From green spores. Green thread formed from sprouted moss spores? Assignments of the All-Russian Biology Olympiads

General characteristics of mosses

Bryophytes - a large group higher plants, very different in external structure. There are about 25 thousand species around the world. Among higher plants, they occupy second place in the number of species after flowering plants.

Bryophytes are a very ancient group in the plant kingdom. Almost all of them are perennial plants. Mosses are usually short-growing: their height ranges from a few millimeters to 20 cm. They always grow in places of high humidity.

Among bryophytes, there are two large classes - Liverworts And Leaf mosses.

In liverworts, the body is represented by a branched green flat thallus. Leafy mosses have clearly visible stems and small green leaves, i.e. they have shoots. Both have rhizoids , which absorb water from the soil and anchor plants. All bryophytes are characterized by significant simplicity internal structure. Their body contains basic and photosynthetic tissues, but conductive, mechanical, storage and integumentary tissues are absent.

Liverworts - very ancient mosses. They are especially richly represented in the tropics. One of the common types of liverworts is Marchantia, living in damp places not occupied by grass. It has a creeping leaf-like thallus attached to the soil by rhizoids. In the thallus, there is a division of tissue into main (in the lower part of the body) and photosynthetic (in the upper part of the body). The Marchantia family includes the heat-loving Riccia aquatic, bred by aquarists.


Leaf mosses in the vegetation cover of the Earth play a much larger role than liverworts. One of the most famous green leafy mosses is cuckoo flax, or Polytrichum vulgaris

Kukushkin flax: 1 - cap; 2 - box; 3 - leaves; 4 - stem; 5 - rhizoids

Reproduction of bryophytes

Bryophytes reproduce asexually and sexually. Asexual reproduction is carried out by spores (therefore they are classified as spore plants) and vegetatively (parts of the thallus, stems, leaves), and sexual reproduction is carried out with the help of gametes.

For sexual reproduction, mosses develop special organs in which gametes are formed: male - sperm and female - eggs. In thallaceous mosses, the genital organs are located on the upper surface of the thallus, and in leaf-stem mosses - in the apical part of the shoots.

box protonema . On it, lamellar thalli or leafy shoots soon form from the buds.

gametophyte sporophyte

In the development cycle of bryophytes, alternation of sexual and asexual reproduction occurs.

The meaning of mosses

White sphagnum moss

Bryophytes are very ancient representatives of the plant kingdom. The body of leaf-stemmed mosses has a stem and leaves, but does not yet have roots. In the development cycle of bryophytes, sexual and asexual reproduction alternate. Asexual reproduction is carried out by spores, parts of the thallus, shoots, and sexual reproduction is carried out with the help of gametes. Mosses always grow only in places of high moisture. Sexual reproduction occurs only in the aquatic environment. The role of bryophytes in nature is enormous. They participate in the formation of swamps, the creation of peat, and influence the overall supply of moisture to the land.

Department Bryophytes

Department Bryophytes is a unique group of plants occupying an intermediate position between algae and terrestrial plants themselves. The name "moss" is erroneously applied to a number of nonbryophyte plants: moss growing on the bark of northern trees is actually an algae, "deer moss" is a lichen, and "Spanish moss" hanging from trees in the southern United States , is a seed plant close to the pineapple.

Bryophytes or bryophytes- very ancient land plants. They appeared almost simultaneously with rhyniophytes, but have survived to this day. These are the most primitive modern higher spore plants. All representatives of bryophytes are perennial, fairly small plants, the height of which is usually 10-20 cm. The body of mosses is a thallus or divided into stems and leaves. The role of roots is played by thin hairs called rhizoids.

Mosses have chlorophyll, photosynthesize, live on land, in damp places, and less often in water. The body of mosses consists of tissues, but real has no vessels .

Reproduction in mosses occurs in three ways: asexual (spores), sexual and vegetative. Alternation!!

Regular small green leafy plant called moss - this is the gametophytic (sexual) generation . The gametophyte consists of a single central stem surrounded by leaves and held in the soil by rhizoids that absorb iodine and salts from the soil. Leaf cells synthesize all the other compounds necessary for plant life; therefore, each gametophyte is an independent organism.

The asexual generation (sporophyte) grows on the gametophyte (plants of the sexual generation) and feeds on it. Not independent, poorly developed and represented by a leafless brown stem, at the end of which there is a capsule with spores, for example, like in cuckoo flax. When the capsule ripens, spores spill out of it. Once in favorable conditions, a multicellular filament grows from the spores, from which several gametophytes develop by budding.

When the growth of the gametophyte ends and it is ready for reproduction, the genital organs develop at the top of the stem - in the middle of the rosette of leaves: antheridia (from the Greek “anteros” - blooming) - male genital organs in which motile gametes - sperm develop And archegonia (from the Greek “arche” - beginning and “gone” - birth) - female genital organs, in which the immobile female gamete is formed - egg.

During periods of high water or heavy rain, male sperm cells swim to the egg, where they merge. After fertilization, a zygote is formed (from the Greek “zygotos” - joined together) initial stage embryo development. From a fertilized zygote to next year a capsule develops on a long leafless stalk - a sporogon. It is covered with a cap in which spores are formed.

When the cap falls off, spores fall out of the ripe capsule and, once in favorable conditions, sprout into a green branched thread - a pre-sprout. Buds form on it, and from them grow male and female specimens of cuckoo flax. Thus, in the life cycle of moss development there is an alternation of sexual and asexual generations.

Classification of the Bryophyta Division

  • Class Antocerotaceae;
  • Class Liverworts;
  • Class Leafy;
    • Subclass Green (Brieve);
    • Subclass Sphagnaceae;

General characteristics of bryophytes

  • Evergreen, autotrophic, mostly perennial plants;
  • The department includes 25,000 species;
  • The body consists of many cells and is either a thallus (thallus), or a stalk from which lateral shoots extend, and root-like outgrowths - rhizoids. no roots;
  • The thallus is poorly differentiated, but there are rudiments of conductive and integumentary tissue. There is no mechanical tissue in the gametophyte. Cells contain chloroplasts. They are capable of photosynthesis. The cell membrane consists of cellulose. Glucose is stored in the form of starch. Cells can be diploid (2n) or haploid (n).
  • There is always an alternation of life cycles. The main generation is the gametophyte (n), the sporophyte (2n) is reduced and develops on the body of the gametophyte;
  • Sexual reproductive organs develop on the gametophyte: male - antheridia, female - archegonia;
  • Sexual reproductive organs develop on the gametophyte: male - antheridia, female - archegonia. The fertilization process depends on water, since sperm are motile;
  • The fertilization process depends on water, since sperm are motile;
  • A sporophyte is an organ of asexual reproduction, represented by a rhizome, fronds with sporangia containing spores (n). Spores are produced by meiosis;
  • After germination of the spore, a protonema develops, on which the buds of future gametophytes are formed;
  • Gametophytes are also capable of reproducing vegetatively;

Leafy mosses (green)

  • 2000 species are known;
  • Perennial, evergreen plants from 1 mm to 50 cm;
  • Form a continuous cover on swamps, meadows, mountains and coniferous forests;
  • The structure is often leafy, the gametophyte is dioecious, capable of vegetative reproduction. At its apex there are male gametangia (antheridium) and female gametangia (archegonium);
  • From the fertilized egg a pedunculated capsule develops in which haploid spores (n) mature;
  • Once in a humid environment, the spore germinates into the protonema;
  • The gametophyte has rhizoids that perform the function of holding in the soil.

Leafy mosses (sphagnum)

  • 400 species are known;
  • Distributed mainly in temperate and cold zones;
  • They live in swamps and marshy meadows;
  • The stems of sphagnum mosses are erect, with leafy branches;
  • The leaves are single-layered and have two types of cells - chlorophyll-bearing and aquiferous. Thanks to the many water-bearing cells, sphagnum can quickly absorb and retain large amounts of water for a long time (20-40 times its dry weight);
  • There are no rhizoids;
  • The buds of future gametophytes are formed on the protonema;
  • Sphagnum is very resistant to decomposition, dried for a long time. In swamps, the dying lower parts of the thallus fall to the bottom and undergo only partial anaerobic decomposition. As a result of this process, peat is formed. A bactericidal substance, sphagnol, is formed in it.

Liver mosses (liverworts), class of mosses.

Includes approx. 8.5 thousand species.

  • Distributed from the equator to the polar regions, especially numerous in tropical and subtropical forests. They grow on damp soil, tree bark, leaves, less often on stones and rocks; there are aquatic forms.
  • Liverworts have a dorsoventral (dorsal-abdominal) gametophyte, in which the upper side is always different from the lower. Simply arranged liverworts - Marchantia mosses have the appearance of a forked, branched thallus creeping along the ground. Rhizoids extend from the midrib on the lower side - single-celled thread-like outgrowths that attach the thallus to the ground and supply it with water and mineral salts. In addition, there are ventral scales on the ventral side.
  • Higher liverworts - Jungermannia mosses - have a thin creeping stem on which there are 3 rows of leaves: 2 rows of dorsal and one row of ventral. Vegetative propagation occurs by separating parts of thalli and stems or using brood buds. Fertilization occurs in the presence of droplet-liquid moisture. Liverworts have no practical significance.

Bryophytes play an important role in nature. Settling on stones, sand, etc., they act as pioneer plants , preparing the ground for other plants. Mosses are important in ecosystems, acting as regulators of water regimes. Great importance bryophytes in peat formation. Sphagnum moss plays a special role in this. Sphagnum turf absorbs a large amount of water, so the soil surface, overgrown with this moss, becomes waterlogged and swampy. The lower sections of the turf darken and become compacted, turning into peat - a mineral formed by the accumulation of plant remains that have undergone incomplete decomposition due to waterlogging. Peat is used as fuel and fertilizer. Sphagnum mosses secrete substances that have a detrimental effect on bacteria, and therefore delay the decay processes of all dead remains. Dried sphagnum mosses were used as a dressing material instead of cotton wool during the First and Second World Wars, as they have antibacterial properties and are very hydroscopic (able to absorb moisture).

Department Bryophytes- higher spore plants.

There are about 25 thousand species around the world. Among higher plants, they occupy second place in the number of species after flowering plants.

Bryophytes are a very ancient group in the plant kingdom.

Almost all of them are perennial plants.

Mosses are usually short-growing: their height ranges from a few millimeters to 20 cm.

They always grow in places of high humidity.

Leaf mosses .

One of the most famous green leafy mosses is cuckoo flax, often found in coniferous forests, near sphagnum bogs, and in damp places. Perennial large plants of this species (9-17 cm in length), growing in groups, often cover vast areas in the forest zone and tundra.

Rice. Kukushkin flax: 1 - sporophyte (box on a long stalk); 2 - box with spores; 3 - leaves; 4 - stem; 5 - rhizoids

Rhizoids serve to anchor the plant in the soil.

The stem is formed by mechanical tissue, carries the leaves to the light

Leaves are thin plates formed by photosynthetic tissue.

Bryophytes absorb water over the entire surface of their body.

Bryophytes reproduce asexually and sexually. Asexual reproduction is carried out by spores (therefore they are classified as spore plants) and vegetatively (parts of the thallus, stems, leaves), and sexual reproduction is carried out with the help of gametes.

For sexual reproduction, mosses develop special organs in which gametes are formed: male - sperm and female - eggs.

In an aquatic environment, with the help of flagella, sperm move to the egg and fertilize it. Without water, sperm cannot reach the egg. After fertilization, a special organ develops from the emerging zygote - box , in which disputes are formed. With the help of spores, bryophytes reproduce and disperse. From the spore, a multicellular thin green thread first develops - protonema . On it, shoots with green leaves soon form from the buds.

In cuckoo flax, the capsule formed from the zygote is located on a long, rigid stalk, has a lid and is covered with a cap. When the spores ripen, the lid of the box opens and the spores spill out. They are very small and light, so they travel far. The longer the stalk, the further the spores can scatter. Once in favorable conditions, the spores germinate, form protonemata, and the entire development cycle of this moss is repeated again.

In bryophytes, a green plant that develops from a spore is called gametophyte , because gametes are formed on it in the apical part, in special organs. And the capsule formed from the zygote is called sporophyte , since disputes are formed in it.

1. and 2. – adult plants.

At the top of the male plant (1) the sperm mature, and at the top of the female plant (2) the egg matures. The sperm are transported by water to the egg and fertilization occurs.

Adult plants that produce gametes are gametophytes.

From a fertilized egg - a zygote - a Sporophyte (3) is formed - a box with spores on a long stalk.

When the spores ripen, the cap of the capsule falls off and the spores spill out (4).

Spores are cells for asexual reproduction

The spores germinate and a seedling is formed in the soil (5), which eventually forms green adult plants (6)

Life cycle of mosses

The meaning of mosses. The appearance of cuckoo flax on the soil is a signal warning of possible waterlogging of the soil. Kukushkin flax can create large, dense covers of soil, which promotes water storage. As a powerful moisture accumulator, it contributes to the formation of swamps. In places where cuckoo flax settles, which accumulates moisture, sphagnum may soon settle.
Unlike cuckoo flax and other green mosses, sphagnum is sometimes popularly called white moss. In sphagnum leaves, chlorophyll-bearing cells alternate with large sac-like cells filled with air or water.

Rice. 97. White sphagnum moss

Sphagnum is able to quickly accumulate a lot of droplet liquid water in the body and thereby contribute to waterlogging of the soil.

Sphagnum annually grows by 3-5 cm in the upper part of the shoot. In the lower part of the shoot it also dies annually, but does not rot. Sphagnum has bactericidal properties, so decomposition of dead sphagnum moss tissues almost does not occur. Thanks to this property, sphagnum forms over time thick layers of dead shoots in which water accumulates and is retained. Thick layers of sphagnum moss are part of peat.

A green plant that develops from a spore is called _ _ among bryophytes, because

A green plant that has developed from a spore is called _ _ among bryophytes, because gametes are formed on it in the apical part, in special organs.
(*answer*) gametophyte
Gymnosperms include:
(*answer*) pine
(*answer*) spruce
(*answer*) cedar
(*answer*) larch
cuckoo flax
Lower plants include
(*answer*) seaweed
Fern leaves are called _
(*answer*) vaya
Moss that forms peat – _
(*answer*) sphagnum
Bryophytes belong to _plants
(*answer*) highest
to the lowest
Name the generative organs of plants:
(*answer*) flower
(*answer*) fruit
(*answer*) seed
the escape
Ferns are a large group of higher plants. It includes:
(*answer*) mosses
(*answer*) horsetails
(*answer*) ferns
Ferns are higher _ plants.
(*answer*) spore
Liverworts and leafy mosses reproduce:
(*answer*) sexually
(*answer*) vegetative way
(*answer*) disputes
Angiosperms are:
(*answer*) birch
(*answer*) apple tree
(*answer*) cabbage
Angiosperms have a number of features:
(*answer*) pollination is carried out by animals, wind, water, self-pollination
(*answer*) there is a stigma that facilitates the capture and germination of pollen
(*answer*) their wood is represented by vessels and tracheids
their pollen falls directly on the ovule
(*answer*) develop a flower
(*answer*) have ovules
(*answer*) form seeds
fruits do not develop
After fertilization, a special organ develops from the emerging zygote - _ _, or sporophyte, i.e. "spore grower"
(*answer*) box

Green bryophyte plant developed from a spore

Audio fragment “The sub-kingdom of higher plants” (9:02)

Bryophytes- a large group of plants, very diverse in external structure. There are about 27 thousand species around the world. Among higher plants, they occupy second place in the number of species after flowering plants.

Almost all mosses are perennial plants. The body of some mosses is a thallus. But in most it is divided into stems and leaves. In other words, mosses have shoots. Many mosses have single-celled outgrowths on the lower part of the stem that perform the functions of a root: absorbing water and anchoring in the soil. They are called rhizoids. Mosses have special multicellular organs (algae do not have such organs), in which spores and gametes are formed.

Among bryophytes, there are two large classes - Liverworts and Leaf mosses..

In liverworts, the body is represented by a branched green flat thallus. Leafy mosses have clearly visible stems and small green leaves, i.e. there are shoots. Both have rhizoids that absorb water from the soil and anchor the plants. All bryophytes are characterized by a significant simplicity of internal structure. Their body contains basic and photosynthetic tissues, but conductive, mechanical, storage and integumentary tissues are absent.

Liverworts and leaf-stemmed mosses reproduce asexually and sexually. Asexual reproduction is carried out by vegetative means and spores, so they are classified as spore plants.

Liverworts- very ancient mosses. They are especially richly represented in the tropics. One of the common types of liverworts is morshancia, living in damp places not occupied by grass. It has a creeping leaf-like thallus attached to the soil by rhizoids. In the thallus, there is a division of tissue into main (in the lower part of the body) and photosynthetic (in the upper part of the body). The Marchantia family includes heat-loving Riccia aquatic, bred by aquarists.

Video fragment “Morshantsia”

Leafy mosses play a much larger role in the vegetation cover of the Earth than liverworts. One of the most famous green leafy mosses is cuckoo flax, or Polytrichum vulgaris, often found in coniferous forests, near sphagnum bogs, and in damp places. Large perennial plants of this species (9-15 cm in length), growing in groups, often cover vast areas in the forest zone and tundra.

In the apical part, on the gametophyte, organs of sexual reproduction develop among small green leaves.

The sporophyte formed from the zygote cuckoo flax presented in a box with a lid. It is located on a long, rigid stalk that rises above the leafy shoot of the female gametophyte. When the spores ripen, the lid of the box opens and the spores spill out. They are very small and light, so they travel far. The longer the stalk, the further the spores can scatter. Once in favorable conditions, the spores germinate, and the entire development cycle of this moss is repeated again.

Life cycle of cuckoo flax. (Animation)

The appearance of cuckoo flax on the soil is a signal warning of possible waterlogging of the soil. Kukushkin flax can create large, dense covers of soil, which promotes water storage. As a powerful moisture accumulator, it contributes to the formation of swamps. In places where cuckoo flax settles, accumulating moisture, it may soon settle sphagnum moss .

Sphagnum annually grows by 3-5 cm in the upper part of the shoot. In the lower part, the shoot also dies annually, but does not rot. Thanks to this property, sphagnum forms over time powerful deposits of peat and water accumulation.

Life cycle of sphagnum. (Animation)

The formation of peat occurs due to waterlogging, the creation of an acidic environment by sphagnum, and the lack of sufficient oxygen in the thickness of dead moss shoots. In addition, sphagnum has bactericidal properties, which protects it from bacteria and being eaten by animals and is unfavorable for the development of fungi. That is why decomposition of dead sphagnum moss tissues almost does not occur. This causes the creation of thick layers of peat where sphagnum has settled.

The meaning of mosses. Our country ranks first in the world in peat reserves. Peat is used in agriculture: as fertilizer for making pots for seedlings, as bedding for livestock, and for mulching the soil. Peat is a flammable substance and is also used as fuel. It is also a raw material for industry: wood alcohol, carbolic acid, plastics, insulating materials, resins, etc. are obtained from it. The development of peat deposits is an important area of ​​the economy.

However, peat extraction involves draining swamps, and in last years It turned out that when swamps are drained, climate changes occur. After all, many rivers have their sources in swamps. Draining swamps also leads to peat fires. In addition, the swamps contain rare plant species that are subject to special protection.

In nature, mosses often play a negative role. In forests and meadows they form a continuous cover of moss, impeding the flow of air to the soil and causing its oxidation. In such conditions, valuable forage grasses and all other plants are crowded out, the seeds of which are retained by mosses and do not enter the soil, and seedlings cannot break through the thick moss carpet. The soil becomes waterlogged.

AND interactive lesson-simulator “Department of Mosses. General characteristics"

(Go through all pages of the lesson and complete all tasks)

Bryophytes are very ancient representatives of the plant kingdom. The body of leaf-stemmed mosses has a stem and leaves, but does not yet have roots. Bryophytes reproduce sexually and vegetatively, as well as by spores; They always grow only in places of high humidity. Sexual reproduction occurs only in a liquid medium. The role of bryophytes in nature is enormous. They participate in the formation of swamps, the creation of peat, and influence the overall supply of moisture to the land.

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1. What lower spore plants do you know?

Unicellular and multicellular algae.

2. What higher spore plants do you know?

Mosses, ferns, horsetails and mosses.

3. What is the difference between higher spore plants and lower ones?

Lower spore plants (algae) are not divided into organs; their body is a thallus (thallus). The body of higher animals is divided into organs.

4. What is called a thallus?

Thallus (thallus) - the vegetative body of algae, fungi, lichens, some bryophytes, not differentiated into organs (stem, root, leaf) and without real tissues, although externally (for example, in brown algae) it can sometimes resemble the stem and leaves of higher plants .

5. What is a fern frond?

The frond of a fern is its leaf.


1. How does reproduction occur in unicellular algae?

Some algae, such as Chlorella, are characterized by only asexual reproduction. Typically, algae reproduce both asexually and sexually. Their methods of sexual reproduction are very diverse.

2. How does ulotrix reproduce?

Like other algae, it reproduces in favorable conditions asexually and otherwise sexually.

3. How do mosses reproduce?

In mosses, the alternation of asexual and sexual generations is clearly expressed.

Asexual reproduction occurs with the help of spores. From the sprouted spore a thin green thread is formed - a pre-growth. The thread branches, buds appear on it, from which male or female specimens of moss then grow.

During vegetative propagation, many mosses form cushion-shaped sods and cover the moist soil with a continuous carpet.

Let us consider sexual reproduction using the example of cuckoo flax moss.

Some plants develop male gametes - sperm, while others develop female gametes - eggs. When it rains, sperm swim towards the egg. Fertilization is impossible without water.

When gametes fuse, a zygote is formed. A pedunculated capsule develops from the zygote on the female plant. Spores ripen in the box. The spores disperse and germinate into pre-adults.

4. What is a prothallus?

A fern prothallus is a small green plate with a diameter of several millimeters that develops from a germinated fern spore.

The shoot lives independently, attaching itself to the soil by rhizoids. On the underside of the prothallus, male and female gametes (sperm and eggs) develop.

5. How does sexual and asexual reproduction occur in ferns?

In ferns, as well as in mosses, the alternation of sexual and asexual generations is clearly represented.

In summer, small brown tubercles form on the underside of the fern. The tubercles contain bundles of small sacs - sporangia, in which spores mature.

Mature spores fall out of the sporangia. The wind blows them away. If they find favorable conditions, they germinate like moss spores. A small green plate with a diameter of several millimeters develops from a sprouted fern spore. This is a fern outgrowth. It lives independently, attaching itself to the soil by rhizoids.

On the underside of the prothallus, male and female gametes (sperm and eggs) develop. Droplets of dew or rainwater are retained under the growth, in which sperm can swim to the eggs. Fertilization occurs. An embryo develops from a zygote.

The embryo first receives nutrients from the green shoot. It grows and gradually a root and a very short stem with the first leaf develop. Over time, from the embryo on the shoot, a plant develops, which we usually call a fern.


What biological role does the sexual generation play in ferns? asexual generation?

With asexual reproduction, a rapid increase in the number of individuals is ensured, regardless of conditions.

During sexual reproduction, a new organism, as a result of recombination of characteristics, acquires new properties (characters) that ensure adaptation to its environment.

Quests for the curious

Sow fern spores and observe their germination using the following instructions.

1. Cut off the frond with sporangia Brown, wrap it in paper and dry it.

2. Take a sheet of white paper. Shake the vayu over it so that the spores fall out onto the paper.

The best option is a piece of spore-bearing leaf with brown sori. You can simply scrape off the sporangia White list. It is better if it lies in a dark and dry place for a couple of weeks - during this time all the spores will ripen.

3. Fill clean bowls with prepared substrate (calcined turf soil, pieces of peat or pumice).

The spores are sown evenly and quite densely over the surface, without sprinkling anything.

5. Cover the bowls with glass and place in a warm place at a temperature not lower than 25 °C. Make sure the substrate is kept moist at all times.

It is convenient to place such greenhouses in the corner of the windowsill, placing the jars on top of each other. This way they don’t take up much space and aren’t very conspicuous. Plants standing on the windowsill will protect the seedlings from the sun. For successful germination you need partial shade, warmth within +20-25 degrees. and high air humidity. To avoid additional heating, it is better to sow spores in the spring.

For irrigation, it is advisable to use clean water without chlorine, preferably snow or rain. Containers should be ventilated periodically by opening the lids or lifting the film over the crops.

6. Keep observations and record in your diary the dates of sowing, spore germination, formation of a green thread from the spore - a pre-growth, formation of a heart-shaped outgrowth, appearance of the first fern leaves. Take photos.

7. When 3-4 leaves appear, replant the plant in a mixture of leaf and peat soil with sand.

Fern seedlings are initially quite small (1.5-2.5 cm), their root system is fragile and easily damaged, which leads to slower growth. Therefore, it can hardly be recommended to plant seedlings in picking boxes. It is advisable to use small cups made from newsprint (this is not difficult to learn). Of course, you can also use ready-made plastic containers, but they should be small, given the tiny size of the seedlings.

8. Prepare a report of your observations.

U different types The germination time of spores ranges from several weeks to two years (tree ferns). In species living in mid-latitudes, this process takes from 3-4 weeks to 1.5-2 months. Earlier than others, by the end of the first month, thickets of shield plants (Dryopteris), leaflets (Phyllitk), bladderwort (Cystopteris), and ossicles (Aspknium) appear.

Abundantly sprouted spores look like a mat of green moss, although if you look closely, you can see individual thin heart-shaped plates - shoots. Their size in different species ranges from 1.5 to 10 mm in diameter. The shoots have no roots and are attached to the ground by special hair-like formations - rhizoids. After about 1.5-2 months, roots and leaves begin to grow on the shoots.


620-1. The accumulation of which group of plants contributes to waterlogging of the soil?
A) lycophytes
B) horsetails
B) bryophytes
D) fern-like


620-2. A stem with leaves in the process of evolution first appeared in
A) algae
B) bryophytes
B) horsetails
D) fern-like


620-3. Mosses represent a dead-end branch in the evolution of plants, since
A) more highly organized ferns evolved from them
B) they did not give rise to more highly organized plants
C) more highly organized horsetails evolved from them
D) they originated from unicellular algae


620-4. What characteristic is characteristic of mosses?
A) adventitious roots develop from the stem
B) spores are formed in a capsule
C) they have no escape
D) pollination precedes fertilization


620-5. In mosses it develops from spores
A) a box on a leg
B) seed
B) green thread
D) outgrowth


620-6. The adaptability of sphagnum moss to life in conditions of excessive moisture is manifested in the presence
A) rhizomes with adventitious roots
B) cells with chloroplasts
B) dead cells
D) rhizoids


620-7. Representatives of which division of the Plant kingdom are shown in the picture?


620-8. What plants belong to the Bryophyta department?
A) living on land and reproducing by seeds
B) leafy, rootless, reproducing by spores
B) all plants in wet habitats
D) all herbaceous plants


620-9) What devices for absorption large quantity did water appear in the process of evolution in mosses?
A) rhizoids - outgrowths on the stem
B) large dead cells
B) spore capsules
D) cells of thin integumentary tissue


620-10. In green mosses, unlike algae,
A) cells have large and small nuclei
B) fertilization occurs in the presence of water
C) the thallus is divided into tissues and organs
D) sexual and asexual reproduction occurs


620-11. To which division of higher plants does the plant shown in the figure belong?

A) Angiosperms
B) Gymnosperms
B) Ferns
D) Bryophytes


620-12. By what characteristics are bryophytes distinguished from other plants?
A) in the process of their development there is an alternation of generations
B) reproduce by spores
B) have leaves, stem and rhizoids
D) capable of photosynthesis


620-13. Ferns, unlike green mosses, have
A) rhizoids
B) roots
B) leaves
D) stems


620-14. Cuckoo flax develops from the spores of green moss
A) a prothallus in the form of a green plate
B) pre-teen in the form of green threads
B) plants with leaves
D) seeds of the future plant


620-15. Of the higher plants there are no roots
A) Tsvetkov
B) Conifers
B) Mkhov
D) Ferns


620-16. Ferns are much more widespread on Earth than mosses, since they
A) have a developed root system and reproduce more efficiently
B) appeared earlier in the course of evolution and managed to adapt better
C) are widely grown by humans for their needs
D) are successfully spread by various animals


620-17. Mosses have the simplest structure among higher plants, since
A) they have no roots
B) their stem is unbranched, with narrow leaves
C) they form organic substances from inorganic ones
D) they have air cells


620-18. Why do mosses represent a dead-end branch in plant evolution?
A) they have not mastered the ground-air habitat
B) they came from algae
C) they have no roots and reproduce by spores
D) they did not give rise to more highly organized plants


620-19. A representative of which division of the Plant kingdom is shown in the figure?

A) Ferns
B) Gymnosperms
B) Moss-moss
D) Bryophytes


620-20. Which group of organisms includes green plants that have no roots, reproduce by spores, and whose life cycle is dominated by the sexual generation?
A) bryophytes
B) ferns
B) gymnosperms
D) lycophytes

Kukushkin flax is a plant that is most common in the forests of the northern and middle zone in the Russian Federation. Favorable conditions for it are observed in taiga swampy forests, swamps and wet meadows. The plant belongs to the genus of leaf-stemmed mosses, to the bryophyte division. There are more than a hundred of its varieties found on the planet. Kukushkin flax, which forms cushion-shaped tufts, is often found in the tundra and mountainous areas. Polytrichum vulgaris (the second name of the plant) is the most widespread in the CIS countries.

Kukushkin flax loves light very much. That is why in dark spruce forests, even if the soil there is damp and fertile, it will be limited in growth and development. With sufficient quantity sun rays the plant rapidly stretches, actively capturing new areas and covering the soil with a dense carpet. The ground under cuckoo flax dries out much more slowly, which is why its growth gradually leads to swamping of the area.

Cuckoo flax moss has rather tall stems (their length is 10-15 centimeters, but there are also forty-centimeter plants). The conductive system ensures the movement of water and nutrients along the stem.

The described plant has straight stems of a brownish color. They bear small dark green leaves that resemble flax in miniature. But the boxes that appear on female plants evoke associations with a cuckoo perched on a kind of pole.

The plant in question is classified as a leafy perennial moss. Its size is large; in the lower part of the stem there are rhizoids - primitive analogues of roots. There are no leaves on the primary horizontal stem. The secondary stem can be either simple or branched. He's upright average length- within fifteen centimeters. Each leaf has a main large vein. Kukushkin flax, the structure of which is quite simple, has scale-like lower leaves.

The main role of this part of the plant is supporting. The conductive capacity of the stem is no less important. It acts as a link between the leaves and the root system. The stem also performs some secondary functions. Among them is maintaining the supply of nutrients.

The plant reproduces in the following ways: sexual (gametes) and asexual (spores, shoots). They alternate.

How exactly does the cuckoo flax plant reproduce? The spores that the plant produces are in a sporangium (box) on a stalk. After ripening, they spill out of this natural storage. Under favorable conditions, spores form a multicellular thread, and from it, in turn, several gametophytes appear (this happens by budding). A gametophyte is a green perennial shoot that has leaves and rhizoids (root-like formations). The latter take salts and iodine from the soil. Leaf cells provide the synthesis of all other necessary substances. Based on this, it can be argued that the gametophyte is an independent organism.

After some time, the gametophyte stops growing. Then the cuckoo flax begins to reproduce. In the center of the rosette of leaves (location - at the top of the stem) male and female genital organs develop. The first are represented by antheridia (the name comes from the Greek word “anteros”, which means “blooming”), in which mobile gametes - sperm, as well as archegonia - female genital organs, which are responsible for the formation of a stationary female gamete - the egg, undergo a development cycle.

Male plants are characterized by the presence of larger leaves, colored yellow-brown. Female specimens do not have such leaves.

When a rainy period or high water occurs, sperm (male cells) are able to swim to the egg. As a result, they merge. Upon completion of the fertilization process, a zygote appears (this word comes from the Greek “zygotos”, which translates as “joined”). This is the first stage of embryo development. The next year, from the fertilized zygote, a capsule (sporogon) develops, located on a rather long stalk without leaves. Subsequently, the capsule becomes the site for the development of spores. This natural repository is very fragile. It sways even in a light breeze. After the cap falls off and the spores fall out, the germination of a green branched thread, the preadult, is observed. Note that for a successful result it is necessary that the spores enter an environment favorable to them, in which case the cuckoo flax will reproduce.

On the pre-bud, buds are formed, from which female and male specimens of the plant emerge. Thus, it can be seen that the life cycle of moss development includes a sequential alternation of asexual and sexual generations. During evolution, this feature was developed in many plants, including cuckoo flax.

Reproduction of this type of moss by vegetative means makes it easy to obtain a thick green carpet in your garden. It is enough just to place a small piece of moss on a damp area. However, one should take into account the ability of this plant to swamp its habitat.

If you remove the leaves from the cuckoo flax, you can get flexible, hard threads formed by the central stems. Our ancestors used this natural material to make brushes and brooms. After soaking and combing, the stems make an excellent base for mats, rugs, baskets and thick curtains. It is noteworthy that during excavations of an early Roman fort in England, the remains of baskets made from cuckoo flax were found. The pieces date back to 86 AD.

Previously, cuckoo flax was widely used in the manufacture of cloaks for warriors and travelers. The resulting garments were particularly durable. In addition, they had decorative value.

Healers advise using this type of moss to activate the digestive system, eliminate stomach colic and dissolve kidney and gallstones.

Kukushkin flax, the structure of which allows it to be used in gardening for decorative purposes, has a positive effect on the soil. So, this plant is capable of normalizing soil acidity in a maximum of two seasons. After this, any garden plants can be successfully grown on the restored soil. Dead parts of moss will serve as an excellent fertilizer.

The most unusual use of cuckoo flax is as malt in the production of whiskey.

Kukushkin flax can effectively protect a structure from the penetration of cold and moisture. The fact that moss does not rot is greatly appreciated. Its placement between the logs of the log house allows you to ensure natural ventilation. For these purposes, moss is used fresh. Before laying natural insulation, it must be thoroughly cleaned of twigs, sticks, cones, grass and other inclusions.

This plant belongs to the genus of white (peat) mosses. 320 of its species have been identified. Sphagnum moss is predominantly represented by bog mosses, which form dense clumps that form either large cushions or thick carpets in sphagnum bogs. But in humid forests, sphagnum is much less common. This plant resembles Kukushkin flax with its erect stem, reaching ten to twenty centimeters in height. The leaves of sphagnum are single-layered and placed on fascicle-shaped branches. The leaves contain many aquifer cells with pores that actively absorb water. This fact determines the plant’s greater moisture capacity. In areas where these mosses appear, raised bogs quickly develop.

Every year the stems in the lower part of the plant die off. They form peat. Further growth of the stem is ensured by the apical branches.

Note that sphagnum plays an important role in the formation and existence of swamps. As mentioned above, dead areas of moss form peat deposits. Peat formation is possible due to stagnant waterlogging, the provision of an acidic environment by mosses and the lack of oxygen. Under these conditions, rotting processes do not occur and sphagnum does not decompose. Peat is a valuable product from which wax, ammonia, paraffin, alcohol, etc. are obtained. It is widely used in medical practice, in construction. Moss acts as a biofuel and an effective fertilizer.

Many recipes of traditional and official medicine include this component. And all because sphagnum moss is an excellent antiseptic and reliable dressing material. It helps heal purulent wounds due to its ability to absorb large amounts of moisture. In this indicator, sphagnum is superior to the best varieties absorbent cotton wool. This moss is capable of producing a bactericidal effect due to the presence of sphagnol - a special phenol-like substance that inhibits the development and vital activity of E. coli, Vibrio cholerae, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella and some other pathogenic microorganisms.

Flower growers actively use sphagnum moss to grow indoor plants. It is a component of the substrate, a mulch layer or performs drainage functions. Moss is not rich in nutrients, but it gives the soil the required looseness. The excellent hygroscopicity of sphagnum explains its ability to evenly distribute moisture. The presence of sphagnol determines the bactericidal properties of the described type of moss, which allows you to effectively care for the roots of the main plant, preventing the development of diseases and decay.

If you built a concrete pool, then you will have to finish its bowl. Finishing a pool is not a simple procedure, because the internal surface of the structure is constantly exposed to the harmful effects of water and additional hydraulic load. Therefore it is important to buy suitable materials and apply a certain technology of work. The best options for finishing a pool are PVC film, tiles and mosaics. Let's talk about this in more detail!

Any casting of a pool bowl will not turn out perfectly smooth, so the first step is finishing works is the alignment of the walls. In this case, the adhesive method of applying plaster or applying plaster over a mesh is used.

Plastering on a grid involves the use of conventional sand-cement mixtures. However, these materials for finishing the pool do not provide reliable adhesion, which is why it is customary to first attach the steel plaster mesh and then apply the plaster. This method has its drawbacks: during the use of the pool, water can penetrate through the layer of plaster to the metal mesh, causing corrosion of the metal, and the plaster can fall off along with the tiles.

Therefore, an anti-corrosion coating should be applied to the mesh, but, nevertheless, such an outcome is quite possible. To solve this problem, it is worth improving adhesion by creating a slightly rough surface of the pool bowl. You can use not steel, but glass or synthetic plaster mesh, as well as waterproof plaster mixtures that have good adhesion to concrete.

The adhesive method of applying plaster is as follows: before plastering, the concrete surface must be cleaned and treated with special impregnations that have deep penetration. Such impregnations contain different polymers: acrylic and epoxy resins, urethanes and others. They are capable of creating an adhesive layer to which the next leveling layer is glued.

There are certain requirements for the quality of plastering work performed. When plastering and finishing the pool, bulges, depressions and cracks are not allowed. Small irregularities, up to 1 millimeter in size, are allowed in quantities of no more than 2 pieces per 4 square meters. Vertical surfaces can have deviations of no more than 1 millimeter per meter.

An individual pool is usually finished with glass or ceramic tiles, PVC film or mosaic. It is very rare to find a finish natural stone, for example, marble. When choosing colors, preference is given to different shades of blue and green, which create the impression of freshness and sea ​​depth. The darker the color you choose, the deeper the pool will appear.

The design and finishing of the pool walls around the perimeter can be made of exotic wood or coping stone. Plants around the pool should be planted in such a way as to create a protected area, the illusion of peace and the effect of privacy. You can decorate the pool with evergreens and bright ornamental shrubs. On one side you can make a Roman staircase that is immersed in water.

Tiles are installed differently in a swimming pool than in a bathroom. Here it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the mechanical effect of water on the material. The walls of the pool bend by several millimeters under the pressure of the mass of water. Thus, the tiles are laid at some distance from each other, and the grout and glue are chosen to be more elastic. Otherwise, when deflected, the coating will not withstand the upcoming load and, like the mosaic matrix, will become covered with microcracks.

You should use special porcelain tiles for finishing the pool, as they are more dense and have less water absorption than regular ceramic tiles for lining a bathtub. By the way, simple porous tiles quickly absorb water and become a breeding ground for algae and microorganisms.

Porcelain tiles are more frost- and heat-resistant, which is especially important for outdoor pools, have high plasticity and do not absorb dirt. It is customary to lay tiles with an anti-slip corrugated, rough surface next to the pool and in the area where it rises and descends.

Mosaic is considered a reliable, wear-resistant material suitable for lining a swimming pool. It is customary to buy glass or ceramic mosaic tiles for a pool for similar reasons to choosing porcelain tiles. Such a mosaic has a high density, practically does not get dirty and does not spread fungus. The principles for preparing the pool base for finishing with mosaics and tiles are the same.

Glass mosaic does not absorb water at all. The cost of such a mosaic is quite high. The impressive price of laying a pool with such material will be paid off over time by its excellent appearance and wear-resistant qualities. Mosaic for pools is good because it can be used to create any ornament and pattern. In addition, mosaics are easy to cover any curved surface and corners that are inaccessible to conventional tiles.

Pools can be covered not only with mosaics or tiles, but also with PVC film. This material is lightweight, has good waterproofing properties and is reasonably priced. True, the film on the walls will not last forever; its useful life is approximately 7 years. It is best used for an indoor pool.

The thickness of the film is 1-1.5 millimeters and it consists of 4 layers, which contain, in particular, a durable layer of synthetic material - Kevlar or polyesterol. The film is resistant to chemicals and ultraviolet rays. The coating is not attractive to harmful microorganisms and is easy to clean.

The market of modern building and facing materials offers two types of film. Polyvinyl chloride film is made on the basis of plasticized PVC and has a special impregnation that protects the pool from negative influence fungus, bacteria and spores present in water. The color palette is quite diverse, and you can choose the material according to your fantasies and preferences.

Butyl rubber film is characterized by improved durability and ductility. It can be easily cut with scissors and glued together. This material is indispensable for large tanks, when strength comes to the fore. Butyl rubber film is not afraid of changing seasons; it tolerates fluctuations in temperature and pressure well, so it is ideal for working with any surface, even in harsh winter.

When the pool is built, a layer of plaster is laid using one of the above methods, a waterproofing layer is created and the facing material is selected, you can begin finishing it with peace of mind. Mosaics and tiles are laid almost identically, but working with PVC film, naturally, has its own nuances. Below is a brief guide to finishing your pool yourself.

Typically, pool lining begins 1-5 days after plastering and applying a waterproofing compound. Mosaics and tiles must be laid using special adhesives or cement-sand mortar.

Cladding is usually done in horizontal rows, starting from the walls. Using a plumb line and nails, you need to install vertical beacons, and then hang a horizontal mooring cord made from ordinary fishing line along the upper edge. As you work, this line should be moved up row by row to control the straightness of the joints.

Adjacent tiles must be oriented with their entire plane along the vertical hanger and mooring cord; the tile should be lowered to the desired level by lightly tapping it with the handle of a spatula. The thickness of the facing seam is fixed with two steel pins or nails of the same cross-section. It is recommended to fill the joints with mortar only half the thickness of the porcelain tiles. After the row has been laid, you should attach a lath to the tile and lower it to the desired level.

If pattern and symmetry are important, then they start decorating the pool with their own hands from the middle of the row, and finish the row at the corners with halves or thirds of tiles. Although it is worth calculating the required number of full-sized tiles in a row from the very beginning of work. In this case, you won’t have to cut the material, and the pool lining will look neater. The joints that form between laid tiles are usually treated with frost-resistant and moisture-resistant grout, which matches the color of the tile or contrasts with it.

Laying the bottom of the pool requires special attention; it should be done at the corners of the triangle, and not in rows, or “in an envelope.” This applies to the case when the floor in the pools is not level, but has a certain slope towards the hole for draining the water.

If the drain hole is located in the center of the pool, then first it is worth identifying and marking the cut lines connecting the corners of the structure with the opposite corners of the drain hole. After carrying out such markings, the bottom will be conditionally divided into 4 triangles - the lining is made along them.

In each triangle, the laying of tiles begins with the wall row, without a slope. Next, it is customary to lay out a lighthouse row perpendicular to this row. Referring to the tiles in the lighthouse row, it is necessary to horizontally cover the surface of the triangle using incomplete tiles along the edges. Other triangles similarly begin to be laid out from the wall and lighthouse rows.

It is customary to lay the film on carefully sanded surfaces, since otherwise it will rub off in uneven areas. First, a fastening strip should be attached to the surface of the pool with screws, which is a metal strip that is 2 meters long, 5-6 centimeters wide and 2 millimeters thick.

On one side, a plastic coating must be applied to the strip. The film is not glued to the surface, but is covered from the inside of the pool, pressing it tightly against the walls with water. If the bottom has a complex, uneven terrain, then installation of the film should begin from there. Geotextile is placed under the material - a polymer non-woven fabric that has a thickness of 0.5-1 centimeter. It can protect the film from condensation and damage. The edges of the film must be welded with hot air and rubbed with liquid plastic for complete sealing.

PVC film is also used when reconstructing an old pool or finishing a pool with your own hands, which is tiled and has problems with waterproofing due to the formation of cracks. In this case, the film is laid directly on the tile. In order not to overpay in the future for shortcomings and mistakes, we present to your attention a video on finishing a pool.

Thus, tiling a pool is a very labor-intensive process, which, despite this, is within the power of every avid and hardworking developer. After reading the article, you learned how to choose the right material for finishing, because there are many different options offered on the market, and how to lay the coating conscientiously so that no water escapes. All you have to do is look at the photos of the pool finishing and you can start doing the work.

Many gardeners trying to get rid of moss do not understand that its appearance is an indicator that the site does not have conditions for growing vegetables. In other words, this weed is not the cause of the problem, but the effect. It does not crowd out plants, but simply takes up places where nothing else grows. To find out why moss grows in the beds, you need to determine which of the possible reasons problem relates to a specific area, and eliminate it. Otherwise, instead of the destroyed moss, a new one will soon grow.

The reason why the soil turns green in the beds may be not only moss, but also algae. Finding out what exactly is growing on the site is not difficult: algae often grows in greenhouses with poor ventilation and good natural light, while mosses love shaded areas, both outdoors and in greenhouses, and thrive under artificial light.

The following factors can not only create an ideal environment for moss, but also inhibit the growth of vegetables:

  1. Compacted soil – soil compaction negatively affects the root system of plants. Such soil has a flat surface, which promotes the growth of weeds.
  2. Poor drainage – wet clay or even swampy soil literally suffocates the roots of cultivated plants and also provides a damp environment for weeds.
  3. Low pH (acidity) of the soil - vegetables need a moderate or slightly acidic environment.
  4. Lack of sunlight - in the shade, the beds become covered with moss much faster.
  5. Lack of nutrients (organics) in the soil. Moss appears even on very poor clay soils.
  6. Application of large amounts of phosphorus fertilizers.
  7. Introduction of organic matter containing spores under favorable conditions for their germination on the site.

You can find out which of these reasons led to the fact that the beds are covered with moss by its appearance:

  • the soil on the site is acidic and dry if it has erect shoots with a brown base and green tops;
  • in shaded areas with poor drainage, the stems spread along the ground;
  • with insufficient nutrients, it grows into a beautiful green “carpet”;
  • stagnation of water leads to the fact that the weed appears in the depressions and crevices of the soil.

Having found out why moss grows in the beds and removed it mechanically or chemically, it is necessary to begin to combat the causes.

Mosses themselves do not harm plantings, but when they appear in the garden, they change the conditions, thereby inhibiting the growth of cultivated plants:

  • soil drainage deteriorates, it becomes more and more compacted, which further complicates the growth of vegetables;
  • acidity increases, which also negatively affects the growth of most garden plants and increases their incidence;
  • on wet soils, they prevent the evaporation of moisture, which can lead to the appearance of fungal plant diseases;
  • use nutrients, thereby depleting the soil;
  • oxygen does not penetrate into the soil densely overgrown with mosses, which leads to inhibition of the root system of vegetables and the suppression of beneficial soil microorganisms;
  • seeds do not germinate well through dense moss cover;
  • Pests of garden crops can settle and multiply in moss thickets.

The most harmful, especially for greenhouses, is liver moss Marchantia. Outwardly, it resembles a lichen, and the roots look like a thin cobweb. At the same time, even small piece Marchantia, left in the ground, can lead to overgrowing of the beds with a dense, as if “rubber” coating. Marchantia almost completely blocks the access of oxygen to the soil and roots of cultivated plants. Its spores often contaminate Polish and Dutch seeds and bulbs.

Moss grows most often in the strawberry bed. He settles here because optimal conditions– increased soil humidity and acidity. In itself, this weed is not harmful to strawberries, but when it grows in a continuous layer, such as Marchantia, it can greatly retain moisture. This creates conditions for the development of fungi and deteriorates the soil structure.

But this weed also has advantages that can be used when growing strawberries. This berry prefers well-drained, evenly moist, slightly acidified soil. Using dry sphagnum peat moss mulch or adding it to humus will help lighten the soil structure, retain moisture and maintain an optimal pH level for strawberries. This mulch is also suitable for other plants that prefer acidic soils.

There are many recipes for how to get rid of moss in garden beds. folk remedies. But before you try them in your garden, it’s worth finding out what exactly led to the overgrowing of the beds. Having identified the problem, you can fix it yourself as quickly, inexpensively, and without investing a lot of effort.

You need to start the process of fighting moss in the beds directly with its removal. For environmentally safe removal with your own hands, you can use mechanical methods:

  • Cutting layers of plants with a shovel. After this, the beds need to be loosened with a cultivator or manually and mulched. As mulch, you can use grass cut from lawns, half-rotted sawdust, straw, bark, and needles of coniferous plants. It is best to remove in early spring, when there are still frosts and the plant layers are well separated from the ground.
  • Cutting off layers of plants with the top layer of soil and filling them with fresh soil. In this case, the contaminated soil must be removed from the site. Before filling the new soil, lime the surface. To do this, sprinkle the soil with quicklime, and after a day quench it with water. Fresh soil can be added after the lime has dried.

How to remove moss from garden beds using chemicals:

  • If there are few overgrown areas, you can use a solution of soda with soap or dishwashing detergent. For 2 liters of water take 200 g baking soda. The solution is sprayed onto the infected areas.
  • English gardeners use slightly different proportions and ingredients: 1 tablespoon baking soda, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1/4 teaspoon of castile liquid soap per 4 liters of water.
  • In autumn, spray a 5% solution of copper or iron sulfate on the soil surface. To treat one hundred square meters you will need about 2 liters of solution.
  • Potent methods include any glyphosate-containing herbicide, iron or ammonium sulfate. To prepare the solution, you need to take 90 ml of iron sulfate for 20 liters of water or 60-150 ml of copper sulfate for 16 liters of water. This solution is enough to treat about three acres.
  • You can quickly and easily deal with the problem by treating the weed with a dichlorophen solution.

Copper sulfate and herbicides to combat mosses are used only as a last resort, since they not only destroy weeds, but also harm communities of soil microorganisms and can accumulate in the soil.

Unlike other weeds, Marchantia is difficult to remove using chemical methods. Therefore the only effective way the fight against it is mechanical removal - manual scraping from the beds and mulching with peat.

An easier way to get rid of marchantia is to sow mustard, peas or colza. They cover the area with a continuous carpet, which prevents moss from growing. Garden crops can be planted directly in these green manures by making holes with a garden drill. When the vegetable seedlings grow up, the green manure crops are mowed and mulched with them. Additionally, you can improve the soil health by sowing green manure again in the fall, after harvesting.

After removing the moss, care must be taken to ensure that it does not grow back from spores. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that contribute to its growth. What to do if moss grows in the beds after it is removed from the soil surface:

  1. Improve soil aeration and reduce its acidity by removing the top layer and adding fresh soil mixed with chalk or slaked lime. It is advisable to apply lime in the fall, as it can burn the roots of plants. In spring you can use ground limestone, dolomite flour or chalk. If there are already plants in the garden bed, you can scatter wood ash over the surface of the soil. An easier way is to add a little straw manure and ash to the soil when digging.
  2. Drain the soil by digging ditches around the entire perimeter of the beds. Level the area to prevent stagnant water. In order for water to better penetrate through clay soil, humus and sand are added to it.
  3. Improve air circulation. Perhaps the beds are located in a place where there is no wind and dew lingers for a long time, for example, surrounded by buildings and solid fences. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to change anything radically - you can either move the beds or install a fence that will not interfere with air circulation. Often this problem also arises in greenhouses, where to ensure an influx fresh air much easier.
  4. Eliminate shadows in the area as much as possible. To do this, you can cut down trees or bushes that create shade, or at least cut off their lower branches.
  5. Regularly fertilize with organic fertilizers, compost or manure. To increase the amount of organic matter, before planting cultivated plants, you can sow the garden with green manure: oats, mustard, lupine.

In order not to think about how to destroy moss in the garden, you can prevent its appearance by properly caring for your garden:

  • Any body of water located near or on the site contributes to waterlogging of the soil. Therefore, it is recommended to dig or update grooves every spring for the outflow of melt and rainwater.
  • You can organize a drainage system. To do this, channels are dug along the perimeter of the site with a depth of 40-50 cm to 2 m. The channels are filled with crushed stone and drainage pipes wrapped in geotextile are laid in them (it prevents the holes from clogging). The pipes are covered with crushed stone and earth on top. Excess water from the site flows through pipes into a barrel buried in the ground. The barrel is overflowed into a ditch.
  • Be sure to annually apply organic fertilizers or sow green manure. This will help cultivated plants to fully develop and prevent weeds from growing.
  • For complex feeding, use fertilizers with nitrogen, such as nitroammophosphate and ammonium nitrate.
  • To avoid shading of the beds, regularly trim bushes and trees.
  • Make the soil looser and lighter by adding humus or compost and pine needles. Needles can be replaced with half-rotted sawdust.
  • For better drainage, eliminate depressions and uneven areas in the area and add sand to the soil when digging.
  • To deprive weeds of favorable conditions and increase the yield of vegetable crops, high beds are built, limited by a box made of wood, slate, concrete or any available materials. The soil for them is specially prepared and laid out in layers.

Most attempts by gardeners to get rid of moss in their garden beds with their own hands end in failure. The reason for this is the wrong approach to weed control. You don’t need to throw all your energy into eliminating the plant itself—it’s enough to remove it mechanically. But enough time and effort should be devoted to combating the causes of the weed. After all, by eliminating the problems of the site, you will not only remove moss from the beds, but also create Better conditions for garden crops.

Indoor flowers used by people from distant countries are beautiful, but they are slaves, placed in a cramped pot and a different climate. Can a plant thrive in conditions alien to it? Only imitation of the native climate allows you to get healthy beautiful flower. At the slightest deviation from normal conditions, anthurium diseases occur. When the type of bush changes for the first time, it is necessary to analyze the conditions of maintenance.

A healthy flower captivates with its beauty. The condition of the plant may suddenly change. Any disease occurs due to:

  • non-compliance with agricultural technology requirements;
  • infectious diseases;
  • insect pests brought from outside.

Moreover, the first of these reasons is always present. A weakened plant can accept bacteria and microbes. Failure to comply with quarantine and hygiene can lead to the proliferation of pests. In order not to have problems with treatment, you must comply with the conditions of keeping your pets. Anthurium diseases in the photo demonstrate the loss of the plant's decorative properties.

There are people who, as a matter of principle, do not keep animals or flowers in their living quarters. They believe that the zoo and indoor confinement are violence against wildlife. A bouquet of fresh flowers is unacceptable for them; one cannot rejoice at a ruined life, even of plants.

Non-infectious plant diseases are associated with the appearance of spots on the leaves, a change in their color, or a slowdown in growth. Sometimes brown spots or mold on the neck of the plant become noticeable. What to do if spots appear on anthurium? You can learn a lot from the nature of the deformation:

  1. If dark dots appear on the leaves of the anthurium, gradually expanding, it is cold. The same spots can appear from sunburn when the summer sun comes into direct contact with the leaves.
  2. The cause of stains may be watering with unsettled water or water of increased hardness. If scale forms on the kettle over time, then this is a sign of hardness. Before watering, such water must be left for a long time or passed through a filter-softener. Another method, mainly for rural areas with hard water from wells, is to incompletely freeze the water in a container. In this case, the ice will have less salt content than the remaining water.
  3. Other physiological reasons for the appearance dark spots and drying of the plate from the edge, there may be drafts and low temperatures in winter. Abundant watering is also accompanied by a signal of dark spots on the leaves. What to do if spots appear on the anthurium? Remove provoking causes and wait patiently for results.
  4. Yellow or pale leaves of plants or spots of this color indicate that the anthurium does not have enough lighting. In addition, this may be a signal that the roots are sick and are not providing nutrition to the plant.
  5. General pallor of the leaves indicates a lack of nutrition. The same is indicated by the absence or weak growth of the plant, the absence of flowering. If the plant was recently replanted, then it needs feeding. Sometimes it is better to replant the plant. At the same time, prepare the required composition of the substrate or buy ready-made soil. It is necessary to disinfect the soil and planting pot.
  6. If the watering regime is disrupted and the roots of the anthurium have rotted, this will result in yellowing and drying of the leaves, a brown neck of the anthurium, and mold may appear. The plant needs urgent resuscitation. In this case, all affected parts must be removed and the wounds must be sprinkled with an antiseptic, crushed charcoal, cinnamon powder or wood ash.

Diseases of anthurium leaves in the photo show characteristic damage, but often the help of specialists is required to accurately determine the disease. Drafts are detrimental to plants. This is especially dangerous in winter. Insufficient ambient humidity is the answer to the question of why anthurium leaves dry out. On the other hand, leaves may die naturally due to aging. If the leaves have curled into a tube, move the anthurium deeper into the room, the light is too bright, it has closed its eyes.

Infectious diseases of anthurium include problems caused by the introduction of spores and microbes into the body of the flower. The difference between these diseases is that they can destroy the entire home green world if they are not dealt with. Spores are transmitted and multiply quickly in cramped conditions.

The initial causes of diseases depend on the gardener. A graft taken from a diseased plant may already harbor viruses for which there are no effective remedies yet. They affect the vascular system. And the infection can be transmitted through dirty tools or insects. The purchased plant must be quarantined for two weeks, isolated from other plants. And only then move into the general composition.

A purchased or independently prepared earthen mixture must be subjected to heat treatment, poured with hot strong potassium permanganate, crushed charcoal must be added, and an anti-rot preparation long acting"Glyocladin." It will protect the roots from late blight, fusarium and similar diseases. Proper care of anthurium prevents diseases .

Diseases that are transmitted to anthurium from the external environment can be:

The causative agent of septoria, the Septoria fungus spreads in a humid and warm atmosphere. Characteristic brown spots with a yellow rim on the leaves signal anthurium disease. The leaf dries out, and when watered, the spores move to other parts of the plant. The plant will die if it is not treated in time with copper-containing fungicides.

Anthracosis is a very common disease called powdery mildew. The disease is caused by the fungus Colletorichum. The spread of this disease will lead to rapid drying of the leaves, stems and root system. Anthracosis begins on leaf blades, with the appearance of brown spots with black dots in the center. This is a debate. They scatter and germinate when moistened, and for the atrium this event is vital.

Atrium care for septoria disease involves reducing watering and spraying with the addition of copper fungicides. The land is treated with the drug Abiga-Pik. If the plant cannot be cured, it should be destroyed by burning. The ceramic pot needs to be heated well. Dishes that cannot be burned should be destroyed.

If the plant is infected with rust, orange, loose pads on the leaves will be visible. Such a plant should be wiped with a fungicide solution, but not sprayed, so as not to infect healthy leaves. It is better to burn diseased, infected leaves.

Fusarium wilt is a serious disease of anthurium at home. It affects all plants, affecting the root system and leaves. Signs include sudden wilting of the entire bush. The first signs may be unnatural bending of flower stalks, strong and rapid yellowing of foliage. Copper preparations and soil treatment with gliocladin are suitable for control. The best way will wash the plant from all particles of earth, soak it for a while in a weak solution of foundation, cut off the affected parts and plant it in a new container. Old soil and plant debris must be destroyed.

Insects common on house flowers include:

They all suck the juice from the plant, depriving it of nutrition. At the same time, signs of the presence of pests can be found during hygiene procedures that are regularly carried out with good care.

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