When is the first exam in. Federal news. Unified State Exam in Social Studies: minor changes in structure

The main part of the Unified State Exam subjects can be taken in the period from May 29 to June 19. Early completion of the Unified State Examination will take place from March 23 to April 7. During the same period, you can take exams in subjects that you completed earlier.

For persons re-admitted this year to take exams in the relevant academic subjects, and graduates of previous years, additional deadlines for passing the Unified State Exam are provided - April 10-14, June 20-29, July 1 and September 16.

As last year, the Unified State Examination in all subjects begins at 10.00 local time.

The duration of the Unified State Examination in individual subjects has been preserved. So, in profile-level mathematics, physics, literature, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), social studies, history is 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes), in Russian language, chemistry, biology - 3 hours 30 minutes (210 minutes) , in basic level mathematics, geography, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) (except for the "Speaking" section) - 3 hours (180 minutes), in foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) ("Speaking" section ") - 15 minutes.

The list of teaching aids used during the exam remains the same. On the Unified State Examination in mathematics it is allowed to use a ruler; in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator; in chemistry - non-programmable calculator; in geography - a ruler, a protractor, a non-programmable calculator.

May 29, 2017 – an official assessment is carried out in literature or geography to choose from;

Unified State Exam 2017 schedule: FIPI official website. Additional period of the Unified State Exam 2017

The main part of the Unified State Exam subjects can be taken in the period from May 29 to June 19. Early completion of the Unified State Examination will take place from March 23 to April 7. During the same period, you can take exams in subjects that you completed earlier.

For persons re-admitted this year to take exams in the relevant academic subjects, and graduates of previous years, additional deadlines for passing the Unified State Exam are provided - April 10-14, June 20-29, July 1 and September 16.

As last year, the Unified State Examination in all subjects begins at 10.00 local time.

The duration of the Unified State Examination in individual subjects has been preserved. So, in profile-level mathematics, physics, literature, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), social studies, history is 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes), in Russian language, chemistry, biology - 3 hours 30 minutes (210 minutes) , in basic level mathematics, geography, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) (except for the "Speaking" section) - 3 hours (180 minutes), in foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) ("Speaking" section ") - 15 minutes.

The list of teaching aids used during the exam remains the same. On the Unified State Examination in mathematics it is allowed to use a ruler; in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator; in chemistry - non-programmable calculator; in geography - a ruler, a protractor, a non-programmable calculator.

May 29, 2017 – an official assessment is carried out in literature or geography to choose from;

Unified State Exam 2017 schedule: FIPI official website. Additional period of the Unified State Exam 2017

Like last year, in 2017 there are two “streams” of the Unified State Exam – an early period (it takes place in mid-spring) and the main period, which traditionally starts at the end of the academic year, the last days of May. The official draft Unified State Exam schedule “specifies” all the dates for taking exams in all subjects in both of these periods - including additional reserve days provided for those who, for good reason (illness, coincidence of exam dates, etc.) were unable to pass the Unified State Exam within the specified time frame.

Schedule of early period for passing the Unified State Exam – 2017

In 2017, the early “wave” of the Unified State Exam will start earlier than usual. If last year the peak of the spring exam period occurred in the last week of March, then this season the spring break period will be free from the Unified State Examination.

The main dates of the early period are from March 14 to March 24. Thus, by the beginning of the spring school holidays, many “early-term students” will already have time to pass the tests. And this may turn out to be convenient: among the graduates who have the right to take the Unified State Exam in the early wave are guys who will participate in Russian or international competitions and competitions in May, and during spring break they often go to sports camps, specialized shifts in camps, etc. d. Pushing exams earlier will allow them to make the most of the exams.

Additional (reserve) days early period of the Unified State Exam 2017 will be held from April 3 to April 7. At the same time, many will probably have to write exams on reserve dates: if in the last year’s schedule no more than two subjects were taken on the same day, then in 2017 most elective exams are grouped “in threes”.

Separate days are allocated only for three subjects: the Russian language exam, which is mandatory for graduates and all future applicants, as well as mathematics and the oral part of the foreign language exam. At the same time, this year “early-term” students will take the “speaking” part before the written part.

The March exams are planned to be distributed by date as follows:

  • March 14th(Tuesday) – exam in mathematics (both basic and specialized level);

  • March 16(Thursday) – chemistry, history, computer science;

  • 18th of March(Saturday) – Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​(oral part of the exam);

  • 20th of March(Monday) – Russian language exam;

  • March 22(Wednesday) – biology, physics, foreign languages ​​(written exam);

  • March 24(Friday) – Unified State Examination, literature and social studies.

There is a nine-day pause between the main and reserve days of the early period. All additional tests for “reservists” will take place over three days:

  • April 3(Monday) – chemistry, literature, computer science, foreign (speaking);

  • 5th of April(Wednesday) – foreign (written), geography, physics, biology, social studies;

  • April 7(Friday) – Russian language, basic and.

As a rule, the bulk of those taking the Unified State Examination ahead of schedule are graduates of previous years, as well as graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions (in colleges and vocational lyceums, the secondary school program is usually “passed” in the first year of study). In addition, school graduates who will be absent for valid reasons during the main period of taking the Unified State Exam (for example, to participate in Russian or international competitions or to be treated in a sanatorium) or who intend to continue their education outside Russia can “shoot” the exams early.

Graduates of 2017 can also, at their own request, choose the date for taking exams in those subjects for which the program has been completed in full. This is relevant primarily for those who are planning - the school course on this subject is taught up to grade 10, and passing one of the exams early can reduce tension during the main period of the Unified State Exam.

Schedule of the main period for passing the Unified State Exam – 2017

The main period for passing the Unified State Exam in 2017 starts on May 26, and by June 16, most graduates will have completed the exam epic. For those who were unable to pass the Unified State Exam on time for a good reason or chose subjects with the same deadlines, there are reserve exam days from June 19. Like last year, the last day of the Unified State Exam period will become a “single reserve” - on June 30 it will be possible to take the exam in any subject.

At the same time, the exam schedule for the main period of the Unified State Examination 2017 is much less dense in comparison with early exams, and most graduates will probably be able to avoid “overlapping” exam dates.

Separate exam days are allocated for passing compulsory subjects: Russian language, basic and specialized level mathematics (students have the right to take either one of these exams or both at once, so they are traditionally spaced out over several days in the main period schedule).

As last year, a separate day is allocated for the most popular elective exam - social studies. And two separate days are allocated for passing the oral part of the exam in foreign languages. In addition, a separate day is allocated for the subject that is not the most popular on the Unified State Exam - geography. Perhaps this was done in order to space out all natural science subjects in the schedule, reducing the number of coincidences.

Thus, in the Unified State Exam schedule there remain two pairs and one “troika” of subjects, exams for which will be taken simultaneously:

  • chemistry, history and computer science;

  • foreign languages ​​and biology,

  • literature and physics.

The exams must take place on the following dates:

  • 26 of May(Friday) – geography,

  • May 29(Monday) – Russian language,

  • May 31(Wednesday) – history, chemistry, computer science and ICT,

  • 2 June(Friday) – specialized mathematics,

  • June 5(Monday) – social studies;

  • June 7(Wednesday) – ,

  • the 9th of June(Friday) – written foreign language, biology,

  • June 13(Tuesday) – literature, physics,

  • June 15(Thursday) and June 16(Friday) – foreign oral.

Thus, most schoolchildren will prepare for graduation “with a clear conscience”, having already passed all scheduled exams and received results in most subjects. Those who missed the main examination period, chose subjects with the same deadlines, received a “fail” in Russian or mathematics, were removed from the exam, or encountered technical or organizational difficulties while taking the Unified State Exam (for example, a lack of additional forms or a power outage), exams will be taken on reserve dates.

Reserve days will be distributed as follows:

  • June 19(Monday) – computer science, history, chemistry and geography,

  • June 20(Tuesday) – physics, literature, biology, social studies, written foreign language,

  • 21st of June(Wednesday) – Russian language,

  • 22nd of June(Thursday) – mathematics at a basic level,

  • June 28(Wednesday) – mathematics at the profile level,

  • June 29(Thursday) – oral foreign language,

  • 30 June(Friday) – all subjects.

Can there be changes to the Unified State Exam schedule?

The draft official Unified State Exam schedule is usually published at the beginning of the school year, discussed, and the final approval of the exam schedule occurs in the spring. Therefore, changes are possible in the Unified State Exam schedule for 2017.

However, for example, in 2016, the project was approved without any changes and the actual exam dates completely coincided with those announced in advance - both in the early and in the main wave. So the chances that the 2017 schedule will also be adopted without changes are quite high.

The Unified State Exam in 2017 will not undergo significant changes, except for the abandonment of the test part in three more academic subjects (chemistry, biology and physics), information security measures during examinations will be maintained, and the use of new technologies will be expanded. Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Anzor Muzaev spoke about this at a press conference at the Rossiya Segodnya news agency.

The early stage of the Unified State Examination in 2017 will be held from March 23 to April 14. The main period is from May 29, 2017 to July 1. Acceptance of applications for participation in the Unified State Exam 2017 ends on February 1. According to Anzor Muzaev, in 2017, more than 5.5 thousand examination points and almost 50 thousand audiences will be used for the Unified State Examination. The development of new technologies for conducting the Unified State Examination will continue, including printing exam materials and scanning participants’ answer forms in PES: the share of such PES will increase in 2017 to 40%. The coverage of PES by online video surveillance will be increased from 83% in 2016 to 90% in 2017, and public monitoring of Unified State Exam procedures will be strengthened.

“We can state that the conduct of the Unified State Exam has completely settled down, the procedure for conducting the exam has been worked out, and Rosobrnadzor has received almost no proposals to change anything in the Unified State Exam,” said Anzor Muzaev.

He spoke about the resources created by the Federal Service to help graduates prepare for the Unified State Exam: the Unified State Exam portal, an open task bank, information materials on the FIPI website, explanatory videos from the developers of Unified State Exam tasks and others. Anzor Muzaev said that this year Rosobrnadzor will pay special attention to working with parents of graduates.

“We believe that it is no less important than graduates to give all the necessary information about the Unified State Exam to their parents. We need to work with adults even more than with the schoolchildren themselves, so that they can correctly orient and set up their children, explain how to organize preparation, and help their child cope with anxiety,” he said.

To this end, on February 7, an all-Russian campaign “Unified Day of Passing the Unified State Exam by Parents” will be held. Parents will be able to go through all the exam procedures themselves, register, fill out forms, see how control is organized at the Unified State Exam, how exam materials are printed and processed, and write a short exam paper made up of tasks similar to those on the Unified State Exam. About 50 regions of Russia will take part in the event, and similar events will be held in several more regions later.

In addition, the head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, will hold an All-Russian meeting with parents of graduates of grades 9 and 11 on February 15, during which he will answer their questions about the organization of exams.

Director of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements Oksana Reshetnikova spoke about the content of the examination materials that will be offered to Unified State Examination participants in 2017. According to her, the content of the Unified State Exam in 2017 will remain unchanged, but the form of submission of a number of tasks will change. This is due, first of all, to the refusal of the test part in the Unified State Exam in three subjects. New forms of tasks have undergone preliminary testing and expert discussion.

Alexandra Fokina, Associate Professor of the Department of Developmental Psychology at Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University, shared tips on how to create the right psychological attitude among graduates when preparing for the Unified State Exam and during exams.

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