How to clean a microwave. How to effectively clean grease from a microwave. There are several types

The age of technological progress leaves its mark on society. Agree, it is difficult to imagine the average apartment in which there will be no microwave oven. The device is rightfully a real salvation in Everyday life because it saves a lot of time. However, like any other kitchen utensil, a microwave oven tends to get dirty. Burnt food particles and greasy stains make housewives grab their heads, and this is not surprising. These types of contaminants are considered difficult to remove and therefore require special attention.

  1. Before cleaning your microwave oven, unplug it. To do this, just unplug the power cord from the outlet, and then wrap the plug with plastic film or tape to avoid contact with water.
  2. When cleaning microwave oven For grease, do not use hard metal sponges, household brushes with hard bristles, or large abrasive particles.
  3. When wet cleaning a microwave, special attention should be paid to the amount of water used during cleaning. It is important that the liquid does not flood the sensitive elements of the device, which can fail if moisture enters.
  4. It is strictly not recommended to wash the microwave oven with chlorine-containing preparations and other household chemicals that are excessively aggressive. Choose gentle products as much as possible.
  5. Do not under any circumstances try to disassemble the device on your own, even if you are sure that the internal elements and assemblies are clogged. Contact a professional or someone knowledgeable about this type of technology.
  6. Microwave ovens must be cleaned at least 2 times a month. If you don't have enough time, purchase a special plastic cap from a hardware store. It covers the heated food, preventing splashes on the walls of the device. If desired, it can be replaced with cling film or transparent glassware.
  7. When cleaning a microwave oven, you need to follow a certain sequence. First, remove the ring and the rotating plate from the cavity, then wipe the grate and the top wall. Next, move on to the side parts, the door, and the outer area.
  8. In order to avoid having to clean the oven every day, it is better to treat the microwave immediately after contamination. For example, during the heating process you accidentally spilled soup, or fried chicken began to splatter drops of fat.
  9. Products such as vinegar solution and baking soda can be used to clean a microwave oven. For this reason, you should be extremely careful if the inside is covered with enamel.

Baking soda
To remove greasy marks using soda, you need to prepare a solution. To do this, pour 200 ml into a glass. boiling water, add 40 g. product, wait until the granules dissolve. After this, prepare a deep bowl designed for heating food in the microwave. Pour the solution into it and place it on the edge of the rotating plate of the microwave oven.

Turn on the device at maximum power, set the heating time to 20 minutes. During this period, the vapors evaporating from the soda solution will soften the fatty deposits on the walls. All you have to do is wash the device with a foam sponge and dish soap, removing any remaining dirt.

If the grease is not completely removed, apply dry soda to the hard side of the sponge, moisten it a little with water, then rub the grease stains. As a result, small abrasive particles will completely eliminate the problem.

Lemon acid
As an effective cleaning method, you can use powdered citric acid or citrus juice. In addition to removing traces of fat, the composition combats the unpleasant odor that often comes from the cavity of the device. As mentioned earlier, the product is not suitable for microwaves with enameled interiors.

To carry out the procedure correctly, dilute 2 sachets (25-30 g) of citric acid with 450 ml. boiling water, wait until the crystals dissolve and the composition cools. If you are using natural lemon, squeeze the juice from two fruits, then mix it with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Choose microwave-safe dishes with wide sides. Pour the resulting solution into it, place it in the middle of a glass plate, and turn on the device at maximum power. Wait about 10-15 minutes depending on the degree of contamination. When the appliance turns off, do not open the door for about 5 minutes. After this, treat the walls with a kitchen sponge and detergent.

If you prefer to use natural lemons, add not only the resulting solution to the container, but also the chopped zest. At the same time, set the microwave to heat up not for 10-15 minutes, but for 20-25, since the concentration of juice is 8 times lower than the acid.

Table vinegar

This cleaning technology is rightfully considered the most effective. The disadvantage of this method is the appearance of an unpleasant odor after processing, but it can be dealt with. At the end of the procedure, place 3-5 thick lemon slices into the cavity of the chamber so that they absorb the pungent odor.

Pour 470 ml into a deep glass container. warm water, add 40-45 ml. vinegar solution with a concentration of 9% (do not confuse it with the essence, it must be added in an amount of 10 ml.).

Place the bowl in the microwave, set the device to the 7-10 minute mark, it all depends on the degree of contamination. During this period, the vinegar will begin to evaporate, dissolving fatty deposits. After the specified time, wipe all walls, doors and grates with a kitchen sponge, repeat the procedure if necessary.

Filtered water
The most gentle and safe way to clean grease from a microwave. This technology does not use vinegar, soda, lemon acid, therefore the option is suitable for all types of internal microwave coating. It is important to understand that the technique does not involve treating old grease stains that have dried out and burned.

Pour 400-430 ml into a microwave-safe container. purified water, place the bowl on the edge of a rotating glass plate, set the device to maximum power. The heating duration should not be less than a quarter of an hour, ideally 25 minutes.

After the timer goes off, do not open the door for 10 minutes. Remove softened food debris with a sponge, wipe the entire cavity of the device lemon juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.

It is not difficult to get rid of grease stains on the walls and racks of a microwave oven if you have sufficient knowledge regarding the procedure. Use professional cleaning products or resort to folk methods processing. The best helper for you will be citric acid, soda, vinegar, and filtered water.

Video: how to clean the inside of a microwave from grease

Microwave oven for a long time remains an indispensable assistant in the modern kitchen. It is convenient for everyone: for the housewife and her household, for bachelors, office workers and shift workers. You can use it to warm up or defrost food in a few minutes.

But if you don’t clean the oven regularly, then very soon the inside will become overgrown with a pattern of dried greasy splashes, stains, and become saturated with unpleasant odors. You can clean the microwave using household chemicals or resort to folk remedies.

Things to remember before you start cleaning

To clean the unit without danger to health or damage to it, you need to understand several important rules:

  • Read the operating instructions.
  • Disconnect the oven from the power source.
  • Do not attempt to disassemble the stove yourself piece by piece for best cleaning.
  • Remove the glass plate and wash it well with any detergent.
  • Use a minimum of water: this will protect some elements from moisture, which are not recommended to be wetted.
  • Do not use abrasive cleaning powders or rough, hard sponges and brushes: they can damage the thin wave-reflecting layer on the inner surface of the device.
  • Clean carefully, using products with a gentle composition, soft sponges or microfiber cloths.

There are two ways to clean the inside of the microwave: steaming and cleaning with special products. Depending on preferences, some rely on popular ratings, others on professional household chemicals. Let's consider both options.

Our favorite folk remedies are steaming

There are many advantages to this type of cleaning:

  1. It does not require any cash expenses.
  2. Non-toxic, does not leave specific chemical odors.
  3. Not inferior in effectiveness to household chemicals.
  4. Does not violate the protective layer that reflects waves.
  5. Flavors and refreshes the inside of the microwave.

There are some downsides:

  1. Ovens with strong, “tightly” ingrained dirt traditional methods cleaning is problematic.
  2. Some methods still leave behind strong odors.
  3. There is a risk of damaging the walls if they have an enamel surface (for example, with frequent use of citric acid).

Water and soda

Warm water is poured into a glass container and 2 tablespoons of soda are added. The solution is placed in a microwave oven turned on at medium power. Cleaning time is from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination.

As the soda evaporates, it settles on the walls of the oven in the form of condensation, perfectly dissolving stubborn grease and dried-on food particles. All that remains is to thoroughly wipe the surfaces with a soft cloth (sponge).

Steaming with water and vinegar is a proven and effective way to quickly clean a microwave oven.

Pour 2 glasses of water and 3 tablespoons of 9% vinegar into the prepared container. The solution is placed in the chamber, the oven is turned on at high power and wait 5-10 minutes, during which the acetic acid will dissolve the dirt. After turning off the microwave, it is recommended not to remove the container with the solution immediately, but to let it “sour” a little more and properly dissolve the greasy splashes.

Diluted citric acid

Pour 1-2 tablespoons of citric acid into a glass of warm water, place it in the chamber and turn on the stove to maximum mode. Cleaning time is from 10 to 15 minutes. For the best effect, you need to wait another 5 minutes after turning off the microwave. Then all that remains is to collect the dissolved fat with a damp sponge and wipe dry with a microfiber cloth.

Citrus fruits or their peels

The most pleasant and aromatic steaming method that can clean the inside of the device. The fat “eats away” no worse than previous products, in addition filling the oven chamber with a wonderful aroma of lemon or orange. Place a medium-sized lemon (another fruit) cut into slices in a glass bowl and add a glass of water. Turn on the oven to maximum and wait 10-15 minutes. Wait until the microwave cools down, remove dirt with a sponge and wipe clean with a dry cloth.

Cleansing with laundry soap

Washing the microwave with regular laundry soap is an old, proven method that does the job well. The soap should be cut, dissolved and whipped into foam. Apply a thick layer of it to the walls of the microwave oven and wait half an hour. During this time, the caustic composition will dissolve grease and dirt. Then all that remains is to remove any streaks of grease and dirt with a damp cloth.

Read also:
— in operation household appliances every little detail is important.
— identifying the source of the “aroma” and solving the problem.

Cleaning with household chemicals

For those who save not so much money as time, the most suitable option household chemicals will be used to combat grease in the kitchen.

With its help, you can achieve perfect shine and cleanliness of any appliances in a matter of minutes, and clean away stubborn dirt that does not respond to any home cleaning recipes.

Before using store-bought powerful cleaners, read the instructions for their use. Find out which surfaces they clean: ceramics, metal, enamel, earthenware.

Household chemicals for cleaning microwave ovens are available in the form of gels, sprays and aerosols. The latter are especially convenient to use. They can be easily sprayed into the most difficult to reach places, and they dissolve grease in a matter of minutes.

  1. A specific chemical smell that remains after cleaning, which often permeates products.
  2. Quite high prices.
  • “Sanita spray” is an excellent, inexpensive remedy for dealing with even the most dirty microwave. It dissolves fat stuck to the walls before your eyes. We spray the product onto all problem areas of the oven and wait for the result within a minute. Sometimes it takes a little more time for all the dirt to clear off the surfaces. Then we remove streaks of dissolved fat with a sponge and wipe with a dry cloth. It is more effective to spray the spray on surfaces that have not yet cooled down. An unpleasant odor can be removed by treating the microwave oven chamber with a weak vinegar solution.
  • “Cillit BANG anti-fat” is the most powerful weapon against old fat deposits. It deservedly enjoys the love of housewives for its effective cleaning, affordable price and efficiency. Purpose – cleaning ceramics, enamel, glass from heavy grease stains. It does not have an aggressive effect on the surface being cleaned and has a pleasant smell.
  • The “Gif” product is another great way to deal with a heavily soiled surface with minimal effort. Gif is available in the form of sprays and gels. You should spray or apply it to the contaminated surface with a sponge and wait 5 minutes for the result.
  • “Synergetic” is a cleaning, biodegradable product that does not contain aggressive chemicals. Works well with grease, soot and carbon deposits. The only negative is the price, which varies from 250 to 350 rubles.
  • Cinderella “Anti-fat” is a budget product, but extremely effective. It has the universal ability to wash surfaces made of any materials at home. The baking soda it contains easily removes old grease stains. Thanks to the dispenser, it is convenient to apply to the desired areas of the surface.

Any microwave oven, if it is not wiped inside after each use, requires thorough cleaning. All the food that you cook or heat up releases vapors with fat, or even splashes with it when heated, leaving deposits on the walls, which dry out over time and, of course, become very difficult to remove. In this article we will tell you how to clean the grease inside a microwave easily and quickly, and also look at several effective ways that you can use at home.

All the oven cleaning methods that we have selected for you do not require large expenses and the use of expensive and harmful household chemicals, but nevertheless they are all very effective and save a lot of time and money.

The first way to clean the inside of the microwave. Every home should have regular table vinegar, which we use for household purposes, and this is what we will need for our first method, which many people know about, this is cleaning with vinegar, for this we will need:

  • 400-500ml water;
  • A plate suitable for the volume of water we need
    and suitable for microwave use;
  • Table vinegar 3-5 tablespoons.

Pour water into a plate and add vinegar. Stir and microwave for 7 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the plate and wipe everything inside with a sponge, napkin or cloth. There is a nuance here - very old and hardened fat will have to be scraped with your nails and the hard side of a sponge. Then wipe everything with a damp cloth and again, but this time dry. Vinegar will clean the microwave much faster than you will rub it with any chemicals.

Before wiping the inside of the microwave, make sure it is unplugged.

This method will help you quickly get rid of grease and carbon deposits at home, and with the same method you can wash the lid with which you cover plates by simply covering it with a plate of vinegar and setting it on the timer for 5 minutes.

Cleaning with soda

Knowing how to quickly clean the microwave from grease with soda, you can forget about special household chemicals and once again be convinced of the magical properties of soda. Let's collect what we need from the list:

  • Water 300ml;
  • Water plate;
  • Soda 3-4 tablespoons.

Add soda to a plate with water already poured into it, mix thoroughly and put in the microwave for 10-15 minutes at maximum power. After turning off, do not open the door for another 5 minutes, let the fat be saturated with soda steam. Then you can easily get rid of the fat with a napkin or sponge. If the old fat deposits have not softened, then repeat the procedure again and you can easily clean the microwave from fat inside, and use the resulting mixture of water and soda to wipe it outside, but without special effort.

Cleaning with citric acid

The method is similar to cleaning with vinegar, only this time the active ingredient is citric acid. Dissolve one packet of acid in a plate of water and turn on the microwave for 7 minutes. We arm ourselves with a sponge or napkin and remove the fat that has softened inside from the walls. Then simply wipe with a damp cloth and let dry.

It is worth noting that citric acid not only cleans the microwave from grease from the inside, but also kills all unpleasant odors formed during the operation of the oven. The plate with the prepared mixture can then be placed in the refrigerator to remove odors in it. Below watch a video on the topic for clarity.

Video on how to quickly clean grease from a microwave

A microwave oven in the kitchen is no longer a novelty. Many housewives are accustomed to using it to reduce cooking time. It helps to quickly defrost food, reheat cold food and much more. But frequent use of such equipment does not come without contamination.

If you put something in the microwave without a lid, you can be sure that the walls and ceiling will get dirty. Two or three days and it’s already unpleasant to look into it, let alone cook something there.
And to wipe it all off, especially from the ceiling, especially if you have a grill there...
There are 2 easy ways to clean a microwave very quickly and without much effort; I always do this. Therefore, the methods have been tested in practice :o)

Method 1. Clean the microwave using lemon

The product used here is the most affordable and frequently used in the kitchen, so finding it will not be difficult for anyone.

And we need:

  • one ;
  • pure water;
  • glass or any container that is suitable for a microwave oven.

First, take a lemon and cut it in half. We need to squeeze out all the juice it contains. Therefore, you can use a juicer or just use your hand strength. Squeeze the juice into a microwave-safe container.

Then, you can cut the rest of the squeezed lemon into small slices. Place them in a container along with the juice and fill with clean water. The volume depends on the container you are using; do not fill to the very brim.

If there is no lemon in the house, then you can add a little citric acid to the water.

Place a glass of lemon, lemon juice and water in the microwave. We set the power to maximum (if your microwave oven has such settings), set the time to 3 minutes. You can leave it longer if there is dried food left on the walls of the microwave.

After the time has passed, take out the glass with lemon and leave the microwave to brew in steam for another 5 minutes. Essential oils lemon will dissolve all the dirt
After that, take any sponge or napkins and wipe the entire surface. All dirt and even dried food will be removed with light movements.

This simple method will make cleaning the kitchen much easier and will not require large expenses.

Method 2. Clean the microwave using baking soda

By the way, citrus fruits can be replaced with baking soda. Add water to the soda until the consistency resembles a paste.

Rub the walls and door very carefully with a cloth, remove the tray and wash it under water. Clean the surface and wipe dry. This method works well to remove food particles.

But you can make it even simpler: the second method exactly repeats the first, only soda is used instead of lemon.

Dilute a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water and pour it into a suitable container;

- set the maximum power;
- place the container in the microwave and turn it on for five minutes;
- after this time has elapsed, do not immediately remove the dish; wait 10 minutes for the stains to soak;

- now you can take out the container with the soda solution and wipe off the stains with a soft sponge or napkin

It’s more pleasant to use lemon, because the whole kitchen is filled with freshness.

What you need to know
The inner surface of the device is covered with a special layer that reflects microwave waves. This layer is very thin and can be easily damaged. To find out how to clean a microwave, you need to know what you should not use to clean it:

Do not use abrasive scouring powders or other substances that may scratch the surface;
- do not wash the inside of the microwave with hard cloths

How to clean a microwave:
- you can use a soft cloth;
- When washing, do not press or rub too hard.

PS.Remember that regular microwave care does not take much time, but it helps to extend the service life of your oven.
To keep the microwave always clean, use a special plastic cover for MP, which is sold in almost any household store or cover the plate with the food being heated with another plate, lid or cling film.
If food splatters, at least not on the walls of the microwave. It's easier to wash the lid than the microwave:o)

The article provides an overview of cleaning a microwave oven. We suggest you consider quick way how to clean the inside of a microwave from grease at home in 5 minutes. Taking care of it is not a problem, but the maintenance process raises some doubts among housewives: which products are allowed to be used and which are not, whether it is worth using mechanical cleaners like sponges, and what the consequences of trying to wash a microwave oven with soda or a pipe cleaner will be. We'll talk about this today.

The review is divided into 4 parts.

  • Rules that must be followed before starting the washing process;
  • TOP 6 selection of folk methods;
  • Types of oven coatings, how not to damage them when cleaning, various cleaning products;
  • Contraindications, or what products are not advisable to use.
A dirty microwave that needs cleaning.

What do you need to know about the structure of a microwave oven before washing it?

A microwave oven is a chamber into which food is loaded. Characteristic components:

  • round pan mounted on a gear;
  • ventilation system;
  • rectangular hole across the entire width of the chamber – grill (optional);
  • in the side, usually on the right side, there is a window covered with a matte plate - behind the mica protective plate there is a magnetron.

Main components of a magnetron microwave oven.

It is strongly not recommended to disassemble the microwave oven, but in case of serious contamination of the mica plate installed in the window in front of the magnetron, try removing it. The plate is held in place by one or two self-tapping screws diagonally. If you unscrew them, the mica can be easily removed from the socket.

Do not pry at the corner and do not break the plate - try prying it with something even and flat (a spatula).

What rules must be followed before cleaning the microwave from grease inside at home?

Attention: before you wash the microwave from grease inside at home, make sure that all points are completed:

  1. Be sure to completely disconnect the oven from the power supply by removing the plug from the socket.
  2. Wash equipment using a minimum amount of water so as not to flood the moisture-sensitive elements of the device. Be careful not to let water get into the side grates.
  3. Do not disassemble the device yourself if dirt gets inside.

Follow the above rules to prevent damage to the device.

TOP 6 ways to remove grease and dirt

Housewives, wondering how to clean grease from a microwave, turn in their search to old and ineffective advice. We suggest using one of the methods suggested below. Choose from the suggested means:

  • lemon;
  • vinegar;
  • orange peels;
  • steam;
  • laundry soap;
  • soda.

To prevent grease from drying out on the walls of the microwave, wipe the walls with a soft cloth after each use.

The most safe and effective methods natural cleaners recognized. They quickly remove stubborn fat without causing harm to either the microwave or the residents of the apartment. Among the most common are vinegar, citrus fruits, citric acid, and soda. In addition to their cleansing properties, they are also valued at an affordable price.

When heating food, be sure to use special lids designed to prevent splashing. If you use these life hacks, wet viscose wipes will be able to remove grease from the walls of the microwave.

Lemon cleansing

A method that will give not just a clean device, but also a wonderful aroma around, gets rid of unpleasant odors. Housewives know how to clean a microwave with lemon and recommend this particular fruit as an effective remedy in the fight against fat.

This method is not suitable for microwave ovens coated with enamel, because it damages the coating.

Use natural lemons, you will need 2 pieces to peel them.

In addition to lemons, you need water (about 500 ml), a small container and 1 tablespoon of citric acid.


  1. Fill the container with water, pour acid (or lemon juice) into it.
  2. Place the dishes in the oven for 5-15 minutes. The operating time of the microwave depends on the degree of contamination.
  3. After turning off the appliance, remove the dishes and wipe the inside of the oven.
  4. If grease stains remain here and there, it is advisable to wipe them with a cloth soaked in the same solution.

Recipe for cleaning a microwave using baking soda

To clean the microwave using soda, prepare water (about 500 ml), a container for it and one tablespoon of salt.

  1. Make a solution, place it in the chamber and heat it (3-5 minutes).
  2. Allow the oven walls to cool for 5 minutes.
  3. The camera is thoroughly wiped with a cloth.
  4. If the stains are not washed off immediately, wet a rag with a solution of baking soda.

Method 2 – Soda

If you try to take the plate out immediately after warming up, there is a chance of getting burned or getting caught in an avalanche of splashes.

How to Clean a Microwave Using Vinegar

Before you learn how to clean a microwave using vinegar, check what kind of coating is inside the oven. If it is enamel, be careful - frequent washing with vinegar not provided.

You will need a container filled with water (about 500 ml) and 2 tablespoons of vinegar (one tablespoon of 70% essence is allowed).

It is this remedy that prevails over hopeless pollution.

The smell that appears during the procedure will not seem pleasant, so open the window in advance.

  1. Place the vinegar solution in the microwave for 2-5 minutes.
  2. After warming up, allow the camera to cool for 5 minutes, then wipe it with a cloth.
  3. Do not forget to wipe the surface of the product itself, otherwise there is a risk of somewhat spoiling the dishes you prepare in the future.

How to clean a microwave at home quickly and effectively using orange peels

There is another method on how to clean a microwave at home quickly and effectively. Use regular ones orange peels.

  1. Throw the peels of one or two oranges into a container of water (500-600 ml).
  2. Water with crusts is placed in the microwave for 3-5 minutes of intense heating.
  3. All that remains is to carefully wipe the cabin with a rag, which is recommended to be moistened with the resulting solution.

The effectiveness is somewhat inferior to the method using lemon, but orange does much less damage to the enamel.


An option on how to quickly wash the inside of a microwave at home ferry the simplest of the above. You need a container of water (400-500 ml).

  1. Place the container in the oven and turn on for 15 minutes at maximum power.
  2. When turning off the microwave, do not open the door immediately - wait a while for the condensation that has formed on the walls to wash out the body. Softened dirt is much easier to remove.
  3. When starting to clean the microwave, first wipe the working chamber with a slightly damp cloth. This approach will save you from the appearance of fresh dirt and prepare the microwave body for further processing.

The method using condensate is the most harmless to enamel.

The container with liquid is filled halfway. Otherwise, instead of steam, you will get splashes, which will in no way increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

This method is so simple and often applicable that Many microwave ovens are initially made with a steam cleaning function for the internal surface.. Not every model has such a function, which is why they resort to folk tricks that help get rid of fat and soot no less effectively.

A quick way to clean the inside of a microwave with laundry soap

How to clean the inside of a microwave quickly and reliably with laundry soap?

  1. Dissolve laundry soap in water, foaming it well.
  2. Pour the resulting soap solution into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray the mixture onto the walls of the microwave oven, leaving the solution for half an hour.
  4. Use a soft sponge to remove the solution from the walls along with the dirt.

Method 6 – Laundry soap

Several rules for using a microwave oven

Many people are interested in the question of how to clean a very dirty microwave. Pollution can be serious, deal with it in the usual ways does not seem possible. To prevent contamination and not take it to extremes, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the rules for using microwave devices.

Old fat looks terrible!

Rules for using a microwave oven:

  • During operation of the device, make sure that no grease remains on the inner walls of the microwave. Fat is a flammable substance, and if the stove is used for a long time, it can ignite.
  • Do not neglect the lids that protect the stove from food splashes. Some dishes even “shoot” (chicken), so when heating, be sure to cover it with a lid.
  • Wash the microwave window with a special glass cleaner.
  • When cleaning the stove, wear gloves to avoid burns on your hands.

Video - popular cleaning methods

We offer a video with detailed instructions on how to clean a microwave at home in 5 minutes.

Table - cleaning features depending on the type of camera coating

Knowing how to clean your device will extend its life. But knowledge about the products is not enough - it is advisable to have a good understanding of what surfaces you will have to deal with. Exists three types of coating. Let's look at the features of each of them:

PhotoCoverage typeDescription
Inexpensive ovens are covered with enamel; this type of microwave oven is the most common. It is extremely easy to scratch the coating; it loses color quickly, and rust appears in places where the enamel has been rubbed off. Carbon deposits can be washed off using any means that do not contain strong corrosive substances.

It reacts well to temperatures, but that is why fat sticks to the walls quickly and is difficult to clean. Similar difficulties arise with smudges. Abrasive products are contraindicated in the microwave; they leave scratches. Acids are not recommended. The option that is most suitable is cleaning the walls with a steam bath.
Smooth surface, easy to care for. The only significant drawback is the fragility of the material, which prevents serious mechanical impacts (including intense friction).

How to quickly clean the inside of a microwave from grease using a sponge and cleaning products

A little trick on how to quickly clean the inside of a microwave from grease - use a regular dishwashing detergent. There are a great variety of such means, these are liquids, aerosols, sprays, gels. The latter are especially convenient.

  1. Apply a little product to a pre-moistened sponge and lather it.
  2. Wipe the interior of the stove.
  3. Wait 20-30 minutes.
  4. After the time has passed, rinse off the product with a clean cloth and water.

Rinse off the product thoroughly, otherwise the remaining gel will get into your food, which will cause poisoning.

List of most effective means in the fight against fat:

  • Fairy;
  • Frosh;
  • OvenCleaner;
  • Cillit Bang;
  • FortePlus;
  • Grizly for stoves;
  • Mister Muscle for the kitchen.

Proven products for cleaning microwave ovens.

Some will recommend using stove cleaners. Be careful! – Such products are overly aggressive chemical composition, therefore they will damage the internal casing of the microwave.

How not to clean a microwave - important warnings!

When washing a microwave oven Do not use wire sponges, sanding strips or stiff bristled brushes.. Such mechanical devices leave scratches on the stove body, where bacteria accumulate (food debris also gets stuck in the brushes and sponges themselves, making it difficult to clean).

What not to clean a microwave oven

Forget about alkaline and acid based cleaners. Without hesitation, give up the idea of ​​cleaning the microwave oven with a pipe cleaner - such advice, sometimes found on the Internet, will lead to an irreparable defect in the device.

Another tip concerns using melamine sponges. By appearance The sponge looks like a regular piece of white foam, but its texture is very different. The sponge is similar in action to sandpaper, but when used, the effect is somewhat softer.

The surface of melamine sponge is a dense material.

Melamine is considered a toxic component. Once in the human body, it causes serious poisoning. Its danger lies in the fact that sponges tend to come apart, leaving particles of material on the walls of the things being cleaned. That's why they not recommended for cleaning items that come into active contact with food, including microwave ovens.

We hope that our tips will help in cleaning your microwave oven and warn you against incorrect actions that are harmful to your health!

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