Children's photographs of Natalia Lagoda. Biography of Natalia Lagoda. The artist's brightest hits

It is believed that the fairy tale about Cinderella owes its popularity to the fact that it is often reproduced in life. However, meeting a happy accident and even a handsome prince is far from the end, and often the continuation of a wonderful fairy tale turns into a real tragedy.

Natalya Vasilyevna Lagoda is a native of Cherkassy (March 4, 1974). The dark-haired, slender girl with a beautiful face was the object of admiration for many fellow students and boys in the neighborhood. After finishing eighth grade high school No. 26 and a vocational school, where she received training as a seamstress and knitter, Natasha married Eduard Fisak, and in 1992 gave birth to a son, Dima. However, the life of a provincial housewife did not appeal to the beauty. Natalya left infant into the care of her mother and went to seek her fortune in the capital. She visited modeling agencies, but, despite her bright appearance and stunning figure, she was rejected everywhere. To earn a living, Natalya sold vegetables, rented the cheapest housing and continued to look for a job that she considered worthy of herself. In the end, the young woman managed to get a job as a dancer at the Dolls strip club. One of the visitors (and, according to rumors, co-owner of the club) was wealthy businessman Alexander Karmanov. Natalya recalled that he came to her performances every evening, and his payment for communication (even for an ordinary conversation) was a thousand dollars, then he began to take care of her career. As a result, the stripper girl turned into bright singer. Videos for the aspiring soloist’s songs were filmed in Thailand, and her expressive face and magnificent figure in a chic revealing outfit, a breathtaking tan, emphasized by tropical landscapes, immediately made Natalia Lagoda’s videos hits of the screen. The vocal abilities of the newly flared star and the level of her repertoire caused a lot of criticism. However, against the backdrop of domestic video production of that time, Lagoda, without a doubt, became a very striking phenomenon, and fans of this singer’s talent have every reason to claim that even now she would be a worthy competitor to many modern stars. "Little Buddha" by Natalia Lagoda became the top of the charts in 1998 and was recorded on disc. The singer was invited for a photo shoot in Playboy and became the “cover girl.” Crowds of fans, articles and photographs in magazines, applause and flowers - Natalya was literally basking in fame. In 1998, several more videos of her songs were released - “Don’t Promise”, “I’m Good”, “Our Love”, “What Did I Say”, “Martian Love” and others, which also literally did not leave television screens. Lagoda performed in “Song of the Year 1998” with the composition “Katya-Katenka”, took part in “Morning Star” and “Hot Ten”. The singer’s acquaintances claimed that she did not live, but was burning - bright, emotional Natalya wanted to turn every moment of her life into a holiday. However, already in next year her success began to wane. In 1999, Lagoda recorded only one composition - “What did I say.” She was no longer invited to television, although old videos were shown. In 2000, Natalya recorded three more songs: “Ula-la,” “Isn’t it so,” and “Your eyes are lying to me.” The title of the last composition turned out to be prophetic - relations with Alexander Karmanov deteriorated significantly, he stopped spending the night at home, and paid less attention to the career of the woman he loved. The video for this composition, recorded in 2001, also became significant: the yacht on which the filming took place sailing off into the sunset turned out to be a symbolic farewell to her performing activities, and no one else had a chance to see Natalya like in her last video.

Although Natalya suspected that Alexander Karmanov was cheating, the singer did not know the name of her rival. Therefore, when one day the lead singer of the group “Brilliant” Olga Orlova came to visit her and said that she was stopping performing due to pregnancy and was going to get married, Natalya sincerely congratulated her. Then, unexpectedly for herself, Lagoda heard that Olga’s future husband and father of her child was Alexander Karmanov. The conversation ended in a fight; Natalya’s nervous breakdown led to serious consequences, which worsened after the wedding of Olga and Alexander (their marriage lasted less than three years). The conditions in which Natalya found herself after breaking up with her beloved man could be the envy of many: good housing in the center of Moscow, fame, excellent appearance could have become a good platform for a new start, but for Lagoda this lost all meaning. There were rumors (albeit unconfirmed) about taking alcohol and drugs; Natalya was treated by a personal psychiatrist, but the singer was never able to recover. On September 21, 2001, she said goodbye to her eight-year-old son, who was present in the apartment, and, despite his desperate cries, jumped from the fifth floor of the three-room apartment given to her ex-lover. The neighbors called an ambulance, Natalya was registered as “unknown” at the Botkin hospital, and only a week later the singer’s mother was able to find and identify her crippled daughter. Alexander Karmanov paid for twelve complex operations, including craniotomy and facial plastic surgery, the doctors saved the patient’s life, but there was no talk of any performances. Natalya returned to Cherkassy. For some time she lived with dreams that she would be able to perform again, then she married former classmate Vitaly Semenenko. Relatives, and especially her brother, warned Natalya about her future husband’s penchant for alcohol, but she did not listen to anyone. In 2004, Natalya sold her Moscow apartment, and together with her husband she moved to Lugansk, where they settled in a tiny rented apartment, and with the proceeds they opened a car service center with a large basement. The former pop star had to perform many car repair operations - use a welding machine, polish bodies, clean interiors. Natalya did not complain about life. The grown-up son moved to Tambov, and relatives who came to visit increasingly noted that alcohol was taking up more and more space in the family’s life. This is confirmed by television workers who from time to time invited Lagoda to participate in programs. The last broadcast, in which the ex-singer talked about military operations in Lugansk, took place on May 23, 2015, and literally a week later, on May 29, Natalya Lagoda died. According to the testimony of her younger sister, who came to the funeral, the last days former star took place in terrible conditions - in the basement of our own service center, turned into a shelter, without medical assistance, with vodka instead of medicine. The cause of death was advanced pneumonia and alcohol overdose.

Farid 03.02.2006 04:00:07

Sleep well dear woman....

That's why Orlova got pregnant!
Love V 13.04.2006 05:50:18

Poor Natasha!
It is well known that Olya Orlova’s parents did not like her now ex-husband Karmanov, since she does not need either himself or her child. Flight, in a word, is a profitable business.
They divorced because he did not forget Natasha.

ASMODEUS 05.05.2006 04:21:38


It's a pity...
Veledaa 21.05.2006 06:21:55

It’s a pity that this happens in life, when in difficult times there is no one around who would say: “You are not alone. I am with you.” Despair makes people do meaningless and even stupid things. I'm sorry that Natalya found herself in such a situation. I liked her work. Just what did she achieve with this act????????????????

Natalya Lagoda was remembered for the songs “Little Buddha”, “Love” and “Your eyes are lying to me”. The pop star's clips were played on television every day. It seemed that all doors were open to the tall brunette with a model appearance. She performed on stage, posed for Playboy and was considered a youth idol.

Since childhood, Natalia dreamed of wealth, fame and a successful career. She turned her goals into reality thanks to a wealthy chosen one. But the artist’s world collapsed overnight due to her lover’s betrayal. The pop star was on the verge of death several times, suffering from illness and depression until she died at 41. Almost no one knew about the last months of the performer’s life.

On March 4, she could celebrate her 46th birthday. On Natalya Lagoda’s birthday, we decided to recall what trials befell her, contributing to her early death.


Natalya was born in the small Ukrainian city of Cherkassy. Even at school she was considered a real beauty and was predicted to have a great future. But, after graduating from a vocational school to become a seamstress, the girl married factory worker Eduard Fisak and gave birth to his son Dmitry. For a young mother, the story could have ended in the provinces, but Natalya Fisak decided to try her luck in the capital and rushed towards fate, leaving the child with her grandmother.

Natalya went to modeling castings every day, but the competition was high. To support herself, Fisak got a job as a stripper at the Dolls club. It was here that the dark-haired dancer was noticed by businessman Alexander Karmanov. He left his passions thousands of dollars for a simple conversation.

The pop star's condition did not inspire much hope; doctors did not think they could save her. “For several weeks I was between life and death; not a single surgeon would undertake to operate on what was left of me. Nobody believed that I would survive; they gave up on me altogether. But Karmanov found the best doctors and paid for the treatment, after which I no longer needed absolutely anything,” said Natalya.

According to various sources, Lagoda underwent from 12 to 16 operations, including craniotomy and a number of plastic procedures. It got to the point that the vocalist fell into a coma and pulled out only thanks to her son’s voice. In reality or in delirium, the mother heard the child and realized that she had to return to him. Natalya became disabled, lost her voice and could not even distinguish colors. For almost eight months she relearned how to sit, eat, walk and talk. The former model took Dima and returned to her native Cherkassy, ​​blaming Orlova for all the troubles.

“Alexander and I started living together in the summer of 2000. Natalya told reporters that she jumped out of the window as soon as she found out, allegedly from me, that I was pregnant. But that's not true. The tragedy with Natalya happened in September 2001, when Sasha and I’s son was six months old. And I never knew her personally!” - Olga Orlova said many years after the tragedy.


The home environment did Lagoda good. Despite nervous breakdowns and pain, she tried to heal her crippled soul. Here Natalya met her former classmate Vitaly, who had been in love with her since childhood. The schoolchildren sat at the same desk, and the modest boy dreamed that one day the beauty would pay attention to him. A simple auto mechanic conquered the singer’s wounded heart, took her as his wife and took her to Lugansk.

“Our relationship is going just fine,” Natalya assured, “Vitaly and I got married and moved to Lugansk. We live in a small rented apartment and work. I sold my three-ruble ruble in the center of Moscow for 320 thousand dollars. With this money, my husband and I opened our own car service center. Now I help repair cars, clean interiors, do welding, but most of all I like polishing. When there’s a lot of work, sometimes you even have to live in the garage.”

At first, the ex-star insisted that she did not regret how fate turned out, but more and more often mentioned in conversations with the press that tears welled up in her eyes when watching old clips. Vitaly was not tolerant and was jealous of his wife’s past: old love, filming in Playboy.

The couple doused their depression with alcohol. Dmitry grew up and left for Tambov, leaving his mother alone with addiction and melancholy, hoping that her partner would support her.


Vitaly Semenenko evoked conflicting emotions among Lagoda’s relatives. The brother of the once famous singer, Sergei, recalled that Natalya met a classmate at a party of friends, and the guy’s enterprising father offered to take the girl with him and sell her capital housing. The couple's new home eventually found itself at the center of hostilities in Lugansk, but that was not the worst thing.

“Parents tried to help Natalya find a job. And Vitaly told her, no need, I will do everything for you. And he sold her apartment and managed the money. She wanted to perform again. But as soon as she takes a step forward, Vitaly pulls her back three steps - say, he pours her vodka at the wrong time. I couldn’t even imagine the terrible conditions Natasha found herself in at the end of her life. To fall like that,” lamented the artist’s sister Irina Belous.

Gradually, Natalya and Vitaly moved to the garage, where they not only worked, but also spent the night. Irina Belous recalled that there was terrible dirt and stench there, but she learned about the conditions of her sister’s existence too late.

The garage was used by the couple as a bomb shelter due to the unrest in the city. They slept on bare cement, and from the dampness and drafts Natalya fell ill with pneumonia. She did not seek treatment and developed pneumonia.


The day before her tragic departure, Lagoda contacted her family and said that she was suffering from fever and cramps, and then stopped answering calls. She fell asleep and never opened her eyes again on May 29, 2015.

It turned out that when Natalya became really ill, instead of calling doctors, her husband poured her vodka. Medical workers concluded that the cause of death was intoxication. The singer's body was exhausted by illness and alcohol. Looking at how Vitaly sobbed over the coffin of his beloved, it was difficult for those around him to believe that to some extent he was the reason for her death. When the artist’s sister Irina came to say goodbye, she was able to get acquainted with Lagoda’s last place of residence.

“A real hangout. Judging by the scattered things, there was a shelter for Vitalik’s friends, his drinking buddies. There is no mattress or sheets on the bed. Natasha called a few days before her death and said that she had pneumonia. And Vitaly says: for four days she just lay there and moaned. When she screamed in pain, he poured her vodka, thinking he would save her. He didn't want me to come to the funeral. He apparently didn’t want me to see this whole nightmare,” Belous said.

Son Dmitry could not come, and a scandal erupted around Irina Belous: citing an expensive funeral, the singer’s relative demanded a thousand dollars from the paparazzi for filming the ceremony. Having been refused, she turned to Natalia’s fans, begging them to give money for the monument.

The once famous singer, who flashed on the horizon of the stage and so soon faded away, has been forgotten by many. Her death was shrouded in gossip and suspicion. They said that Vitaly Semenenko had money left over from the sale of Natalia’s property, hidden in deposits, and he tried to poison his passion. However, criminologists did not find the version realistic.

It is symbolic that Olga Orlova did not find happiness with Alexander Karmanov. Whether Lagoda's curses came true or not, the couple broke up after a few years, maintaining friendly relations.

The tragedy of Natalia Lagoda, who died at the age of 41, still haunts the most devoted fans. In social networking communities, they remember their favorite singer and are indignant at how it could happen that, with a successful start, such a sad ending awaited a talented performer.

21.02.2019 06:30

Unfortunately, this is true. My sister is no longer alive. It’s a pity that I can’t come to Lugansk for the funeral, so I ask everyone who knew or knew Natalya and has the opportunity to see her off on her last journey, please spread the word, maybe I’ll need help. The husband is a drunkard and there is no confidence that everything will go at the proper level,” said Sergei, and then continued: “Dear participants (fans, admirers, just guests)! I have no time to sit on social networks and write comments about my sister Natalya. Therefore, I am writing again. Next time you can see and hear comments from me on television, when one of the popular programs will do a program about Natalya. This will definitely happen. I had never given an interview before, just like her former partner Alexander Karmanov had never given an interview. It’s just that today is an exceptional case, Natasha is no longer with us. (Farewell to her will take place tomorrow, Monday, June 1, 2015 in Lugansk, Mirny district, I don’t know the exact address, because I have never visited her due to an exceptional situation).

I inform you that Natalya Lagoda (maiden name), after her first marriage - Fisak, now in a joint marriage with her current husband - Simonenko, was born in Cherkassy, ​​March 4, 1974. She graduated from school No. 26 in the same city, studied at a vocational school to become a seamstress, married Eduard Fisak, gave birth to his son Dmitry, moved to live in Moscow after a divorce, worked there at the strip club Dols, where she met Alexander Karmanov, later under With his patronage and my participation, she went on stage, shot several videos, recorded a solo disc, and appeared on the cover of Playboy magazine. After she failed the copper pipe test, she was left alone in her apartment on Begovaya, where the tragedy happened to her. I was in hospital for a long time, almost 8 months, learned to speak, walk, write again, underwent surgery - craniotomy, hip joint, assembly of the bones of the legs, arms, trachea and others. You can write about her for a very long time. But as a result, being disabled, she was deceived and taken to Lugansk, where the result took place tragic fate, ending May 29, 2015. Sergey Lagoda."

Behind these lines lies the tragedy of an entire human life. Let us remind you that Natalya could not cope with the pain when Alexander Karmanov left her for Olga Orlova, a member of the “Brilliant” group. Then Natalya attempted suicide; she left the window of the fifth floor, and in front of her own then young child. A long struggle for life followed. The doctors literally put the unfortunate woman back together piece by piece. Natalya survived craniotomy and 12 operations. Natalya was in a coma for almost a month. The doctors didn’t give her much of a chance to live, they said “she’s not a survivor.” A week after the incident, one of the doctors on duty at the Botkin hospital, where Natalya was literally taken from the other world, noted in a private conversation: “Natasha’s condition is extremely serious. It’s impossible to see her. "She's a dying patient. Apparently, she's going to die." After this, information appeared in the media that Natalya had already died. But then she survived. Although she remained a disabled person of the second group, although not confined, contrary to widely spread rumors at the time, to a wheelchair. Together with her son, Natalya left for Cherkassy; there was no talk of returning to the stage. Soon Natalya married her former classmate Vitaly, who took her from the hospital. As relatives later claimed, it was a deception, since Natasha was unwell and therefore very suggestible and obedient. The newly formed couple then sold Natalia’s Moscow apartment for half a million dollars and moved to live in Lugansk, where in 2000 they organized a car service.

With the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, Natalya’s mother began to look for her, who, like Natalya’s brother Sergei, accused her son-in-law of being addicted to alcohol, to which he allegedly taught Natalya, and was worried that her daughter was not getting in touch and that she would be taken away from There is no way for my husband. As a result, the tragic fate of the former star ended in an even more tragic death.

The official cause of Natalya Lagoda’s death has not been named; unofficially, the singer’s acquaintances and fans say “alcohol.” However, singer Natalya Sturm did not rule out drugs as a reason for Natalya Lagoda’s untimely departure. “I feel sorry for her. She’s kind. Apparently the reason is drugs. It’s always been like that. Alas...” the singer wrote in social network. Nastya Kamenskikh also responded to the death of Lagoda, writing about Natalya: “You left, leaving the light behind you, and now you have become a bright star. You left, giving us the whole world, which for us is like a desperate moment. Behind the skies you hide your gaze "From children's tears, from sadness, from dreams. Your love is with us." The famous songwriter Lyubov Voropaeva also expressed her condolences, recalling, by the way, how she saw Natalya for the first time at a concert organized by her husband Dorokhin. “Waiting for her appearance on stage, she was roller skating along the paths of VDNH - tall, long-legged, beautiful. Everyone in show business knows what happened next in her life... What a pity. May you be remembered, Natalya Lagoda.” wrote Lyubov.

Natalya Ladoga is an attractive woman with a gentle voice and a difficult life. In the 90s she was a popular singer. Where did Natalya go? Where did you live all this time? Were you legally married? The answers to these and other questions are contained in the article.

Natalya Ladoga: biography - beginning

Our heroine was born on March 4, 1974 in a Ukrainian city called Cherkasy. Her parents are simple people who have nothing to do with show business. Natalya grew up as an obedient and inquisitive girl. At school she got B's and A's. Mom and dad were proud of their daughter's success.


After graduating from high school, Natalya applied to a vocational school. The girl managed to pass the exams. After 3 years, she received a diploma and a specialty as a seamstress. It was then that she began her first serious relationship. The guy's name was Eduard Fisak. Natalya captivated him with her natural beauty and femininity. A couple of months later, Edward proposed marriage to his beloved. The brunette agreed. Soon the couple had their first child, son Dmitry. However, a common child did not save the family from disintegration. Natalya and Edward divorced.

Conquest of Moscow

After breaking up with her husband, our heroine decided to radically change her life. She left her son with her parents and went to Moscow. In the Russian capital, the girl rented a room and got a job at the Dolls strip club. It was there that she met her second husband, businessman Alexander Karmanov.

The new lover moved the brunette to his apartment located in the center of Moscow. Natalya never worked another day at the strip club. Alexander Karmanov made every effort to make her a pop star. He also accepted her son from his first marriage into the family.

In 1998, performer Natalya Ladoga appeared (see photo above). Then her video for the song “Little Buddha” was released. The audience appreciated the girl’s vocal and external abilities. Soon the album of the same name was released.

At the beginning of 2001, the singer presented a new video for the song “Your eyes are lying to me.” Natalia begins recording her second album. But this record was not destined to be released.


In 2001, A. Karmanov left Natalya for one of the soloists of the group “Brilliant” - Our heroine could not forgive such a betrayal.

On September 21, 2001, the singer decided to take a desperate step. A 37-year-old woman jumped from the window of an apartment located on the 5th floor. Do you know what's the worst thing? All this happened in front of her 8-year-old son.

The singer remained alive. However, she for a long time was in a coma. She underwent 16 operations, including craniotomy. When Natalya Ladoga came to her senses, she immediately asked to bring her son.

The recovery process lasted almost 8 months. Ladoga learned to talk, walk and write again. And all this time she was within the walls of the hospital. The doctors' forecasts were not bad. But Ladoga had to forget about the singer’s career forever.

New love

Natasha's last husband was her former classmate Vitaly Simonenko. He learned about the tragedy that happened to Ladoga. The very next day, Vitaly went to Moscow, picked her up from the hospital and brought her to Lugansk. The man confessed his feelings to her and offered to live together. Our heroine agreed. Soon she also realized that she loved Vitaly.

Simonenko sold his apartment and purchased a two-story building in the suburbs of Lugansk. She and Natalya moved there. On the first floor, Vitaly opened a car service center, and on the second there were living quarters.


IN last years Natalya Ladoga abused alcohol. She had company. The building where they lived had high humidity. In addition, the smells of rubber, gasoline and lubricants penetrated from the first floor to the second. All this had Negative influence on women's health. A few days before Natalya’s death, doctors diagnosed her with pneumonia, and the disease was in an advanced stage. Vitaly claimed that his wife herself tried to get rid of a severe cough. However, her condition only worsened every day.

On May 29, 2015, Natalya Ladoga left this world. The doctors who arrived at the scene could not do anything. Having learned the terrible news, Natalya’s father literally turned black with grief. After all, just recently he buried his wife, and now his beloved daughter has passed away.


Now you know the details of the biography and personal life of Natalia Ladoga. She was kind, sympathetic and very vulnerable woman. May she rest in peace...

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