Coriander essential oil. Coriander essential oil: properties and uses Coriander essential oil properties

Dozens of types of spices have been known to man for many centuries. Some people like them, some don’t, but the fact remains that spices have secured a very important place for themselves, and not only in cooking, although many national cuisines One cannot imagine without herbs and spices.

In addition to participating in the creation of culinary delights, spices have found application in perfumery, winemaking, the creation of expensive tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, cosmetology, aromatherapy and some other areas.

Most often, spices act as accents that attract attention, but are fleeting and unobtrusive.

They are able to create an atmosphere of warmth, warming, taking away adversity, giving strength and energy.

One of the spices that can really affect the human body from the outside and inside is coriander.

Coriander came to Russia, presumably, from the East, as evidenced by its original name - kishnets. Nowadays the plant is cultivated in the southeast of Russia, in Moscow and even in the central regions of Yakutia. About the use of coriander in ancient times archaeological finds indicate.

In our time, this plant has found application not only in cooking. Coriander, in addition to being a honey plant, is also an essential oil plant, that is, a plant that produces essential oil.

Coriander oil is colorless but has a sweet, spicy, woody aroma and bitter taste. It is obtained by steam distillation of raw materials - ripened fruits and green parts of the plant.

When producing oil, the yield of the final product is only 1% -1.6%. Some manufacturers use a trick and prepare oil from unripe fruits, thus getting twice as much of the finished product. This oil also has every right to be called coriander oil, but it will have a slightly different first composition, and, therefore, their properties will vary.

The properties of coriander oil are varied, so this remedy is used for a wide variety of ailments. In case of digestive disorders, the oil will help cope with flatulence, tendency to diarrhea, congestion. gallbladder and liver, loss of appetite, and also improve the digestion process, preventing food from remaining in the stomach for a long time and causing heaviness and nausea.

At inflammatory diseases urinary tract oil will help relieve itching and pain in the urethra, and will also have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect on the urinary system, preventing the appearance of stones and sand.

The ability to influence the body's metabolic processes allows you to successfully use coriander oil for weight loss and dietary nutrition. Coriander essential oil strengthens the walls of small blood vessels and capillaries, preventing and relieving bleeding gums and, thanks to its bactericidal effect, helps with stomatitis.

Strengthening properties also extend to the vessels of the visual organs. Of course, your vision will not regain the lost clarity, but you don’t have to worry about the safety of what you have.

In addition to everything said above, coriander oil is strong, which determines its rightful place in.

The pronounced effect on the skin makes it possible to use coriander essential oil in cosmetology. Diluted in base oil in a ratio of 1 drop per 2 ml, the oil eliminates flaking caused by dehydration, hypothermia or an allergic reaction.

Application for skin

It must be remembered that oil will not eliminate the cause of peeling, but will only smooth out the effect caused. When inflammation occurs on the skin, coriander oil can be used locally through applications.

To do this, the oil is diluted in the base oil in the proportion of 2-3 drops per 2 ml, a cotton pad is soaked in this composition and applied to the area of ​​inflammation for 10 minutes. In this case, it is the bactericidal effect of the oil that will help.

After the inflammation has passed, scars or other traces of its presence may remain, so the applications should not be stopped, because the oil also has regenerating properties, healing and restoring damaged areas.

With regular use of coriander oil in a weak dilution, the skin takes on a fresh, radiant appearance, swelling and dark circles under the eyes are reduced, and shallow expression wrinkles are smoothed out and become almost invisible.

With the addition of coriander essential oil, you can make a cosmetic lotion or ice to keep your skin in good condition every day.

Application for hair

Coriander essential oil is also used for hair. Its main effect is to reduce the oiliness of the scalp, so most often the oil is used as one of the components of masks for application specifically to the hair roots.

This could be a mask made from a light base oil with the addition of coriander oil, or it could be a clay-based mask to which essential oil is also added. Clay itself serves as an adsorbent, and in combination with coriander it will give an amazing effect.

Coriander oil can become an important component in the procedure, especially if this peeling is aimed specifically at reducing oily skin. In this case, it would be good to keep the salt mixture on your head for about 5 minutes to let it take effect.

But often it is not recommended to make such masks, because they have a rather aggressive effect on the skin, which can provoke an increase in the work of the glands, and we do not need the opposite result. The optimal use of masks with coriander oil is once every 10-14 days. This will be quite enough.

In addition to the drying effect of the oil, it is worth remembering its ability to influence metabolic processes. Thanks to it, the oil will affect and also strengthen the hair follicles, which will quickly improve the condition of your curls.


The oil is not recommended for use by people with severe and frequent sleep disturbances, memory problems, as well as acute forms of heart and vascular diseases. In all these cases, careless use of oil can cause deterioration in health.

The oil is contraindicated for elderly people and young children, as it can cause severe headaches, choking and nausea.

Coriander is an annual plant that can reach a height of one meter. Currently, this herb is cultivated almost all over the world, although Palestine is considered its homeland. The plant is valuable for its beneficial properties, which make it possible to obtain aromatic essences from it. Coriander essential oil is obtained through steam distillation. The seeds of the plant are used for this. The result is a fluid mixture with a fragrant aroma, which contains woody notes. The color of coriander oil can be completely clear or a light shade of yellow. At this time, the cultivation of new varieties of coriander, different increased content essential oil components and linalool, the base component of the plant and aromatic mixture.


As mentioned above, coriander essential oil, like others, has a rich complex useful properties, which allows it to be actively and successfully used as an aromatherapy agent in the fields of medicine and cosmetology.

Therapeutic effect

The healing properties of coriander essential essence are as follows:

  1. Elimination of congestion in the liver, which contributes to its proper uninterrupted operation, and also prevents the occurrence and development of diseases characterized by its damage.
  2. Stimulating the digestive process by relieving spasmodic pain from the stomach and intestines. In addition, the aromatic mixture effectively helps improve appetite preferences, quickly eliminating signs of food poisoning and indigestion, which is achieved through the timely removal of toxic elements from the body.
  3. Getting rid of respiratory diseases of an infectious nature. The oil can act as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent against influenza, pneumonia, and measles.
  4. Providing a warming effect, due to which it becomes possible treatment diseases associated with joints and arteries. It is also possible to use coriander essential oil if you have neuralgic problems.
  5. Provoking the glands to produce the hormone estrogen, which generally has a positive effect on female body: the stage of preparation for gestation passes more successfully, decreases painful manifestations during menstruation, the menstrual cycle is normalized, and the condition during menopause improves.
  6. Restoring inner harmony and a sense of calm. This effect is achieved due to the beneficial effect on the central nervous system the body, which allows you to get rid of stressful emotions, apathetic states, fatigue and nervous tension. Moreover, mental activity improves.
  7. Creating family comfort and warmth through the spiritual and emotional rapprochement of partners.

Cosmetic effects

Coriander oil has no less beneficial effects in cosmetology, which is manifested in the following:

  1. Improving blood circulation.
  2. Cleansing the skin from free radicals.
  3. Restoring skin texture.
  4. Reducing sebaceous manifestations.
  5. Getting rid of blackheads.
  6. Restoring damaged capillaries.
  7. Elimination of inflammation processes characteristic of the skin.
  8. Removing peeling.
  9. Elimination of edematous phenomena.
  10. Regeneration of the skin.
  11. Renewal and rejuvenation by smoothing wrinkles.

Also, the essential essence of coriander is a powerful deodorant of natural origin, which makes it especially popular in men's perfume and cosmetic products.


Coriander oil can be used in two ways:

1. Internal

The use of an aromatic mixture internally becomes justified when flatulence occurs, as well as if you want to improve appetite and improve the digestive functions of the body. In this case, the essential remedy in the amount of one drop is mixed with a teaspoon of honey, after which the composition is ready for use twice a day.

2. External

There are many more external ways to use coriander essential oil:

a) Massage procedures

b) Aroma lamps

To lift your mood, just add 4 drops of essential essence to the device for every 15 square meters of room.

c) Aromatic baths

Help relieve moral and physical fatigue, get rid of irritation and anxiety. The recommended dose of coriander oil is 7 drops per 10 ml of emulsifier.

d) Inhalation procedures

They allow you to quickly get rid of colds that affect the respiratory tract. To prepare the solution, 3 drops of oil are enough.

e) Cold compresses

Effective in the presence of skin inflammations of an infectious nature. The compress is prepared by diluting 7 drops of the aromatic mixture in 100 ml of water.

f) Cosmetics

Coriander essence can also be added to beauty care products. To do this, just add 4 drops of oil per 10 grams of base. Enriched formulations will help get rid of edematous manifestations and improve skin complexion.

Despite the fact that the essential mixture of coriander is non-toxic, it has a very powerful effect, which is why the use of the product is excluded in the following cases:

  1. Children in the age category up to 3 children.
  2. The period of gestation and breastfeeding.
  3. Treatment course of chemotherapy.
  4. Epileptic conditions.
  5. Individual characteristics of the body.

To avoid undesirable consequences, before using the oil for the first time, it is advisable to test for allergic reactions.

The raw material for obtaining coriander essential oil is the plant of the same name, which grows in the southern territories of the planet. Today, the aromatic product is widely used in a wide variety of areas of human activity. In ancient times, coriander was believed to have mystical powers, for which it played a significant role in rituals and religious ceremonies. Among other things, East Asian folk healers recognized it healing properties and used to treat ailments.

Today, coriander has not lost its importance and is widely used in the culinary traditions of many peoples, especially in the countries of the Middle East. For example, it is added to gourmet sweets and drinks, and in our latitudes, the seeds of the spicy plant are usually included in baked goods, first and second courses, and preserves.

Useful properties and applications

In addition to its exceptional culinary characteristics, coriander oil is endowed with a lot of beneficial properties, which is successfully used in such areas as cosmetology, aromatherapy and medicine. In the category of valuable qualities natural product includes anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, sedative, bactericidal, expectorant, anthelmintic, choleretic, warming and other properties.

Coriander oil helps in the treatment of viral and colds. Its use allows you to remove infections of the upper respiratory tract, helps get rid of coughs, makes breathing easier and relieves other unpleasant consequences of the disease. It is known that coriander oil can have a beneficial effect on blood composition, lowering sugar levels and normalizing cholesterol levels.

Very often, coriander oil is recommended by doctors for digestive problems. It has been established that the aromatic oily liquid perfectly increases appetite, improves the secretion of glands and stimulates the production of gastric juice, while gently relieving spasms and colic of the stomach and everything digestive tract. By including natural coriander oil in your daily diet, you can avoid problems such as flatulence, gastritis, dyspepsia and other similar diseases.

By regularly consuming natural coriander oil in food, you can forget about many diseases, including infectious ones. The product has a beneficial effect on the urinary tract, gallbladder and liver function, and also stimulates the elimination of harmful toxins from the body. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to mix 1-3 drops of coriander oil with natural honey and use it internally daily.

In addition, coriander oil is used externally to treat joint pain due to arthritis or rheumatism, to relieve muscle spasms and cramps. Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-infective properties, coriander oil is used for skin diseases, in particular for the treatment of dermatitis and various inflammations, for injuries and wounds, increased dry skin, etc.

Lastly, natural coriander oil is known for its soothing and restorative properties. It gently relieves nervous tension and nervousness, helps cope with stress, is recommended for apathy and general fatigue, removes signs of depression and improves mood. In addition, coriander oil is an effective remedy for improving memory and stimulating active work brain.

Many girls dream of gorgeous hair. To obtain the desired result, they resort to the use of expensive cosmetics, and folk recipes. For example, in cosmetology, coriander oil is often used for hair. This ether has a positive effect on hair. Cilantro seed oil is popular in hair care due to its regenerating, blood flow-stimulating properties. Which in turn nourishes the roots, helping to grow long curls in a short time and solve many trichological problems.

Benefits of coriander essential oil for hair

To make ether, only coriander grains are taken; the leaves are not suitable; it is better to make a decoction with them for rinsing your hair. Coriander oil benefits not only the hair, but the entire body. It helps cleanse the skin of acne, eliminates oily shine, flaking and premature aging of the skin. Such a wide range of effects on the body is due to its rich chemical composition.

Useful composition of the oil:

    • camphor;
    • linalyl acetate;
    • monoterpene hydrocarbons;
    • linalool;
    • geranyl acetate;
    • geraniol;
    • vitamins and minerals.

Healing properties for hair:

    1. Used as a strengthening agent for weakened hair;
    2. Treats alopecia;
    3. Fights oily scalp;
    4. Treats dandruff;
    5. A hair mask with coriander oil is an excellent remedy for gray hair;
    6. Provides complete hydration and nutrition to hair prone to brittleness.

Contraindications for use:

    • in the presence of individual intolerance;
    • harmful for sensitive scalp;
    • It is not recommended to use coriander oil for hair if you have insomnia;
    • for acute heart diseases;
    • memory problems;
    • children and elderly people, as it causes headaches.

Where can I buy?

You can buy coriander oil at any pharmacy, cosmetics department of a store, or in a herbal shop. The average cost of the drug is 140 rubles per 5 ml.

Uses of coriander oil for hair

You can use coriander essential oil different ways. It is used for aroma combing, salt peeling of the scalp, massotherapy, added to homemade masks. For those who don’t have time to prepare mixtures with their own hands at home, you can limit yourself to adding it to shampoo. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the best essential oils for hair growth, thickness and strengthening.

All procedures are aimed at improving the health of hair. After products based on this oil, hair is better combed, smoothed, and acquires a natural shine and silkiness. The work of the external secretion glands is regulated, the pores are cleared of sebaceous plugs.

Homemade recipes for hair masks with coriander oil

Like any other natural remedy, this ether heals your hair when used correctly. For dry hair and sensitive scalp, it is necessary to mix it with other nutritious products in the form of sour cream, eggs, vegetable oils. Upon observing the slightest allergic reaction it is necessary to reduce the amount of added extract or abandon it altogether.

Mask for growth

Effect: nourishes hair follicles, improves hair growth rate, smoothes the hair shaft, eliminating split ends.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, color fades.

But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


    • 3 drops coriander ether.

Heat the base oil in a water bath and drop ether into it. We first treat the base of the hair with the resulting oil mixture, then distribute the remainder along the entire length of the hair. We put a shower cap on our head and wrap ourselves in a towel for 30 minutes. Wash off big amount water with shampoo.

Anti-hair loss mask

Effect: has a strengthening and toning effect on the roots, stops hair loss and moisturizes.


    • 4 drops each of esters: chamomile, coriander, rosewood.
Preparation and application method:

Heat coconut oil in a bathhouse, enrich it with ethers, and stir thoroughly. It is recommended to first apply to the hair at the roots, treat the skin, then smear along the entire length. Place the head in an insulated cap for an hour, then wash it in the standard way.

Mask for oily hair

Effect: normalizes the functioning of the exocrine glands, nourishes the roots with vitamins, and gives volume to the hairstyle.


    • 1 tbsp. l. oils: olive, burdock, almond, flax, peach;
    • 5 drops of coriander ether;
    • 1.5 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
Preparation and application method:

Mix all base oils thoroughly and heat. Add citrus juice to the prepared oil composition, stir again, and treat the entire head, paying special attention to the skin. Wrap the top of the head in film and cover with a woolen scarf for 45 minutes. We wash as standard.

Mask for dry and brittle skin

Effect: helps soften, nourish with moisture and vitamins, restore dry hair prone to brittleness and splitting, fills it with mirror shine.


    • 110 ml yogurt;
    • 1 tbsp. l. aloe gel;
    • 1 yolk;
    • 4 drops coriander;
Preparation and application method:

Mix yogurt at room temperature with whipped yolk, butter and gel. We lubricate the hair with the resulting mixture from the crown to the ends; it is necessary to lubricate it especially thickly, starting from the middle of the length. Leave it under an insulated cap for an hour and wash your hair as usual.

Anti-dandruff mask

Effect: eliminates dryness and flaking of the skin, eliminates any type of dandruff and other fungi.


    • 4-5 drops of esters to choose from: rosemary, eucalyptus, orange, cilantro.
Preparation and application method:

Heat the castor bean oil, enrich it with all the esters, mix thoroughly, apply to the scalp, smear the rest to the ends. Leave it under the film for 30 minutes and go wash your hair.

Coriander natural essential oil. Quality of coriander oil. Use of Coriander in Aromatherapy. Description of Coriander oil. Properties and uses of Coriander oil. Coriander for eye diseases. Coriander for digestive problems.

Botanical name: Coriandrum sativum

Family: Celery (Apiaceae) or umbrella (Umbelliferae)

Other name: Cilantro.

Homeland: Middle East.

Country of cultivation of raw materials: Russia.

Raw materials for oil production: seeds.

Exit: 0.6 - 1.35%, from 100 kg of seeds the yield is about 1 kg of essential oil

Production Method: steam distillation

Color: colorless, transparent, light yellow pigment

Taste: bitter, sweet, spicy

Aroma: spicy, warm, smells like Borodino bread

Consistency: liquid, light, flowing

Energy: cold, dry

Note: average

Class: stimulant

Description: Coriander is a well-known spice, widely used in cooking and baking bread. Annual herbaceous plant. The root resembles a spindle in shape. The stem is erect, branched at the top, up to 70 centimeters high. The leaves are basal, broad-lobed, coarsely dissected. The flowers are small, white or pink, complex, umbrella-shaped. The fruits are spherical, hard, ribbed.

Commercial value: average

From the history of the plant: Coriander is an oriental plant that may have grown in hanging gardens Semiramis. Its seeds were discovered in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II. The Egyptians used it as food and how medicine. In India, Coriander was used to preserve meat products from spoilage. Coriander was brought to Europe by the Romans during the war with Great Britain. In Russia it has been known since the 18th century. It became widespread in the 19th century, thanks to Count Apraksin.

It's interesting that: Coriander gets its name from the Greek word for bug – “koris”. Not everyone liked the smell of coriander leaves - to the Greeks it reminded the smell of crushed bugs. The aroma of seeds is a completely different matter.

Main components:α-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, limonene, pcymene, γ-terpinene, camphor, linalool, decanal, decen-2-al, geraniol, linalyl acetate, geranyl acetate, etc.

Properties: analgesic, antioxidant, antispasmodic, antirheumatic, appetite stimulant, stimulant, bactericidal, cleansing, carminative, cytostatic, fungicidal, insecticidal, lipolytic, cardiotonic.

Has an effect on blood, plasma, muscle tissue.


General therapy: Coriander essential oil is used in aromatherapy mainly to improve the digestive system. Coriander relieves stomach and intestinal spasms. This effective remedy to increase appetite, eliminates food poisoning. Due to its warming properties, Coriander is used to treat rheumatism and arthritis, neuralgia, and relieves muscle spasms.

Coriander is used for treatment infectious diseases respiratory system. Used for influenza, pulmonary tuberculosis, measles.

Coriander oil is a strong detoxifying agent. It eliminates fluid stagnation, removes toxins and impurities. Has a stimulating effect on the spleen.

It is considered a hormonotropic agent. It is distinguished by its ability to stimulate the glands to produce the hormone estrogen. Prepares for pregnancy, solves problems with disorders menstrual cycle. Used for menopausal conditions.

Psycho-emotional sphere: Coriander oil does not have a pronounced effect on the central nervous system. However, it still has some stimulating effect. It eliminates melancholic states, removes apathetic states, relieves fatigue, and warms. Creates a cozy feeling of inner comfort. Saturates with energy, relieves fatigue. Coriander affects mental activity. It clears the mind and improves memory. Eliminates confusion and vanity of thoughts. Relieves dizziness.

In dermatology and cosmetology: Not applicable. May cause irritation.

Erotic impact: Has a mild stimulating effect. It is not a pronounced aphrodisiac. This is the oil of family comfort. Coriander creates a feeling of family, brings you closer spiritually, and binds you emotionally. Allows you to feel the warmth of a loved one, a kindred spirit.

Household use: Coriander is good to use in the kitchen, dining room, to stimulate appetite... next to the hearth.

Role in perfume composition: The aroma will bring a spicy oriental note to the composition

The magic of aroma: Coriander is a talisman against bad luck. Its seeds were worn as an amulet against troubles. It was believed that it protected against many diseases, poisoning, and epilepsy. It is used in magic for love dreams. The grains under the pillow will allow you to see your betrothed. It renews energy, promotes kinship of souls, and improves mutual understanding. It is believed to be able to attract the love of a soul mate. The aroma of Coriander is a guarantee healthy body. It is not for nothing that from time immemorial it has been added to the baking of bread - the main food product for many nationalities.

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Suitable for Zodiac signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Compatibility: clary sage, bergamot, jasmine, neroli, orange, citronella, sandalwood, cypress, pine, ginger, cinnamon, clove

Compliments: bergamot, lime, mandarin, clove

Contraindications and precautions:

Do not use for children under 6 years old

Carefully apply directly to skin. May cause irritation.

A contraindication may be individual intolerance to the aroma. Before use you must do

Storage: Store in a dark glass bottle, tightly closed, at room temperature. Keep away from children. Shelf life 3-5 years.

Recipes with Coriander essential oil:

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