Signs who will be lucky this year. What's in store for your zodiac sign in October? There is a high probability that extra work may be dumped on you

Success has many faces and goes to those who do not run from fate, but know how to turn current events to their advantage. What promises to bring good luck to your zodiac sign in 2017?

What will bring you luck: new projects

The New Year 2017 has prepared a rich selection of new opportunities for Aries - in a variety of areas. Enterprising Mercury will help you easily establish the necessary contacts and start successful projects without unnecessary difficulties and long preparations. You will be surprised: fresh ideas will appear as if by themselves, and after them there will be simple solutions. Trust your own intuition: your sensitivity will help you make the best choice.

What will bring you luck: a decisive offensive

The powerful union of the Sun and Mars in 2017 is preparing a very dynamic development of events for your sign. Do not think that you will be able to sit quietly somewhere in a corner - the stars are directly pushing you towards a decisive offensive on all fronts and giving you the necessary opportunities for this. Your efforts will definitely bear fruit: you can finally get rid of long-standing obligations that prevented you from living joyfully, with a light soul. Feel free to go on the attack, and when you win, enjoy the dolce vita.

What will bring you luck: communication and creativity

2017 promises representatives of your sign not only a creative, but also a very productive atmosphere. Feel free to use your connections and acquaintances in all areas: it is through communication that you will receive the necessary help, as well as a new perspective on yourself and the world. Saturn's close attention will help you overcome your usual tendency to be absent-minded in business: having set a goal for yourself, show persistence and even stubbornness - this strategy will pay off in the best possible way.

What will bring you luck: courage and bravery

2017 is already ready to open the doors of the future for you, clearly outlining several very interesting prospects. The difference between those who take advantage of an opportunity and those who miss it is only one thing - your ability to show courage. The reason for this is the position of Mars, which promises good luck only to those who can decide to take the first step. You will need a certain courage to overcome natural restraint and modesty, raise some sensitive topic, take the initiative, and, if necessary, demand your own. Make no mistake: this strategy is doomed to success.

What will bring you luck: long-term plans

The coming year may be the beginning of a whole series of important internal changes for you, which will open the way to a happy future. Having freed yourself from some illusions, you will be able to compare your ideas with reality and then successfully implement them. Last year was victorious for you - and now it’s time to reflect on your achievements, sum up the interim results and turn to the future. Enjoy this break and start making plans for tomorrow.

What will bring you luck: energy and resourcefulness

The coming 2017 promises you much more chances than its predecessor gave you. Many difficult situations will find their way, and in relationships - even difficult ones - you will always find the opportunity to defend your interests. Warlike Mars will give you energy, but don’t think that you have to fight alone. Turn to the people around you: they are the ones who will help you find the key to success.

What will bring you luck: an open position

The coming twelve months in general promise to be pleasant, especially in terms of relationships. Discoveries await you that promise neither difficult challenges nor unpleasant surprises. What is happening sets you up for a creative wave that will cover almost all areas of your life. Your natural inclination towards empathy and openness to other people will bring you well-deserved recognition and popularity. You are in great demand, and this will only be beneficial: thanks to those around you, you will be able to overcome any obstacles and feel happy.

What will bring you luck: old dreams

2017 promises to help you implement projects that previously you were forced to push into the background. It's time to start doing what you have long dreamed of - you will receive a fresh surge of energy, and all circumstances will work out in such a way that you will be able to fulfill your desires. In addition, many of the things you have fought for in previous years will finally begin to bear fruit. Do not doubt anything - and feel like a star!

What will bring you luck: the desire for change and the support of loved ones

The New Year promises to be marked by big changes, and most importantly, they will be welcome for you. This is especially true in the area of ​​your relationships, which will come to the fore in your life over the next twelve months. Don’t be afraid and don’t be embarrassed by anything: friends and family will always support you in the main things, and if such a need arises, they will save you from some everyday worries. Trust those who love you - and enjoy your new relationship.

What will bring you luck: hidden potential

For the coming year, the stars have prepared for you a visual presentation of your talents and so far hidden possibilities. New doors will open for you one after another - you just need to devote a little time to assessing every chance and taking advantage of it. Such an analysis will help you discover new resources in yourself - often very unexpected for others. Set the bar as high as possible and you will surprise yourself and others.

What will bring you luck: the principle of acceleration

2017 will bring energy to what is happening in all areas of your life. Communication, relationships with people or practical problems - everything will be solved much faster and more efficiently than before. Authoritative teachers such as Neptune and Saturn have taught you several lessons in patience over the past months - and now your persistence will begin to bear fruit. You can be confident in yourself and those around you – and confidently increase your speed.

What will bring you luck: parting with the past

The coming year promises to dispel many clouds and clear horizons. Decisive Mars fills you with the internal energy that is necessary to resolve accumulated issues and thereby unblock many “suspended” life situations. Your creativity is growing, you are able to find a way out of any dead end and are not afraid to act contrary to “the way it is done.” Feel free to share your feelings with other people: those around you will really like your new, open image.

Success has many faces and goes to those who do not run from fate, but know how to turn current events to their advantage. What promises to bring good luck to your zodiac sign in 2017?

What will bring you luck: new projects

The New Year 2017 has prepared a rich selection of new opportunities for Aries - in a variety of areas. Enterprising Mercury will help you easily establish the necessary contacts and start successful projects without unnecessary difficulties and long preparations. You will be surprised: fresh ideas will appear as if by themselves, and after them there will be simple solutions. Trust your own intuition: your sensitivity will help you make the best choice.

What will bring you luck: a decisive offensive

The powerful union of the Sun and Mars in 2017 is preparing a very dynamic development of events for your sign. Do not think that you will be able to sit quietly somewhere in a corner - the stars are directly pushing you towards a decisive offensive on all fronts and giving you the necessary opportunities for this. Your efforts will definitely bear fruit: you can finally get rid of long-standing obligations that prevented you from living joyfully, with a light soul. Feel free to go on the attack, and when you win, enjoy the dolce vita.

What will bring you luck: communication and creativity

2017 promises representatives of your sign not only a creative, but also a very productive atmosphere. Feel free to use your connections and acquaintances in all areas: it is through communication that you will receive the necessary help, as well as a new perspective on yourself and the world. Saturn's close attention will help you overcome your usual tendency to be absent-minded in business: having set a goal for yourself, show persistence and even stubbornness - this strategy will pay off in the best possible way.

What will bring you luck: courage and bravery

2017 is already ready to open the doors of the future for you, clearly outlining several very interesting prospects. The difference between those who take advantage of an opportunity and those who miss it is only one thing - your ability to show courage. The reason for this is the position of Mars, which promises good luck only to those who can decide to take the first step. You will need a certain courage to overcome natural restraint and modesty, raise some sensitive topic, take the initiative, and, if necessary, demand your own. Make no mistake: this strategy is doomed to success.

What will bring you luck: long-term plans

The coming year may be the beginning of a whole series of important internal changes for you, which will open the way to a happy future. Having freed yourself from some illusions, you will be able to compare your ideas with reality and then successfully implement them. Last year was victorious for you - and now it’s time to reflect on your achievements, sum up the interim results and turn to the future. Enjoy this break and start making plans for tomorrow.

What will bring you luck: energy and resourcefulness

The coming 2017 promises you much more chances than its predecessor gave you. Many difficult situations will find their way, and in relationships - even difficult ones - you will always find the opportunity to defend your interests. Warlike Mars will give you energy, but don’t think that you have to fight alone. Turn to the people around you: they are the ones who will help you find the key to success.

What will bring you luck: an open position

The coming twelve months in general promise to be pleasant, especially in terms of relationships. Discoveries await you that promise neither difficult challenges nor unpleasant surprises. What is happening sets you up for a creative wave that will cover almost all areas of your life. Your natural inclination towards empathy and openness to other people will bring you well-deserved recognition and popularity. You are in great demand, and this will only be beneficial: thanks to those around you, you will be able to overcome any obstacles and feel happy.

What will bring you luck: old dreams

2017 promises to help you implement projects that previously you were forced to push into the background. It's time to start doing what you have long dreamed of - you will receive a fresh surge of energy, and all circumstances will work out in such a way that you will be able to fulfill your desires. In addition, many of the things you have fought for in previous years will finally begin to bear fruit. Do not doubt anything - and feel like a star!

What will bring you luck: the desire for change and the support of loved ones

The New Year promises to be marked by big changes, and most importantly, they will be welcome for you. This is especially true in the area of ​​your relationships, which will come to the fore in your life over the next twelve months. Don’t be afraid and don’t be embarrassed by anything: friends and family will always support you in the main things, and if such a need arises, they will save you from some everyday worries. Trust those who love you - and enjoy your new relationship.

What will bring you luck: hidden potential

For the coming year, the stars have prepared for you a visual presentation of your talents and hitherto hidden capabilities. New doors will open for you one after another - you just need to devote a little time to assessing every chance and taking advantage of it. Such an analysis will help you discover new resources in yourself - often very unexpected for others. Set the bar as high as possible and you will surprise yourself and others.

What will bring you luck: the principle of acceleration

2017 will bring energy to what is happening in all areas of your life. Communication, relationships with people or practical problems - everything will be solved much faster and more efficiently than before. Authoritative teachers such as Neptune and Saturn have taught you several lessons in patience over the past months - and now your persistence will begin to bear fruit. You can be confident in yourself and those around you – and confidently increase your speed.

What will bring you luck: parting with the past

The coming year promises to dispel many clouds and clear horizons. Decisive Mars fills you with the internal energy that is necessary to resolve accumulated issues and thereby unblock many “suspended” life situations. Your creativity is growing, you are able to find a way out of any dead end and are not afraid to act contrary to “the way it is done.” Feel free to share your feelings with other people: those around you will really like your new, open image.

2017 will be the year of the Red Rooster. It will be especially successful for those who believe in themselves and their own strengths, and will make every effort to achieve results. The famous psychic and astrologer Arina Evdokimova told the site about what the year will be like for different zodiac signs.

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

In the year of the Fire Rooster, self-sufficient “water” signs must abandon their principles and learn to accept help from everywhere. You cannot alienate family and colleagues who are sincerely interested in your concerns.

The main words for the water signs in the coming year are: “I do everything sincerely.”

Already at the beginning of spring, under the guise of well-meaning friends, people will join the lives of representatives of “water” signs who can plunge them into intrigue and machinations. Therefore, at the beginning of the year, “water” signs need to carefully monitor their social circle and incoming offers.

Representatives of the fair sex who have a Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces man as their partner need to be on their guard, as “aquatic” men will begin to glow with passion.

In terms of health, “water” signs will have to especially closely monitor their diet and not get too cold. Starting from May, the “water” sign will find energetic balance and, if it does not miss the chance, will manifest itself with the best side, which will help him climb the career ladder and increase self-esteem.

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

In 2017, those born under the Earth sign need an urgent reboot! They need Fresh air, new ideas and a change of thinking. Earth signs love to slowly set distant goals and enjoy gradually achieving them. But 2017 will require decisive action from them. In order not to devastate themselves with excessive activity, “earthly” signs should develop balanced tactics: alternate activity with rest, be leisurely, but very mobile. Of course, achieving such a balance will be difficult, but the reward for your efforts will be rapid career growth and financial viability. If representatives of earth signs are not active, then by the end of the year they will face troubles at work. And to prevent misunderstandings from developing into open conflict, the Year of the Rooster requires representatives of “earthly” signs to have maximum concentration and business acumen.

The stars recommend that “earthly” signs do not follow their own instincts, but listen to their hearts. 2017, frankly speaking, is unlikely to bring them stunning success in business or career, but this is a great time to not only reconsider their attitude towards life, but also to change themselves in the most dramatic way.

The main events for representatives of the Earth signs occur in the last three months of 2017, when Venus, the planet of love, takes over. From this moment on, the relationship between earth signs will enter a phase of serious crisis.

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will be luckier than others. Zodiac signs that belong to the element of Fire will naturally receive special bonuses from the Red Rooster. But they should also be careful when making financial decisions, because greater opportunities always lead to more restrictions. It arrived in one place and departed in another - a test for representatives of “fire” signs. They will have to work twice as hard as others, otherwise their unrealized potential will burn them out. And Pluto will definitely try to do this, don’t doubt it, because it’s not for nothing that he bears the honorary title of “dark planet,” and it’s not for nothing that our ancestors called this planet Viya’s Earth.

There will be a huge number of events in the life of representatives of the “fire” element, and the changes can be so large-scale that they will turn their way of life and even their very idea of ​​life upside down. The motto for Fire signs is: “Away with fears and doubts, just move forward.” Under no circumstances should you dwell in the past, especially when it comes to love relationship. Otherwise, you will not see either the prince or the princess. The year of the formation of your personal life and no matter how much you want to earn money, it is better to surrender to the wind of love changes.

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

As for the “air” signs, they will have to exist in parallel with the element of the year, Fire. The stars recommend that representatives of “air” signs not enter into conflicts with fire signs. Lonely representatives of the “air” element will have to take a more “sober” look at their lives and realize what they really want, what or who they are striving for. Family or financial career - this is the choice the Red Rooster will force representatives of the “air” signs to make at the very beginning of the year. Married couples will have the opportunity to improve their relationships, and many childless couples will have the opportunity to have their first child.

Gemini and Aquarius need to very clearly understand what the consequences will be if they decide to have love affairs outside the family. The secret will definitely become clear, and difficult choices will have to be made.

Libra and Gemini will experience financial success, but they will have to work a lot. Aquarians need to be careful - they should not enter into dubious transactions, since collapse is inevitable. The Stars recommend that “Air” signs weigh their decisions at the beginning of the year and from July to the end of October. It is at this time that their chance of success will be especially high.

In the year of the Red Rooster, many roads are open to “air” signs. Remember, in 2017, representatives of Air are able to achieve a lot if they work hard and do not adapt to others. You have to be yourself, implement your own ideas, then luck will be on your side. The nature of “air” representatives is such that their variability, unpredictability and spontaneity will help them now. To be happy, “air” signs will have to use their natural qualities to the fullest, with the exception of Aquarius. Who will have to be very restrained and careful.

The coming year of the Fire Rooster in Chinese mythology it is considered a symbol of creativity, spiritual strength, masculine energy and new beginnings. The Cockerel behaves with dignity and protects people, provides new chances to stand out and gives strength for new achievements. The rooster is a proud bird, with a fighting spirit, purposeful, but at the same time homely and practical. For many this year will be a period of significant change. Someone will have to make an effort. It is only important to understand what exactly you need. Then Fire Rooster will bring positive changes into your life.

But the Rooster will come into its own on January 28. A astrological year will begin on January 1, so it would be appropriate to consider the year not only from the point of view Chinese horoscope, but also the Western school of astrology.

Here the year will be marked by several important astrological phenomena.

When you shouldn't get married and buy gadgets

In 2017 We will have two solar and two lunar eclipses. Solar - February 26 and August 21. Lunar - February 11 and 7 August. Eclipses carry a lot of concentrated strong energy, so February and August will be the most cosmically charged months. I remind you that three before and three days after the eclipse you cannot start new business, carry out planned operations, or start disputes and conflicts. You should be extremely careful, as the statistics of accidents and injuries are increasing. Eclipses increase any vibrations of the day twice as much!

As you can see, the sign of Leo will have as many as two eclipses in August, which suggests that Leo may experience significant changes in life.

At the end of February - beginning of March there will be a not entirely favorable aspect in the sky, which can lead to all sorts of unrest and a breakdown of traditional foundations. The whole month of March will be marked negative impact Uranus, so no purchases of gadgets and equipment. The Internet will not work well, interruptions, breakdowns, etc. may occur. It is also recommended to be more careful while driving.

From March 4 to April 15 Venus will be retrograde, so it’s better to postpone dating and acquaintances, as well as weddings. Also, women are not recommended to make any drastic changes in appearance. Retro-Venus slows down processes and puts a spoke in the wheels in everything that concerns love and beauty.

On October 10, Jupiter will move into the sign of Scorpio, which will increase our desire to get to the bottom of things and increase interest in all kinds of secrets and riddles. For Scorpios, as well as Cancers and Pisces, the time will begin for the emergence of new connections and increased cash flows. But Scorpios will be especially lucky.

The luckiest in 2017 will be Aries, Taurus, Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. However, this does not mean that those born under other signs will not be lucky at all. It’s just that the energy and archetypes of these signs are most similar to the general energy of the year.

Who will experience global changes in 2017?

We all want happiness, love, wealth. We especially look forward to a miracle from the New Year, which will solve all our problems and give us many happy minutes and hours.

In 2017, big changes will begin for people born on certain dates.

If your date of birth matches the one listed or is close to within +/- 2 days (not more!) , for you this symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in life, lasting approximately four years.

New projects, new friends, new job, new love, marriage, new trips and adventures - each person will have their own set of events. But the main thing is a year of beginnings and new turns in life. Year will, without exaggeration, be fateful, especially for dates that are highlighted in bold.

Who will wait for the long-awaited results in 2017

If your birthday falls on these dates +/- 2 days (no more!), then you are just completing a 4-year cycle, and this year you will get results.

What are the results? Wedding or divorce, the birth of a child, buying a car, promotion at work, dismissal, profit, moving - there are many options, each individually, but the main point is - completion and summing up. If your date of birth is in bold, then the stars are saying: something will end finally and irrevocably, or the results you get are maximum, what could be squeezed out of your situation.

Zodiac signs who will be lucky in 2017 The Fiery (Red) Rooster is the personification of 2017. And this bird is prominent, bright and noisy. Therefore, the new time will be rich in events for everyone. Astrologers predict that the happiest people during this period of life will be: Aquarius, Libra, Leo, Aries and Gemini. But also other representatives eastern calendar The rooster will try not to deprive you. Aries will find harmony in love matters, as well as in financial matters and career. 2017 will be rich in creative endeavors for Aries. They will also be supported by their families. Under the auspices of the Rooster, it is very easy for this zodiac sign to become successful. Astrologers predict that the most significant time in the coming year will be from January to autumn; during this period, you need to have time to complete everything you started. For Taurus, the coming year is a fertile time, perfect for self-improvement and love victories. In the professional sphere, Taurus is also favored by luck, especially when it comes to new ideas. Gemini can successfully make new acquaintances. Analysis of their own personality will have a beneficial effect on them. In general, everything new that the twins will acquire this year, be it experience in life or at work, love or friends, will be long-term and will firmly become part of their destiny. For Aquarius, this is the year under the sign of the workaholic. But everything they do in 2017 will only be beneficial. They will be able to literally improve their fate, but for this they will have to work hard. But it's worth it! Fortune is on their side! Libra should start rethinking their life and values. They will be fully able to correct the injustices of fate, if any. This sign should be wary only at the beginning of the year; they will have to take a closer look at finances in order to avoid problems. For Leo, 2017 is a fertile time for all sorts of things and plans. This applies to personal life, profession, sports, as well as any hobby. There is also a lot of pleasant and joyful things ahead. The Rooster also favors Cancers. But they will have to reconsider their lives. Having decided to make changes and self-improvement, this sign will find harmony and happiness and become more successful. So all that remains is to wish cancer to dare and develop! As for Virgos, everything depends solely on them. If they try to avoid conflicts with management and quarrels in the team, then we can even expect a salary increase. In your personal life, don't be too modest. It's not very popular right now. Try to approach the person you love. This will be greatly appreciated. The year also promises changes for the better for Pisces. This year it is good to get rid of routine tasks and monotony. In the year of the Rooster, this zodiac sign will gain more strength, and he will be able to pull himself out of the “swamp” if he is stuck. Pisces love to dream, the year of the Rooster will give them the opportunity to act and achieve what they want. In 2017, the Rooster will become the patron of Scorpios, who should be more careful and not miss their chance. As a rule, people of this sign are decisive, and the coming year will increase skills in planning and organization, add vitality and energy. The year for Sagittarius will be truly fair. You will be able to forget about adversity and downfalls, and do things whose positive outcome will be helped even by the stars. Luck in 2017 will, more than ever, accompany Sagittarius everywhere. The coming year will be contrasting for Capricorn, who will certainly not be bored. They face some challenges. For them, this is a year of self-discovery, harmonious relationships, and peace of mind. But their efforts will not be in vain, the reward will not be long in coming and they will be able to conquer any height!

9 books that teach you to never give up There are days when all the injustice of the world falls on your shoulders and it seems that the best thing to do now is to give up and stop fighting. And often at these moments the main thing is not to start feeling sorry for yourself, but to shake yourself up and move on. We've collected books that won't be kind to you. They will slap you in the face and bring you back to life, reminding you not to give up. Because the darkest hour always comes before the dawn. Jodi Picoult - Sister's Angel Anna is only 13, but she has already undergone countless surgeries. She is healthy, but her sister has leukemia, and her parents are ready to do anything to save her. Actually, Anna was born only to help her. But how would her life have turned out if she had not been attached to Kate? Anna decides to take a step that would seem difficult to most of us. Erich Maria Remarque - Spark of life Germany, end of the war, concentration camp. People who were deprived of freedom, love, hope - life itself. But as long as they have each other, nothing can break them. Even if all they have left is just a spark of life, it will never go out. She will give them the strength to smile even on the verge of death - the only spark of light in the pitch darkness. Ayn Rand - Source This book has remained on the world bestseller list for decades. Main character novel, Howard Roark, is fighting with society for his personal right to creativity. The fanatical inertia of those around him forces him to take extraordinary actions. And to prove that even one person can change the world. Kazuo Ishiguro - Don't Let Me Go A modern parable, a fantastic story with a chilling, absolutely realistic plot, Ishiguro's story won't let you go. People whose sad fate was not predetermined by them and is known in advance. They know what they live for. They know what they will die for. And still they continue on their way. This is one of the most poignant stories about mercy and inhumanity. Jack London - Martin Eden “Survival of the fittest” is the motto of the main character of the autobiographical novel by Jack London. A rude and uncouth, but very strong and purposeful young man, for the sake of love for a woman, makes his way from the bottom to the top - a simple uneducated sailor, he becomes a famous writer. But is he ready for everything that lies behind ephemeral success? John Green - The Fault in Our Stars Teenagers suffering from a serious illness are not going to give up. They are still teenagers - toxic, restless, explosive, rebellious, equally ready for hate and love. Hazel and Augustus defy fate. They are not as afraid of death as they are of ordinary jealousy, anger and misunderstanding. They are together. Now - together. But what lies ahead for them? Irving Stone - Lust for Life Live and vivid biography Vincent Van Gogh, written by Irving Stone, proves that genius is not only a gift from above, but also a terrible curse. After all, talent has to not only look for its own path, but, having found it, show miracles of perseverance, courage and endurance in order to convey its great ideas to an indifferent world through all the difficulties. Vasily Grossman - Life and Fate This is “War and Peace” of the twentieth century, a deafening book, knocking you down, truthful from the first to the last page. The one that will lead you through all the circles of the hell of war and make you look at them without closing your eyes for a second. And then she will show you people - living, real, just like you. And in this hell they will still love, dream, hope and fight for a better future. Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego “White on Black” When it seems to you that life is unfair and everything is going wrong, just open Gallego’s book and stay for a while in the world of his characters - people with disabilities. Their optimism and completely unconventional view of familiar things will be a real medicine for you.

The art of letting everything go to hell During one of his famous talks, the Indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti asked the audience if they wanted to know his secret. Those present in the hall fell silent and leaned forward. “You know,” he said, “I just don’t care most of the time.” Of course, that's not what he said. By most accounts, he said, “You know, I just don’t pay attention to what’s going on,” but he could have said it either way. It seems to me that the devil-may-care concept is closer to the majority. I apologize in advance for the crudeness of this phrase - and I will use it often here - but nothing conveys this truth better. When you tell someone “don't pay attention,” that someone will most likely look at you strangely - but not the person who came to Krishnamurti's lecture. At the same time, everyone understands that sometimes unpleasant moments happen in life that it’s best to just forget/don’t care about. Not scoring means thinking about what happened. For example, someone was rude to you on the phone, and you replay what happened in your head, you can’t give a damn so easily. And if you just hung up the phone, shrugged your shoulders and calmly went for a bike ride, then you are great at scoring. If you are worried, this does not mean that you are doing something useful, although it may seem that way. It seems quite natural that every time we sweat over something, we thereby get closer to some kind of answer. But this is not true, because constantly going over things in your head is a thought process, and a thought process that is not aimed at finding a solution is useless. This sheds light on one of our most ineradicable and narrow-minded ideas about human thinking: we believe that most thoughts are valuable in themselves, that they will lead to something. But most of our thoughts simply fill our heads and protect us from real life. They do not lead to any important decisions or analytical conclusions, they simply consume us and, perhaps, also make our lives shorter. We usually think that our thoughts serve some purpose simply because they are caused by a strong emotion or because they are directed towards an issue that is important to us: this could be justice, respect or current state society. No. Reflection is only meaningful if it gets your body moving and doing something useful. This does not mean that any grief, rudeness or injustice in life must be immediately responded to with action. Quite the opposite. Usually there is nothing you can do about it or you just don’t want to do it. And that's okay. In most cases, it is better to do nothing at all, just score. This concept may seem apathetic. Actually this is not true. It is simply refusing to waste your energy and time on thoughts that will lead nowhere. So if you decide to sweat something, make sure it will lead to some kind of response to what happened, and then take action. Here is a visual diagram of actions. It's not that easy to learn how to score. This takes practice. Scoring should be one of the vital skills we teach children, just like counting, tying shoelaces, and staying away from strangers. Not long ago I was out for a run and someone shouted at me from a passing truck. I think he called me a fagot (or maybe Edik?). This scared me a lot, I even jumped a little in surprise. They probably laughed there in their cabin and high-fived each other - or whatever those idiots usually do after yelling from the car. There have been times in my life when I would have spent enormous amounts of energy worrying about such injustices. But that day I had no intention of doing it, and it passed me by. I still felt the initial surge of rage and adrenaline, but I decided to just let this five-second event pass rather than reflect on it for another half day and then tell everyone about it. I continued running and noticed that just a few seconds later everything on the street became quiet and peaceful again. There was not the slightest trace of what happened simply because I did not bring it to life in my head, I did not care about it. I've known people who have told entire stories, more than once, about some not-so-pleasant twenty-second incident that happened to them many years ago and which they just can't forget. I think you have also met such people. Don't fall into the same madness. Stay the course: just score. Knowing how to score on time does not mean that you will always score on everything. It just means that you do it consciously. You have a reason for this. The main thing is to catch yourself in response. It all starts with anger and words of outrage in your head, usually in the form of a witty response or an internal sermon about decency and respect. You can start running through several possible scenarios in which you show the bully who's boss. It's also easy to get caught up in a revenge fantasy in which (for example) you're like a tank/Terminator running after a truck, causing it to eventually crash into a tree, and then you're standing there laughing and patting your sides. When you find yourself thinking such thoughts, remind yourself that you don't really care about such things and turn your attention back to the material world. What was your next plan after this insignificant incident occurred? Listen to your body: what does it need to move on? So hang up. Dial the next number, run another kilometer, mix drinks, jump on a bike... whatever logically follows next in the life of a person who does not pay attention to the little things in life. And if you can’t wait to think about something again, then it’s better to think about it.

About high expectations Have you ever wondered: why are there so many unhappy people around? Happy man It is very difficult to meet, so it seems that a life full of bitterness and troubles is normal. In reality, this should not be the case: the normal state of the soul is joy and peace. What makes us unhappy is our high expectations for ourselves, our loved ones, our level of income, our career, and much more. A person with excessive expectations thinks that the environment and his own imperfection are to blame for his unstable internal state. He is sure that he is nervous because reality does not correspond to his desires, and in order to calm down, he must ensure that his dreams come true. But inflated expectations differ from a healthy desire for improvement in that they are groundless - not supported by the real capabilities of the object at which they are aimed. In essence, this is a psychological deviation that is accompanied by anxiety, nervousness, and suspiciousness. Those who have acquired the syndrome of inflated desires always think that they deserve more than they have. At the same time, such people often do not realize that they do not meet the level of their own demands. Thus, they can apply for positions for which they have no residual qualifications; dream of marrying an idol or marrying a celebrity. There is no limit to their ambitions. The conflict between the real and fictional world, the inability to achieve the set goal again gives rise to anxiety and worry - the circle closes. This syndrome grows out of an inferiority complex - through external attributes (a beautiful wife, wealth, a luxurious house) a person tries to compensate for internal lack of self-sufficiency. Receiving a turnaround from life, he plunges even more into his complex. Both those around him and the person himself suffer from exorbitant demands. Very often this manifests itself in the attitude of wives towards their husbands - a woman always thinks that her husband is not good enough, earns little, and does not know how to properly carry out her tasks. At the same time, she completely forgets that she is not ideal either. The wife gnaws at her beloved and is constantly upset by his slowness. We do the same with children, demanding that they be neat and child prodigies - but they are just children learning the world through mistakes. Excessive demands are also placed on oneself: you need to be the best, do everything at the highest level - this is where perfectionism arises. But here's the rub - we often deserve exactly what we get. And our spiritual harmony depends only on perception. Either we will be too demanding of our life - and therefore unhappy because it does not meet our high expectations, or we will accept it as it is. You just need to remember that the husband (wife) and children are living people, they also have their weaknesses, and not everyone is born to become presidents of million-dollar companies... The first step towards combating the syndrome of inflated expectations is its awareness, understanding, that this is a trap of self-deception that one should not fall into. If you constantly think that everything could be better, then you can suffer from this endlessly, since there is no limit to perfection. The most profitable investments are usually investments in yourself. It is naive to think that obtaining a diploma is about higher education guarantees a successful future life. Only constant self-development makes a person interesting, both to others and to himself. © Mikhail Efimovich Litvak

Books that make you want to live. Of course, you can treat depression and bad mood with chocolate and strong drinks, but it’s much healthier to read good book . It's a great way to relive someone's life and shake up your own. Especially when the summer weather just whispers, “Stay at home, wrap yourself in a blanket and read something already!” Jerome K. Jerome “Three in a Boat, Not Counting a Dog” Time passes, eras change, but readers still cannot tear themselves away from the absolutely incredible story of the journey of three carefree English gentlemen along the Thames. Full of classic British humor, this book is a real cure for the blues. Tested by several generations of happy people. "Blackberry Wine" by Joanne Harris This is a touching fairy tale for adults. The book is about finding yourself, about change, about the fact that magic surrounds us at every step, we just need to learn to see it. The story of the main character, who goes to the village in search of himself and happiness, can inspire millions of people to change at least something in their lives and begin to treat it more simply and easily. Ray Bradbury “A Cure for Melancholy” “When all is lost, there is hope,” says the hero of one of Ray Bradbury’s stories. And these words could become an epigraph to the entire collection “A Cure for Melancholy”, on the pages of which there is always room for sad smiles and kind miracles, jubilation and anxiety, sadness and an endless thirst for life. Fanny Flagg “Fried Green Tomatoes at the Stop Station Cafe” If you bring this volume close to your ear, you can probably hear someone’s laughter, crying, conversations, the noise of a train, the rustling of leaves, the clanking of forks and spoons. Listen to the sounds breaking through the cover, and you will learn the story of one small American town, in which, like everywhere else in the world, love and pain, fears and hopes, friendship and hatred are intertwined. David Mitchell "Cloud Atlas" This novel should not be "swallowed" in a hurry. It should be enjoyed like an incredible symphony, a perfect harmony of six instruments, six lives of one soul. This is a book that everyone will understand in a completely different way, it is like a mosaic from which different people put together completely different pictures. Magic? Without a doubt. The Strugatsky brothers “Monday begins on Saturday” The story of the cheerful employees of the mysterious NIICHAVO, where they seriously study magic, has long been torn apart into quotes. The Strugatskys' humor is difficult to compare with anything else - you need to feel it, understand it, and for this you must read their light, lively prose filled with optimistic philosophy. Erlend Lu “Naive. Super” Erlend Lu’s most famous novel about a young man experiencing a “mid-life crisis” seems simple and funny only at first glance. But if you look closely, you will see how smart and touching this optimistic book is, how skillfully all the details are written out. And you will understand that “the worst alternative is to become the kind of person who will make the world worse than it is.” Elizabeth Gilbert “Eat, Pray, Love” This is an autobiographical story of a modern successful woman who lost her taste for life and regained it. It reminds every reader of what he really wants, what he dreams of - freedom, happiness, the ability to have fun and live in peace with himself. John Irving “The Cider House Rules” A novel that cannot be described in a few words. On the surface - a saga about a family, each of whose members is trying to find a place in our strange and absurd world. But deeper - just life in all its manifestations: not always correct, comfortable, happy, but always beautiful. “The Rules of Winemakers” is a huge experience. An ether and apple cider flavored experience. Jenny Downham "While I'm Alive" The sixteen-year-old heroine of this book is just beginning to live, and she wants to do so much. So she writes a list of all her wishes and immediately gets down to business. This honest and frank novel stops time in the full sense of the word, reminding us that we need to appreciate the main thing, seize the moment, be bolder in our desires and enjoy the adventures that every day gives us.

10 novels that excite and stun from the first sentence! 1. Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego - “White on Black” “I am a hero. It’s easy to be a hero. If you don’t have arms or legs, you are a hero or a dead man. If you don’t have parents, rely on your arms and legs. And be a hero "If you have neither arms nor legs, and you also managed to be born an orphan, that's it. You are doomed to be a hero for the rest of your days. Or die. I am a hero. I simply have no other choice." 2. Boris Vian - “Foam of Days” “Kolen was finishing his toilet. Coming out of the bath, he wrapped himself in a wide terry sheet, leaving only his legs and torso naked. He took a spray bottle from the glass shelf and sprinkled his blond hair with the volatile aromatic oil. Amber comb divided his silky hair into thin orange strands, reminiscent of the furrows that a cheerful plowman makes with a fork on a saucer of apricot jam. Putting aside his comb, Colin armed himself with nail clippers and cut the edges of his matte eyelids at an angle to give his look a mysterious look. He often had to do this - The eyelids grew back quickly." 3. Erlend Lu - "Mulei" WE ARE FALLING. LOVE YOU. DO WHAT YOU WANT. DAD (SMS message sent from an airplane in Central Africa in April 2005) 4. Albert Camus - “The Stranger” “Mom died today. Maybe yesterday, I don’t know exactly.” It is considered, by the way, the most memorable beginning in the entire history of French literature. 5. Patrick Suskind - “Perfume” “In the eighteenth century in France there lived a man who belonged to the most brilliant and most disgusting figures of this era, so rich in brilliant and disgusting figures. We will talk about him. His name was Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, and if this name, unlike other brilliant monsters like de Sade, Saint-Just, Fouche, Banaparte, etc., is now consigned to oblivion, not because Grenouille was inferior to the famous fiends of darkness in arrogance, contempt for people, immorality, in short, in godlessness, but because his genius and his phenomenal vanity were limited to a sphere that leaves no traces in history - the volatile kingdom of smells." 6. Vladimir Nabokov - “Lolita” “Lolita, the light of my life, the fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-li-ta: the tip of the tongue takes three steps down the sky, so that on the third it hits the teeth. Lo. Li. Ta." 7. Gabriel Garcia Marquez - “Love in the Time of Plague” “It has always been like this: the smell of bitter almonds suggested an unhappy love. Doctor Urbino felt it immediately, as soon as he entered the house, still drowning in darkness, where he was urgently called on an urgent matter , which for him many years ago ceased to be urgent. Refugee from the Antilles Jeremiah de Saint-Amour, war invalid, children's photographer and the doctor's most flexible partner in chess, ended the storm of life's memories with the help of gold cyanide vapor." 8. Sergei Dovlatov - "Suitcase" "At the OVIR, this bitch tells me: - Each person leaving is entitled to three suitcases. This is the established norm. There is a special order from the ministry." 9. Alexander Solzhenitsyn - "Cancer Ward" "The Cancer Ward also wore number thirteen. Pavel Nikolaevich Rusanov never was and could not be superstitious, but something sank in him when they wrote in his direction: “Thirteenth Corps.” I'm not smart enough to call thirteenth some kind of prosthetic or intestinal." 10. Ian McEwan - "The Cement Garden" "I didn't kill my father. And yet sometimes it seems to me that I pushed him to his death."

12 Lessons Learned in 12 Years of Marriage Husband, father of four girls and one boy - about the most important lessons learned in 12 years of marriage. In our 12 years of marriage, my wife and I have seen a lot. We got married before I graduated from college. Soon they had their first child. I graduated from college. New baby. Two miscarriages. Four more children. When the youngest was born, we had five children under the age of 8. Owned four houses. We rented a house and an apartment somewhere in between. Five different jobs with four different companies. We lived in four cities. In many ways, life was on fast forward. During these 12 years we have learned a lot. About ourselves. About each other. About the importance of marriage. And why you should fight for it. We were young, in love and preparing for the wedding. When she said yes we were in our early twenties. But all this does not mean that we were ready for marriage. After 12 years, we have learned 12 things about marriage: 1. 50/50 expectations lead to disappointment. For a while we viewed marriage as a game. Competition. If I do this, you should do this. Meet me in the middle of the field here, do a little more here. If you do 20 things, then I will do 20 things. This is a type of game. But the real work is done when one of you can't get to the middle. When someone else needs to go the extra mile. Maybe the ratio is 90/10 if the spouse is sick or depressed. Don't look at marriage as a number. Thus, someone always loses. 2. Keep the adventure alive. At the very beginning of my affair with Brookie, I was constantly trying. We took long walks, had candlelit dinners, and I worked hard to win her over. As years and responsibilities piled on us, I let the fire between us die many times. Fighting to keep that fire burning doesn't have to be a trip to Paris, it could be an unexpected trip to a local hotel, a surprise babysitter for the evening, or even a handwritten note. Find room for adventure in your marriage. 3. First of all, kiss each other. I'm not perfect at this, but I try to kiss Brookie immediately when I get home from work. Before I kiss my children. Such small parts are actually of great importance. For me, being a first-class father is important, but being a first-class husband is even more important. Otherwise, we will turn into housemates raising children together. 4. Exposure – that’s often the case best description for love. It was easy to love Brookie when we were newlyweds. It was easy for her to love me in times of comfort. But it's much harder to fight for love when you lose a child. Or endure huge financial failures. Or you confess your really disgusting secret. Fairy tales are good for movies, but real life is often confusing, chaotic and disorderly. Be patient when things get difficult. 5. Real life consists of small moments. Having a child, buying a dream home... The peaks of marriage are great. However most of days - daily routine. I'm guilty of missing a lot of little things while I was working to make the big ones happen. I realized that life happens in these small moments. Now I'm learning to love the journey as much as the destination. 6. Intimacy and presence are not the same thing. Coming home early, hiring a caregiver to go on a date with your wife, and even taking a vacation are all great things. But being physically closer does not mean being closer emotionally. For me, emotional intimacy means instead of constantly staring at your iPhone, looking into your wife’s eyes, and instead of scrolling through Instagram and reading Twitter, listening to her heart. When you have the opportunity to be together physically, be together emotionally as well. 7. Comparison kills your joy. In an era when people are constantly exhibiting social media edited facades of your life, it's easy to feel like your marriage sucks. It's like you got beat by the Jones family. When I start comparing our bank accounts, house, children's behavior, and marriage to others through a distant lens, I'm already a loser. It robs me of joy. There will always be others who have more... don't play this game. 8. Each of you has the opportunity to give up everything. We all know marriages that end in pain rather than celebration. Divorce instead of dancing on the 50th wedding anniversary. Brookie and I understand that there are days when it is much easier to give up than to keep fighting. But every day we continue to choose each other. We remain honest about where we are wrong. Because it's worth it. 9. Take the initiative for the benefit of others. We often discuss in our family whether we are those who give or, on the contrary, those who tend to take. Do we give and serve? Or do we just take it and use it? I am convinced that life is better spent when you serve for the benefit of others. 10. Live in community. Marriage is a complex and difficult thing, but at the same time, it is beautiful and worth it. When you live in isolation, there is always a temptation to give up. But when you're surrounded by family and friends who know your strengths and your struggles, you feel constantly supported. 11. Will you forgive me? Let's face it: in marriage, we are unfair to each other more often than we are willing to admit. We lie to save ourselves, we forget about important dates, we are angry. A million other examples. Instead of shifting blame or shirking responsibility, asking, “Will you forgive me?” will make your marriage stronger. It is this question, much more than “I’m sorry,” that leads to reconciliation. 12. Love wins. This list can be very long. I haven't touched on things like honesty, making time for dates, and emphasizing strengths partner. But all the lists in the world will not strengthen a marriage as much as love does. In the end, love wins. She conquers everything. It removes doubts. It helps to cope with fear. She pushes you to do great things. Love wins.

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