Why God dreams - interpretation of sleep. Dream Interpretation God, what does it mean to see God in a dream?

Dreams tend to repeat themselves. But if a person sees the same dream many times, then he should pay attention to it - such a dream is a hint from the subconscious or a warning that problems may arise very soon.

The influence of the Moon on our sleep

Throughout human history, the Moon has seduced, fascinated and frightened us. Under the Moon we quarrel, kiss, declare our love. We spent 26 billion dollars to fly to this mysterious planet. What is the phenomenon of the Moon and how does it affect our sleep and does it affect it at all?

Modern dream book - the key to solving mysteries

Why do we have orange dreams? Which is a good dream and which is negative? How to unravel the secrets of dreams? A modern dream book opens the door to the wonderful world of dreams and allows you to decipher any dream you have as accurately as possible.

Men are more likely than women to have erotic dreams

Dreams are the eternal companion of man. Dreams have been studied by scientists at all times. Many facts have appeared and been refuted, but there are eternal facts that are undeniable theorems. One of them reads: “Men are much more likely than women to have dreams with erotic content.” The question automatically arises: why?

Why do you dream about God?

God in the modern dream book

I dreamed of God - there is a threat of being in the power of a tyrant, possibly a woman. It will completely subjugate your will, force you to suffer greatly, but you will not be able to escape its influence. Talking to God in a dream means people will judge you, and things will go contrary to plans. Your health will deteriorate, and premature death is possible. If you saw a divine service in a dream, you previously made a mistake, now you can repent. But be sure to adhere to the ten commandments sent by God. A god who is favorably located in a dream predicts the appearance of a strong patron. You will successfully build your career and achieve an enviable position.

God in Miller's dream book

A dream about God does not foretell positive events. You will find yourself under the influence of a lady with a difficult, domineering character who will get the better of you. If God speaks to you, be careful, act carefully, otherwise you will be condemned. And there will be no luck in business. A serious illness is possible, and there is a possibility of death. Seeing God's favor towards you is a good symbol. Soon you will meet the patron you need so much. He will help improve the progress of your affairs.

If dreams came true, there would be more happy people.

Leonid Krainov-Rytov

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Seeing the Lord God in a dream is a warning to everyone who sees such a dream. To see his face in a dream and how he stretches out his hands to you when you pray is a sign of God's mercy, blessing and success in business. Such a dream predicts good luck for you in business. Praying to God in a dream is a very good omen, promising everyone the fulfillment of their cherished desires. Talking to him in a dream is a sign that you may become a victim of slanderers or attackers who are setting cunning traps for you. See conversations.

If the Lord God himself speaks to you in a dream, then beware of false accusations. Sometimes a dream can warn you about a serious illness or sudden death of yourself or someone close to you. If in a dream you see that God is praying for you, then your affairs will go badly and you will need the help of loved ones and the support of saints. Such a dream can also predict that you will repent of bad deeds that will bring harm to other people. If God blessed you in a dream, then many wonderful changes await you and the support of influential friends who will help you take a worthy position in society. Seeing the body of the Lord God in a dream is a sign of honor. See blessing.

Thanking God in a dream is a harbinger that you will return the love of those you love most in the world.

Why do you dream about God according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of God, you may fall under the power of a despotic person; you need help and protection. Hearing his warning voice means you are starting a streak of bad luck. Talk with God - beware of slander and condemnation from loved ones. If you feel that God is favorable to you, the patronage of an influential person awaits you; do not give up hope for healing, joy, happiness and success. Praying to God means well-being; making a sacrifice means success and happiness. Blaspheme - beware of theft or fire in the house. To swear is to have reasons to justify something.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about God, deity in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about God, deity?

Psychological dream book

To see God means to receive consolation and hope that everything in life will soon get better and there is no need to despair

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of God, a deity in a dream?

God, deity - complications, submission to an oppressive woman, failures in business, ill health, serious illness. God is speaking to you - a warning to be careful; you can be convicted and punished. Seeing God praying means regretting what you have done. To experience the favor of God in a dream is the favor of a patron, success thanks to his support, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had, read on if you want to know why God, a deity, is dreaming.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream of God, a deity according to the dream book?

God, deity - If you dreamed that you saw God in a dream, this is not very good. You may fall under the influence of an oppressive woman. If you dreamed that God was speaking to you, things would not be successful. Pay attention to your health. If you see in a dream that God is favorable to you, the protection of a famous person awaits you. D. Loff argued that the image of God appears in dreams in different ways.

Often God appears not in the form of a person, but as something endowed with a divine principle (for example, in the form of religious icons, the Bible, etc.). Sometimes in a dream there is simply a feeling of divine presence. The appearance of such a divine element in our dreams may suggest a solution to a certain problem that we encountered in a dream. It happens that a divine symbol that appears to us warns us against mistakes - usually in cases where we need to make a choice. The deity seen does not allow one to perform any forbidden act or enter into a forbidden relationship.

Often in real life we ​​deny the supernatural power of God, but during sleep we find ourselves open and disposed to communicate with the Almighty. If you dreamed of God, try to comprehend the meaning of the information received in the dream. What was your midnight Guest trying to tell you? Review the problematic aspects of your life, and then you will sooner understand whether this dream can be considered providence.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream of God, a deity in a dream?

I dreamed about God - Seeing God means a good relationship with children.

Interpretation of the dream book: God the son of Christ - associated with the sixth spiritual center (pineal gland); the embodiment of all divine ideas; the true spiritual higher self of each individual; the highest image for worship. (The word "Christ" is not intended for any one person, but for everyone, everywhere and for all time. It was a Greek title, not a name.)

The birth of God the son of Christ - bringing into the consciousness of the spiritual idea of ​​man with the help of the power of the word “Truth” Jesus became the Christ.

Live without God. Seeing a manifestation of godlessness in a temple means someone will disappoint you; to act godlessly yourself is to expose someone, to be disappointed in his capabilities.

Grandma's old dream book

Why does a sleeping person dream of God, a deity?

Living without GOD (manifested in the temple - seeing it from the outside) - to disappointment in the affairs of someone; to participate in it yourself is to expose someone, to be disappointed in his capabilities (just like seeing a legless person in a dream).

Gods - The appearance of gods in a dream means idealized desires, obstacles. Deities are always endowed with features in an exaggerated form - the strongest, the wisest, the most beautiful, etc.

Having met these deities in a dream, it is as if we inherit their qualities and see in them a reflection of real life. Deities sometimes interfere with us, sometimes they tell us how to behave. Thanks to them, we begin to understand what character traits should be used in various situations when communicating with others.

I dreamed about God Allah - Seeing non-believers praying to Allah means big changes in your life.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

At night you dreamed about how you turned to God in prayer - to care about the future of your children.

The appearance of God - dreams of receiving very good news.

God Allah - Seeing non-believers praying to Allah is a sign of spontaneous events.

Holy Spirit - If you see any dream related to the Holy Spirit, you need to visit your confessor.

Believe in God - Believe in God at the beginning of a new life.

The appearance of God's son Christ (Jesus Christ). - If you had any troubles before this dream, then this dream foretells that all the bad things will go away.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Hearing God in a dream means help in difficult matters; to see a smiling God - to joy, a crying God - to trouble, a sleeping God - your enemies will leave you and will not notice you.

I dreamed of the coming of God - to see the Epiphany - to test the strength of your faith.

The coming of God - to see the coming of God in a dream - to wait for a warning.

Why dream of salvation - to see in a dream how the Lord God himself saved you - to a good turn in your life.

God Allah. Hearing this word in a dream means that a test or a change of views on serious things awaits you.

God the Holy Spirit - seeing an icon of the holy spirit or talking in a dream, according to your ideas, with the holy spirit - means a loss of faith.

Believing in God means longevity.

Praying to God means prosperity; to talk to God is to receive a warning, this is how this dream is interpreted, in which God, a deity, is dreamed.

Appearance of Christ (God, Christ). - this is a warning about danger.

Summer Dream Interpreter

God the Holy Spirit - If you see a dream related to the Holy Spirit, get ready for confession.

Believe in God - you will witness some miracle, an extraordinary event.

The appearance of God the son of Christ - The danger of deprivation of freedom, loss of power hangs over you.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

God, deity, why do you dream about it in a dream:

According to the dream book, God, a deity, see what a pagan God means - If you dreamed of a pagan God, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. A pagan God with a sweet, intelligent facial expression is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all sorts of blessings. Seeing a pagan God crying means the financial state of your affairs is alarming. A pagan God playing the flute is a sign of future troubles that your imaginary friends are preparing for you. Aggressive pagan God - you must restrain your feelings, otherwise you may end up in an unpleasant situation

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed about God, a deity, why:

God, deity - Seeing God in a dream - this, unfortunately, cannot be attributed to good omens; pay attention to the woman who is next to you now; it is quite likely that she is despotic and controls you as she wants: she imposes on you her friends, entertainment that you are not interested in, plans your future for you (next to her, of course); analyze the feelings you have for her; Can these feelings be called love? You see God and hear his voice - this is a warning dream; you have already done or will soon do something that will not allow you to be called a law-abiding citizen; you will not be able to hide your misconduct from the authorities; there is another interpretation of sleep: your health will deteriorate; Death will pass very close to you.

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed about God, a deity - what does the dream mean?

You dreamed of God, what is this, a deity - quick consolation and joy await you. In a state of pre-sleep, turn to God with words of gratitude and love.

Psychoanalytic dream book

I dreamed about God, a deity, what is this for?

What does God / Gods mean in a dream - see also Religious images. 1. If you dream of God, it means that we ourselves understand that there is even greater energy. We connect with all humanity, and therefore we have the right to a certain set of moral beliefs. We all have a need for love and support, which can only be found through understanding our childhood. In a woman's dream, if she sees mythical gods, it will help her recognize and understand various aspects of her personality.

In a man's dream, he thus connects with his own masculinity, with a sense of belonging to himself and the rest of humanity. 2. The powerful and intense emotions we sometimes experience may be related to our great childhood need for love and parental approval. Often these emotions can be personalized and recognized in the images of mythical gods. Adonis represents health, beauty and self-worship.

Apollo is the sun, he taught Chiron the art of healing. Interestingly, Hercules learned the skill of healing from Chiron, but when he accidentally shot Chiron, he was unable to cure him. Jehovah, in the sense of an avenging god, draws our attention to the negative side of power. Mars as the god of war signifies the energy needed for victory. Mercury (Hermes) involves communication, often of a sensual kind. He is the patron of magic. Zeus, the king of the gods, personifies fatherhood in both its senses - positive and negative. 3. From a spiritual perspective, we are aware of the greatest power. The Christian faith belongs to one God, but expressed in three hypostases - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Other religions give their powers to different gods. As we grow in understanding, we can appreciate the meanings of both faiths and begin to recognize God as the all-pervading energy.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Martha

What does God, deity mean in a dream?

You dreamed of God - your business partner is not as reliable as you think. Imagine that a statue of God is broken, he is burned or thrown into an abyss.

1 Egyptian dream book of pharaohs

Why does a woman dream about God:

If a person sees a god who is above in a dream, it means a great feast.
If a person sees himself in a dream burning incense on a fire for God, it is bad - the power of God will be against him.

2 Dream Interpretation of Azar

Seeing God in a dream means:

Prayer to God - for prosperity. Praying to God in church is a shock.

3 Dream book of Nina Grishina

God above the world, his creative hand is your new connection with the world's secrets.
God on the throne is a reflection in the soul of the ideas of greatness.
Talking to God is an incentive to do something, a conversation with your conscience.

4 Dream book of healer Akulina

Dreaming with God means:

You dreamed of God, what is this, a deity - quick consolation and joy await you. In a state of pre-sleep, turn to God with words of gratitude and love.

5 Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

God dream meaning:

Seeing the face of a woman above the head of your loved one in a dream is a sign that the Egyptian goddess of love, Hathor, appeared to you in a dream. Such a dream means that success and luck in love await you: a long and happy life awaits you with your loved one.
Seeing a huge man in the sky in a dream is evidence that Ra appeared to you in a dream. Good luck awaits you in any business that you undertake. You may even be able to defeat an opponent superior to you in strength and power.
Seeing a majestic man starting a fire in a dream means that you saw in your dream the god of fire - Ptah. Such a dream suggests that you should pay more attention to your family, otherwise a major family quarrel awaits you.
If you dreamed of a beautiful woman galloping on a horse, then in your dream you saw the magnificent goddess of strength - Sekhmet. Such a dream indicates that in the near future your efforts to achieve your goals will not go unnoticed, and therefore changes for the better await you.
If in a dream you saw your husband or wife next to a beautiful woman, then in the dream the face of the goddess of marriage, Isis, appeared to you. Such a dream suggests that you will have a long, happy life with your soulmate.
Selling a statue of God in a dream is evidence that there is a very selfish person in your environment who will greatly harm you. If you are buying a statue of God, then such a dream suggests that soon a dishonest person will take advantage of your kindness for selfish purposes, which will greatly hurt your pride.
Praying to God in a dream is a prophecy that your business will soon end successfully thanks to the intervention of a strong, influential person. Perhaps such a dream indicates that a period of luck and success awaits you.
Watching in a dream a person who prays to God - in reality you will experience very strong grief associated with failure to fulfill the obligations assumed by the people collaborating with you.
Swamp, quagmire
If you dreamed that you were drowning in a swamp, it means that in reality you are unhappy and tired of work, it seems to you that time has stopped, that each subsequent day is an exact copy of the previous one, that no events happen, but this mood will soon pass, and you you will again perceive life in all its colors.
A dream in which you safely pass through a swamp predicts that some unusual event will soon await you, perhaps you will go on an exciting journey or a business trip that will bring many new impressions.

6 Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

God. An idealized image of someone. Cult of a specific personality. When the image of God appears in a dream, this may indicate an individual need to realize inner potential, a desire for a deep and powerful experience that a person calls “god.”

7 Modern dream book

What God can dream about:

If you saw God in a dream, a tyrannical woman will take power over you under the guise of Christianity. Don't expect anything good from this dream.
If God talks to you in a dream, beware of condemnation. All your affairs will take an undesirable turn. This dream foretells weakening health and may predict premature death.
If you see a divine service in a dream, you will have a reason to repent because of the mistake you made. Strictly observe the Ten Commandments
To see that God favors you - such a dream promises that you will find an influential patron who will help you climb the career ladder.

8 Islamic dream book on the Koran and Sunnah

God in a dream means:

  • If someone dreams that the light of the glorious and supreme true God shone before him, then that person’s deeds in relation to religion and worldly goods will be good, and where the dream was seen, justice, virtue and the abundance of earthly goods will increase.
  • God dreams that the Almighty True God is counting his deeds, then he will experience some kind of joy, and if he is on a journey, he will return home well and healthy.
  • If someone sees that he is turning to the Almighty Lord and praying to him, then that person will become famous, both in religious matters and in worldly affairs, and will be close to kings and rulers.
  • If someone sees that the Almighty and True God is angry with him, then he should repent before the Lord and humble himself before him, this is how the dream book interprets your dream. This is an interpretation of what God dreams about.

9 Muslim dream book

If someone sees in a dream that the light of the glorious and supreme true God has shone before him, that person’s deeds in relation to religion and worldly goods will be good, and where such a dream was seen, justice, virtue and the abundance of earthly goods will increase.
If someone sees in a dream that the Almighty True God is counting his deeds, he will experience some kind of joy, and if he is on a journey, then he will return home in good health.
If someone sees in a dream that he is turning to the Almighty Lord and praying to him, that person will become famous, both in religious matters and in worldly affairs, and will be close to kings and rulers.
But if anyone sees that the Almighty and True God is angry with him, he should repent before the Lord and humble himself before him.

10 Vedic dream book of Sivananda

Why does a woman dream about God:

This is a unique case, because God appears in dreams very rarely. It predicts great success, good fortune and growth.

11 Dream book of lovers

Why does a woman dream about God:

For men, a dream about a god or deity promises a despotic spouse. If you see that God is favorable to you, this means that the patronage of a person awaits you, thanks to whom you will achieve success in society.
If in a dream you participate in a fight or battle, it means that you are trying to win the love of a person who cannot reciprocate your feelings. Such actions will not bring you anything good, so it is better to abandon this idea. For a girl, a dream in which she sees participants in combat operations promises that she will enjoy success with the opposite sex.

12 Lunar dream book

Seeing God in a dream means:

Praying to God means prosperity.

13 Assyrian dream book

A dream with God in the dream book is interpreted as:

If God gives a blessing to a person, he will have to experience God's wrath.
If God curses a person, his prayers will be heard in reality.

14 Dream book for a bitch

Dreaming with God means:

God is a slight malaise, a sad mood.
Praying with God means you will admit your mistake and regret it.
Pleasant communication with God - a very educated and influential person will help you achieve success in life.

15 Danilova's children's dream book

God dream meaning:

God, deity - you shouldn’t be so fascinated by your new friend. Wait a little and you will see that he, like all people, is not without flaws.

16 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What does it mean if a woman dreams of God:

God is prosperity.

17 Ladies' dream book

What God can dream about:

Gods (Greek, Nordic and Roman) - dreams of ideal relationships; obstacles; force. Images of gods that appear in a dream indicate the character traits or abilities of the person seeing the dream.

18 American dream book

God in a dream means:

God is incredible unity and unity. Universal love. Complete acceptance of yourself here and now. The power to create and express. Undoubtedly one of the most powerful signs.

19 Fairytale-mythological dream book

If a girl dreams of God, it means:

The image of a gray-haired old man in heaven, Christ, Buddha, various mythical deities - in general: either deception, pride, conceit, illusions, the process of incipient temptation, or - a bright, fertile period in the life of a sleeper; a blessing for some deed or action.
Praying to God is very good, it leads to a blissful state, good luck, and the fulfillment of desires in reality.

Why does a woman dream about God:

Turning to God in prayer in a dream means that you will have to turn to God’s help more than once. This is a prophetic dream.
To believe in God - you will witness some miracle, an extraordinary incident.

21 Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

To see God means to receive consolation and hope that everything in life will soon get better and there is no need to despair.

22 Combined dream book

If you saw God in a dream, a tyrannical woman will gain control over you under a hypocritical mask.
If God talks to you in a dream, beware of condemnation from people close to you. Expect problems in business. This dream signifies health problems and may symbolize an untimely death.
If in a dream you observe a divine service, you will have a reason to repent because of a mistake you made earlier. Carefully monitor the observance of the commandments of Christ.
To observe in a dream that God favors you, such a dream says that you will acquire an important patron, thanks to whom your career growth will be rapid.

23 Aesop's Dream Book

The image of God that appeared in your dream is most likely a consequence of the fact that in real life, in one way or another, you came into contact with the following folk wisdom: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself,” “God protects the careful,” “God will not give you away.” , a pig will not eat”, “He who lies a lot, swears a lot”, “If he swears in vain, he will lick the devil”, “God does not take a purifying oath” and others. And this is no coincidence, very often you remember God in your life, although the Bible teaches us that “we should not remember the name of God in vanity.”
Seeing the face of a woman above the head of your loved one in a dream is a sign that the goddess of love Aphrodite appeared to you in a dream. Such a dream means that success and luck in love await you: a long and happy life awaits you with your loved one.
Seeing a huge man in the sky in a dream is evidence that Zeus appeared to you in a dream. Good luck awaits you in any business that you start. You may even be able to defeat an opponent superior to you in strength and power.
Seeing a majestic man lighting a fire in a dream means that you saw the God of Fire, Hermes, in your dream. Such a dream suggests that you should pay more attention to your family, otherwise a major family quarrel awaits you.
Seeing a beautiful woman next to magnificent paintings in a dream is a sign that the Goddess of Art Athena has appeared to you. Such a dream foreshadows the pleasure of communicating with art, for example, visiting an exhibition of paintings, a museum, watching a play or listening to music.
If you dreamed of a beautiful woman galloping on a horse, in your dream you saw the magnificent Goddess of the Hunt, Diana. Such a dream indicates that in the near future your efforts to achieve your goals will not go unnoticed, and therefore changes for the better await you.
If in a dream you saw your spouse next to a handsome young man, the face of the God of Marriage Hymen appeared to you in the dream. Such a dream suggests that you will have a long, happy life with your soulmate.
Selling a statue of God in a dream is evidence that there is a very selfish person in your environment who will greatly harm you.
If you buy a statue of God, such a dream suggests that soon a dishonest person will take advantage of your kindness for selfish purposes, which will greatly hurt your pride.
Praying to God in a dream is a prophecy that your business will soon end successfully, thanks to the intervention of a strong, influential person. Perhaps such a dream indicates that a period of luck and success awaits you.
Watching in a dream a person who prays to God - in reality you will experience very strong grief associated with failure to fulfill the obligations assumed by the people cooperating with you.

24 Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Praying to God means prosperity; talk to God - receive a warning.
Believing in God means longevity.

25 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why do you dream about God:

God, deity - Seeing God in a dream - this, unfortunately, cannot be attributed to good omens; pay attention to the woman who is next to you now; it is quite likely that she is despotic and controls you as she wants: she imposes on you her friends, entertainment that you are not interested in, plans your future for you (next to her, of course); analyze the feelings you have for her; Can these feelings be called love? You see God and hear his voice - this is a warning dream; you have already done or will soon do something that will not allow you to be called a law-abiding citizen; you will not be able to hide your misconduct from the authorities; there is another interpretation of sleep: your health will deteriorate; Death will pass very close to you.

26 Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Praying to God in a dream means doing it in reality.
Believing in God in a dream means the beginning of a new life.

27 Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Praying to God means prosperity; addresses the sleeping person - an unusual, prophetic dream; seeing God is seduction.

28 Dream Interpretation 2012

God is a reflection of the desire to gain religious experience. The need to recognize and love yourself, to realize that you are a part of God, and not a slave. Reflection of the support of Higher powers. The need to get rid of religious dogma and/or guilt.

29 Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

What does God / Gods mean in a dream - see also Religious images. 1. If you dream of God, it means that we ourselves understand that there is even greater energy. We connect with all humanity, and therefore we have the right to a certain set of moral beliefs. We all have a need for love and support, which can only be found through understanding our childhood. In a woman's dream, if she sees mythical gods, it will help her recognize and understand various aspects of her personality.
In a man's dream, he thus connects with his own masculinity, with a sense of belonging to himself and the rest of humanity. 2. The powerful and intense emotions we sometimes experience may be related to our great childhood need for love and parental approval. Often these emotions can be personalized and recognized in the images of mythical gods. Adonis represents health, beauty and self-worship.
Apollo is the sun, he taught Chiron the art of healing. Interestingly, Hercules learned the skill of healing from Chiron, but when he accidentally shot Chiron, he was unable to cure him. Jehovah, in the sense of an avenging god, draws our attention to the negative side of power. Mars as the god of war signifies the energy needed for victory. Mercury (Hermes) involves communication, often of a sensual kind. He is the patron of magic. Zeus, the king of the gods, personifies fatherhood in both its senses - positive and negative. 3. From a spiritual perspective, we are aware of the greatest power. The Christian faith belongs to one God, but expressed in three hypostases - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Other religions give their powers to different gods. As we grow in understanding, we can appreciate the meanings of both faiths and begin to recognize God as the all-pervading energy.

30 Psychotherapeutic dream book

Why do you dream about God:

Praying to God means well-being; making a sacrifice means well-being.

31 Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

Any buddhas and bodysattvas - portends great happiness.
A Buddhist mentor ascending to an eminence portends illness.
The supreme sage Lao Tzu is a great happiness.
Drawing an image of a deity or Buddha portends veneration from other people.
Seeing the divine Buddha portends the birth of a noble offspring.
Buddha speaks to people - there will be great material help.
You see how the images of deities move when you enter the temple of your ancestors - great happiness.
Making banners and ritual canopies means great happiness and benefit.
A Buddhist teacher teaches people by reading sutras to them - fortunately.
A Taoist monk or a Taoist nun says something - fortunately.
A Buddhist monk or nun studying sutras portends melancholy.
Demons or spirits beating you is a very unfavorable omen.
Seeing the divine Buddha in a closed part of the yard is a great happiness.
The Divine Buddha cannot walk - a big problem.
You burn incense and perform worship - great happiness.
Meeting a deity while performing a thanksgiving sacrifice foretells side incomes.
Immortal sages come to your family - wealth and career.
You pray and worship the divine path - great happiness.
If you take a vow of abstinence, it foreshadows the respect of your sons.
If you communicate with a celestial goddess, a female deity, a noble offspring will be born.
If you enter into a relationship with a nun, it foreshadows the loss of wealth.

32 Dream book of the 21st century

God - often such a dream does not promise anything good.
Seeing God in this way or talking to him is a sign of an upcoming illness, so you need to pay special attention to your health in advance.

33 Medieval dream book of Daniel

Worshiping God is a joy.
Making a sacrifice to God means wealth.

34 Miller's Dream Book

If you see God in a dream, this dream does not promise anything good. A tyrannical woman may take power over you.
If God speaks to you, be careful: you may be judged. Things won't be successful either. Such a dream foreshadows poor health and can mean sudden death.
If you see God praying, repentance and deep regret for what you have done awaits you.
If you see in a dream that God is favorable to you, you will receive the patronage of a very famous person who will lead you to success.

35 Persian dream book of Tiflisi

Why do you dream about God:

If you had a dream about how you offer your prayer to the Almighty, know that in reality from now on you will succeed in everything, since the grace of God is on you!
If someone sees in a dream that the light of the Glorious and Most High True God has shone before him, everything will be safe and good for him in relation to religion and worldly goods; It is believed that where people often see such dreams, justice, virtue and an abundance of earthly goods will increase.
If someone sees in a dream that the Almighty True God is counting all his deeds and analyzes each of them, he will experience incomparable joy; and when such a dream occurs during a journey, the dreamer can be quite confident that he will return home safely; his voyage will last no longer than the planned time.

36 Loff's Dream Book

The gods represent idealized desires, obstacles, POWER and relationships. Deities are always endowed with features in an exaggerated form: Thor is the most powerful god, Zeus is the embodiment of wisdom, Eros is the god of love. In dreams, we encounter these deities or inhabit their bodies, inheriting their qualities.

Thus, we see a reflection of the valuable properties of real life. These divine beings sometimes interfere with us, sometimes they tell us how to behave, what character traits to use in various situations when communicating with others. If you are a serious student of mythology, then it will be useful for you to consider your dreams for self-awareness and solving internal problems.

God - Two notable images of God have emerged in pop culture recently. The first was created by George Burns, helping John Denver in the film Oh My God!, and the second was James Earl Jones, giving special orders to Roma Downey and Della Reese in the television show Touched by an Angel. In the first case, God is presented as accessible and blessing; in the second, He becomes more edifying and powerful. The image of God appears in dreams in different ways. Often God appears not in the form of a person, but as something endowed with a divine principle (for example, in the form of religious icons, the Bible, etc.). After all, sometimes in a dream there is simply a feeling of a divine presence.
The appearance of such a divine element in our dreams opens the way to Providence and suggests a solution to the problem we encountered in a dream. It happens that a divine symbol, as if warning against mistakes, stops us. This happens especially often if we have a choice open to us that leads to a forbidden act or relationship. In such dreams, it is important to evaluate the content of the revelation received. The very fact of the appearance of divine symbols deserves close attention. In the waking state, our ego denies the supernatural power of God. But during sleep we are more open and inclined to communicate with the Almighty. Try to decipher the information contained in this spiritual message. Does the deity that appears in a dream correspond to the ideas about him that you adhere to in reality? In military affairs, there is a kind of identification code that helps determine how conscientiously the orders of the officers are carried out. You may want to try this identification method before you can determine for sure that you were visited by a Supreme Being in your dream. Before you follow what is revealed to you, check its contents for consistency with the character and nature of God. Did the divine symbol frighten you, did it threaten you? Try to find a reason for your feeling. Was the Midnight Guest trying to tell you something? Review problematic aspects of your life before determining whether the dream was prescient. Greek, Nordic and Roman Gods Gods represent idealized desires, obstacles, power and relationships.
Deities are always endowed with features in an exaggerated form: Thor is the most powerful god, Zeus is the embodiment of wisdom, Eros is the god of love. In dreams, we encounter these deities or inhabit their bodies, inheriting their qualities. Thus, we see a reflection of the valuable properties of real life. These divine beings sometimes interfere with us, sometimes they tell us how to behave, what character traits to use in various situations when communicating with others.
If you are seriously involved in mythology, it will be useful for you to consider your dreams for self-awareness and solving internal problems.
Communicating with God - During sleep, we enter a level of being free of consciousness and devoid of the preconceived control of the ego, which opens the way to broader perspectives and other horizons of reality. In other words, the best time for Divine revelation is the time when we are least trying to look like ourselves.
All religions - Judaism, Christianity, Taoism and Islam - value sleep as a time for the penetration of Divine reality into human consciousness. However, different world religions have their own vision and ways of communicating God with the human race. The only thing worth mentioning here is that dreams marked by the Divine presence provide both objective and subjective providence (i.e., a vision based on your own values). In other words, don't be bothered by the medium of the Divine message (be it an object or a person), let the message itself guide you.

37 French dream book

Praying to God in a dream means that you will receive consolation in life. Seeing God in a dream and talking to him also promises you comfort and joy. If God stretches out his hands to the one who sees the dream, this is a sign of great success in life.

38 Dream Interpretation Maya

Good meaning: God is wearing something red - you will meet a good teacher in the near future. It won’t necessarily be a person, perhaps it will be a book with good advice and useful ideas. To make the prediction come true, draw a five-pointed star on your left foot with a red felt-tip pen, and wrap a white ribbon around your right elbow. If you see a falling leaf (from a tree), then pick it up - it will bring you good luck.
Bad meaning: God is not visible or he is dressed in black - this is a message from death, it is walking somewhere not far from you. The dream does not foretell physical death; rather, it speaks of the onset of a spiritual crisis and a streak of failures. Prepare for difficulties, and to reduce them, do not wear bright clothes and take a shower 3 times a day for a week.

39 Online dream book

Seeing the image of God in a dream - according to the dream book, symbolizes hope, forgiveness, blessings, a lucky star.
For someone who dreams, a person needs support and understanding.
Receive a blessing - the Lord will punish you for your sins.
To be cursed by God - the dream book, on the contrary, foretells that the Lord will be favorable.
Seeing the drawing down of life and earthly deeds in a dream is fortunate, and for travelers
Offering a prayer to God in a dream means such a person will be successful, both in the church field and in the world.
Seeing the wrath of God is a dream that symbolizes the need to open your soul to God and accept punishment from him.
In a dream, the Lord speaks to you - you should do more with your physical body.
God's favor towards you is a symbol of a rich and influential patron.
Seeing God praying in a dream - you regret your actions, pray with him
Good communication with God in a dream - in your affairs you can count on a knowledgeable and significant patron.
The dream book interprets praying to God as good luck in any undertaking; now you are accompanied by luck and success in all your endeavors.
Seeing the Lord upset or crying means you yourself will choose the wrong path in life.
In a dream, believe in God - a long life awaits you.
Hearing the voice of God - the dream book interprets this as a warning about adversity and difficulties and the need to mobilize one’s efforts.
Sacrifice - prosperity and prosperity await you in life.

40 Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Why do you dream about God:

This is certainly a sign of incredible unity or togetherness, complete love and complete acceptance of oneself in the present moment. For those who grew up in a religious environment, such a sign can be associated with an admonishment from heaven, especially if that person is experiencing feelings of guilt.

A dream about Bacchus foreshadows grief, Themis - participation in a complicated court case, muses - you will devote yourself to art or science, other mythological gods or goddesses - acquaintance with a person of spectacular appearance, but superficial and with a dubious reputation. The Mother of God appears in me as a harbinger of the happiest day of your life.

Praying to God means well-being; making a sacrifice means success and happiness. Blasphemy in some company means theft or fire in your home. To swear is to have reasons to justify something. Hearing someone swear means meeting arguing and indignant people calling you as a witness.

44 Dream book of the 20th century

Seeing a deity in a dream: be careful, it is not at all a fact that this image actually has a divine nature. Most likely, it is a reflection of some passion to which you have either already become a slave or can become a slave. Vanity often takes the form of a teaching deity, love passion the form of a tyrant deity, and so on.

To receive a blessing in such a dream only means that you are ready to succumb to your own temptation.

At the same time, if the deity appeared to you crying or regretting: this is a harbinger that, through your own fault, you are ready to get into a very difficult situation.

As for the real divine power, even in a dream it is revealed to people only in exceptional cases.

45 The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Why do you dream about God:

Seeing God means recovery, good health, prosperity in business, success in your endeavors.

Can serve as a sign of blessing.

Praying is a blessing for the matter that is most important to you at this moment.

Talking to God is a warning dream: you urgently need to reconsider your position in life.
Dream interpretation of a modern woman

God, deity is an unkind sign. Beware of the appearance of a tyrannical woman in your life.
The deity's appeal to you is a signal that you may be condemned. Your affairs will also not bring much luck, and your health may deteriorate.
A praying deity portends repentance and deep regret for what has been done.
The favor of a deity towards you in a dream means the patronage of a very famous person who will lead you to success.

49 Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

God - Seeing God in a dream for the dreamer means the need for help and protection. The image of God is hope for healing, joy, happiness, success.

50 Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Incredible unity and togetherness. Universal love. Complete acceptance of yourself here and now.
The power to create and express.
Undoubtedly one of the most powerful signs.

51 ABC of dream interpretation

For the dreamer, seeing God in a dream means the need for help and protection.
The image of God is hope for healing, joy, happiness, success.

The image of God that appeared in your dream is most likely a consequence of the fact that in real life, in one way or another, you came into contact with the following folk wisdom: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself,” “God protects the careful,” “God will not give you away.” , a pig will not eat”, “He who lies a lot, swears a lot”, “If he swears in vain, he will lick the devil”, “God does not take a purifying oath” and others. And this is no coincidence, very often you remember God in your life, although the Bible teaches us that “we should not remember the name of God in vanity.”

Seeing the face of a woman above the head of your loved one in a dream is a sign that the goddess of love, Aphrodite, appeared to you in a dream. Such a dream means that success and luck in love await you: a long and happy life awaits you with your loved one.

Seeing a huge man in the sky in a dream is evidence that Zeus appeared to you in a dream. Good luck awaits you in any business that you start. You may even be able to defeat an enemy superior in strength and power.

Seeing a majestic man starting a fire in a dream means that you saw in your dream the God of Fire - Hermes. Such a dream suggests that you should pay more attention to your family, otherwise a major family quarrel awaits you.

Seeing a beautiful woman next to magnificent paintings in a dream is a sign that the Goddess of Art, Athena, has appeared to you. Such a dream foreshadows the pleasure of communicating with art, for example, visiting an exhibition of paintings, a museum, watching a play or listening to music.

If you dreamed of a beautiful woman galloping on a horse, then in your dream you saw the magnificent Goddess of the hunt - Diana. Such a dream indicates that in the near future your efforts to achieve your goals will not go unnoticed, and therefore changes for the better await you.

If in a dream you saw your spouse next to a handsome young man, then in the dream the face of the God of Matrimony, Hymen, appeared to you. Such a dream suggests that a long, happy life awaits you with your soulmate.

Selling a statue of God in a dream is evidence that in your environment there is a very selfish person who will greatly harm you. If you are buying a statue of God, then such a dream suggests that soon a dishonest person will take advantage of your kindness for selfish purposes, which will greatly hurt your pride.

Praying to God in a dream is a prophecy that your business will soon end successfully, thanks to the intervention of a strong, influential person. Perhaps such a dream indicates that a period of luck and success awaits you.

Watching a person praying to God in a dream means that in reality you will experience very strong grief associated with failure to fulfill the obligations assumed by the people cooperating with you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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