How a man will like it. How to present yourself to make a guy like you: from the choice of clothes to behavior How to please a man after 40

Why does it happen that some girls like men without making any effort? And she doesn’t seem to have a figure, and she doesn’t seem to be a beauty in appearance, but the attention of the stronger sex is focused only on her, as soon as she appears in the company. What is the secret here and how to please a man? Let's ask professional psychologists for advice.

What can psychologists advise us on such a difficult issue? Men love with their eyes, but a woman’s inner world is also an important component for any man. That's why psychologists recommend:

  1. Positively minded the person is pleasant to talk to everyone. You want to take an example from him, there is a desire to see him nearby and be charged with his positivity. Smile more often, and interest in you from the opposite sex will increase significantly.
  2. Be sincere. Sincerity is an important quality and the key to a reliable relationship. Therefore, if you want a guy to like you, impress him with your openness. But don't pretend, pretense, especially if done poorly, is repulsive.
  3. Engage in self-development. Men, contrary to popular belief, do not like “funny silly girls”; they are only interesting at dances. Appearing next to an intelligent and educated girl is a sign of good taste.
  4. good sense of humor- an indicator of a sharp mind. A girl who knows how to appreciate subtle humor and support her interlocutor will attract not a single fan.
  5. Woman of mystery evokes hunting instincts and the desire to conquer. Let the young man open more and more new pages in this book.

If the girl sticks to these simple tips, she will not only find her prince, but will also win the sympathy of the people around her, establishing herself as an interesting and intelligent interlocutor.

How to please a man on the first date?

The first appointment is a special moment. On the first date, sometimes everything is decided once and for all. We prepare for it seriously, as if before an important exam.

Which rules must be observed for a successful date?

  • People meet you based on their clothes, and for the first date you want to choose something special. But you shouldn’t unload and apply war paint. Naturalness - main friend modern lady. Be the way your loved ones are used to seeing you, don’t try to deceive anyone. If in life you are a princess, then be one on your first date; if you prefer sports and comfortable clothes, then you can choose something here for your first date.
  • If you're not interested in going on a date with him, don't immediately criticize your friend, guys can't stand that. You can always find something positive, even where it would seem there is none at all. Maybe this is not the most interesting film or concert, maybe this is not the most cozy cafe and not the most pleasant. Don’t focus your attention on this, the main thing is that you are nearby and this is an opportunity make a positive impression on him.
  • The content of your conversation when you first meet alone is extremely important. You shouldn’t chatter without a break, although excitement in this case is understandable and understandable. Know how to speak and listen. You need to tell about yourself, but keep it mysterious, reveal not all the secrets and leave room for intrigue. And most importantly, you should not mention your former partners.

And the most important advice for the first date - don’t invent “princes” for yourself, look at the situation realistically.

How to please a man in bed?

If your relationship has already grown initial stage and move on to more serious ones - there is no need to panic, everything goes on as usual.

When you find yourself alone with him, do not forget that he worries no less than you, help him calm down:

  • Don’t be shy and don’t be tight, although of course the excitement is understandable. Express your feelings openly, because that is what you both came here for.
  • Wear erotic lingerie, let him see that you were preparing and also wanted to please him.
  • If you see that he is embarrassed and does not dare to take more serious actions, help. Help him with everything. Your help will give confidence to your partner. He will be grateful to you for this.
  • And of course weasel, men don’t like her fewer women. And they will not only accept tenderness with pleasure, but also give it to you.

There is no doubt that we are all different and some like one thing, while others like another. By getting to know your partner better, you can predict what he wants to get in bed. That's why watch him more often Everyday life , this will help you learn to understand each other.

Of course, who will give more practical advice here if not them. What do the representatives of the stronger sex say, what do they advise? Below we publish advice from the famous Russian psychologist Viktor Efremov:

  1. A woman should be beautiful in everything. Simply put, men like feminine girls. And it’s not about dresses and heels. And in a light gait, a gentle smile, a gentle look. And even if you wear at least a thousand of the best and most expensive suits, if the girl is vulgar and immodest, nothing will help her become a princess.
  2. Keep a sense of proportion. Men say that a girl who understands that it’s time to call it a day before he starts looking at the clock will surprise with her insight and make any guy worry: “Why is she running away, did I do something wrong?” And don’t let him walk you to your apartment at first, just take him to the entrance, you need to be able to leave gracefully and modestly.
  3. Men are interested in women who are interesting in themselves: “We like to feel like hunters and not prey, without having to give up everything for our attention. Keep your distance, respect yourself, be your own person, make friends, get out from under our noses!”

Men are all different and women too, don't be afraid to experiment. It didn’t work out today, tomorrow a new day and a new opportunity await you.

Mistakes to Avoid

Wanting, girls often go overboard in their desire. There are no perfect people, but there are things that are best avoided.

  1. . Yes, jealousy is an indicator that a person is not indifferent to you. Or maybe that's not true? Maybe you just need to work on yourself and increase your self-esteem. A man can talk to anyone, look and evaluate the world. You just need to behave in a way that he doesn't want to change. By being jealous and scandalizing, you definitely won’t achieve required result. Don't let yourself openly, it scares them.
  2. Personal space. Leave it to him free time Push. It is normal for any person to have friends, hobbies and an hour of peace and quiet.
  3. Love yourself. Chat with friends. Live life to the fullest. A relationship with a man is the very reason that should force you to work on yourself. Lead interesting life and you will be interesting to him.
  4. Say “Thank you” more often! Men love, they are praised and thanked for years. If you're not doing this, now is the time to start.

Don’t make such simple mistakes, it will be useful, first of all, for you.

How to understand what a man likes?

How do you understand that you have succeeded? Here are a few characteristic features this:

  • He will begin to get nervous when you appear: fiddling with the buttons of his jacket or playing with a lighter in his hands.
  • He will try to touch you at any opportunity: hold you by the elbow or offer his hand if necessary.
  • He will begin to take care of himself: straighten his posture, straighten his shoulders and tighten his stomach.
  • From his look you will understand everything. He will glide over you with his eyes, because it’s so nice to inspect what you like.

And of course he can just tell you about it. Such daredevils are not rare, but they are not that common either.

After reading all of the above, you can safely dare. After all, here there is the opinion of not only strangers, but also the representatives of the stronger half themselves advise how to please a man.

In this video, psychologist Anna Roksovskaya will tell you 4 main mistakes that can prevent a woman from liking an interesting man:

Absolutely any man, regardless of his preferences, can be liked in just the first 5 minutes of conversation - thanks to psychological tricks

They say that one glance at a man is enough for a woman to already know everything about him: his social status, Family status, wealth, age and whether the man is worth her attention or not. And it’s not surprising: men always consider a woman as a potential lover, but a woman evaluates all representatives of the stylish sex as candidates for the role of the father of her future children. And this data can actually be obtained in a few seconds thanks to a quick assessment appearance men: what he is wearing (indicates his wealth), whether he is shaved or not, whether he smells of men’s perfume (indicates social status), whether his shirt collar is clean and ironed (indicates marital status), and, finally, whether he is confident gait (speaks volumes). And that’s it. But a man, in order to “weigh” a woman on her sexuality, attractiveness and charm, needs a little more - just 5 minutes of conversation. Yes, yes, that’s why women like to evaluate men visually, and men themselves try to “figure out” the girls they like during the conversation - that’s why they always try to get acquainted and start talking. As Socrates said: “Speak, and I will tell you who you are” - this principle is very close to men.

So, any girl always has 5 minutes to please a man - what can you do if there are only competitors around? But these 5 minutes need to be used as profitably as possible, using the most proven psychological tricks for influencing men. Although these methods can hardly be called tricks, everything will be quite simple, and they are based on simple truths that women today have completely forgotten.

How to please any man in 5 minutes

So, a handsome, imposing man has caught your eye and you wouldn’t mind getting to know him? Then take action!

1 minute: Positive

Men have always been and will be attracted to positive girls. These are those who, like the sun, charge others with their energy and radiate warmth. After all, it is positivity that we so lack in everyday life, and when a man meets such a girl, if he doesn’t start a relationship with her, he will definitely want to communicate at least as a friend. And, most likely, he will definitely make her his mistress.

But positivity is not loud laughter or clown dancing. Therefore, you should not make fun of others and jump joyfully as if after a drug - these are men who behave like fools when they fall in love. This doesn't suit women.

Therefore, to attract the stronger sex with positivity, you just need to be in a good mood. Even if it’s raining, slushy outside, and someone’s nerves have already been pretty frayed in the morning, imagine that today is the best day of your life. For example, imagine that in a minute you will win the Jackpot (and you will still win, because you will soon fall into the heart of a wealthy and handsome man).

2 minute: Look

So, the man he liked noticed and decided to get acquainted (or just start talking, if it’s an employee). Now you need to use the second, most powerful psychological weapon - the gaze. You need to look at the desired object carefully, with downright admiration, and always from bottom to top (if you are tall, sit down). An admiring glance, as if looking at a star, simply captivates men. After all, in their hearts they all want to be something like a god for women. But neither their family nor their friends consider them as such. Therefore, such a view almost always works flawlessly.

You just need to look not predatorily, tenaciously assessing how much a man’s suit costs and how good he himself will be in bed - namely, with the look with which a happy bride looks at her groom - tenderly, deeply, with trepidation. “Being beautiful means always looking at the one you love,” heartthrob Julia Roberts once confidently said.

But there is an exception - an enviable groom who is simply spoiled by the attention of his mistresses, girlfriends and employees. You only need to take one look at such a man (and definitely in such a way that he notices him) - arrogant, cold, condescending (but not mocking - men don’t like that). Such a man will definitely be intrigued by this and even take away his peace of mind for a long time.

3 minute: Attention

So, the “shooting with eyes” is over, and the conversation has begun. At this moment you need to listen very carefully to everything the man says, and - this is important - do not rush to answer him. While a man is speaking (even if just one phrase), you need to look carefully into his eyes (with the same admiration), keep your mouth closed (in the literal sense - without parted lips, this can be subconsciously perceived as a sign of aggression) and - remain silent!

So, many girls, when meeting them, make one stupid and common mistake - they start talking a lot, just chatting incessantly. It is clear that this is due to an excess of emotions and excitement, but such incessant chatter can simply “kill” a man. In this case, if he was looking for a girl for the night, then the conversation will continue. But if he planned to start a stronger relationship, then such behavior from the girl will not please him, and at best, he will promise to call - and retreat.

Representatives of the fair sex commit even greater stupidity when they start giggling stupidly. To be honest, men don’t always guess what exactly made a girl laugh, and often take it as a mockery of themselves. The more experienced stronger sex already knows well why and why his interlocutor behaves so stupidly, but he will not want to appear with her somewhere in public or among friends. Because that kind of giggling is just annoying.

Therefore, the best and most reliable way to please a man is to remain silent while he speaks, not to finish sentences after him and not to interrupt. Note that even in professional circles, those speakers who are respected will never be interrupted. And respect for a man is above all.

Therefore, while your competitors giggle and rain down an endless stream of meaningless words on a man, remain silent. And while you are silent, your eyes will be much more expressive, and your face will be more beautiful. But the desired object must be given time and admired.

4 minutes: Mysteriousness

Silence also has other valuable advantages - the number of words spoken in a conversation is inversely proportional to a man’s opinion about the intelligence of his interlocutor. The less a girl says, the more she will give the impression of herself as smart, pleasant - and even interesting. Yes, such is the psychology of the stronger sex - even if you don’t open your mouth the entire conversation with him, but only nod your head and look with an adoring gaze, you can even receive a sincere admiring compliment: “You are a wonderful conversationalist.”

5 minute: Charisma

So, three or four minutes of conversation have passed, your intelligence and beauty have been appreciated, which means it’s time to show off your charisma and charm. And to do this, say something unexpected, intrigue. But don’t be an open book - become a real mystery to a man.

Be sure to smile. Do everything so that the man is confused, terribly interested and really wants to continue the conversation. And - leave. If you continue to communicate, you will no longer be able to guarantee 100% success. But if you retreat exactly when the man’s eyes light up, this is what you need. Confused, enchanted, he will think about you all day - and will definitely look for the next conversation and even immediately propose a relationship so that his Cinderella does not run away again in the middle of the ball.

You only have 5 minutes to make an impression? This is enough - the effect will be simply amazing!

What to do if you have no experience in seduction and flirting? How to please a man so that he will meet you halfway and not be disappointed in the future? It is very important to make a lasting impression on your chosen one at the moment of meeting, or better yet, to win his heart with one glance.

How to please a man: ways

Much depends on the situation and the character of the person. Some people love bold and sociable girls, while others only meet quiet, shy mice. It is better to start the first steps towards rapprochement after “learning” at least a little about a man’s preferences.

The most effective are following methods flirting:

  • Sending SMS messages with a light “riddle” that makes you think. A well-thought-out text has a much greater effect than candid photos. Refrain from vulgar and cynical expressions;
  • Interesting articles or funny videos that he has not yet read or watched will help him find common interests, which is very important;
  • Wear short skirts and low-cut dresses, but don't cross the fine line. Excessive nudity will only cause sexual desire and vulgar thoughts that will not lead to a long-term relationship (unless you want to start a short affair);
  • Drop a hint that you often see a man in your dreams. Such recognition is highly valued and will please anyone. Erotic dreams it is not advisable to tell;
  • Make eye contact. Eyes are the mirror of the soul. You can fall in love with one fleeting but promising glance. Hold your attention for a few seconds, look closely into the eyes, smile;
  • Lightly bite your lower lip. It is seductive and attracts the male gaze;
  • Use red lipstick. Red color (as in clothes), a call to decisive action. Other colors are also suitable, but red is always a safe bet;
  • If you are in a restaurant, eat slowly, with a touch of eroticism. You can drive index finger along the edge of a coffee mug or glass of wine. Eat as if you are getting sexual pleasure from eating, but don’t go too far;
  • Light flirting with other men can excite your chosen one if you are already in a relationship.

How to please a man: why doesn’t he react to secret signs?

The reasons for male indifference are simple:

  • He has a life partner whom he loves very much. This is the most common reason for a man's lack of response to flirting. You shouldn’t destroy someone else’s family, even if you really want to;
  • Shyness. No matter how much you want, you will have to take the first steps so that the man understands that you like him. The main thing is to be sure of his natural shyness;
  • Excessive politeness. If he is indifferent, then his flirting is just a manifestation of good manners. There's nothing wrong with that. When we really like someone, we don't think about rationality;
  • He is tormented by doubts. By flirting, a man hopes for a relationship, but is not sure whether he should move on. In this case, everything depends only on his choice;
  • He is not against relationships, but does not let him get close, looking for a more suitable option;
  • A man thinks he is not worthy of your love. Even if there is sympathy, he will never take the first step. This may be due to low social status, laziness or lack of self-confidence.

What mistakes do young girls make when dating?

Most often, when trying to please a man, young girls do not think about their behavior, and it’s in vain.

Common mistakes:

  • Majority modern girls They don’t feel awkward when meeting guys. But excessive manifestation of initiative leaves no chance of success even for the smartest and most beautiful people;
  • Rainbow dreams. Especially romantic, “vanilla” ladies plan a wedding as soon as they spot the right guy. Insistence and imposition of family/children is very repulsive, and sometimes brings the nascent relationship to naught;
  • Unnatural behavior. When meeting people, it is common for all people to play a certain role. However, if you plan to have a long-term relationship or marriage, it is better to be yourself, not to flirt and not to plunge headlong into someone else’s image;
  • When meeting guys, many girls show excessive activity, “press”, trying to take the bull by the horns. Men consider this a manifestation of inadequacy and rush to retreat;
  • Every woman dreams of a real prince. But if, when you first meet, you immediately evaluate a guy’s strengths and weaknesses, then you won’t be able to talk about anything. further development a relationship is out of the question: the chosen one will feel awkward under a close, appraising gaze.

What behavior is repulsive and how to correct the situation?

In an attempt to please a man, many girls open their souls and tell their innermost secrets in the first 15 minutes of meeting them. Along with naivety, a man is repulsed by behavior that evokes pity, self-doubt, inability to communicate, untidiness, sloppiness, anger, excessive criticism, causticity, and, of course, passivity during sex (if it comes down to it). You should not push for pity, otherwise the chosen one will have to play an imposed role in order to correspond to the ideal ideas of a woman. He will be constantly afraid of doing something wrong.

When listening to a man, show interest in everything he says, but never talk enthusiastically about other men. Ex-boyfriend, husband, friend, it doesn’t matter - all these topics should be prohibited. There is no need to praise past partners - you can easily awaken a sense of competition in your chosen one and provoke a break in the relationship.

If you have managed to gain favor and are preparing for intimacy, do not forget that the first time may not turn out as smooth and stunning as planned. Give your man words of encouragement or suggest that he try additional stimulant medications that will help him cope with anxiety, increase arousal, and significantly increase arousal.

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. During the creation of this article, 20 people, including anonymously, worked to edit and improve it.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Dating an older man can present a number of difficulties, especially if the age difference is significant. You most likely think differently and have different tastes. But that doesn't mean you're incompatible. If you like an older man, be confident and act like an adult. If the acquaintance goes well and you start dating, it will take some time to determine whether you have common interests. Don't let the age difference get in the way of a happy relationship.


Part 1

Make a good impression

    Create the image of a mature woman. This doesn't mean you need to look old. In fact, your youth is one of your most attractive qualities. In general terms, this means that when choosing a hairstyle, you need to settle on an option that suits the contour of your face, and not something crazy, and you also need to change your wardrobe to a more mature one that will highlight your sophisticated taste. As a result, you will get a complete image with which you can attract an older man.

    Be confident. There is nothing more attractive than self-confidence. This means that you need to pay attention to your posture (sit up straight!). Also, while talking, you should look into his eyes. Try to act calm and collected, speaking firmly and confidently rather than quickly and chaotically.

    Be able to take care of yourself. Most older men will lose interest if they realize that you are just looking for someone who will take care of you. In other words, you must have a regular job and a house or apartment. If an adult man pays attention to you, these aspects will show him that you are already a mature enough person for a mature relationship.

    Keep calm. You may feel like you have to tell your whole life story on the first date. In fact, it will only demonstrate your immaturity. Keep some things secret to discuss on future dates.

    Show your interest in the relationship. You need to be on good terms with your family. This will show that you can maintain a long-term relationship even in more difficult times.

    Part 2

    Arouse the interest of an adult man
    1. Act like an adult. Depending on how older a man is, he may have completely different communication skills. If you're in your 20s and he's 30, going to the bar may no longer interest him as much as it does you.

      Try not to focus on the age difference. The topic of age difference is one of the most difficult aspects of a relationship with an older man. Try not to mention his age, and when communicating with your friends, try to make sure that they do the same.

      Don't play games. Nobody likes a manipulator, regardless of age. Don't try to make a grown man jealous to get his attention, and don't play games to make him want you.

      Treat him with respect. Don't get into a relationship if you only want money. A man may be successful and spoil you on certain occasions, but that doesn't mean he's going to give you all his money.

Many women, having met on their life's path the very one whom they have been looking for all their adult lives, cannot attract his attention and fall into despair. It seems to them that they are not capable of anything and will never be truly happy. But all this is not true, and it is categorically not recommended to think like that. If suddenly a woman fails to charm the man she likes, first of all she should think about whether she really needs it? And if the answer is positive, then you can begin the process of seduction. And so that everything goes as it should and no mistakes happen, this article will help her. Below are 13 effective methods that, having studied and adopted, a woman can easily achieve her goal, that is, make any man fall in love with her.

1. All representatives of the stronger sex are, deep down, little puppies who need to be petted and fed, and in return they will rub against the woman’s legs, faithfully running after her wherever she goes. You shouldn't drive them away. Let them lie at your feet. A man cannot be re-educated, but he can be trained and accustomed.

2. All men are narcissistic and this fact has been scientifically proven. If a woman wants her chosen one to be devoted to her and listen to everything, she should compliment him more often. For example, highlight his appearance, character traits. To say how charming he is, how sexy, smart, generous and brave. All this will give the fair sex great benefit. Men, after such statements addressed to them, melt like a snowball, open their ears and are ready for a lot for women and will be faithful all their lives.

3. All men love with their eyes. Therefore, if a woman wants to attract the attention of a man she likes, then she should use a weapon mass destruction. What kind of weapon is this? Woman's outfit! She must put on her most seductive outfit, smile charmingly, remember the grace in her gait and back it all up with her own irresistibility and go into battle with a pure heart. Not one man can resist this, and her lover is no exception.

4. All men are drawn like a magnet to the “forbidden fruit.” A woman needs to pretend that she is indifferent to him and she is indifferent to him. He will understand that she needs to be conquered, and since all men are hunters and warriors, he will immediately begin to act. But in no case should you overdo it, otherwise the “fish” will swim away without trying the bait. A woman should subtly hint to a man that he has a chance.

5. All men love secrets. If a woman is not attracted to the role of a mysterious stranger, then she can take on the role of a secret intelligence agent. This approach is very modern and fraught with a lot of intrigue.

6. For the most part, a man submits through kindness and childish naivety. If a woman wants the man she likes to want to be with her and give her attention, love and care, then she must appear before him in the form of a sincere and naive young lady who does not understand at all modern world and is partly afraid of him. A man will want to protect her and protect her with his whole body.

7. All men are little children at heart who really want to be understood and pitied. A woman should give a man the opportunity to be a “vest” for him in which he could cry. And there is nothing shameful in such behavior of men. Even great geniuses, whose souls constantly wander somewhere in the world of fantasy, need human support.

8. All men want to either be loved or love. Those who want to be loved are weak men, and if they don’t have the necessary support next to them, they won’t be able to stand it for long and there is a chance of losing them. The second type of men, those who want to love, are strong. Representatives of the fair sex are divided into the same types. If a woman has a weak type, then she needs a strong man. If, on the contrary, she is strong, then accordingly her man should be of the weak type.

9. All men are deep down teenagers who love to play computer games and football in the yard. Therefore, in order to please a man, a woman must play his games with him. And when the man is satisfied with this, present him with your own games with your own rules.

10. All men are warriors deep down in their souls. And as you know, the war of love is far from easy. A man is required to have knowledge, considerable experience, and be able to build his own strategies and be always armed to the teeth. Therefore, a woman who wants to please a man must first rebuff him so that excitement comes to him, and then, after a short resistance, display a white flag as a sign of complete surrender.

11. All men want the best. Therefore, a woman must make sure that the man is sure that she is the best. And the man will believe, because the stronger sex is so gullible.

12. All men are unable to react with indifference if you first invade their domain (life) bringing with you joy and fun, and then suddenly disappear without saying where and for how long. If a man stops sleeping and his thoughts are always with the woman, then she can relax. He is knocked out and is unlikely to ever come to his senses.

13. All men want to be sure that the whole universe plays by their rules and they are the masters of life. If a woman wants to please a man, then she should under no circumstances show him that she has been chosen by him. She should make him think that he chose her. How to do it? As easy as pie. A woman simply does not need to demonstrate her interest in him. He should not think that she is imposing. In addition, a woman should pass off all the ideas that come from her own head as his, then the man will be proud and glad that he has such a good and understanding woman.

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