Sberbank card for an organization. Corporate card report: example. What is a business card

Regardless of the nature of the company’s activities, at a certain stage a need arises to spend finances on various needs of the organization. These could be business trips, expenses for corporate events, current needs of the company, etc. And if previously for such purposes there was a kind of piggy bank managed by an accountant, today it is more convenient and profitable to use such a tool as a Sberbank corporate card for legal entities. What it is?

Money is transferred to the account in a certain amount, within the framework of strict reporting, and then spent at the discretion of the company management. Any operations, of course, have documentary evidence.

Design rules

Today, Sberbank offers corporate bank cards of Visa and MasterCard systems.

Despite the fact that the card is considered “public”, it is issued strictly in the name of a specific person, a company employee. To receive it from a bank, you first need to open a current account. The employee must also write an application for a corporate card on the Internet or at a Sberbank branch. It is necessary to attach constituent documents, as well as deposit a certain amount of maintenance into the account for 1 year.

Sometimes a legitimate question arises: is there a risk that an employee in whose name a Sberbank corporate card is issued for use by legal entities may withdraw an amount that significantly exceeds the necessary expenses, or use it for other purposes? When registering, a limit on spending transactions for specific people is always initially determined. To do this, a register with a list of employees and their passport data is submitted to the bank, and if necessary, a power of attorney is issued to receive funds.

The card is issued within 1-2 weeks and issued at a bank branch.

After registration, a person receives the right:

  • withdraw cash in Russia and abroad;
  • pay in stores and other commercial establishments;
  • transfer funds to other employees of the company.

Advantages of a plastic “piggy bank”

  1. Even when storing large sums in an account, the risk of losing them in case of loss of a legal entity’s card is eliminated; you just need to call the bank’s hotline and block it.
  2. It is possible to receive money abroad in the country’s currency without opening an additional account - the conversion occurs automatically, at the current bank rate.
  3. A corporate card issued by Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs allows you to enjoy a reduced commission on most transactions.
  4. It is possible to use funds in the account as an advance.
  5. Control over the movement of finances is noticeably simplified, since management can track all transactions online at any time and receive an SMS message when money is withdrawn.
  6. While abroad, an employee can independently pay for a hotel, buy tickets online, receive a transfer, or withdraw money from a Sberbank corporate card.
  7. It is possible to take advantage of a wide range of discounts on goods and services of partner companies.

In order to make an online payment, no special skills are required. Any purchase operation is carried out after entering a special password, which can be obtained by using the Sberbank terminal and printing a receipt.

Regardless of the purposes for which the funds from the corporate card will be spent and to whom it is issued, it goes without saying that all finances belong to a legal entity - a company or a group of entrepreneurs. The account is replenished by the company's accountant, indicating the purpose of the transfer.

How to use the card? An employee who has made payments by bank transfer or through cash withdrawal receives receipts or checks and then reports them to the accounting department, which draws up an expense report on the funds spent.

Thus, settlement processes are significantly accelerated, the cost of various travel expenses and other current costs for making payments, transfers, etc. are reduced, which is convenient for everyone who runs a business, runs an LLC or any other organization.

A current individual account to which the card is attached is opened free of charge. If Visa or MasterCard Business class is issued, you must pay an amount of 2,500 rubles. as an annual service fee, as well as make a down payment. All tariffs can be found upon checkout.

Obtaining a corporate card from Sberbank is indispensable for business clients, as it is an ideal means of organizing and controlling company expenses. Sberbank issues a card to a legal entity, opening a general corporate account. And on its basis, personal card accounts are created for selected employees: chief accountant, heads of departments, etc. To open an account, the manager or authorized person must fill out Form 11.

Advantages of corporate cards

A corporate card is indispensable when organizing company payments. It allows you not only to control costs, but also to significantly speed up all financial processes. An employee on a business trip receives a personal card issued on the basis of a general corporate account. And upon arrival, he does not need to collect receipts, tickets, coupons, since all his expenses go through the card. And the head of the company, in turn, can control the employee’s expenses.

Both control and organization of expenses are possible thanks to Internet banking, where you can change settings online, set new limits, top up your account, etc.

Corporate card for individual entrepreneurs from Sberbank

A single corporate account for entrepreneurs is a convenient tool created for simplified conduct of commercial and economic activities. There is no need for accountants to visit an institution every time to carry out one or another financial transaction: pay for goods, receive or send a transfer to a legal entity/individual. You can pay with bank cards or receive cash through branches and self-service services.
Applying for a corporate card at Sberbank is especially convenient for an employee located outside his region or state. If you need to receive money in the national currency of the host country, you can simply withdraw it from the card without additional steps, since automatic conversion occurs. Legal entities, receiving a single card account, have the opportunity to:
  • streamline the movement of funds by gaining access to detailed reports in real time. At the same time, the accountant, the manager, and elected officials can simultaneously exercise control, and each of them knows exactly when, where and for what amount a particular payment was made;
  • open personal cards for employees, for example, business travelers, and set individual limits for them;
  • change settings if necessary (increase or decrease the amount of possible expenses);
  • If a bank card is lost or stolen, it can be quickly and easily blocked, preventing attackers from using the funds. Cash is usually lost without a trace.

How to apply for a Sberbank corporate card

A manager, entrepreneur or authorized representative of the company can apply for a corporate account. Form 11 filled out both during a personal visit to the institution and using Business Online. The application must include:
  • name of the institution, organization, company;
  • type of card in accordance with business goals;
  • card account currency;
  • comprehensive information about the employee: full name and details of identity documents (civil and foreign), all contacts (work, cell, home number) and email;
  • secret information that will serve as a client identifier when contacting the bank remotely. This can be a digital code, a word, a set of characters, etc.;
  • signature of the corporate client (the one for whom the card is registered). By signing the application, the citizen confirms that all information provided on paper is accurate. He also agrees with the terms of Sberbank (data analysis and verification);
  • signatures of the company director and accountant.

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Procedure for filling out the card application form

In Form 11 there is another form that is filled out by the manager of the banking institution. It contains the following mandatory items:
  • department name and code;
  • information about the bank employee accompanying the corporate client: position and other information;
  • review: response to the application, full name, position and signature of the institution’s employee;
  • account numbers (business and settlement);
  • time of registration and validity period of a card account for a corporate client.

Established fees for Sberbank corporate card

After filling out and signing the application, you must wait. It will take several days to issue a corporate card at Sberbank. Cards are issued only at the branch. Prices for servicing corporate clients depend on the type:
  • Sberbank charges 1,200 rubles for servicing a business account;
  • you will have to pay 2,500 rubles for servicing a payment card;
  • Budget cards of corporate clients are serviced free of charge.

Current card restrictions

Regardless of which card a corporate client chooses for their employee, you can get it for free. For card accounts opened for a legal entity, the bank has established the following fees and restrictions:
  • per day you can get up to 170 thousand rubles. in cash, per month - up to 5 million. If this is a budget card, another limit is set: 300 thousand rubles. per day;
  • if funds are withdrawn through branches and ATMs of the “native” institution, the commission is 1%. If other organizations, services, self-service systems, etc. are used - from 1 to 3%%. You can withdraw cash from a budget card without commission;
  • for replenishing an account, 0.15% is charged (except for budget cards), with a limit of 100 thousand rubles;
  • balance sheet report: 15 rub. request;
  • detailed report: 150 rub. request.

Business Online remote account management system

You can connect to Internet banking at the branch when submitting an application. The Business Online system provides the following features and advantages:
  • accept and process payments electronically;
  • accept a number of documents;
  • receive detailed expense reports for selected periods;
  • send documents accompanied by various applications;
  • import/export documents using 1C;
  • create and change template settings to optimize financial processes;
  • use an extensive database of preset details, which saves time.

Additional account management options

The client card connects to the Mobile Bank SMS service, allowing you to receive all information on your phone. A key is used to identify the client in the service.
Registration of a corporate card at Sberbank provides a modern tool for managing, controlling and optimizing enterprise expenses.

Sberbank of Russia is the largest national banking structure, which provides numerous clients with only the highest quality products that help improve the level of private and professional life. A unique offer for legal entities and entrepreneurs is the Sberbank business corporate card - the optimal alternative to the usual checkbook, combining functionality and ease of use.

What is a Sberbank Corporate Card? Its purpose, capabilities and conditions of use

In the past, most enterprises and organizations used special checkbooks, which made doing business more convenient. Now new financial products are being developed that are much more advantageous in terms of convenience and security. One of these options is a corporate card for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, which can be obtained at any Sberbank branch. A card of this type is issued for a specific citizen who uses the company’s funds received on the balance sheet, with a subsequent report for their use.

Why is it needed?

A Sberbank business card is necessary to perform a number of actions in the interests of the enterprise, which include:

  • payment for services and purchase of goods for the company;
  • implementation of non-cash payments;
  • payment of travel expenses, as well as expenses for representation;
  • non-cash payment for any business needs of the enterprise;
  • withdrawal of cash to pay for goods and services necessary for the company's activities.

Types of cards

A corporate card can be debit or credit. Payments using a debit card can be made within the limits of the funds on the card. Accordingly, with a corporate credit card, payments by the holder can be made within the credit limit established by Sberbank.

The main advantages of a corporate card for company owners and employees

Registration of a corporate card opens up many convenient opportunities for owners of any type of business. Thanks to this banking product they can:

  • significantly save time on performing all important accounting operations;
  • exercise control over the financial discipline of company employees;
  • maintain accounting records with maximum convenience;
  • significantly save corporate money through control and competent organization.

Such a map is also necessary for company employees in order to improve and simplify many important aspects of their professional activities. Owning a corporate card provides the following opportunities:

  • free access to finance at any time;
  • no risks of transporting large amounts of money;
  • cash withdrawals in any currency of the world during foreign business trips;
  • convenient booking, as well as payment for travel documents and hotels;
  • no need to raise your own funds;
  • quick and simple blocking of a bank card in case of its loss or theft;
  • easy reporting of all expenses and business trips to the accounting department.

Terms of Use

Sberbank of Russia provides several important conditions for opening a corporate card and its further use. First, the enterprise must have an open business account. Secondly, it is necessary to compile a complete register of employees who will use this banking product. Thirdly, you should definitely set limits on the use of funds and top up your account.

Thanks to numerous advantages, the Sberbank corporate card receives positive feedback from clients. The presence of this banking product greatly simplifies the full range of financial transactions of the company.

It should also be noted that this type of card is not intended for issuing wages and making various social payments

Current tariffs for using a corporate card

Before activating a Sberbank corporate card, you should familiarize yourself with the current tariffs. This banking product is issued free of charge, and further annual servicing is in accordance with the selected tariff plan and card type.

The cost of annual servicing of the most prestigious MasterCard Business and Visa Business cards, opened in Russian rubles, is 1200 rubles, and in foreign ones - 50 euros or dollars, respectively. When opening such cards, you must make a mandatory down payment, the amount of which is twice the annual payment. The annual payment for the “Corporate” option for each cardholder is 250 rubles. And the “budget” Visa Business card implies both opening and further servicing on an absolutely free basis.

Rules for issuing a Sberbank Corporate Card

A corporate card from Sberbank is a very convenient financial instrument for business. With its help, you can fully control your cash flow and manage expenses with maximum efficiency. Funds deposited through an ATM or terminal instantly go to the corporate card account. For convenient card management, Sberbank Business Online Internet banking is used, in which you can easily submit applications for issue and reissue, set optimal limits, and also, if necessary, change information about the holder.

First of all, you need to figure out how to create an application for issuing corporate cards at Sberbank. To do this, you can use Internet banking, or personally visit the bank office where the company’s account is serviced to fill out a questionnaire according to the approved sample. The application must indicate the exact number of cards required. The next important step is to set comfortable limits for corporate expenses. After a few days, the finished card will be available at the bank office. Payment of the annual service fee is made at the time of receipt.

Features of using a Corporate card

Before you start using the Corporate Card from Sberbank, it is important to take into account that all the funds on it belong to the company, and not to a specific employee, therefore each financial transaction carried out requires strict reporting in the accounting department. In order to be able to make financial transactions, you must top up your account with the required amount within the limit. Transfer to a Sberbank business card is carried out in the shortest possible time, making it convenient to use for paying travel allowances for employees, for purchasing corporate goods, as well as for transferring funds to business partners. The limitation for using such a card is payroll and payment of social benefits.

Cash withdrawals can be made at any ATM, both in Russia and abroad. This operation is confirmed by a corresponding check, which must be submitted to the accounting department of the enterprise for reporting.

The Sberbank corporate card is the most convenient payment instrument that replaces the traditional checkbook and opens up new business opportunities.

By the way, all major changes to a corporate card can be made in Sberbank Business Online.

We also recommend purchasing a comprehensive corporate card insurance service. The entrepreneur can choose the amount of insurance coverage himself. It varies from 20,000 rub. up to 1,000,000 rub. Insurance services under the Corporate Card Insurance Program are provided by Sberbank Insurance LLC (License SI No. 4331 issued by the Bank of Russia on August 05, 2015 for an indefinite period).

The minimum fee for insurance is 700 rubles. (with an insured amount of 20,000 rubles), maximum – 8,000 rubles. (with an insured amount of 1,000,000 rubles) per year.

Having issued a business card at Sberbank, an individual entrepreneur or other legal entity, together with cash settlement services, receives an excellent tool for monitoring and managing their own funds. Let's take a closer look at the corporate card tariffs and find out. how to use it to get the greatest benefit.

A business card is a regular bank card that is directly linked to an individual entrepreneur’s current account in Sberbank. It allows you to control and use your company’s money by setting spending limits in Business Online. With its help, you can deposit funds into your account and withdraw them from ATMs. In some tariffs of a credit institution, a corporate card is provided free of charge.

Sberbank makes it possible to issue several business cards to employees for making payments related to the activities of individual entrepreneurs. At the same time, you can limit the amount of spending and receive reports on completed transactions through the convenient Business Online service.

Business card tariffs

You can get a business card for free at any Sberbank branch. The annual maintenance fee is RUB 2,500. For this money you can link an unlimited number of corporate cards to your account. Fees and conditions for basic services:

These rates for a Sberbank corporate card are indicated only if a current account is opened. If you order a service package, the service may become free and already include a certain amount of services without charging a commission (for example, cash withdrawal up to 500 thousand rubles).

Until December 31, 2018, there is a promotion, during which, by paying with a corporate card for air and train tickets to OneTwoTrip, you can get a 10% refund of the money spent in the form of bonus points.

How to use

Using a Sberbank business card for legal entities is very simple and essentially no different from using a regular debit or credit card. You can also pay for goods and services in stores and withdraw cash from ATMs, but do not forget about the fees. Corporate plastic also has its own expiration date.

If your individual entrepreneur has employees, then you can entrust them with a corporate card to carry out financial transactions. related to the financial activities of a legal entity. At the same time, in the Sberbank Business Online system you can set limits on the amount of expenses and limit in other ways unwanted actions of an employee.

The card allows you to easily and conveniently control and manage the funds of an individual entrepreneur or other legal entity. By ordering a package of services, its service can be free of charge and include a certain set of services without additional fees.

A Sberbank corporate card is used to store company funds, but is issued in the name of an employee who has the right to use this money for the needs of the company. Such funds are allocated for reporting, so it is necessary to provide the accounting department with documents confirming the use of funds for their intended purpose.


The main purpose of such a card is facilitate the process of spending funds and make it easier to control these costs.

From a technical point of view, this is a regular debit card, however, there is an option to open a credit account for an enterprise, which will also serve as a corporate one.

Such a tool for storing and managing enterprise funds is relevant for people going on business trips, where there may be a need for planned or unforeseen expenses.

It is possible to produce one of four types of “plastic”:

  • Visa Business;
  • MasterCard Business;
  • special “Corporate” option;
  • Option "Budget".

In the latter case, the employee can cash out any amounts. The first two options are considered the most common and are issued for all organizations that have their own personal account. If necessary You can top up your account with foreign currency and use “plastic” in other countries for cashless payments.

The standard validity period is three years. Depending on the limits set by the organization, you can spend either unlimited amounts or use a specific budget. At the same time, for the Sberbank “Budget” corporate card option, certain limits apply for cash withdrawals and withdrawals.

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What are the benefits for the company and employees?

When using such cards, the management of the organization does not need to issue cash to business travelers. This is especially true in cases where it is impossible to immediately determine how much money will be needed for entertainment and business expenses or when a person travels abroad.

In addition, the following advantages can be noted:

  • The ability to make a detailed analysis of expenses through the Internet banking service and based on information about debits.
  • Reducing time and financial resources for operating and cash costs.
  • Easy account and limit management.
  • There is no need for a business traveler to constantly keep cash with him.
  • The ability to save company funds even if the card is lost by blocking it.

All transactions related to funds are carried out in a secure mode using MasterCard SecureCode and Verified by Visa technologies, which guarantees additional protection from intruders when conducting non-cash payments and conducting transactions on the Internet.

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