K dreams of seeing a closed coffin. What does it mean if you dreamed of a coffin? Why does a woman dream about the Coffin, what is this dream about?

Dream interpretation is a form of divination based on the visions of a sleeping person. It is essentially an interpretation system that uses dreams to predict the future. Dreaming is a normal phenomenon of every psychologically healthy person. Such a dream is not always a harbinger of trouble.

This article will tell you about what it means to see a coffin in a dream, as well as about the different types of interpretation of magical visions.

The essence of dream interpretation

Dream interpretation is a thousand-year-old esoteric and magical practice, preserved in written records dating back over 3,000 years. Some existing human societies and indigenous peoples of the Americas and Australia (for example, several Amazonian peoples such as the Shuar and Achuar) incorporate this practice into their belief systems and social organization.

While deciphering dream symbols in ancient times sought a divine message. But at the beginning of the 20th century, in connection with the theoretical development of psychoanalysis, dream interpretation is focused on identifying the unconscious contents of the brain and becomes a clinical technique and part of various aspects of clinical psychology.

General meaning

Why see a coffin in a dream? The importance of death is the main meaning of such a dream. When a coffin appears in a dream, a person remembers the frailty of existence. Such a symbol in a dream is used to recognize the importance of death and the rituals associated with it. Perhaps the person successfully went through the stage of death of a loved one. Now he can overcome the feeling of loss - this is the general interpretation of the dream.

Seeing a coffin in a dream is also a call to bury the past so that you can make your life more carefree.

If you are lying in a coffin, this is a prediction of good luck, but you should not expect much.

An empty coffin is a symbol of unnecessary worry.

Coffin in a dream: meaning

Seeing in is a typical upside-down dream that promises favorable events, despite the terrifying subject of the dream. From a career perspective, a dream about a coffin indicates that the person will have excellent performance at work and will be appreciated by the boss with a promotion.

From an economic point of view, the dream suggests that the person who dreamed of this gloomy object will have additional money and a thriving business.

The explanation from the point of view of psychological analysis says that a coffin in a dream is a metaphor for rebirth, as well as advice to get rid of unhealthy bad habits or leave the old environment, or change your occupation.

British dream books

What does it mean to see a coffin in a dream? Many people who saw this attribute of mourning in their dreams ask in panic. British dream books also have their own version of dream interpretation.

Seeing a closed coffin in a dream indicates possible profit and wealth. The original British dream book states the following regarding such a dream - a new grave and coffin symbolize deliverance from grief.

The coffin located in the tomb symbolizes good luck and prosperity in the future.

A dream where the dead come out of the coffin means that you will be visited by uninvited guests.

Seeing a dead person in an open coffin means bad luck.

To dream that several dead people come out of a coffin means that a person will receive great wealth.

Dreaming of a coffin floating on water symbolizes good luck or great joy.

Interpretation in folk beliefs

What do the people say?

Psychological meanings

There are some common signs and visions that may appear in a dream. If the coffin is richly decorated, this may symbolize that the person is experiencing an important turning point in his life and would like to bring clarity to this situation. If a gloomy attribute closes something, then this is the personification of farewell to the past.

It may also happen that the dreamer closes his consciousness and thoughts from negative feelings and kills a part of himself. Seeing a coffin closed in a dream is a symbol of farewell to a person (more likely parting with a loved one) or professional burnout. And this is inevitable. If you dream of a boat on the water with a coffin, something has scared you very much.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person in a dream means that perhaps you want to stop being friends with a loved one or even break up with your loved one. This may also indicate divorce. If you are lying in a coffin, then you should forget the past and build only a new future.

Arabic (Islamic) dream book

It is a bad sign if you see a coffin in a dream - this means that you will experience many failures. This is a sign indicating great trouble or suffering. A dream promises you a long life when you yourself are lying in a coffin. It can also mean solving all problems in life, especially financial ones.

If you dream that someone is lying in a coffin, this symbol indicates that the death of a person will bring you pain and sadness. You should also consider difficulties in business settings or family matters. Illness promises you a dream if you see an empty coffin in a dream. This is an indicator that you are sick, but you are not getting better or are not being treated. If you want to avoid illness, then it's time for you to get some rest.

Hindu dream book

In Hinduism, there are a large number of sacred dream books and their interpretations. It's a good sign if you see a coffin in a dream. This means that sick people will recover, and healthy people are guaranteed a long, happy life.

If you are lying in a coffin in a dream, then this is an indication that you will have changeable and unstable luck.

In general, Indians take a philosophical approach to death. Hindus even have the concept of samsara - the cycle of birth and death in worlds that are limited by karma. This is one of the main terms in Indian esotericism: a soul that is drowning in the sea of ​​samsara, striving for liberation (moksha) and getting rid of the results of its past actions (karma), which are part of the networks of samsara. This is one of the basal and dominant concepts in Indian religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism).

Any of these esoteric traditions gives their own interpretations of this mystical term. In many Indian religions and schools of thought, samsara is considered an unfavorable position from which one must escape.

Interpretation of context

Seeing a coffin in a dream - this symbol can mean great wealth. The coffin may mean the death of some part of you. This could be hope, feelings related to relationships, lustful behavior or habits. It also shows that you have buried your past and are now ready to create a new future.

Being in a coffin in a dream is a symbol that appears when you think about your mortality. Maybe you are wondering what you have done in your life and also what you will leave behind. You may feel trapped by worries and problems. You are stuck and can't find a way out.

A dream in which you see a coffin with a deceased person, and if it is your mother, father, ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, partner, relative, may mean that you are afraid for the health of this person. It may also show that you need to pay more attention to a certain person who appeared in a dream. You are afraid of losing contact with him. But sometimes it can indicate the end of a relationship. Your subconscious is showing that it is time to separate and bury the past.

You are hiding something in a coffin in a dream - these actions show that you want to hide from your enemies or are worried about your future life. You are trying to hide yourself from unpleasant things. It may also represent that you want to hide your shame or bad behavior from others.

If you dream of coffins of different colors

When a white coffin appears in a dream, this symbol indicates that you have already buried all negative thoughts, habits and now you are clean to create new relationships and a new life. This will bring you prestige and prosperity.

A black coffin symbolizes that you want to hide some bad habits or even your unacceptable behavior. You want to bury your shame so that no one will ever know about it.

Seeing a red coffin in a dream - such an object signifies illness or health problems. Your body and mind are sending you a signal to finally take care of your health because you may develop a serious illness.

Gray coffin - this symbol appears when a person step by step gets rid of painful feelings and thoughts. His mind becomes clearer.

European dream book

Seeing an empty coffin in a dream means that your unconscious part of your personality wants to change your thoughts or life completely. Perhaps you have begun to create a new identity and get closer to yourself, to your desires.

A coffin with a child appears in a dream when a person has a desire to have children, but it is impossible to conceive them due to illness. And with this dream, the woman will bury her desire to get pregnant. It may also happen that a person has a fear of losing children or a child that he already has.

Seeing a closed coffin in a dream can be interpreted as the end of something. This could be the loss (not just the death) of a friend, partner or professional position. This is a sign that there are no opportunities for renewal of life.

A coffin with a dead person in a dream

An unhappy family life and business losses await you if you saw a coffin with a deceased person in a dream.

When a coffin is located next to a body in a dream, this indicates an unhappy marriage and poor, unhealthy offspring. It also symbolizes unhappiness in a marriage or partnership. On the professional side, you will experience failures or losses.

A dream in the form of your own coffin promises troubles - this is an indicator of approaching family worries, as well as defeats in business or at work.

Happiness if you see yourself lying in a coffin. This is a very good omen. Your dream promises to come true and bring real pleasure.

Check your behavior if you are sitting on a moving hearse in your dream. If the hearse moves, this is a serious but not fatal illness for a close relative. It may also be associated with homosexuality. You should reconsider your behavior with a friend or relative, because we must love people for who they are.

Happiness and sadness at the same time are symbolized by a coffin that moves on its own. This dream shows that joys and sorrows will replace each other.

Dream interpretation online coffin closed

A closed coffin can dream of both prosperity and happiness and troubles with poverty. In order to understand why such religious objects are dreamed of, you need to remember the surrounding environment well. Different meanings depend on the specific situation seen and the emotional coloring that happened to be seen in a dream.

The general logical interpretation, if you dreamed of a closed coffin, is a box that can become both a cornucopia and a Pandora's box. What changes await in the future - positive or negative, when it opens - depends on the other elements of the dream.

The symbolic interpretation, when considering the interpretation of what such a cult object appears in a dream, is very simple. It can personify either a gift of fate or the personality of the dreamer himself. Looking into a closed coffin is always very scary - just like meeting your true self. Such dreams occur at a certain stage of life, when you need to say goodbye to the past, and therefore mentally “bury” a part of your personality.

This is a call from fate to part with negative experiences, grievances and stress. In order for the next phase of life to be successful, the interpretation for each dream book, almost any dream book, will say that you need to put your negativity there in a dream and bury old grievances. Then the next streak in life will be white, and it is quite possible that there will be many of them.

Interpretation in different dream books of the world

Closed coffin

Humanity, going through different eras of development, has left a lot of wisdom accumulated over centuries, this can be seen in every ancient dream book; the dream book of almost any tradition is filled with practical advice.

But the traditions of different peoples are different, and this is due not only to the geographical location of states, but also to different attitudes towards objects of worship. Therefore, even the directly opposite meaning of a dream in which you dreamed of a closed coffin can be seen even in symbolic dream books that are close in meaning.

Velesov's dream book

Since the transition from reality (the world of the living) to Nav (the world of the dead) was considered a happy event by the ancient Slavs, seeing a closed coffin in a dream was considered a good sign. Until today, ancient dream books have preserved the traditions of that era, and such dreams promise prosperity and frequent gifts of fate.

  • For newlyweds, seeing it in a dream promises prosperity and a comfortable life.
  • For successful people, such a dream symbolizes a comfortable old age.
  • For older people - a long life of love in the care of children and grandchildren.
  • For sick people, seeing an empty coffin means a quick recovery.

Seeing a dead person means weather changes

It is easier to interpret why such symbols are seen if you remember the actions that are performed with it.

  • To nail down is the beginning of a new life, crossing out past experiences, renunciation.
  • Carrying a heavy coffin means the end of a dark streak, new achievements.
  • Lowering someone on ropes into a hole means loss of loved ones, failure, failed endeavors.
  • Falling asleep empty means echoes of the past, the impact of past unseemly actions on one’s reputation.
  • Seeing a deceased relative in a dream means a change in the weather.

Another meaning is if you dreamed of an open coffin - this may mean that he is ready to accept the deceased, the death of loved ones is possible. A similar interpretation is when you dreamed of coffins in a cemetery, if there are many of them and each of them is open, it is a sign of trouble. Extensive disasters, military actions, and mass loss of life are possible. This is a warning dream, a sign of what you need to prepare for and possibly avoid.

According to Miller

Unfavorable sign for businessmen

European traditions unanimously assert that if you dream of a closed coffin, this is an extremely bad dream. If he is also black, it is a bad omen. It brings losses, financial collapse, separation from loved ones. Even seeing a hearse carrying him in a dream promises misfortune. Perhaps this is a warning, or a reminder of past aspirations, which is not destined to come true for a long time.

For entrepreneurs, such a dream symbolizes unsuccessful endeavors, debts, and even a government house, which can result from the dreamer’s inaction.

For lovers - serious obstacles in relationships.

Seeing your own coffin is a moral failure, difficulties with personal self-determination, and the inability to achieve goals. Such a dream is dreamed in order to gain the opportunity to see not only with the eyes, but also with the soul. Clearly understand which road leads to development and which leads to moral degradation.

For young people, if you dreamed of a coffin strewn with flowers in a church, this means an unsuccessful marriage.

Freud's Dream Book

The German psychotherapist is not so categorical in the interpretation of dreams where one sees coffins. Basically, he focuses on the quality of the product and its value. Interpretation according to the dream book, Freud's dream book, which is compiled on the basis of psychoanalysis, is absolutely natural for the scientist himself, and unusual for almost all dreamers.

Dear and beautiful - symbolizes a womb that can bear healthy offspring, sexual health and fertility.
Cheap black and gloomy - problems with the adequacy of self-esteem.
Old and falling apart dreams of infertility.

Vanga's opinion

Don't worry if you dreamed of a black coffin

The interpretation of such dreams according to the dream book, Vanga’s dream book, which was piece by piece compiled from the predictions of the famous soothsayer, is extremely positive. But only if such a cult object is dreamed of as closed, and no one tries to look under its lid.

If you dreamed about a black coffin or coffins, this may be associated with the burial of a dark past; this will not lead to anything bad. On the contrary, this is a call in a dream to part with your negative traits and acquire new ones - positive ones, which will help you achieve significant success in life.

If you dream that a black coffin falls into a hole on its own, this is a wonderful salvation in dangerous situations, which will be facilitated by strangers.
Heart-rendingly hammering nails into the lid means parting with past troubles and poor health.
Seeing your name on the lid means analyzing your inner “I”, the importance of rethinking your life and its priorities.
When you dreamed, you dreamed of an open coffin or coffins - a bad omen. This means that the planned enterprise will not lead to anything good. If you dreamed that they slammed shut with a roar, trouble could be avoided, and what you saw in a dream would be a timely warning.

Emotional coloring and actions of others

Although such dreams are creepy, as a rule, they do not carry sharp negative emotions. If you dreamed of coffins, the very first thing you need to look at is the brightness and your own attitude to the situation - this is one of the main special interpretations of why such religious objects are dreamed of.
Looking indifferently at your name on the coffin lid means good luck in business.
He will be upset because of the coffin in the hearse - news from far away, a difficult situation that will lead to a meeting with an old friend.
To be afraid when nailing up a coffin is a reluctance to understand one’s own essence.
If you dreamed of a lot of coffins, you need to reconsider all unfinished undertakings, and only after they are completed, start new things.

Sarcophagus and expensive funeral procession

Funeral procession

Seeing a golden sarcophagus in a dream and admiring it means wealth and honors.
If you dreamed about a golden coffin or coffins, it promises happiness and good luck in any endeavor. If there are many of them, it is a successful undertaking among worthy and honest people.
A red velvet closed coffin means success in your plans.
White - dreams of stability and receiving an inheritance from distant relatives. This is a very favorable sign.
A closed coffin strewn with flowers dreams of financial well-being (the only exception is if it is in a church).

When to be alert

A dangerous omen if you dream that the dreamer himself is lying in a closed coffin and cannot get out. This may mean that all affairs and undertakings have reached a dead end, and it is completely unclear how to act in such a situation.
If such a dream is repeated many times, you will have to visit a psychotherapist, because such dreams may indicate the beginning of obsessive-compulsive neurosis. This is the work of the psyche in reality - a sign that treatment started on time will be successful.
Dreams in which an open coffin appears are unfavorable. It’s a bad sign if one of your relatives or friends is lying in it. If they are lowered into the ground in a dream, there is a real danger to their life.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Why do you dream about the Coffin - psychological interpretation:

Coffin - If you dreamed of a coffin, this means for you heavy losses and the early departure of a dear relative. Seeing a coffin strewn with flowers in a church means an unsuccessful marriage for you.

In general, a coffin in a dream is a bad dream. For a peasant in a dream, a coffin promises crop failure and livestock illnesses. If business people dream of a coffin, they will face failure. If young people dreamed of a coffin, then an unhappy marriage awaits them.

Closed coffin - The same thing is promised by the vision of a moving coffin - such a dream may be followed by illness, and then by marriage, overshadowed by previous events.

To see that you are lying in a coffin or sitting on it - then quarrels, a serious illness and repentance for your actions await you.

See also: why do you dream about a dead person, why do you dream about a cemetery, why do you dream about a funeral.

Family dream book

Why do you dream about the Coffin in the dream book:

Coffin, empty coffin - If you dreamed of a coffin, this means for you heavy losses and the early departure of a dear relative.

Why dream of seeing a coffin strewn with flowers in a church - this means an unsuccessful marriage for you.

Seeing your own coffin in a dream is a harbinger of inevitable troubles in business and family life.

Man in a coffin - Seeing yourself in a coffin in a dream means collapse in business and personal life awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about the Coffin?

Coffin - Dreamed of a coffin - this indicates that the obsessive fear that does not leave you when you are alone is completely groundless.

To see that you are buying a coffin - dignity awaits you. Making a coffin in a dream means honor and profit await you.

A man in a coffin - If you dreamed of an open coffin, then success in business awaits you. A new coffin - your worries will go away.

Why dream of seeing a friend in a coffin - then news about his successes awaits you. If a young person dreams of a coffin, it means a wedding.

If in a dream a coffin floats on water, then wealth awaits you.

The next interpretation of why you dream about the Coffin, below.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about the Coffin, how to understand the dream:

A closed coffin - If a peasant dreams of a coffin, he will be faced with a bad harvest and loss of livestock. If a businessman dreams of a coffin, debts await him. For lovers, a coffin means the death of one of them, an unhappy marriage.

Seeing your coffin means misfortune awaits you in the family. Seeing yourself in a coffin means that whatever you do is doomed to failure, and shame and frustration in business await you.

A man in a coffin - To see that you are sitting in a coffin - then a serious but not fatal illness awaits you, a quarrel between spouses or lovers, misunderstandings with friends.

Seeing a moving coffin means a series of sad and joyful events awaits you. To dream of a coffin decorated with flowers standing in a church - an unhappy marriage awaits you.

If you dreamed of a funeral procession, then the untimely death of a loved one awaits you. Seeing people carrying a coffin - your ill-wisher will question your honesty, perhaps dissatisfaction with your superiors, complications in relationships with friends.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream of a coffin?

Coffin, empty coffin - I dreamed of a coffin - this is an amazing event

For what reason and what is this dream about, read on.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream about the Coffin in a night dream?

Coffin - Dreamed of a closed coffin - this portends obstacles. For the elderly, a coffin means the imminent death or loss of a dear relative. For family people, a coffin means profit and prosperity.

If a young person dreams of a coffin, then a wedding and a long, comfortable life await them. If you dream of a coffin seen in a church, this means an unsuccessful marriage.

Man in a coffin - An open coffin - for a cheerful celebration. If you dreamed of a coffin strewn with flowers, this means failure and illness. Seeing a friend in a coffin means you will receive important news.

Lying in a coffin in a dream means acquiring a calm occupation and a long life. Carrying a coffin in a dream is a harbinger of illness that will overshadow the upcoming celebration.

Seeing others carrying his coffin means sad circumstances and bad news await you. Lowering the coffin into a grave in a dream means a tragic death awaits you.

Digging a hole for a coffin in a dream means a happy marriage awaits you. Burying a coffin in a dream means a chronic disease awaits you. Nail up a coffin in a dream - then you will be very frightened.

Seeing yourself sitting on a coffin is a sign of quarrels followed by repentance and mutual forgiveness. Buying a coffin in a dream means you will incur large expenses.

Seeing a tomb in a dream means you will receive protection, and through it you will find good luck. To be locked in a tomb in a dream means disappointment and withdrawal from business.

Dream Interpretation of G. Rasputin

Why do you dream about the Coffin according to the dream book:

A coffin, an empty coffin - in a dream foreshadows bad life circumstances for an indefinite period of time. If you dream of a coffin in your home, get ready to wander: you will have to look for new housing. To dream of a coffin in the house of your loved ones means that soon one of them will ask you for shelter and help. Lifting a coffin from the ground in a dream means that you will again return to those habits that you have long erased from your life. Opening a coffin in a dream means unexpected support and help from parents and friends for the rest of your life will save you from problems with financial means.

Why dream about nailing up a coffin - you will waste a lot of time. Seeing a coffin being lowered into the ground means depriving yourself of the opportunity to get what you were striving for.

Man in a coffin - Seeing yourself in a coffin means successfully avoiding troubles and grief. Seeing a dead person rising from the coffin is an unfavorable sign; your endeavors and projects will not last long. Carrying a coffin in a dream means all your efforts will be wasted.

Making a coffin in a dream means a successful streak in life awaits you. Seeing a lot of coffins means that in the near future you will be pleased with your friends and loved ones with their attention and care. Seeing yourself in a coffin and realizing that you are buried is a bad sign for young women and men, associated with the inability to overcome the problems and difficulties that have arisen. Breaking a coffin in a dream is a good sign for women and children, indicating that for a long time they will not know worries under the wing of patrons and guardians. Seeing your living loved ones in a coffin means good luck and prosperity in their lives. If you see people who have already died in a coffin, this is a dream indicating dubious undertakings. Perhaps you are about to make some decision under the influence of not very good friends.

Seeing the sacred coffin is a sign of happy changes in your life associated with a successful career advancement. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows a successful marriage and a happy married life, full of joy and harmony.

Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

Why do you dream about the Coffin? Interpretation of sleep:

A coffin is a bad sign. If you dream of a coffin, then such a dream foretells you heavy losses and the early departure of a dear relative. If your type of activity or your hobbies are somehow connected with the land, farming, then such a dream promises you crop failure and livestock diseases. For business people, it portends failure in commercial endeavors and a break in relations with old business partners. For young people, such a dream is a harbinger of an unhappy marriage.

If you see a moving coffin or hearse, then illness will soon await you. If you are going to get married, then such a dream means that your wedding will be overshadowed by a serious illness or death of a close relative.

If you dream of a coffin strewn with flowers, then such a dream means an unsuccessful marriage. It is especially sad for girls, because... foretells them a stern, unkind husband with whom she will not find happiness.

Man in a coffin - To see that you are sitting or lying in a coffin, then in real life you will face quarrels, a serious illness, actions for which you will have to greatly repent.

Why dream of seeing that you are knocking together a coffin or nailing down its lid, this means that you will undertake to carry out a task that others do not undertake, because it is very unpleasant and causes disgust and hostility in most people. If in a dream you have to carry a coffin on your back, then this means that in your real life there will be many difficulties and obstacles that you cannot cope with, so you will have to lead a difficult life full of hardship and poverty.

It is unlikely that anyone wants to see a coffin in a dream. But what does such a dream mean? Here's what various dream books say about this.

Ancient Russian dream book

In the dream book, the coffin is interpreted as a change in the state of affairs in reality.

If a sick person saw himself sleeping in a coffin, then this could predict a quick death. A healthy person may have this dream as a sign of the emergence of any situations that impede the achievement of the goal.

Maly Velesov dream book

Seeing a coffin in a dream means in reality achieving success in business, making good profits and joy. For people at a young age, the dream promises a wedding, and for old people - a funeral and obstacles.

Why do you dream of an empty coffin - to a long life path filled with great happiness.

When the coffin is open in a dream, this may mean that you are quickly approaching departure from this world.

For a healthy person, being in a coffin means fun in reality. For a sick person, a dream can prophesy a near end or various obstacles.

When in a dream you saw a coffin with a deceased person, it means that in reality expect a change in weather conditions.

When you notice a friend lying in a coffin, you will soon hear about him as a successful person.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream of coffins - for a long and happy journey in life, good luck in financial enterprises.

Why do you dream of closed coffins? In general, the answer to this question haunts many representatives of the sleep institute, researchers, as well as modern interpreters and ordinary people. The fact is that from time immemorial, dreams with coffins in the leading role were considered a good sign. The ancients believed that they should be interpreted exactly the opposite way. For example, if in real life a deceased relative is always a sign of grief and regret, then seeing such a picture in a dream, on the contrary, promises longevity and prosperity for this relative.

But why do these dreams haunt modern researchers? The fact is that at present, seeing a coffin (closed or open) in a dream, as well as watching a person lying in it, does not at all mean future positivity in relation to certain people, as was thought about it before. More and more scientists and interpreters are inclined to believe that these dreams are a serious reason to think about your current life, carefully analyze your plans for the future, and try to recognize your mistakes.

Modern interpretation. Why see a coffin in a dream?

Closed, according to the general opinion of modern interpreters, does not bode well for both the dreamer himself and the people participating in his dream. In reality, this means the fight against injustice, future illnesses, material losses, etc. However, a closed coffin falling into a grave is considered a good omen. Interpreters believe that this is a kind of amulet, a guardian angel sent to help the dreamer. He will protect him from one or another dangerous situation.

Closed coffins. Why have such a dream?

A coffin (closed or open) is a real success for newlyweds. Such a dream promises happiness and success. This is what the famous dream interpreter Evgeniy Tsvetkov believes. For couples in love, this indicates their imminent wedding. For those who have been married for several years, closed coffins will bring monetary profit and grandiose results. However, to see in a dream how other people are carrying a closed coffin is a sign of bad news and serious circumstances.

Closed coffins. Opinion of esotericists

Why do we dream of closed coffins, according to esotericists? The compilers of the famous esoteric dream book do not see anything bad in this. In their opinion, closed coffins (necessarily empty) are harbingers of imminent fun and joyful meetings with friends. A date with old acquaintances of the opposite sex is also possible. In any case, the dreamer will be happy with this development of events.

Closed coffins. English dream book

Interpreters of the English dream book are sure that closed wooden macs in a dream are a very bad sign. If you dreamed of such a coffin being lowered on ropes into the grave, beware of sad events that could soon burst into your life! For example, after what he saw, a close relative of the dreamer may die.

In principle, the interpreters of this dream book consider any dreamed coffin to be a bad sign, and it does not matter to them whether it is open or closed. In addition, this can mean trouble for strangers, and not just for the owner of the dream. For example, global natural disasters may occur, wars may occur, etc.

Why do you still dream about closed coffins? The compilers of the English dream book compare what they saw with troubles and poverty in reality. Perhaps the dreamer will lose all his property. It is possible that in exchange for this he will acquire a state-owned house, i.e. will go to jail. Therefore, in reality, you need to try to maintain good spirits, not succumb to certain provocations, and not lose your composure and sober mind!

By the way, golden closed coffins in a dream symbolize success and bring happiness. Buying a gold closed mac in a dream means prosperity and understanding in the family. People often dream of lying in their own closed coffin. The compilers of this dream book warn that in reality a person may find himself in some kind of emotional impasse and even suffer some kind of psychological trauma.

A closed coffin in a dream. Miller's Dream Book

According to the interpretations of the famous American psychologist Gustav Hindman Miller, seeing a closed coffin in a dream is unlucky. For example, rich and business people have large debts and associated troubles. For people belonging to the ordinary working class, the question of why closed coffins are dreamed of can come up sharply: household chores and difficulties at work are coming. Dismissal is also possible.

Gustav Miller warns: seeing your own closed coffin in a dream means failures in business and love, destined for the dreamer by fate itself. Lying in such a mackintosh yourself means moral failure. In addition, some of the dreamer’s undertakings will not be crowned with success. A dream in which a person sits on his own closed coffin, while being in a hearse, promises illness. In this case, Miller also recommends avoiding all kinds of quarrels with loved ones.

Seeing a coffin in a moving hearse in a dream also does not bode well. Gustav Miller is sure that in this case a serious illness will come that will take the life of some relative of the dreamer. In principle, moving wooden macs are a sign of serious illnesses, accidents, unsuccessful marriages. Open or closed coffins in a dream promise young people failure in their love endeavors.

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