How to please a popular girl by correspondence. How to interest the girl you like by correspondence. Standard set of positive qualities

A page on a social network is a source of first information about a girl; here, using her personal data and photographs, you can find out about her hobbies, priorities, type of activity, date of birth and marital status. In order for a girl to like you on a social network, a man definitely needs to monitor her account, adjust his own, and also learn the rules of dating and communication.

Most often, the most difficult stage of correspondence on VK with a girl for a guy is the question of dating. Many people hesitate to take the first step, wondering what to write to her in order to attract attention. The main rule is no banality, since girls really don’t like boring and boring guys who ask the same type of questions, such as “how are you” or “what are you doing.”

The first message should be concise, short and not burden the girl’s perception. At the beginning of communication, three questions must be discussed:

  • who is a man (his idea);
  • for what purpose does he begin communication;
  • why among all the girls he singled out this particular girl.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Expert on family relations. Family psychologist.

It is the first messages that are the most important, since they determine whether communication between young people will work out or whether the girl will prefer to end the communication at the very beginning. You can choose examples of how to meet a girl, but add something of your own to them so as not to be banal.

The first message may be due to the fact that the guy and the girl have common interests and common ground. You can also start communication by asking for help, for example, asking for a hint on what to give to a sister of the same age as the girl. Or you can start a discussion about music or new movies by being in the same community or forum. The main thing is that it does not look like a way to seduce a girl, but rather like an easy and relaxed conversation.

Basic rules for making a girl fall in love with you via correspondence

Few guys believe that through correspondence you can seduce and even make a girl fall in love with you. In fact, such skill is possessed by skilled pick-up artists, who name 8 basic rules that work in this direction. Namely:

  • competent speech without errors;
  • correspondence should not be ordinary, but rather with a romantic twist;
  • do not be embarrassed to talk about your merits, but only without bragging;
  • humor is the main condition for how to fall in love with a girl by correspondence;
  • you need to ask more often about the girl’s life, her interests, goals and priorities;
  • you need to avoid repeating yourself in your letters so as not to be branded as a boring guy without imagination;
  • communication should be natural and relaxed, there is no need to pretend to be someone you are not.

Do you prefer to meet people on the Internet?


Following these simple rules, a man will be able to most worthily present himself in the eyes of a girl, conquer her with his charisma, goals in life, humor, intelligence and kindness. We must not forget that girls love with their ears, so during correspondence it is important to make unobtrusive and as truthful compliments as possible.

Effective ways to get a girl to like you

To please a girl through correspondence on the Internet, you need to not only use puns, but also be a virtuoso in amorous matters. It is clear that it will be difficult for a 14-year-old boy to comprehend such an art, but for experienced men who understand female psychology, several effective tools will help to make a girl fall in love with him, namely:

  1. - you can send the girls someone else’s creation, but it would be much better to compose a poem yourself to win her heart.
  2. Images- almost all girls love romance, so along with poems you can send pictures with landscapes, different photos couples in love, funny animals and flowers.
  3. Compliments- a powerful weapon that helps to win a woman’s heart, undoubtedly, these are compliments, the main thing is that they are not vulgar and banal.

Every girl wants to feel attention to her person, so during the conversation you can note her kindness, sincerity, external and internal beauty, etc. A man should try to build a dialogue in such a way as to be interested in her life, interests, preferences, and leave a little intrigue about himself and understatement to fuel her interest.

What not to do?

In order to build friendship and sympathy between young people through correspondence, it is extremely important for a man to understand for himself the main contraindications in communicating with the opposite sex. Often, under the influence of sympathy and desire to please, many make typical mistakes, namely:

  • lies— there is no need to take credit for other people’s merits or embellish your capabilities and achievements;
  • declaration of love at the beginning of acquaintance - any girl will consider such a guy either a joker or crazy;
  • empty promises- unfulfilled promises will be considered frivolous intentions;
  • ingratiation- women love strong men with character, so it’s also impossible to fulfill all her whims and wishes;
  • vulgarity, rudeness and obscene language- in this case, the girl will immediately turn the lapel;
  • pressure on her- obsessive behavior can alienate a girl forever and block access to communication with her.

Having mastered all these tricks and rules of behavior, any guy will learn to communicate competently with the opposite sex, leaving behind only the most positive impressions and emotions. The main thing is that live correspondence with mutual interest develops into real acquaintance in time.


You also need to be able to communicate on the Internet, because non-verbal communication cannot convey all those feelings and emotions, which means that the risks of being incomprehensible are much higher. But if you learn all the rules and recommendations of experts on how to communicate with a girl by correspondence, you can not only make acquaintance with the person you like, but also arouse mutual sympathy in her. And sooner or later this will develop into a relationship.

In essence, all that is holding you back from meeting girls is the fear of not being liked. The unknown is scary. It will fade or worse. Complex in karma. One more, in addition to all those acquired during puberty. Fortunately, this is possible. No, don’t know in advance who will like you, but make sure that almost everyone likes you. Almost, because you are not a euro bill that everyone likes.

Selection of a dating site

To please in 10 seconds: how to win over anyone

“I want to please a girl, but I don’t know how to do it” - your situation? Let's take it more broadly - let's figure out how to please anyone, everyone we meet. In fact, no way. You can be Saint Teresa of Calcutta and still not like someone. Imbue yourself with this truth and only then begin your journey into the world of pickup and flirting.

« I thinkeverybody should like everybody“ (“In my opinion, everyone should like everyone,” said Andy Warhol) - complete nonsense, of course.

However, you can win over a girl in 10 seconds. It is during this period of time that an opinion about the stranger is formed. It didn’t work out with the “plus” sign - you’ll have to show off a lot to change the situation. It's easier to do it right away. Remember the rules with which you can successfully pass the “test of the first seconds of acquaintance” and make a favorable impression.

  • Relax– smile sincerely and gesture naturally.
  • Reflect– repeat your body posture and voice melody, breathe in rhythm.
  • Keep your posture– stand up straight, don’t slouch, feel confident.
  • Keep your eyes on– don’t look away, but don’t look too closely.
  • Do not be distracted– do not neglect your interlocutor using gadgets.

Do you understand. I saw a nice target - I straightened my shoulders, smiled and walked. Let's talk in more detail about how you can get a girl to like you - on VK, others in social networks, on a dating site, on the street. Posture alone is obviously not enough for this.

Psychologists say: 7 qualities that girls like

The soul of a woman has not been in darkness for a long time, but women are structured differently. Zarubi – women have personal taste. It is we who look at the eyes, chest, legs - and lose (or not) our heads. They go crazy for a variety of reasons, sometimes unexpected. Some people get turned on by their noses. Others are crazy about freckles. But all girls, without exception, like this:


Any woman will call “confidence” the priority quality of a man. Beauty, wealth and stunning charisma come later. From the top of your head to the hole in your toe, you are the embodiment of confidence, because only a confident man makes a woman instinctively want to be close to you (you won’t go wrong with someone like that).


Masculinity, the core that makes up the essence of the stronger sex, is fighting for first place in the ranking of qualities that girls like. That is the main thing that causes in the weaker sex an irresistible desire to be fruitful and multiply. Masculinity is victory over one's own fears, the ability to overcome obstacles, and the willingness to perform feats. Girls go crazy about everything that comes from courage, honor and a sense of duty (“What kind of person do you have to be in order to please you?” - “You have to be a man”, Victor Hugo, “Notre Dame Cathedral”).


“A man said, a man did” - one and the same man. Responsibility is an indispensable appendage of masculinity. Be responsible for your words, which means think before you speak. He said, “I’ll be there at eight,” so be it. He promised to take her hamster to the veterinary clinic - take her. This is about the question of what words to say to the girl you like - first of all, the words for which you are responsible. And don’t experiment on the topic “what will happen if I invite you to admire the beauty Ancient Egypt and I’ll forget.” She will not forget, but she will remember you as a windbag.


The myth that “the main thing in a man is intelligence” has long been debunked. No one is going to close their eyes at the sight of you and spray air freshener after you leave, breathily praising your intelligence. You need to take care of yourself. Beauty and hygiene are for everyone. The era of dirty drunken machos with a heartbreaking scent has long sunk into oblivion.

Good manners

Of course, you like bad boys, but even bad boys don't slurp, don't spit at your feet, and pay the bills. Learn to give a hand, help put on a coat, open the door - the banal rules of etiquette. Girls dream of princes, and all princes are taught good manners.

Broad outlook

A man without interests, hobbies, life experience– strong individuality – causes boredom. Level up your charisma. Stir up interest in that same “comprehensively developed personality” that is written about in lectures for student teachers. If you are an expert on the sexual behavior of mollusks, make sure the girl knows about it.

Ability to intrigue

The question “I like a girl, what should I do?” It is worth discussing in the context of what not to do. There is no need to be predictable, submissive, understandable. Intrigue is important in communication - meaningful pauses and hidden meaning. Everyone likes intrigue, because it is what defines what is called flirting. And flirting is known to excite, creating an invisible but strong connection.

Coupled with initiative and generosity, these 7 qualities are an almost 100% guarantee that you will be liked. By upgrading yourself according to these parameters, you will be able to please even the girl who doesn’t like you. You can't go against nature. And female nature, at the sight of a male who has everything that a Real Man should have, dictates its conditions to the mind.

Virt and flirting: how to please a girl by correspondence

The easiest way to please is by correspondence, and provide ideal conditions for a virtual pickup. The questionnaire works as a “test of the first seconds” - it makes an impression (to make an impression). Chatting does the rest.

The main advantage of correspondence is that you have time to think about what to write to the girl you like. Communication can be planned and structured in order to present yourself favorably - to amaze on the spot with sparkling humor and extraordinary intelligence. The following tips will help improve the quality of correspondence on a dating site.

Express your interest

Everyone, and especially a girl, is flattered by attention. Ask about hobbies. Bring them out for heart-to-heart conversations. Look for common ground. And - remember. Information is a valuable resource, and smart people do not neglect valuable resources.

Give compliments

It is known that women love with their ears. Knowing this simple truth also gives the answer to the question of how to really please a girl by correspondence. A compliment is not “wow, what a pussy.” A compliment is a non-trivial and personal message. “You have impeccable style,” “what aristocratic wrists,” “how many men have you driven crazy with your look?” are examples of the right compliments. How do you like this masterpiece: “You know, you look more spectacular than other girls on the site. What makes you stand out is your sense of taste. It is very pleasant and unexpected to discover such a subtle nature.”


The question of how to properly communicate with the girl you like inevitably comes down to flirting. The language of flirting is the most understandable and effective language of communication between a man and a woman. Flirting is a wide range of verbal and non-verbal means with which you can warm up a girl. This is the ability to take initiative, intrigue, and joke subtly. Touching the intimate is piquant, but not vulgar. With hidden meaning between the lines.

Dialogue example:

“What are your hobbies?”

“I do yoga.”

"That's it. That's why you look so beautiful. I have always dreamed of meeting a girl who does yoga. Perhaps you can teach me simple asanas? I will be a diligent student."

Flirting is the leitmotif of any correspondence on a dating site. Do not relax. The competition here is off the charts. By the way, if you haven’t registered yet, read ours - experts analyzed it, and users rated it.

There is a contact: how to understand that a girl likes you

You've done your best to meet the "guy to like" standard. And the result? A reliable evaluation criterion is the girl’s concern. Any reaction other than neutral is a good sign (except for reactions in the style of “you’re an asshole”). Pulls his hair and licks his lips - great. Builds himself into an impregnable fortress - great. Interest in your person can be presented in the most exotic way - even in the form of a frying pan flying at the speed of sound. The main thing is that he made an impression and is not indifferent. This means there is something to work with. So work, and don’t philosophize “I like it or I don’t like it.” You'll figure it out in bed.

Dating on the street is becoming rare. Young people often prefer to look for girls through social media. networks or dating sites. The dialogue between two people turns into short messages in instant messengers, forums or SMS.

The beginning of communication can begin with a couple of short phrases. It is these phrases that arouse the interlocutors’ interest in the stronger sex.

Psychology of interest

Many pick-up coaches and NLP specialists can give a bunch of practices and techniques for winning a girl’s interest. However, they all forget that there are several basic principles on which any communication is built.

Important! Maintaining interest is not a one-time message with a beautiful phrase or witticism. This is the ability to maintain a conversation in any situation, even when the conversation is “stalling” or the interlocutor is not in the mood for communication.

There are a lot of non-verbal signs by which you can determine the interest of the opposite sex. But what to do when your interlocutor is sitting on the other side of the monitor, and you can only communicate with her through messages.

Don't despair. The letter also contains signs of sympathy.

Let's look at them in order:

  1. A jumble of exclamation marks, question marks, as well as emoticons or emojis. Women are very emotional by nature. If a girl puts a bunch of extra signs or emoticons, you know that she is interested in you.
  2. Surprise and admiration. This works both in simple communication and in flirting. The girl subconsciously wants to see a strong man in her interlocutor. So she tries to praise him.
  3. Additional questions. If your interlocutor throws back questions, she is interested in you. In principle, this is the basic principle of any communication.
  4. Quick transition from formal to informal communication style. The girl suggested switching to “you” - this is a good sign. Thus, it shows that your conversation has moved to a new level of communication.
  5. Laughter. At this point, you need to distinguish between laughter and excessive punctuation marks with a series of emoticons. Usually people focus their interest on a good joke or witticism. This is immediately obvious. Most women love funny men and respond well to a good sense of humor.

The listed signs, to one degree or another, indicate interest.

Of course, there are girls with a very bad sense of humor, as well as materialistic ladies who are only interested in the size of your wallet. For such women, a conversation is a formality that carries no meaning.

Reference! To really surprise a girl, find out everything you can about her. Social profiles can help with this. networks, as well as mutual acquaintances in real life.

Ask everything about her interests, favorite music, books, movies. Mention her favorite writer or musician in your correspondence. A positive reaction will not keep you waiting long.

The video describes the main signs that a girl through correspondence likes you:

How to win a woman's heart?

Conversation is a flexible substance. By communicating, a person shows his culture, the richness of his inner world.

You should not approach this issue schematically, or shoot memorized phrases like a machine gun. There is also no need to use “speech scripts”. It is better to be prepared for any turn in the conversation.

To do this, you need to know the principles of communication that will help win a woman’s heart.

Rules of communication

To be an interesting conversationalist it is enough to:

  1. Be able to listen. Women love to be heard and listened to. For writing, this statement sounds a little awkward, however, this principle also works in non-verbal communication. In a conversation, you can always determine that the interlocutor has completed his logical chain of thoughts. Know how to find this line in correspondence. Let the girl speak, and she will respond with sympathy.
  2. Don't be boorish and don't be rude. Some people think that a little roughness and intensity can be seen as attractive qualities. And it really works. But not at all and only in real life. To attract interest online, it is better to choose calm and polite phrases. Until the girl suggests switching to “you”.
  3. Don't scrape around. No one likes excessive “bashing” or fawning. Especially for a woman. This is a weakness that should be avoided.
  4. Be interested in her hobbies and interests. Girls love it when people show interest in them. Especially if it concerns their personal interests.
  5. Do not throw around cliches and clichés. Remove “hello, how are you” and “beauty, your mother doesn’t need a son-in-law” from the speech. Come up with a couple of original phrases that will speak of you as an extraordinary person, and not just another “son-in-law for mom.”
  6. Make jokes, but don't go too far. Girls love men with a good sense of humor. This is an axiom. However, don't make fun of appearance women. This risks ending the conversation.
  7. To compliment. Again, no need to flatter and shower in beautiful words like from a cornucopia. Falseness can be felt even through a computer or smartphone screen. One or two interesting compliments will add a couple of points to your piggy bank and will not scare off the fair sex.
  8. To be self-confident. Never complain or mention your weaknesses when you first meet someone. Women don't like weaklings. Interest will quickly fade out of pity.
  9. Make an unexpected offer. It is not necessary to invite you to the cinema or on the street. Make an offer to go to the zoo or wax museum. Women love bright emotions.

These are general tips that can help attract interest in your person.

According to most women, a man's sexiest organ is his brain. Remember this!

Reference! Sometimes acquaintance occurs on specialized Internet sites. In this case, there is very little initial information about the person. Searching for a person on social media will help correct this situation. networks through “image search” on Google.

Save the avatar images to your computer and run it through a search engine. In this way you can find a page on social media. networks with complete information about the interlocutor.

The rules for correspondence with a girl are described in the video:

Example phrases

Based on these principles, here are some examples of phrases that will help in establishing initial contact:

  • "Good afternoon! Welcome to the Fund for the Protection of Lovely Girls. Our diagnostics revealed sadness in your eyes, can we help you?” (casual cheerful greeting);
  • “What a great day to start communicating” (neutral non-standard greeting);
  • “Tell me why you have such big and beautiful green (blue/brown/blue) eyes” (a neat compliment);
  • “Hello, have you heard the song of (name a musical idol)?” (common interests);
  • “I seem to have lost my sense of humor, have you found it?” (non-standard greeting);
  • “You’re damn good-looking!” (unusual compliment-greeting);
  • “Shall we go to the forest? Let’s buy nuts and feed the squirrels by hand” (unexpected proposal).

Important! These examples are provided as a guide. You shouldn't copy them blindly. Remember - your individuality is the key to success. Come up with your own unusual phrases, and you will gain recognition among the fair sex.

The video explains how to start a conversation with a girl:

To be interesting means to be an attentive, cheerful and smart person.

Learn and develop. Feel free to experiment with different phrases in dialogue, and very soon you will become a very interesting conversationalist.

The modern rhythm of life dictates its own conditions. Increasingly, face-to-face meetings are being replaced by online communication. It allows you not only to get to know a person, but in many cases it becomes the first step to a serious relationship.

How to make a girl fall in love with you through correspondence, how difficult it is and what basic principles should be followed - we will consider further.

In contact with


Finding the same one on the World Wide Web is not so easy. There are a number of features of communication on the Internet that both complicate and facilitate the solution of the problem of how to make a girl fall in love with you via correspondence.

  1. Anonymity. The minimum set of information presented on social networks is not enough to understand a person’s character. The user may hide information or deliberately distort it. In addition, the difficulty of such communication lies in the fact that it is sometimes difficult.
  2. Peculiarities of perception. Information received about a girl during correspondence is perceived through stereotypes and presets. Often the image of a partner does not coincide with his real personality; it is embellished and exalted. This can become a barrier when contacting outside the network. The girl may even have a special attitude towards her interlocutor.
  3. Lack of emotionality. Some phrases may be perceived incorrectly due to untransmitted emotional overtones.
  4. Contact/voluntariness. Finding a girl to communicate on social networks is possible quickly and easily. Most often, representatives of the fair sex themselves are ready to communicate, but they can just as quickly interrupt it.
  5. Creation of "image". The girl on her page strives to create different images. Some people want to seem like a good housewife and post recipes, while others like the “Turgenev girl” and quotes from the classics. This does not exclude the possibility that in life she only makes sandwiches, and the last time she read the fairy tale was about Kolobok.

It is almost impossible to determine true character traits, interests and behavior only through messages. That is why virtual relationships are also a risk.

How to meet people online?

Before you make a girl fall in love with you through correspondence, you need to find this same girl. For this it is possible:

  1. Add her as a friend. This is the simplest and most ingenious way. If the girl accepted the application, then the first step towards success has already been taken.
  2. Communication on forums or in groups. This allows you to find your other half with similar interests. In addition, having started communication in such communities, you can later move to personal messages immediately at a new level.
  3. Register on a dating site. Nowadays, not all girls are waiting for the first step, but are actively looking for their prince. An attractive photo and an intriguing profile can attract attention to a young man.

How to interest your interlocutor?

After the acquaintance has taken place, it is necessary to warm up and maintain interest in oneself. This is possible if:

  1. Have similar interests or hobbies. It is much easier for people who have long and hopelessly loved the same music, travel or books to find a common language. Besides, there are always topics to talk about.
  2. Show attention to her personality. When looking for an answer to the question of how to make a girl fall in love with you on VK, you can find a simple answer - talk about her. Representatives of the fair sex love to discuss themselves, their character and hobbies. The main thing is to know when to stop and not make correspondence a one-man show.
  3. Show her your best sides. Even if there are no points of contact, the principle that opposites attract has not been canceled by anyone.

By revealing new things to her, you can become not only a couple, but also find a new ally to implement crazy ideas.

How to make a girl fall in love with you via correspondence?

In order to awaken tender feelings in her, it is important to understand what can be written and what should not be written. It's very easy to scare off a girl online, so you need to be patient and careful.

How to conduct a dialogue correctly?

How to make a girl fall in love with you via correspondence on VKontakte or another social network:

  1. Write correctly. Nobody likes mistakes, missing punctuation marks and incorrect speech patterns.
  2. To be polite. Do not use profanity or disrespectful words.
  3. Use emoticons sparingly. Their excess looks ridiculous.
  4. Writing is fickle. Regular communication will develop a habit and she will start to get bored.
  5. Give compliments. A kind word, as you know, is also pleasant for a cat. Girls, in fact, cannot live without compliments.
  6. Respect her interests and desires. Ask questions about her life, friends, dog.
  7. Be sincere. The best way- be real. There is no need to be a hypocrite, lie or exaggerate.

What should you not write?

What to avoid in online communication:

  1. Obsessiveness. Excessive attention can be intimidating.
  2. “Thick” hints about continuation and regular intimate conversations. In some cases, the girl starts them herself, but it’s not worth constantly being the initiator of this topic exclusively.
  3. About your exes. Not everyone is interested in stories about past relationships, especially since there is no need to speak negatively about girls with whom relationships have ended.

Of course, many guys know how to make a girl fall in love with them through correspondence; examples of such relationships can be found at every step. However, full-fledged feelings are not able to develop within the Internet. Sooner or later, communication must be transferred to the real world. There are many ways to win a girl in person. You can read about how to behave with a girl in order to interest her, for example, at school.

Useful video

It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question: “How to make a girl through correspondence fall in love with you?” All girls are different: some are attracted to music, some to travel, and some to cooking. It is clear that the topics for conversation will also be different. But take advantage general advice from the video - it definitely won’t be superfluous:


  1. It is impossible to fall in love with a girl following a certain algorithm. But there are several signs by which you can understand that she still likes you. Read more about them -.
  2. Being real, sincere, caring - these are the main secrets to success in relationships, both in life and online.

In contact with

To impress a pen pal you need to adhere to certain rules, avoid common mistakes. This way you can quickly achieve main goal communication.

Decide on the purpose of communication

There is no point in moving on to communicating with a girl if you have no idea what you want to get as a result.

The tactics of behavior are different in each case and depend on the goals: is it gaining experience in communicating with the opposite sex, or just a way to carry out free time(have fun). Or targeted communication for a further invitation to a date with the possibility of a relationship.

The goal must always be kept in mind and reach by the shortest route.

Suppose you wanted to ask a girl out on a date, but got so carried away by online communication that you forgot your goal. As a result, you wasted an extra month on correspondence with the girl, and when you finally invited her, it was too late - she had already started dating someone else.

Positivity will help a girl like you

Be energetic, moderately emotional, cheerful and friendly. A couple of jokes never hurt.

During communication it is forbidden:

  • Whine, cry for your life.
  • Take offense. Turn grievances and oddities in communication into jokes.
  • To gossip. It is necessary to exclude any “womanish” qualities when communicating.
  • Talk about shortcomings their ex-girlfriends. The girl will immediately realize: “Yeah, he’s talking bad about his ex, and in the future he’ll talk like that about me.”

But you can talk about generous actions towards your ex-girlfriend.

Express your opinion, but not in a harsh, but in a well-founded form, supported by facts, but not in evaluative categories. Do it more gently if it concerns a girl, her weaknesses, or insults her. But don't fawn.

Post more good photos

Work on your online account and profile. Surround him with an aura of success, mystery and intrigue. Post photos that will show you with the best side. Girls appreciate it.

  • in the family;
  • at a concert, performance;
  • play sports (snowboarding, cycling, football);

Make sure that the girl does not perceive you as an egocentric person, concerned only with herself and her own reputation.

Not worth it upload a photo like this:

  • against the backdrop of expensive cars;
  • selfies at breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • with cigarettes, alcohol;
  • drunk.

Be an individual, have hobbies, interests and read books. Develop, grow as a person.

A girl is unlikely to like a guy who doesn't know how to put two words together into one sentence. But, your erudition can “hook” her.

Do you want to learn a lot more interesting things, how to learn how to write “catchy” messages, how to properly conduct interesting online correspondence with a girl? Don't know how to ask her out? Then we strongly advise you to read new free book by Yegor Sheremetev“Secrets of successful dating on VKontakte.” You will find our impressions from reading and the download link in.

How to diversify correspondence using media files

Women love variety. If you can surprise a girl, you will definitely attract her attention.

The girl will begin to associate the song you sent with you. And when she hears a song somewhere, she will remember you.

Interesting pictures, videos, films, articles - all this can diversify your communication and make it truly interesting.

What to avoid when communicating

Coarseness. Many people make the mistake of thinking that rudeness is a sign of confidence, but this is a false stereotype.

A girl doesn’t like it when a guy allows himself to behave aggressively, familiarly with her and use obscene expressions in his speech. In reality, a guy with such behavior looks more like a gopnik than an alpha male.

Obsessiveness. If a girl doesn't want to communicate, there's no point in insisting.

There is no need to “extort” information from a girl or “pry into her soul.” This kind of emotional abuse will scare the girl away. Allow the girl to maintain her personal space.

Spelling mistakes. Don't make mistakes in your writing. Your literacy is an indicator of intelligence.

At the same time, you shouldn’t point out mistakes to a girl - tediousness doesn’t attract anyone.

You can check your messages for errors using the service.

Templates. Everyone is tired of the standard type of expression “Hello, how are you? What are you doing?". It’s better to start developing a topic of conversation based on her hobbies and interests. For example: “Hello! I noticed that you like [actor's name]. And soon a film with him will be released on cinema screens, let’s go?”

Boasting. There is no need to talk about how cool you are - the girl will be disgusted. Talk less, work more.

Abundance of emoticons. Smileys should be in place. A large number of smiles in every sentence makes you think about the adequacy of the guy.

Detailed step by step guide If you see that a girl has lost interest, leave the network. Only losers hang out online all the time. A successful, self-confident person values ​​his time. He will not waste it on listless chatter on the Internet.

Sometimes you can abruptly interrupt communication without waiting for her response. This will create a little intrigue.

Call the girl by name more often. All people react sensitively to the mention of their name. Proven by psychologists. By actively using this, you can attract attention and gain trust.

Regularity. Send her messages at about the same pace as she sends you. If you correspond too animatedly, you will show excessive interest in communicating with her.

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