Komsomolskaya Pravda dated April 29. Newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" 09.29.2008 New textbook on the history of Russia: A book that is interesting to read. No comics or jokes

The best projects of students of the 9th grade of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow Secondary School "School of Health" No. 1058 based on the results of the cycle “Let the music begin...” These projects were chosen by the students of the class by general voting.

Students of the 9th grade of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow secondary school "School of Health" No. 1058
(project authors)

Ivan: Hello. My name is Ivan. I am in 9th grade in a math group. I am interested in aircraft modeling and radio engineering. I love to play sports. I like English, but I'm not a very diligent student. I like the textbook we use: colorful, informative. I like to create projects, I like to do them together with one of my friends.
My friends consider me a cheerful person.

Natalia: I am cheerful, am interested in photography, and love listening to music. I like to study with these textbooks because you can learn a lot about everything from them. The project was done with pleasure. Unfortunately, I can’t yet say that I really like working out. English language because I don't think I need it. But maybe I'll change my mind in the future. I'm going to become a software engineer. The textbook helped to develop the project, since there is a lot of information there that can also be used in the project.

Violet: I study at school and am interested in psychology, music, art and foreign languages. At school we studied from different textbooks, but I like this textbook the most. I am interested in foreign languages, and of course, English is one of them. The textbook has a good selection of topics for projects that are directly related to units, this makes the work much easier.

Catherine: I am in 9th grade and I study with great interest. My favorite subjects at school are history and English. Learning English according to V.P. I started Kuzovlev in 8th grade. I like this textbook, there is a lot of interesting and educational information there. Thanks to this textbook, I learned a lot about Great Britain, its traditions, culture and outstanding artists. When developing my project, I used different information resources: books, manuals, various websites and, of course, a textbook. I like learning English, especially speaking it. In the future, I would like to connect my profession with this language. I hope this tutorial will help me achieve my goal.

Anastasia: I study at school in the 9th gymnasium class in the mathematics subgroup, I am fond of the English language. I am a professional dancer.
I like studying with these textbooks, I like doing projects. To develop them, I use not only the textbook, but also other sources of information, which broadens my horizons.

Elizaveta Kolos: My name is Lisa. I'm in the 9th grade. I am interested in dancing and I like studying English. I enjoy learning from this textbook. I didn’t work on the project for long, because I also really enjoy doing this, and the textbook helped me in working on the project.

Daria: I am a very cheerful, active and positive girl. I am interested in music and drawing. I enjoy working with this textbook because it contains a lot of new and interesting information.
For the project, I chose my favorite band and told everything I knew about it. I enjoyed working on the project, and the textbook helped me with this because it has examples of writing text and suitable words.
I like studying English because learning it gives me new opportunities and helps me communicate with people all over the world.

Elizaveta Ivannikova: I'm in 9th grade and I'm interested in English.
I enjoy learning from your textbooks. To develop my project, I mainly used the textbook and information from the Internet.

(project manager)

Galina Yurievna: I have been working with the “English” teaching and learning complex for a long time, since 1994, when it was called “Happy English”. And even then I really liked the idea of ​​student project activities proposed by the authors of this line of textbooks. I saw that any child can realize and express himself through a project, even those who English grammar comes with great difficulty.

By doing and defending his project, he is successful. And I see how, starting a new Unit, the guys are anticipating their success. And, of course, it’s great that using these teaching materials you can effectively prepare for successfully passing the Unified State Exam.

I love music and I can say that I’m fond of a lot of music styles. It depends on my mood: sometimes I need some energetic and light disco music but I can also enjoy classical, lyrical or jazz pieces of music as well. And there is one singer I can listen to at any time. Her name is Rihanna.

My love for her started several years ago. It was in 2007 when I turned on the radio and the DJ said: “Here is a new single from Rihanna.” I fell in love with that song immediately. The young girl was singing “The umbrella”. The tune was very catchy, the voice was so soft and deep. I couldn’t help dancing and singing along with her. That song became a hit at once and it was one of the best-selling singles of all time.

My favorite singer was born in 1988 in Barbados and her full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty. Today she has released 7 studio albums so far and has already sold more than 150 million records worldwide. Rihanna has earned numerous music awards. She always gets stadiums full of her fans. I also dream of visiting her concert some day and dancing to her tremendous songs in reggae, hip-hop and R’n’B styles. The lyrics in her songs are quite meaningful and romantic.

Rihanna is a very beautiful and talented person. She is not just a singer with a powerful voice, she is also an actress and a successful fashion designer.
I love music and I can say that I am interested in many musical styles. It all depends on my mood: sometimes I need energetic and light disco music, but I can also enjoy classical, lyrical or jazz compositions. And there is one singer that I can listen to at any time. Her name is Rihanna.

My love for her began several years ago. It was 2007 when I turned on the radio and the DJ's voice announced: "And now there's a new single from Rihanna." I fell in love with that song in an instant. A young girl sang "Umbrella". The melody was very catchy, the voice was so soft and deep. I couldn't help but start dancing and singing along with her. That song became an immediate hit and was the best-selling single of all time.

My favorite singer was born in 1988 in Barbados, and her full name- Robyn Rihanna Fenty. To date, she has released 7 studio albums and has already sold more than 150 million records worldwide. Rihanna has received numerous music awards. She always gathers stadiums full of fans. I also dream of someday attending her concert and dancing to her cool songs in reggae, hip-hop and R’n’B styles. The lyrics of her songs are quite meaningful and romantic.

Rihanna is a very beautiful and talented person. She is not only a singer with a powerful voice, but also an actress and a successful fashion designer.

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