Lotto game with wooden barrels rules. Russian lotto rules

There is a famous joke that will help answer the question of how to win the Russian Lotto lottery.

A man came to church to ask God for help. He begged to send him a big cash win in the lottery or good and expensive prizes. God heard his call and was silent for a long time. After which he could not stand it and told him: “Friend, maybe you should buy a lottery ticket first?!”

So, to play lotto, you must first purchase a ticket. It's very easy to do. To buy a ticket, you can go to a special kiosk or to a post office.

So, there is a ticket. What about Russian Lotto? Everyone has their own methods for winning, let’s look at the most common ones.

Several methods for making big money when playing the lottery:

1. An American, Doug Myrock, lives in the states, who played the lottery for 17 years and entered the same combination, eventually winning 31.4 million dollars. Not ready to wait that long? Then it’s worth studying the theory of probability and optimizing the way to quickly win. If you are unable to do such calculations, a computer will come to the rescue. By using special programs You can make a combination of lucky numbers.

2. Numerological method. How to win the Russian Lotto lottery using your date of birth or name? There is a special science - numerology, which determines favorable days for each person based on his personal data. To get your first lucky number, you need to add up all the numbers on your date of birth. The second number is obtained by adding the letters in your name, namely “a-1”, “b-2”, etc. Third lucky number is found by summing the first two. Now you have three that must be present on the lottery ticket.

3. Karmic-cognitive method. Some lottery fans believe that in order to hit the jackpot, magic is not needed. But often the thoughts that arise in the subconscious help you win. Some psychologists advise: in order to win, you need to believe in it all the time. To achieve the result, you need to take a piece of paper with a pen and depict yourself on it with a large bag of money. When you look at your creativity, truly believe that you will win.

4. Fatal method. Some are sure that only chance decides the outcome of a win. Some, for example, believe that a lucky combination is the number of a car that was mined the day before at some point globe. A huge number of bets are placed on the 9th and 11th, after the famous disaster of September 11th. And the strangest thing is that these tickets won! Many people look for clues in the day of the week or the numbers of the month. Often they help them. It’s worth looking around you and finding out where your lucky number is hiding, which will allow you to understand how to win the Russian Lotto lottery.

5. Superstitious method. Purchasing a lottery ticket is a ritual that needs to be carried out especially. Firstly, you need to pay attention to appearance. Do not wear things that contain yellow and red colors. It is better to choose an outfit in dark colors. Striped or checkered clothes will also scare away good luck. And the most important rule is that you should not wear gold and silver jewelry!

It turns out that the probability of winning in any lottery, be it “Sports”, “Super” or another, depends on the goal set and the chosen method.

The Russian Lotto lottery has been around for almost a quarter of a century. During this time, millions of people became its winners. For those who decided to join the company of lucky ones, we explain the rules of the legendary game - how many barrels are in the host’s bag, who gets the main prizes, and what does the drumsticks have to do with it?

What is a ticket

In any paper or electronic Russian Lotto ticket you will see two playing fields. Each of them contains 15 random numbers in a chaotic order - in the range from 1 to 90. Unlike many other lotteries, in Russian Lotto participants do not need to choose numbers themselves - random combinations will be drawn up in advance, and you will only have to choose ticket. But this does not mean that you cannot buy a ticket with some specific numbers that bring you luck. On the website, when purchasing the Russian Lotto lottery, you can use the “Favorite Numbers” service and use it to choose a ticket with your lucky numbers!

Sack and barrels

So, you bought a Russian Lotto ticket. What determines whether he wins or not?

For 24 years now, every weekend in the television studio in the presence of spectators and the circulation commission, Mikhail Borisov, the permanent presenter of Russian Lotto, has been holding lottery draws. His faithful assistants are a bag of thick fabric and a set of wooden barrels, numbered from 1 to 90. According to the rules of the lottery, every time before the start of the show, the drawing commission double-checks that all the barrels are in place.

During the drawing, Mikhail Borisov or his guests specially invited to the studio - winners of past draws, actors, singers, athletes, politicians - pull numbered barrels out of a bag, and lottery participants cross out the drawn numbers on their tickets.

Russian Lotto tours and the legendary Kubyshka

The weekly Russian Lotto draw takes place in several rounds.

Let us remind you that each lottery ticket has playing fields, and in them there are three horizontal lines with numbers. So, in the first round, those participants win who have 5 numbers from any horizontal line before others match the numbers of the barrels drawn from their bag.

In the second round, the winners are the tickets in which all 15 numbers in any of the two playing fields matched the numbers of the kegs from the bag before others. If on the 15th move you match 15 numbers in the top or bottom box, congratulations: you've won the jackpot!

By the way, in the first few rounds the biggest prizes are awarded: from several tens of thousands to several million rubles, plus apartments, cars and other expensive things. Moreover, ticket holders who won in the first or second round can continue to participate in the game, but the lucky winners of the third round are automatically eliminated from the drawing.

So what is the third round? By this time, the presenter Mikhail Borisov had already managed to get quite a lot of barrels out of the bag with jokes and jokes, so now - in the third and subsequent rounds - those tickets in which all 30 numbers matched win.

And finally, after the completion of the main draw, “Russian Lotto” sometimes holds an additional draw with the funny name “Kubyshka”. Here, the winning tickets are those in which all the non-drawn numbers are either in the upper or lower playing field.

How to understand Mikhail Borisov

Sometimes the lottery presenter says cryptic things - it is difficult for people taking part in the drawing for the first time to understand him. We offer a small glossary of Russian Lotto:

  • “Drumsticks” - this means that Mikhail Borisov took keg No. 11 out of the bag,
  • “Geese-swans” - barrel No. 22,
  • “Granny” - barrel No. 80,
  • “Olympics in Sochi” - this is what barrel No. 14 is now sometimes called,
  • “For the first time” - barrel No. 18,
  • “Matryoshka” - barrel No. 88,
  • “Stop the game!” - this is what the host says when the winners appear in the round.
  • “There will be 3 barrels left” - this means that the drawing will be played one more move, that is, up to the 87th move inclusive, and only three barrels out of 90 will remain in the almost empty bag.
  • “2 barrels left” - the drawing will take two turns more than usual.

Do you like to spend time over a cup of tea with your beloved family and some kind of game? If yes, then this article will probably be interesting and useful to you! A lot of people play various games. It doesn't depend on age. People can play from infancy to old age. There are, of course, very busy people. But these are just excuses; in my opinion, time spent with your family is irreplaceable.

What is Russian Lotto?

Russian Lotto is a game that appeared in 1994. This game is very popular. Available in both electronic and non-electronic form. Moreover, the rules of this game are written clearly, but still, each family plays in its own way. Many people give nicknames to lotto numbers.

For example:

Some people play Lotto for money. And every family has its own rules. For some, a game costs 5 rubles, while others pay not for the game, but for the cards, for example, one card costs 1 or 2 rubles! Then the total bet turns out to be 3 or 6 rubles.

How to play Russian lotto?

Russian lotto game rules. As mentioned earlier, each family contributes its certain rules that others don't have. But today we will tell you the basic rules that everyone, without exception, follows, since this game rests on them. This game can be played by a maximum of eight people, since there are 24 cards in total, and each person is only allowed to take three cards. The exceptions are people who play very well and take 4 cards, and complete beginners, they play with 2 cards. So, let’s say there are five of you in a family, you sit down at a table or somewhere else and deal everyone three cards, maybe more, maybe less.

You will see numbers drawn on the cards. During the game The winner is the one who closes either one line or all the numbers of one card first. This is agreed upon at the beginning of the game. Your family, for example, of five people, chooses itself driving.

The driver’s responsibilities include: taking a bag with numbers, which can be in the shape of a barrel, take turns taking out these barrels and announcing the numbers indicated on them. There are only 90 numbers from 1 to 90. The driver takes out a handful of these numbers throughout the game and names them, and everyone else looks at their cards and if they have the number that the driver named, then they set it, that’s how it needs to be set, until an apartment appears.

An apartment is when all the numbers on a line or the entire card are filled in, except for one! As soon as an apartment appears, you are obliged to tell this to the driver and after that the driver takes out not a handful of barrels with numbers, but only one number. Of course, you can’t peek into the driver’s bag! They play this game both for money with their family and for fun, but, as they say, for fun, it’s not interesting. If during the game it happens that you win immediately, that is, two people at the same time, then another round is played, as if decisive. In this case, all people report according to a pre-agreed amount, that is, how much the stake is worth: maybe 5, maybe 3.

Other rules

So, all people report 5 rubles, except for the two who played, and the driver becomes the one who named the numbers before. In this case, the money at stake increases and the game becomes more interesting. This situation is called cauldron or jug. That is, two people won at once.

It happens that one person always wins, while others are offended. To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly, preferably after everyone has become a driver, change cards, and in the lottery they are also called tickets. That is, if there are extra cards left, they are collected and distributed, and the old ones, already played, are put aside for a while. If not everyone got the new ones, it’s okay - you can interfere with the old ones and prove them.

I think you have already understood that throughout the entire game, there is not just one driver, but a bag that is passed around in a circle. That is, the driver appeared, he named all the barrels, someone got an apartment, the driver takes out one at a time. Then, if someone wins, he takes the money from the game, and the driver collects all the balls in a bag and passes the bag to someone else. So in circles. When everyone has been driving, you can change cards. Of course, there are cheaters in this game too. To do this, if someone says that he has won, he calls the balls that he closed on a certain line to the driver. If they are all there, then he really has won. And if not, and he made a mistake, then the game is played out until another winner is known.

Where can you buy Russian Lotto?

If you are not talking about an electronic game, then such a lotto can be purchased at any game store. And if you are talking about electronic system or about Russian Lotto lottery tickets, which can be bought in the lottery, then they already have their own separate rules! Their meaning is almost similar to regular lotto, but there are some other rules. For example, first you will have to go through a simple registration process. After this, the game will be available to you.

Russian Lotto can be purchased and played lottery tickets Russian lotto. Then you are not playing with your family, but your chances of buying really valuable things, for example, a car, increase. Attention, Jackpot! This happens extremely rarely, but if you are lucky, you can win money, up to 1 million. It will appear if all the numbers on the ticket match. The person you will be playing with can tell you this better. In principle, the rules here are the same as in a regular lotto, only you need to go through several rounds and during the game, lottery tickets are already drawn.

  1. You will pass the first round if your first line exactly matches the numbers of the barrels.
  2. You will pass the second round if you completely cover all the numbers in the first card.
  3. And you will pass the third round if all two cards match!

What are missing numbers in Russian Lotto?

The winner is the ticket in which all the numbers not drawn will end up on one of the ticket cards (top or bottom). Every month, the Russian Lotto lottery game organizes a festive draw. These are the numbers that were not drawn.

Today we tried to tell you everything important that you need to know about this wonderful game. There are, of course, people who are constantly busy. But family should come first. And indeed, nothing can replace the time spent with them. I hope that the information you learned from this article became very useful and interesting for you.

Russian Lotto is one of the most exciting games that can be played by 2 or more people. Both adults and children enjoy playing it, and simple rules allow you to involve even kids in this entertainment. Lotto is ideal for a family evening, as it gives all players a lot of positive emotions.

In addition, this game is extremely useful. In young children, it develops reaction speed, memory and other skills that will help them in later life. In this article we will provide detailed rules for playing lotto with kegs at home or on the street, thanks to which even the smallest children can easily understand the intricacies of this game.

How many barrels are there in lotto?

In the classic version of this game there are always 90 barrels, each of which contains numbers from 1 to 90. In addition, the package includes 24 cards with 3 rows of numbers, an opaque bag, as well as 150-200 additional tokens designed to cover those numbers. barrels that have already been used.

Meanwhile, today there are many varieties of this game - lotto for children and adults with wooden or plastic barrels and other elements that replace them. In such variations, the number of chips and cards may differ greatly from the traditional version. Particularly for children preschool age The most commonly used game is lotto, which comes with 48 barrels.

Rules of Russian lotto with kegs

You can play Russian Lotto in 3 different ways. The simplest and most understandable among them is the “simple game” option, in which each participant is randomly given one card, after which the presenter takes out one barrel from a special bag.

Pulling out a particular chip, he loudly pronounces its value, and then each player checks whether this number is on his card. If the required number is found, the cell with it is filled with the pulled out keg or a special token. Otherwise, the player waits for the next move.

In the “simple game”, the winner is the one who managed to fill in all the cells on his card faster than others. It is possible that 2 or more participants win in this option. " Short game" proceeds in exactly the same way, however, to win it it is enough to fill only one row on any card.

Finally, the most popular lotto game option is three on three. In this case, each player receives 3 cards, randomly selected by the leader. At the same time, a certain amount is “paid” for receiving cards - if adults play, this can be real money. If children take part in the game, candy, candy wrappers, beads and much more can be used as currency.

The goal of each player in this case is to cover the bottom lines on their cards faster than others. The one who managed to do this before everyone else wins and takes the entire stake for himself. If during the game one of the players covers the top line on the card, other participants need to double their bets. The one who collects the middle line before other players takes a third of the total bet amount.

Of course, the “three on three” option is not intended for young children who are contraindicated for gambling. But teenagers with their parents and friends enjoy playing this exciting game, exchanging small objects accepted as game currency.

There are other variants of playing keg lotto, each of which requires an agreement between the participants to win. Try each one and you will definitely understand which one you like the most.

We also invite you to learn the rules of the game

Lotto with kegs - gambling and exciting board game for home. It helps you relax, relax, and have fun with your family and friends. The birthplace of the game is considered to be the Italian city of Genoa. Entertainment appeared in the 16th century. Translated, the word lotto means “fate” or “lottery.” How to play lotto at home?

What does the game consist of?

The lotto set consists of the following items:

  • 90 barrels with numbers. Barrels are made from wood. At the end there are numbers from 1 to 90.
  • Cardboard cards. They have a rectangular shape and medium size. Divided into 3 vertical columns of 9 cells. Each column contains 5 numbers in random order. The remaining cells are empty.
  • A bag made of thick fabric. In the game it functions as a hand drum. Necessary for storing barrels.
  • Chips. They come in cardboard or plastic. Used to cover identical numbers.

Rules of the game

There are three types of lotto: simple, short and three on three. There are some differences in the rules of each game. The goal is the same - to be the first of all participants to close the card or line with barrels with the corresponding numbers.


All players choose three cards and lay them out in front of them. The presenter pours the barrels into a bag and mixes them. Then he pulls out and announces the numbers indicated on them. Players must cover the announced numbers on their cards. The one who fills one line with chips loudly pronounces the combination word “apartment”. This is how he notifies other players about the approaching victory. If he covers all the number squares on one card, the game is over.

A short

Participants choose one card with playing fields. The one who closes only one line wins. This game is a shortened version of simple lotto. It is designed for a maximum number of players (24 people).

"Three by Three"

This is the most exciting type of lotto game. What's at stake various items or money. The point is that cards are bought with money. The number of purchased cardboard cards is not limited. The funds are located in the middle of the gambling table in a common bank. This is the future winnings of the winner.

The presenter takes turns taking out the barrels and announcing the numbers. With each such action, the contents of the bag are thoroughly mixed. When the top line is closed, players double the stake. The first person to fill in the middle column has the right to take a third of the amount from the bank. The rest put money into the general cash register and continue. The player who fills the bottom number line with chips wins.

According to the rules, the presenter can also take part in the game. However, he has no right to look into the bag.

Symbols of numbers

Most of the numbers located on the end of the barrel are called coded words during the game. They are based on folk sayings, comparisons, important dates. This makes its own adjustments and gives the entertainment a special charm. Many people do not know secret codes. To understand which cell to place a chip on, the player will need time.

Verbal encodings of numbers
1 "Master", "count", "all alone"
2 "Couple", "swan"
3 "Let's figure it out for three"
4 "On four sides", "chair"
7 "Poker", "axe"
8 "Matryoshka"
11 "Drumsticks"
13 "Baker's dozen"
18 "For the first time"
20 "Swan in the Lake"
21 "Point"
22 "Ducks", "geese-swans"
25 "Twenty-five again"
33 "Curls", "curly"
44 "Chairs"
50 "Anniversary", "half a hundred"
55 "Gloves"
60 "Pensioner"
66 "Felt boots"
77 "Ladies' legs", "hatchets"
80 "Woman"
89 "Grandfather's Neighbor"
90 "Grandfather", "grandfather"

Children's lotto

A separate type of game in question is children's lotto. The numbers in it are replaced by different thematic pictures: transport, clothing, furniture, vegetables, fruits. The rules are simple: the presenter takes a card with illustrations from the bag and says what is shown there. Children must find this item on their card.

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