We pump up our shoulders with basic exercises. Shoulder exercises in the gym - a methodology for creating an effective training program. Standing dumbbell flyes

The shoulder muscles are partially loaded during basic exercises on the arms and back, but this load is not enough for their quality and rapid growth. Only training will help to work them out properly, at the beginning of which the shoulders will be loaded comprehensively, and then in isolation.

If you're trying to build shoulder muscles, it's mostly about increasing the size of your deltoids. Due to the complex mechanism of work, the deltoids cannot be given as heavy a load as, for example, the pectoral muscles. When isolating the shoulder muscles when performing exercises, remember that the load must be increased gradually. It is important not to overdo it to avoid injury.

How to pump up your shoulders

Seated dumbbell press

An exercise that can be safely recommended to beginners or those who are just concerned about the volume and strength of their shoulders. It is also quite suitable for warming up the muscles before performing more complex exercises.

Standing barbell press

A classic exercise for pumping up the deltoid muscles, the implementation of which is fundamentally important for the harmonious development of the muscles of the whole body. Makes it possible to implement the principle of load progression.

Standing barbell row to the chin

Loads the trapezius, anterior and middle deltoid muscles. Moreover, the wider the grip, the greater the load transfers from the trapezius muscle to the deltoids.

When performing the exercise, the back should be straight, the movement is led by the elbows. Do the deadlifts slowly, properly feeling and working the deltoids and trapezius. At the top, your elbows should be higher than your shoulders. After this, just as carefully and slowly return the bar to the lower position.

Raises (swings) of dumbbells through the sides while standing

Exercise for advanced athletes. Tilt your body forward slightly, lower your shoulders as low as possible. The thumbs should point down when performing the exercise. Make swings with extreme caution so as not to injure your deltoids.

Wide grip pull-ups

The deltoid muscles are comprehensively involved. In addition to the deltas, the trapezius muscle and arm muscles will be loaded.

Pumped shoulders make men visually larger and more attractive. Properly applied efforts will ultimately pay off 100%. Train and achieve your goals.

Hey, honest people, glad to see everyone in good health! Today we are waiting for an article from the “to be continued...” series, or rather, we will cover the practical side of the issue - how to pump up your shoulders? After reading, you will learn which exercises are the most effective for the shoulders and which training programs can be used to build them up.

So, sit down, my dears, let's begin.

How to pump up your shoulders? The practical side of the issue.

Well, we’ll start, as usual, with theory... just kidding, we’ve already covered the whole theory in the first part of the note, so I highly recommend brushing up on what we talked about there, you can do this by following the link. Before getting to the point - a small lyrical digression. Everything that will be given below applies to representatives of both sexes, so ladies, after studying this information, will be able to build sexy shoulders. I don’t know what your young man thinks, but in the summer in dresses/sundresses with straps it looks very, very desirable and pleases the eye of our brother, therefore, ladies, you can also take into account all the information presented.

Well, actually, enough of pouring water, let’s get down to the substantive part.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Shoulder exercises. The most complete list.
Without further ado, to begin with I will give a list of all possible and most effective shoulder exercises. Being in front of your eyes, it will help diversify your delt training and influence them in a new way every time.

So, the list of exercises is as follows:

  • barbell overhead press;
  • barbell chest press - military press;
  • seated/standing dumbbell press;
  • alternate dumbbell press up;
  • standing dumbbell raises;
  • abduction of the arm at the lower block of the crossover;
  • lifting one dumbbell with both hands in front of you;
  • alternately lifting dumbbells in front of you;
  • barbell pull to the chest/chin - pulling the barbell;
  • rear delt raises in the butterfly simulator;
  • raising your arms in front of you from the lower block of the crossover D-handle.

In the picture version, the assembled atlas of shoulder exercises looks like this.

Top best exercises on the shoulders: research results.

Who wants to do regular exercises in the gym? No one :). A person always wants the best and looks for it in any field. Scientists, knowing about this human characteristic, have identified the very best shoulder exercises, and now we will get to know them.

The detection experiment was conducted at the University of Wisconsin Physiology and included 10 male volunteers aged from 18 before 30 years that performed 10 the most common shoulder exercises. Electrodes were placed on each delta bundle, which recorded the EMG activity of the muscles.

Research results for all 10 exercises were tabulated.

Thus, it was concluded that the best exercises for delta beams are (image clickable):

  1. front beam – standing dumbbell press, 74% MVC;
  2. middle beam - angled 45 degrees facing the bench, 84% MVC;
  3. rear delta – seated lateral raise with dumbbells, 73% MVC.

Identified maximum voluntary contractions (MVC) during execution various exercises allow you to build your shoulder workouts in the most optimal way, helping the athlete comprehensively develop the deltoid muscles.

Another interesting study in a similar direction was conducted by independent athlete-researcher Bret Contreras (USA).

In fact, if you ask different people at the gym what they think are the best exercises for toning shoulders, you'll likely get different answers. Therefore, it would be incorrect to talk about the best exercises of Petya Vasechkin or Lena Kosolapova. The most correct and suitable for the majority as the best of the best exercises is the method of determining such exercises using electromyography - measuring electrical muscle activity when performing movements. Increased EMG activity indicates an attempt nervous system produce more muscle strength. The parameter measured is MVC, the magnitude of maximum voluntary contraction, a measure of how difficult a muscle can contract isometrically.

During the experiment we took 10 various shoulder exercises, EMG values ​​were measured and the best of the best were identified. Here's the data (image clickable) were received (two values ​​indicate average and peak EMG activation during exercise).

In terms of average and peak activity for each muscle part (heads of the humerus), research has identified the three best exercises.

  1. Front deltoid:
    • average EMG value: seated barbell overhead press, seated barbell military press, upward angled bench press;
    • peak EMG value: seated barbell overhead press, standing dumbbell military press, upward angled bench press.
  2. Middle delta:
    • average EMG value: cable row at the block to the face, dumbbell raises to the sides while standing, bench press behind the head while sitting;
    • peak EMG value: cable row at the block to the face, raising dumbbells to the sides while standing, abducting the arms to the side on the block.
  3. Rear deltoid:
    • average EMG value: cable row at the block to the face, sitting dumbbell raises, dumbbell raises to the sides with a pronated grip;
    • peak EMG value: cable row at the block to the face, dumbbell raises while sitting in an inclined position, pulling the arms to the bar while lying at an angle in the Smith machine.

Conclusions: the best exercises for the front delts are variations of the military press, for the middle/rear delts - cable rows and variations of lateral raises. It is somewhat interesting to see that not the classic press from the chest, but behind the head, better loads the front deltoids, in addition, the cable handle pull to the face turned out to be a very effective exercise for both the middle and rear deltoids.

Based on the results of the experiments, a comprehensive development program for deltoids and trapezoids was compiled, which looks like this:

  • barbell overhead press;
  • rope traction at the block to the face;
  • moving your arms to the side on a block;
  • shrugs with a barbell.

Let's actually get to the point training process and now let's look at...

Top 3 Shoulder Training Programs

There are tons of training programs for shoulders :), we won’t go through them all...exhale, we’ll go through 3 programs of different directions, or rather for different categories of workers, in particular.

Shoulder training program #1. "Safety".

Designed for those representatives who have certain shoulder problems (poor joint mobility, pain when performing standard exercises, past injuries, etc.). This is not a mass-gaining, but a toning and supporting deltoid training program.

Technical specifications:

  • training once a week;
  • Warm up before each exercise 1 set on 8 reps with 50% weights;
  • exercises are performed in a superset - one after another without rest;
  • rest with exercise is 60 seconds;
  • the rate of work with the projectile in seconds is indicated in brackets/in a separate column (For example, 4-1-2 means 4 It takes seconds to lower the projectile, 1 a second of pause and 2 seconds rise).

In the picture it’s like that.

The following program is designed specifically for mass entertainers :), i.e. those who want to completely increase their shoulders.

Shoulder training program No. 2. “Mass gain on the shoulders.”

The main goal of the program is the development of all three delta bundles and the construction of large, spherical deltoids.

Technical specifications:

  • training 2 times a week spaced apart 3-4 day;
  • 45 seconds;
  • Before each exercise, a warm-up is performed, consisting of 2 -x leading approaches (with minimal, minimal +25% weight of the burden) on 8-10 repetitions.

In tabular form, the program looks like this:

In the picture it’s like that.

Well, for dessert, especially for the fair half of humanity.

Shoulder training program No. 3. “Sexy hangers.”

The main goal of the program is to give the shoulders muscle tone, expressiveness and some roundness.

Technical specifications:

  • workout 1 once a week;
  • rest with m/s approaches is 60 seconds;
  • Before starting the complex, a general shoulder warm-up is performed.

In tabular form, the program looks like this.

In the picture it’s like that.

Well, that seems to be all I would like to report on, let’s wrap things up a bit.


Today we figured out how to pump up your shoulders? Now you have completely complete theoretical and practical guidance, there is only one thing left - to act! Therefore, let's blow into the hall and put the theory into practice, go ahead!

PS. We’ll share in the comments what secrets you know about pumping up your shoulders.

P.P.S. Attention! 21.06 the ability to send questionnaires for and food became available. I will be glad to see you working together!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Exercises for the shoulder girdle are needed, first of all, for women with an A-shaped figure type (“pear”), so that the figure becomes proportional. There is no need to even talk about men, because wide, strong shoulders make the silhouette sporty and look sexy.

The best projectiles for strength exercises Dumbbells and barbells are considered. Let's talk in more detail about effective shoulder exercises that you can do at home and in the gym.

Basic exercises

Dumbbell press (sitting position)

When performing such a press, three bundles of deltoid muscles are simultaneously activated.- middle, rear, and especially front.

IP: Sitting on a bench with a backrest (tilt angle - 80–90 degrees), arms bent, elbows pointing to the sides, forearms pointing up, palms with the apparatus turned forward.

Straighten your arms, lifting the dumbbells, inhale, and exhale, lower them down.

When performing the exercise, make sure that the elbows are directly under the hands and do not move forward. Exhale while pressing, inhale while lowering. Keep your back straight without bending.

Arnold press

This is the development of Hollywood actor and bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger. During one of the workouts, he turned his palms at the lowest point of the amplitude and felt that the load on the deltoids had increased than with regular presses.

The Arnold press engages the front and side heads of the shoulders, to a lesser extent - the rear heads.

To perform the bench press, you will need a bench or chair with a high back.

As you inhale, lift the dumbbells. When the elbows reach the height of the chin, the wrists are gradually rotated 180 degrees. At the top point, the palms are already directed away from the face. After pausing at the top for a second, the arms are also smoothly lowered, the wrists are turned again so that at the bottom point the palms are again directed towards the face. The head is not lowered, the chin remains parallel to the floor surface at all times, and the gaze is directed straight ahead.

Even the slightest inaccuracy leads to muscle unloading. Therefore, at the top point, the dumbbells are not allowed to touch each other; the elbows are fully straightened.

Beginners need the lightest weight so that they can perform 10 repetitions without effort.

The Arnold press is performed sitting and standing, and the result is different in each case. So, when performing the exercise while sitting, muscle strength increases, while standing, mass increases.

Dumbbell lateral raises

This classic exercise develops the mid-head and visually broadens the shoulders.

I.P.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, palms with dumbbells held in them pointing down, arms slightly bent at the elbows. The body is slightly tilted forward, the abdominal muscles are tense, and there is a natural arch in the back.

The arms are slowly raised - slightly above shoulder level. In the upper position, the palms are directed downwards or to the sides ( thumb- down). In the latter case, the shoulder muscles experience greater loads due to an increase in amplitude.

Raising dumbbells forward

Such lifting allows you to work the front part of the delta separately from the middle and thoracic region.

I.P.: the dumbbells almost touch the hips, the body is naturally arched, the arms are slightly bent and fixed at the elbows, only the shoulder joint works.

As you inhale and then hold your breath, raise your arms to shoulder level or slightly higher. At the top point, exhale and slowly lower your arms. The distance between the upper limbs (shoulder width or slightly wider) is stable.

In order for the front part of the delta to work at full strength, take extremely heavy weights, which can be raised to the desired level.

Shoulder workout video

High traction

Another name used is “chin pull.” Traction loads the lateral sections, and the anterior and posterior sections are also involved in the work.

I.P.: standing, arms slightly bent at the elbows.

The dumbbells are pulled up using the strength of the shoulder muscles so that their line is parallel to the floor surface or slightly higher. At the same time, try not to use other muscles.

Dumbbell flyes (from a lying position)

This exercise requires an incline bench.

I.P.: lying on incline bench face down, arms with sports equipment slightly bent at the elbows and perpendicular to the body. Raise your arms to the sides until your shoulders are parallel to the floor. When lowering, they maintain tension, but the muscles do not relax.

Push ups

I.P.: emphasis on hands and toes. The palms are spread slightly wider than the shoulders at chest level, directed forward.

Inhaling, they lower themselves: bend their arms at the elbows until right angle, while exhaling, return to I.P.

One-arm dumbbell lift

Exercise trains the supraspinatus muscle- one of the four that make up the rotator cuff.

I.P.: reclining on the side, holding the dumbbell with an overhand grip. The arm is straightened along the body.

The arm is raised perpendicular to the floor and returned to its original position.

Bench press

The exercise is dangerous

The exercise can be performed from a sitting or standing position. For diseases of the shoulder girdle, the Smith machine is used. In the lower position, the barbell is lowered to the middle of the neck height, no lower - the projectile remains suspended.

I.P.: Sit under the barbell and grab it with a medium grip. The elbows are located strictly under the bar, the back is slightly arched. When using a bench, the backrest is tilted at an angle of 75-80o, and the shoulder blades rest against it.

While inhaling, hold your breath, lift the projectile, with your elbows spread to the sides. At the top, the arms are straight, the bar is located directly above the head. After a short pause, they exhale and smoothly lower the barbell into the IP position, but do not place it on their shoulders until they complete the approach.

Barbell chest press

The deltoid and small muscles are loaded.

I.P.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend forward, lift the barbell without bending, and place it on your chest.

With a powerful push, the projectile is squeezed up and slowly lowered onto the chest. Make sure that your back remains straight and does not arch in the lower back.

Increase or decrease volume?

Beginners first master the technique of each exercise by doing 12 repetitions. Start with a light weight that allows you to complete this program.

To reduce volumes

Broad shoulders bother girls. To lose weight in the shoulders, perform from 12 to 15 times in 3 sets.

For increase muscle mass

Training options for men

Program No. 1

  • vertical dumbbell presses;
  • dumbbell press (standing position);
  • the same, sitting;
  • alternately lifting dumbbells to the chin (pull only one hand, the other remains below);
  • raising dumbbells to the sides.

Program No. 2

  • barbell press (from behind the head);
  • the same, from the chest;
  • lifting one dumbbell to the side (lying position);
  • raising dumbbells to the sides while standing;
  • lifting dumbbells forward;
  • the same, one dumbbell;
  • dumbbell press (sitting position);
  • the same, standing.

Program for girls

Girls strive to look fragile and feminine, so they are afraid of such exercises. But the fears are in vain: only those who strive for such a result and do the exercise with heavy weight run the risk of overdeveloping this part of the body.

Lesson program:

  • dumbbell press from a seated position;
  • lifting dumbbells to the sides, forward (movements alternate);
  • dumbbell row to the chin;
  • Raising arms with dumbbells on an incline bench.

The deltoids are loaded when performing a number of basic exercises. That's why Train your shoulders no more than once a week.

Video training for girls

Warming up before training is necessary for the exercise to bring greater benefits and to protect itself from injury.

A beautiful wide back with voluminous shoulder muscles is an integral part of an athletically built figure. Effective pumping of the shoulder muscles with the provision of mass is ensured by basic exercises, and the growth of muscle mass is ensured by isolated exercises. That’s why it’s so important to use both together.

The shoulder joint connects the torso to the arms, allowing movement. The shoulder muscle frame strengthens and protects the joint. The shoulder is represented by the deltoid (thick triangular) muscle. Anatomically, it is involved in the extension (flexion) of the shoulder and ensuring the movement of the arm. It is divided into three bundles, each of which has its own function.

Table 1 - Functions of the muscle bundles of the shoulder

Each part of the deltoid muscles can be pumped separately or in combination. One-time shoulder training programs will not give the desired result. For optimal shoulder development, the load area should be distributed to all muscle sections.

The shoulder joints are fragile. For their development, a set of exercises has been developed, consisting of basic and isolated ones.

Basic shoulder exercises

They are rightfully considered more effective among measures for gaining muscle mass. Activate the functions of different muscles, increasing the desired shoulder width. When performing a basic training complex, you should not abuse excessive weight. When reducing weight, the load is compensated by increasing repetitions (no more than 15). All basic exercises maximally load the middle deltoids.


This exercise should be included in every workout. Mainly the anterior muscle bundles work.

Starting position (IP): feet wider than shoulders, head straight, grip of the implement wider than shoulders, focusing on chest level.



  • avoid deviations forward and backward;
  • place the torso and upper limbs in the same plane;
  • do not allow pauses at the lowest point;
  • shoulders in different sides do not move, try not to spread your shoulder blades.

This training exercise is considered one of the best for building muscle mass. The anterior and lateral muscle bundles are set in motion, which additionally creates a load on the triceps.

IP: sitting, the barbell is located on the shoulders slightly wider than them. The chest is slightly forward, the shoulder blades are together, the limbs are firmly placed on the floor, the lower back is arched, the forearms are perpendicular to the ground in the lower position.


Advice: The press is performed smoothly, slowly.

EZ-bar row to the chin area

The load during this traction is carried out on the area of ​​​​the middle deltas. The exercise helps relieve excessive stress from the wrists, thanks to their natural position, which ensures the curvature of the barbell.

IP: standing straight, the barbell in front on extended lowered arms, slightly bent at the elbows, feet shoulder-width apart.



  • forearms do not rise above the shoulders, only to a parallel position with the floor (or slightly higher);
  • when moving upward, breathing should be held;
  • Do not raise your hands above your elbows;
  • place your elbows further from the body;
  • Do not shift the center of gravity to the toe to avoid loss of balance.

Each of the exercises requires cleanliness and correct technique.

Shoulder isolation exercises

The shoulder muscles require high-quality isolated work. This type of exercise works all areas of the shoulders. Each of them is aimed at a specific area. An important condition is adherence to technique and repeated repetition.

Standing raises with dumbbells

The anterior and middle muscle bundles work.

IP: stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart with your toes pointing to the sides, take the shells with your palms facing inward into your straight arms.



  • elbows turn towards the ceiling, thumbs below the little fingers;
  • do not sway, maintaining balance;
  • effectiveness is lost with excessive weight;
  • arms need to be raised only to the horizontal, without moving to the vertical;
  • monitor correct breathing, holding air serves as support for the spine;
  • the back is straight;
  • When lifting, you can bend your elbows.

Dumbbell lateral raises on an incline bench

IP: lying down, face down on the bench, arms with the apparatus in front slightly bent, fingers resting on the floor.


Advice: try to bring your shoulder blades together

This exercise is convenient for training at home.

IP: sitting on a bench (back angle 80-90°), place dumbbells at eye level with elbows turned to the sides. The position of the forearms is vertical, the lower back is arched, the feet are firmly placed on the floor.



  • make hand movements in a single plane, do not straighten them sharply;
  • bring projectiles overhead;
  • do not bend, do not lean back.

The anterior and middle deltoid bundles are worked on. The press is difficult, but effective. It differs from a regular bench press in the presence of torque.

IP: sitting on a bench with a back angle of 90°, pressed tightly, with dumbbells in your hands at neck level. The palms are turned towards you, the legs are placed wide apart at a right angle.



  • use lighter weight equipment than in other exercises;
  • ensure a slow pace, correct breathing;
  • Do not straighten your elbows completely at the extreme point.

Raising dumbbells in front of you

The main load is distributed to the front bundles.

IP: standing, arms are lowered with shells forward in front of the hips, palms facing you, arms slightly bent.



  • do not lift the equipment with a jerk;
  • try not to rock the body,
  • keep your elbows as motionless as possible.

Isolation exercises, which involve only one muscle group, are important for additional muscle development.

Features of organizing training

Before any workout, you need to warm up, “warm up” your muscles and joints. This is a kind of prevention of widespread shoulder injuries. A set of swings and circular movements of the arms is optimal. After which you should start training directly.

First, 1-2 exercises of the basic direction are performed, after which isolating exercises for certain muscle bundles are performed. Presses are considered particularly effective. To achieve results, regular exercise combined with proper nutrition is important.

Training can be carried out both in the gym and at home if you have dumbbells and barbells. Beginners should first master one or two basic presses to evenly work the shoulder. If he is sufficiently trained, gradually add isolation exercises.

An indicator of masculinity - broad shoulders - can be found not only in versions of artists and sculptors, but also in Everyday life. Proper combinations of base and insulating components will help achieve ideal proportions.

Be sure to read about it

Hello friends! Let's talk about basic exercises that involve the shoulder muscles. You may come across these exercises in schemes for other muscle groups, but one does not interfere with the other, that’s why they are basic.

The basis for deltoids is limited - four exercises and several variations, everything is the same as when training other muscle groups. In general, as usual, there are more exercises, but I always talk about only the best ones. There's no point in doing stupid things.

A few words before the specific description of the exercises. When working with the shoulder muscles, it is worth remembering two important points that are interconnected and the second stems from the first.

  1. Light weights

In discussing the structure of the shoulder joints and muscles, I talked about the fragility of this part of our bodies. It is precisely because of this fact that you should not abuse weight. burdens while doing the exercise. Naturally, the weight must be within bodybuilding limits, failure must be achieved. But this is not a bench press; you can’t load it to the fullest. Otherwise, you will injure at least one shoulder, and this may be the end of your training (perhaps forever). How to be?

  1. More reps

Well, if you need to select less weight, then it would be logical to compensate for the load by increasing repetitions, that is, working weight by 10-12 reps(not like in the bench press, 5-6-8). If desired, you can do up to 15 repetitions in working approaches, but no more - subsequent repetitions will be ineffective.

Well, now the exercises.


It’s also an army/military press. The coolest exercise for deltoids. A basic exercise that should be in any training program. Includes the work, in addition to the deltoid muscles of the shoulders, the upper pectoral muscles and triceps. Perform better classical option rather than alternatives. The only really sensible variation is this dumbbell press. Thanks to their use, the range of motion increases and the muscles stretch better. You can also do it alternately (if one of the arms is injured, or to level out muscle asymmetry). The downside is the reduced weight compared to the barbell.


  1. We stand straight, place our legs as stable as possible - wider than the shoulders, with the head looking forward when performing.
  2. We remove the barbell from the racks and hold it with our hands, as if on our chest. Use a shoulder-width, normal grip. It is possible with an open one, but not in the initial stages, it can be dangerous.
  3. Next, we straighten our arms up, straightening our elbows, at the top point of the amplitude we pause for a second and return the barbell to our chest.

There is no pause at the bottom. During the exercise, do not move your shoulders back and forth, do not spread your shoulder blades, the movement occurs only along the vertical axis.

Options: overhead barbell press, seated barbell press, machine bench press, dumbbell press.


The exercise puts stress on middle and front delta bundles Depending on the technique, the emphasis may be more on the middle bun. It should be used to work out the relief of the deltoid muscles. Are used small weights that allow you to perform the exercise correctly without bending your arms.


  1. We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, head looking forward.
  2. Arms straight, holding dumbbells at your sides.
  3. We inhale, and while holding our breath, raise our arms at our sides to shoulder level or higher. Then reverse the movement and exhale.

During all the exercises, do not bend over, keep your back and neck straight. In this exercise it is very important correct breathing, delaying it allows you to fix the body and lower back. When lifting, you can bend your elbows slightly. If you raise your hands above the shoulder line, the middle fascicles of the deltoid muscles will receive the maximum load.

Options: with a turn of the hand, with a lift above shoulder level.


The same old deadlifts that are used to train the trapezius muscles. But to load the deltoids, you need to use a wide grip. In addition to the grip and, accordingly, reduced amplitude movements and exercises are identical.


  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, stand straight, head looking forward.
  2. We hold the barbell at arm's length in front of us with a wide grip.
  3. Bend your elbows and lift the barbell up as high as possible.

Breathing can be held while moving upward to stabilize the body. The elbows are always higher than the hands. The movements are smooth, we don’t jerk, we don’t use cheating. There is no pause at the bottom of the movement.

Options: dumbbell rows, machine rows, ez-bar.


Complex and very effective exercise. Oh, about the name. Well, yes, it was in honor of the Arnold you were thinking about that this exercise was named. I’m sure that something similar was used before him, he just “promoted” this press by using it regularly, unlike most bodybuilders of that time. At the moment, these days, this is a fairly popular exercise and all professionals perform it. Essentially, this is a seated dumbbell press, but there is a moment of rotation, and this is where the difference from a regular bench press lies. Loads the anterior and middle delta bundles.


  1. We sit on a bench with the back at a right angle (90 degrees). The legs stand at the same angle, and the back is pressed tightly against the backrest. Throughout the entire exercise, the head looks only forward, not up.
  2. We hold dumbbells in our hands in front of us so that palms looking at you, elbows bent. The hands themselves are slightly in front of the body (just for convenience); there is no need to stretch your arms.
  3. We hold our breath (for fixation) and straighten our arms along the vertical axis as high as possible. When the brushes pass past eye level, we begin rotation in the hands, so that at the highest point of amplitude, the palms look in the same direction as you.

During the lifting process, the hands make a 180 degree turn. At the top point, exhale and apply even more effort.

Options: seated dumbbell press (some people consider this not an option, but a separate exercise, but a bench press is a bench press).

Perform all exercises in at a slow, deliberate pace, without sudden movements and watch your breathing, effectiveness depends on it.

In all basic exercises for the shoulder muscles, the middle deltoids receive the greatest load. There is no isolation for them as such, because they are located between two other deltas, and it will not be possible to train them without including either the front or the back.

There is nothing more to add regarding the basics, so I propose to move on to considering isolation exercises for the anterior head and posterior head of the deltoid muscles of the shoulder.

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