Chokeberry harvested for the winter. Delicious preparations for the winter from chokeberry. Candied chokeberry


It’s hard to eat a lot of chokeberry, but you don’t want to lose the harvest? There are many ways to preserve the benefits of this berry and give it an unusual taste. For those with a sweet tooth and not only we have selected good recipes.

In city yards you can often see red rowan, a small and not very tasty berry. Therefore, the impression of seeing the black variety is somewhat undermined until you try it. Of course, it does not taste like sugar, but this is what makes it such a valuable material for culinary experiments. The fruits themselves grow in clusters, the berries are large, with elastic skin. Chokeberry ripens in early autumn. But there is no need to rush to pick berries if you do not have natural competitors, such as birds. Because rowan will become most useful after the first frost, then it’s time to plant it for the winter.

Red rowan

In addition to the charming taste that can be obtained using various canning techniques, this berry also has a medicinal effect. It is most desirable on the table for hypertensive patients, but it is also useful for people with gastritis (in the case of low acidity), high vascular permeability, atherosclerosis and other ailments. But you should definitely check the recommended doses of this berry when treating or preventing any diseases. Of course, the chokeberry itself and preparations made from it will become a storehouse of vitamins and minerals for vitamin deficiency.

Chokeberry berries

Do you think there is no place for this berry on your table because you don’t like jam or compotes? Don’t rush to close the page, because many more dishes are prepared from it for the winter, as well as dried, felted and infused. We will try to offer recipes that will please you too. This berry is not suitable only for those with ulcers and those suffering from gastritis with a high level of acidity.

Most The best way Preserve the beneficial properties of chokeberry for the winter - do not cook. But the likelihood that it will last long is small, you say. This is true, but you can still dedicate part of the harvest to this type of harvesting. The berries can be preserved for a long time if you do not pick them from the bunch. To do this, cut off the entire rosette at the base with scissors and arrange these bunches more freely in a wooden box. Place the container in a cool place, preferably a cellar, where it will always be dark and the temperature will not exceed 5 degrees. You can even hang your brushes on a rope in the same cellar. The main condition is that the berries must be extremely dry; do not wash them or pick them after rain, fog or dew.

Berry harvest

Drying will also allow you to preserve the beneficial set of substances in chokeberries at the level of fresh berries. But the preparation itself is a little troublesome, because using the oven is not recommended. You need to tear off the berries and scatter them on paper, and then stir them from time to time. All this should be in a warm and ventilated room, where the temperature does not rise above 50 degrees.

Drying chokeberry

And, of course, the time of refrigerators and freezers provides us with a good opportunity to preserve berries for the winter directly from the bush. But it is very important to do it correctly. The berries are also separated from the stalks and placed in quick freezing mode. Don’t be too lazy to divide the harvest into portions in advance; excessive defrosting will cause the chokeberry to become depleted. It is not recommended to wash it, except to rinse the brushes directly with running water and dry them in natural conditions, and then separate the berries. Usually the fruits from the bush are not dirty, and this procedure is enough to remove dust.

The most favorite delicacy of children and adults among chokeberry preparations is jam. It turns out delicious not only with the addition of other fruits, but also purely from this black beauty, and the sweet and sour taste gives a lot of scope for creativity. But for it to sparkle with all its colors, you need a little preparation of the berries (before any jam). Rowan itself is a little dry, so it is blanched - clean fruits are soaked in boiling water for up to 5 minutes, and then sharply lowered into cold water. After this, drain the water through a colander and you can start preparing.

First, let’s reassure diabetics who will rush through the recipes; jam does not have to contain sugar, however, it will turn out to have a very specific taste, but very healthy. We'll have to sweat a little. We take a large saucepan, you will have to put jars there. To avoid setting up a fryer with buckets in the kitchen, use a 0.5 liter container. Place a cloth at the bottom of the pan so that the boiling water does not tip over the jars. Fill the container with processed berries and place in a boiling pan. The water level should be up to the hangers of the jar, and the boil should not be intense, because we do not cover it all with a lid. The berries will gradually settle, and your task is to add more until all half a liter is filled with jam. Everything will take up to 40 minutes, all that remains is to roll up the container with a metal lid.

Chokeberry jam

Now let's move on to the jam and sugar. All recipes contain approximately the same ratio, it is usually as follows: 1 kg of berries, 0.5 liters of water (you can use what is left from blanching) and 1.5 kg of sugar. First, make syrup (water and 0.5 sugar) and pour in the berries, bring to a boil, hold for another 5 minutes and remove. After this, the container must be left for 10 hours so that the mountain ash is soaked. Next, you need to add the remaining sugar and cook to such a consistency that a drop from a spoon, falling on the table, does not spread, but remains in a ball. After this, the jam can be rolled under the lids.

You can add apples to the chokeberry; there should be an equal amount of fruit (0.5 kg each). The new component in the recipe is also blanched. Boiling syrup is poured over berries and apples, allowed to brew for 3 hours, then boiled for 5 minutes and again left for 3 hours. If the rowan does not become soft, the procedure should be repeated. When the berry has succumbed, the jam can be rolled up for the winter. If you are too lazy to change the recipe so radically, but want to experiment with taste, add cherry leaves (100 g per 1 kg of rowan) to the water for blanching and then make regular jam using it according to the method described above.

Blanching berries with apples

For lovers of bright flavor mixes, we suggest trying recipes with citrus fruits. You only need 2 oranges and 1 lemon per 1 kg of rowan. The citrus fruits are first passed through a meat grinder; there is no need to remove the peel. You should add an exotic component to such a chokeberry preparation for the winter before the final boiling. If you also want to add apples to this cocktail, then cut them into slices and add them along with the remaining sugar (citrus fruits are waiting for their turn on the side). Just don’t rush to put it on the fire, first let all the ingredients soak in each other for 3 hours. Then cook for 10 minutes and leave to stand again for 5 hours. Now it’s the turn of citrus fruits and all that remains is to bring the jam to the desired consistency.

If you prefer compotes, then you can make several options from chokeberries for the winter. The simplest is a single pouring of syrup. 1/3 of a jar of peeled and cooked berries is covered up to the neck with syrup (sugar:water - 1:2, boil for 10 minutes). The container must be sterilized before placing the berries there. As soon as the syrup is inside the jar, it is rolled up with a metal lid, the compote is turned upside down and carefully wrapped to cool evenly. Then everything goes to a cold, dark place and remains to wait for winter.

Pouring syrup

In the first method, you need to guess the amount of syrup, and if your eye is not yet trained on rolling, then you can make the compote differently. Pour in the berries, pour boiling water over them up to the neck and place it all in a saucepan, splashing a little boiling water on top as a reserve for boiling over. Cook the whole mixture until the skin of the berries cracks, then add sugar and cook for another 10 minutes. All that remains is to distribute the berries evenly among the jars, pour the resulting compote and roll up the lid. True, such a long heat treatment can reduce the content useful substances.

If you want to experiment with citrus fruits here, then before putting the berries and syrup into jars, prepare peeled lemon and orange. For each 3-liter serving of compote, a couple of medium-sized slices are enough.

Lemon and orange for compote

You can take another berry, which you are unlikely to eat raw, but when rolled it gives an interesting flavor. This . Together with chokeberry for compote, it is washed and dried. The ratio of sea buckthorn and rowan is 2:1. You will need 130 g of sugar for every 3 liters of water. We sterilize the container and fill it 1/3 with berries. We pour the syrup into it, and put the jar itself in a boiling pan and sterilize it again with compote. For 1 liter of container, 10 minutes is enough, but for 3 liters you will have to wait half an hour. Then we roll up the compote with lids, also pre-steamed, turn it over, and wrap it up for several days.

If you prefer juice, then this recipe comes in handy. We take the berries, wash them, dry them and chop them. Then you need to pour the resulting slurry cold water(for every kilogram of such puree, 3/4 cup is enough). Next, put it all on low heat and cook for about 15 minutes. Now we wait a little for the mixture to cool, but not completely, and put it under the press, and without putting it aside, we send the resulting juice to be filtered on several layers of gauze. But the juice is not ready yet; it should be brought to a boil and kept on the fire for another 5 minutes and only then poured into sterilized bottles or jars. They should also be stored in a cool, dark place.

If you don't have a sweet tooth, then maybe you'll like alcohol? You can quickly and easily make a liqueur. To do this, fill a 3 liter jar to the top with washed berries, sprinkle with sugar (0.5 kg) and fill with vodka. You need to leave 2 cm to the edge of the neck. The jar needs to be closed with a plastic lid and stored in the refrigerator for 2 months. After this, filter, bottle and again send it to a dark, cool place, maybe to the cellar, to wait in the wings.

Chokeberry liqueur

Wine lovers will have to work a little harder. It is better to use a 10 liter bottle. First, chop the chokeberry (2 kg) and place it in a container, adding 1.5 kg of sugar on top. To help ferment, a handful of raisins and gray rice are thrown into the future wine. The starting potion is ready, all that remains is to put it in a warm place and put a glove on the neck, where it is prudently pierced middle finger. Visit your wine every day and shake the bottle, but keep your glove on.

When 3 days have passed, you need to grab a glass of sugar and 2 liters of boiled cold water and go to the bottle. Add all this inside, shake and cover again with the glove. Shake the contents every day for 10 days. Then we repeat this operation with the same quantities and again wait 10 days to add sugar and water again. As a result, 33 days pass. The glove should inflate, then the wine can be drained. If this does not happen, you should still wait, in a few days everything will definitely be ready.

Preparation homemade wine

Once you have drained the wine, you need to let it discard the sediment. After 2-3 days, pour it into a new bottle very gently, so that what is at the bottom remains there. Now again we wait a couple of days and prepare another clean bottle. For sufficient purity of chokeberry wine, such transfusions should be done at least 3 times. Next, place the container with the finished wine in a cool place, having first sealed it well; it is not necessary to roll it up.

If you don’t like alcohol from your own harvest, then you will definitely like the seasoning. Take 5 glasses of rowan and 2. Pass them together through a meat grinder and add salt to taste. All that remains is to put it in small jars and put it in the refrigerator. Any meat dish will sparkle on your taste buds in a new way. In addition to long-term storage, chokeberry can be used for baking, jelly and other dishes, but we will describe these recipes in other articles.

The unique healing effect of chokeberry on the body is known to many. For pharmacological needs, it is grown in industrial scale. To replenish the supply of vitamins and microelements, to correct the condition of various diseases, the fruits are consumed all year round. You can simply put them in the freezer and take them as medicine, but there are many delicious ways preserve healthy berries.

Chokeberry for the winter is jam, jelly, juice, wine and even a spicy sauce for meat. A specific, recognizable taste and color can complement conventional preparations from other products, and also successfully act as the main ingredient.

Chokeberry - cooking features

The abundance of the healthy black berry harvest does not depend on the whims of the weather. Even in rainy summers, the fruits ripen well and remain on the branches until frost, or even disappear under the snow. If other garden crops may sometimes not please you with the number of berries, then chokeberry is always in abundance.

The unique chemical composition of chokeberry dictates some features of its preparation:

  1. 1. Collection time. The later the berries are picked from the bush, the better. Chokeberry acquires its optimal taste after the first frost. Before this, it may seem too tart and even bitter. If the berry is ripe, but picked earlier, it can be brought to condition by placing it in the freezer for a while.
  2. 2. Features of taste. The amount of sugar in fruits, as well as the vitamin and mineral composition, is determined by the fertility of the soil and the abundance of sun. Under any favorable growing conditions, it would be useful to enrich the taste of the preparations. Well softens chokeberry dishes lemon acid(or citrus juice), added in minimal quantities, according to the recipe. Acid removes viscosity and makes the taste lighter.
  3. 3. Coloring the berries. The dark burgundy, almost black juice of the fruit strongly colors any surface it comes into contact with. It should be remembered that juice stains are difficult to remove from enamel dishes, fabrics and furniture; you should wear gloves to protect your hands.
  4. 4. Expiration date. There are few yeast bacteria in the berries, so the preparations are stored well even without sterilization. Chokeberry juice does not ferment for a long time, but this fact creates difficulties in making wine.
  5. 5. Compatibility with various products. The taste and aroma of rowan is not bright. It combines well with other berries, fruits, citrus fruits, leaves fruit trees. Spices are usually not added to chokeberry.

Despite the fact that chokeberry fruits are covered with a thick skin, and the taste of fresh berries is astringent, desserts made from it are pleasant and incredibly healthy. Such delicacies are especially indicated for hypertensive patients, people with visual impairments, and vitamin deficiency.

Chokeberry with sugar without cooking

The best way to cook delicious treat from chokeberry - grind it with sugar. The raw product retains all the beneficial properties of the plant, and the high content of tannins and other natural preservatives in the berries allows the preparations to be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for several months.

Fresh and frozen fruits are suitable for preparing chokeberry without cooking. The washed raw materials should be dried, spread in a thin layer on a clean towel, and then crushed in a blender or minced, alternating portions of rowan with sugar. The ratio of products for a healthy dessert: per 1.5 kilograms of berries - 1 kg of sugar.

Lemon gives the preparation a more delicate taste. To do this, add 100 g of granulated sugar and one peeled citrus to the specified amount of products. Grind everything together using any of the above methods. Raw jam is left at room temperature until the grains are completely dissolved. The mixture, pureed with sugar, is placed in sterilized jars and closed with lids.

Chokeberry jam

Autumn berries are ready for processing when almost all garden crops have finished bearing fruit. Therefore, the simplest jam is made from chokeberry without additives. For the recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • chokeberry - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife;
  • water - 150 ml.

Before cooking, the fruits should be thoroughly washed. The berries are dense and do not deform, so they are poured first big amount water, removing floating twigs, leaves and stalks, and then rinsed under a strong stream. Well-peeled berries do not produce foam when cooked.

Cooking sequence:

  1. 1. The whole process takes place in one container, so you should immediately choose a pan with a thick bottom or a bowl for jam.
  2. 2. Water is poured into a bowl and boiled over high heat, adding half the amount of sugar. Continue heating until the grains completely disappear with constant stirring.
  3. 3. Without removing the pan from the heat, add a pinch of citric acid to the solution.
  4. 4. Selected, washed and dried berries are poured into syrup and brought to a boil.
  5. 5. Boil the fruits for 15 minutes over medium heat and set aside from the stove.
  6. 6. Pour in the remaining sugar and wait for the workpiece to cool.

In a few hours, a new portion of sugar will completely dissolve, and the berries will be soaked in sweet syrup. The cooled jam is reheated and boiled for 15 minutes, poured hot into sterilized jars and immediately sealed tightly. Chokeberry preparations do not require additional sterilization and can be stored well at home at room temperature.

Compote with chokeberry

You can harvest chokeberry as a separate product or as an additive to other garden crops. When cooking compotes for the winter from apples, pears or light grape varieties, black rowan fruits are often added. This improves color, increases the nutritional value of the product and extends the shelf life of the preserve.

The fruits of chokeberry have antiseptic properties, so compotes made from it can be preserved without cooking, using the hot pouring method. For the winter, such preparations are made without sterilization.

For one three-liter jar you will need the following ingredients:

  • black rowan berries - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • clean drinking water - 2.5 l;
  • a third of one lemon.

Sequence of preparation of chokeberry compote:

  1. 1. Wash and sterilize jars with a capacity of 3 liters. Prepare the berries as usual and pour them into each jar according to the recipe. Cut the lemon into slices and add to the fruit.
  2. 2. Prepare syrup from water and sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 2–3 minutes.
  3. 3. Fill the jars with rowan berries to the very top with boiling pouring.

The jars can be immediately rolled up and wrapped until completely cooled. This preparation is stored in a cool place. If you plan to keep the compote in an apartment in winter, you should process it twice: the first time, leave the syrup in the jar for 15 minutes, carefully strain it, boil the liquid and pour it into containers again.

Black rowan juice

Ripe, dark berries are suitable for preparing a healing drink; when pressed, they release thick burgundy juice. To prepare the fruits, they should be thoroughly washed, removed from the stalks, and it is not necessary to dry them.

There are many methods for squeezing juice from dense berries. Depending on your kitchen equipment and utensils, this can be done different ways.

Using a juicer

The unit allows you to get a thick, ruby ​​drink quickly, without spending a lot of effort. To prepare the drink, you should take at least 2 kg of berries. Since chokeberry fruits are dense and dry, you will get little juice. After passing the raw material through a juicer, the resulting concentrated drink can be temporarily placed in the refrigerator.

The separated cake is poured with boiling water until it is lightly covered. Leave to brew for 2-3 hours, then filter through cheesecloth and add to rowan concentrate.

Place the container with juice on the stove, turn on the heat and add sugar. The amount of granulated sugar depends on the desired sweetness of the finished drink and the amount of juice obtained. An approximate product tab looks like this:

  • chokeberry juice - 1 l;
  • sugar - 100 g or more;
  • citric acid - 1/4 teaspoon.

After boiling, keep the product on low heat for another 5 minutes, and then pack it into heated sterile jars or bottles and screw on the prepared lids.

Using a juicer

A useful kitchen unit may run on mains power or require heating on a stove. To prepare juice, just fill the juicer 3/4 with water, place a net on top and a bowl with fruits sprinkled with sugar in the ratio: per 1 kg of chokeberry - 200 g of sugar.

Close the unit lid and turn on the heating. After boiling, reduce the temperature to a minimum. After 45 minutes, the juice will be ready to be poured directly into a sterile container and sealed. Tightly wrapped containers are wrapped and left to cool slowly for 24 hours.

Through a sieve or cheesecloth

You can get juice from rowan by rubbing it through a sieve or squeezing it through several layers of gauze. This is not the easiest method and requires serious effort. To make the procedure easier, the berries should be blanched and then the juice should be separated. Sequence of work:

  • 1.5 kg of clean berries are placed in a bowl with a wide, thick bottom;
  • add 0.5 liters of boiling water to the container and, stirring, heat to a boil;
  • Blanching time depends on the hardness of the fruit, usually 5 minutes is enough.

As soon as the fruits have softened, you can turn off the heat and grind the berries through a sieve with a wooden spoon or pestle. The remaining cake is poured with water and left for 2-3 hours, and then the liquid is separated again. Combine the juice from the two pressings and, adding a glass of sugar and a pinch of citric acid, boil over low heat for 5 minutes. The hot drink can be poured into sterile glass jars and sealed. Cool at room temperature for 24 hours.

Drinks made from rowan are well preserved in the refrigerator or cellar. Having received a lot of thick, tart and healthy juice, you can make wine from it according to a simple recipe.

Chokeberry wine

The stages of making wine from chokeberry differ from the fermentation of other crops only in terms of timing. Alcoholic drinks made from grapes, raspberries, and cherries will be ready much faster. Chokeberry has a very low sugar content and yeast cultures in its juice develop reluctantly. Fermentation begins only after a week, as opposed to the usual 2-3 days for wine. To speed up the process, raisins, rose hips, raspberries, other highly fermentable products or a special starter are added to the drink.

Before preparing juice intended for wine, the berries should not be washed. This will retain more wine fungus from the surface of the fruit, and they are responsible for the fermentation process.

Adding ingredients for making homemade chokeberry wine:

  • ripe chokeberry fruits - 5 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • up to 50 g of unwashed raisins.

The berries are kneaded by hand or crushed by another in an accessible way.The further process of making wine consists of several stages:

  1. 1. The prepared raw materials are placed in a 10-liter container glass jar, add half the norm of sugar and raisins, stir.
  2. 2. Cover the container with gauze and leave to ferment for a week, stirring the wort daily with a wooden spoon.
  3. 3. When the pulp rises to the surface and foam begins to form, the drink is filtered for the first time. After straining and squeezing the removed grounds through cheesecloth, filter all the liquid through a large sieve and pour into a clean vessel to continue the process.
  4. 4. Add the remaining amount of sugar and 1 liter of water to the pulp for re-fermentation. After 6-7 days, the juice can be squeezed out again and added to the general container.
  5. 5. The bottle of wine is equipped with a water seal and left in a warm place for a period of 1 to 2 months. During this time, the fermentation process will be completed and sediment will fall to the bottom.
  6. 6. The wine is carefully drained from the sediment, sugar or alcohol is added to obtain the desired strength and sweetness of the drink. It is bottled.

The finished wine should be stored in a cool place: a refrigerator or cellar, where it will ripen for another 3–6 months. Gradually brightening and becoming more transparent, the drink acquires a ruby ​​color and a characteristic taste.

To obtain high-quality wine from chokeberry, the lees should be drained regularly. Not only at the fermentation stage, but also during storage. Settled wine has a beautiful color, pleasant taste and retains its beneficial properties for up to 5 years.

You can make other recipes from chokeberry at home alcoholic drinks with greater strength. Watch the video for the recipe for making the liqueur.

Syrup with cherry leaves

The sweet, healthy syrup is easy to make and can be stored for a long time. Classic recipe involves the use of the following products:

  • chokeberry - 2.5 kg;
  • water - 4 l;
  • citric acid - 25 g;
  • sugar.

Pour boiling water over the berries, add citric acid, stir and leave, tightly covered and wrapped, for a day. Then the settled mass is filtered without squeezing the berries so that the syrup turns out transparent.

For each liter of the resulting liquid, add 1 kg of sugar, a few cherry leaves and cook for 10 minutes. After removing the leaves, the syrup is packaged in sterile containers and sealed. The high sugar content allows the product to be stored at room temperature.

Chokeberry jam

Chokeberry is not the most juicy and sweet product, but its pectin content can compete with apples. When cooked, chokeberry thickens quickly. You can make marmalade and jam from it, or add it as a gelling component to other products. Rowan jam turns out to be very thick and is well suited for filling baked goods and pancakes.

Ingredients for making homemade jam:

  • chokeberry - 500 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 100 ml.

You can make dessert from fresh, frozen and even wilted berries. The washed fruits are pre-soaked in cold water for 15 minutes.

Next steps:

  1. 1. The prepared raw materials are poured into a blender and crushed. There should be grains in the mass; you should not turn the berries into a paste.
  2. 2. Add the entire portion of sugar, water and put on fire. Bring to a boil, constantly stirring the product.
  3. 3. After 15 minutes of cooking, the jam will become quite thick. Foam, as a rule, does not appear, and there is no need to remove it.

The hot jam is placed in prepared small jars and rolled up sterilely.

Jam with apples

Chokeberry jam can be cooked by adding apples, then the taste will become much softer. Late, sweet varieties are suitable. If the skin is thin, the fruits may not need to be peeled.

Composition and required quantity of products:

  • 700 g sweet apples;
  • 300 g black rowan;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • 150 ml water.

After washing the selected fruits, chop the apples coarsely, removing the seeds, and combine them with rowan berries in one bowl. Then prepare it like this:

  1. 1. Using an immersion blender, grind the fruit mixture to a jam-like mass. To facilitate the process, add a little water.
  2. 2. Pour sugar into the mixture, stir well and place on moderate heat.
  3. 3. After boiling, cook the jam for at least 20 minutes. If the thickness seems insufficient, increase the cooking time to half an hour.
  4. 4. The boiling mass is laid out in sterile jars: first the thick part, and liquid syrup on top.

The containers are sealed and cooled; there is no need to turn the dishes over. The liquid part of the jam should remain on the surface - this way the workpiece will be better preserved. The pectins of apples and rowan berries, boiled together, will create a fairly dense mass upon cooling. Jam prepared according to this recipe is a real storehouse of vitamins and is very easy to use. It's easy to cook with healthy drink, simply diluted with water. The thick jam consistency is suitable both for filling in any baked goods and for spreading on sandwiches.

ABOUT beneficial properties black rowan is known to hypertensive people, people suffering diabetes mellitus, anemia, having problems with blood vessels. Increased content Iodine helps solve some problems with the thyroid gland and protects against the effects of radiation. Simple recipes delicious preparations for the winter will help you enjoy the health benefits of chokeberry.

Our ancestors made preparations from chokeberry for the winter. This is a very healthy berry that can cleanse the blood, improve immunity, and also restore blood pressure. Read on to learn how to properly prepare compote, preserves, and black rowan jam.

Chokeberry preparations for the winter

Many years ago, chokeberry was the most popular berry. Now its popularity has decreased significantly, but despite this it continues to occupy a high place in folk medicine. Berries should be picked from September to October. It is at this time that rowan is most suitable for preservation.

The most delicious and healthy berries are those that are collected immediately after the first frost.

Chokeberry jam without sugar

The recipe is perfect for people suffering from diabetes. Making this kind of jam is a little more difficult than making it without sugar.

To prepare you need:

  • half-liter jars;
  • fresh rowan berries;
  • large saucepan;
  • boiling water.

Cooking steps:

Since the chokeberry fruits will boil down a little during boiling, the resulting space must be filled with fresh berries.

Boil the rowan for 20-30 minutes. Then take out the jars and roll them with metal lids.

This is the most popular recipe. Berries prepared using this method retain all healthy vitamins and microelements. There is no need to cook such jam, which will significantly save time and money.

Grinded chokeberry with sugar turns out very aromatic and tasty. The berries lose their astringency and unpleasant bitterness.

To prepare this delicacy you will need:

  • 1 kg of fresh black rowan berries;
  • 500 kg white sugar.

The first thing to do is to separate all the branches from the fruit. Then rinse the berries in cold water and leave at room temperature to dry thoroughly.

As soon as all the water has evaporated, grind the rowan berries together with sugar. If you don’t have such equipment in your home, then a meat grinder would be an excellent option.

Wash and sterilize jars. Pour the resulting homogeneous mixture into still hot containers. Cool the jam and cover with plastic lids. Store the treat in the refrigerator or cellar.

Popular chokeberry preparations for the winter

In addition to classic chokeberry jam, jam and marmalade are also prepared. These are incredibly tasty and healthy treats, which both children and adults will not be able to refuse.

To prepare such a sweet you will need a minimum of ingredients and time. Just a few hours and your child will enjoy fragrant treats.

  • 1 kg of ripe berries;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 0.5 kg sugar (brown can be used);
  • a packet of vanillin.

Sort the rowan carefully. Remove damaged and dry berries; they are not suitable for this recipe. Then wash the fruits in water and place in a colander.

Place the berries in a metal bowl or pan and add a glass of water. Place the container on low heat. Cook the mixture until the rowan becomes soft.

Then place the berries in a sieve and mash with a wooden spoon. Combine the resulting homogeneous mass with sugar and mix thoroughly. Cook the syrup until completely thickened, stirring constantly.

While the berry mixture is cooking, you need to prepare a baking sheet. Line the bottom of the tray with parchment paper, and generously grease the top with refined vegetable oil. To do this, it is recommended to use a brush or cotton pad.

Spread the finished mixture evenly onto a baking sheet. Carefully smooth the top with a silicone spatula.

Then place a baking sheet in a preheated oven at 170 0 C. In order for air to circulate properly, it is recommended to place a matchbox between the doors and the body.

Keep the marmalade in the oven until a thin crust forms. As soon as the layer dries a little, you need to pull it out and put it on the table. Keep at room temperature until completely cooled.

Then cut the marmalade into small pieces. Sprinkle vanilla on top of each serving.

No less useful are rowan berries and apples. Thanks to this combination of fruits, the sweetness acquires an incredible aroma and a pleasant aftertaste.

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg of ripe rowan berries;
  • 400 g sweet apples;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 400 ml cold filtered water.

Wash fruits and berries well. cut in half, remove core and peel.

Grind everything with a blender and then combine with sugar. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan and simmer over low heat until fully cooked.
Store jam in the refrigerator.

Quick recipe for chokeberry juice

In order to make tasty, aromatic and very healthy juice, you can use several methods. All recipe options are quite simple and quick.

Using a juicer


  • 2 kg of chokeberry berries;
  • sugar;
  • lemon acid.

Squeeze all the fruits using a juicer. Pour the resulting juice into a jar, close the lid and place in a cool place.

It should be remembered that chokeberry is quite dry and it will not be able to release a lot of juice.

Place the pulp in a saucepan and add water. Cover the top of the container with gauze and leave on the table at room temperature for 3 hours. At the end of this time, strain the mixture and combine it with the juice.

Place the container with juice on gas stove and add sugar. For each liter of liquid, add 100 g of sand and ¼ tsp. citric acid. Boil the juice for 5 minutes and then pour into bottles or jars. Keep containers in the refrigerator only.

Using a sieve

This method is suitable for those who do not have a juicer or juicer at home. Despite this, the juice turns out to be very aromatic, beautiful and incredibly tasty.

To prepare you will need:

  • 1.5 kg of fresh berries (preferably only picked);
  • 400 ml boiling water;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a little citric acid.

Wash the rowan fruits and put them in a saucepan, pour water on top.
Place the container on low heat and simmer for 5-10 minutes. You need to remove the pan from the gas only after the mountain ash becomes soft.

Transfer the mixture to a metal sieve and rub thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Pour the resulting cake with water and leave it in this state for 3 hours. At the end of this time, the liquid will need to be strained again.

Add sugar and a pinch of citric acid to the resulting juice and mix everything thoroughly. Place the container with the liquid on the fire and boil for 5 minutes.

Wash and sterilize jars and lids. Pour the hot juice into prepared containers and roll up. Keep at room temperature for the first day, and then put in a cool place.

Chokeberry jelly

To prepare this recipe you will need a minimum of ingredients and time. If done correctly, this delicacy will be the best you've ever tasted.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 1.2 kg of ripe chokeberry berries;
  • 800 g apples (sweet and sour);
  • 1.5 kg sugar (brown can be used);
  • 1.2 liters of filtered water.

Sort and wash the rowan berries. Place them in an enamel pan and mash them a little with a spoon.

Peel the apples and cut into small slices. Combine them with rowan berries and mix everything thoroughly.

Pour boiling water over the berry-fruit mixture and place on low heat. Cook for 10-15 minutes, then strain through a sieve. Place the pulp in cheesecloth and squeeze well.

Add sugar to the resulting liquid. Cook everything over low heat, stirring constantly, for 18 minutes. Pour the prepared hot mixture into containers and leave until completely hardened.

Chokeberry preparations are a real storehouse of vitamins. If you do everything according to the recipe, you will get an incredibly tasty and healthy delicacy.

Adjika from chokeberry - video

Chokeberry for the winter is a preparation that is very beneficial for the body. Previously, berries were widely used. They were used as medicine, as food, and as decoration. Nowadays, chokeberry fruits are not so popular, but preparations do not lose their relevance.

Known as chokeberry, the tree produces sweet and sour black berries that have a tart flavor. The harvest is often ready for harvest from mid-September to October. The fruits contain vitamins of groups C, E, B and A. The berries are also rich in fluorine, iron, iodine and magnesium. Chokeberry is not a high-calorie product.

Now let's talk about what to make from chokeberry for the winter. Housewives prepare a variety of preparations from chokeberry - it can be liqueur, jam, candied fruits, wine, jam or tincture. The berries are also dried and frozen. In any case, the finished product will be tasty, aromatic and healing. It was already mentioned above about what time you can harvest. But in order for the berries to gain the maximum amount of vitamins and taste, it is recommended to wait until the first frost.

Due to the unique chemical composition It is important to pay attention to the following features of the preparation of chokeberry:

  1. Taste features. The vitamin composition and amount of sugar in the berries is determined by the abundance of sun and soil fertility. Even under the most ideal growing conditions, it is recommended to enrich the taste of the future harvest. Citric acid, which is added in minimal quantities, will help. The substance will make the taste lighter and remove viscosity.
  2. Best before date. Due to the minimal content of yeast bacteria, rowan berries are stored for a long time even without sterilization. The juice will not ferment, but the wine still needs to be stored according to the specified requirements.
  3. Color. The dark, almost black juice of the berries will color any surface it touches. It is important to remember that juice stains are difficult to remove from hands, furniture, fabrics and enamelware.
  4. Compatibility with other products. The berries have a mild aroma and taste; chokeberry goes well with the leaves of fruit trees, fruits, berries and citrus fruits. As a rule, spices are not added to preparations.

Video “Chokeberry for the winter with orange and lemon”

From this video you will learn a recipe for chokeberry with orange and lemon for the winter.

Step-by-step recipes

The article presents step by step recipes preparations for the winter, among which you will definitely find the preparation option that your family will like.


Even despite the astringent properties and astringency of chokeberry berries, many people prefer to make marmalade from it. The finished product is aromatic, sweet, but not cloying. Take 1 kg of rowan, 600 g of sugar and 400 ml of purified water.

  1. Sort the berries, wash and place in a saucepan.
  2. Add water and heat over medium heat.
  3. Cook until the chokeberry softens.
  4. Rub the mixture through a sieve.
  5. Add granulated sugar to the resulting puree and put on fire.
  6. Boil the mixture until it thickens.
  7. Prepare a bowl in which to place the prepared marmalade.
  8. Moisten the dishes with ice water and apply the berry mixture evenly over the surface with a knife.
  9. Leave to cool.

Serve by cutting into pieces and rolling in granulated sugar.


This option is ideal for all sweet lovers. Prepare 10 cups of chokeberry, 2 egg whites and 5 cups of sugar.

  1. Place the fruits in a metal container and crush to a puree.
  2. Add sugar, cover with a lid and place in the oven, preheated to 160°C.
  3. When the juice appears, stir the mixture so that the granulated sugar dissolves better.
  4. When the mass looks like jelly, grind through a sieve and cool.
  5. Pour the egg whites into the cooled mixture and beat well.
  6. Place a third of the mixture on a heat-resistant dish and place in the oven at 80°C.
  7. As soon as the first layer dries, place another third of the mixture on top, and then the last portion.
  8. Cover the finished pastille with parchment or a dish lid and store in a cool place.


Although the fruits of chokeberry are tart and relatively sour, they produce a healthy and delicious jam. Take 1 kg of berries, 300 ml of water, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.

  1. Steam clean berries in a container with boiling water.
  2. After the fruits have softened, grind them through a sieve (you can also pass them through a meat grinder).
  3. Pour the finished puree into a bowl, add granulated sugar, stir.
  4. Cook the jam until done in one batch.
  5. Pour the hot treat into clean jars and pasteurize for 20 minutes.

Candied fruit

By preparing this dish, people with diabetes receive excellent sweetness with a sugar substitute. This recipe makes candied fruits incredibly tasty.

List of ingredients: 1 kg of berries and sugar, 1 bag of vanillin, 1 glass of purified water, 1 tsp. citric acid.

  1. Leave the chokeberry fruits in water for 48 hours. Change the fluid several times a day.
  2. Prepare syrup from water and sugar, place berries in it.
  3. Cook for an hour, add acid and vanillin at the end.
  4. Place the fruits in a colander overnight.
  5. Scatter the berries on paper and leave to dry for a day.


It is often used as a medicine for coughs, colds and runny nose. Since freshly squeezed juice cannot be prepared within a year, we present to your attention a good recipe for rolled juice.

  1. Wash the clusters of black berries and remove the greens.
  2. Take 1 kg of clean berries and squeeze the juice out of them through a sieve.
  3. If there is a lot of cake left, pour a glass of warm water over it, leave for an hour, and pass through a sieve again.
  4. Boil the mixture, pour into jars and begin sterilization.
  5. From the moment the water boils, sterilize the jars for 15 minutes.
  6. Take them out and close them with clean lids.

There is no need to turn the containers over, but it is necessary to cover them with a blanket.

Jam with apples

To prepare chokeberry and apple jam, you need the following ingredients: 1 kg of rowan, 2.5 kg of apples, 3.5 cups of sugar, 5 cups of water.

  1. Boil the berries in water for 45 minutes.
  2. Pour the liquid into a separate bowl and grind the berry mass through a meat grinder.
  3. Prepare apples: wash and dry, remove seeds, cut into cubes.
  4. Pour the apples with the water in which the berries were boiled and cook for 30 minutes.
  5. Rub the apples through a sieve to form a puree, discard the peel.
  6. Mix both masses, add sugar, leave overnight.
  7. Place the bowl over moderate heat and cook until the mixture becomes thick.
  8. Turn off the stove, pour the hot treat into sterilized jars and close.


Delicious jam is also often prepared from chokeberries. Below are good recipes that even novice housewives can handle.

Mashed with sugar

The amount of ingredients is determined depending on the case, but it is important to adhere to the following proportion: 1 kg of berries per 500 g of granulated sugar.

  1. Sort the rowan fruits and remove the branches.
  2. Rinse and leave to dry.
  3. Grind the berries in a blender along with sugar.
  4. Prepare jars by sterilizing them first.
  5. Pour the mixture pureed with sugar into still hot containers.
  6. Leave the jars open for 5-10 minutes to allow the rowan juice to release.
  7. Cover with lids, let cool and store in the refrigerator.

With lemons

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