Why do you dream about Fortune telling? Fortune telling about your dream: what will it tell you? If you dreamed that they were telling fortunes to you

A vision in which a person had a fortune-telling dream can be considered very mysterious and unusual. The dream book interprets its meaning differently. Although, there are many books of interpretations. And, accordingly, there are just as many explanations for this or that dream plot. To understand what it may portend, it is worth turning to different dream books.


Fortune telling usually symbolizes an important matter, but postponed for later. If a person himself tried to find out what awaits him with the help of coffee grounds, it means that he is wasting his life. fortune-telling on Tarot cards - to the fact that it’s time to start changing reality for the better. Most likely, the dreamer is not happy with his life. And it's time to fix it.

When a girl sees herself trying to bewitch someone she likes, it means unhappy love. If she is currently in a relationship, then most likely it will end sadly. But seeing a prediction on the runes is a good sign. A protector and patron will soon appear in the dreamer's life.

But watching from the sidelines as someone is being told fortunes on stones means the emergence of some kind of brilliant idea that will help solve all the problems. If the dreamer himself casts a spell on someone for the future in a dream, this means that he is admired. And finally, seeing a gypsy woman in your vision is a sign of disturbing doubts.

According to Miller

This famous dream book can tell you a lot of interesting things. young and unmarried girls often see them in dreams. She usually has a lot of good friends. But a man who would have serious feelings towards her will not appear soon. If the same vision appeared to a married lady, then it means she has many admirers. And envious people. And when a girl sees how she herself casts a spell on someone, they will soon come to her for advice.

This is not all that fortune telling can dream about. The dream book assures that if a girl tries to bewitch herself with her love, it means that in reality she believes too much in Fate. And, most likely, she is worried about her personal life. If this is really the case, then it’s worth taking a break. Stop looking for love and relationships. Then the faithful will find her himself.

By the way, fortune telling about a lover is a reflection of the dreamer’s dreams of love from the subconscious. And if the young lady saw who exactly was the object of her admiration in the vision, it means that this person will move towards rapprochement.

Eastern dream book

Fortune telling in a dream by clothing usually means only one thing - the sleeper is not completely honest and sincere with his family, friends and relatives. He should open up, at least to those who really love him. And if such a vision was dreamed by a sick person, it means that he will soon recover.

When a girl in her vision watches herself casting a spell on a wedding dress, this is a sign of imminent marriage. But if her friend was wondering about the groom, then the dreamer will introduce her loved one to the person who may turn out to be her Destiny.

Fortune telling in a mirror is not a good sign. Unfortunately, after such a vision, bad news usually comes about a loved one. If a person guessed on two mirrors, then in real life something will happen that he will greatly regret.

Modern dream book

This book of interpretations gives more interesting and detailed explanations of certain visions. Why, for example, do you dream of fortune telling on mirrors using this dream book? If the process of fortune telling is successful, and a person even sees someone’s silhouette in the reflection, then after some time (usually in the shortest possible time) he will become aware of information that was previously hidden from him. There will be no regrets. But indignation will flare up with a bright flame. But! There is no need to rush into action. It's worth waiting for the emotions to subside. And then it will be possible to make a decision regarding how to react to the revealed truth.

If fortune-telling does not give any results in a vision, the dream book assures that most likely the person will soon regret that he allowed himself to be fooled. Or about your excessive kindness.

A good ending to a dream is considered to be the moment when a person This means that his “black streak” will soon end.

Fortune telling by candles

The astroscope dream book tells a lot of interesting things. Fortune telling on two candles, for example, can mean the emergence of a new goal in life. But this is only if the flame burned evenly and brightly. If such a vision came to a person engaged in business, then he should know that he can only rely on himself and his two comrades in business.

But when the flame barely burns, you should expect worries and changes in plans. Has one candle gone out? It’s okay, it only promises minor troubles and checks at work. But if in a vision a person breaks a candle (or even two) himself, failure awaits him. Either in some significant project or in an exam. In general, the event will be important in any case. And if something like this is really planned, it’s worth preparing for it as much as possible in order to avoid a puncture.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Seeing yourself in the process of fortune telling is not a good sign. A person should be attentive to his surroundings, and also carefully check any information received from people. Almost all astrological sources advise doing this - books of interpretation, horoscope, dream book.

Fortune telling has no equal in symbolism if we consider it as a sign. That's why they attach so much importance to it. If there was also a fortune teller in the dream, this vision is worth listening to. And it is important to remember what she was like. Calm and friendly? This is good. This means that all problems will soon be resolved. Was the fortune teller wary and suspicious? Then the dreamer in real life should also take a closer look at his surroundings.

And if a person receives a frightening prediction from a sorceress, it’s time to take on all the things that were previously put off for later. And preferably without fuss. Excessive worry will not do you any good.

Combined dream book

They say that if a girl in a vision observed herself in the process of fortune telling, then she is too worried about some important matter. This is true? This means that we need to show as much caution and caution as possible in order to complete everything successfully.

If she observes the process from the outside, it means that there are a lot of rumors, gossip and suspicions floating around her. This is what the dream book says. Fortune telling by hand usually promises the appearance of new male friends and acquaintances in life. And this is good, if not for one thing - the other girls will condemn her for this, and consider her not a completely pious person. However, this is most likely due to envy.

Fortune telling by cards

Finally, a few words about why such fortune-telling occurs in dreams. The dream book assures that if a girl sees someone else laying out cards in front of her, then she will soon find herself in the center of a female conflict. To avoid it, you need to minimize communication with girls in your team. But sitting in front of the table and laying out the cards yourself means career growth.

If a guy dreams of such a vision, then big changes await him in the near future. This could be a salary increase, or success in your personal life.

As you can see, there are many interpretations regarding what fortune-telling dreams mean. They are all different, and portend something special. And, of course, you can take this into account, but you shouldn’t give too much importance to dreams. After all, these are often just pictures from our subconscious.

Fortune telling is a kind of “related” action with the interpretation of dreams. A person, dreaming of finding out what awaits him, often turns to this method of prediction. Why such an action is dreamed of, and what it predicts for the dreamer, of course, the dream books know. But before you look for the answer on their pages, remember exactly how you guessed in a dream.

Briefly about the main thing

“They want to know what will happen” - the lines of the famous song are applicable not only to fortune telling, but also to the interpretation of night dreams as well. Don't have time to read long interpretations with tips and tricks? Use brief interpretations.

  • Fortune telling is a symbol of an important, but postponed task.
  • Charming in a dream on coffee grounds is a sign of wasted time.
  • Seeing fortune telling on Tarot cards means you are dissatisfied with your life.
  • If you tried to bewitch your loved one in a dream on your own - this means unhappy love.
  • If you predicted the future on the runes, you will find protection in the person of an influential patron.
  • Someone was told a fortune on stones - you will be struck by a brilliant idea on how to get rid of the problem.
  • Fortune telling for someone's future, carried out on paper - to admiration for your talents.
  • To see a gypsy reading your palm in a dream - you are overcome by alarming doubts.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller’s dream book, the explanation for why fortune-telling dreams are simple and straightforward: you have postponed some important matter until “better times,” but it haunts you, constantly reminding you of itself.

In a dream, a young girl sees herself casting a spell on her future husband and wants to know why she has such a dream? The dream book hastens to reassure her: the interpretation of the dream does not predict anything terrible, she just has to make a choice between two admirers.

Types of divination as a symbol of acquisition

If you dreamed that you were casting a spell on your betrothed according to the book of changes, then pay attention to which hexagram fell out. When you wake up, open the book of changes and read the meaning of this hexagram, recommends the Lunar Dream Book.

Fortune telling in a dream about the betrothed mummer according to the book of destinies is a symbol of the fact that you unquestioningly believe in Fate. You shouldn’t pay so much attention to your own life, you might make a mistake. Did fortune telling about your betrothed from the book of destinies predict loneliness for you? Interpret the vision in reverse: you will find a love relationship.

An unmarried girl dreamed of fortune telling on the hand - a symbol of the fact that there will be many friends, but there will be no men dreaming of a serious relationship. Fortune telling for a married lady means a large number of fans and female condemnation. You read someone's hand - expect that they will come to you for advice.

“Object” of passion, or What awaits you in love...

Fortune telling about a guy symbolizes the dreamer's dreams of love. If in a dream you cast a spell on a specific guy, then in reality this guy will take a step towards getting closer. Did you have a dream about a guy you don’t know personally? In reality you will be introduced to each other, the White Magician’s dream book predicts.

Casting a fortune on the groom, if one exists in reality, is a sign of imminent marriage. And if you dreamed about your friend’s fortune-telling about the groom, you will introduce her to a person who may turn out to be her Destiny.

Why and on what basis was the ceremony performed - Both in joy and in sadness...

Do you want to know why you dream about fortune telling by clothes? Open the Eastern Dream Book. Such a dream means that you are not always sincere with loved ones. But for a sick person, divination by clothes means an emergency operation or other procedure to restore health that will help cope with the illness.

A person who is looking for an explanation for his dreams certainly wants to know what awaits him in the future. But if thoughts about how the next day or even the next year will turn out do not leave you when you go to bed, it will not be surprising if you dream of fortune telling in a dream.

Dream books will tell you what such attempts to determine your future promise the dreamer. But in order to understand all the nuances of the meaning of your dream, you need to remember what, how and to whom you made fortunes in your dreams:

  • Was it fortune telling using Tarot cards, by hand, using mirrors?
  • How successful was the fortune telling in your dream?
  • Did you tell fortunes for yourself, did someone tell you fortunes, or did you tell fortunes for someone else?

If you had a dream of fortune telling, but you cannot remember any of its details, the New Family Dream Book believes that such dreams are a reminder. You put off starting something important for you “for later” for a very long time, not daring to start doing it. A dream about fortune telling suggests: the time has come to act.

A dream about trying to predict the future is of particular significance for young girls. Miller's dream book says that the young lady will have a difficult choice - she will need to choose one gentleman and resign from the other. The interpreter believes that logic is powerless in this case; you need to rely only on your feelings.

Cards, candles, mirrors

Why you dream of fortune-telling largely depends on what objects were used to get answers about the future. Fortune telling on the Tarot, writes Pastor Loff's Dream Book, means that in reality you are faced with a difficult choice, and you cannot make a decision. Regardless of what result the Tarot cards gave you in a dream, the interpreter advises you to wait - soon you will receive information that will be decisive for you to make a decision.

The 21st century dream book is confident that if fortune telling in a dream took place on Tarot cards, it means that the dreamer is not happy with the way the circumstances of his life are now. If during divination in your dreams you received Tarot cards that were not turned upside down, then it is worth remembering what exactly the fortune telling in your dream predicted. However, if the Tarot cards in the layout in your dream turned out to be upside down, there is a high probability that in reality you will have to listen to others, but do everything your own way, so as not to be captured by obvious decisions.

One of the popular fortune telling, which has a high chance of being dreamed about, is determining the future by hand. A modern combined dream book writes that if a girl or young woman dreams of fortune telling by hand, then the dreamer will enjoy success with members of the opposite sex. At the same time, fortune telling on the hand, seen in dreams, foreshadows envy and condemnation on the part of women - how could anyone like the appearance of a successful rival?

However, when a woman or girl dreams that she herself predicts the future of someone by the hand, for the sleeping woman this means quick recognition of her talents. Such a dream about fortune telling by hand promises recognition not of the dreamer’s external beauty, but of her outstanding mental abilities, which she successfully puts into practice.

When in a dream you felt distrustful of the fortune teller and were alarmed, the interpreter advises not to trust night dreams and not to perceive them as a “forecast” for the near future. With the exception of one case - if the dream was about unfavorable fortune telling. In this case, you should not wait for the favors of fate, but you need to take the situation under your own control - only in this case will you be guaranteed success.

Why dream of fortune-telling in a dream when it is not you and not you who are telling fortunes? For example, when did you dream that the fortune teller’s client was one of your relatives? The general interpreter writes that after such a vision one may be lucky in gambling or betting on sports.

When you dreamed that you were casting a spell on one of your acquaintances, success should be expected in a different direction. If you are now a participant in some kind of property dispute - no matter whether it is judicial or not - there is a high probability that this dispute will be resolved in your favor. But if you do not know the person for whom the fortune teller laid out the cards or whose hand she examined in your dream, then this dream is “empty.”

Fortune telling to yourself in a dream, says the interpreter of the sorceress Medea, means that soon the “magpie on your tail” will bring you good news. However, you should check the accuracy of the information received - it may be either false or true.

If you yourself tell fortunes to someone on cards in your night dreams, says the Gypsy Dream Book, you should trust your feelings in the near future. They will tell you the right decision in the current situation. Especially if you don’t yet know what you need to do.

If you dream that you are telling fortunes to a friend or relative, a simple solution to the question that is tormenting you will be found “by itself.” And fortune telling on runes in a dream suggests that you will be provided with timely protection.

Time-tested Christmas fortune-telling and rituals can help you find out with whom you will connect your destiny in the future. They allow you to see the appearance of your betrothed in a prophetic dream and find out his name. There are also special rituals carried out on the night of Ivan Kupala and providing all the necessary information about the future spouse. Such methods of divination are very diverse, but at the same time they are distinguished not only by their ease of execution, but also by their safety for the fortuneteller.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

    How to see a prophetic dream?

    There are several rules that will allow you to look into the future with the help of a prophetic dream and see your betrothed in it:

    • You should sleep alone so that extraneous conversations, sounds, and noises do not distract from fortune telling.
    • In order for the prediction to be most accurate, you need to move the pillow in the opposite direction from the usual one, i.e., where your legs used to lie, and turn it face down. Do the same with the sheet. And your shirt or pajamas should be turned inside out.
    • After reading a spell to attract your betrothed in a dream, you cannot talk to anyone else.
    • When waking up, you must immediately write down the dream down to the smallest detail in order to slowly analyze and correctly interpret what you saw. You can use popular dream books, of which there are quite a few. This will allow you to better understand its meaning.
    • It should be remembered that some unpleasant events are interpreted exactly the opposite, for example, if you dream of betrayal, then in reality it will never happen.
    • If you saw something bad in a dream, you should tell as many friends as possible about it in order to ward off trouble. When a dream promised the fortuneteller happiness and joy, one must remain silent about it.

      Fortune telling for the betrothed

      Fortune telling about one's betrothed in a dream is very popular and truthful. It is most effective to carry out rituals during the Christmas season, lasting from Christmas until Epiphany, or from Thursday to Friday during the waxing moon. These days are considered the most favorable for prediction.

      You can also see a dream about your future spouse on the magical night of Ivan Kupala, which is celebrated on July 7 (or June 21 according to the old style). This pagan holiday marks the onset of the summer solstice, when the received predictions tend to come true.

      With a comb

      One of the simplest is fortune telling with a comb, which is carried out both during Christmas week and on the holiday of Ivan Kupala, preferably from Friday to Saturday. You should:

      • hide a mirror and comb under the pillow;
      • speak a conspiracy;
      • the one who combs the girl's hair in a dream will be the future husband.

      Another way:

  1. 1. before going to bed, you must not comb your hair or braid it;
  2. 2. put a comb under the pillow;
  3. 3. say magic words.

You can hide a comb, a belt and soap under the pillow, while saying: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me - wash me, comb my hair and girdle me.”

There is also a variant of fortune telling, where the betrothed should not comb the fortuneteller’s hair, but comb his hair himself. Necessary:

  • buy a new wooden comb;
  • put it at the head;
  • cast a spell;
  • In addition to the fact that your future husband will appear in a dream, you may find someone else’s hair on your comb in the morning.

There is another easy method:

  1. 1. in the evening, sit in front of a large mirror;
  2. 2. comb your hair slowly;
  3. 3. pronounce a curse at this moment;
  4. 4. put the comb under the pillow and go to bed.

At Kupala there is also such a simple ritual with a comb:

  • before going to bed, a girl needs to ask her betrothed to comb her hair;
  • after this, put the comb under the pillow;
  • take a look in the morning: if she remains in the same place, then the girl can’t expect marriage next year. If the comb is turned over in the other direction or is not under the pillow, then this means that the wedding will definitely take place.

With twigs, twigs and matches

This ritual should also be performed before bed:

  • make a small bridge out of twigs;
  • put it at the head;
  • cast a magical spell.

Another version of this fortune telling. Need to:

  • Place a glass or cup of plain water near the bed;
  • arrange the twigs on it so that they look like a small bridge;
  • say: “My betrothed, come and help me cross the bridge.”

If you want to see your soulmate in a dream, you can tell fortunes like this:

  • remove the twig from the new broom;
  • put it under the bed, and a horseshoe or any other object from the horse - under the pillow;
  • say a slander.

Another option:

  • remove several twigs from the broom, preferably a new one;
  • make a miniature bridge from them;
  • place it under the pillow;
  • ask: “Who will lead me along an aspen bridge, who will lead me along a rye straw into my future? »

The girl will definitely see a prophetic dream in which the future groom will take her across one of the bridges. If according to the aspen, living together with your lover, in addition to happy moments, will also bring a lot of sadness and doubts. According to birch - a very happy marriage. Straw promises an unhappy and short-lived union. It’s even worse if in a dream a guy throws a fortune teller off a bridge. Such a betrothed should be abandoned immediately in order to avoid inevitable disaster.

At the head of the room, place a mirror, a comb and a twig, broken from a bath broom. A magical invitation is pronounced: “Betrothed-mummer, come take a steam bath.”

You can also build a well out of ordinary matches for the night and say: “Betrothed-mummer, come and drink some water.” There is a more complex version of this fortune telling:

  • before going to bed, make a well of matches;
  • put a cup with a handle in it;
  • fill it with water;
  • hang a small lock on the handle;
  • lock it with a key;
  • remove the key under the pillow;
  • when going to bed, ask your betrothed to appear (the words you can use are the same as in the previous method).

You should break off a small branch from three trees: poplar, aspen and birch. Tie them with a thread pulled from your clothes. Before going to bed, hide this bouquet under the pillow and say three times: “Balideff, Asalbi, Abumaleff.” The one who dreams this night will become a husband.

For four kings

Hide all four kings from a playing card deck under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream about me.” A king of spades seen in a dream will tell you that the spouse will be old, clubs mean a divorced man or a widower, a king of hearts predicts a wealthy husband, and a king of diamonds predicts a beloved one.

You can also try this method:

  • choose kings from a new deck of cards;
  • put under the bed;
  • step on them with your shoe (or heel);
  • say a conspiracy.

Maps will help you find out the future on Kupala night:

  • choose four kings from the deck;
  • place them exactly at the same level next to each other under the pillow;
  • in the morning, see which card falls the lowest. The king of crosses means a rich husband, the king of spades - the spouse will be much older, the king of diamonds promises a loved one, and the king of hearts - handsome and young.

On herbs and water

To find out the truth in a dream, including seeing who you are destined to connect your life with, you need to perform a magical ritual with herbs. This Kupala ritual is performed exclusively in complete solitude:

  • on the night of June 21 you need to go to the forest or meadow;
  • pick there, without looking, three bunches of the first herbs or flowers you come across;
  • return home quickly;
  • prepare a large saucepan with clean water and a wooden spoon for the ceremony;
  • put the pan on the stove;
  • throw plants there;
  • wait for it to boil;
  • Boil them after this for another 20 minutes, while stirring the brew with a wooden spoon counterclockwise and think about your question;
  • then make a wish out loud to see the whole truth in a dream;
  • take a small sip of the resulting decoction;
  • go to bed, but before that say a special spell: “Kupala Kupala, son of Yarilov, cast away your thoughts, come to help me, give me a white answer - don’t hide anything.”

In a dream, the fortuneteller will see everything she has in mind. If you couldn’t sleep that night, it means that the information you’re interested in is still hidden.

Another way to induce a prophetic dream:

  1. 1. collect seven different flowers or herbs at sunset;
  2. 2. hide them under the pillow on Kupala night;
  3. 3. in a dream you will dream about what you want.

You can also pick flowers at midnight on Ivan Kupala, without looking, and put them at your head, and in the morning check whether there are twelve different herbs among them. If there is enough, then the girl will definitely get married this year.

To see your future husband, on Kupala night before going to bed, a plantain is placed under your head, while saying: “Triputnik-fellow traveler, you live along the road, you see young and old, suggest my betrothed! »

And this is a Christmas fortune telling with water:

  • place a jug of water and a glass at the head of the bed;
  • before going to bed, say a curse;
  • sign yourself with the cross and go to bed.

The following ritual can be performed both on Christmastide and on the night of Kupala:

  • on the eve of fortune telling, collect a bouquet of twelve different freshly picked or dried herbs;
  • attach to each piece of paper with a certain meaning, for example, to meet a guy, receive a marriage proposal, etc.;
  • put the bouquet in your head at night and read the plot;
  • At night the groom will appear in a dream, and in the morning you need to, without looking, take out any twig and from it receive a prediction about your future relationship with him.

For candles

To dream about your betrothed, you need to perform a ritual with candles at night:

  • take three candles and place them in a row one after another so that they merge into one;
  • light each one;
  • when reading a magical plot, gradually move the candles one after another so that all three become visible at once;
  • then say the spell: “Candle flame, show me your betrothed! Show me his image! Let me at least see my fate in a dream”;
  • let the candles burn out to the end;
  • go to bed.

Conspiracies for a prophetic dream about a betrothed

Say once at night: “I’m lying young on the Zion Mountains, three holy angels are in my heads. The first one sees, the second one will tell, the third one will tell me my fate.” You need to remember what you dreamed in all its details; the dream will tell you about events for the coming year and about the possibility of getting married. You can also use sleep whispers, which are done strictly from Thursday to Friday:

If a girl sleeps at a party for the first time, when she goes to bed, she must say: “I’m sleeping and going to bed in a new place, the groom is dreaming about his bride.”

Ritual for the coming sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday:

  • buy a new lock;
  • prepare a plate of well water;
  • holding the lock over it, close it and say a spell.

Fortune telling from Wednesday to Thursday in the name of the future husband:

  • Take small pieces of paper.
  • Write men's names on them.
  • Place it under your pillow.
  • In the morning, take any piece of paper without looking. The name indicated in it will belong to the spouse.

From Thursday to Friday you need to say the following words in order to see your betrothed in a dream: “From Thursday to Friday I lie down on the mat. Matitsa, turn over, whoever loves you will dream of him.”

You need to guess in a dream from Friday to Saturday like this:

  • add a little salt to a small amount of drinking water;
  • stir and drink;
  • Before going to bed, cast a spell.

The second way: at night, mix a little salt with water, swallow without washing down. Before going to bed, say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me something to drink.”

The mother-in-law can also see her future son-in-law in a dream; for this, a simple ritual is used, which is carried out from Saturday to Sunday: before going to bed, you must place a frying pan with pre-baked pancakes under the bed. Say: “Betrothed, come to your mother-in-law to treat yourself to pancakes.”

From Sunday to Monday:

  • place a spruce twig under your head;
  • 3. say magic words.

Other methods

There are other very easy fortune telling methods that will help you see your future husband in a dream:

  1. 1. Shortly before bed, weave a small new padlock into the braid, lock it with a key and say the spell: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me to ask for the key, to unlock the lock.” Put the key under the pillow. They dream of a groom who will open the lock for them.
  2. 2. Place a saucer with jam near the bed, which you need to prepare yourself in advance, and say: “I have all the sweetness.” This will attract many suitors.
  3. 3. When going to bed, put on new socks or stockings, then take one off your left foot and hide it under the pillow. Say a slander: “Betrothed-mummer, come take off my shoes.”
  4. 4. Place a glass of water by the bed, place a wooden spatula across it and call: “The betrothed is a mummer, come to me, lead me across the bridge.”

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 11th day of the month. Dreams that you had on the night of today come true within 11 days and lead to joy.

Today is the 10th lunar day. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is Sunday. Day of the Sun. Sunday talks about what can warm our hearts, bring happiness, and make life more joyful. The sun is the planet of love, inspiration and limitless creativity. Sunny dreams will show situations or people that illuminate our life, saturate it with interesting activities or, conversely, darken joyful moments.

If Sunday's dream is beautiful, it means that soon you will have new ideas, interesting ideas with unusual abilities. Perhaps, with a colorful sunny dream, strong love will come to you, or you will discover a talent in yourself that you did not suspect. A beautiful dream calls for active creative activity. But Sunday's mean dream warns of the approach of a joyless, empty period and calls for searching for the positive aspects in any troubles. A stingy Sunday dream can also indicate a waste of energy as a result of pity for someone or nervous tension.

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FORTUNE - Miller's Dream Book

Fortune telling in a dream is a reminder to you that deep down in your soul you are worried about some important matter that you have put off. But when deciding to complete it, still exercise caution.

If a young lady sees this dream, it means fate is forcing her to make a choice between two admirers. In this choice, she will have to rely on herself in everything - on her intuition and prudence.

Fortune telling – Modern Dream Interpretation

It’s as if someone is telling you fortune – you need to make an important decision, but you can’t because you don’t have complete information. Hurry up, your situation is getting worse every day.

A young girl dreams that she is being told fortunes - this girl has a situation ahead in which she will have to rely solely on intuition. The decision made will be correct.

A woman dreams that they are telling fortunes on her hand - ill-wishers are much closer to this woman than she thinks; they enter her house with a stone in their bosom. They gossip behind her back.

Guessing yourself in a dream is a sign of a useful acquisition.

Telling fortunes to someone in a dream foretells an important meeting with the right person.

To see in a dream how someone is being told fortunes means good or bad news.

Fortune telling – Slavic Dream Book

Losing money, warning not to rush.

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