Energy Diet: reviews from doctors. Negative and positive reviews about nutrition. History of origin and name

What is ED

We regularly collect feedback from Energy Diet consumers and receive questions regarding the production, preparation, and use of the product. Based on this information, a rating of the most common misconceptions has been compiled, the bearers of which are both opponents, who claim that they do not want to know about food substitutes - “it” cannot be useful, and supporters of the product, who insist that ED is a panacea and salvation from all ills In this life. In order not to repeat nonsense, let's analyze the facts and draw conclusions. And whether to believe these conclusions or not is everyone’s personal choice.

Myth one
Energy Diet - 100% natural product

A cucumber growing in your grandmother’s garden bed can be natural, and only on the condition that these beds have not been fertilized with any chemicals. Talking about complex man-made products using modern technologies, using the characteristic “one hundred percent natural product” is incorrect. Why?
Energy Diet is a man-made product and does not exist in nature. It's balanced, or the so-called “ideal” food product. There is no product in nature that combines the proteins (vegetable plus animal), fats, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins necessary for humans.

Energy Diet is a multi-component product. When developing it, the task was to use such components so that the product meets human needs and is as close as possible to what nature provides.

Energy Diet - a product additionally enriched with vitamins and microelements. In addition, some vitamins are introduced into ED directly by natural ingredients: for example, acerola contains vitamin C, royal jelly contains B vitamins.

Energy Diet has high consumer properties: it has a pleasant taste, color, smell, and consistency. How to achieve this? For example, one of the ED flavors uses beet powder as a coloring agent. And to obtain the desired consistency, guar gum is added - a natural thickener of plant origin. It also functions as a thickener in the product and adds fiber.
Thus, it is correct to say that Energy Diet is a high-tech product created on the basis of components of natural origin.

Myth two
Meal replacements are all chemicals

Chemistry is the science of the transformation of substances, and any transformation of elements under the influence of certain factors is related to this science: be it the chemistry of food production, the chemistry of digestion or chemistry rational nutrition. Therefore, the statement “chemistry is harmful” is, to put it mildly, illiterate. The harm comes not from chemistry, but from those who unreasonably, incorrectly, and to the detriment of people use its achievements, including prohibited components in products in exorbitant quantities or using technologies that are unsafe for health.

IN modern world Along with the development of food production technologies, parallel and inevitable development occurs:
research base to test the safety of these technologies,
legislative framework for permissions or prohibitions on their use.
All Energy Diet components are approved in the food industry and during the production of ED they undergo strict quality control. Their quantity does not exceed the permitted daily intake. In this area, Russian legislation is the strictest, much stricter than European legislation, and Energy Diet has passed the state registration procedure and has all the permits for its unlimited circulation in Russia.

The composition of ED is 100% permitted by law, while he is improving and will continue to improve, proof of this is the history of the product. The reason for changing the composition could be a legal recommendation - this is how guarana was removed from the product produced for Russia. Or the reputation of the component may also be a factor - this is how the sweetener aspartame left ED, which, by the way, is not prohibited by law in Russia.

Both manufacturers and trademark owners are confident: ED must be effective and safe. These people, in addition to creating and promoting Energy Diet products, are also ED consumers. So what are the reasons for good quality- not only marketing ones... And, as we know, there is no limit to perfection.

Myth three
Energy Diet is too “young”, there are no statistics on its use...

The Energy Diet brand dates back to 2003., but the history of the product itself began earlier. ED's "creator father" Jean-Marie Blanchet developed the first nutrition - for professional athletes - 27 years ago. After some time, improving the product and expanding the target audience, he created functional nutrition that could not only meet the needs of athletes, but also be used by people in everyday life. So behind the Energy Diet brand there is a positive experience of use measured over decades.

In August 2009, at the initiative of the NL company, a tour of the BeautySane team took place in five cities of Russia. Training information seminars for developers were held in Moscow, Rostov, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk and manufacturers EnergyDiet.

Jean-Marie Blanchet:

  • My first profession was working with athletes: I took care of their nutrition and psychological preparation. It was for them that I invented a product that had previously didn't exist. It allowed them to maintain strength and energy, while at the same time helping them lose weight. The results were simply incredible. By participating in international competitions, the athletes were in their best shape, and, most importantly, they recovered better from all these stresses. So I created great-great-great-grandfather Energy Diet. The athletes had wives or girlfriends. And they, one might say, took the product away from their athletes. The women said: “If it suits them, it can suit me too. I don’t need this for sports, I just want to seduce.”:) The success with athletes was great, but with their ladies it turned out to be stunning!

Myth four
Energy Diet cures all diseases...

Doesn't cure!!! Energy Diet is balanced diet, not a medicine. The Energy Diet is designed for healthy adults, and if you have any health concerns, we strongly recommend that you consult your physician for the use of ED.

But then, how can we explain the health-improving effect that people who regularly use the product are convinced of? It's simple. When you start eating right, it’s not the product that works wonders for your health, but your body itself, which finally receives a balanced combination of the components necessary for its health. When balanced nutrition the processes of assimilation and processing of food are improved, conditions are created for the normalization of weight, which in turn leads to the normalization of blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar.

And the inclusion of the Energy Diet in the diet leads to a reduction in the amount of food consumed, regular nutrition helps control the calorie content of food, and as a result begins to change eating behavior person, he acquires useful habits Do you think his body will heal at the same time? Of course it will be.

So the Energy Diet does not cure anyone, it just helps, “teaches” how to treat your diet wisely. And everyone makes their own choice: continue to eat “whatever” and “whatever”, tirelessly expanding the arsenal of the home medicine cabinet, or still learn that health begins with proper nutrition.

Jean-Marie Blanchet:

  • The innovation of the fourth generation Energy Diet is that it contains a High Digestibility enzyme complex. Thanks to it, the absorption of Energy Diet has become even better; it promotes the breakdown of milk proteins. This is an innovation that belongs only to NL, it is protected and patented in many countries.

Myth fifth
The Energy Diet is necessary and suitable for everyone without exception.…

Energy Diet is a multi-component product, so there are, of course, restrictions on its use, and they are related precisely to the components that make up its composition.
So the flavors ED Coffee and ED Cappuccino have the restriction “contraindicated for children under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, elderly people, as well as people suffering from increased nervous excitability, insomnia, cardiac disorders, with increased blood pressure" This requirement is due to the fact that the flavors contain caffeine.
Another misconception: The Energy Diet cannot cause food allergies. Maybe.
For example, if you are iodine intolerant, you should not eat ED, iodized salt, or seaweed. The same rules apply to all food products: absolutely any food can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, if you are prone to allergies, study the composition and choose the flavor that suits you.

The Energy Diet was created as a meal replacement product for healthy people; if you definitely do not fall into this category, be sure to check the product label with your doctor. If there are no restrictions on components in your case, then Energy Diet, providing complete nutrition, will participate in the healing of your body.

Olga Radionova, head of the information support group, NL scientific consultant on health products:

  • Since food is directly related to the condition of our body, it is understandable that for some diseases the doctor prescribes a special diet. For example, in case of severe liver and kidney diseases, protein should not be added to food, but limited. Protein restrictions may also be prescribed in the presence of certain types of tumors. This diet should not be considered balanced - this is special therapeutic nutrition, which may have strict restrictions on certain products and special recommendations. Therefore, if you have serious health problems, all dietary parameters - including the possibility and necessity of using ED - must be agreed with your doctor!

Energy Diet was created for adults. The cocktail cannot be used to feed young children, much less replace formula milk.
But in the diet of teenagers he is present Maybe. Many childhood problems - weight loss, decreased academic performance, lack of attention, digestive problems - are directly related to eating habits. In addition, a growing body requires much more nutrients, protein, vitamins, minerals and amino acids than an adult, and the Energy Diet is the optimal way to obtain them.

Myth six
Energy Diet should be eaten for its benefits, so it doesn’t matter whether you like the taste or not...

Eating is not only a physiological process, but and psychological. It's much easier to control your diet if you like what you eat. The Energy Diet range of flavors includes sweet and salty ones. There are thinner cocktails and thicker ones. There are hot liquid dishes - soups, and a thick omelette that can be prepared as a main course.

There are clear cooking instructions Energy Diet, it is indicated on the product label, but nothing prevents you from experimenting, naturally, within reasonable limits. There are those who like to dilute the cocktail not with milk, but with kefir. This is acceptable. Some people prefer to cook soup not with milk, but with vegetable broth. Only in this case it is necessary to remember that the nutritional value of a serving is reduced by the calorie content and nutritional value of unadded milk.

Jean-Marie Blanchet:

  • Why do you need to dilute Energy Diet with milk? When developing ED, we created a balanced product and took into account in advance the calories and components that will be added to a serving of ED diluted in milk. It's the same with taste. All flavors are designed taking into account that the product will be diluted with milk.

Finally, consumers have a wealth of options for mixing flavors. They mix vanilla and red fruits, vegetables and chicken, mushrooms and tomatoes - sometimes amazing discoveries are made... So fans of the product know: there are not 11 flavors in the Energy Diet range - there are many more of them! The main thing is to maintain proportions. For cooking One serving requires 1 scoop of product (one or a mixture of flavors - at your discretion) and 200 ml of milk with 1.5% fat content.

Myth seventh
I can’t get enough of such a small portion...

There is such a children's riddle. Question: How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? The answer is one! Because after this the stomach is no longer empty... We incredibly stretch our stomachs, diligently “seizing” all life’s troubles... A serving of Energy Diet contains protein, which is a natural hunger blocker, as well as a sufficient amount of fiber - plant dietary fiber, which, when interacting with liquid, increase in size, maintaining a feeling of fullness. So if you do not strive to fill your stomach, but begin to consider the fact of eating as a pleasant process of refueling the body with good “fuel,” then everything will be fine with saturation...

A common question is: can Energy Diet products replace all other products in the diet?
Products - no. Eating - they can. According to the European Food Code, ED products belong to the category of meal replacements that can fully replace one or more meals in the diet. Energy Diet is a balanced diet that you can eat for a long time. But a person cannot and should not give up regular food: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and sweets, in the end! The Energy Diet will not displace regular food from your table; it will help you start treating your diet wisely.

Jean-Marie Blanchet:

  • Energy Diet is a meal replacement. It is very important. ED completely replaces food intake. It provides the body with all the necessary nutrients. There is no such product in nature that would be as complex; it is simply impossible. With Energy Diet you can meet the body's macro-needs and microelements.

Myth eight
Energy Diet is a magic powder and I will lose weight instantly...

Energy Diet, of course, is a magic powder, but in order to lose weight, you must: firstly, have a reason for this - excess weight, and secondly, set a goal for yourself. Then use the product in accordance with the required program, it is called Start If you spend your evenings watching TV with a bottle of beer in one hand and a bag of chips in the other, then the Energy Diet will definitely not give results Moreover, if you start using ED not instead of regular food, but along with it, then in fact you will begin a weight gain program

Golden Rule losing weight - you need to eat less - also works in Energy Diet programs, they involve calorie restriction. But! With this restriction, you remain productive and active because you receive all the ingredients necessary for a normal and healthy life. Anyone who has lost weight at least once in their life by strictly limiting the amount of food they eat knows that the accompanying results are a decrease in vitality, a gray complexion, sagging muscles, etc. As a result, you may be thin, but gloomy, lethargic, ugly...

To decide whether to include Energy Diet in your diet or not, look at all the benefits product, and also take a quick test and check whether you fall into that group of people who simply need to think about their daily nutrition. After all, unlike heroes computer games Each of us has only one life. And how to live it is everyone’s choice...

Olga Radionova,
practicing physician, scientific consultant NL, group leader
information support for health products
Daria Andreeva,

What is ED

We regularly collect feedback from Energy Diet consumers and receive questions regarding the production, preparation, and use of the product. Based on this information, a rating of the most common misconceptions has been compiled, the bearers of which are both opponents, who claim that they do not want to know about food substitutes - “it” cannot be useful, and supporters of the product, who insist that ED is a panacea and salvation from all ills In this life. In order not to repeat nonsense, let's analyze the facts and draw conclusions. And whether to believe these conclusions or not is everyone’s personal choice.

Myth one
Energy Diet - 100% natural product

A cucumber growing in your grandmother’s garden bed can be natural, and only on the condition that these beds have not been fertilized with any chemicals. Talking about complex man-made products using modern technologies, using the characteristic “one hundred percent natural product” is incorrect. Why?
Energy Diet is a man-made product and does not exist in nature. It's balanced, or the so-called “ideal” food product. There is no product in nature that combines the proteins (vegetable plus animal), fats, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins necessary for humans.

Energy Diet is a multi-component product. When developing it, the task was to use such components so that the product meets human needs and is as close as possible to what nature provides.

Energy Diet - a product additionally enriched with vitamins and microelements. In addition, some vitamins are introduced into ED directly by natural ingredients: for example, acerola contains vitamin C, royal jelly contains B vitamins.

Energy Diet has high consumer properties: it has a pleasant taste, color, smell, and consistency. How to achieve this? For example, one of the ED flavors uses beet powder as a coloring agent. And to obtain the desired consistency, guar gum is added - a natural thickener of plant origin. It also functions as a thickener in the product and adds fiber.
Thus, it is correct to say that Energy Diet is a high-tech product created on the basis of components of natural origin.

Myth two
Meal replacements are all chemicals

Chemistry is the science of the transformation of substances, and any transformation of elements under the influence of certain factors is related to this science: be it the chemistry of food production, the chemistry of digestion or the chemistry of rational nutrition. Therefore, the statement “chemistry is harmful” is, to put it mildly, illiterate. The harm comes not from chemistry, but from those who unreasonably, incorrectly, and to the detriment of people use its achievements, including prohibited components in products in exorbitant quantities or using technologies that are unsafe for health.

In the modern world, along with the development of food production technologies, parallel and inevitable development occurs:
research base to test the safety of these technologies,
legislative basis for permissions or prohibitions on their use.
All Energy Diet components are approved in the food industry and during the production of ED they undergo strict quality control. Their quantity does not exceed the permitted daily intake. In this area, Russian legislation is the strictest, much stricter than European legislation, and Energy Diet has passed the state registration procedure and has all the permits for its unlimited circulation in Russia.

The composition of ED is 100% permitted by law, while he is improving and will continue to improve, proof of this is the history of the product. The reason for changing the composition could be a legal recommendation - this is how guarana was removed from the product produced for Russia. Or the reputation of the component may also be a factor - this is how the sweetener aspartame left ED, which, by the way, is not prohibited by law in Russia.

Both manufacturers and trademark owners are confident: ED must be effective and safe. These people, in addition to creating and promoting Energy Diet products, are also ED consumers. So the reasons for good quality are not only marketing ones... And, as we know, there is no limit to perfection.

Myth three
Energy Diet is too “young”, there are no statistics on its use...

The Energy Diet brand dates back to 2003., but the history of the product itself began earlier. ED's "creator father" Jean-Marie Blanchet developed the first nutrition - for professional athletes - 27 years ago. After some time, improving the product and expanding the target audience, he created functional nutrition that could not only meet the needs of athletes, but also be used by people in everyday life. So behind the Energy Diet brand there is a positive experience of use measured over decades.

In August 2009, at the initiative of the NL company, a tour of the BeautySane team took place in five cities of Russia. Training information seminars for developers were held in Moscow, Rostov, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk and manufacturers EnergyDiet.

Jean-Marie Blanchet:

  • My first profession was working with athletes: I took care of their nutrition and psychological preparation. It was for them that I invented a product that had previously didn't exist. It allowed them to maintain strength and energy, while at the same time helping them lose weight. The results were simply incredible. By participating in international competitions, the athletes were in their best shape, and, most importantly, they recovered better from all these stresses. So I created great-great-great-grandfather Energy Diet. The athletes had wives or girlfriends. And they, one might say, took the product away from their athletes. The women said: “If it suits them, it can suit me too. I don’t need this for sports, I just want to seduce.”:) The success with athletes was great, but with their ladies it turned out to be stunning!

Myth four
Energy Diet cures all diseases...

Doesn't cure!!! Energy Diet is a balanced diet, not a medicine. The Energy Diet is designed for healthy adults, and if you have any health concerns, we strongly recommend that you consult your physician for the use of ED.

But then, how can we explain the health-improving effect that people who regularly use the product are convinced of? It's simple. When you start eating right, it’s not the product that works wonders for your health, but your body itself, which finally receives a balanced combination of the components necessary for its health. When balanced nutrition the processes of assimilation and processing of food are improved, conditions are created for the normalization of weight, which in turn leads to the normalization of blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar.

And the inclusion of Energy Diet in the diet leads to a reduction in the amount of food consumed, regular nutrition helps control the calorie content of food, as a result, a person’s eating behavior begins to change, he acquires useful habits . Do you think his body will heal at the same time? Of course it will be.

So the Energy Diet does not cure anyone, it just helps, “teaches” how to treat your diet wisely. And everyone makes their own choice: continue to eat “whatever” and “whatever”, tirelessly expanding the arsenal of the home medicine cabinet, or still learn that health begins with proper nutrition.

Jean-Marie Blanchet:

  • The innovation of the fourth generation Energy Diet is that it contains a High Digestibility enzyme complex. Thanks to it, the absorption of Energy Diet has become even better; it promotes the breakdown of milk proteins. This is an innovation that belongs only to NL, it is protected and patented in many countries.

Myth fifth
The Energy Diet is necessary and suitable for everyone without exception.…

Energy Diet is a multi-component product, so there are, of course, restrictions on its use, and they are related precisely to the components that make up its composition.
So the flavors ED Coffee and ED Cappuccino have the restriction “contraindicated for children under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, elderly people, as well as people suffering from increased nervous excitability, insomnia, cardiac dysfunction, and high blood pressure.” This requirement is due to the fact that the flavors contain caffeine.
Another misconception: The Energy Diet cannot cause food allergies. Maybe.
For example, if you are iodine intolerant, you should not eat ED, iodized salt, or seaweed. The same rules apply to all food products: absolutely any food can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, if you are prone to allergies, study the composition and choose the flavor that suits you.

The Energy Diet was created as a meal replacement product for healthy people; if you definitely do not fall into this category, be sure to check the product label with your doctor. If there are no restrictions on components in your case, then Energy Diet, providing complete nutrition, will participate in the healing of your body.

Olga Radionova, head of the information support group, NL scientific consultant on health products:

  • Since food is directly related to the condition of our body, it is understandable that for some diseases the doctor prescribes a special diet. For example, in case of severe liver and kidney diseases, protein should not be added to food, but limited. Protein restrictions may also be prescribed in the presence of certain types of tumors. This diet should not be considered balanced - This is a special therapeutic diet, which may have strict restrictions on certain products and special recommendations. Therefore, if you have serious health problems, all dietary parameters - including the possibility and necessity of using ED - must be agreed with your doctor!

Energy Diet was created for adults. The cocktail cannot be used to feed young children, much less replace formula milk.
But in the diet of teenagers he is present Maybe. Many childhood problems - weight loss, decreased academic performance, lack of attention, digestive problems - are directly related to eating habits. In addition, a growing body requires much more nutrients, protein, vitamins, minerals and amino acids than an adult, and the Energy Diet is the optimal way to obtain them.

Myth six
Energy Diet should be eaten for its benefits, so it doesn’t matter whether you like the taste or not...

Eating is not only a physiological process, but and psychological. It's much easier to control your diet if you like what you eat. The Energy Diet range of flavors includes sweet and salty ones. There are thinner cocktails and thicker ones. There are hot liquid dishes - soups, and a thick omelette that can be prepared as a main course.

There are clear cooking instructions Energy Diet, it is indicated on the product label, but nothing prevents you from experimenting, naturally, within reasonable limits. There are those who like to dilute the cocktail not with milk, but with kefir. This is acceptable. Some people prefer to cook soup not with milk, but with vegetable broth. Only in this case it is necessary to remember that the nutritional value of a serving is reduced by the calorie content and nutritional value of unadded milk.

Jean-Marie Blanchet:

  • Why do you need to dilute Energy Diet with milk? When developing ED, we created a balanced product and took into account in advance the calories and components that will be added to a serving of ED diluted in milk. It's the same with taste. All flavors are designed taking into account that the product will be diluted with milk.

Finally, consumers have a wealth of options for mixing flavors. They mix vanilla and red fruits, vegetables and chicken, mushrooms and tomatoes - sometimes amazing discoveries are made... So fans of the product know: there are not 11 flavors in the Energy Diet range - there are many more of them! The main thing is to maintain proportions. For cooking One serving requires 1 scoop of product (one or a mixture of flavors - at your discretion) and 200 ml of milk with 1.5% fat content.

Myth seventh
I can’t get enough of such a small portion...

There is such a children's riddle. Question: How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? The answer is one! Because after this the stomach is no longer empty... We incredibly stretch our stomachs, diligently “seizing” all life’s troubles... A serving of Energy Diet contains protein, which is a natural hunger blocker, as well as a sufficient amount of fiber - plant dietary fiber, which, when interacting with liquid, increase in size, maintaining a feeling of fullness. So if you do not strive to fill your stomach, but begin to consider the fact of eating as a pleasant process of refueling the body with good “fuel,” then everything will be fine with saturation...

A common question is: can Energy Diet products replace all other products in the diet?
Products - no. Eating - they can. According to the European Food Code, ED products belong to the category of meal replacements that can fully replace one or more meals in the diet. Energy Diet is a balanced diet that you can eat for a long time. But a person cannot and should not give up regular food: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and sweets, in the end! The Energy Diet will not displace regular food from your table; it will help you start treating your diet wisely.

Jean-Marie Blanchet:

  • Energy Diet is a meal replacement. It is very important. ED completely replaces food intake. It provides the body with all the necessary nutrients. There is no such product in nature that would be as complex; it is simply impossible. With Energy Diet you can meet the body's macro-needs and microelements.

Myth eight
Energy Diet is a magic powder and I will lose weight instantly...

Energy Diet, of course, is a magic powder, but in order to lose weight, you must: firstly, have a reason for this - excess weight, and secondly, put a goal for yourself. Then use the product in accordance with the required program, it is called Start If you spend your evenings watching TV with a bottle of beer in one hand and a bag of chips in the other, then the Energy Diet will definitely not give results Moreover, if you start using ED not instead of regular food, but along with it, then in fact you will begin a weight gain program

The golden rule of losing weight - you need to eat less - also works in Energy Diet programs, they involve calorie restriction. But! With this restriction, you remain productive and active because you receive all the ingredients necessary for a normal and healthy life. Anyone who has lost weight at least once in their life by strictly limiting the amount of food they eat knows that the accompanying results are a decrease in vitality, a gray complexion, sagging muscles, etc. As a result, you may be thin, but gloomy, lethargic, ugly...

To decide whether to include Energy Diet in your diet or not, look at all the benefits product, and also take a quick test and check whether you fall into that group of people who simply need to think about their daily nutrition. After all, unlike the heroes of computer games, each of us has only one life. And how to live it is everyone’s choice...

Olga Radionova,
practicing physician, scientific consultant NL, group leader
information support for health products
Daria Andreeva,

"Energy diet" - special program for weight loss, involving the use of various concentrates. These are a variety of cocktails that can even be presented as soups, as well as main courses. It is recognized as a harmonious, complete nutrition, providing an ideal opportunity to cleanse the body and put the metabolism in order. And the result of this is gradual weight loss.

The name “Energy Diet” is a trademark that produces dietary food concentrates instant cooking in assortment. This is stated on its official website, where you can also view the full catalog and choose any cocktails to suit your taste. These products are not only good for losing weight. With their help, you can effectively build muscle.

Each product released under this brand has been tested not only in Russia, but also in the European Union and is recognized as completely safe. The price of one jar, designed for 15 servings, is a little more than 2000 rubles. To order any Energy Diets product you like, you just need to log in to your Personal Area, provided to each buyer by the official website of this brand. There is also a complete catalog of tasty and healthy concentrates available for your reference.

History of origin and name

The Energy Diet brand first appeared in France. It dates back to 2003. Its creator is Jean-Marie Blanchet. He is convinced that this product is not at all know-how in the field of dietary nutrition. He was widely known about 30 years ago. Only at that time it was a special food intended for athletes. It made it possible to maintain the desired shape, get rid of extra pounds, while maintaining endurance and physical strength. How did he move from the category “ sports nutrition» in the category “weight loss product”?

As it turned out, we need to thank the spouses and fiancées of those same athletes for this. It was they who begged for cocktails to use for weight loss. Jean-Marie had to develop a special scheme for them. And women began to get brilliant results. Then Blanchet came up with the idea to develop a special nutrition line for those who want to lose weight.

The Energy Diet system is suitable for healthy citizens. It is mainly used by people who are very busy. It will also be an ideal option for those who see regular meals and visits gyms only in dreams.

The instructions for use warn that the use of cocktails from concentrates is prohibited for pregnant women, lactating women, and children. It is in principle undesirable to experiment with diets before the age of 18, since metabolism has not yet stabilized by this age.

Contraindications to this nutritional system also apply to allergy sufferers. This diet should not be used by those who suffer from diseases of the pancreas, biliary tract and kidneys.

Permitted and prohibited products

The Start program is the first step of this diet. In addition to purchased concentrates, it is allowed to consume:

  • vegetables (raw, stewed, boiled, steamed);
  • apple cider vinegar, lemon juice (for dressing vegetable salads).

You will have to prohibit yourself:

  • protein foods;
  • carbohydrate foods;
  • fruits.

The second stage of this nutrition system is the “Fixation” program. During this period you are allowed to eat:

  • vegetables;
  • protein products (eggs, lean meat, fish, seafood, cheese and cottage cheese).


  • carbohydrate foods;
  • fruits.

The third and final stage of the diet is the so-called “Control” program. Daily menu should include:

  • vegetables;
  • protein foods;
  • legumes;
  • cereals;
  • whole grain pasta and bread;
  • fruits (except grapes).

For the entire time you are on the Energy Diet, do not forget to drink clean water - at least 2 liters per day. You can also introduce teas and herbal decoctions into your diet. If you want to lose weight, then you will have to forget about sugar, sweets, fatty, fried foods, as well as street fast food.

Real reviews of people who have lost weight

The Internet is replete with rave reviews from those who have successfully used this diet and received impressive results. You can find an incredible number of them.

For example, Eldar shared that in 2 months he lost 15 kg on the Energy Diet. Now he weighs 78 kg, but his original weight was 93 kg. He said he drank shakes instead of two meals in the afternoon. He managed not only to lose weight, but also significantly improve his health. An extremely important point: after completing the diet, the weight did not return, as there was a complete change in eating habits.

Irina believes that this food system is extremely comfortable. After all, it is allowed to have a full lunch and dinner with her. If you feel hungry, you can always drink an additional cocktail. And her husband, inspired by his wife’s results, also got involved. His result after 3 months of diet was 7 kg. In addition, the beer belly disappeared and the double chin disappeared. The only negative is how much the cocktail costs. Unfortunately, they are not cheap.

Svetlana also noted that this diet is a wonderful way to lose excess weight. This is especially important for those over 40. Her initial weight was 107 kg. She lost almost 8.5 kg in a month. And as a bonus, I received a wonderful mood and excellent health.

Energy Diet is a new generation product that was originally developed for nutrition of professional athletes. After the system was improved, its influence expanded: in addition to helping to increase muscle mass, it is excellent for weight loss and is the key to a healthy diet.

The most common reason for purchase is the desire to quickly and effectively lose weight with the Energy Diet. Reviews about the product are the most controversial, since the process of losing weight does not happen as quickly as we would like. In addition, most people are concerned about the authoritative opinion of doctors about a miracle product.

Doctors - for ED

As already mentioned, there are many opposing opinions about the Energy Diet. Reviews from doctors were also divided. But most importantly, all doctors strongly recommend consulting with a nutritionist before taking the product.

And nutrition experts say that using Energy Diets in the prescribed dosage gives quick results, which are noticeable after 7 days. And all because the human body begins to receive many useful substances, and nutrition will become balanced. Doctors strongly recommend taking care of your health while it is still normal; this is the only way to avoid serious problems. According to them, if every person made it a habit to take Energy Diet products three times a day, then mortality would decrease, since it is precisely because of proper nutrition occurs in more than 85% various diseases. According to doctors, tablets contain toxic substances, that is, in fact, they are poison. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the majority of people who consumed the products of the line twice a day for 2.5 months stopped taking medications. The bottom line is this: Energy Diet nutrition is not only a component of a fortified diet, but also heals the body, preserving youth for many years.

Doctors - against ED

Today, the fashion for thinness has embraced millions of people, and there are approximately the same number of opinions about the Energy Diet. Negative reviews from doctors appear much less frequently, but they also occur.

In particular, nephrologists advise using such mixtures with extreme caution. They claim that Energy Diet, by definition, cannot be natural. A product grown in a garden may be natural, but this one was created in a laboratory using synthetic substances. In its composition you can find both dyes and thickeners, in other words, it is a solid “chemistry” with an admixture of natural ingredients. Among its ingredients there are no fat burners or anorexigens. According to doctors, this system does not affect metabolism in any way. For the fastest effect, the advertisement recommends replacing one meal with a cocktail. However, you can just as easily replace dinner with a glass of low-fat kefir - it’s both cheaper and healthier. And most of the vaunted components can be replaced with natural products, the cost of which is several times lower. Doctors say: everything you need for health and beauty is an active lifestyle, a balanced diet, and sports. And no miracle cures are needed.

Consumers - for ED

Various thematic forums are simply replete with comments about the Energy Diet: reviews from grateful customers who got rid of problems associated with excess weight are numerous. Moreover, many ailments that plague obese people also go away: high blood pressure, apathy, pain in the joints of the legs. Skin condition improves.

Consumers vs. ED

In addition to positive ones, negative reviews about Energy Diet can also be found, and quite often.

A large number of buyers are opposed to the Energy Diet system. Since most information comes from the Internet, they begin to sin on unreliable sources. For example, instead of losing the advertised 10-15 kg per month, you only lose 2-3 kg. In addition, by the end of even a month's course, the cloying taste becomes unbearable.

Reviews about the composition

The system consists of a varied menu, which includes dry soups, cocktail drinks, and even omelettes and bread. The most popular product from this menu is the Energy Diet shake. Reviews about nutritional components are also very diverse.

Most consumers choose cocktails with different toppings. Energy contains many vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, fats, complex carbohydrates. Some people also include soups and omelettes in their daily diet, which they consider very light and tasty. All products are natural and high quality. Most people who lose weight combine an innovative nutrition program with fitness and enjoy the quick results. It is this group that leaves most positive reviews about the product line. In their opinion, sport plus Energy is an amazing and very quick effect!

Others report no visible results at all. Those who want to lose weight learn about products on the Internet, but do not study negative reviews about Energy Diet. This group of consumers believes that there is nothing natural in these products. In addition, they note the presence in its composition of such components as gum, cheap soybean and palm oils, etc. Skeptics do not recommend consuming such “functional foods” mainly because of their high cost.

Operating principle

The most dissatisfied are those who simply do not know how to adhere to the rules for taking the Energy Diet. Reviews from doctors say that it is impossible to achieve results without effort.

Nutritionists assure that Energy Diet is simply a wonderful product. However, it is not a panacea for excess weight, because there are no diet pills. In order to achieve results, you need to combine diet with exercise, only in this way can you activate your body. Of course, it’s easier to lie on the couch, wash down some sweet buns and cakes with a cocktail and wait for the result. And then declare that it’s all a hoax, all the time! However, without personal effort, no result should be expected.

According to the manufacturer, the composition of this food is remarkably balanced: where else can you find such quantities of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in one meal. This great alternative ordinary food, which sometimes contains the same “chemicals”. In addition, with all the variety of tastes and choices, the product is low in calories. Energy Diet meals are taken according to a special system: in the morning you need to drink a glass of cocktail and eat something light, at lunch - again a cocktail or soup, and you can skip dinner altogether. And only after 30 days of such a diet can you notice results. The course lasts about 6 months. Doctors advise stopping the diet if you feel unwell (dizziness, nausea, weakness) that lasts more than a week. In addition, you should definitely visit a doctor. And for everyone else, there are two main rules - special course nutrition and sports!

Pros of nutrition

Saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals, strength and energy - this is all Energy Diet (nutrition). Consumer reviews indicate the benefits and effectiveness of this program.

Nutrition is perfectly absorbed by the body. Thanks to the balanced composition, the natural intestinal microflora is restored and metabolism improves. The undoubted advantages include the presence of vitamins and minerals. In addition, there is an appetite suppressant effect: after one drink of the cocktail, the feeling of hunger disappears. The Energy Diet line is distinguished by its great variety: from light soups and fluffy omelettes to cocktails for every taste.

Disadvantages of nutrition

According to gastroenterologists, rumors about the miraculous effects of the Energy Diet are marketing ploys. Most of them believe that, if desired, a person can lose weight himself, and he will succeed with the help of normal nutrition, proper regimen and training. In addition, the product cannot be considered natural; it is rather a technological product based on components of natural origin. Thickeners and inorganic vitamins that are in the composition are also chemicals. Allergic reactions are known to occur due to the use of Energy Diets. Much more economical and safer to buy vitamin complex and eat right.

Additional measures

And no matter what they say about Energy Diet, reviews are quite subjective. One thing is clear: in everything you need to adhere to moderation and count on your strength.

The fitness trainer has nothing against the Energy Diet program, but advises everyone who wants to lose weight to remember one rule - make an effort and be disciplined. After all, the main task is not just to achieve some results, but also to consolidate success long time. Therefore, you need to understand that there are no miracle drugs that will do everything for you. "Energy Diet" is just a good helper, and not a pill for excess weight.

Myths about the food system

There are many misconceptions about the Energy Diet program; reviews from doctors will help clarify the situation.

Some people think that Energy products are completely natural, but this is not entirely true. We can say about it this way: a multi-component product, enriched with vitamins and minerals, based on natural ingredients.

Many skeptics and conservatives believe that chemical substitutes are poison. In fact, due to the development of food production, they are actually used as part of Energy. However, all of them have undergone strict quality control, and therefore are completely safe if you adhere to the specified dosage.

Some believe that Energy can cure all ailments. This is wrong. If a person is healthy but has minor weight problems, then ED will help. "Energy" is a balanced diet, not a medicine, so it cannot cure.

There are also contraindications. Since the product consists of many components, including those with allergenic properties, it is prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and children under 17 years of age. Moreover, with a tendency to allergic reactions It is better to refrain from taking Energy. And before use, it is better to consult a doctor.

Some people believe that with this diet you can lose weight easily and without straining. However, anyone who thinks this way will most likely not achieve their goal. The most important thing is desire, effort, strict adherence to the program and prescribed dosage. Sports activities are welcome.

The whole truth about the program

So what is the Energy Diet? Reviews will help you figure out whether this is good or bad?

The father of Energy Diets, Jean-Marie Blanchet, created this product for professional athletes, and their achievements were proof of its effectiveness. The composition is truly unique - it is a multi-component product that helps you lose excess weight and build muscle mass. Thanks to a complex of unique enzymes, it breaks down milk proteins, promoting their better absorption. ED is a complete product that perfectly nourishes the body useful substances, macro- and microelements.

And that's all - functional nutrition Energy Diet. Reviews, be they good or bad, say only one thing - this is an incredibly popular product. And in order to get only benefits from it, you need to be able to take it correctly. After all, only by following the rules, you can extract only the best from ED, gain lightness and renewal, strength and confidence!

“Energy Diet” is a special program for weight loss that involves the use of various concentrates. These are a variety of cocktails that can even be presented as soups, as well as main courses. It is recognized as a harmonious, complete nutrition, providing an ideal opportunity to cleanse the body and put the metabolism in order. And the result of this is gradual weight loss.

The name “Energy Diet” is a trademark that produces instant dietary food concentrates in an assortment. This is stated on its official website, where you can also view the full catalog and choose any cocktails to suit your taste. These products are not only good for losing weight. With their help, you can effectively build muscle.

Each product released under this brand has been tested not only in Russia, but also in the European Union and is recognized as completely safe. The price of one jar, designed for 15 servings, is a little more than 2000 rubles. To order any Energy Diets product you like, you just need to log into your personal account, provided to each buyer by the official website of this brand. There is also a complete catalog of tasty and healthy concentrates available for your reference.

History of origin and name

The Energy Diet brand first appeared in France. It dates back to 2003. Its creator is Jean-Marie Blanchet. He is convinced that this product is not at all know-how in the field of dietary nutrition. He was widely known about 30 years ago. Only at that time it was a special food intended for athletes. It made it possible to maintain the desired shape, get rid of extra pounds, while maintaining endurance and physical strength. How did it move from the “sports nutrition” category to the “weight loss product” category?

As it turned out, we need to thank the spouses and fiancées of those same athletes for this. It was they who begged for cocktails to use for weight loss. Jean-Marie had to develop a special scheme for them. And women began to get brilliant results. Then Blanchet came up with the idea to develop a special nutrition line for those who want to lose weight.

The Energy Diet system is suitable for healthy citizens. It is mainly used by people who are very busy. It will also be an ideal option for those who see regular nutrition and visiting gyms only in their dreams.

The instructions for use warn that the use of cocktails from concentrates is prohibited for pregnant women, lactating women, and children. It is in principle undesirable to experiment with diets before the age of 18, since metabolism has not yet stabilized by this age.

Contraindications to this nutritional system also apply to allergy sufferers. This diet should not be used by those who suffer from diseases of the pancreas, biliary tract and kidneys.

Permitted and prohibited products

The Start program is the first step of this diet. In addition to purchased concentrates, it is allowed to consume:

  • vegetables (raw, stewed, boiled, steamed);
  • apple cider vinegar, lemon juice (for dressing vegetable salads).

You will have to prohibit yourself:

  • protein foods;
  • carbohydrate foods;
  • fruits.

The second stage of this nutrition system is the “Fixation” program. During this period you are allowed to eat:

  • vegetables;
  • protein products (eggs, lean meat, fish, seafood, cheese and cottage cheese).


  • carbohydrate foods;
  • fruits.

The third and final stage of the diet is the so-called “Control” program. The daily menu should include:

  • vegetables;
  • protein foods;
  • legumes;
  • cereals;
  • whole grain pasta and bread;
  • fruits (except grapes).

For the entire time you are on the Energy Diet, do not forget to drink clean water - at least 2 liters per day. You can also introduce teas and herbal decoctions into your diet. If you want to lose weight, then you will have to forget about sugar, sweets, fatty, fried foods, as well as street fast food.

Real reviews of people who have lost weight

The Internet is replete with rave reviews from those who have successfully used this diet and received impressive results. You can find an incredible number of them.

For example, Eldar shared that in 2 months he lost 15 kg on the Energy Diet. Now he weighs 78 kg, but his original weight was 93 kg. He said he drank shakes instead of two meals in the afternoon. He managed not only to lose weight, but also significantly improve his health. An extremely important point: after completing the diet, the weight did not return, as there was a complete change in eating habits.

Irina believes that this food system is extremely comfortable. After all, it is allowed to have a full lunch and dinner with her. If you feel hungry, you can always drink an additional cocktail. And her husband, inspired by his wife’s results, also got involved. His result after 3 months of diet was 7 kg. In addition, the beer belly disappeared and the double chin disappeared. The only negative is how much the cocktail costs. Unfortunately, they are not cheap.

Svetlana also noted that this diet is a wonderful way to lose excess weight. This is especially important for those over 40. Her initial weight was 107 kg. She lost almost 8.5 kg in a month. And as a bonus, I received a wonderful mood and excellent health.

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