Basset hound kept in an apartment. The Basset Hound is a dog with large ears: description and character of the breed. Basset hound training

Some days the Basset Hound is considered a couch potato, others consider it a dog that has an amazing melancholic look, and still others consider it a lazy animal. However, the Basset Hound, the description of the breed of which indicates the presence of numerous positive qualities of these pets, is a very interesting dog that will not leave anyone indifferent.

The name of this breed literally translates as “low hound”.

History of the breed

There is no single opinion about how this breed was discovered. It was finally formed in England. The first individuals of this breed appeared in France. Initially, these dogs were used for underground hunting, then they began to be used in hunting rabbits. There is a version that the presence of short limbs of the animal is a consequence of the ugliness of ordinary hounds. And this quality was assigned to animals as useful.

Until the 60s. In the 19th century, representatives of the breed acted as a rare phenomenon. However, this did not prevent Lekut and Lan from turning their attention to them. They deduced these dogs: Lekuta dogs are relatively small animals with curved or straight limbs, and Lan dogs are large dogs with a massive head, long ears, and curved legs.

Representatives of these types came to England in the 70s. 19th century. However, local breeders did not conduct experiments by crossing dogs. They chose a completely different path, which made it possible to get a completely different breed, which is presented today. The British crossed French Basset Hounds and local Bloodhounds.

Currently, the Basset Hound dog breed is represented by typical Backhounds, with the appropriate head shape, wrinkles on the skin, rather long ears, but with short limbs.

Characteristics and character

Individuals of this breed grow up to 39 cm. The weight of the dogs is about 27 kg for males and 24 kg for females. These dogs are stocky animals, have a melancholy expression in their eyes, and long ears that drag along the ground when the pet tilts its head.

The characteristic features of representatives of this breed include:

  • disproportionate short limbs in relation to body length;
  • the presence of an interesting color: 3-color - white, black and red, 2-color - red and white, lemon and white;
  • excess skin in the neck area, forming folds.

There is talk about the strong physique of individuals of this breed that they sink like stones. If we compare with other breeds, the following is surprising: the weight of a dog with a height of 36 cm is the same as that of a Labrador at 55 cm.

An interesting basset hound, whose character does not completely correspond to its appearance, naturally does not hold the record for energy, but it can develop decent speed. These dogs are natural hunters. They have an impeccable sense of smell, and if you put them on the trail, the basset immediately becomes a chasing machine from an animal with a sad expression.

The ears of these dogs are not only a hearing organ. They help the animal collect odors from the surface of the earth and stimulate the animal to follow the trail. The nose of individuals of this breed is a unique organ, which contains 20 million receptors.

The Basset is perfect for living in an apartment, for families with small children. These animals are very sociable and flexible. The characteristic qualities of representatives of this breed are slowness and stubbornness. At the same time, the dogs are very friendly and love children.

Currently, these dogs are considered decorative. They are characterized by cleanliness, restraint, and calmness. They like to lie on a chair and take a slow walk in the park. However, if the hunter’s instinct begins to manifest itself in the animal, and it catches some kind of smell, it will begin to follow it to the last. At the same time, it is important that the owner is nearby, because a dog that follows the scent does not notice anything at all and may lose its owner.

Features of care and maintenance

Any basset hound whose breed characteristics evoke exclusively positive emotions does not require any specific care. In order for the animal's fur to be clean and shiny, it must be combed daily. This helps improve the condition of the coat during shedding, will help remove dead hair and restore the normal balance of the coat.

The Basset is a small dog that often gets dirty, for this reason the animal must be bathed quite often, about twice a month. This way you can rid your pet of a specific smell. The weakest point of this breed is the ears, which require regular cleaning.

You also need to constantly monitor the diet of dogs, because they have a tendency to become obese. The main rule: ignore your pet’s requests for supplements.

Representatives of this breed are characterized by significant salivation, for this reason you need to carefully monitor the dog’s face in order to avoid the occurrence of an unpleasant odor, skin irritation, and the development of inflammatory processes.

Regardless of the laziness of the animal, it must be walked. Moderate physical activity can protect your dog from obesity, bone and joint diseases. Also, walks act as a source of love for life and good mood of the dog.


An interesting breed, the Basset Hound is characterized by stubbornness. In addition, these dogs are hunters. The symbiosis of the hunter's instincts and the lack of desire to carry out commands is an explosive mixture that only a patient, persistent, loving owner can cope with.

Raising an animal is not easy for teams, but it is necessary. To avoid trouble, the dog must respond to its name and basic commands. Representatives of this breed will be more receptive to the learning process when reinforced with treats or praise.

In the process of training, you cannot scold the animal, shout, or take it by the skin. This contributes to the pet's loss of trust. You should not repeat the same command for more than ten minutes, otherwise the dog will lose interest in it. You need to work with the dog consistently from the first days when the pet came into the house. Even at the age of a puppy, the basset needs to be shown who is boss in the house. Individuals of this breed are dominant dogs. The owner needs to be a leader for the pet, otherwise he will sit on the neck and demonstrate destructive behavior.


Puppies of this breed can completely change the owner’s lifestyle. They need a lot of attention. There should not be large sofas or stairs in the space in which the puppy will be, because for a dog with a long body this can be dangerous. You cannot put the dog in a place where it cannot get down on its own.

To prevent your Basset Hound from causing damage, you need to provide it with toys made from durable materials so that the dog cannot break off a part and eat it. Toys are useful not only for entertaining the animal, but they also have a direct impact on the health of the jaws, which are strengthened and cleared of plaque.

The Basset Hound dog breed was developed in France. The name means "short" or "dwarf" in French. In the article we will talk in more detail about this breed. After reading the article you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of this breed.

Description of the breed

Baset dogs have a fairly long body and ears, short legs and always sad eyes. They have a fairly short and smooth coat, usually a tri-color color (red, white, black). It is rare to come across the lemon color.

The Basset's tail is not docked. Claws are trimmed once a month using a special nail clipper. A distinctive feature of the breed is drooping eyelids under the eyes. The tip of the hound's nose is dark brown or black. The presence of pink speckles is a reason for culling.

If you look at the photo of this dog, you will immediately notice its sad look. And even puppies look like older dogs, wise from experience.

These are hunting dogs that clearly follow the scent and find game.

Standard Basset Hound sizes:

  • height at the withers - 33–38 cm;
  • weight - 20–29 kg;
  • color - tricolor;
  • The coat is short, dense and smooth.

Within the breed there are varieties:

It seems that the Basset Hound is doomed to a sedentary lifestyle due to its short legs. The photo confirms this. But that's not true.

They are very dexterous and resilient. On walks, they really like to run, climb slopes and make their way through thickets.

But it’s difficult to make him jump, although they are excellent jumpers. The Basset Hound would rather go around an obstacle than jump over it.

Basset Hound


The Basset breed is suitable for any family. The dog loves to keep company, loves very much and tries to please all family members. She is emotionally stable, which allows her to become a friend to a child. Basset Hounds get along well with other dogs, and cats are treated with respect and patience.

Thanks to its loud bark, the basset can be a home guard.


Basset hounds have a very difficult time learning skills. They bark a lot. If they are left alone for a long time, a howl will begin. The Basset can ruin things and chew furniture, causing harm to both the owner and his health. If the home is not closed, then the dog will run away to explore new and unfamiliar things due to its hunting instincts.

If the owner forgets that the basset hound needs to be handled systematically, then it will stop following commands. If a dog runs around its owner, it tells him that it refuses to obey.

Purchasing a puppy

You should buy a puppy only from a kennel. This way you will know for sure that the dog is healthy and has a normal psyche. Breeders will help you raise your pet with qualified advice. Origin is the most important thing to pay attention to when choosing an animal. If the puppy's parents meet the standards and perform well at shows, then their offspring will do the same.

Content Features

Caring for Basset Hounds is very simple. The coat should be brushed daily for 5 minutes with a natural bristle brush. This will remove dead hair from the dog’s skin and restore the fat balance of the skin. The photo shows how great a well-groomed basset hound looks.

You can wash your basset hound no more than 2 times every 30 days. The dog will not have a specific smell. It is necessary to accustom an animal to water procedures from early childhood.

Be sure to carefully examine your dog's ears. You need to clean it with a disc soaked in a special composition for caring for dogs’ ears. This will prevent the occurrence of inflammation, infections, and ear mites.

Animal diet

The animal must be fed with professional dog food, starting from two months. You need to feed 2 times a day. The first time in the morning - food, the second time in the evening - regular food.

For puppies, low-fat dairy products, eggs, raw meat, rice, greens, apples, carrots, and pumpkin are suitable. Once every two weeks you need to do fasting days so that the animal does not become obese.

Basset cats have sensitive digestion. Therefore, smoked, fatty and salty foods should be excluded. You should not give pearl barley, millet, barley porridge, as well as fish and meat with bones.

Training and education

When raising a dog of this breed, one must take into account the puppy’s character, since it has a number of characteristics.

Basset Hound- a hunting breed. It is the hunting instinct that will create problems for the owner during walks. When carried away by something interesting, a dog can instantly break loose and run away. Having smelled the scent of prey in the air, the dog will refuse to obey the owner’s commands or even stop paying attention to his demands altogether.

If a basset hound smells something in the ground and begins to sniff it, then neither requests nor orders will tear him away from this activity. Therefore, it is important to teach the “come” command to your dog at an early age. She must immediately break away from her interesting activity and run up to her owner.

The next feature of the breed is the desire to constantly contact people. If the dog feels love and attention from the owner, then he will behave with dignity. It will be pleasant for a person to communicate with him.

You should not leave your basset hound alone for long periods of time. He will be sad, and then become an uncontrollable and ill-mannered dog. He will loudly mourn his loneliness, and your closest neighbors will immediately know about it.

It is necessary to fight such behavior, although it is very difficult. If possible, do not leave your pet alone at home. If this is necessary, then the puppy must be taught to be alone.

Basset hound diseases

The following are considered the Hound's weak points:

  • bloating;
  • glaucoma;
  • turning of the eyelids;
  • ear inflammation, otitis media;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • volvulus;
  • obesity;
  • hip dysplasia.

Basset hounds can live up to 12 years when kept in the right conditions.

Reliable breeders always provide dog buyers with the results of genetic testing of their puppies.

The Basset Hound is an old and interesting breed of dog that never ceases to amaze with its appearance. Even Shakespeare, in his comedy “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” speaking about this dog, wrote that “the basset collects the morning dew with its ears.”

But, despite its ancient history, this breed has not lost its popularity. Only now basset hounds have become more like companion dogs than true hunting hounds, capable of chasing game for several hours in a row.

The Basset Hound is a short-legged dachshund hound, descended from Old French hunting dogs. As a rule, all varieties of basset dogs are distinguished by their small stature, short legs and friendly, but at the same time independent and freedom-loving character.

Where and why was it brought out?

The history of Basset Hounds dates back to Ancient Egypt. after all, the first mentions of hunting dogs with shortened legs are found precisely in ancient Egyptian manuscripts. Basset-like dogs were known in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, where, apparently, they came from North Africa.

But the Benedictine monks from the Abbey of St. Hubert really started breeding short-legged hounds, and this was in France, around the 6th century AD. e. The first true basset hounds were bred to hunt small game in packs. such as hares, rabbits and raccoons. Subsequently, they were also used for hunting larger prey, and even for searching for truffles.

After the basset hounds came to England, British breeders began improving the stock, and, precisely thanks to their efforts, the basset acquired a modern, familiar look to us.

Big dog or not

Despite its small stature, the Basset Hound cannot be called a small dog. Rather, it can be classified as a medium breed, since these dogs are distinguished by their heavy bones and powerful build.

IMPORTANT! In any case, the height of a Basset Hound should not exceed 40 cm at the withers.

How long does he live?

Like most medium and large breeds, Basset Hounds have an average lifespan of 10–12 years. With good maintenance, a pet can live longer, but for this you need to carefully monitor its health, as well as provide adequate nutrition and good care.

Who is he hunting?

Despite the fact that now the basset is very rarely used for its intended purpose, he has not lost his hunting qualities and still remains an excellent working hound, which, moreover, can work on several types of game.

ATTENTION! These dogs are real specialists in rutting and following the scent, especially the blood trail, and, despite the relatively low running speed, they are tireless and persistent. They can be used as hunting dogs for almost any game, in particular hare, squirrel, pheasant, and black grouse.

Basset Hounds can also hunt foxes. They also work great on hog or other large game.


The Basset Hound is a calm and balanced, non-aggressive dog. As a rule, he gets along well with children and other animals in the house; he treats strangers with distrust. The Basset looks phlegmatic, but in reality it is tireless and resilient. Most often he is nice, but sometimes he can become stubborn and refuse to follow his owner’s commands.

ATTENTION! The Basset, like any other hound, loves to go for walks on its own and, if not carefully supervised, can run away and go in search of adventure.

Breed characteristics and standard

The Basset Hound is a short, long, heavy-boned dog. He is distinguished by an affectionate and good-natured character, but sometimes he can be stubborn and willful. The basset's body is covered with short and thick hair. The most typical colors for the breed are tricolor and red and piebald.

Breed standard

The Basset Hound is considered the largest of all basset varieties.

Height: 33–38 cm.

Weight: males - from 23 to 29 kg, females - from 20 to 27 kg.

Head: long and rectangular, looks massive due to powerful jaws and heavy jowls (upper lips). The forehead is high and flat, blending into the back of the head, forming a clearly visible mound. The lines of the forehead and muzzle are almost parallel, the transition from forehead to muzzle is not sharp. The cranial part of the head is somewhat wider and shorter than the length of the muzzle. There are shallow wrinkles above the eyes and on the forehead, the jowls completely cover the lower lips and even droop somewhat.

Scissor bite. The teeth should be white, straight, strong and fairly large.

Medium size nose or even large, maybe, depending on the color, both black and brown.

The eyes are brown, the darker the better. Due to the drooping lower eyelids and their visible mucous membrane, they have a thoughtful and even somewhat sad expression.

The ears are thin, long and soft, low set, if you extend the ear parallel to the dog’s muzzle, it should reach the nose.

Body type: powerful, with well-developed muscles. The body is strong and strong, has an elongated format.

The neck is strong and quite thick, in a calm state it is gracefully curved.

The back is wide and level.

The chest is deep, wide and convex, due to the fact that the dog has short legs, it almost touches the ground.

The lower back is convex, The croup is slightly rounded, the stomach is moderately tucked. The skin is loose and forms folds on the neck.

The front legs are powerful and short, covered with folds from top to bottom. The hind legs are also very powerful and strong, covered with loose skin, which does not form the same folds as on the front legs. The paws are massive, large and strong, with thick pads.

IMPORTANT! For the front legs, a slight spread is acceptable, while the hind legs should only be straight.

The tail is long, thick at the base, looks like a smooth continuation of the line of the back, carried high and set high.

Color: any characteristic of hound breeds. The classic Basset colors include the following:

  • White black;
  • white-red;
  • white-brown;
  • white-lemon;
  • white-black-red;
  • white-black-brown.

Wool: thick, smooth and tough, tightly adjacent to the body.


There are four breed varieties of Basset Hounds:

  • Artesian-Norman, which, in fact, is the same classic basset hound.
  • Vendeen Basset Griffon- a wire-haired variety somewhat similar to a terrier.
  • Blue Gascony Basset- differs in bluish-roan and tan color and not so massive build.
  • Red Breton Basset- a light red, wire-haired dog similar to a terrier.

To breeds similar to basset hounds, both short and tall, but having a common origin and purpose with them, relate:

  • Drever;
  • Alpine dachshund;
  • Artois Hound;
  • Bloodhound;
  • Porcelain hound, or, in other words, porselen;
  • Swiss Hound - Bernese, Lucerne, Swiss and Jurassic, both small and standard varieties.


The Basset Hound was bred artificially, and therefore, despite the fact that these dogs (if they are healthy and not overfed), in general, tolerate pregnancy and childbirth normally, but some difficulties may arise when breeding them.

Firstly, there are few dogs of this breed, especially high-quality ones, and therefore difficulties arise already at the stage of selecting a pair.

Secondly, due to the raw type of build and short stature of dogs of this breed, as a rule, have to knit by hand.

Thirdly, Basset Hounds are not one of the easiest breeds to raise, but They usually have a lot of puppies in a litter.

If we talk about breeding, then it should be mentioned that females of this breed breed for the first time after six months. They should be mated only on the third heat, and mating is usually prescribed 10–11 days after its onset. Pregnancy lasts approximately two months, after which a dog gives birth to 4 to 10 puppies, childbirth in this case, as a rule, is uncomplicated and most often does without the intervention of the owner.

IMPORTANT! Due to the fact that basset dogs have an incredible appetite and at the same time have a tendency to obesity, it is necessary to allow only dogs with a normal build to be mated, and during pregnancy, carefully monitor that the dog does not become fat, as this will certainly lead to complications during pregnancy. the second half of pregnancy and during childbirth.

Basset hound puppies

When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to its exterior. The baby should have dark eyes with a whitish-pink, and in no case bluish, cornea. Even at a very early age, a small basset's ears are usually very long; they, like the eyes, should be clean, without scratching, diaper rash, or even more so pustules.

When purchasing a puppy, the new owner is also given a puppy card, which is later (after the baby grows up) exchanged for a pedigree at the kennel club. In addition to the puppy card, the breeder must also give the buyer a veterinary passport with records of deworming and vaccinations, with recommendations for feeding the puppy and where and when to vaccinate it. In addition, any responsible breeder always enters into a puppy purchase agreement. And some, the most responsible ones, also supply the buyer with the food that the baby is accustomed to for the first time.

Once the puppy is in the new home, its owner will need to begin raising the pet from the first days, since Bassets, if left unattended, may completely stop obeying their owner. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that Basset Hounds are very smart dogs and at the same time quite touchy: they can remember bad treatment for a long time. Therefore, you cannot undeservedly scold and punish your puppy. But at the same time, when raising a basset hound, you need to remember consistency, and most importantly, be sure to ensure that your pet follows all commands.

It will also be necessary to feed your puppy nutritious, healthy food from the very beginning. A diet made up mainly of protein foods is most suitable for a basset hound: it provides a lot of energy, which is so necessary for a growing puppy, but at the same time the dog will not be able to gain weight. If the dog is going to be fed ready-made food, then it must be complete and not lower than premium.

ATTENTION! Due to the anatomical structure of dogs of this breed, the small Basset Hound benefits from long walks, but it is necessary to ensure that it does not jump from heights, does not stand on its hind legs for a long time and does not climb barriers. The same applies to adult dogs.

How much do puppies cost?

The price of a purebred basset puppy with RKF documents starts, depending on the region, from 15–20 thousand rubles. The upper limit of the price tag depends on many reasons: on the quality of the puppy itself, on its origin, on whether the mating was exported or local, and finally, on the exhibition titles of the baby’s parents.

On average in Russia, puppies from breed champions cost 30 thousand rubles, but this applies to domestically bred dogs. A basset hound puppy from a foreign kennel, especially from a world-famous kennel, will cost much more.

The Basset Hound is an amazing and one of a kind dog. The look of her sad eyes and long ears almost touching the ground cannot but touch you. He can become a faithful and devoted friend and companion, or a good hunter, or the winner of all possible exhibitions. But only if you devote a lot of time to his upbringing and training. It depends only on us what our pets will be like - this is what the potential owner of a basset hound should first of all remember.

It may be hard to believe, but the Basset Hound breed is popularly known as the clown. Beginners will be confused as to how this dog with endless melancholy and sadness in his eyes can be associated with a circus performer. Ears dragging along the floor, raised eyebrows, a heavy and sad look - all this is a sham, the true indicator of Basset's mood is his tail. Any Basset Hound owner will confirm that his pet is active, mobile and cheerful around the clock. Why a dog's appearance conflicts with its temperament is a mystery that can only be partially solved.

Before delving into the story, there are a few things to consider about the Basset-Hound name. All small dogs living in France in the 17th–18th centuries were called “Bas” - low, part of the word “Set” is translated as planted. English hound dogs were called Hound. Hence, Basset-Hound translates to low-set hound. Further, the term “Hound” is usually associated with competitions in running speed. In the case of the Basset, the concept refers to the dog's ability to chase and drive prey. It is known that the four-legged animals were used to search for truffles, drive large and small game, and if the Basset is trained to hunt a wolf, then it will calmly pass by a hare.

This is interesting! Despite the fact that Basset Hounds hunted in groups, each dog followed the chosen trail and did not succumb to the “pack excitement.”

The first ancestors of the Bassets are considered to be the Saint-Huberts, an extinct hound dog that lived in France. The theory was questioned after the discovery of records about the ancestor breed. Sources testified that Saint-Huberts were exclusively white in color. However, surviving records and works of art confirm that the breed included black and tricolor representatives. In books devoted to cynology, descriptions of two types of Bassets are also preserved - artesian and Flemish. The modern Basset Hound originated from the Artesian line. The Flemish species was most likely mixed with terriers, resulting in the Dachshunds.

This is interesting! The Basset Hound is not only the slowest hound in the world, this breed also boasts the longest ears. If you pull the dog's ears forward, they overlap the entire muzzle.

During the French Revolution (1789–1799) and before it, one of the main industries of people was hunting. Maintaining horses was unaffordable for ordinary people, so hunting on foot was constantly gaining popularity. Bassets were bred specifically for hunting on foot, which became the reason for their widespread popularity.

This is interesting! Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, President of the French Republic, later Emperor, was an ardent admirer of artesian-type Bassets.

The dogs, brought to Great Britain in 1876, fell into the caring hands of Everett Millais, who spared no effort, time and money to recognize and popularize Bassets in England. By the way, the first representatives of the breed came to Great Britain 10 years earlier, but ended up in the wrong hands and went unnoticed. Ser Everett was a passionate hunter, and he was interested in the chase, not the prey, and the man often returned “from the fields” empty-handed.

The highly appreciated working qualities of the dogs created an increasing demand for the breed. Sir Everett, on the advice of experienced breeders, crossed undersized hounds with the old-type Beagle, and this became the birth of the modern Basset Hound breed. Active factory work, which was undertaken by all and sundry, led to the appearance of more than 1,500 Basset Hounds in 6 years. A preliminary breed standard already existed, but the description was so vague that any dog ​​vaguely resembling Bassets participated in breeding work.

This is interesting! The first official breed club was registered in England in 1928.

The breed was soon mixed with Bloodhounds, larger hunting dogs. The bustling work of breeders gave birth to a completely new type of dog, which was very different from the Artesian type Basset. Dogs of the Ser Everett line are still considered the progenitors of the best representatives of the Basset Hound.

Read also: Karelian Bear Dog: standard, history, care and maintenance of the breed (+ photo)

In the 1880s, the breed began to be registered in the United States; dogs were entered into the register of the American Kennel Union (AKC). There was no less confusion with the establishment of the American line than in England. We can say with confidence that the Americans crossed Bassets and Beagles, which spoiled the latter.

Although the first American Bassets included famous progenitors of the breed such as Nemours and Fleur de Lis, decisive events occurred after the First World War. The English line, prized for its appearance, and the French line for hunting skills were mixed, giving rise to a new, American type of Basset Hound. The breed firmly established itself among the leaders of hunting dogs after the founding of the American Basset Hound Club and the registration of a description of the American type breed (1933).


The modern Basset Hound conforms to the breed characteristics approved by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) in 1988. It must be said that modern dogs are significantly different from their ancestors. French Basset Hounds were prized for their crooked front legs. Yes, you understood everything correctly, the more the dog’s limbs were curved, the more purebred it was considered. The ideal Basset was so low that his chest literally touched the ground.

Outcrossing with Bloodhound and Beagle, undertaken on the initiative of English breeders, made it possible to straighten the dog's front legs, but the question of the root cause of the pathology remains open. Modern representatives of Basset Hounds are prone to crooked front paws. Experts consider the following root causes:

  • Improper nutrition of the bitch during pregnancy or in the early postpartum period.
  • Crossing of individuals suffering from rickets at the stage of breed formation.
  • Genetic defects associated with the development of the musculoskeletal system.

If you are wondering why the breeders made such sacrifices, why a taller and problem-free dog was not bred, then the answers are quite simple. A taller dog existed - the Beagle, but the breed was not distinguished by endurance. A fan of Basset Hounds, Fred Blaine compared the breed to a draft horse, and the Beagle to a racehorse, the difference is obvious.

Breed standard

The Basset Hound is considered the largest and heaviest of the Basset hounds. The size of an adult dog is quite impressive, height 33–38 cm, weight depends on gender - standard for males is from 23 to 29, females from 20 to 27 kg.

  • Head– massive, rectangular. The forehead is high, flat, and goes into the back of the head with a noticeable bump. The transition to the muzzle is sloping. The skull is wider and shorter than the muzzle, the cheekbones are high, and the eye sockets are pronounced. The bridge of the nose and forehead are on parallel lines. The skin covering the muzzle is free and can be pulled back if desired.
  • Teeth– smooth, large, strong, deep mouth. Scissor bite.
  • Nose– pigmented in black or brown, depending on the color tone. The nostrils are wide and open. The size of the nose varies from medium to large and protrudes beyond the line of the lower jaw.
  • Muzzle deep and evenly wide. The upper lip is free, completely covers the lower jaw and hangs down.
  • Eyes– due to loose eyelids, the shape of the eyes is perceived as diamond-shaped. It is worth considering that the shape of the eyes is assessed when the dog is standing in a natural position. The color of the iris is preferably dark, but almost all colors in the brown palette are allowed; light eyes are considered a disadvantage.
  • Ears– hanging down and tightly fitting to the cheeks, evenly narrow, thin, soft, flexible, low set.
  • Body- strong, elongated. The neck is broad and strong, gracefully arched when at rest. The back is wide and level. The chest is neat, low, wide and convex. The ribs are rounded and elongated. The skin is loose, including on the stomach and decorating folds on the neck.
  • Limbs– powerful, covered with a large amount of skin, collected in folds. The front legs go around the chest, in the lower part they come slightly closer together (in no case touching). The withers and shoulders are proportional. The hind legs are very muscular and strong, the croup muscles are elongated. The hind legs are also covered with loose skin, but the folds are not massive. The hands are very large and strong, the front ones are set straight or slightly apart, the rear ones are extremely straight. The dog's track must be complete. The pads are massive and separated.
  • Tail– powerful, set high, tapering to the tip, carried high when working.

Read also: Hortaya Greyhound: appearance, character, hunting, training, health (+ photo)

Coat type and color

The guard hair is short and dense. There is a lot of debate about the harshness of wool. Initially, the Basset Hound was credited with a hard coat, but even among the early representatives of the breed there were many eminent champions with soft guard hair. The classic colors of the Basset Hound include:

  • White black.
  • White Red.
  • White/brown.
  • White/black/red.
  • White/black/brown.
  • Lemon – white/light brown (close to yellow).

Note! The breed standard allows unlimited color variations, but there is a caveat - the color and pattern must fit into the “classical framework” of hound dogs.

Character and training

The adorable puppy in the photo turns out to be a stubborn, touchy and very independent pet. The classic characteristics of the breed more than correspond to reality - Basset Hounds are proud, calm, clean, and a little aloof. Many owners agree with the catchphrase: “If you need an owner, get a Basset Hound.”

Basset lovers note gentleness, calmness and a complete lack of aggression as the key characteristics of the breed. Naturally, if a child grabs the dog’s ears or deliberately causes pain to the animal, then the docile nature will evaporate. The Basset Hound is not a nanny, he is a member of the family with the same rights as humans. It is also worth understanding that a dog with sad eyes is a mediocre guard. Undoubtedly, a four-legged pet will bark on the threshold, but rushing into battle to save property is the prerogative of guard dogs, not hounds.

The dog gets along well with other pets. Against the backdrop of an instinctive desire to form a pack, the Basset can be aggressive towards weaker relatives; most often, young males tend to dominate. The Basset is wary of strangers, but quickly softens when its owner is positive. The main indicator of a pet's mood is the tail; if it is raised high and does not move, the dog is alert.

In puppyhood, the ward should be led exclusively on a leash, firstly, the little Basset is quite timid, and secondly, the dog has a habit of ignoring the owner, carried away by the game. If you want to go off-leash in the future, socialization should come first. A growing four-legged animal will have a desire to chase anything that resembles prey, be it a cat, a mouse or a ferret. The puppy should have contact with cats as often as possible, under your supervision, of course. The cat is not in any danger, Bassets chase, but do not bite the prey, but the cat may not be so tolerant.

Note! Basset hounds hear perfectly, but ignore commands if they are carried away by the prey rut.

Many owners, having heard about the difficulty of training Bassets, initially raise the four-legged dog as a couch dog. This is completely wrong! An adult Basset Hound is strong, stubborn and weighs a lot. If the four-legged dog does not obey, an ordinary walk can end in disaster. Training hounds is always more difficult than training working breeds. You will need much more time and patience, you will have to use tricks and find motivation. If you are not prepared for the difficulties of training a dog, the Basset Hound is not for you. It should be noted that the four-legged dog will stubbornly ignore orders that, in his opinion, are useless, so your task is to teach your ward basic commands and calling.

The Basset Hound has its pros and cons, but these dogs are the best at what they do - they can follow the scent for hours, without getting tired or stopping. Otherwise, the ward’s abilities will depend on the amount of time the owner invested in training. The breed is prone to calm, even apathetic behavior at home, but like any four-legged animal it needs exercise - walks and, if possible, coursing.

Note! Bassets don't have the agility or speed to boast of, but they are very good at digging, so if your pet wanders around the property, it's worth keeping an eye on him.

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