How to name a cat depending on its breed?

The appearance of a kitten in the house, such a small fluffy ball, is not only joy, but also a great responsibility. Of course, it is necessary to take good care of the pet and its health and upbringing, but it is equally important to decide at a family council the question of what to name the cat.

Why is this so important, you ask? I will answer the question posed with the words of a famous cartoon character - Captain Christopher Bonifatievich Vrungel from a Soviet cartoon about his adventures: “Whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float!” The name influences the character and behavior of the animal and can both enhance its positive and emphasize its negative aspects. Agree that a cat named Tikhon-Tisha will most likely be calm, but the hooligan character of Bandit-Bandi or Ataman-Toshi will manifest itself to the fullest.

How to choose a name for a kitten?

When thinking about what you can name a cat, it is important to remember several features of cat perception:

Let's watch the pet!

It is best if, when thinking about what to name a cat, you take a closer look at the pet and note its characteristic features of behavior or appearance. For an active and active cat, names such as Shustrik or Bystrik are suitable, but from infancy, sedate, or more precisely, lazy kittens will be given various “titled” nicknames - Marquis, Baron, Count. You can also approach the issue of choosing a nickname with a bit of humor: you must agree that the black cat Snowball or White, just like the white Coal or Moor, will look quite funny. However, most cat owners give them names, focusing primarily on the color of the animal. Let's look at what you can call a cat with black, white, gray or red coloring.

Choosing a name for a white cat

Finding an interesting name for a white kitten is quite difficult; the first thing that comes to mind is Snowball or Fluff. However, there are many cats with such names, and you, of course, want your pet to have a name that is special and unlike others.

You can remember objects and things of white color, for example, for a well-fed and fluffy “blonde” the nickname Zephyr or Kefir, Refined Sugar or Sugar is suitable. In addition, chalk and marble, dandelion and pearls, clouds and cardboard, as well as many other objects, are white.

Shall we translate?

If such a name does not suit you, then you can, even without knowing foreign languages, translate the pet’s name into another language. Snowball in English will sound like Snow or Snowball, and in French - Nezh. You can try to translate the color of the animal into another language. So, white in English is white, which can easily become a nickname - Whitey. In Italian, white is bianco, which can also be easily transformed. In addition, when thinking about what to name a white cat, you can remember winter sports, as well as your favorite athletes who perform in them. You can call a cat both Bobsleigh and Freestyle, you just have to think about what character traits can manifest themselves with such a nickname.

How to choose a nickname for a gray cat?

I really want to call the gray kitten Dymok or just Gray, but that’s boring! For a fluffy with a gray coat, Smokey and Gray, Shadow and Nebbya, Nice and Spock are suitable. When deciding what to name a gray cat, you can focus on its characteristic features - Naughty or Roller, Quiet or Dymych. In addition, you can name the cat like a precious stone, for example, Opal or Pearl. For the owner of a luxurious short-haired gray coat, names such as Plush or Velvet are also suitable.

What do you call “red tail and red nose”?

In cats, just like in people, color influences their character and, consequently, their behavior. Ginger cats have a certain reputation - cheerful, poorly predictable, very mischievous and mischievous creatures. Therefore, “saffron milk caps” need to choose names especially carefully. The first thing that comes to mind when you see iridescent red fur is gold. But, you see, you should take care of your nerves and those of those around you. Imagine a situation when, late in the evening, walking near the entrance, you loudly call: “Gold! Gold, come here! Introduced? Then you will have to search and think about what to name the red cat, but so that the name is associated with gold. For example, Gold or Money, Goud or Arani, however, Bucks will also be, as they say, “in the theme.” For a cat of a representative appearance, you can remember the names of gods from various cultures: Helios and Apollo, Ra, Tonatiou and Yarilo. However, for “saffron milk caps” you can choose more “tasty” names, for example, Biscuit or Ginger, Peach or Saffron, Honey or Orange, Donut or Gingerbread.

Choosing a name for a black cat

Owners of black kittens also experience many difficulties when coming up with a name for their pets. Gone are the days when a black cat was considered an obligatory attribute of a practicing witch or sorceress and an accomplice of dark forces, as well as a harbinger of future misfortunes and troubles. The mysticism of many modern residents of megacities leads to the appearance of black Hippos and Merlins, Midnights and Dusks. What to call a black cat for those who are not very prone to mysticism? The simplest options are Black, Knight, Moor, Othello, Chernysh, Ugolek or Nero. Again, depending on the character of the animal, he can be Barmaley, Karabas, Pirate and Quiet.

How to choose a name for a purebred British cat?

Recently, cats of the British breed have become increasingly popular among cat lovers. Outwardly, its representatives resemble a funny but lively teddy bear that you just want to pet and cuddle. When deciding what to name a British cat, you can remember foreign names. For example, the ordinary Vaska will become the impressive Basilio, and Pashka will turn into the elegant Paul.

A serious kitten of this breed, prone to observation and reflection, may be named Socrates or Plato, Marx or Kropotkin. An imposing and aristocratic pet can be called a Marquis, Count or Chief. For an active and playful kitten, indulging in mischief and pranks, the name Porsche or Nissan is suitable. Most owners of purebred animals taken from a nursery, when figuring out what to name a British cat, proceed from the name that is indicated in the pet’s pedigree. So, a cat with the majestic family name Isi Richard Lyons Hart Vandeful III can easily be called Ricci, Leva, Hart and even Vanya or Isya at home.

What name should you come up with for a Scottish Fold cat?

This cat breed was bred quite recently, in the middle of the last century, in Scotland. One observant farmer noticed unusual ears on a newborn kitten and decided to record this trait in future offspring. Cats and cats of this breed have a very diverse color and specific names. Thus, Scottish shorthaired fold cats are called Scottish folds, and semi-longhaired fold cats are called highland folds. If you are puzzled by the question of what to call a fold-eared cat, you can take its color or color as a starting point for thinking. For example, a tortoiseshell cat can be called Tortill, and a chocolate cat can be called Snickers. If the fur is white, he may be Blonde or Ray.

Lop-eared "aristocrat"

Many owners of animals of this breed strive to give their pet a name that is as aristocratic as possible and has “Scottish” roots. And when asked what to name the cat, they answer with pleasure: MacLeod, McCormick, Mackintosh, McGregor. In the future, such sonorous names are transformed into the understandable and beloved Grishka, Kesha and Romik. If you bought a kitten from a breeder or a nursery, like any other animal with a pedigree, your pet will be given a name that can be shortened or modified for “home” use. In addition, if your pet has any pronounced character traits or appearance features, then it is better to name him according to these characteristics, reserving the official name for various exhibitions and other serious events.

Funny cat?

There is a category of people for whom it is absolutely unimportant what the kitten’s pedigree is and how many names of titled ancestors are recorded in it. If they think about a name, it’s only about what a cool name for a cat. There are a lot of options, starting with the names of your favorite actors. For example, in the late 90s of the last century, after the demonstration of the series, Tobias and Leoncio, Cruzes, Lockridges and Masons appeared. After the series “Streets of Broken Lanterns,” Casanova, Fly Agaric and Dukalis appeared. Some pet owners name their pets after people who have left a mark on their lives - positive or negative. For some, it is a real pleasure to reprimand Keshka at home, imagining his “dearly beloved” boss in front of him.

"Computer" cats

It's not just people who spend a lot of time on the computer. Domestic cats, either having seen enough of their owner, or because more attention is paid to them, like to sleep near this device, and sometimes on it. What to name the cat in this case? Depending on the personal computer “advancement” of the owner, the name can be anything from Yandex, Printer, Gadget, Widget and Pixel, and up to Linux, BASIC, Fortran and Pascal. Gamers and computer game players name their pets by the names of their favorite characters or the name of the game: Doom, Freeman, Stalker, Payne, Hitman or Postol.

Hobby in the name!

It will help you find a cool name for your cat and your passion or hobby. Fans of cars and motorcycles can name the cat with the name of their favorite brand: Lexus, Boomer or Bentley, Jeep or Patrol, Nissan or Hamer, Enduro or Harley. Professional musicians may find it cool if their pet is called Diez, Flat or Bekar, or maybe Orchestra, Horn or Bassoon. Fans of any sports entertainment game, for example, basketball, hockey and football, can name the cat after their favorite team, player or coach. Cartoon lovers can remember characters dear to their hearts and call the animal Boniface, Leopold, Oscar, Garfield or simply Matroskin.

Did the name fit?

You can come up with different names for a cat as much as you like, but how do you know if your pet has accepted the name that you want to give it? First of all, listen to your intuition. If, at the first glance at the kitten, you naturally burst out with the exclamation: “Teddy bear!” or “You idiot!”, then maybe you need to watch the animal? The first impression is usually the most accurate. If your intuition is silent and does not want to help, invite a child of 5-7 years old to visit. Children easily and quickly note characteristic features - here's your name. If you don't like it, move on!

Action check

If you settle on a name, say it out loud several times, just try not to shout and speak calmly. If the kitten reacted - raised its head, meowed or ran up - it means the name suited it, and you don’t have to rack your brain any further. If there is no reaction both at the first and at the hundred and first repetition, then it is better to try some other options.

It also happens that the pet itself suggests what to call it: when you talk to someone, some kittens begin to meow as soon as they hear a word. Thus, one woman got a cat, Grandfather, after she talked on a cell phone with her grandfather in his presence. After each spoken word “grandfather,” the kitten screamed, twirled under her feet and in every possible way attracted the attention of the owner. A check after a telephone conversation showed that the cat had chosen a name for itself and did not give in to all attempts to rename it.

Instead of a conclusion...

You can call the kitten whatever you want, even Iron or Broom, just try to do it in such a way that later you don’t feel ashamed of the way you called an innocent animal.

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