capture,
Rest, don't forget!


I wish you good luck, goodness, inspiration,
And only happy and colorful days!
Let every moment bring joy,
And let there be many wonderful ideas!

May the muse visit you every day,
So that masterpieces appear easily!
May everything your heart desires come true,
To make your mouth spread with a smile!


I wish to dream, want and be able,
You will quickly soar to new heights.
More ideas for inspiration
And always necessary, useful impressions.

Live easily, let nothing bother you,
Works and may your work be appreciated.
Let everything be accessible, forever possible.
Great prospects for you. Happy birthday!

Funny, cheerful and humorous birthday greetings for a creative person


Congratulations on your birthday!
You are talented and very smart.
I definitely wish you
So that the muse never leaves your home.

Let inspiration come to you
On the right day and always at the right time.
And let all ideas and plans
You succeed every time!


You are a gifted man
There is no doubt
And you at this special hour
Happy Birthday!

Create your masterpieces
And bring art to people
Let love, hope, faith
They will be with you forever!


Let creative ideas
You are filled as before.
Make your dreams come true faster
Let nothing get in the way.

I wish you a sea of ​​inspiration,
Projects of bright, new plans.
Happy birthday to you from the heart!
Keep in mind: it’s too early to be sad and sour.


Create to live
Live to create
Feel less sad
Love more.

For the muse to call
To lead to happiness,
And every day
It was light.


Happy Birthday to You!
Width to your aspirations!
So that connoisseurs of works
They expressed admiration!

Creative ups and downs along the way,
Thoughts of bright flights.
To make your dreams come true
All calculations came true.

Be happy and loved
And may health allow
Plans to implement everything.
They will surround you with love!

Heartfelt and touching birthday greetings to a creative person


Everyone knows that the muse is a capricious lady,
It happens and is often stubborn about it.
And inspiration may go away
When you are halfway from your goal.

Let them be with you, they are always there,
And every day meeting sunsets,
The ideas that came to you were not banal,
And your heart and mind would bloom.

So that they bring a sea of ​​emotions,
Your talent was recognized and appreciated.
I wish you amazing victories,
And happy birthday from the bottom of my heart!


I wish you on your birthday
More colorful ideas
And a lot of inspiration
And hundreds of good news!

May love bring you
Always only rainbow colors!
May good luck await you
And life will be more beautiful than a fairy tale!


I wish you on this birthday
You only have colorful ideas,
As much inspiration as possible
May all your dreams come true soon!

I wish you real love
And faithful, devoted friends,
An easy and brilliant career,
And hundreds of good news!


I wish you to be friends with the muse,
Catch all her signs!
To have another masterpiece of yours
Easily create!

May inspiration be in your home
Will be a favorite guest,
To talk about your creativity
Everyone was talking!

May the world give you its light,
So that everything works out!
To happy, creative years
It was just being added!


This day is so special
We congratulate you,
You are talented, no doubt
All your friends love you!

Let's wish the muse
Never disappeared
So that with your creativity
You always made us happy!


happy Birthday
And we wish you inspiration!
You are a talent, you always create,
Soaring in the sky of ideas!

We wish you luck,
May your creations always
They delight and amaze
They transform everything brightly!


For a creative person
We wish on your birthday,
So that she doesn't leave you
Muse, cheerfulness, inspiration,
Creativity is your element,
You will develop further in it,
And for minor problems
Never get distracted!


Happy birthday! Let the muse
Will overshadow with great happiness,
To create with her in alliance,
Carefree and wonderful.

To notice in every day
Amazing tenderness
And, mixing love with light,
Delight the world with a masterpiece!


Happy Birthday
And I wish you all the miracles
What's in a good mood
Of interest!

You are a creative person,
So don't hold back:
Everything will turn out great
If you do, love!


We wish you stars
Let them always shine on the road!
Birch inspiration
Let them help you find it.

You can do it
What should be in life.
So that in the creativity of illness,
Dissolve failures.

And funny moments
To implement it successfully.
Rejoice, have fun
And enjoy the abundance.


Happy birthday!
Let thoughts flow slowly
Brings you inspiration
Welcome and fabulous delight!

Let everything you want happen,
And you will create new things,
The supply of luck does not end,
May you live beautifully!


Let only joy surround you,
Strengthens your spirit of inspiration,
Let your hands never feel tired.
I wish you patience.

Surprise and give everyone joy,
And get back on your birthday
Continuous flow of wishes
And congratulations come true.


I wish you today
Lots of inspiration
Let them strike us in the heart
All your creations
May you finally be recognized
An absolute genius
And the sculpture will be sculpted
And the honor of your birth!

Happy birthday to a creative person in prose


Happy birthday to a wonderful creative person. With all my heart I wish you to always be in search of new plans and ideas, never to be without inspiration, to constantly feel happiness and joy, filling this world with your wonderful masterpieces and amazing works every day.


Happy birthday, we wish you a creative takeoff of thoughts, creative ideas, many like-minded people, successful self-realization, health and success in everything.


Inspiration is your main strong point,
I wish it for you,
So that your talent is extraordinary
Bloomed like a bouquet in the morning!

I wish the Muse as a guest,
And I want to believe and love,
I wish you even a drop of anger -
It’s easier to truly create with her!


Happy birthday! Want
Inspiration and strength,
I'll make a wish for you,
So that every moment brings
Only happiness and fun
And let your dream come true.
Every creation will be
Miracle, Beauty!


You create, you create,
You give beauty to the world,
Happy Birthday,
I want to wish you happiness!

And also inspiration
To always create for you,
For creativity to flourish,
Everything always worked out!


Today I wish
For your birthday
Creative takeoff,
Love and inspiration.

I wish ideas
were born on the fly
And you into life
They incarnated.

I wish you
Create and create
So that the whole world is with you
I could have been happier.


Incredibly creative personality, kind and bright man happy Birthday. I wish you inspiration and joyful emotions, high flights of soul and bright abilities, talent, prosperity and great luck, indestructible success and great personal happiness.


May fate inspire you
Lifts into the sky
Let the muse fly nearby
And it doesn't disappear.

Let, with your head in the clouds,
You won't fall
And myself in every sense
You will find it in creativity!

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to a creative person


You serve art all your life,
Creativity is the second “I”.
I wish it worked out
Only happy life is yours.

Happy birthday,
I admire you.
I want to wish you recognition
Follow your dreams.


Happy birthday! Let there be inspiration
A faithful companion for many years.
Let worries, troubles and doubts go away.
Never be sad about the past.

Everything that happened was forever rejected by the calendar,
But don't forget the good things
Even if autumn comes in life,
Don’t let spring out of your heart!


You are a creative person
May it be on your birthday
He will come with congratulations
On the holiday of inspiration.

A toast to good luck
Let the muse lift you up
Let creative ideas
She'll give it to you.

Rows of masterpieces for you
I want to replenish
May life be inspired
Doesn't leave you.


I wish you to enjoy life
And catch inspiration
And smile radiantly,
Create new masterpieces!

May all desires and goals
Suddenly they will come true without difficulty!
May success await you in your favorite business
You now and always!


The creative streak in you is always noticeable,
You are extraordinary, I admit it boldly.
I wish you happiness, great inspiration,
May your birthday fulfill all your wishes.

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